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Started by tomcat, Nov 15, 2008, 11:29 PM

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All PC's will have their quick read stat blocks listed in this thread. This thread will also include starships.

Party Finances
This area will be used to maintain the assets of the party - not including ships or personal gear - so that there is a quick and easy way to see how much money you all have. I am also going to add a cost of daily living calculator to this area so that you all can get an idea what it costs monthly to maintain your PC and the Aegis.

Organa Funds
Party Total

Party Treasure
2 Heavy Blaster pistols w/1 power pack each in backpack (Farok)
5 Blaster Carbines w/ 1 power pack each
10 power packs
2 Blaster pistols w/1 power pack each
1 E-web cannon
2 Aratech 74 Z speeder bikes
1 Aratech Arrow-23 Landspeeder
1 Comm Scrambler w/power generator
3 Camouflage Netting
1 PLX-2M Missile Launcher w/ 4 missiles and extra Missile Packs (x2)
3 Detonite
2 Manual Trigger
3 Medpacs
10 Camo Ponchos for Rebels
Grenades for Launcher (?)
+Frag Grenades (x5)
+Concussion Grenades (x5)

COL Calculator

Aegis fees (per day or person)
Docking fees 20/day; Supplies 10/person/day in operation; Routine maintenance 200/every 20 HS jumps; Fuel 50/day of flight operations

PC fees
Average lifestyle 1,000/month per PC (see table 8.9 Core p.141) - basic amount for a PC to have average living accommodations, food, and lifestyle. Prices go up as the player increases the scale of his lifestyle.

So, based on these stated costs from the game books, and making the assumptions that - the PC's live on the ship year round, the ship is in dock 80% of the time, thus flying the other 20%, and 365 days in a year - the annual cost to the PC's will be 32,590 credits, or 2,716 per month (5840 + 21900 + 1200 + 3650).

If you want to maintain a written copy of your character sheet, feel free to download this PDF; understand that I will be going by your online stat blocks. - Star Wars SE Character Sheet (blank)

I also highly recommend this downloadable Excel character generator
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


ABIGAIL "ABBY"                       HL 9   

Medium Arkanian Offshoot Improviser 1/Scout 4/Scoundrel 3/Gunslinger 1
Force 10; Destiny 6; Dark Side 0
Init +8; Senses normal, Low-light with visor; Perception +9 (+11 with visor)
Languages Arkanian, Basic, Binary, Mon Calamarian, Sullustese
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 23), Fort 22, Will 23
hp 77; second wind +19/38 Current 0/77 Hit die d8; Threshold 22
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +7 (1d4+5)
Melee knife +7 (1d4+5)
Ranged blaster pistol +10 (3d6+4) or
Ranged blaster pistol +11 (3d6+5) with Point Blank shot or
Ranged stun grenade +10 (4d6+4 stun, 2-square burst)
Base Atk +6; Grp +10
Atk Options Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87]
Special Actions Determination [may reroll a failed trained skill check once per encounter, but must keep the second result - KotOR p.11] Fast Repairs [whenever you jury -rig, the item gains a number hit points equal to the Mechanics roll; hp go away at the end of the encounter - SOTG p.16] Fool's Luck [standard action to spend a FP and gain +1 on attacks, +5 on skills, or +1 to all defenses for the encounter - Core p.46] Gimmick [can issue Routine Command to a computer as a Swift action - Core p.47] Hold Together [as a Reaction, may spend a Force point to delay the effect of damage to a vehicle you are riding in or piloting until the end of the round - TUR p.26] Keep It Together [on a successful jury rig, item does not move -5 down CT, but does move -2 persistant steps down - SAV p.17] Quick Draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Quick Fix [once per encounter, you can jury rig an object of vehicle that is not disabled; all normal benefits and penalties for jury rigging apply - SOTG p.17]
Abilities Str 12 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Int 17 (+3), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 14 (+2)
Special Qualities No Tools Required [always considered to be using a tool or security kit when making a Mechanics or Use Computer check that would normally require one - RECG p.42]
Talents Fast Repairs [whenever you jury -rig, the item gains a number hit points equal to the Mechanics roll; hp go away at the end of the encounter - SOTG p.16] Fool's Luck [standard action to spend a FP and gain +1 on attacks, +5 on skills, or +1 to all defenses for the encounter - Core p.46] Gimmick [can issue Routine Command to a computer as a Swift action - Core p.47] Jury-Rigger [may reroll any Mechanics roll to accomplish jury-rigged repair, must keep new roll - Core p.50] Keep It Together [on a successful jury rig, item does not move -5 down CT, but does move -2 persistant steps down - SAV p.17] Quick Fix [once per encounter, you can jury rig an object of vehicle that is not disabled; all normal benefits and penalties for jury rigging apply - SOTG p.17]
Feats Droidcraft [can make repairs on a droid in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour - CWCG p.28] Hold Together [as a Reaction, may spend a Force point to delay the effect of damage to a vehicle you are riding in or piloting until the end of the round - TUR p.26] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Quick Draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Scavenger [spend 1 hour, make a Perception check; can scavenge raw materials for a single project at a time equal to Perception roll x 30 in credits; value is applied to construction cost - TFU p.35] Skill Focus (Mechanics, Use Computer) [Core p.88] Skill Training (Use Computer) [Core p.88] Tech Specialist [can make custom mods to weapons, vehicles, and devices; see book for more info - SOTG p.20] Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Primary Skills Acrobatics +13, Deception +11, Endurance +10, Knowledge (technology) +12 (+14 with bracer computer), Mechanics +17 (+19 with bracer computer, may reroll to accomplish a jury-rigged repair but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Perception +9, Pilot +13, Stealth +13, Use Computer +17 (+19 with bracer computer, may Issue Routine Command as swift action)
Secondary Skills Climb +5, Gather Information +6, Initiative +8, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +7, Knowledge (galactic lore) +7, Knowledge (life sciences) +7, Knowledge (physical sciences) +7, Knowledge (social sciences) +7, Knowledge (tactics) +7, Persuasion +6, Ride +8, Survival +4, Swim +5 Treat Injury +4
Possessions 1,120 credits, anti-rad dose, 10 blank datacards, blaster pistol with 4 spare power packs, communication scanner, 4 energy cells, 1 fire rod, 2 halo lamps, HiBaka 2000 Mem-Stik, knife, mastercrafted security kit (+1 to Mechanics skill), mastercrafted tool kit (+1 to Mechanics skill), radiation detector, 3 rolls of mesh tape, shipsuit, 1 tube of fire paste, bracer computer w/linked visor (see below)

