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Round 8 - The battle for Barad Eldanar

Started by tomcat, Apr 16, 2005, 11:20 AM

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The following is the current situation:

PM: In the Donjon and on the towers, there are no penalties.

SM: Edrahil is Winded -1 and Dazed -1, Daelhun is Winded -1, Lunduf is Dazed -1

Round 8 will see

-Fengel used last round to come down from the tower by means of its stairs and out into the courtyard again - he will need to spend 2 actions this round in getting to the Donjon. One is Run action (no Test) the second is a Jump test (TN 10). If successful, he will be able to enter the melee and combat with appropriate MAP applied.
-Dirnhael slid down a rope at the end of last round from the scaffolding that hung on the side of the tower - he will need to spend 2 actions this round in getting to the Donjon. One is Run action (no Test) the second is a Jump test (TN 10). If successful, he will be able to enter the melee and combat with appropriate MAP applied.
-Durgil and Daelhun will take this and one more full round actions in getting to the front of the Donjon. They will be able to engage in Round 10 after making a Jump test TN 10, in that same round.

Arkish- 9
Rhukar- 8
Lunduf- 8
Dunedain Warriors- 6
Dirnhael- 6
Easterling Guards- 6
Edrahil- 4
Daelhun- running...
Durgil- running...

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


In the heat of the battle that ensued, the cuts from the sword of his foe barely registered to Nain. He threw himself into the onslaught against the east man with all the fury that the dwarf could muster. In a moment of insight he stepped to the right around this henchman to put is body between Nain and the pole arms.

Edrahil felt sorrow in his heart as he turned from the fallen Dúnadan warrior that sat atop the stairs, knowing that his dwarven comrades were still alive and very much in need.

"May your journey to the House of Mandos be comforting," whispered the elf as he turned from the dying man. He leapt across the span preparing another spell. Edrahil's hand began to glow with a pale blue light and static arced between his finger tips.

As his feet landed upon the stone entrance of the donjon, the elf thrust forth his hand and a great bolt of electricity fired out and struck Rhukar, the Easterling second-in-command, in the chest. The man reeled back a step to avoid the magic and was only glanced, but still his armor was scored by the intense heat and his body jerked from the electrical current. But the attack only seemed to enrage Rhukar and he lashed out with his sword at Nain and again the dwarf felt the edge of the blade. The dwarf was panting hard and he could feel his blood soaking his tunic below his dwarven chain.

Dirnhael saw the fear in the two tower guards' eyes as Daelhun's horn bleated through the chill night air. The sound of it heartened Dirnhael until he heard the shouts of surprise below. The corona of Edrahil's spell faded into the periphery as he cursed himself for leaving them.

As the guards raised their swords to strike at him, Andúring flew in his hands as if it had a mind of its own. He would not fail them now. As Andúring fell one man, Dirnhael sent the other off the tower with a swift kick. He espied the scaffolding on the edge of the parapet. He blanched for just a moment as he peered over the edge - but he needed to get to his men. Now!

Seeing his commander's concern from the commotion below, the Dúnadan soldier yelled out, "Go! I will take care of this one!"

Dirnhael tied off the rope, nodded to the soldier with him, and pulling the sleeves of his jerkin down to protect his hands - he let his own weight take him towards the fray.

In the tower to the west, Fengel dropped back down the stairs, his enemy slain. He exited the guard tower below, into the cold night air, and moved rapidly towards the donjon entrance to stand beside his captain, all the while looking around to possibly catch any sight of Lûnduf, his Dwarven friend.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Arkish and Rhukar kept up the pressure on the two dwarves, although the elf and his magical threat began to concern them deeply.

Arkish attacks Lunduf: TN 11
AC +14, Size Mod -2, Close Quarters -1

ACTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4
Roll(2d6)+11:6,6,2,+11 Total:25 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+11: 3,2,+11 Total:16 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+11: 5,3,+11 Total:19 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+11: 4,2,+11 Total:17 SUCCESS
Damage if not parried:
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,1,+9 Total:14
Roll(2d6)+9: 6,1,+9 Total:16
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,5,+9 Total:17
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,4,+9 Total:14

Rhukar attacks Nain: TN 12
AC +12, Size Mod -2, Close Quarters -1, Dazed -1

ACTIONS 1, 2, 3
Roll(2d6)+8: 4,1,+8 Total:13 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+8: 2,4,+8 Total:14 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+8: 4,6,+8 Total:18 SUCCESS
Damage if not parried:
Roll(2d6)+7: 3,5,+7 Total:15
Roll(2d6)+7: 1,4,+7 Total:12
Roll(2d6)+7: 4,3,+7 Total:14

Lunduf parries: TN 25, 16, 19, 17
AC +14, PB +1, SB +3, Dazed -1 (-3)

Roll(2d6)+17: 1,2,+17 Total:20 FAILED (Damage of 14-7 armor = 7)
Roll(2d6)+15: 6,4,+15 Total:25 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+15: 5,1,+15 Total:21 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+15: 6,3,+15 Total:24 SUCCESS

Lunduf attacks: TN 12
AC +14, Close Quarters -1, Injured -3, Size Mod +2, AA -5, -10

ACTIONS 5 and 6
Roll(2d6)+7: 1,3,+7 Total:11 FAILED
Roll(2d6)+2: 3,4,+2 Total:9 FAILED

Dunadan attack Easterling #5: TN 11
AC +9, Wounded -5

ACTIONS 1 and 2
Roll(2d6)+4: 4,1,+4 Total:9 FAILED
Roll(2d6)+4: 6,1,+4 Total:11 SUCCESS

Easterling defends: TN 11
AC +8, PB +1, SB +3

Roll(2d6)+14: 6,5,+14 Total:25 SUCCESS

Easterlings 5, 27, 28, 29, 30 attack...
AC +8, (AA -5)
ACTIONS 1 and 2 (2 and 3)
#5 v Dun #6
Roll(2d6)+8: 1,2,+8 Total:11 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+3: 1,3,+3 Total:7 FAILED

#27 and 28 v. Lunduf
#27 -Roll(2d6)+8: 1,1,+8 Total:10 SUCCESS
#27 -Roll(2d6)+8: 3,2,+8 Total:13 SUCCESS
#28 -Roll(2d6)+8: 4,5,+8 Total:17 SUCCESS
#28 -Roll(2d6)+8: 2,2,+8 Total:12 SUCCESS
Damage if not parried:
Roll(2d6)+2: 1,6,+2 Total:9
Roll(2d6)+2: 5,5,+2 Total:12
Roll(2d6)+2: 1,5,+2 Total:8
Roll(2d6)+2: 4,1,+2 Total:7

#29 and 30 v. Nain
#29 -Roll(2d6)+8: 4,4,+8 Total:16 SUCCESS
#29 -Roll(2d6)+8: 3,5,+8 Total:16 SUCCESS
#30 -Roll(2d6)+8: 1,6,+8 Total:15 SUCCESS
#30 -Roll(2d6)+8: 4,1,+8 Total:13 SUCCESS
Damage if not parried:
Roll(2d6)+2: 4,6,+2 Total:12
Roll(2d6)+2: 5,4,+2 Total:11
Roll(2d6)+2: 1,2,+2 Total:5
Roll(2d6)+2: 4,6,+2 Total:12

Lunduf cannot parry due to MAP - takes damage as follows:
9 -7 = 2
12 -7 = 5
8 -7 = 1
7 -7 = 0

Total of 8 damage....

I may need to change the results as posted depending on Nain's initiative roll and Dirnhael's attack.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:arrow: Free Action (via Quick-Draw): Ready Shield.

:arrow: Action 2: Jump TN (10)
Jump +2 (OOC: Dirnhael's no Carl Lewis, apparently. :( )
Roll(2d6)+2:3,3,+2 Total:8 - FAIL (No Specialty bonus for Jump, right?)
OOC: Use 1 CP to pass the test, please.*

*Yes, there is no Specialty bonus for jumping so I applied a courage point.

:arrow: Action 3: Attack Arkish
OOC: Since Dirnhael's run (and jumped) more than three yards this round, he's going to Charge Arkish at full force.
AC (Longsword) +14**, Specialty +2, Dim Light -3, third action -5 (next action would be fifth), Charge bonus +2, Close Quarters -1*** = +9

**HOORAY!!  :D

***The Charge Manoeuvre automatically grants a +1 to Armed Combat, you gain an additional +1 because you chose to specialize in that manoeuvre, thus +2. I also added the Close Quarters penalty as there are a bunch of axes, spears and swords whipping about.... bottom line is, your total mod worked out the same anyway.  :D

Roll(2d6)+9:6,5,+9 Total:20 OOC: Thank you, Dice Roller!
Damage: Roll(2d6)+8:1,6,+8 Total:15 x 1.5 rounded up = 23 plus possible knocked prone.


an enraged cry, Dirnhael leaps across the chasm and springs into Arkish with a fury. The glint of Edrahil's electricity glints off of Anduring in a blinding flash of light and then both men crash into each other with terrifying force.

