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Started by tomcat, Mar 14, 2008, 03:54 PM

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The excitement of an adventure soon to be finally hits Beren.  Wow!  Talking to elves, seeing dwarves and halfling.  What would father say now?  He sits at the table, takes a sip of his ale, and begins his story.  "Nine years ago, when I was very young, I was studying to be a merchant.  I didn't have time to be outside and play, those things weren't important to the time.  One day my father comes over and says, "In a weeks time, we will be heading to the woodland realm, in Mirkwood.  You will see the elves who we trade with, and discover anything usefull there."  I was excited, going to Mirkwood!  I couldn't believe it.  In a week we packed up our things for the journey.  The journey there wasn't very exciting.  And soon I became bored, itching for the forest to caves which I have read so much about to come into sight.  Finally, four days later, we arrived.  He set up his vendor, and told me I could look around.  I saw many things, including some magic.  It intrested me a little, but not as much as the guards drilling.  I stayed there the whole day, watching them.  When we finally had to leave, I was sad.  I still wanted to be a merchant, but now I had seen something truly amazing.   A mile out on the road, spiders came and attacked us.  They weren't ordinary either.  They were big, with many eyes.  Father told me to run, but I said no.  Just before they struck, an arrow shot and slew one.  Elven warriors came out of the darkness and quickly defeated them.  I had never seen anything like it.  They moved so fluidly, striking, backing off, striking again.  In minutes the spiders were all dead, and we were safe.  From that moment on I studied swordsmanship.  I am very good with a sword now, but I am still learning how to be as fast as the elves were."  With that, he takes another long swig of his jug and asks, "So, Caramir, what brings you to our fine town on the lake?"


[OOC:] Hey Cut, I have no problem if Caranmîr remembers this story or event.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Caramîr listened to the story the man told. Pictures of his homeland sprang to his mind: pictures of his brother and their friend Galmîr, of the days spent wandering through Mirkwood. Giant spiders, Caramîr knew, were indeed becoming more and more of a problem in the woods of his homeland. His brother had told him that in past days, there had been some spider nests deep inside the forrest, but that the spiders attacked travellers on the open paths was nearly unheard of. If you strayed from the paths into the darker undergrowth, you could easily fall prey to Giant Spiders or things even worse, but in daylight using the roads you were normally safe. That had changed. Caranmîr remembered that his brother had one day returned home and told him of a battle with a group of spiders that attacked some men, that were travelling alone. The had been an argument amongst the elven party, whether to intervene or to remain hidden from the prying eyes and stand by. His brother Fincalan convinced the others to help, not only because the man had a child with him. Swiftly they defeated the spiders, made sure, that the two men were unharmed and rushed back into the woods as suddenly as they had appeared. Could this young man sitting right next to him, be the young boy whose life his brother saved all those years ago?

When Beren finished, Caranmîr looked up and spoke kindly to the young man's face:
"Giant Spiders are indeed growing more and more numerous within our beautiful Realm, as are other fell beasts.
My brother is one of the guardians of the Realm. Our Lord sends out parties, that are looking for the nests of those spiderbeasts and every now and then lend a helping hand to a traveller in need. Although the guardians never stay for long or talk to the people, they try to make sure, that good people may use the few open paths remaining throughout our woods safely. I have heard from more than one event like this from my brother. Although only once he told me, that one of the parties had come to the aid of a traveller with a child."
With that he paused.
"You ask, what it is, that I do?" A small frown crossed the face of the elf, making him seem older than his years, but the frown quickly faded away.
"You could say, that I have learned for years and years the lore found in mighty tomes and elderly scrolls collected and archived in the libraries of my wise Lord Thranduil. Aside from reading, I have had long talks and eager discussions with the wisest Lore Masters of our Realm. But right now, I feel that a new part of life is about to begin. No longer will I sit, day after day, in the libraries of my Lord, to study lore that may be outdated by decades or even centuries. I want to see what has changed in Middle-Earth since those days when the Tomes of Lore I studied were complied." With that the elf fell silent.

Caranmîr waited for a reaction to show on the young man's face, then he spoke once more: "Might I ask what is it, that you do, Beren?"


