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EPILOGUE: Aftermath

Started by tomcat, Oct 05, 2012, 05:49 PM

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Farok thought about the events on Malastare in the seclusion of his room. A poured but untouched drink lay on his table. The two lighsabers one belonging to a Dark Jedi and the other to Brim lay there as well. In silence the one armed man chewed on the end of a cigar. Farok was tired, and it was a deep fatigue that affected more than just his body. He also felt that he was standing in a cross road. Any decision that he made would have long term influences. He was still not entirely certain why he had left Tatooine, and when he thought of Kenobi his mood soured. But what were the chances that both of them, hunted throughout the galaxy, had both found refuge on the desert planet. Tatooine was a strange desolate planet, but seemingly a cosmic fulcrum of some kind bending the rest of the galaxy somehow. He reflected on the state of things for a long time, and slipped into a contemplative reverie and isolated himself from his surroundings. His breathing slowed and the casual observer would perhaps think him dead.

When he returned from his thoughts he felt the feel of a blanket over his shoulders. Immediately he thought of Ardana, while he was deep in thought she must have laid the blanket over him. He felt the chill now in the ship. Caden must have powered the ship down somewhere to conduct a diagnostic and undergo repairs. Rising he took up the two lightsabers. The Dark Jedi's he placed in a trunk under his bunk with the other various detritus he had picked up on his adventures. He stepped away, stopped and removed the lightsaber from the trunk and placed it on the table. Grabbing the other he left his quarters. He had the rough outline of a plan and wanted to start the pieces in motion. His first stop was to find Kaida.

When he found her she had just finished processing her coded messages. With a slight bow of his head he addressed her.
"Princess, pardon the interruption. I would like to speak to you. Many years ago after I had completed my initial instruction I was assigned to a Jedi as his apprentice. This man possessed a finesse and skill that I will never be able to match, but his finest skills were in diplomacy. As such we worked a great deal in the Consular and Advisor missions of the Jedi Council. The details are unimportant, but in that service I realized that in order to be effective any government or order needs leaders. The reason human history has gravitated towards monarchies and royalty is through a need to see the embodiment of their ideals in a person. Ideas and concepts can not be touched, but the people that believe in them or enforce them can. It is for these reasons and the lure of power that the Jedi forsook high office and dominion. They feared that their ideas and principles would be compromised by absolute power. It is also the reason why they were forbidden to marry, for fear that a bloodline of Priest-Kings would attempt to dominate and control the galaxy. But I digress.
My point is that you and your family are important. They have the capability to fulfill this role of leadership in what may become a growing rebellion. With this in mind I think it is of the utmost importance that we free your sibling and our next and future plans should be geared towards those goals. Poor substitute that I am to my master I offer you my services."

Farok then removed from his dust and sweat stained robes the lightsaber that formerly belonged to Brim. He placed it on the counter near the computer that Kaida was working on.

"This belonged to Brim. I have thought long and deeply about this and I am giving it to you. You can keep it as a keepsake of him and all that has and will be sacrificed, and a powerful totem it will be. Or if you desire I am willing to instruct you in its practical use. Should you prove adapt in its techniques other things can be taught as well." He bowed and left the Princess to consider his words.

His next stop was to the Captain of the ship. Coming upon him he saw that he was deep in conversation with the Sniper discussing future plans. He nodded to them both and caught the last bit of their conversation.

"Captain, if I may. I find the death stick production as abhorrent and wasteful as many others, but I also see it as an inevitable vice. If we were to destroy this production facility another one would spring up somewhere else and the drug market would continue. The destruction of the facility is not in the best interest of eliminating the drug trade. Our mission and our presence here is part of something else entirely. Something that I was involved in on Tatooine, namely a drug control war. The Hutt's are involved in this somehow, I can feel it. The elimination of a facility is usually aimed not at the destruction of the drug trade, but in the elimination of competition. Competition in the drug trade actually limits the collateral damage to innocents while drug bosses spend their energy and resources warring with one another. Until a concerted and system wide attack is made we are only pawns in the accumulation of power. Our friend here is right. The destruction of this facility is worth a great deal of money to certain people, but it is not for altruistic reasons. Also, I do not believe we have the means or ability to do any further damage. The priority if I am not mistaken is making repairs. The ship obviously, but I also think it is high time that I swallowed my pride and did something about this missing arm of mine. The ship of course is yours, but I don't feel as though we have the strength or the equipment to attack the facility simply for credits."

