
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 5: What has been Sown => Topic started by: tomcat on Nov 02, 2011, 07:21 PM

Title: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 02, 2011, 07:21 PM
Situation: The team is being attacked by snipers hidden in the canopy above. Also, all of the commotion has stirred another pride of nexu who have gone to investigate.

Situational Modifiers: All PC's will suffer a -5 penalty for firing into melee, unless they are the ones in the melee or have the Precise Shot feat.

Weariness CT:
Caden -2 to all actions
Brim -1 to all actions

Physical Modifiers: -1 to all PC's action rolls due to slick, muddy, or boggy ground and waist high foliage that can block view

Initiative: - I lost all of the init order that was in Round 3. Going to try and patch it back together from memory. If you remember your place, let me know.

Snipers (+11) 30
Fett (+11)
Sam (+11)
Farok (+1)
Nexu (+12)
Kaida (+11)
Logar (+11)
Brim (+6)
Caden (+3)
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Telcontar on Nov 02, 2011, 07:53 PM
 :ooc: Doug did my nat20 TN 30 sense suroundings detect the nexu?
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 03, 2011, 05:29 AM
:ooc: Sorry, Tom! Yes, that would definitely have been a success. The freaking thread stopped working as I was posting in it and I lost everyones actions.

But yes, in Round 3 you became aware of the nexu and their proximity.

If anyone else had any aspect of round 3 not reflected here, let me know. There is a supplemental round three thread for us to finalize anything before we go into round 4.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: donimator on Nov 03, 2011, 06:33 AM
If Fett hadn't pointed them out yet, Sam would take a moment to try and spot the sniper nest.

:00: Sam's Perception check
Perception +12, (Doug, I forget the other mods and range, pls adjust roll)
Perception +12:  1d20+12 : 12 + 12, total 24
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: donimator on Nov 03, 2011, 06:38 AM
 :ooc: Found mods. Still not spotted, I guess. Will wait on Fett's action
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 03, 2011, 04:22 PM
:ooc: Cool, Don - you are only a point away from a success if you wish to use a FP after I do Fett's actions. Let me know.

Going to do some narrative and then I will have actions rounds to follow. I am attaching the maps I just drew for the close in stuff. The valley floor is a myriad of contours from pits (sometimes filled marsh), to raised croppings (or small hillocks). It is easy to maneuver between, through, and around these little 'valleys' and culverts. The terrain on any map (current of future) will provide different levels of cover based on how many tiers it is (number of circles I draw). I will let you know the protective cover value of each. You will lose cover value per tier if you climb up the hillock to gain a height advantage. Let me know if any of this doesn't make sense and I will try to either better illustrate or explain.

I need to go watch TV with the wife so my actions will be pending the time I am done... and btw, John, I will join your for Battlefield tomorrow or Saturday if you are playing.

The companions were suddenly aware of blaster fire erupting from the jungle floor and reaching up into a huge mangrove that sat within the center of a bog. It's mammoth branches stretched out in all directions providing perfect stable cover for a sniper blind to be built. The two Gran were so intent on the targets they had chosen that Logar's blaster fire came as a total surprse. The bolts laced into arms and legs and the humanoid snipers quickly turned to find their aggressor.

Sam and Fett could see the shots being fired and could easily place the blind. Even Caden and Brim were now aware of the location of their attackers, but something else had caught their attention. The Aegis' captain and his Rodian friend were suddenly aware of some things large moving through the underbrush in front of them. Caden lifted his blaster, while Brim prepared his lightsaber.

Only a few meters behind his new friends, Farok, too, became aware of the beasts. Through the Force, the warrior could sense their massive forms and aggressive feelings that emitted from them like beacon lights on a casino rooftop.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 03, 2011, 09:13 PM
"More of those... things!" Caden hissed through a whisper. "And they're a lot closer."
He raised his blaster toward the rustling plants ( :ooc: Nexu 1) and prepared to fire, waiting to shoot now but worried that the snipers could home in on him if he did.
One way or another, he'd be firing soon. Perhaps a blast might chase them off.
He backed away from the rustling plants and whispered to Logar and Fett for advice - he was no soldier.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 04, 2011, 05:39 PM
:ooc: sorry for the delay.

