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Started by tomcat, Feb 21, 2005, 08:28 PM

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:arrow: OOC:
I am going to make the assumption that Chris has been suffering incessant computer problems and thus I will start playing Edrahil. Chris, if you read this, I look forward to your return and taking back over your character - I will not give him up to any other player.


Listening quietly within the ring of companions, Edrahil looked up at Dirnhael and spoke, "I am sorry that my travels have never taken me to the far east, thus have I never been exposed to this language. Alas, that our good friend Fengel has also never been exposed to their language, though his people have been in conflict with men of the East for many years."

The Sindar stood, "But what we speak of - using force to obtain answers... to use intimidation, that is the way of the Enemy. Is that the path that we choose?" He looked at the company around him. "Still, as you say Dirnhael, we must know what the notes say, as lives are at stake - not only our lives, but Camentir's and the brave Men and Elves that guard the borders to the south. Even the lives of are Enemy are wrapped up in the doom written upon those parchments. It is in the spirit of saving those lives that I will assist in the obtaining of this information, but remember, in no way will I bend these men's will to my own. In that lies the Shadow and I will have no part of it!"

Edrahil pointed to Fengel, "Separate our captives and blindfold their eyes... Dirnhael, you and Fengel will speak to these men individually. We should be able to obtain our answers from one of them."

The Company all knew what 'aid' the Elf intended to give, and the two Men - Dúnadan and Éothraim - began to group their thoughts on how they would interrogate the prisoners.


:arrow: OOC:
Edrahil will be using the spell Voice of Command, a very dangerous spell for him to use as it can lead to corruption. He will go to each Fengel and Dirnhael and the prisoners before them and order the notes to be read - or at least tell what they contain. Edrahil will need to make a Willpower test TN 10 or less or gain 1 Corruption per casting.

Prior to the spells being cast, Edrahil will want the commanders to Intimidate the captives and 'weaken' their confidence. This will require an Opposed Intimidate (Power) test made by both Dirnhael and Fengel. By winning these tests, the Company will reduce the chance that the prisoners can beat Edrahil in a Willpower test against his magic. I will also be giving the Comany a +2 bonus to Intimidate because you have the men subdued and within your camp.

I will wait until I get both Intimidation rolls from Dirnhael and Fengel and make the opposed roll before I roll Edrahil's casting tests.

Carl, to make an Intimidation (Power) test roll, what you need to do is take your Total Intimidate skill (+3) and then you get to add a +2 bonus (for your Power Specialty, shown on your sheet) and then you get the +2 situational modifier mentioned above. So you roll on the dice roller 2d6+7. Copy and paste your results. I will then need to roll an Opposed Willpower roll against your results to try and match or overcome that number. If I do, your Intimidation is unsuccessful, if I do not, your Intimidation will affect the character based on Degreeof Success. Degree of Success is a table that tells me the net result of your Intimidation.

Also, your character has a score called Courage - you have four (4) points - see the back of your character sheet. You may spend up to 4 points of Courage on a given test that will add an additional +3 per point of Courage spent to your result. Courage is a nice additional modifier that you can throw in when you choose, but remember, you only have four points. It takes a Full Game Day to get back one point of Courage.

Any questions, gimme a shout!  :D

Degree of Success Table:

Test Results

11+ below TN - Disastrous Failure
6-10 below TN - Complete Failure
1-5 below TN - Failure
Result = TN - Marginal Success
1-5 above TN - Complete Success
6-10 above TN - Superior Success
11 + above TN - Extraordinary Success

On a...
Marginal Success for you, the prisoner will be Frightened and suffer -1 to ALL tests
Complete Success for you, the prisoner will be Panicked and suffer -2 to ALL tests
Superior Success for you, the prisoner will be Unnerved and suffer -4 to ALL tests
Extraordinary Success for you, the prisoner will be Unmanned and will cower on the ground unable to do no Actions
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Fengel turned from Edrahil and strode slowly but purposefully to the two Easterlings. With his captain's blessing in hand, and Edrahil's skills about to be unbridled, he was determined that these men would break and give the company the words contained on paper. As he approached them, he stared at each man as if he were looking through them, like an arrow that passes through thin cloth. It was easy to call upon his Courage to confront these men, and to summon the emotion to do what was necessary to break them. Fengel had fought the Easterlings before, and could remember many things that these people had done to his clans.

He pulled the first captive roughly by his arm, and nearly shoved him the twenty paces or so from his companion. With each, he first continued to stare through them as he ripped a strip of clothing from each, his eyes mere inches from theirs. Fengel then took the strip of cloth and covered each captive's eyes, making sure to tie a quick, painful knot at the back of the head. When finished with this, Fengel drew Cerduil and passed it closely in front of the first Easterling to insure that he could not see. Once satisfied, he put the blade of the sword to neck and spoke, unsure if the man would even understand, but sure that his point would be made.

"You have but one chance to tell what is in the message you have risked your life to deliver," he said in whispered tones, " chance to save yourself."

Fengel ran Cerduil along the Easterling's throat, making sure the blade indented the skin.

"Now talk."

Intimidate Roll (with aforementioned bonuses), + 1 point expended Courage (+3) = 2D6+10

Roll(2d6)+10:3,2,+10 = Total:15


Dirnhael took his blindfolded man aside, and spoke to him quietly as he sharpened Anduring - though the ancient blade did not need it.

Through the grinding noises and occasional sparks, he spoke quietly.
"Your message - tell me what it says. I lead these men, and for now, they will leave you be if I command it - but I shall not wait long."

:arrow: Intimidation roll:
Roll(2d6)+8:5,6,+8 Total:19 - OOC: Woo-hoo!

Shawn, you forgot to add your specialty bonus or the situational modifier listed above... I put it in for you - Doug
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


:arrow: OOC:
Opposed Willpower Tests TN 15 and 19
Willpower +2 (I will extend them 2 Courage each)
Captive 1 - Roll(2d6)+2: 1,5,+2 Total:8 +6 (2 Courage) 14 FAILED (-1 to all Tests)
Captive 2 - Roll(2d6)+2: 3,3,+2 Total:8 +6 (2 Courage) 14 FAILED (-2 to all Tests)

Edrahil casts his spell Voice of Command, he will pause between each so as not to attain the multiple casting penalty TN 10. He will vocalize to each of the captives... "You will read us truthfully what is written upon the parchments!"
Willpower +7, Dazed -1
Roll(2d6)+6: 4,2,+6 Total:12 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+6: 5,6,+6 Total:17 SUCCESS

Easterlings now try to oppose Edrahil's command TN 12 and 17:
Willpower +2 (-1 and -2 respectively)
Roll(2d6)+1: 1,2,+1 Total:4 FAILED
Roll(2d6)+0: 5,5,+0 Total:10 FAILED

Edrahil resists Corruption TN 10
Willpower +7, Dazed -1
Roll(2d6)+6: 2,3,+6 Total:11 SUCCESS
Roll(2d6)+6: 6,4,+6 Total:16 SUCCESS


The two Easterling warriors each cringed at the sound and senses that bombard them by their individual interrogators. Fengel's more direct threat had his captive sputtering and whimpering in mere moments, pleading for his misbegotten life. Then Edrahil spoke to the man and the commanding presence of his voice was as Feanor must have spoken before the Vala, when he spat his contempt and so set the Noldor upon their doom.

Behind his blindfold, the Easterling could 'see' the eyes of the Sindar in his mind and he quailed, falling forward away from Fengel's sword. The Eothraim forcibly pulled the blindfold away and thrust the letters before him to speak what was written therein. The Easterling hastily began to read and Fengel's eyes widened as he heard the messge that was intercepted.

Not far away and not long after, Fengel and Edrahil joined Dirnhael to 'compare notes' with the other Easterling captive. Like his comrade, he was quickly incented to reveal the information that was written upon the parchments. In both cases, the Men and Elf were impressed about the education that both of the men of the East grasped - each knew how to read and write. Even Fengel was limited in this capacity, his people marking their history through song and tale moreso than the written word.

The Easterling read and confirmed what his comrade had said not too long agao...

Quote from: Arkish

To Sakalure,

My Liege, I write this note to impress upon you the urgency of my position in Eldanar. We have, over the last few months, been ordered to initiate offensive attacks against the Dunedain of Arthedain... in particular against my captive and his forces that have ranged my territory for the last three years.

Needless to say, the last orders came from Carn Dum itself and I was commanded to issue forth my cavalry to attack into the Ettenmoors nearly a month ago and then again not two weeks later. In both cases we attacked the forces of Camentir and have at last prevailed over them. Still, my numbers here at Eldanar have dwindled.

I urgently request reinforcements to bolster my defense. We have recieved word via our many spies that a force has marched out of Fornost against us. A reconaisance force led by one named Dirnhael is screening the advance... I fear what troops follow on behind.

Eldanar is a vital fortress in our Angmarim defenses and I will need more men to hold it than the two score that are present. Even now I am ordered to send our 'captive' north by command of the Witch-king himself - with him I will need to send a guarding force that will reduce my numbers even greater.

Please send a small contingent of at least 200 to re-support my garrison... perhaps your commander Durac may come?

I look forward to your reply to this request.



Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


"They fear that more are coming," said Dirnhael.
While that was not the case, perhaps the keeper's apprehension could be used against him and his men - if they moved quickly enough.