Bracer Computer with linked visor

  • Intelligence 14 (+2), 20 memory units
  • a bracer computer is worn on the arm and is an electronic notepad/book, day planner, calculator and sketchpad, and may run larger applications (due to intel upgrade)
  • gives a +2 equipment bonus to Mechanics [or Knowledge {Technology}] and Use Computer checks
  • can interface with a computer that it can acces via direct link or comlink (wifi)
  • links to a visor that has a monitor HUD via the visor comlink
  • visor also provides a +2 equipment bonus to Perception, low-light vision, and hands free comlink (computer HUD cannot be active for this benefit)

35 BBY    Abigail is born on Arkania

33 BBY   Abigail moves with her parents to Dak because of racial discrimination against Abigail and her mother, Ellia. Abigail's father begins working for the Mon Calamari Shipyards as an engineer.

25 BBY   Abigail moves with her parents to Sullust as her father, Arslan Caho, begins working as a chief engineer for the SoroSuub Corporation.

20 BBY   Abigail's mother, Ellia, is believed to succumb to the Sullustan-plague. She dies after an intense and agonizing battle with the disease.

18 BBY    Abigail's father, Arslan Caho, disappears suddenly. Arslan's colleague and friend, Trigo Noth, meets with Abigail privately and informs her that her father has been taken by Imperial forces because he has refused to work on a special project for them.

Abigail flees Sullust, working as a ship mechanic aboard the Wayfarer-class transport, Kukathas, captained by the merchant/smuggler Pash Acksedge.

16 BBY   Abigail parts company with Pash Achsedge on good terms. Pash Achsedge gives Abigail a name of someone on Abregado-rae who may have information on her father's whereabouts (Herm). Abigail begins working for Rizzo, a shop owner and acquaintance of Herm.

15 BBY   Abigail believes she has located her father. It is believed he is being held at an Imperial prison facility on Salliche. Abby begins looking for an opportunity to rescue him.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


CADEN WHITESUN                       HL 9   

Medium Human Scoundrel 8/Scout 1
Force 9; Destiny 5; Dark Side 0
Init +6; Senses normal; Perception +11
Languages Basic, Huttese
Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 22), Fort 23, Will 23; Dodge [designate an opponent and receive+1 dodge bonus to Reflex - Core pg. 84] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50] Vehicular combat [may negate a weapon hit with successful Pilot check; also considered proficient with vehicle weapons that can be fired from the pilot position - Core p.89]
hp 79; second wind +19/39 Current 0/79 Hit die d8; Threshold 23
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +7 (1d4+4)
Melee combat gloves +7 (1d4+6)
Ranged blaster carbine +8 (3d8+4) or
Ranged blaster carbine +3 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged blaster carbine +9 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +6 (4d8+4) with Rapid Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +7 (4d8+5) with Rapid Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +4 (3d8+5) with autofire and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +1 (4d8+4) with autofire and Rapid Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +2 (4d8+5) with autofire and Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +7 (4d8+4) with Rapid shot or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +10 (3d8+5) with Point blank shot or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +8 (4d8+5) with Point blank shot and Rapid Shot
Ranged hold out blaster pistol +9 (3d4+4) or
Ranged hold out blaster pistol +7 (4d4+4) with Rapid shot or
Ranged hold out blaster pistol +10 (3d4+5) with Point blank shot
Ranged hold out blaster pistol +8 (4d4+5) with Point blank shot and Rapid Shot
Base Atk +6; Grp +8
Atk Options autofire (blaster carbine) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots - Core p.156] Far Shot [reduce range category by one and thus reduce or remove the penalty - Core p.85] Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Rapid shot [-2 penalty on attack roll, but +1 die of damage - Core p.88]
Special Actions Better Lucky than Dead [once per encounter, as a reaction, gain a +5 to one defense until end of turn - SAV p.14] Dodge [gain +1 Reflex bonus against chosen opponent - Core p.84] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50] Fool's Luck [standard action to spend a FP and gain +1 on attacks, +5 on skills, or +1 to all defenses for the encounter - Core p.46] Hyperdriven [once per day, while on a starship you can add your class level as a bonus on an attack roll, skill roll, or abilities check even after the roll has been made - Core p.47] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Vehicular combat [may negate a weapon hit with successful Pilot check; also considered proficient with vehicle weapons that can be fired from the pilot position - Core p.89]
Abilities Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)
Talents Better Lucky than Dead [once per encounter, as a reaction, gain a +5 to one defense until end of turn - SAV p.14] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50] Fool's Luck [standard action to spend a FP and gain +1 on attacks, +5 on skills, or +1 to all defenses for the encounter - Core p.46] Gambler [+2 to Wisdom checks when gamble - Core p.46] Hyperdriven [once per day, while on a starship you can add your class level as a bonus on an attack roll, skill roll, or abilities check even after the roll has been made - Core p.47]
Feats Dodge [gain +1 Reflex bonus against chosen opponent - Core p.84] Far Shot [reduce range category by one and thus reduce or remove the penalty - Core p.85] Improved defenses [+1 bonus to defenses - Core p.85] Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Rapid shot [-2 penalty on attack roll, but +1 die of damage - Core p.88] Skill Focus (Pilot) [Core p.88] Skill Training (Deception) [Core p.88] Vehicular combat [may negate a weapon hit with successful Pilot check; also considered proficient with vehicle weapons that can be fired from the pilot position - Core p.89] Weapon focus (pistols) [+1 to attack with chosen weapon group - Core p.89] Weapon pro (pistols, rifles, simple)
Primary Skills Deception +12, Gather Information +12, Mechanics +10, Perception +11, Persuasion +12, Pilot +11, Use Computer +10
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +5, Endurance +6, Initiative +6, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +5, Knowledge (galactic lore) +5, Knowledge (life sciences) +5, Knowledge (physical sciences) +5, Knowledge (social sciences) +5, Knowledge (tactics) +5, Knowledge (technology) +5, Ride +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Swim +5, Treat Injury +6
Possessions 11,404 credits, combat gloves, comlink, heavy blaster pistol with 3 spare power packs, hold-out blaster, pocket scrambler, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), all-temperature cloak, credit stick, datapad, medical kit

Background Tall and lanky with blue eyes and light brown hair, Caden is popular with the ladies - not that he ever stays around long enough, however. He's not above leveraging his good looks and quick tongue to get what he wants - which may either be business or pleasure, depending on the moment. He's a lover, not a fighter - at least, he'd prefer to be. It just never seems to work out that way.