The one armed man discussed the points with the Captain of the ship and their newly acquired sniper and then made his way back to his room. When the door slide open Farok heard the hum of the lightsaber. Its glow casts intricate shadows and light throughout the room. The blade was arcing through the darkness and caused features shapes and shadows to dance. The color of the blade contrasted with the hue of the Twi'lek's skin and Farok thought it the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A vision that made his heart sing and his soul sad. He stepped into the room and the door closed behind him. "Yes, it is time that you learned that as well."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Caden shrugged his shoulders at BIT. He wasn't really interested in sticking his neck out, either - but they needed credits, and they needed them badly.
He hoped that Kenobi or Organa could help them in that regard, because he had no intention of letting his beloved ship remain un-repaired.

"If they're not interested, I'm not interested," he said simply. "I can drop you wherever you'd like after I make sure we're spaceworthy."
He noticed the ever-so-slight disappointment in the man's body language.
"If you change your mind," he suggested, "you're free to a bunk here. We could use another person with your... talents, and since I'm apparently running a home for wayward souls already, you'd fit right in."

With the failure of BIT's team, it seemed to Caden that the man could probably disappear easily enough; assumed dead or captured by the Dugs. And he wasn't joking, either - after losing both Logar'Dan and poor Brim, they did need the help.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


:ooc: I edited my last post to say that Kaida sits back in thought instead of immediately going to Caden and BIT. Seems to work better with Farok's above post.

Quote from: Telcontar on Oct 21, 2012, 07:19 PM..."Princess, pardon the interruption. I would like to speak to you. Many years ago after I had completed my initial instruction I was assigned to a Jedi as his apprentice. This man possessed a finesse and skill that I will never be able to match, but his finest skills were in diplomacy. As such we worked a great deal in the Consular and Advisor missions of the Jedi Council. The details are unimportant, but in that service I realized that in order to be effective any government or order needs leaders. The reason human history has gravitated towards monarchies and royalty is through a need to see the embodiment of their ideals in a person. Ideas and concepts can not be touched, but the people that believe in them or enforce them can. It is for these reasons and the lure of power that the Jedi forsook high office and dominion. They feared that their ideas and principles would be compromised by absolute power. It is also the reason why they were forbidden to marry, for fear that a bloodline of Priest-Kings would attempt to dominate and control the galaxy. But I digress.

Kaida was unsure where this was leading. The last thing she expected from this vagabond desert rat was a history lesson. Farok reminded her of her old tutor, Shad Veritim, an elderly gentleman in her household with a raspy voice but a friendly man  who loved both reading and history. Both Shad and Farok were equally dry when they lectured, she decided, and both seemed well suited to the desert climate of Tatooine. The lizards there might enjoy the lessons more than she. She managed to change a yawn into a polite smile and keep herself abreast of the conversation.

Quote from: Telcontar on Oct 21, 2012, 07:19 PMMy point is that you and your family are important. They have the capability to fulfill this role of leadership in what may become a growing rebellion. With this in mind I think it is of the utmost importance that we free your sibling and our next and future plans should be geared towards those goals. Poor substitute that I am to my master I offer you my services."

She raised and eyebrow with interest and began responding. "Farok-- Jedi Farok," she amended, she didn't know much about this man. But he had proved himself valiant in the face of overwhelming odds and it felt right that she give the honorific. A trained Jedi helping with her sister's release from captivity, would indeed prove useful and dovetail nicely into her own plans. "I would be honored to accept your help. You do me much honor with you---" and then she broke off as she saw him reverently pull something from his robes.

Quote from: Telcontar on Oct 21, 2012, 07:19 PM...
Farok then removed from his dust and sweat stained robes the lightsaber that formerly belonged to Brim. He placed it on the counter near the computer that Kaida was working on.

"This belonged to Brim. I have thought long and deeply about this and I am giving it to you. You can keep it as a keepsake of him and all that has and will be sacrificed, and a powerful totem it will be. Or if you desire I am willing to instruct you in its practical use. Should you prove adapt in its techniques other things can be taught as well." He bowed and left the Princess to consider his words.

Kaida stood up in shock, and stared at the lightsaber, barely even hearing Farok leave or the hiss of the door as it slid shut. He was offering to train her? What in the universe had made him think she even possessed the remotest skill in such martial and mystic arts? What did she know of the Jedi Order and their ways?

