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Started by tomcat, Oct 04, 2005, 06:15 PM

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Oct 04, 2005, 06:15 PM Last Edit: Oct 04, 2005, 06:20 PM by tomcat
Completely oblivious to the mayhem that was going on behind him Nain stood facing the troll. The cracking of stone and screaming of men and orcs behind him was a distant reminder that the troll must fall if any of them were to survive the night.

Dodging swiftly from one to side to the other in an effort to avoid attacks, Durgil reined in his horse and moved off to get a good angle on another foe. As he brought his bow to bear, a great darkness and gale, upon which blew a horrid stench, buffeted and nearly unhorsed him.  His horse fretted at the arrival of the new threat and he was hard pressed to maintain control of the animal. Firing on the closest mounted foe, Durgil then scanned the sky for whatever had just passed.

They were surrounded; it seemed as if he was among a sea of enemies but Daelhun would never give up. His blade slashed yet again, seeking to find the flesh of the numerous enemies about. It was as if he couldn't miss.

The appearance of the Dragon chilled Dirnhael's blood and he was barely able to keep himself atop his mount, which quailed at the sound of the beast. The steel in his hand seemed to chill somehow, and the feel of it spurred Dirnhael back into the moment - a moment in which the large Easterling was unarmed as Andúring had broken his foul blade but moments ago. He set to finish this quickly - they had run out of time - and Andúring whistled as the fell blade sliced through the cool air towards the stunned Easterling commander.

The Orcs and Men that had been fighting within the castle's courtyard were the first to fall, consumed by the fire that belched forth from the Dragon. It could have been considered merciful with the quickness of their deaths, but the screams of those that were not killed by the Dragon's first breath belied that notion. The great monster began to look about itself at the situation before it and slowly began to move. Scatha stretched out his wings and brought them down in a huge buffeting gale of wind that drove the horrified survivors to the ground.

Nain's final series of attacks brought the massive troll to its knees and it then slowly fell forward to slam heavy on the frozen snow, dead. Relieved of his opponent, the Dwarf turned to see the new threat and was suddenly aware that he stood in the midst of both Men and Orcs rushing past him, making for the bridge that allowed exit from the castle. It was as if neither of these peoples were hated enemies, both running side by side in apparent horror. The mass of both Orcs and Men pushed on those in the fore and many fell only to be trampled or were shoved off the bridge into the frigid water of the moat.

Then, rounding the donjon came Eradin upon his horse followed on by twelve others of his Dúnedain host. The Man looked as panicked as all the others and they drove their horses into those that crossed the bridge, hauling any Men aback of their horses and riding over any Orc that fell.

Nain could only stand and watch as the scene took place around him, but then the sound of the Dragon inhaling once more brought his mind back to action!

Dirnhael could see on Durac's face that even the Easterling did not expect the arrival of the mighty fell-beast that had just sundered Barad Eldanar. The Easterling's face took on another look of shock as the Dúnadan's sword cut into him, not thrice, but four times. The Easterling slowly slipped from his saddle his dying eyes staring into the wild eyes of the Man that just killed him. With his enemy dead, Dirnhael looked about him to see his comrades that still stood by his side. There were no Easterlings left; they had fled with the arrival of the Dragon and the death of their leader.

Andúring seemed to flame in his hand with a cold, icy fire and Dirnhael knew that the mighty beast before him was the foe that his sword was crafted to resist. In the runes that laced its length, the Elves of Nargothrond had imbued their power into the sword and that ancient magic now surged and flared.

The great Dragon, Scatha, laid upon the ground, his body half in and half out of the ruined Eldanar, its mouth snapping at any that still lived and spewing flame over the grounds.

Camentir shakily stood up, his tunic dark from his blood and he looked to Dirnhael. "That beast is mightier beyond any of our skills, we must flee this place while we can!"

Dirnhael looked around and saw Fengel, Durgil, Edrahil and Daelhun all looking to him for an answer - still missing were their Dwarven friends and the Dúnedain host that Camentir had led over the past three years.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Oct 04, 2005, 11:27 PM #1 Last Edit: Oct 05, 2005, 07:56 AM by sdrotar
"Camentir," Dirnhael said, "take as many of your men as you can gather and prepare to make haste for Fornost. I will not leave until I know the fate of our Dwarven companions."

He gestured towards the wreckage of Barad Eldanar and spoke to the Dunedain commander once more.
"You were the reason for all of this. You cannot be captured by the Enemy - your knowledge of the West's defense is too vast, and in the land of Angmar, that wisdom would be ripped from you and used against your people..."
He thought of Ioreth.
"Our people," he all but whispered. "Go now - while you can."

He turned towards his companions.
"Durgil, Daelhun - Camentir is your rightful commander, and if you wish to accompany him to Fornost, you may. Edrahil, Fengel - you have never been bound to go further then you will, but our friends need us now."

He could hear the screams from the smoldering keep, and he too felt fear... but Lunduf had been a stalwart friend since he left Tharbad so long ago and had risked his life for Dirnhael on more than one occasion, while Nain had been a boon companion in his stay with them. He would not leave these two to die in a broken keep on the frozen wastes of this accursed land - not while he himself drew breath...

"Your choices are your own - but make them now. We must move quickly if any of us are to see the morn."
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


At the sound of the Dragon inhaling to spew flame once again into the courtyard Nain looks for Lunduf then dives behind the massive carcase of the dead troll as the flames wash over it.  Once the flames stop he hefts Lunduf onto his shoulders and runs toward the gates with all the other folk trying to escape the terrible flame.  He would not leave his fellow dwarf to be consumed by the vile destroyer.


"I will not leave a friend behind."  Daelhun then moved his horse next to Dirnhael's and prepared to rush off and find their dwarven companion.