An opportunist, Caden prefers to keep moving - it's easier to maintain his "freedom" that way. He'd much rather talk his way out of a fight than involve himself in one. Caden is extremely picky about his ship - everything must be kept in its place. Nobody, but nobody flies his "Princess" but him... and nobody knows where he hides more credits then people think he has. Caden has a wandering eye, and a weakness for pretty ladies and the occasional card game. He prefers to keep his nose clean, but isn't above the odd smuggling run if it's worth the credits.

Raised on Bestine IV, young Caden loved the sea; the freedom to go where and when he wanted. His family had money growing up; his great-grandparents had settled on Tatooine before the Dowager Queen crash, and as part of the earliest investors there, Caden's family took what money they earned and invested it wisely.

The Aegis was one of his family's three ships, built at the famed Bestine shipyards with pride. After the Empire expanded and took over those shipyards, Caden left the family's Whitesun Courier business to make his own way - one that would require less Imperial entanglements and allow him to indulge his wanderlust. He bought the ship with his inheritance (both existing and future) and has never regretted it.

Unfortunately, Caden hasn't found "his own way" all that easy, but given that he has the freedom he desires, he's not unhappy... though he often laments his old life of relative comfort, and actively seeks to acquire another one.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Codename: BIT                       HL 8

Medium Human Soldier 2 / Scoundrel 6
Force 9; Destiny 7; Dark Side 0
Init +12; Senses normal; Perception +11
Languages Basic, Binary, Bocce, High Galactic, Huttese
Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 20), Fort 24, Will 22
hp 85; second wind +21/42 Current 17/85 Hit die d10; Threshold 24
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +7 (1d4+5)
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +10 (3d8+4) or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +10 (4d8+4) with Deadeye or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +11 (3d8+3) with Careful Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +11 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +12 (3d8+5) with Careful Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +11 (4d8+4) with Deadeye and Careful Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +12 (4d8+5) with Deadeye, Careful Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +8 (4d8+4) with Rapid Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +9 (4d8+4) with Rapid Shot and Careful Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +9 (4d8+5) with Rapid Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Heavy blaster pistol +10 (4d8+5) with Rapid Shot, Careful Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +11 (3d10+4) or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +11 (4d10+4) with Deadeye or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +12 (3d10+4) with Careful Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +12 (3d10+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +13 (3d10+5) with Careful Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +12 (4d10+4) with Deadeye and Careful Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +13 (4d10+5) with Deadeye, Careful Shot, and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +9 (4d10+4) with Rapid Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +10 (4d10+4) with Rapid Shot and Careful Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +10 (4d10+5) with Rapid Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +11 (4d10+5) with Rapid Shot, Careful Shot and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +6/+6 (3d10+4) with Double Attack or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +7/+7 (3d10+5) with Double Attack and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +4/+4 (4d10+4) with Double Attack and Rapid Shot or
Ranged Sniper blaster rifle* +5/+5 (4d10+5) with Double Attack, Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot or
*accurate weapon - no range penalty at point blank or short ranges
Base Atk +6; Grp +10
Atk Options Careful Shot [+1 to ranged attack if aimed first - Core p.82] Deadeye [if ranged shot is aimed and successful, increase damage by 1 weapon die - Core p.84] Devastating Attack (rifles) [treat target's threshold as -5 less when attacking with chosen weapon group - Core p.53] Double Attack (rifles) [as a Full Round action, you may make two attacks with weapon at -5 for all attacks within round - Core p.84] Far Shot [ranged attacks within short, medium, or long range have penalty reduced by one band - Core p.85] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.97] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Rapid Shot [-2 penalty on attack roll, but +1 die of damage; -5 if STR is less than 13 -Core p.88] Sniper [ignore soft cover when making a ranged attack - Core p.88]
Special Actions Electronic Sabotage [as a Standard Use Computer action, can lock down a computer system; computer will be unfriendly to all others and its new Will Defense is equal to the Use Computer roll. Effect ends if computer's attitude is changed to indifferent by another. Cannot take 20 on this talent - TFU p.27]
Abilities Str 13 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 16 (+3), Int 18 (+4), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 14 (+2)
Talents Devastating Attack (rifles) [treat target's threshold as -5 less when attacking with chosen weapon group - Core p.53] Electronic Sabotage [as a Standard Use Computer action, can lock down a computer system; computer will be unfriendly to all others and its new Will Defense is equal to the Use Computer roll. Effect ends if computer's attitude is changed to indifferent by another. Cannot take 20 on this talent - TFU p.27] Security Slicer [can disable a security system without a security kit; also, something goes wrong only if you fail by 10 or more - TFU p.27] Virus [can substitute a Use Computer for a Mechanics check when disabling an computerized device; effort takes 1 minute and the DC is equal to the computer's Will Defense; also if someone else tries to access the computer with a droid, or another computer, that droid or computer's attiitude will immediately change to unfriendly - SaV p.16]
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium) [Core p.82] Careful Shot [+1 to ranged attack if aimed first - Core p.82] Deadeye [if ranged shot is aimed and successful, increase damage by 1 weapon die - Core p.84] Double Attack (rifles) [as a Full Round action, you may make two attacks with weapon at -5 for all attacks within round - Core p.84] Far Shot [ranged attacks within short, medium, or long range have penalty reduced by one band - Core p.85] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.97] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a tartget engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Rapid Shot [-2 penalty on attack roll, but +1 die of damage; -5 if STR is less than 13 -Core p.88] Skill Focus (Use Computer) [Core p.88] Sniper [ignore soft cover when making a ranged attack - Core p.88] Weapon Focus (rifles) [+1 to attack with chosen weapon group - Core p.89] Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple) [Core. p89]
Primary Skills Initiative +13, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +13, Mechanics +13 (may Use Computer +13 to disable a computerized device instead), Perception +12, Pilot +13, Stealth +13, Treat Injury +12, Use Computer +18
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +8,  Climb +6, Deception +6, Endurance +7, Gather informaion +6, Jump +6, Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +8,  Knowledge (Life Sciences) +8,  Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +8,  Knowledge (Social Sciences) +8,  Knowledge (Tactics) +8,  Knowledge (Technology) +8, Persuasion +6, Ride +8, Survival +7, Swim +6
Possessions 285 credits, heavy blaster pistol, sniper blaster rifle w/ scope and bipod (SaV - must be aimed or take a -5 penalty to attack), shadowsuit, Arakyd Hush-About personal jetpack (5 fuel cells), sound sponge, utility belt, 5 power packs, long-range comlink, datapad, all-temperature cloak