She admitted, that besides her recent exposure to Brim, Farok, and Shade, she hadn't had much contact with Jedi in her life, other than what she had learned from the stale history archives. That and one old Jedi she had met many years ago. She cast her mind back. The Jedi had come to see her father at court. He had stayed several days and talked often to her father. She remembered his smile whenever their eyes met. But he didn't stay long. He had bowed gravely and then presented her with a small white meadow flower which he tucked in her hair. "A darkness will come, little one," he had whispered, kneeling and looking steadily into her eyes. "You must be ready. Keep the flower of freedom alive." He left soon after that and she never saw him again.

Something in the sobering way that Farok had spoken to her awakened the memory.

Questions and possibilities ran through her head.

She gingerly ran her finger down the silvery handle of the elegant weapon. Was this something that could be taught, or were you born with the ability? She would have to ask Farok. Could this help them in their fight against the Empire? Or would it just paint a bigger target on her back?

So many questions and now more decisions.


"Understood and agreed.  Thank you for your help, captain, I will let you know if I do.  If you need me, I'll be in my bunk cleaning up."
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


:ooc: Edited to not have Brim's body. :)

Perhaps minutes passed, perhaps an hour. Kaida was unsure. It was quiet in the ship. But she sat still, staring at the blank computer screen but fingering the handle of Brim's light saber, turning the device over in her hands. She felt the cold metal against her skin, seeking some connection there. The feel of the handle was still too foreign. Plus it was getting colder in the ship with whatever diagnostics and repairs Caden had running.

She shook her head and shivering left the room. She took the lightsaber with her and walked down the halls in a half daze. Without realizing it, she found herself inside Brim's empty cabin. The door slid shut behind her.

Brim's room was mostly in shadow with only pale running lights emitting a modicum of light as much of the ship's power was being diverted to repairs and diagnostics. Why had she come here? She half turned to leave, when she spotted a small metallic disk tucked under the drab pillow on his bed. Curious, she pulled out the small circular device. A holopad. She sat on the bed and flipped the switch. A three-dimensional image sprang into life. A slightly younger Brim, standing stoically among other Rodians. Were these family or friends? Perhaps comrades in arms? 

She enlarged the hologram, zooming in on her friend, and more closely studied the Rodian's face. Perhaps it was her imagination, but it seemed those large eyes stared back at her--into her soul. Eyes, as she often remembered, that were full of peace.

She bowed her head and felt her own eyes mist up. Who had he left behind? Did he have a family that would miss him? He had died to protect all of them. Could she do the same? She liked to think she perhaps could, but she knew better. Her instinct in the cavern had been to run away, when Brim's had been to run to the fight. Even Farok had stood his ground so that she and the others could get away.

She stood up and solemly placed the hologram on the plain and economical metallic nightstand. A deep feeling of sadness mixed with a fierce gratitude enveloped her heart as she looked at his glowing blue image. She couldn't move and for long moments she couldn't speak, but only stood there basking in the solemn peaceful feeling that overcame her.

She remembered Brim's often quiet and steady council. Brim's quiet feeling of hope that he exuded just by being nearby. The young Rodian had been a knight in his heart, in his being. Perhaps not in rank, skill, or caste, but where it had truly mattered.

She bowed her head, he hair swinging gently around her face. "You are a far better and noble being, my friend," she finally whispered. "I didn't know you long, but I felt I knew you best."

She closed her eyes. In her left hand, she gripped the handle of the lightsaber fiercly and turned it vertically in her outstretched arm. She flipped the switch and with a sudden snap-hiss the blue blade sprang to life. She felt a warmth flow into her arm, and the blade felt strangely comforting in her hand. A deeper light seemed to glow behind her eyes, around her. With her right hand she touched her own breast and felt her beating heart and locked eyes with this hologram.

She blinked away the tears and nodded in determination. "I will try." She stood like that for several long heartbeats.

Finally she turned off the blade, bowed formally in thanks, one hand over her heart, and then scooped up the hologram and placed it in her pocket. She clipped the light-saber on her belt and then left the room, hearing the door hiss closed behind her.

The weight against her hip felt both comforting and alien. A strange sensation.