OOC: Very nice posts so far guys! ;D
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Fengel thinks of his now close friend Lunduf, and the many pints of beer they had drunk together, laughing away the peaceful times.  "Lunduf would give his life to save ours as well, let us ride into the very mouth of the beast if we must!"


Though torn between his comrades and the captain he's admired for years, Durgil makes the quick decision to stay.  To Camentir, "Lord, if you command it, I will go with you now, but I must help those who made this possible."
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Oct 05, 2005, 05:45 PM #7 Last Edit: Jun 10, 2007, 05:01 AM by tomcat
Camentir gave a gruff laugh, "T'was friendship that brought you all on the trail to find me, and these Dwarf companions that you will not leave behind had as much a part in that as the rest. For this, I could not leave them to such a fate either. Come, let us get this done quickly and be off on the road home!"

Edrahil had sat quietly in his saddle, trying to keep his steed from bolting with all the others. Again the Sindarin had taken a grievous wound, but his resolve was strong. "What do you propose we do then? Do we find our friends and flee, or do we attempt to drive off this beast?"

At the sound of the Dragon inhaling to spew flame once again into the courtyard, Nain looked for Lûnduf and saw his kin staggering amongst those that ran for the gates. He could see that Lûnduf's wounds had him confused and struggling to maintain his feet.

Nain ran over, grabbed and then quickly dragged Lûnduf to the massive carcass of the dead troll. They both dove to the ground as the flames once again washed over the area. The craftsman had never felt such heat, even over the mighty kilns that he had worked. He had heard tales of wyrms told amongst his kin, but he and Lûnduf had never experienced a dragon first-hand. The experience was one he did not relish.

Once the flames stopped, he hefted his friend onto his shoulders and ran towards the gate which was now clear of any escapees, only the smoldering bodies of those that had tried remained. Behind the two, the lumbering sound of the dragon moving could be heard.

Suddenly a great, booming voice was heard, "I smell you, Dwarves! You cannot escape me and oh what a pleasure it will be to see your bodies consumed in my flame! Long have your folk been like fleas to my kin... perhaps I will make you suffer over long years for the Dragons that have fallen to your foul spikes."

Outside the keep, Dirnhael and his companions watched as the dragon's hind quarters began to slide into the ruins of Eldanar and then heard his awful voice. All around them, Men and Orcs disappeared into the night, neither caring about the other's allegiance.

OOC: Some of this is a re-hash but I needed to expand the scene.

Scatha Observe (Smell) +22
Roll(2d6)+22: 2,2,+22 Total:26 - Nain can attempt to hide by making an Opposed Stealth test

Scatha's Terror effects:
Intimidate (Fear) +35 / 2 = +17
Roll(2d6)+17: 2,6,+17 Total:25 - the Terror will have a range/visual effect based on the chart below:

Opposed Willpower test -
Just hearing the Dragon: 1/4 the Terror roll
Seeing the Dragon from 100+ yards: 1/2 the Terror Roll
Seeing the Dragon from 25-99 yards: 3/4 the Terror Roll
Anything closer requires the full Willpower test

Actions may only be performed after the Willpower tests are done
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


"Let me go and find the dwarves, you create a diversion to get the attention of the dragon.  What say you sir, only by working together can we hope to save our friends."  Daelhun looked at his commander after making the suggestion and awaited his response.


Nain runs for his life.  The weight of his friend on his back pressed him onwards away from the terrifying sight coming through the wall of the keep behind him.  The Dragon's words froze his blood.  He'd felt this terror before when the blackness has flown over.  The terror that drove his feet.  He had no thought of pride or courage, only the need to flee as fast as he could. 

Stealth TN 22
Roll (2d6)+2 5,6,+2=13 Complete Failure

Willpower TN 17
Roll (2d6)+1 4,1+1=6 Disasterous failure


Oct 06, 2005, 05:30 AM #10 Last Edit: Jun 10, 2007, 05:04 AM by tomcat
OOC: I need the five horsemen to give me an Observe (Spot) TN 15 test to see Nain and Lunduf crossing through the burning gates and the smoldering bridge.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Oct 06, 2005, 06:19 AM #11 Last Edit: Oct 06, 2005, 06:35 AM by tomcat
Willpower Test TN 6 (right?) NARRATOR you are correct
Roll(2d6)+2: 1,6,+2 Total:9 SUCCESS
Observe (Spot) TN 15:
Roll(2d6)+5: 4,1,+5 Total:10 FAILED


Oct 06, 2005, 06:42 AM #12 Last Edit: Oct 06, 2005, 07:40 AM by Wiseman
Willpower: Roll(2d6)+2: 3,6,+2 Total:11

Oberserve: Roll(2d6)+6: 6,3,+6 Total:15

With his keen eyes, and more than a little bit of luck, Daelhun is able to see the two dwarves through the smoke and bodies running about.  "There they are, let us ride and help them!"  Daelhun spurred on his horse as he saw the two dwarves, how he would carry them both on his horse he didn't know, hopefully one of his comrades would follow him...

Ride: Roll(2d6)+8: 3,3,+8 Total:14


As Daelhun pointed out their comrades, Fengel saw that Nain was carrying Lunduf.  Afraid for his friend's life he spurred his horse forward in a full gallop.

Ride Test:
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,3,+9 Total:15


TN 6 Willpower - (2+3)+2=7 SUCCESS
TN 15 Observe (Spot) - (2+1)+3+2=8 FAILURE

"Thank you, mi'lord."  Seeing his friends gallop off to rescue the injured dwarves, Durgil follows cautiously with his bow at the ready to fire upon any enemy in the way of their goal.  If the great beast draws his attention in the direction of the dwarves or his mounted friends, he will aim to strike the creature in the face.

RC: Bows (Longbow) - (6+3)+8+2=19
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16