Background He is known as BIT, as in slices 'em and blows them into.  He was hidden undercover in covert operations when the war ended, but was forgotten deep in the Outer Rim.  Defected so to speak and now hires himself out as a merc infiltrator and sniper to crime bosses.  BIT was caught at Malastare as he was sacrificed by a merc team so that they could escape.  He has no love for the Empire and what it has turned into but is wary about openly resisting as he's still on their books, at least as MIA.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


FAROK                       HL 9

Medium Human (middle-aged) Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 2
Force 10; Destiny 6; Dark Side 0
Init +5; Senses normal; Perception +12
Languages Basic, Huttese, Ryl
Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 24; Block [as reaction, may block a melee attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive block in a turn - Core p.41] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41] Instinctive defense [as a free action, may spend a Force point to increase all defenses by +2 until the start of your next turn - TUR p.27]
hp 90; second wind +22/45 Current 5/90 Hit die d10; Threshold 21
Condition normal (no penalty)
Immune Unstoppable Force [+5 to Fortitude and Will Defense against any Use the Force checks  - CWCG p.31]
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+5)
Melee lightsaber +10 (2d8+5) or
Melee baton +10 (1d6+5)
Ranged by weapon +10
Base Atk +9; Grp +10
Atk Options Follow Through [if you deal enough damage to an opponent to reduce him to 0 hp, you may immediately move up to your speed - JATM p.23] Instinctive Attack [when you use an FP on an attack roll, you may reroll the dice and take the better of the two and apply the result of the FP die - TUR p.27] Maniacal Charge [when using the charge action, you may make a free Persuasion roll to intimidate your target and each person you pass within 1 square; if successful against an enemy, they cannot make an AoO and the target is considered flat-footed - TUR p.27]
Special Actions Consular's Vitality [once per round as a Swift action, you grant one ally within 12 squares and LOS bonus hit points equal to 5+CHA mod – CWCG p.22] Dampen Presence [when you interact with a sentient, as a Swift action you may make a UtF against their Will defense to make them not remember you, higher level creatures gain a +5 to Will - TFU p.24] Force Cloak [as a swift action, you may surround yourself with an invisible bubble of Force powere that hides you and all carried items from electronic surveillance, lasts until start of your next turn or may be maintained with a standard action  - Core p.107]
Abilities Str 13 (+1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 10 (+0), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 16 (+3)
Special qualities Build lightsaber
Talents Block [as reaction, may block a melee attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive block in a turn - Core p.41] Consular's Vitality [once per round as a Swift action, you grant one ally within 12 squares and LOS bonus hit points equal to 5+CHA mod – CWCG p.22] Dampen Presence [when you interact with a sentient, as a Swift action you may make a UtF against their Will defense to make them not remember you, higher level creatures gain a +5 to Will - TFU p.24] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41] Force Cloak [as a swift action, you may surround yourself with an invisible bubble of Force powere that hides you and all carried items from electronic surveillance, lasts until start of your next turn or may be maintained with a standard action  - Core p.107]
Feats Cornered [whenever threatened by an opponent and you cannot make the withdraw action, you gain a +2 attack bonus against the opponent threatening you - SAV p.21] Follow Through [if you deal enough damage to an opponent to reduce him to 0 hp, you may immediately move up to your speed - JATM p.23] Force Sensitivity [Core p.85] Force Training (2) [Core p.85] Instinctive Attack [when you use an FP on an attack roll, you may reroll the dice and take the better of the two and apply the result of the FP die - TUR p.27] Instinctive Defense [on your turn, as a Free action, you may spend a FP to increase your Defense scores by +2 until the start of your next turn - TUR p.27] Maniacal Charge [when using the charge action, you may make a free Persuasion roll to intimidate your target and each person you pass within 1 square; if successful against an enemy, they cannot make an AoO and the target is considered flat-footed - TUR p.27] Unstoppable Force [+5 to Fortitude and Will Defense against any Use the Force checks  - CWCG p.31] Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Force Powers

