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Edoras - Heart of the Riddermark

Started by Nashan, Jan 07, 2019, 08:56 AM

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'Perhaps if you could tell me a little of what you have in mind, I can give my master a reason to give me leave to assist you. I know only a little of my masters many and varied interests, but it could be possible, that whatever task you have in mind might at the same time further those interests. If that is the case then I am sure master Goldred would have no objections'.


If he catches the attention of Sunnifa he gives her a warm smile. Curious as to why a woman of her age however was unwed, he decides asking her probably isn't the best way to approach the curiosity. He excuses himself from the dwarves for a moment and tries to mingle with some of the Rohir, maybe asking a few men who he knew heralded from Edoras about her. While he mingles he slowly makes his way towards the Kings table.


Quote from: stevelampon on Jan 21, 2019, 12:54 PM'Perhaps if you could tell me a little of what you have in mind, I can give my master a reason to give me leave to assist you. I know only a little of my masters many and varied interests, but it could be possible, that whatever task you have in mind might at the same time further those interests. If that is the case then I am sure master Goldred would have no objections'.

"Protecting our borders is the business of all in Rohan. The West may have to deal with the dunderlings, but the East is no walk in the fields. Strange creatures roam out of the brown lands to enter our realm, not to mention the rampaging orcs going down from Mirkwood. Never before have they been so eager for looting, as if they were searching for something. Us Eorlings are too few to man the watchtowers and protect the farmsteads. So here's the offer ; hard bread, poor shelters, dangerous watchs,... but solid silver at the end of every season, and the glory of serving Westfold. And who knows, maybe some day you could be granted a place of your own."  


Quote from: Anarion on Jan 21, 2019, 02:40 PMtries to mingle with some of the Rohir, maybe asking a few men who he knew heralded from Edoras about her.

:ooc: Make a Riddle, Courtesy, Persuade, or whatever skill you choose to use to get information, TN 14.


Roderic laughs out loud. 'How could a young man with an adventurous spirit refuse such a generous offer Cuthred'. 'Give up a life of good food and drink, whilst visiting markets, taverns and farms with my master Goldred, for a life in the open, with nothing but stale bread and water to drink'. 'Let me think on it'. 'In the meantime I intend on finding some good food and drink here in this great hall, particularly is it could be my last for a while'. 'Seek me out later Cuthred, I must find my master Goldred and discuss your proposal with him'. Roderic beams at the young Rohr warrior, and grasps his wrist as he takes his leave, and makes his way towards the tables of food.


TN 14 Courtesy 2d
Rolled 1d12 : 9, total 9
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6

:dmg:     edge:     injury:


Quote from: Anarion on Jan 21, 2019, 05:05 PM:ooc:
TN 14 Courtesy 2d
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d12 : 9, total 9
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6
:dmg:     edge:     injury:

You recognize Gycsa in the crowd, an Eorling rider from Harrowdale. He's been part of the honour guard escorting Thengel King on his way from Gondor to Edoras. Despite nearing 50 he painfully taught you one trick or two when it came to sword sparring, and although he cannot be called a friend, you trust and value each other enough to speak freely.
" Man eater if you ask me. Since she's been around, she tried to seduce too many men to be honest, beginning with Fengel King himself. She's been clever enough to keep off his bed back in the days. Now that her beauty is beginning to wane, she may be trying to catch some big fish in her net. See how she buzzes around the honour table."


"I see, I don't see her catching the Kings attention, possibly one of his Marshalls or someone close to them." He says glancing towards the honour table. "She's still fair enough that one of them might be smitten. Speaking of the Marshalls, I've heard of them but know little about the men themselves. Maybe I should introduce myself?" He asks Gycsa.


