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Tatooine heat

Started by tomcat, Jun 16, 2011, 12:50 PM

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Logar gave Kaida a nod. "No worries. My coms on, if theres trouble just call on me. I'll bring the thunder." Logar walked casually to the small house. He flipped the leather tab that held Katherine snug in her sheath. Just in case. He didnt want trouble, they needed supplies. Explosives, armor, ammo. But he had lived this long through the scrapes hed been through by listening to his innate paranoia. Assuming all unknowns were potential enemies.


 :ooc: Doug I was going off of your lead that the Rodian needed to conceal himself. So I am somewhat at a loss as well.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Farok rose when the Rodian did. "The only danger your friend is in is that of being taken for an off world rube, separated from her credits by any means and regurgitated up by the city to be eaten outside when destitute or welcomed back when the credit line returns. The larger fear is being noticed by people who don't work for the casino. Don't watch the pit boss, watch those who are watching him."

Farok looked passed the Rodian and Brim saw him make a motion with his drink filled hand to the Twi'lek serving girl. "I'll have a bottle brought to the table if its drinks she is after. Its best not to call any attention at all."

Farok looked at his own drink and frowned. They seemed to be going hard and fast today and he was already in need of another one himself.
Farok then spoke lower to Brim, "You have been spared then the mysticism and mudlded ritual that clouded that dead order." Farok's eyes got rhumy at this last thought, whether because some past or distant thoughts had come into his head, or the drinking was catching up to him the Rodain couldn't tell. It passed however and Farok sat down to a fresh drink.

"Eye Candy, bring a bottle of Corellian for my two new friends too."

The Twi'lek looked from Farok to the Rodian and nodded, "dwa'la"

Farok scanned the bar, "And don't mention this to that blue skinned she devil, Ardana. She'll find a way to hold it over me all day."
Another Twi'lek serving girl appeared near the bar and Farok set to mumbling.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Sam looked to Caden and then to Ed, "I'll take them. What are the chances of finding brand new armour plating on the Outer Rim, anyway?" Sam emptied his credit stick of the 800 he had left  (pls update stat block.) and looked to Caden to take care of the remainder, "I will more than pay you back for this...If we can ever stay in one place for awhile." He returned his attention to Ed, "Do you know of anywhere else I might find some work. It doesn't have to be a competitor. I'm pretty good with anything - power generators, vehicles - anything."


Quote from: donimator on Jun 30, 2011, 04:53 AM
Sam looked to Caden and then to Ed, "I'll take them. What are the chances of finding brand new armour plating on the Outer Rim, anyway?" Sam emptied his credit stick of the 800 he had left  (pls update stat block.) and looked to Caden to take care of the remainder, "I will more than pay you back for this...If we can ever stay in one place for awhile."

Caden nodded. He knew they all needed Sam in top fighting shape, and he wasn't interested in losing his metal-plated buddy, anyway.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Jul 05, 2011, 08:48 PM #35 Last Edit: Jul 05, 2011, 09:08 PM by tomcat
:ooc: Caden and Sam's PC sheets have been updated for credit usage  :csu:

I need to know what Kara is planning on doing based on the narrative below.

Ed looked at Sam and then he looked down at the unmarked durasteel plates. He was an honest business man - he really was. In his heart he knew it. It was just that sometimes he had opportunities come along that would allow him to fill his coffers a bit more so that maybe someday he could get his family off of this planet and maybe somewhere to a nice, inner core world. It was this honest, nice-guy, side that suddenly felt his heart soften to the mech droid.

"You independent?" he asked Sam, knowing the answer. He could tell that the droid was just by his mannerisms around his human companion. With Sam's nod, Ed continued, "All right... I might have some work for you. I have an evaporator that I need to repair and get re-seated in a moisture farm just off the Wastes. The owner of the farm is wanting to get it done before the rest of his harvest comes in and dries up. It is worth a good deal of credits to me. You help me get it done and I will give you 1,700. Interested?"

Brim reached Kara as the Corellian began to utter another insult now directed at her fellow gamblers. The Rodian could see that tempers were beginning to rise, and that hands were off the table and out of sight. He grabbed her by the back of the arm, "Kara! What are you doing? C'mon, it's time to go!"

Farok came up behind with a bottle of Corellian whiskey in hand with three glasses. Brim saw him, but turned back to the other patrons that were receiving the blunt of Kara's insults. "She is drunk... please pay her no mind, and I apologize for her ill-spoken words."

Kaida watched Logar disappear into the brothel and looked down at her chronometer. She had no desire to stay here any longer than necessary, and so she mentally urger the soldier on.

Inside, Logar'Dan saw the room go dim as the door closed the bright desert light out. It was cool inside, but stale and reeked of smoke. There was a blue haze that hung throughout the foyer and Logar could see a huge hookah pipe in a side sitting room - more lounging room as the patrons all lay about on couches and puffed at stems that were tethered to the large machine. Their eyes were dreamy and their movements were awkward. Logar shook his head at the danger of the addiction... an enemy that was harder to beat than anything else he had ever faced.

He walked to the next room, which was also a lounge, but drinks were served here. A bar made up the better part of the back wall and patrons sat there sipping drinks, all the while females, males, and androgynous looking beings of varying ages mingled about. The patrons of the brothel took interest to the species, gender and age that they were looking for - business as usual. Suddenly, Logar's view was blocked by a large, female Gran standing in front of him, "Good evening, sir." The Gran's three eyes stared at the soldier and his weapons, "What can we do for you today? This is a quiet establishment and we prefer that weapons, like the ones you carry, are not brought inside. Were you looking for some pleasure? A companion? Drink? Maybe a bit of the smoke?" She gestured to the hookah room.

Logar did not see any overt sign of threat, but he knew that there were eyes on him. Nor did he see anyone else approach - only the Gran madam - so they must have been confident in their security. But he was not here for trouble, so...
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Sam nodded to Ed's request. Hopefully they would have a  few days of downtime and he could use the credits. He didn't know too much about mositure evaporators, but one of his first jobs had been programming binary load lifters - very similar in most respects. "I am definitely interested. When can I start?"


Farok scanned the crowd around the girl. He didn't think that anything would happen, this was far too mild a scene for what usually occurred. The outburst afte all was more an inconvenience than actual trouble. To be on the safe side Farok scanned the crowd for any known trouble makers and in preparation for having to use any of his advanced skills, which he was loathe to do, he reached out with his senses to see if there were any other force users in the area. Normally he wouldn't get involved, but the work of the strings of fate was still present in this encounter for Farok and it made him nervous.

Rolled 1d20+10 : 5 + 10, total 15
Use the Force, Sense Force Users

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


A new whiskey magically appeared replacing the empty whiskey.  Kara starred hard at the drink, trying to remember if she had ordered a new one, or if she was now at that magical stage of drunkenness where she would eventually slip into a calm haze, and not remember all the troubles.  But the fact that she remembered the troubles made her realize she had not got there yet.  She felt thirsty in that moment and looked down.  The glass was empty and it was in her hand.  She forgot was she had been thinking about, and wondered why her glass kept emptying.  She set it down.

"Baaaarrtendaa, morrree p-p-plllllease."  Kara was not one to stop this kind of experiment.


 Farok knew exactly the emotions that the gambler felt. He nodded to the pit boss, "I have this one Dorik, it is a debt of water, and I claim it as my right." Farok spoke the words of the open sands. The Pit Boss while a city dweller knew some of the customs of the barrens. Farok had laid claim, called in a marker per se, on the Rodian and woman. Those native or who had dwelled for a time on the desert planet knew that a debt of water was a serious thing. Any who had an issue with the two would now have to deal with Farok as well until he had settled his debt. The subtlety being that they were not under his protection, but owed him a debt he claimed as priority against others. The settling of debts was something that the gamblers in the casino knew all about.  Any who thought that the woman was an easy mark now knew for a fact that Farok would protect the debt owed to him with violence if necessary. It was a subtle way of the desert to threaten violence indirectly and not injure the pride of another by doing so.

Farok looked at the others around the table and nearby, "Their water is mine, do any here challenge my right or lay a greater claim?"