enlighten [LECG p.54](swift action or reaction; one ally within 12 squares and line of sight) • Mind-Affecting
+12 Use the Force check; target may use the check result instead of one attack roll, skill check, opposed check it makes, or in place of one of its defenses before the start of your next turn
Spend a Force Point to extend the effect until the end of your next turn
force disarm [Core p.97](standard; one creature within 6 squares and line of sight) • Telekinetic
+12 Use the Force check check in place of your attack roll in an attempt to disarm against opponents REF+10 (+5 more if opponent is holding weapon with two hands); item may drop to the opponent's feet or fly into your hand (must have a free hand)
Spend a Force Point to damage or destroy weapon instead; if attack is successful, items takes damage equal to check result; must declare this option before making roll
hawk-bat swoop [JATM p.31](standard; you plus one enemy within your reach) • Lightsaber Form
+12 Use the Force check:
DC 15: Move up to 2 squares (does not provoke attacks of opportunity); if you end adjacent to an enemy, you may make one lightsaber attack against them
DC 20: as DC 15 except you may move up to 4 squares
DC 25: as DC 15 except you may move up to 6 squares
DC 30: as DC 15 except you may move up to 8 squares
If you have lightsaber form (Ataru), you may move an additional 2 squares after your attack (does not provoke an attack of opportunity)
Spend a Force Point to deal +2 dice of damage with your lightsaber attack
makashi riposte [JATM p.32](reaction; you; when targeted by a melee attack) • Lightsaber Form
+12 vs. attack roll, take half damage and make a single attack against target after damage, deal half damage on a miss
Spend a Force Point to take no damage from the incoming attack
mind trick [Core p.98](standard; one creature of intelligence 3 or higher within 12 squares and line of sight) • Mind-Affecting
+12 vs. Will to:
1. create an hallucination to use Stealth even if target is aware
2. perform a feint so that target loses Dexterity bonus to Reflex on your next attack against them
3. make an unpalatable suggestion
4. fill target with terror to flee at top speed 1 minute, stops fleeing if wounded, not if higher level
Spend a Force Point to improve attitude one step, + one step per every 5 points the check exceeds Will
move object [Core p.98](standard; one character or object within 12 squares and line of sight) • Telekinetic
+12 vs Will if target resists, hurl or drop object vs. target's Reflex, both take damage according to DC below
DC 15: Move up to medium object, 2d6 damage
DC 20: Move up to large object, 4d6 damage
DC 25: Move up to huge object, 6d6 damage
DC 30: Move up to gargantuan object, 8d6 damage
DC 35: Move up to colossal object, 10d6 damage
Moving or hovering target opposes Use the Force with a grapple check
Spend a Force Point to increase max size of object one category and +2d6 damage (max 12d6)
Spend a Destiny Point to increase max size three categories and +6d6 damage (max 16d6)
rising whirlwind [JATM p.34](standard; two enemies within reach and you must be wielding two lightsabers to use this power) • Lightsaber Form
+12 Use the Force check:
DC 15: make two lightsaber attacks, each against a different target; if both attacks hit you gain +10 bonus hit points; any damage reduces these hit points first and they disappear at the end of the encounter
DC 20: as DC 15 except you gain +15 bonus hit points
DC 25: as DC 15 except you gain +20 bonus hit points
DC 30: as DC 15 except you gain +25 bonus hit points
If you have lightsaber form (Jar'kai), you may move up to 2 squares between the two attacks (does not provoke an attack of opportunity)
Spend a Force point to deal +1d6 damage to each target you hit
unhindered charge [JATM p.36](standard; you) • Lightsaber Form
DC 15: move your speed toward an enemy ignoring difficult terrain and low objects; make a single lightsaber attack
DC 20: as DC 15 except you move +2 squares
DC 25: as DC 15 except you move +4 squares
DC 30: as DC 15 except you move +6 squares
Spend a Force Point to move +2 squares
Force Techniques Improved Mind Trick [may change the power to a full-round action to target all creatures in a 6-square cone that originates from your square; may spend a force point to increase the cone to 12-squares - TFU p.89]
Primary Skills Knowledge (bureaucracy) +11, Knowledge (galactic lore) +11, Knowledge (social sciences) +11, Perception +12, Use the Force +12
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +5, Deception +7, Endurance +4, Gather Information +7, Initiative +5, Jump +5, Knowledge (life sciences) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (tactics) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Mechanics +6, Persuasion +7, Pilot +5, Ride +5, Stealth +5, Survival +7, Swim +5, Treat Injury +7, Use Computer +6
Possessions 5,000 credits, baton, lightsaber

Background Padawan - that was a name he was once known by. He started life known as Farok, and now he was known as that again. No longer Padawan, and certainly not Jedi Farok. Now it was simply Farok. If he desired he could tell people, if they asked, that it was the fall of the Republic that changed the direction of this life, but that would not be true. He was called before the council during the Clone Wars in order to face the challenges to attain full knighthood. Those were troubled times and much transpired that would not ordinarily have happened. The death of his Jedi Master set him on the path of doubt and also caused him to question the methods and decisions of the Council. When he was called to undergo the challenges he refused. The Order, he believed, had become ritualized and mystified what was a natural pattern to the Force. Balance would not come from a messianic figure but an understanding that there is no light side without a dark side. They need to coexist and struggle, when the balance shifted the weaker would grow stronger to compensate. The Force would balance itself. Whether Farok was expelled from the Council Hall or quit would be up for interpretation.

Farok set out on his own path of discovery and exploration of the force on his own. It was this fortunate event that allowed him to escape the purge of the Jedi. His name was struck from the archives and rolls upon his dismissal, so he was not know by name by the Jedi Hunters.

The net the hunters cast was wide and extensive. Not content to hunt only the remnants of the order but all users of the Force as enemies of the state, average citizens became the eyes and ears of a new Imperial pogrom. Deeper below the grid Farok had to go, the core worlds were too dangerous, previous contacts had become liabilities and all ties and trails needed to be erased. The first friend he had tried to find sanctuary with turned into a trap that cost him his arm when a chance encounter led him face to face with a Jedi Hunter.

Farok eventually found his way to Tatoonie and attempted to stay off of the grid. Taking to the deep desert he thought the austerity would be a sanctuary in and of itself out in the Great Mesa Plateau. Ultimately circumstance had caused him to break his rule of not getting involved. Farok accidently found himself enmeshed in a Ryll drug smuggling operation, between off-worlders, the Hutts, and the local authorities of Mos Cisky. On a yearlong campaign of desert raiding and investigation "The Sand Walker"  became widely known in the Southern Plateau - once an austere hermit, he was now known in village and holding.  Stories spread among the natives of the shadow warrior who knew the ways of the desert and possessed the water discipline of a native. Farok had broken another of his rules of keeping a low profile.