In any case, Camentir himself was apparently still alive, and was to be moved northward soon.

"Only two dozen," he said to no one in particular.
He had confidence that they could overcome such a force if they were not entrenched in Barad Eldanar. They must find a way to do so before Camentir could be moved deeper into the wretched lands of Angmar itself, and said so to his lieutenants.

Daelhun and Durgil had captured a great prize, and Edrahil's might had made them easier to break then Dirnhael could have ever imagined. The Hosts of the Valar seemed to smile on them this day.

As the campfires crackled that night, holding the winter's chill at bay, Dirnhael gathered his trusted friends and held counsel.

"We must move quickly. Word will still spread about our presence, and Barad Eldanar may have yet sent other messengers. Our numbers are dwindling, and we must take advantage of our opportunity to retrieve Camentir, and make haste for Fornost while we can."

He looked around the fire, gazing at their faces - partially lit in firelight and obscured by shadow.

"What say you?"
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


"You need not ask my mind for you know it already, Dirnhael.  I am with on this course of action," says Durgil in somber tone.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Seeing the gleam in Dirnhael's eye at the mention of only 2 dozen troops guarding the citadel Nain speaks.

"Does your King have the army to spare to hold the castle were we to take it back lad?  I know that retaking it would be a victory that would be lauded across the northlands but your mission is to rescue your friend and that would be much easier accomplished by ambushing a small force in the wild and trying to take a fortress with a handfull of men."


"I must agree with the little dwarf here.  He speaks with wisdom.  While taking over the fortress would be a great feat I fear that we would not even make it into our destination before we were struck down with arrow fire."

Daelhun though back to the stories of times before the Witch king infected the land of realms of the Dunedain, how he longed for those days to return but in his mind he knew that they were not strong enough in number to take the fortress.

"Ambushing the enemy as they move Caementir would be much better as we would have suprise and a much smaller force to contend with."

He stood up and looked at Dirnhael.  "But I will stand by you whatever you decide sir."


"I have thought about ambushing Camentir's captives after they leave Barad Eldanar," Dirnhael said.

"However, the Easterlings that attacked us a few days ago are still in the area, and they may be on their way back."
If they could take the keep, perhaps they could withstand the Easterling's return - but such a plan was risky.

"We shall make haste to Barad Eldanar and look for a weakness in it's defense. If we can find one, we may try to take the keep. If not, we shall lie in wait and keep watch for Camentir's captives and the Easterlings. Agreed?"
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Around Dirnhael the men of the small Host began to nod thier agreement. The information that had been intercepted was important and gave them a great advantage, but their few numbers still made that advantage a difficult choice. But their commander spoke soundly - in either case, they could press the advantage as it best fit.

"Your choice is wise Dirnhael. We should seek out this keep and leave our options open based upon what we find there. If we do find it accessible than what an upset it would be for our Enemy to lose one of his proud fortifications." Edrahil stood as he spoke, "But remember, Barad Eldanar would be an island in the midst of a sea of our enemy and it is many leagues to the safety of Fornost and Arthedain." Then the Elf gazed off towards the north and east, his voice becoming distant. "And remember this too, Dirnhael, there is a 'wolf' that prowls this plain and I fear it will seek out he that has caused it such pains."
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Fengel listened intently to his comrades, his blood rising, as if the camp fire were burning in his heart. He turned to Dirnhael and spoke:

"My friend, it angers me that that our enemy knows your name. I am of the mind to attack the fortress and strike it from their tongues!" He looked around the camp at this small band of men that he now called his friends, and saw the valor in their faces and the will to face their entrenched enemy.

"By my fathers, I say we ride come the dawn!"

Edrahil / Tam

[Hey guys, sorry about the continuous disappearing act from over here... I'm just reading to catch up on everything I missed today, and then should hopefully be posting something tonight. Look forward to being back!]


"Well we could try to cause a diversion.  If we rode up in the early morn, two of us could disguise ourselves as these men and get inside the gate.  Once inside the gate, the rest attack the fortress while those inside the gate could create a little havoc of their own.  We just need any passwords to get into the gates and/or passed any sentries."

OOC: Just to let you know, I will be out of touch until Sat nite/Sun.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


"Little Dwarf!  I'll show you who's a little dwarf!"

Nain stands and begins stomping toward the ill mannered Human clenching his fists into tight balls of fury.

"I'll have you know that I was working the forge before your father was even a gleam in his fathers eye!"

He swings his meaty fist at Daelhun.

Unarmed Attack
Roll (2d6) 6,4 +2=12
Damage (2d6) 3,3 +4=10


Curses at Nain in khuzdul

"Now is not the time for petty quarrels!  We can fight each other all we want once we have secured Camentir or the Keep! "