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SCENE 1: North to Eldanar

Started by tomcat, Apr 21, 2011, 01:21 PM

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"Thank you - you're a very gracious hostess," Madoc replied to Gleowyn, though even as he said it, he sensed that his rough country manners were not sufficient in a home like this.

It had been some time since Madoc had enjoyed the merriment and fellowship of a home such as this, and he took every opportunity to enjoy it, even as he knew he was not necessarily welcomed by all of the participants. He stuffed himself nearly to the gills with food and told a glossed-over version of his travels and adventures to those who wished to hear. He skipped over the details of times when he had needed to steal in order to survive, among other dishonorable exploits that he knew his hosts would not understand, and he stopped before he reached his encounter with Gandalf.

After dinner, Madoc approached Durgil and Celdrahil during their conversation, inserting himself as they finished. "I hope you have not not misjudged me, Durgil. I don't believe you are a bad man, but if you are Dirnhael's friend, then you should understand that I have his (and my) best interests at heart, however much that might hurt your pride or honor or whatever you want to call it. I would value and honor your friendship, but until I have had a chance to judge the measure of you, I'd best reserve my judgment and my friendship. I hope you understand."


The Dúnadan noble looked at Madoc, his eyes studynig the man. The man of Cardolan was a commoner of Eriadorian stock. It was evident that he was no courtier for his manners left much to be desired. He then spoke, "I believe that I have been insulted in my own home. Reserve your judgement as you will, Madoc, but understand, until you have proven yourself, my judgement is reserved, too." Durgil stood, "I hope you understand."

He began to walk from the room, "Come Celdrahil, we will speak more of your ideas. Madoc, my steward shall show you to the chambers that we have made ready for you. We shall call you early in the morning, for the ride to Amaran will take two days and I want to make sure that your message is delivered."

The two Dúnedain left the room leaving Madoc alone. Another man entered, it was the steward of Durgil's house, "Sir, if you will follow me."
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


The next morning came and Madoc was indeed called early. The sun was only beginning to light the sky, but Durgil's house was full with activity.

Madoc found his things arrayed on a table, not where he had put them. His clothes were freshly cleaned, mended and dried; his weapons had also been serviced and the steel of his sword re-honed. There was a moment where the rogue felt suspicion that he may have been robbed, but after a good look he was satisfied that everything was his own. Most importantly, Madoc looked to the scroll that he had hidden within his bed sheets and it was still safely there. Whomever had been into his room either had shown the respect to not break his secrecy... or didn't know where to look. The rogue hoped it was the former.

Once dressed and ready, he made his way from his room to the dining room where they had eaten the night before. The table was once more covered with food - sliced ham and bacon, eggs that had been cooked perfectly with their golden yolks still intact, bread and fresh butter. Madoc stared at the feast. An elegant voice spoke, "Please sit and eat."

The rogue turned to see Gléowyn standing there. She smiled at him and pulled out a chair for herself. Gléowyn could sense Madoc's apprehension, "Has it been so long that you have been in the wilds that you do not remember the feeling of hearth and home? Do not worry so much about my husband, though he be noble, he is not the haughty lord that he may at times portray. He was a soldier, and now he has taken his father's place as the lord of this land. He is learning, too." She smiled and her beautiful blue eyes glinted.

Food was piled high on his plate and Madoc filled his belly once more. The man and woman sat alone through their breakfast and chatted while they ate. Madoc learned that she was a common woman, as well, and what's more she was of a tribal folk that lived far to the east over the legendary Misty Mountains. He was intrigued how a woman of such status could win the heart of a man. The story she told him was quite interesting and Madoc had a new view of Durgil, Lord of Dorthad.

Soon it was over and Gléowyn excused herself. The rogue stood and made his way outside to the stable yard where his horse had also been readied. Durgil came into the yard with Celdrahil - both wore comfortable riding clothing and were armed. Their horses were led out of the stable by a couple young lads and were stocked with full provisions. Madoc could also see that coats of chainmail lay folded across the horses' rumps.

"We have far to go and I want to get as much of this day behind us as we can."

The trio mounted and with little fanfare, they spurred their horses forward.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


 :ooc: I have nothing else to add

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


"I didn't know you were accompanying us, Lord Durgil. Thank you for the escort. I don't know these lands like my homeland," Madoc said, as politely as possible, to Durgil. Gleowyn's story had changed his opinion of the man. He was proud, but her words told him that he was also brave and kind. That was good enough for him.

He mounted, his bag, bow and quiver over his shoulder and his sword at his side.

"Thank you for having someone clean my things. They needed it," he said with a smile, again directing his words to Durgil. "But we best be off. I am as eager as you to make good time."


Celdrahil road in silence for a ways and then began to speak to Durgil in the language of his people,

"The winter was unkind to the roads, I spoke of this with the Steward, a measure will be put before the Council of the Scepter to offer some tax reprieves to the Lords along major or strategic roadways if they conduct the repairs themselves along the Kings road. This will have the benefit of assisting the realm in defense but also developing better trade connections for the lands in which these roads lie. I think for a small out of pocket expense on your behalf you will net more trade for your region, an increase in market taxes, and a reprieve in taxes of your own. The King will have better maintained roads, increased tolls, and benefit from an overall increase in the infrastructure of the realm instead of the target cyclic pattern that is conducted now at the King's expense. Being the Warden of the North Marches your roads would be specifically targeted and moved to the front of such an initiative. The details will be worked out, but factoring some of the labor hours owed to you by your clients now will allow you to reap the full benefits of this new royal policy. The King was also pleased about the new management of your dear departed once potential brother-in-laws estates. The repairs to the buildings and investment in equipment are going to show huge dividends in the agricultural output of the area again this year. I believe Dirnhael's agricultural royal tax increasing to meet the new output, but it is fair and should net him an increase in his revenue. The Crown Prince took especial glee in being able to tell the grain merchants of Tharbad that the orders would be much reduced this year.  The bad news being that the Hillmen in the east seem to have coalesced around a new High Chieftain, so more action on that front is expected this spring. The Southern Marshal also wants to push into parts of Cardolan and restore them to the Kings suzerainty, this idea I think is a little ill timed.
    It's good to be on the road isn't it!  It will do you good to sleep upon the ground again and remember the pleasures of the soldier! Holed up all the time with a pretty wife is a sure fire way to grow fat!"

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Madoc frowned at Celdrahil's use of the language he couldn't understand. He thought about quoting one of his mother's proverbs on politeness, but refrained. He still needed these men, and there was no use in rubbing them the wrong way any more than he already had.


Celdrahil's mind was always on military matters. He took very quickly to the role of military advisor and envoy that his kinsman had granted him for lack of anything else to justify his wanderings in Arnor. The number of doors open to a younger son were fewer than to the scion of the house. Celdrahil however was happy to think on such things and comment on his travels to pass the miles on horseback.

"Madoc, how long have your people been struggling in the wilds? I know the times are hard in the hinterland, but Gondor has been trying to relocate people closer to Tharbad and further into the protection of Gondor, also here in Arnor the King has been incorporating people into his Kingdom. The plague has resulted in many changes of policy. He granted a land grant to the Halflings recently. Do you think given the opportunity would your people relocate? From what I hear the Wildmen have taken over the coasts of former Cardolan and established petty kingdoms and the rule of Cardolan is mostly broken have you news of this? Are these small states friendly to our cause or no?"

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


:ooc: This is Durgil's reply to Celdrahil. It will fall in between the private chat and then the open conversation to Madoc. Once Nolmir gives us a post regarding Celdrahil's inquiry, then I will move on the game.

Durgil replied to Celdrahil, also using the Sindarin dialect, "With the yields that the summer will bring, the coffers of Dorthad should be in a good position to make the investment. Between Dirnhael and I, we should be able to secure the north marches and enhance the network of roads between our lands and even south to Fornost. It is my wish to reduce the number of unusable horse trails and see about a couple roads laid. One north, one south allowing defensive movement, as well as, easier travel. If you are sincere regarding the tax reprieves, I can see the spring of next year being a good starting point."
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Madoc what somewhat surprised when Celdrahil addressed him. "We've seen the worst since the plague hit, but Cardolan has struggled to survive since long before that. Many would relocate without a second thought if given the chance; but I also know of many who would not. The years of struggle we have endured have made the land more precious to many of my kin. They regard it as theirs by right, and would not abandon it. Such men are foolish. Land means nothing to the dead, no matter how hard their fathers fought for it.

"I know fairly little of most of the Wildmen's petty kingdoms, but I do know that many of them are hostile to the people of Cardolan. My people had been raided by them several times when I left. Some would join Arnor in league against the orcs and other evils, but many would not. My people, however, would join with the rightful king if given the chance."

Madoc fell silent after this, thinking on Celdrahil's words. The man was obviously of a military bent and had some influence, despite his arrogance. Perhaps he could help in Madoc's goal of securing aid for his people.


Celdrahil thought for a moment at the man's response.

"The plague has done a great deal of damage, while I dont belittle your loss here its effect was worse in the south. The south however has the population to hopefully rebound from it. While the overall death was less here in the north i think it will be longer and harder to overcome. I am of like mind with you in being torn. I question whether it is better to consolidate the Kingdoms to borders that can be better defended or maintain a grip on the land so that it does not become wasteland and barren. The kingdom of Cardolan is no more, the last prince of that land surrendered his titles back to Fornost, though named again Arnor its boundary is not much greater than old Arthedain was. Perhaps consolidating the remaining people into larger settlements along the Kings road would provide the foundation necessary for natural recovery....hmmm

Your bow and sword, did you learn their use formally in service, or through application and necessity? Gondor has few natural bowmen outside those of the Woodmen and some of the people of my realm."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


"I know little of the south kingdom, but I can say that with most of the Dunedain of Cardolan dead the blow the plague struck was greater than just a death toll," Madoc replied.

"As for my bow and sword, I learned how to use them first through my lord, Dervorin - I served as one of his guards when the plague reduced their numbers, but I was first one of his woodsmen, a hunter and scout, in times of unrest. I've honed my skills in battle through necessity after my lord's death and the fall of his land into waste.

"But what of you? You speak of Gondor as your own country, but you live here, in Arnor. What brought you through the desolate regions?"


I laiss i-ferin thuiar
I 'wilith lim echui aur.
I mrethil peliar duiw laiss
Af filig linnol der' ennas.
Vi Ithilien, dôr lenthir lind
Gorain nesta velethril nín.

(The leaves of the beeches breathe
The sparkling air of day's awakening.
The birches spread the buds of leaves
For the small singing birds to linger there.
In Ithilien, land of the tuneful waterfalls
Wandering-together heals my beloved)

I am from Ithilien, land of trees, running waters, a bright moon, and the first home of the House of Isildur in exile. My father is Lord of that land, and I was born in Minas Ithil the youngest of three sons. I was Captain of a garrison upon the watch of the dark lands, which I will not name, before my travels. The ties between Gondor and Arnor are not what they once were, so I am here as a token of my father's esteem to my kinsman the Steward of Arnor. I traveled overland to get here, having many adventures along the way, to see the expanse of the realms once ruled by the scions of Elendil. Now I am here. I have found that in all that long way my sword still serves the cause of my people against the enemy. Gondor is not the bulwark against the shadow that it believes itself to be. The dark enemy is everywhere and omnipresent, always striving against the light of the west and so I must always be on guard."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Madoc nodded. "That's true, Celdrahil. The shadow is everywhere." At Celdrahil's use of the term 'shadow,' he felt the sudden urge to tell the man what he'd seen before leaving Gandalf, but resisted, as his stubborn nature took over. He would tell that only to Dirnhael, who he knew Gandalf trusted.


May 05, 2011, 06:49 PM #44 Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 06:52 PM by tomcat
And so, the trio rode through the day and on through the next. The summer weather was nice with sunny skies and cool breezes blowing, but the insects had come to season and they were a nuisance. Still the travel went well and the air between the men became much more relaxed.

By early afternoon on their third day of riding, the companions entered the outer curtain walls of Amaran where the Lord Dirnhael now lived with his wife, Ioreth. The setting had changed markedly compared to what Celdrahil had seen before. First, the land was greener and tended. People now resided here and worked the fields for the lord and lady, whom they loved. Second, stonemasons and smiths had come from local villages and also from Fornost and were tending both the defenses and the manse that sat on the hill.

Durgil led them up the curved dirt road until they came into a paddock and were met by a stablehand - a gentleman of many years. He smiled as he calmly approached the mounts, speaking soft words as he did. The animals were calmed and the man took the reins of two. "Welcome good travelers!" he said. "If I am not mistaken, this is Rostranor - mount of my Lord Durgil?"

"Aye, it is, Belegand. How are you these days? Do you find Amaran a worthy home since you left my house?" Durgil spoke to the man with a fond smile, and both Celdrahil and Madoc could see that the stablehand was blind. "It is a fine home, here, my lord. Your sister could turn a cave into a palace."

"That she could! So tell me, where might we find the master of the house?" asked Durgil.

"He is on the south wall of the house, lord. There is an architect amongst us and even a stonewright, but not just stonewrights from these parts. T'is  a Dwarven stonewright come all the way up from the Dwarf Kingdom to the south and east! His name is Ginnar."

Intrigued, the three men now left Belegond to his duties and began to walk the length of the house until they found Dirnhael and a Dwarf, standing before a a length of scaffolding that ran up the wall. A winch was also in place and working men hauled on the ropes to lift bricks high to the roof above.

:ooc: A quick note about Ginnar - he is a dwarf out of Khazad-dum and is a relation to Lûnduf. He has traveled this far to bring a gift to Dirnhael for his marriage. He also has come to thank him for bringing back Lûnduf's axe. And finally, he was sent north to see how things were in Arthedain per his King's request. He is an able stonewright and has been helping with the repairs/remodelling of Amaran.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]