When all was settled Farok managed to come out better off than he had in years. By playing all the sides off of each other he had managed to earn the respect of the Hutts, the thanks of the authorities of Mos Cynski, and the friendship and trust of the desert peoples. Escaping from his own reputation he had made for himself, he fled abruptly to Mos Entha. The Force had found him and he felt it growing stronger within him. Knowing as he did that the Force maintained itself and empowered the champions it needed, he again stopped using his skills. He didn't want to be the tool of the Force or bear the responsibilities of his skills and training. Burying himself into the low end bar and casino culture of Mos Entha, he again tried to escape from himself.

The Twi'lek was from Ryloth. The similarity between Tatoonie and her own home planet was extensive. The sand and bright sunlight created patterns and weather much like her home.   She had been bought by a tribe of roving sand men of the deep desert. Raised to be a slave she thought little of her station. She was told that her price in water was a great sum and the whole tribe had traded many banthas to acquire her.  A great sum for such a nomadic people she realized immediately. The tribe had bought her from the Hutts to make a gift of her to a great desert warrior. And Ardana Mitt`Ayehe had found herself the property of "The Sand Walker" to pay a water debt of the tribe to the desert commando. She sensed the elements of a desert creature about him; to the Tribesman he had no name, only his title Fedaykin the Sand Walker.

On the giving day she heard the tribesmen tell great stories of the deeds of the Sand Walker and the war he fought in the desert to restore peace to the land. He spoke little, but if the stories were only half true he had done great deeds and his bearing and countenance reminded Ardana of the folk tales of her own planet.  When she was presented to the warrior he called her Masaaraq, saying that her skin changed with light as it does in great expanses of ice on far away frozen worlds and she smiled at the pet name. The reference to frozen water on this arid hot planet was pregnant with deeper meanings.

She learned later that his true name was Farok. He treated her kindly and soon they left the Southern Plateau and he told her never to call him the Sand Walker as that part of him was now dead. When they arrived at Mos Entha he gave her a cred stick and released her. Though the desert had had the effect on him that it has on all humans, drying and marring their skin so that they appear older, the man before her seemed to age in spirit.  He took to drinking in the casinos heavier and heavier and awoke in the night screaming many nights, plagued he said by desert djinn. Farok seemed at times to want her around and at other ignored her completely. He never kept a slave collar on her or bound her to him; he even removed the Twi'lek sensory blocks that would allow her to speak freely undetected with other Twi'leks. As time passed Ardana Mitt`Ayehe found herself caring for the broken desert creature that she had inherited, feeding and housing him. She worked at the casino serving drinks, hired out by her master to both keep an eye on him, and make sure that his debts were paid and he had food and a place to stay. He never questioned the fact that his tab was never called due.  This was not the life that she had expected as a slave, but perhaps this was just life as it was. She hoped to again see the dedication of purpose and strength of her first master - The Sand Walker. she knew he was there still buried like the sly creatures of the deep desert in the height of the noon sun.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


KAIDA KATAN                 HL 9    

Medium Human Jedi 2/Noble 5/Scout 1/Soldier 1
Force 9; Destiny 4; Dark Side 0
Init +12; Senses normal, Darkvision, Low-light vision; Perception +12
Languages Basic, Binary, Bothese, Cerean, Mon Calamar, Rodese
Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 21), Fort 22, Will 22; Dodge [gain +1 Reflex bonus against chosen opponent - Core p.84] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50]
hp 79; second wind +19/39 Current 0/79 Hit die d10; Threshold 22
Immune +5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +6 (1d4+4)
Melee Lightsaber +6 (2d8+4)
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged hold out blaster pistol +9 (3d4+4) or
Ranged light repeating blaster +4 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged light repeating blaster +7 (3d8+4) when braced or
Ranged blaster carbine +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged blaster carbine +4 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged frag grenade +9 (4d6+4, 2-square burst)
Base Atk +6; Grp +9
Atk Options autofire (lightrepeating blaster, blaster carbine) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots - Core p.156] Devastating Attack (lightsaber) [treat target's damage threshold as -5 lower on a successful attack - Core p.53]
Special Actions Adept Negotiator [as a Standard action, you may lower a target with a 3+ INT -1 on the CT; target must be able to see, hear and understand you, make a Persuasion check against target's Will defense; target gets a +5 bonus to Will if it is a higher level; if successful, moves -1 on CT - does not fall unconscious, but will not attack again unless attacked] Born leader [once per encounter, grant a +1 bonus to attack to all allies in LOS - Core p.44] Brace (light repeating blaster) [only take a -2 penalty to autofire or Burst Fire feat - Core p.156] Dodge [gain +1 Reflex bonus against chosen opponent - Core p.50] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.84] Inspire Haste [as a Swift action, can inspire haste which allows target to make a Standard action for their Move action on their next turn - Core p.44] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87]
Abilities Str 10 (+0), Dex 17 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 15 (+2)
Special Qualities may build a lightsaber
Talents Adept Negotiator [as a Standard action, you may lower a target with a 3+ INT -1 on the CT; target must be able to see, hear and understand you, make a Persuasion check against target's Will defense; target gets a +5 bonus to Will if it is a higher level; if successful, moves -1 on CT - does not fall unconscious, but will not attack again unless attacked] Born leader [once per encounter, grant a +1 bonus to attack to all allies in LOS - Core p.44] Devastating Attack (lightsaber) [treat target's damage threshold as -5 lower on a successful attack - Core p.53] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50] Inspire Haste [as a Swift action, can inspire haste which allows target to make a Standard action for their Move action on their next turn - Core p.44] Wealth [each time you gain a level, you earn 5,000 x Noble level in credits - Core p.44]
Feats Armor pro (light) Dodge [gain +1 Reflex bonus against chosen opponent - Core p.84] Force Sensitivity [may make Use the Force checks - Core p.85] Linguist [gain bonus languages] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Skill focus (persuasion, treat injury) Skill training (3) Weapon pro (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple)
Primary Skills Deception +11, Gather Information +11, Initiative +12, Knowledge (social sciences) +11, Knowledge (tactics) +11, Perception +12, Persuasion +16, Pilot +12, Stealth +12, Treat Injury +15, Use Computer +11, Use the Force +11
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +4, Endurance +5, Jump +4, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +6, Knowledge (life sciences) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Mechanics +6, Ride +7, Survival +5, Swim +4
Possessions 31,590 credits, shadowsuit and helmet (w/package), all-temperature cloak, basic datapad, binder cuffs, blaster carbine, comlink, 2 concealed holsters, credit chip, frag grenade, heavy blaster pistol, hold-out blaster with spare energy cell, light repeating blaster with 2 spare power packs, lightsaber, liquid cable dispenser, 2 medpacs, mesh tape, pocket scrambler, 5 ration packs, 2 computer spikes (+2), security kit, 4 frags, 2 smoke grenades, jetpack (10/10), droideka