Farok waited a moment for a response giving his protection would have involved him in a fight of pride, claiming a debt meant that if another had a greater grievince they could state it, being disturbed while drinking was unlikely to trump a debt of water. Most of the people here were there to gamble and drink, disturbances were common and more often the drunk offworlders were robbed, or simply beaten for sport. The involvement of one of the regular bar flies was rare but the regulars knew Farok by sight if not by name and with some indifference looked away. Others looked at the potential easy mark of the woman and weighted it against the presence of the two males that had added themselves to the equation and changed the odds.

The brown robbed one armed man clinked the bottle and glasses against the rail to get Kada's attention. "Come along with your friend, service is faster in the lounge than here among the credit chasers. Corellian Whiskey tastes better sitting down anyway. Have you tried the gin? It's much better to drink here in the desert, it keeps the heat off. Dak, shall we finish our conversation?"

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Logar raised his hands in a standard galaxy-wide non threatening motion. "Greetings madam. Sorry for the arsenal but i didn't have a safe place to store them so here they are. I mean you and your guests no harm. As for entertainment i was looking for a bang of another sort. I asked around, someone sent me here. My credits are as good as my smile." He finished flashing his winningest grin. "Can you help me?"


A few comments and slurs were tossed out towards Farok - "Take her one arm!", "The off-worlder will want to watch where she places here feet!", "Hope the debt to you is worth it, cause that one looks useless!"

And so on...

Brim looked at Farok and the Rodian felt a growing respect for the one-armed warrior. He was more than he appeared, but yet in truth he was a mixed up as the rest of them. Brim wondered if he, too, would have liabilities of addiction as Kara, but then he stopped himself. "Why do I need to worry about him, he is not with us," he thought to himself. The voice inside was answered by his reasoning, "Perhaps he could be essential in helping with training." Brim began to wonder how he might convince Caden into taking on board another wanderer.

"C'mon Kara," said Brim. "I have made us a new companion and he has ample booze waiting for you to drown yourself in." The Corellian got up and moved with the other two, although she made it a challenge.

Ed smiled, "Good, tomorrow. Be here at 0800, when Tatoo II is just beginning to rise."
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Caden thanked Ed and turned to Sam. "If you'll forgive me, working out in that heat doesn't hold a lot of appeal to me. I'm going to stay on the ship in the morning; wait for a signal of some kind, and if not, then make sure she's humming."
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Jul 06, 2011, 04:28 PM #43 Last Edit: Jul 06, 2011, 04:30 PM by tomcat
It took more than Logar's pleasant smile to get him where he needed - he found that a few credits placed here and there within the brothel opened some doors. And so, 100 credits later, Logar was taken into a back room lounge that was connected to the main building through a long hallway.

Smoke filled this room, too, but here there were business people sitting about talking and making their tradesinstead of the regular patrons. There were still a good amount of merchandise available to any of the business folk that wanted to take advantage of the house's wares.

The young servant that had led Logar here pointed to a man that sat in the corner of the lounge - a blue light was above his head and cast his table in smokey light. The man was sitting with two females of near-human species - one feline-looking, and the other with large, strong warrior traits. Seeing that he was being pointed out, Taxian gestured for Logar to come over to his table, which he did. The man stood, tapping the woman on the shoulders and shooing them away as he did. He was tall and lean, wearing a long, leather coat that hung close to his thin frame. Logar knew that the man had a good array of weapons lining the inner layer of the coat, spying them with his trained eye. Taxian was thin of face, too, and he had shoulder length black hair that framed his face. A closely trimmed goatee wrapped his mouth, which cracked into a wide, toothy smile. He extended his hand, "Gorman Taxian... and you are?"

:ooc: I updated Logar's stat block for the 100 credits. If you do not want to pay that much to get in front of Taxian, let me know, John.  :csu:
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Back at his table Farok had another drink waiting for him. He noticed that there was ice in this one. He grumbled to himself setting the bottle and glasses down on the table. Offering the other chairs to his guests he fished the ice out of his drink and split the cubes between his two guests, "she thinks that I think that she is doing me a favor with the ice, but I know she is watering down the drinks." Brim had no idea who she was but the one armed man didn't seem to be talking more to himself than anyone else. Once free of its ice Farok set it aside and poured out three heavy handed measures of whiskey. Picking up the one with no ice he toasted the new comer, "Corelia for Corelians!" and shot back a mouthful.

"So Space Travelers what brings you to this sandbox?"

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18