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To find Camentir

Started by tomcat, Jul 12, 2005, 08:06 PM

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Durgil stifled a yawn as he prepared his gear and horse -- the day's rest had been short and now they needed to be off, yet he was ready. Taking a moment to appreciate his new blade, he then girded it to his saddle in a manner facilitating easy access; he mounted his horse and drew his bow wanting to be prepared for anything. The road would not be easy and he silently wished there was another tracker among them, but he vowed he wouldn't fail Camentir and so he wouldn't.

The rest of the Company did the same, all the while the two Dwarfs stood and watched. Lûnduf grumbled his feelings about the current plan but he made no other attempt to dissuade Dirnhael - in his heart he knew they were right, speed was the key.

Eradin came to see them off, "Well Dirnhael, good luck with your search. We will wait for two days before we make our presence known to the Enemy, after that we will hold Eldanar until the situation becomes untenable."

The two warriors locked arms in salute and Dirnhael mounted with his men and Edrahil. He looked to see Andúring hanging off his saddle and knew the sword would be seeing more battle soon enough.

With a click and a spur, the Dúnadan's horse leapt forth and his comrades followed behind. They sped through the open area of Eldanar's courtyard and out through the makeshift gates, the Host of Eradin yelling a salute to inspire them on. And in moments, the five riders were back on a perilous road the looming shape of Barad Eldanar disappearing behind them.

Fengel took up point, riding a few yards before the others; the Éothraim's eyes were sharp and accustomed to the night. They had a long road before them and an even longer and possibly more perilous one behind, and somewhere out there was Camentir!

Standing on the battlements of Eldanar, Nain and Lûnduf looked at their comrades riding away towards the north. It did not take long for the horsemen to become nothing more than shadows to be swallowed up by the darkness of night and when they could no longer see them, they turned back towards the keep. The Dúnedain had done a good job thus far but with the morning light, the two dwarves would show them how to work stone.

Far to the east and south, on a spur of the Misty Mountains, the Fell-beast pulled its leathery wings close to itself to try and warm its hideous form. Its rider had dismounted and now the dark king moved quickly towards his goal. The beast of Morgoth may have not served Sauron directly, but its allegiances should still be there. After all, he had gotten it to come this far already from the far north and the Grey Mountains.

Still, the beast had not done his bidding in assaulting the Elves and now after the fact, the Witch-king was pleased. He had wanted to see Elrond suffer but he also knew the energy that these beasts expended in such a task - even its travel here had taken a great deal out of it. Perhaps that was why Rivendell had yet to burn. Scatha would have rested for many years and the wraith needed him now.

The dark form of the Witch-king entered the looming cave that housed Scatha's magnificent form and the dragon was immediately aware of his presence. Its voice boomed throughout the chamber as its eyes sought him out.

"I know you are here, though it is difficult to see you at times. What is it you want and speak quickly... you disturb my rest!"

The irritation in the dragon's voice made the wraith take pause... he was not sure if even he were safe from such a beast!

OOC: Obviously, the bit just above with Scatha is naught but a cinematic interlude.. you guys are not privy.  :wink:

I will be requiring some tests with the morning light, but I think I am gonna sleep on that and think about what I want you to do.

Goodnight for now...
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


As soon as the men were out of sight Nain turns and assay's the strengths and weaknesses of the fortifications around him.  Two days would be a short time to shore up the doors and make the place look well defended.

"Northman, have a few of your men search the place for armor and weapons that we can use to make our numbers appear larger and the rest of us must begin repairs on the gates"

He then steps down and begins hunting about the castle for tools that will be needed for the work to come.

Stonecraft (to determine impovements possible)
Roll (2d6) 3,2 + 13 = 18
Observe (Spot) (to find tools/materials in the castle)
Roll (2d6) 4,5 +8 = 17


Edrahil and the others rode through the night and they moved at a swift pace, they had two days of travel to cover before they could hope to overcome the wain that drew Camentir north. The Elf thought that the rate of travel of the wagon would work in their favour... surely the Company's horses would move more swiftly.

Dirnhael kept to the regimen that they had started those many months ago when they had left Tharbad - ten hours worth of travel before they rested, weather and their steeds permitting. They would not be stopping this leg of travel until the sun was sitting on the eastern horizon.

The companions followed along the northern road keeping an eye and ear to the darkness around so that they would not be ambushed by some force of the Enemy. From the maps that they studied, the only thing that Dirnhael knew was before them on the road was the towers of Cargash. The parchments had shown two fortresses that sat upon either side of the North Road like a large gate into the lands of Angmar - Nan Angmar as it was known to those who lived within. The towers were roughly 35 miles away... the Company would cover most of that distance by morning.

OOC: The five riders will need to perform Stamina Tests TN 22 (TN 20 +2 for Run pace); you will gain a +5 for your horse. DOS will determine any Weariness results.

I will also need a TN 15 Survival test for the day - DOS will determine any penalties.

Lastly, I need everyone to roll their Stealth test. I will total everyones skill and compare that to a Peril level that I have set up and see if you encounter any baddies.

In the light of campfires and torches, Nain and Lûnduf studied the castle walls and inner donjon. They looked to find any potential weakness that could be exploited by the enemy. The duo also sought out any tools that would aid them in getting the fortification into a better state of defense.

It did not take long for them to find some tools that would aid and supplies that could be used. Inside the donjon there was an armory for the Men and Dwarves to redress themselves and a forge that was housed off of the barracks. The skill of Nain would be essential in the honing of weapons and the repair of armour. Lûnduf's knowledge in warcraft would aid in the preparations of their deception. The castle would be made to appear as if it was manned by a large host, a host that could threaten the forces of Angmar!

OOC: At the fortress, there is an unknown number of days that you guys have before someone takes notice of Eldanar. In that time I need three extended tests done by both Lunduf and Nain - an Extended Smith-craft test TN 100, an Extended Stone-craft TN 100, and an Extended Siege-craft Test TN 100.
-Each test will require 8 hours of work; Nain can split his skill rating in half to try to accomodate both required test types.
-Nain will do Stone and Smith, Lunduf Siege; you guys will gain a +1 affinity bonus from all of the help
-I know when the forces of Angmar will notice so roll all of your tests to determine how many days it takes you guys to finish.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Quote from: tomcatOOC: The five riders will need to perform Stamina Tests TN 22 (TN 20 +2 for Run pace); you will gain a +5 for your horse. DOS will determine any Weariness results.

I will also need a TN 15 Survival test for the day - DOS will determine any penalties.

Lastly, I need everyone to roll their Stealth test. I will total everyones skill and compare that to a Peril level that I have set up and see if you encounter any baddies.

Edrahil's rolls:
Stamina Test TN 22
Stamina +3, Tireless +4, Dazed -1, Horse +5
Roll(2d6)+11: 5,5,+11 Total:21 FAILED (Winded -1)

Stealth Test
Stealth +7, Specialty +2, Dazed -1, Winded -1
Roll(2d6)+7: 4,5,+7 Total:16

Survival Test TN 15
Survival +0, Dazed -1, Winded -1
Roll(2d6)-2: 4,4,-2 Total:6 FAILED

Fengel's rolls:
Stamina Test TN 22
Stamina +3, Tireless +4, Horse +5
Roll(2d6)+12: 6,3,+12 Total:21 (Winded -1)

Stealth Test
Stealth +3, Specialty +2, Winded -1
Roll(2d6)+5: 2,3,+5 Total:10

Survival Test TN 15
Survival +3, Winded -1
Roll(2d6)+2: 6,2,+2 Total:10 FAILED
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Roll(2d6)+2: 4,4,+2 +5 Total:15 (FAILED) -1 Winded

Roll(2d6)+7: 3,5,+7 Total:15 (-1 Winded, +2 Specialty)

Roll(2d6)+5: 5,6,+5 Total:16 (-1 Winded, +2 Specialty)

OOC: It does now.


Quote from: tomcatOOC:[/b] The five riders will need to perform Stamina Tests TN 22 (TN 20 +2 for Run pace); you will gain a +5 for your horse. DOS will determine any Weariness results.

I will also need a TN 15 Survival test for the day - DOS will determine any penalties.

Lastly, I need everyone to roll their Stealth test. I will total everyones skill and compare that to a Peril level that I have set up and see if you encounter any baddies.

:arrow: Stamina Test (TN 22)
Stamina +3, Tireless +4, Horse +5 = +12
Roll(2d6)+12:3,5,+12 Total:20 - FAIL

:arrow: Survival Test (TN 15)
Survival (Field) +7
Roll(2d6)+7:6,1,+7 Total:14 - FAIL

:arrow: Stealth Test (TN ?)
Stealth -1 (OOC: I see -2 in my Misc. Mod column - why is that?)
Roll(2d6)-1:4,1,-1 Total:4

OOC: Not a good day... :cry:
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Quote from: sdrotar:arrow: Stealth Test (TN ?)
Stealth -1 (OOC: I see -2 in my Misc. Mod column - why is that?)
Roll(2d6)-1:4,1,-1 Total:4

The -2 entry on everyones sheet is the Untrained penalty that will go away once you buy 1 skill point in a given skill.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: The Narrator is just going all out in his games LOL

Stamina - (5+3)+3=11 FAIL
Survival - (2+1)+1=4 FAIL
Stealth - (6+4)+3-13

Either group didn't get enough rest or they just rushed into this, but everyone is having trouble this day and the beginnings of doubt began to set into Durgil.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Quote from: GandalfOfBorg
Either group didn't get enough rest or they just rushed into this, but everyone is having trouble this day and the beginnings of doubt began to set into Durgil.

OOC: I like to pull out the Tolkien references and claim that the "land itself seemed set against them" or something... :wink:

Sounds better than, "the riders' rolls sucked like none other." :lol:
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Overland Travel: This optional rule simplifies Weariness for long overland travel. Rather than making many Stamina tests over time intervals, one roll is made with the TN of the test equaling the number of miles traveled (i.e. 20 miles = TN 20). Apply modifiers for Pace (Walk -2, Jog/Trot +0, Run +2, Sprint/Gallop +4), Terrain (easy ground -2, average ground +0, rough ground +2, very rough ground +4), and if any Beasts of Burden are used to make the travel (i.e. riding a horse) +5 to Stamina Test. Degree of success determines the number of Weariness levels suffered: 3 on a disastrous failure, 2 on a complete failure, 1 on a failure, 0 on any success. Also, if a Disastrous failure is rolled, the character must stop there and then, too exhausted to keep going for that day. Roll 2d6 and subtract it from the TN to determine how many miles were actually covered before the character needed to stop.

Here is the House Rule I made for our game... I promise I am not stacking odds against you. Remember, failure on this test doesn't mean that you guys don't ride through the night, it just means you guys might get tired. Which is very probable  :wink:

As far as the Stealth and Survival goes - well one is a group accumulation test so the better you roll, the better it is for you and your buddies, and the Survival roll is just that... and I believe it would be a challenge in the rocky north on the footsteps of Angmar in the dead of winter.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: Would it be possible to work 16 hr days to make full tests? Or to get more done in fewer days?


Nain worked feverishly to complete the stone and steel work for the defense of the castle.

Extended Smith-craft (Weaponsmith) TN 100
Roll (2d6) 3,5  +9 (+18/2) +1(aff)  = 18
Roll (2d6) 2,5  +9 (+18/2) +1(aff)  = 17 (35)
Roll (2d6) 6,2  +9 (+18/2) +1(aff)  = 18 (53)
Roll (2d6) 5,1  +9 (+18/2) +1(aff)  = 16 (69)
Roll (2d6) 1,5  +9 (+18/2) +1(aff)  = 16 (85)
Roll (2d6) 6,1  +9 (+18/2) +1(aff)  = 17 (102)

Extended Stone-craft (Fortification) TN 100
Roll (2d6) 2,5  +7 (+13/2) +1(aff)  = 15
Roll (2d6) 5,1  +7 (+13/2) +1(aff)  = 14 (29)
Roll (2d6) 6,4  +7 (+13/2) +1(aff)  = 18 (47)
Roll (2d6) 4,2  +7 (+13/2) +1(aff)  = 14 (61)
Roll (2d6) 6,2  +7 (+13/2) +1(aff)  = 15 (76)
Roll (2d6) 3,6  +7 (+13/2) +1(aff)  = 17 (93)
Roll (2d6) 3,3  +13           +1(aff)  = 20 (113)


OOC:  just wondering if Lunduf's specialization in fortifications applies to the rolls.  Didn't want to do all the rolls and have to redo them either way haha


Quote from: LundufOOC:  just wondering if Lunduf's specialization in fortifications applies to the rolls.  Didn't want to do all the rolls and have to redo them either way haha

Yes it does Mike...

Quote from: stefanOOC: Would it be possible to work 16 hr days to make full tests? Or to get more done in fewer days?

You can increase the number of hours per day but you will then need to do the math - it will require a Stamina test TN 10 per hour worked (based on the CRB) over my 8 hour max. Weariness will affect both future Craft skills and Stamina tests.

If you wanna do the bookkeeping on this one Kory, go right ahead, just remember - any weariness penalties will also cause overexertion for Nain in both wound points (cause he is wounded still) and if the castle is set upon by the enemy they will affect his combat.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: Forgive please my lack but could you explain what CRB means?  Does that mean that I'd be at -5 for the second hour, -10 for the third, etc?