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Edoras - Heart of the Riddermark

Started by Nashan, Jan 07, 2019, 08:56 AM

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Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Sad times, if only I'd had Wisdom 2 and could reroll, but alas I chose valour. I don't think the men of Rohan take kindly to a Gondorian being here any way.


Roderic finds a spare table to sit down and eat with his master Goldred. Roderic explains the proposal made by Cuthred and his master Cenric. Goldred is at first unwilling to let his young guard leave his employment after such a short time, until he learns of Cenric's involvement. 'Well Roderic, who am I to stand in the way of a young man seeking adventure' says Goldred, and gives him his blessing to speak again to Cuthred.


Quote from: Anarion on Jan 23, 2019, 11:31 AM"Well met men of Rohan!" He says after taking a moment to weigh up the people present. "I'm Egilhir of Gondor, I rode from the south with Thengel King and his retinue. It's a pleasure to meet the such highly esteemed horse riders. I heard many a song and tale being told in the halls of Dol Amroth if how Eorl the Young rode out of the north in time to save Gondor." He says speaking as clearly and eloquently as was expected within the courts of a King.

Could I use my Story Telling trait?

Beside the king, the queen and Dori, people barely look up from their cup and keep chatting oblivious to your presence.

:ooc: Storytelling can hardly be used as a way to introduce yourself. Maybe if you turn it in the manner of a tale, but other than that... Whilst Egilhir's standing, you can take the opportunity to tell a tale, however.


Quote from: stevelampon on Jan 23, 2019, 04:41 PMRoderic finds a spare table to sit down and eat with his master Goldred. Roderic explains the proposal made by Cuthred and his master Cenric. Goldred is at first unwilling to let his young guard leave his employment after such a short time, until he learns of Cenric's involvement. 'Well Roderic, who am I to stand in the way of a young man seeking adventure' says Goldred, and gives him his blessing to speak again to Cuthred.

Goldred didn't make it to where he is now by being kind. He agrees to release you from your bound but in return demands that you keep him informed of the whereabouts in Westfolde. A task for which you will be rewarded, of course.


Seeing as his introduction to failed to garner attention from the Rohirim. He clears his throat, and starts to recite the tale of Eorl the Young riding from the north on Felaroth the father of horses. He tells the tale in hopes to show the Rohir that he has much respect for them.

I'll use Story-Telling here.


Chatters fade as you finally draw your audience's attention. All eyes and ears turn toward you. Soon, Rohirrim and dwarves alike are captured by your tale. Breaths are held when time is running short for the army of Eorl to ride to the rescue of Gondor, joy and relief are displayed when he finally makes it and both armies unite to throw the invader back to the east, pride swells the chests when Cirion offers the plains of Calenardhon to Eorl, what would later be known as the Riddermark, the kingdom of Rohan.

Fists are knocked on the tables in content when you come to the end of the tale. Cheers erupt " Hail ! Hail ! To Rohan ! To Thengel King ! ". Cups are raised in your honor, even the king nods at you in approval. You will later learn from the queen that your timing was fit, for the tale greatly pleased the dwarves.

:ooc: I give you a free bonus dice to spend during social encounters this night.

Tyrôk, Gibor elbows you softly in the ribs. « Now is your time to shine, lad. Do tell of the renewed splendour of Erebor. »


He takes a cup and raises it with the men of Rohan as they cheer. He smiles to the King and his Queen and joins in the mingling at the table of honour, wishing to get to know some of the Marshalls of the Mark.


Quote from: Anarion on Jan 25, 2019, 08:53 AMwishing to get to know some of the Marshalls of the Mark.

:ooc: Do you wish to ask something specific ? In which case we make an encounter, or is it just to chat ?
In any case, you know the Marshal of the East is notoriously sociable (and rich), used to trade and deal with Gondorians. The Marshal of the West is more of a stern old-fashioned knight, belligerent in his dealings with foreigners since most of his task is to keep the Dunlendings out of the Mark.


Just chat, engratiating myself amongst the men of Rohan. If I hear anything in passing as the night goes on that peaks my interest I may engage in a more specific conversation.


Quote from: Anarion on Jan 25, 2019, 03:23 PM:ooc:
Just chat, engratiating myself amongst the men of Rohan. If I hear anything in passing as the night goes on that peaks my interest I may engage in a more specific conversation.

The King turns to his Second Marshal. « What news from Isengard, Éogar ?