Tyrôk listens to what conversation he can for the newcomers, but most of his attention is taken with the other Dwarves

He turns to his master Gibor

"Master. There is a certain level of agitation in this hall. I confess myself to be missing the nuances of their concerns. What are their fears and, more importantly how do they impact ourselves? Trade with our kinfolk in the west is by means of the Misty Mountain passes. With Gondor and Dorwinion, our feet will never carry us here. The Lord of this Hall seems interested in the outside world, but few of his court see beyond their bounds, and I am at a loss to fathom the advantage to us here"


Quote from: hurcheon on Jan 22, 2019, 09:40 AMTyrôk listens to what conversation he can for the newcomers, but most of his attention is taken with the other Dwarves

He turns to his master Gibor

"Master. There is a certain level of agitation in this hall. I confess myself to be missing the nuances of their concerns. What are their fears and, more importantly how do they impact ourselves? Trade with our kinfolk in the west is by means of the Misty Mountain passes. With Gondor and Dorwinion, our feet will never carry us here. The Lord of this Hall seems interested in the outside world, but few of his court see beyond their bounds, and I am at a loss to fathom the advantage to us here"

« Where are your manners boy ? When one becomes king, it's custom to make it known to all his kindred. We're also here for the trade, allies, and fame... Aye and free food and drinks too. Southern hop gives a different taste to the ale, ever noticed that ? Remember that reclaiming Erebor was good. But that's not all there is. We intend not to remain with our asses sitting on piles of coins, do we ? Nah, we soon shall reclaim the home of our forefathers. Yes lad, soon we will march on Khazad-dûm. And once it will be done, Rohan will be as good as our neighbors. »

He pauses and swallows some ale. He takes a small bone and uses it as a toothpick for some moments. Then more thoughtfully. « You read about the kingdoms of ages past, uh ? Everywhere else, it's but rubbles and tales for the bards to earn their silver. But here, those are still alive. Gondor is the last great kingdom of the Dúnedain, and Rohan is the last great kingdom of Rhovanion. We stand in the middle of what was and what could be again. It is a great opportunity to be here. You might also remember that distant cousins of ours used to dwell in the white mountains south of here. There might still be some remains from the past to unearth. But such endeavor is not for an old driveler like me. Maybe I was younger and still full of questioning. » He winks at you and turns once again his attention to the food.


Quote from: Nashan on Jan 22, 2019, 02:45 PM« You might also remember that distant cousins of ours used to dwell in the white mountains south of here. There might still be some remains from the past to unearth. But such endeavor is not for an old driveler like me. Maybe I was younger and still full of questioning. » He winks at you and turns once again his attention to the food.

"Master. I listen to your words and I will endeavour to learn. On one thing I will comment. Not long ago, I had cause to see the Ered Mithrin, like Khazad-Dum among the greatest of our homes. Khazad-Dum and Ered Mithrin are both places that have tales of woe for us. We know wy we no longer live there.

"If we are to resettle Ered Nimrais, are there any secrets from our past that we must face?"


Quote from: hurcheon on Jan 22, 2019, 05:12 PM"If we are to resettle Ered Nimrais, are there any secrets from our past that we must face?"

"Resettle Ered Nimrais ? Oh no no, we shall never do that. But the tribe of Úri bred many great smithmen and I wonder if some of their craft remains hidden in these mountains."

:ooc: will be proven wrong by Gimli ;-)


He gets up and heads towards the honour table. Standing tall and proud as one of the Dunedain of the south in his clothes of blue and white. He smiles to the king and queen and looks to the others at the table trying to get a measure of who each of them are.


Quote from: Anarion on Jan 23, 2019, 09:10 AMHe gets up and heads towards the honour table. Standing tall and proud as one of the Dunedain of the south in his clothes of blue and white. He smiles to the king and queen and looks to the others at the table trying to get a measure of who each of them are.

:ooc: Courtesy, Awe, or whatever skill you'll be using to introduce yourself. TN 14. Remember to roleplay accordingly, an Awe roll calls for another kind of introduction than Courtesy ^_^


"Well met men of Rohan!" He says after taking a moment to weigh up the people present. "I'm Egilhir of Gondor, I rode from the south with Thengel King and his retinue. It's a pleasure to meet the such highly esteemed horse riders. I heard many a song and tale being told in the halls of Dol Amroth if how Eorl the Young rode out of the north in time to save Gondor." He says speaking as clearly and eloquently as was expected within the courts of a King.

Could I use my Story Telling trait?

TN 14 Courtesy 2d
Rolled 1d12 : 11, total 11
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7

:dmg:     edge:     injury: