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Within the home of thy enemy

Started by tomcat, Mar 13, 2010, 04:32 PM

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:ooc: Splitting the threads to keep the story flow from getting confused.

Methilir led the two Dúnedain into his home as Celdrahil spoke. When finished, he answered the king's messenger in kind, "Twice now have I been visited by messengers of the King. I did not think that his majesty held court at this time. My understanding is that the king has gone to his winter home within the land of the Elves." Methilir let his words hang there a moment, but not allow time for a reply from his guests. "Yet, you are here and I am honoured to have you as my guest. Let us leave your tasks and errands until later when we dine, though I must admit, I hope you have carried word to me regarding the circumstances of my brother's murder. I understand that Durgil of Dorthad is being held... I cannot tell you how it saddens his sister to hear of her brother's foul deed." Both Pethron and Celdrahil tried to read the man's face to see regret, pain, or any semblance of loss, but naught was shown. "Take rest now from the road, and warm yourselves by the hearth. We shall dine within the hour and you may tell me your errand. Rooms, too, shall be made ready for you." With that, Methilir strode away, speaking to them over his shoulder, "I shal return shortly... once you have been made comfortable."

The two companions stood there looking at one another within the great room, the only sound being that of the fire quietly crackling.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Celdrahil bowed to the lord as he left them standing in the hall. He looked to his companion and then around at the hall about them. He looked back to Pethron and shrugged his shoulders. " I guess we wait."

Celdrahil looked about him for a place to set aside his armor and began to do so. Once this was accomplished and he felt less encumbered he re-girded his sword and gazed around himself to take in the details of the room. He said little and tried to keep his facial expression neutral. He did not have any doubt that they may still be watched and spied upon and that before long all their belongings would be searched and examined.

With nothing left else to do Celdrahil placed himself by the fire and waited for events to unfold around him.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


The hour passed agonizingly slow for the two men, and they filled the time making idle chat. There was naught else to do. The room was all but barren of any adornments that may have created conversations - no heraldry, no heirlooms, no items of state. It was as if Methilir had taken what was once probably a warm, rich Dúnadan gathering hall and stripped it of all value to sell at auction, or worse, to smelt for the ores from which they were made.

Instead, the men shared stories of north and south, amusing one another and also passing news that had not been heard or known about regarding each of the Dúnedain kingdoms. Slowly the hour passed and of a sudden, servants began to enter the hall and setting the table for a meal. They were courteous but their business kept them moving. So Pethron marked the remaing quarter hour by watching the placing of the silver. The scribe took notice of the table cutlery and saw that these too were a hodge podge of different pieces.

"Ah, my guests," hailed Methilir upon his return to the hall. "Forgive me for abandoning you so long, but I hope you had a chance to rest and to warm yourselves." He did not wait for an answer, "Good! The table is almost set."

The master of the house walked to where a place had been made at the head of the table and took up the large goblet that sat there. He also grabbed up an ornate pitcher and proceeded to fill three cups, including the one in his hand. "Come, let us drink a welcoming toast to you, travelers from afar. I look forward to introducing you to the Lady of the house... I wonder where she is." Methilir took on an irritated face, and then burst out, "Gléowyn! Where are you woman?"

Pethron heard the mispronunciation of the beautiful eastern woman's name and cringed. Methilir was proving himself as uncouth a noble if there had ever been. It was then that Fengel's sister appeared. She was elegantly dressed in a dark green dress that made her long, golden hair shine where it fell upon the fabric. It was the first time Celdrahil had seen the Éothraim woman and he was pleased. He knew the Éothraim - they lived in the lands north of Gondor, and though they were a simple folk, they had a pride and dignity about them. In her eyes was recognition when she looked upon Pethron, but smartly she hid it from the master of the house, clearing her throat and then speaking softly, "The lady Ioreth will be down momentarily to meet the guests, m'lord."

Both Celdrahil and Pethron could not help but notice the humor, and even smiled to themselves, at how Gléowyn had mocked Methilir. Her quiet demeanor and polite answer showed the noble to be nothing more than an obnoxious louse - something that Methilir proved oblivious. "Um... very well, then. We will wait for her and then start." With nothing more needed said in that regard, Methilir turned to Celdrahil, "So my friend, tell me... what message does the Steward send now that has not already been sent?"

The conversation again was interrupted as the Lady Ioreth entered the chamber, behind her some five feet stood Gléowyn as lady-in-waiting. To Pethron she seemed more a mother bear guarding her own. The Éothraim woman was slight of build but she hid within a strength that the sharp eye could see - a strength that could be deadly.

To Celdrahil, the entrance of Ioreth gave the Gondorian pause. She was stunningly beautiful and he knew why Dirnhael's ire was raised. Behind Celdrahil, Pethron stood looking at the women and in his mind a vision formed, as sometimes they did. The foresight was strong, but not clear. He only knew that there was a destiny for the woman before him and for her offspring. Her children, he knew, would be influential in great deeds of future days. The feeling was so strong that the scribe knew he would do whatever it took to see that the woman was safely set upon her path... even die for her.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Celdrahil stood as each of the ladies in turn entered the room. He ignored the manners of his host and demonstrated the loftiness of his birth and bearing in his actions in the hall. Celdrahil bowed slightly to the Eothraim woman and more deeply when the lady appeared.
   Once seated he smiled to all and took an offered cup from Lord Methilir. "Long has my journey been that has brought me to your door, but not in all the north have I seen such passing fair women. Your house will be much blessed Lord Methilir. I have a soldiers hands and a soldiers outlook so I fear my days will always be spent in the marches of the realm and not in the halls of my own fathers. Pethron, please relate to the Lady I have traveled in the land of her kin and she matches by far the ladies of the Lords of the Mark."
   Celdrahil sat at the table and attempted to talk easily and freely with his host. He chatted about any subject that came up and studying the abrupt manner of speech of his host to attempt to approach him as favorably as possible. Celdrahil had two objectives in his discussion with his host and he attempted to use the cover story and truest of them as an opening for the second, the most important of his tasks.
    "Long I have toiled in the south upon the marches of Gondor it seems that all the long years of my sires we have stood watch upon the shadow lands to the exclusion of everything else. And alas it seems in my time the watch grows weaker, the plague in the south did much damage to the cause of the Faithful. The capital city straddling the Anduin river is now a pale shadow of what it once was. I have even heard rumor that the King may relocate his seat to Minas Arnor in the west.
   The ancient ties of brotherhood between the north and south have become lessened through the passage of time. It was the will of my Lord and King that again the friendliness and unity of the past be restored and the Kingdoms of the north and south are reconciled as brothers. With this in mind I was sent north to my kinsman the Steward as an emissary to survey the marches of the realm of Arnor to assess, advise, and learn what I could about your own struggles against the enemy. With that mission in mind I have come here in your hall to see the manner of defense, lay of the land, resources, and organization. I have seen the city of Fornost in the south, but my true interest is in things military, and hunting of course. Have you any game up here? What pursuits do you dedicate your time to when not managing the defenses of the realm?
   I greatly desire to know how you support the northern army and aid in the defense of the realm before I move on to observe the campaign season of the northern army. I noticed on entry that you keep the fields clear of fodder for an invading force, and barren of substance to be used by the enemy, very wise and clear sighted Lord. I have a great interest in such things."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Quote from: Telcontar on Mar 23, 2010, 10:47 AM
    "I noticed on entry that you keep the fields clear of fodder for an invading force, and barren of substance to be used by the enemy, very wise and clear sighted Lord."

:ooc: Ha! Awesome.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


There was a sudden outburst of laughter from Ioreth when Celdrahil had finished his comments. Methilir's face reddened momentarily before the wiley noble regained his composure and put his best courtier's face forth, leaving Pethron and his friend to wonder if it had been rage or merely embarrassment.

"As you know, here in the North the Shadow also still lingers and the Witch-king of Angmar is no easy foe. My lands have borne the brunt of Angmar's incursions through the lifetimes of many of my forebears. We sit on the frontier of that land and though the King's hosts stand between, still it is my land that has suffered." Methilir set his drink down, "Indeed, the perils that we face make the peasantry flee south or west and thus we have little in the way of revenue. My coffers lie bare but still it takes much to keep a house and a standing guard. So, what you see Celdrahil is the slow depreciation of my families wealth, not some plan to keep the Angmarim from raiding for food."

Methilir shifted his eyes to glare at Ioreth. The two men could feel the resentment that he bore upon the woman. Still, Durgil's sister stood tall and stared back. She was a strong woman. A proud woman. Her lands and her father and mother had borne the same burden as Methilir's family - Gelmir, Ioreth's father, had merely been better at doing his job of landowner and noble guardian of the kingdom. To Pethron and Celdrahil, things were becoming very evident. It was not for love, or desire of Ioreth that Methilir had gone to so much trouble of securing a marriage... it was plain that the man needed her wealth to secure his future, and Dorthad was a strong and viable county.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Taking the hint from his master, Pethron found an opportune moment, while Methilir was engaged in conversation, to discreetly reassure Lady Ioreth that Durgil was as well as could be expected, and to remain steadfast, for plans were in motion to rectify the current situation. This was disguised amidst stories of he and Celdrahil's travels in the northlands.

At the conclusion of the meal, Pethron offered to tell a story for the entertainment of the group. At a nod from their host, he began ...

Two brothers, both warriors and explorers, adventured together for many months before they came upon a hoard of treasure. The hoard was buried in a deep, dark cavern and contained within it a gem of unsurpassed beauty. The rest of the treasure was divided between them, but the brothers could not decide who should have the gem, as they both desired it greatly.

One brother desired it out of greed, for he foresaw saw the prestige and power that wearing such a gem would provide him in the court. The other brother, though he too desired the gem, saw the change it had made in his brother, and knew that to possess the gem would bring doom upon them. He suggested leaving the gem behind, being content with the other treasure they had divided evenly.