Beren understands, for that is the very reason he was there.  He smiles politely, but you can tell Caramir has lost him, but only for a second.  "I am the son of a merchant", he speaks.  "Like I said, I was training to be one my whole life.  But after that day in Mirkwood, I knew I never would be the same again.  I knew I would want something bigger, almost the stuff of legends from now on.  You say you came because you are bored with the same, boring libraries.  Well...That's pretty much my story as well.  I have been training to be a merchant for some time now.  But I really, really want to escape this lifestyle.  The ships and tolls are like your century old tomes and dusty armchairs", he looks at the innkeeper, "The innkeeper over there told me a dwarf was going to be here looking for some adventurers.  I told my father that I was going to see the dwarf, and if he accepted me, go on an adventure.  He smiled and thought it was just a phase, but I'll show him..."  He trails off, a look of sadness is on his face.  He looks up and becomes merry again, "To escaping the normal dregs of a boring life", he says lifting his mug. 


Again the elf tilted his head slightly to one side. "It is not entirely true, that reading the Tomes and learning the Lore was just boring. I want to see, if what we learn is still valid and I earn to put my knowledge to some good and active use. I have to honest about that." He added the last part of the sentence while smiling broadly. "Beren, what can you tell me about those dwarves and that 'quest' of theirs?"


[OOC:] A reminder to Beren... the Dwarves have given no details as to what, where, when, who, or how - just a subtle announcement has gone out for those treasure seekers that will.

If anything, some probably expect that it is to go to Erebor and take from the treasures of Smaug.

I want to point out, I write the story in both the immediate (relative to your PC's) as well as cutaway scenes (i.e. the detailed info above about the Dwarves migration). This gives the story the body that you guys will hopefully enjoy, but it doesn't necessarily mean you know about it.

Any questions give me a shout.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


"What can I tell you?", he repeats with a little bit of ale dripping from his beard.  "I know they are traveling, I know they need more adventurers.  I really don't know much else.   Knowing dwarves, it probably has to do with either treasure, or a mountain", he says this last part with a toothy grin.  "It doesn't matter to me, I'm just looking to go on an adventure.  If you have questions, ask that grumpy looking dwarf over there", he points to the "grumpy" dwarf, Kori.  He turns and finds out that Kori isn't here.  "Never mind, talk to the other dwarf, the younger one", he says.

OOC: OK, I wasn't going to any way  #:S...  Whoops, Kori isn't here anymore.


This chatty lot is going to get us killed before we even set foot within the halls of our fathers, thought Nori.  To the small group that has congregated, "Once you've received your refreshment or finished conversing," he saying eying the more talkative ones, "please join my uncle and myself in the back room where business can be discussed without loud voices or prying ears."  With no other comment or gesture, Nori turned to follow his uncle.

OOC: Nope, this guy isn't the most personable of characters ;)
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Gumbo stood upon his bar stool guffawing at some comment made by one of the patrons. He had by this time collected several people around him as well as several beers, though not a coin yet had fallen from his hand. "Who else but a man from Dale would try to barrel raft down the River Running!" I would say there was more wine in the man than in the barrel. Ahh kind friends Gumbo is being called away, well met and good day to you." with a wink to the bar maid he sets the two beers upon the stool at his feet and then proceeds to climb down. He walks over to the younger dwarf, Nori, and hands him one of the beers, "perhaps the sun grown wheat of beer will cheer up the dour taste of hoppy ale that has turned you sour. Will there be food at this meeting? Worry not master dwarf, to be sure the luck of durin's folk has not been good these past years, but the one thing certain about luck is that it changes."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Beren's eyes follow the stout dwarf as he walks back to the room.  Then he sees the halfling follow, to the dismay of (pretty much) the whole bar.  I wonder what happened to both of them to make them so....grumpy?  "Excuse me, I guess I met the young grumpy dwarf for questions, but I don't think you should ask him anything anyway.  Are you coming along?", he asks the elf.  After the elves answer, he gets up, making a lot of noise, and makes his way quickly through the crowd to get to the back room.