Background A beautiful and persuasive young woman in her early twenties, Kaida has mid-back length auburn hair which she usually has done up in a single braid down her back. She has a ready and genuine smile that brightens up any room. But she can sometimes be temperamental. Her penetrating brown eyes often see more into a person's character than she lets on. Unless she is at a formal occasion that requires gowns, she usually wears close-fitting but modest clothing more suitable for running from/fighting against the Empire.

Fiercely determined yet somewhat naive about her chances, she is determined to meet up with her family members and retake her native planet. She is a quick learner who is not easily swayed from her opinions and desires. She enjoys comforts when she can get them, but realizes there's more to life. Somewhat overconfident, naive, and until recently she grew up rather spoiled. She is sometimes irritable and frustrated when things aren't happening the way she wants. A bit of a control freak.

Kaida Katan is a young and beautiful human of noble birth. A princess and the youngest in line for the throne of the royal house of Commenor, she was always given the very best and was rather doted on by her father, leaving her rather spoiled. Yet all that that changed when her planet came under the thumb of the Empire. Originally her freedom loving planet had stood up to the Empire, hoping that other systems would join their cause. Unfortunately, most did not, seeking instead for appeasement rather than freedom.

After a somewhat brief and rather hopeless struggle, the Empire took over the system, and she and her siblings went under cover and were secreted away off planet when the first legions of the Empire's ground forces smashed through the palace defenses. Her guardians have nearly all died protecting her and helping her escape. It was during those trying days and in the harrowing months that followed that she learned not only the basics of command, tactics, but also how to shoot a blaster and ask questions later-- in short how to survive.

She now seeks to finding any other family survivors from her home planet and joining whoever has the means of standing up to the ever-increasing encroachment of the Empire. Low on funds and friends, she arrived some weeks ago on Bespin using public transportation.

Seeing her freedom-loving planet overrun by the Empire, she hates all that they stand for and do. She is currently seeking a way off Bespin and the means of finding other surviving members of the royal family who seem to have been scattered to the outer reaches of the galaxy.

She hopes a few leads of where to start looking will crop up.

Father - Jerrik Nevar Katan [deceased]
Mother - Dania Vox Katan

Siblings Kaida is a princess and the youngest in line for the throne of the royal house of Commenor. She has two older brothers and one older sister they are as follows:

Prince Delmon - Age 35 (Next in line to the throne. Trained as a general in the army under the direction of his father.) [deceased]
Prince Jalek - Age 28 (In charge of intelligence-spynetwork, security, and palace defenses)
Princess Kilstara - Age 25 (Senator to the old republic) [imprisoned]
Princess Kaida (me) - Age 20 (No official job but the last three years assisted her older sister)

Government Democratic monarchy, with the monarchy at the top of the ruling class, but the people do have a representative form of government. The royal family is beloved of the people, since they were instrumental in overthrowing a previous tyrannical regime about the time Kaida was born - they brought taxes to a reasonable level, and gave larger representation to the people.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


AEGIS                              CL 7    PC reference

Loronar E-9 Explorer, Colossal transport
Size modifier reflex, init -10/threshold +50/grapple +20
Init (PC init rank-10+2); Senses (PC perception rank +4 vehicle Int mod); Sensors (PC use computer rank +4 vehicle Int mod)
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 24; +13 armor
hp 134/150; DR 15; SR 40/45 (shield recharge PC mechanic rank)
Threshold 74; Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged laser cannon ventral (PC ranged BAB + 4 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2)
Ranged laser cannon dorsal (PC ranged BAB + 4 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2)
Ranged laser cannon ventral (PC ranged BAB + 4 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2) with autofire
Ranged laser cannon dorsal (PC ranged BAB + 4 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2) with autofire
Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk (PC BAB); Grp Pilot ranged BAB+34
Atk Options autofire (laser cannon, blaster carbine) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage (dice roll must be 10 or greater); costs 10 shots - Core p.156]
Abilities Str 38 (+14), Dex 14 (+2), Con —, Int 18 (+4)
Skills Initiative (PC init-10+2), Mechanics (PC stat), Perception (PC stat), Pilot (PC stat), Use Computer (PC stat)
Crew 4 (Normal); Passengers 4
Cargo 25 tons; Consumables 2 years; Carried Craft arrow-23 speeder
Hyperdrive x1 (backup x12), navicomputer
Availability Licensed; Cost 225,000
Available Emplacement Points 3
Upgrades Combat thrusters (1 emp); Jamming suite (reduced Cargo cap by 5); Hidden cargo hold [25%] (1 emp)

Thrusters treat Aegis as one size category smaller than what it is for purpose of being targeted by capital ships; they also allow for the ship to engage, and be engaged, in a dogfight
Jamming suite extends a -2 penalty to Use Computer [communication & sensor] tests; jammed ship must be within six squares and must be chosen
Hidden Cargo hold [25%] 25% of the Aegis' cargo hold has been hidden behind a fake bulkhead and faux machinery. Finding that a portion of the ship is unreachable would require a 5 minute routine inspection and Perception check (DC 15), but finding access requires a Perception check (DC 25) and 5 hours of searching
Ship's cost modifier is x5
Specs The Aegis is 65 meters long (43 squares in game as squares are 1.5 meters - all game square areas below are calculated for any lost space due to i.e the jammer pod). There are two hold sections, one with a hidden smugglers bay. The sizes are as follow: Hold 1 is 9x6 meters (36 squares); Smugglers hold is 6x6 meters but has a rounded wall (20 squares); Hold 2 is 15x6 meters, but loses an area 7x2 where the jammer pod sits (51 squares). So, the two speeder bikes each take 2x2 square areas (8 squares total), the e-web takes 1 square, and the Arrow-23 takes 3x3 square area (9 squares).