(Assuming Arkish is knocked prone)
Standing above his downed foe, Dirnhael shouts about the din, "I am Dirnhael, Dúnadan! I lead these men! Face me, if you have the courage!"

The Easterling's color drains from his face as he sees the cold steel of Anduring rising high above the Dúnadan's head as he prepares to land a killing blow.


:arrow: Next Round Initiative:
Roll(2d6)+2:6,1,+2 Total:9
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Arkish parries Dirnhael: TN 20
AC +14, PB +1, SB +3, Close Quarters -1, AA -5

Roll(2d6)+12: 1,4,+12 Total:17 (1 Courage) = 20 SUCCESS... barely!

*STR test to stay on feet: TN 11 (Dirnhael's STR +2)
Roll(2d6)+2: 5,5,+2 Total:12 BOOOYAHH! Damn... Arkish isn't giving up anything!

*I am making Arkish make the STR test no matter if he parried or not, due to the momentum of the charge.

OOC: I like the dialogue though so here is how it is going to be...

With an enraged cry, Dirnhael leapt across the chasm and sprung into Arkish with a fury. The glint of Edrahil's electricity sparkled off of Anduring in a blinding flash of light and then both men crashed into each other with terrifying force. The man of the east's dark sword met the light of the west and the two weapons sparked as they collided.

The momentum of Dirnhael's attack drove Arkish back further into the hall of the donjon, though the Easterling kept his feet. Standing before his downed foe, Dirnhael shouted above the din, "I am Dirnhael, Dúnadan! I lead these men! Face me, if you have the courage!"

The Easterling's color drained from his face as he saw the cold steel of Anduring rising high above the Dúnadan's head as he prepared to land a killing blow.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: Can I use a Courage Point post facto to make that attack a 23 and a success?
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


You sure can Shawn, but it will cost you two, just so you know. Arkish has one left and he would apply his against yours, so if you want to, let me know and we will call the attack a success and your dialogue will stand as originally printed.

Lastly, Ghost Recon tonight (Sunday)? We will be on until about midnight-thirty our time... hope to see you.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Quote from: tomcatYou sure can Shawn, but it will cost you two, just so you know. Arkish has one left and he would apply his against yours, so if you want to, let me know and we will call the attack a success and your dialogue will stand as originally printed.

Lastly, Ghost Recon tonight (Sunday)? We will be on until about midnight-thirty our time... hope to see you.


OOC: Man, I hate to use three CPs in one round, but we've got to get these these big guys down ASAP. I'll do it.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Fengel saw Lunduf and his situation and continued to close the gap toward his friend. He would have to jump to reach him quickly to cover the distance.

Initiative round 8:
Roll(2d6)+3:6,3,+3 Total:12

Actions 1 and 2 - *Run across the courtyard, up the stairs to the donjon and jumps the gap in the span.

(Jump test vs TN 10)
Nimbleness +1, Jump +1
Roll(2d6)+2:4,3,+2 Total:9 - (1 courage)= 12 success

* Hi Carl  :D , I am back to make some changes again - can't escape me. First of all, you only need two actions to get in the donjon, including the jump. Once in, you are allowed to take one more action if you wish too. So I will put it together for you:

AC +11, Specialty +2, Close Quarters -1

Roll(2d6)+12: 3,2,+12 Total:17 SUCCESS


Initiative Rd 8 (2d6) 1,5 +2=8

Seeing the lightning streaking past, Nain continues to hold the line.  His new companions would be here soon and the tide would turn.  The blood was running more freely as more and more of the enemies cuts swept past the craftmasters guard but still he held fast.  No dwarf in his line had ever run from a fight and he wasn't going to be the first to dishonor his fathers name in such a way.

Parry Rhukar (2d6) 2,3 +9=14 success
Parry Rhukar (2d6) 3,4 +9=16 success
Parry Rhukar (2d6) 3,6 +9 -5 MAP=13 Fail
Parry Easterling #29 and 30 cannot parry due to MAP

Damage taken
Total rd 8=21
Battle total = 49 Wounded -3