Walking with paces that matched the beat of her heart, she strode into Farok's room. As the door hissed opened, she saw the reddish glow reflecting off the walls as Ardanna executed a graceful move with the fallen Jedi's blade. To Kaida's eyes everything the twi'lek did seemed graceful. But it seemed marred by the angry red blade that seemed to carry, at least in her mind, some sense of residual rage. Or maybe it was just the memories of Brim's brutal end.   

Farok stood watching Ardanna. Kaida approached the large man and bowed her head politely. "Master Farok," she said seriously, but in a low voice so as not to interrupt Ardanna. "About what you told me earlier. Can I really be taught in these ways?" Her eyes sought his. "To be honest, I'm more comfortable with a blaster. But..." she searched for words and spread her hands. "But Brim wants me to try. Don't ask me why or how I know. I'm not sure I know myself. There's just...something."

She spread her hands and then finally let them fall until her right hand brushed against the lightsaber. She slowly un-clipped the blade and held it out to him. "I will do my best. Will you teach me?"


 :ooc: I'm really not trying to screw up your wonderful post, Jingo, but I think Brim got smooshed under half a mountain and that the lightsaber was all Farok could bring back.  :(
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


:ooc: Yea, all of this stuff you guys are doing is great, but Brim's body was left behind and buried in the avalanche.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Heh sorry. I thought i read that Farok carried his body out.  :-[ My bad. I'll adjust it.



 :ooc: Farok's plan was to grab Brim, but the mountain intervened.

Farok did not turn towards the door when it opened, but he tried not to show his shock when the Princess asked him to train her. He was not entirely sure why he offered in the first place, it just seemed like the rigth thing to do.

He looked at the two women before him, each with lightsabers in their hands and wondered how his life had possibly come to this point. "Princess, I will show you how to safely utilize the blade as a weapon. Whether or not you possess the ability to fully unlock its potential we will have to see together. The study that comes with the blade may perhaps help to develop your discipline and confidence if nothing else. I was trained in the Makashi School, a school that relied on finesse and grace over strength and brute force. Among my late brothers it was known as the dueling style. We will begin with the feet, the foundation of the body."

Farok surprised himself with the ease in which instruction came to him then commenced to begin the basic training regimen he had practiced himself ages ago.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


The Aegis remained in its geosynchronous orbital position for two more days. Sam and Kara, along with the ship's captain, worked diligently to get the ship back in as good an order as they could while hanging in space. There was structural damage and Sam assessed that at least a five day stint in a planetside, or spacestation drydock would be necessary. He also estimated that there would be just over a 5,000 credit price tag to the complete repairs. He could jury rig as much as possible, but he did not put any reliability into that work. Kara was of a little different mindset - to her, if it ran then it worked, so why fix it. Caden had to decide on which of his mechs' plans were the one he wanted to pursue.

The rest of the ship's crew were quiet and involved with their own matters. Kaida had begun to work with Farok, along with his Twi'lek mistress. The two women had spent the better part of both days practicing the former Jedi's katas - lightsabers unlit, but held in the hand and wielded throughout each series of movements as if they were. It was his intention to first teach them the basics of defense with a lightsaber and then how to carry the attack to an opponent, but Farok knew they had a long way to go. If a sensitivity to the Force was part of either woman's makeup, then this exercise would become easier. Either way, there was no reason that they could not become serious fighters with the blades.

BIT had gotten a good deal of sleep. Being held in the dungeon on Malastare and the threats that were living within his cell had made for a great loss of sleep, and so the comfort of the Aegis' crew quarters was a treat. Even with the chill that seemed to penetrate everything due to the ship running in a low-power stasis, the soldier slept soundly wrapped up in the blankets on the upper bunk.

It was evening on Bestine where he once lived - or so the ship's computer told him - and so Caden had the Aegis' internal lights lowered to reflect a day/night effect. It allowed spacers to maintain some sort of body-sleep regimen - even an eating pattern. The Bestinian sat and looked at the diagnostic report from both Sam and Kara and shook his head at the difference between the two. He was running through everything else in his mind - the death of the Shade. The death of his friends. The reply from Anturrus that said he'd be in touch. Finally, he was also taking measure of where they were now in the Galaxy. Were they rebels against this new Empire? Did he want to involve himself more into Organa's war, especially now that they were cleared from all interests?