- Nothing my Lord. » replied Éogar with a sad face. « We did not hear from the white wizard since he sent gifts for your coronation last year. We know he doesn't welcome strangers anymore, guards have been placed at the doors that have never been shut in centuries. What he wants to keep out of sight we can only guess.

- Strange. Saruman the White has been a close friend and advisor to my father, why would he suddenly turn his back to us ? We cannot let a wizard go unchecked on our realm, Éogar. Something must be done. »


The feast is half way done when the doors open and a guard comes in. He walks to the king and whispers to his ear. Thengel seems to consider for a moment, then nods to the guard. As the soldier makes his way back to the door, the king speaks a few words in Sindarin to his queen.

Conversations die out, silence slowly returns in the hall as expectation takes over amusement. It's unlikely that a king would interrupt a feast for an honored guest unless some important matter is at hand.

When the door reopens after some tensed moments, a young lady, not far from childhood, enters the hall. She looks like she has been traveling for a long long while, her worn up clothes have been patched up so often you can barely distinguish the original layout. Yet she stands tall and walks to the king without faltering, not even looking at the marvelous dishes spread on the tables, secretly hoping her grumbling stomach won't betray her hunger. Four men walk with her, two in rugged clothes the like of hers, while the other two display a more familiar Rohirrim attire.

The young woman bows and speaks. « Thengel King, I salute you. I'm Edelyn, and I speak for my people. We arrived shortly upon your lands, and we ask you permission to settle down here as your loyal subjects. »

For some seconds, everybody inside the hall hold their tongue out of surprise. Then, whispers erupt from all over the room. The two marshals both try to capture the attention of the king, their voice rising the more and more since Thengel seems to pay no heed to them. Then the king asks for the silence in a clear voice.

And silence he gets immediately. Gently but firmly, he asks « where do you come from, young girl ? Why do you wish to settle upon my land ? Have you no place to call home ?
- We did, sir. But the orcs pushed us farther and farther south, until we came into strange and foreign lands, with customs alien to us. The folk wouldn't have us for long. So we decided to come here. »
Morwen then speaks. « Why here child ?
- I'm not a child anymore, my lady, I'm the daughter of the chieftain. I've already spilled orc blood, and that was three winters ago. »
A guard moves his hand toward the pommel of his weapon to clean up the offense made to the queen, but Morwen holds him still with a kind gesture of her delicate hand. Once more she strikes you as a woman of high bearing. Steelsheen you've heard her called, in regard to her grace and beauty, and you now understand why.

Edelyn continues. « We come from the vales up north. Two days march from our village stood the ruins of a great city, with many horse depictions. Great riders were these inhabitants, did say the occasional traveling bards. Had moved far to the south many years ago. Leaving some of their own in the very valley we lived in until recently... »
The king raises an eyebrow. « Speak your mind, what do you mean ?
- We believe our ancestors were those very people your forefathers left behind. We believe we have once been of the same folk. We believe we are Rohirrim by blood and that our home lies here. » concludes Edelyn with eyes brimful of tears.

Éorgas, Marshal of Westfolde, whose holding is nothing less than Helm's deep, stands up in anger. « Outrageous ! My lord, this is plain Dunlending trick, trying to worm their way inside your realm and gnaw at it from within. And when that vile scheme of theirs shall bear its poisonous fruits, they will uprise and strike when and where we expect it the less ! »
Morwen answers in an equal tone.« Yet should she speaks the truth we cannot turn down our own people and let them die out there in the wild. »

:ooc: all those willing to take part in that encounter may now roll Insight or Lore TN 14 to gain bonus dices. Then you can roll Awe, Courtesy, Persuade, Riddle,... TN 14.


He had been contemplating what he'd heard about the white wizard before the interuption to the feast.

He steps forward a little to get a better look at the girl entering the hall. He watches her as she speaks looking for any signs in her body language of veiled in her words before he even considers saying anything to involve himself in the business.

TN 14 insight 2d
Rolled 1d12 : 9, total 9
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7

:dmg:     edge:     injury:

TN 14 courtesy 2d
:dmg:     edge:     injury:


I didn't want to go in and edit the original post. I'll just fix the courtesy roll here.

TN 14 courtesy 2d
Rolled 1d12 : 7, total 7
Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3

:dmg:     edge:     injury:


Hate to triple post now but I'd like to spend hope to pass the courtesy roll.