The greedy brother, in a rage at the suggestion, drew his sword and slew his brother, but in doing so failed to notice the dragon, who had approached from the depths of the cavern. "Your brother was wise," said the dragon, "for I have listened to your talk, and I would have been content to let you take the other treasure, leaving the gem to me. Together you might have defeated me, but now that you are alone, your treasure shall remain with you to your grave." And the dragon swallowed the man whole, the gem still clutched in his hand.

Pethron watched Methilir closely throughout the telling, to see if there was a reaction to the parts about the brother murdering his own kin, or paying the price for wrongfully possessing that which was not his.

:ooc: The tale above is an abbreviated version of Pethron's full story. Here is the skill test:
Perform (Tell Story) +5, +2 Specialty Roll(2d6)+7: 2,3,+7 Total:12

On second reading I may have misinterpreted Celdrahil's "hint", but I'll leave my post as it is.


Celdrahil looked around the room to determine what the cause of the jest was before realizing it was his own words. "Well then Lord as difficult as it is for you to bear in my experience the hardship you suffer will be twice visited upon any force that attempts to cross your lands."

As Pethron finished his tale Celdrahil was happy that the scribe had come along, it allowed him time to assess his opponent and determine the best course of action.
  When the tale was over Celdrahil refilled his wine, "The sons of Ithilien know well what price they pay for others to be fat and secure behind them. I would still desire to see your lands and if you're willing may be able to offer some advice or insight. My lands too border the enemy and there are things that can be done though all other resources are geared towards war and defense. Perhaps also there may be some hunting? We must also discuss your wedding day. Ah.... my apologize Lord and Lady, for that was the other matter in which I find myself as your guest. Though I  may have spoke to soon as this may not be the proper forum to discuss such matters."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


"As yet, good sires, the duration of your stay is undetermined, so now may be as good a time as any to discuss such matters. What matters, have you come to discuss?" replied Methilir. He was not rude in his tongue, but neither was there warmth to his words.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


" Such talk is not fit for the Ladies present but if you insist. I have been asked to be the Guardian of the Lady you are to marry. Now that her brother is imprisoned, she has no other family, and now that she is penniless someone of rank will be required for the ceremony to give her away.

Quite penniless I am afraid, since her brother made several remarks to the steward that threatened the king. As he has traveled in foreign lands these claims are being taken seriously. The steward has gone so far to send Mithrandir to summon the King to return to hear the case. Once guilty of the crime of treason his lands will be confiscated by the crown and he will be put to death. The Steward out of fondness for her father has sent me to you. We can make arrangements for the wedding, as I believe the Steward out of sympathy for the girl has sent me as his spokesman and out of love for her father desires that she be married in a fitting manner consistent with one who holds the high blood of the Dúnedain.

  I thought to find her in her home, but the servants have instead directed me here to you. Now I find you both safe and secure, while dark storms swirl all around the marches of the North."

:ooc: Sorry for the delay guys, i have been pretty busy demobiliziing and being back with normal people. Anyway, Tomcat, what I am shooting for is that the crimes are now against the King and if such that all his property would be confiscated by the crown. this is consistent with medieval law and tradition so hopefully it works for you. If we can get Methilir to stew in his own juices and take away the source of his motivation we maybe able to throw his plans off, and or find some way to get the lady folk out of here and back into their own homes. 

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Quote from: Telcontar on Apr 22, 2010, 03:33 PM
:ooc: Sorry for the delay guys, i have been pretty busy demobiliziing and being back with normal people.

:ooc: Very happy to hear you're safe and sound. No hurry here.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Pethron maintained a serious look on his face, while inwardly he smiled at Celdrahil's devious fabrication. If Methilir could not secure Dorthad, the wedding would be worthless to him. Perhaps he would even change his plans and Ioreth and Gléowyn would be freed.


:ooc: Well isn't that an excellent play on the game!  ;)

You have me in a quandary now, Telcontar! That was awesome, but now you need to give me a bit of time to think about what Methilir will do with this bit of information! A new post will be coming tonight or tomorrow...
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


 :ooc: Wow, I didn't know you were in the military.  Glad to hear you're back home.


 :ooc: Methilir knows that Durgil is in jail for killing his brother.  A crime for which he may receive the death penalty and his property would go to his sister as a dowry. Depending on what you have for succession laws in Arthedain, I am assuming that we are dealing with generic feudal practices of law and enfeoffment, etc.  If however a higher charge of treason is placed upon him then his lands and property will be confiscated to the crown, in keeping with the bulk of real earth medieval history as the common result. What Methilir doesn't know and can't really confirm is whether Durgil made threatening comments to a Royal Officer, the Steward, about the King or the kingdom in general. What can be proven however is that Mithrandir did speak to the Steward about something and then left in haste.  Any contacts he has can confirm that. So I have tried to fabricate a story based upon assumptions of feudal law, and plausible outcomes using elements of the truth. Everything is within the realm of reason and plausible outcomes. My goal is to throw off Methilir's plans, get evidence against him, and remove the ladies from his home. His motivation is money and with that being removed hopefully it will force his hand to do something else or reveal his motives.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18