Caden needed to bring the crew together to ask what they all wanted to do... where they wanted to go? And would they all stay together? Nothing had come to them from Organa recently, but that certainly could change. He figured with the morning, when they were all rising and assembling in the galley for food, it would be a good time to have this discussion. Their coffers were quite full at the moment, but the Aegis demanded a heavy price to keep her moving and he either needed to pursue this life as a privateer, or clear his hold of what they currently held and make some room for cargo.

He hit a button that dimmed the lights even lower in the cockpit and looked out at the moon below. It was a dark piece of rock and dust that made its eliptical circuit around Malastare. Caden got up and walked the short length of passage to his own quarters and disappeared inside.

:ooc: Okay, I am still putting together some game plans and need a bit more time, but I also need the PC's to be conversing with each other. What is the plan? I know that there is a loose story arc hanging out there about Kaida, her brother hiding out on Commenor and fighting off the Imperial presence there, and then finally her sister who has been captured.

Other than that, the galaxy is a big place. Let me know and please carry on with character dialogues..
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


After two days of training, Kaida felt tired and very stiff. She was using muscle groups she didn't often use. But she was grateful for Farok's training. She had always been lacking in up-close hand-to-hand combat. What they were learning could eventually prove useful, if she could get her feet to move in the strange dance like forms. She twisted her mouth into a frown. She felt decidedly plodding in comparison to the flowing grace of Ardanna. She was spending more time with the twi'lek but had learned little new about her. They had little time for idle conversation with Farok's training regimen. But she felt a certain kinship to her.

:ooc: I don't know what there is to know really about her other than that she's a Farok's friend, so not much to  go on.

At the same time, the kata Farok had taught them was, in its way, relaxing. Sure it was difficult. And yes she ached at the end of each day. But it seemed the more her body was exercised, the more it pleaded from muscular pain or discomfort, the more she grew to understand her limits and her possibilities, and more importantly, she felt she was doing what Brim would want her to do.

At the end of the second "day", she spotted Caden as he disappeared into his quarters. She approached and tapped on the door.

When it opened, she looked him up and down and smiled. The man could be brusque and sometimes downright rude, but she was a good judge of character, and she was pleased to see a good man standing before her. Caden looked tired. "How are the repairs going on the Aegis? I don't know too much about it, but looks to me like she could use a few more days of work."

<after he complains about the damage to the ship...>

She nodded and tossed him a credit chit. "Seems my brother Jalek is alive." She leaned against the door frame, her hands in the pockets of her short coat. "He transferred some funds to me. Not a lot, but enough to cover not only my baggage fee here, but some of ship's repairs too. Sorry about calling her in down there." She shrugged and smiled again. "It probably won't be the last time." Then she sobered a little. "At least I hope not. I mean...that's why I wanted to talk to you. I hope you'll consider helping me get my sister free and in helping me--" she ran a hand through her hair "--in helping us, Farok and me, in our larger fight against the Empire. I won't lie. It will be a dangerous. Death will continue to stalk those we love and care about. But I think you know that freedom never comes easily. A spark has to be lit. And the price for lighting such a spark has always been the willing sacrifice of the brave. Brim understood that sacrifice, I think. He did not die in vain.  You're a good man, Captain, and we--I--could really lose a man of your talents. Anyway, think about it. I've called a meeting with the crew tomorrow. If you're on our side, I think it'd help sway the others. No matter what you decide, I consider you a friend."

ooc: btw, the credit chit contains 10,000 creds.


:ooc: This the house rule that I generated an episode back:

PC Levels 1-6 = Level upgrade at end of each episode
PC Levels 7-12 = level upgrade at end of two episodes
PC Levels 13-20 = level upgrade at end of three episodes

This is the end of our episode, even though we will continue to diaglogue here until I get the new one started. You guys are now eligible for levelling up. So please post your choices on your new level.


Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Great post, Jingo! I like character interactions.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


More rested than he's felt in awhile, BIT emerges from his bunk to the rest of the crew doing their own thing.  Feeling restless already, he offers his services to help repair the ship in that it will get him on his way faster and yet keeps to himself mostly, offering little conversation, preferring to observe.  As time wears on, he notices that even with the loss of their comrades, the group presses on not burdened by the loss but resolved in their memory of the fallen.  They seem a pretty good group, learning bits and pieces about them through conversation overheard in the galley and in passing.  Of the bands he's come across since his defection, this one seems like a good choice to stick with to keep his name and face off the radar of the Empire, even if they do stick their necks out on occasion.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16