The Aegis is a weathered Loronar E9 explorer vessel. Designed to be a long-range scout that requires a small crew to operate at peak efficiency, the ship is streamlined to maximize atmospheric flight for planetary landings and holds enough supplies to allow the ship to operate for long periods between starport visits.

The ship's bridge houses stations that allow the entire four-person crew to monitor and operate most ship systems. The crew quarters, located within the main body of the ship, are spacious enough to allow the crew and any passengers they take aboard to live comfortably during long voyages. The lounge holds an autochef system to help meet the crew's nutritional needs as well as a holographic game table and other entertainment systems to keep the minds and bodies active between destinations. In addition to the engineering section, the main body of the ship also holds a two-deck cargo bay large enough to hold a small repulsorlift vehicle, which can leave the ship through the ventral cargo elevator.

To help make the lives of technicians easier when repairs need to be made during flight, a network of crawlways was built under the main deck that can access virtually any part of the ship. Despite their convenient use, their only access point is through the gunwell just inside the front area of the cargo bay. Anyone trying to gain entry into the maintenance tunnels anywhere else must cut through the deck plating.

The E-9 Explorer comes equipped with two laser cannons, one on top and one on the bottom of the main body of the ship, under the belief that the weapons should provide sufficient defense against any dangers it may face. Though not initially conceived by its designers, many owners of the ship found that the weaponry can be upgraded easily to more lethal armament, including double, quad, or even heavy laser cannons. Some shrewd owners have even been known to install a proton torpedo launcher into the underside of the ship's nose. Such measures are viewed by Loronar and the Imperial government as highly unnecessary and have been known to incite seizure of the ship by the Empire.

The Loronar E-9 Explorer was first introduced to the galaxy near the end of the Clone Wars as an unarmed transport. Amid the political turmoil and the rising success of the Corellian Engineering Corporation's line of light freighters, the E-9 experienced only mild success with its intended market. Despite this, Loronar maintained their support of the ship, believing that sales would pick up. Several times over the next few years, the ship was nearly discontinued but managed to gain enough customer support to persist.

When Loronar decided to follow the trend established by other ship production companies and add weaponry to their light freighters and transports, the E-9 was one of the first to receive the upgrade and subsequent advertising promotion. Sales rose dramatically, as customers suddenly noticed the vessel's value and guaranteed the survival of the line.

The success was short-lived, however, as the Empire cracked down on shipbuilding companies that incorporated weapons into their ships. Loronar pleaded with the Imperial Bureau of Shipyards and Construction and fought a long legal battle that nearly forced the company to stop production of the line. Finally, Loronar gained permission to continue to produce and sell the E-9 as an armed transport with the justification that the ship would be used as an exploration vessel and required the armament to defend itself away from the protection offered by the Empire.

With a renewed purpose, Loronar upgraded the ship's sensor suite, changed its marketing strategy, and advertised the E-9 as an armed scout vessel. Although sales were not as high as they once were, Loronar decided not to forsake the good fortune they received and continued to support the ship well into the first years of the New Republic.

E-9 Explorers in the Galaxy
Most often, E-9 Explorers can be found away from the Core Worlds in unexplored star systems or at distant starports, used by hardy crews scouting for new planets and secrets away from the notice of the galactic population. However, several of the ships have been used by small mercenary bands as their primary vessel or means of transport to and from various missions. Still other E-9s have fallen into the hands of pirates that use the ship to loot innocent merchants and luxury transports. Merchants and well-to-do citizens have been known to pick up an E-9 Explorer as well, mainly to use the ship as a personal yacht to travel the spacelanes in style.

Loronar E9 - Exterior
Loronar E9 - Deck 1
Loronar E9 - Deck 2
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


ARROW-23 SPEEDER                              CL 7    PC reference

Aratech Landspeeder, Huge ground vehicle (speeder)
Size modifier reflex, init -2/threshold +10/grapple +10
Init (PC init rank-2+4); Senses (PC perception rank+1); Sensors none
Defense Ref 21 (flat-footed 17)*, Fort 21; +5 armor
hp 120, 0/120; DR 5; SR none
Threshold 31; Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 400 km/h)
Ranged laser cannon (PC ranged BAB +1 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level)
Ranged laser cannon (PC ranged BAB +1 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level) with autofire
Ranged grenade launcher (PC ranged BAB +1 Veh Int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d6+1/2 heroic level, 2-square burst)
Fighting Space 3x3; Cover total (+5 for gunner)
Base Atk (PC BAB); Grp Pilot ranged BAB+21
Atk Options autofire (laser cannon, blaster carbine) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage (dice roll must be 10 or greater); costs 10 shots - Core p.156]
Abilities Str 32 (+11), Dex 19 (+4), Con —, Int 12 (+1)
Skills Initiative (PC init-2+4), Mechanics (PC stat), Perception (PC stat+1), Pilot (PC stat), Use Computer (PC stat+1)
Crew 2 (Normal); Passengers 5
Cargo 800 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none
Availability Licensed; Cost 10,800
Available Emplacement Points 1

The Arrow-23 transport landspeeder was a large landspeeder manufactured by Aratech Repulsor Company and notably used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It was an 8.1-meter-long (26.6 feet) repulsorlift transport vehicle designed for use by adventurers and wilderness guides. Despite its use by civilians, it was protected by military-grade armor, and featured blast-resistant windows. The interior was comfortable, and the landspeeder was one of the fastest civilian speeders on the market during the time of the Galactic Empire. It could carry two crew and five passengers.

The landspeeder was highly customizable, capable of featuring additional communications systems and even weapons. The Alliance modified these vehicles extensively, commonly adding a top-mounted, turreted laser cannon or concussion grenade launcher.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]