Gran sniper 1:
SWIFT action - drops sniper rifle
MOVE action - picks up carbine
STANDARD action - fires on Logar's position
:00: DC 24 ranged +9, point blank +1, autofire -5, cover -2
Rolled 1d20+3 : 7 + 3, total 10

damage if successful, take 1/2 on miss 3d8+3 : 4, 6, 4 + 3, total 17

Gran sniper 2:
STANDARD action - fires on Fett
:00: DC 30 ranged +9, point blank +1
Rolled 1d20+10 : 1 + 10, total 11

damage if successful 3d6+3 : 3, 5, 5 + 3, total 16

Nexu 1:
MOVE action - to get into melee range with Brim
STANDARD action - attacks with claw
:00: DC 23 melee +8
Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17

damage if successful 1d4+7 : 4 + 7, total 11

Nexu 2:
MOVE action - to get into melee range with Caden
STANDARD action - attacks with claw
:00: DC 22 melee +8
Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14

damage if successful 1d4+7 : 2 + 7, total 9

Nexu 3:
MOVE action - to get into melee range with Farok
STANDARD action - attacks with claw
:00: DC 16 melee +8
Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9

damage if successful 1d4+7 : 2 + 7, total 9
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 04, 2011, 05:41 PM
:ooc: Only character hit in all of that is Logar for 8 (1/2 damage from the autofire attack). Although she was within the attack range, Kaida has Evasion.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Callowmoryne on Nov 04, 2011, 06:04 PM
Logar shrugged off the snipers carbine fire and kept on blasting.

:ooc: Auto fire
Rolled 1d20+5 : 5 + 5, total 10

Rolled 3d8+3 : 2, 4, 8 + 3, total 17
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Jingo on Nov 04, 2011, 08:34 PM
Shots were hitting the dirt around her and blasting apart the cover she was behind, but she tried to maintain her sight picture and squeezed the trigger from her carbine.

:ooc:swift: activates born leader talent. Once per encounter, you grant all alies within your LOS +1 insight bonus on attack rolls
move: Stays put and shoots.
standard: takes aimed shot at shoots at G1.
Single aimed shot: 1d20+7 : 15 + 7, total 22

Damage if hits: 3d8+3 : 1, 1, 1 + 3, total 6
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Jingo on Nov 04, 2011, 08:37 PM
 :ooc: Sheesh. My damage rocks!  :roll:
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Telcontar on Nov 06, 2011, 02:32 PM
 :ooc: So Nexu three is in close combat range with me?
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 06, 2011, 04:46 PM
:ooc: Yea, Tom, on their initiative they closed to engage (above). I have attached the map.

Jingo, the damage isn't fantastic but at least it affects both snipers at once. I am also going to start keeping track of your amunition consumption. It will be shown at the top of each combat round with the situation description listed as a fraction consumed/total availabe - so:

Logar 20/50
Kaida 10/50

Also, Fett's jetpack charges:


Fett tracks in on the autofire and fires his own rifle
Fett MOVES and lands
Fett autofires STANDARD
:00: DC 16 ranged with autofire and Point blank shot +9, cover -2
Rolled 1d20+7 : 15 + 7, total 22

damage if successful 3d8+6 : 1, 6, 1 + 6, total 14
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 06, 2011, 04:49 PM
:ooc: Posting some narrative right now on this post, so check back in a while. Fett's blaster fire has knocked both snipers out.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Posterboy on Nov 06, 2011, 04:57 PM
Brim could feel the adrenaline begin to pump his blood more quickly to his muscles, felt his hand tighten slightly around the grip of his weapon. The hunt was afoot, and the Rodian was ready. Moving alongside the beast, Brim attempted to run his lightsaber along the length of the creature's body, ending near it's hind side.

:ooc:Actions for this round:

Swift Action: Part 2 of 2 to move a step up the condition track (Shake It Off)
Standard Action: Attack Nexu #1 (the one trying to engage Brim in melee)
Move Action: Without creating attacks of opportunity, move in such away so as to be behind the Nexu... if need be, using running attack to accomplish it.
Brim will also be using Dodge against the Nexu with whom he is engaged in melee combat

Attack Roll against Nexu: 1d20+10 : 14 + 10, total 24

Lightsaber Damage, if attack succeeds: 2d8+4 : 5, 4 + 4, total 13

Should the Nexu succeed in attacking Brim, he'll use Block to attempt to negate the attack... UtF (Block) Check: 1d20+14 : 11 + 14, total 25
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: donimator on Nov 07, 2011, 03:37 AM
Sam spots the blind and moves up to fire, switching to autofire as he does. Fett jumps ahead as Sam sights the target area.