Beren still spoke to the elf, as the other, somewhat younger looking dwarf started to leave the common room.
He was probably headed upstairs, were the tavern's guest rooms were located.

Gumbo, the Hobbit, followed the lead of the grumping fellow. Beren started to get up to follow the two of them as well, but then turned back and asked Caranmîr: "Are you coming along?"

When those words were spoken, it was there again, that eager spark in the crystal clear green eyes of the elf. This time it was obvious, that it wasn't the reflection of some flame in the fireplace, but the glowing spark of adventure.

"A tempting offer that is, indeed!" said the elf. Beren had spoken of some adventure or quest the dwarves where recruiting for. Caranmîr was exited, but calmed himself.
They are dwarves. Would they welcome me, an Elf, to their party? Most likely not, I would assume.

Normally, no elf would ever come to think of joining a dwarven expedition, leave alone joining one under dwarven leadership!

But Caranmîr, although as much an Elf as his brethren at home, was different at heart, when compared to most of the fair folk. Having taken his time to read everything that there was to be read about the dwarves in the tomes of King Thranduil's archives, their old kingdoms, their legends, their heroes and about the old friendship between his people and some dwarven clans had shared in the past. There was a certain fascination with the sturdy folk, that Caranmîr could neither explain nor dismiss.

And Caranmîr longed for adventure.
He had admitted that to himself on his first night in the tavern's common room.

But as soon as the glow had appeared, the sparkling had left the elf's eyes again. In a somewhat sad voice, Caranmîr continued:

"Beren, thank you for your kindness. But as much as I am interested to see if we could renew the old tales of friendship between my people and theirs, as much as I want to believe it to be possible, Elves and dwarves traveling together as comrades, I sincerely doubt that the dwarves would want me, an Elf of Mirkwood, to take part in any of their business. Whatever it may be. I would say, that it is of no matter what help or advice I could provide. As such, I won't intrude on them."

He rose up from the chair, again in a swift motion, and bowed, this time a bit deeper than before, to Beren. He spread open his arms in a friendly gesture said:

"Take care, Beren Elven-Saved. I hope that you find whatever it is, that you are looking for. I wish for your safe return to the town of your father's house. One day soon I shall expect to hear your good story of the dangerous quest and the brave deeds you acomplished while away with the dwarves and the Halfling. Until then, Farewell!"


Dratz!  A long journey with two grumpy dwarves and an over excited hobbit.   Beren sees the mad glint in Caranmir's eyes, and thought he would join him.  "Are you sure?", Beren asks, almost pleadingly.  "Someone has to help me keep the halfling under control and lighten the moods of the dwarves", he says with a smile.  "If your sure, I'll find you when I'm done with this and tell you the great adventure of Beren and the something something", he says, mumbling the last words together.  After that, he joins the dwarves in the back room.


With a friendly, albeit sad voice Caranmîr renewed his denial. "Yes, Beren, I am sure that this is the way to handle things."  He watched the young man leave the common room of the tavern.
Once the Dwarf, the Hobbit and the Man had left, Caranmîr's attention shifted back to the map in front of him. Lothlôrien or Rivendell seemed to be perfect spots where Caranmîr should be headed when leaving Lake-Town. Maybe he could even be visiting the Shire and manage to see an Ent or meet with a Ranger. Sunken deeply in thought, Caranmîr, dispite all the noise arround him, started making travel plans. The Golden Wood or the Last Homely House of Master Elrond. A decision was to be made. Adventure was waiting just outside the tavern's doorstep...


[OOC:] For new players to my games, I do not carry any one thread to long and allow it to grow pages deep, so I will be starting a new one - but that doesn't mean you cannot finalize any posts or narrative/dialogue in a prior post.

To Robert and Shawn, feel free to bring in your characters in any future thread as you get them ready.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Not one to turn down a pint, Nori grabs for his second of the day and surely not to be the last.  This one could drive a dry man to drink, he thinks and not for the last time.  With a gruff thanks, he drains half the crock and wipes his mouth and beard on his sleeve.  "When the time warrants it, I imagine there will be.  But for now, whatever food there is will be bought with copper of your own.  Now come on, the day grows weary and so do I."
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16