Sam's actions
Swift: Switch to Autofire
Move: Move towards blind
Standard: Autofire attack
:00: DC16 Slugthrower +9, PB Range +1, Autofire -5, Cover -2
Slugthrower +3:  1d20+3 : 12 + 3, total 15

Dmg, if hit 2d8+4:  2d8+4 : 7, 3 + 4, total 14

Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: donimator on Nov 07, 2011, 03:40 AM
 :ooc: I'll use a Force Point to hit if I had that DC right (and the other mods).
Force Point:  1d6 : 6, total 6

Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Telcontar on Nov 07, 2011, 10:11 AM
:ooc: As the nexu closes on me and attacks I am going to makashi riposte. He missed but it makes it a DC 9 I believe to use the skill.

DC 9 Riposte
Rolled 1d20+10 : 8 + 10, total 18

Damge if successful (halved if not) :
Rolled 2d8+1 : 7, 4 + 1, total 12

Farok's Turn: Attack with Lightsaber
Rolled 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13

Rolled 2d8+1 : 3, 3 + 1, total 7

Farok sensed the creature approaching him even though he couldn't see the beast through the ground growth. He was glad to know that despite the fact that he wasn't accustomed to the jungle he wasn't completely helpless. He watched the creature close in on him and took his makashi stance. The fighting style came easier to him than the others since he was short one arm. He would never be considered elegant in this or any other fighting style, but Farok was an effect over form kind of fighter. The creature emerged from the brush and the debris shield he had been using against the snipers dropped beside him. The claws of the beast lashed out him and he deftly riposted them to use the creatures attack to make one of his own and then slide into another stance to make an attack of his own.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: Jingo on Nov 07, 2011, 02:27 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Nov 06, 2011, 04:46 PM
:ooc: Jingo, the damage isn't fantastic but at least it affects both snipers at once. I am also going to start keeping track of your amunition consumption. It will be shown at the top of each combat round with the situation description listed as a fraction consumed/total availabe - so:

Logar 20/50
Kaida 10/50

:ooc: I thought I did a single aimed shot... or is this gun an auto-fire one only?
Btw, I'm out on a work trip all week so may have delayed postings.
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 09, 2011, 12:57 PM
As Brim engaged the beast, Caden turned and fired at its flank.

:arrow: Attack Roll vs. Nexu 1 (Edit: forgot -2 Condition)
Rolled 1d20+5 : 9 + 5, total 14

:arrow: Damage if successful:
Rolled 3d8+3 : 6, 3, 8 + 3, total 20

Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 11, 2011, 06:34 AM
:ooc: Hey everyone, sorry for how disjointed this round has been and the lack of my posts over the last week. I have been dealing with some illness issues that just won't let go. Nothing major or threatening, but just fever and aches and absolute weariness - not sure if I am overdoing things or not with how busy life has become with the new baby, but still... it has had me dragging ass and only wanting to hit the pillow. Hell, I bought Battlefield 3 and have only been on multi-play once, so something is defintitely wrong!

Anyway, this thread and round will be updated today and finalized. New round 5 will be added, and all of your questions or comments will be replied to.

Ciao for a bit...
Title: Re: Snipers on high - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Nov 11, 2011, 07:52 PM
:ooc: Okay, before I carry on the story into the next round, I want to re-clarify this round based on your posts, questions, and comments:

Starting at the top...

1) The bad guys all missed save 1 who delivered 8 damage to Logar.
2) Logar fired and delivered 8 points of damage to both Gran snipers - 10/50 rounds consumed
3) Kaida fired and hit Gran sniper number 1 for 7 damage - 1/50 rounds consumed. Yea, Jingo, I saw that you did fire once. You have two blasters on your stat block - a carbine (fires S/A) and a light repeating blaster which is autofire only. I assumed you aim autofired with either blaster, but then I read it more closely. No problem, damage to enemies and consumption has been reduced.
4) Fett fired and did damage of 14 on both Gran snipers
5) Brim attacked and did 13 damage on Nexu 1
6) Sam fired and did 7 damage on both Gran snipers - never knew the slugthrower was autofire capable! Snipers both are dropped unconscious
7) Farok attacks and does 12 damage to Nexu 3 with Mikashi Riposte; standard attack missed
8) Caden fired and missed

Starting the thread for Round 5.