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CHAPTER 10 - Vengeance!

Started by tomcat, Feb 04, 2007, 11:44 AM

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She woke in the morning. The sadness that filled her was so that she felt numb. Thoughts of her parents, husband and brother all passed through her mind. Only one of them did she wonder whether he lived or not, the others having died while she stood by or watched. The plague that had swept up from the south had taken her father in the early spring and mother in the heat of summer. She wept silently remembering the truculent heat that raged through her mother's body in that scorching month - the pain that could not be subsided.

It was in that summer that her brother took to the road and rode west towards the Misty Mountains. Not long after they came. They took her husband's life with their cruel steel.

Now Gléowyn sat on the mat in the small room of the hut in which she was kept. Soon Harizän would come for her, as he always did, when his pleasure needed slaked. She looked down at the clay cup containing the viper's venom within. It was the third she had caught - with great care - and the third she had drawn from the deadly poison. Whether it be him or her... her pain would soon end!

OOC: The map of the land of the Éothraim is attached. It is large so you may need to scroll around.

Here is a background of the Éothraim - this is for player information only and may not be used in gaming unless the character is a native of Rhovanion or one of the Éothraim and/or has the apporpriate lore skill to test against.

The south east region of Rhovanion is inhabited by the Éothraim - the folk that one day will migrate north and become the Éothéod (circa T.A. 1857-2510) and reside in the northern Anduin vales of the Misty Mountains. Centuries later, in T.A. 2510-11, they would follow Eorl the Young to the aid of Gondor and gain the lands of Calenardhon as their own, renaming it the Riddermark (Rohan).

The Éothraim were a loosely connected, semi-migratory people that lived on the rolling grasslands of Rhovanion tending their great herds of horses and cattle. There were a total of six tribes and each of these was made up of loosely organized clans. Only in time of war would these people come together as one, whether it be in defense of their own land or to the call of Gondor with whom they had an alliance.

The six tribes were:

Ailgartha strongest and most organized of the tribes with permanent settlements having trade relations to the Elves of Greenwood and the men of Esgaroth and Dale.
the tribe could field 1,000 capable warriors
there were 10 clans in this tribe
Thuidmar was the ruler of this folk; strong and charismatic; he married the daughter of Athaulf of the Padaruik tribe and secured a strong alliance between the tribes
Fengel was of the Aligartha tribe and lived with his clan between the hills and the Donu River in Eastern Rhovanion, on the border of Dorwinion.
Padaruik lived along the Asdriag frontier in southeast Rhovanion.
the tribe could field 350 capable warriors
there were 4 clans in this tribe
Athaulf was the ruler of this folk; his daughter Hermenegild married Thuidmar of the Aligartha
Beorill living in central Rhovanion
the tribe could field 750 capable warriors
there were 7 clans in this tribe
there was no binding leader of these clans
Gadraught tough people that lived north of the mountains of Ash
the tribe could field 800 capable warriors
there were 7 clans in this tribe
Atuiric led these tribes
Anthar western tribe, just south of Greenwood that hunted the forest around the haunts of Dol Guldor.
the tribe could field 675 capable warriors
there were 5 clans in this tribe
no tribal leader
Eodar lived east of the Brown lands and north of the Dagorlad; they were the closest in alliance to Gondor and some of their folk even served in the king's armies.
the tribe could field 300 capable warriors
there were 5 clans in this tribe
no tribal leader to mention

The enemy of the Éothraim are primarily three - the Asdriags of the southern regions of the Sea of Rhûn, and the Sagath of the north. The third are the mountain and forest Orcs of southern Greenwood - from Dol Guldor and the Brown lands. Of the three, the two that threaten the Éothraim the most are the orcs and the Sagath. The orcs, whether driven by their own need and desires, or by the Necromancer and his lieutenant in Dol Guldor - Khamûl the Easterling (Nazgûl) - pressure the horse lords on their west by raiding for livestock, horses, or to just rain down terror. Although the Asdriags are a brutal people, war-like and harsh, they are not as numerous as the others and do not stage as many forays into the lands of Rhovanion.

The Sagath - a much more stronger tribe of folk than the Asdriags - come from the land of Rhûn and have migrated to the north of the Sea of Rhûn and Dorwinion. The pleasant valleys of Dorwinion they hesitate to attack, feeling both a kinship with these people and also having good trade relations, but the fair haired and skinned Éothraim are a different story. Tribal wars have raged between the north-eastern borders of these two people for centuries, one people taking advantage of a weakness of the other and gaining territory, only to lose it when ill fate falls on them for a time. The Sagath are at times also coerced by the Necromancer, or one of his agents, to take an offensive action against the Éothraim to weaken them so that they may not offer support in his ongoing struggle against Gondor. Needless to say, there is a racial hatred between these two folk. Only in Dorwinion, or Ilanin - the wain town, will these two people tolerate the presence of the other, and actually make trade between each other.

It is 686 miles from Khazad-dum to the land where Fengel lives... the Company has passed through these lands of the Éothraim with little incident and in the middle of June, come into the valley where Fengel called home.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Scene 1: The Road's End

Days 80-105 May 21-June 15, Goodbyes and arrival at last in East Rhovanion.

Setting: The Company moves on from the realm of Khazad-dûm to the homeland of Seriand and then spends 25 days on the road to arrive at last in Fengel's land.

The World seemed huge. To a few of the Company who had not seen much further than their own little part of Middle-earth, the endless travel proved how immense the world they lived in truly was. Not that the travel had been all bad. In fact from Khazad-dûm to Lothlórien, the road had been quite pleasant. The picturesque landscape of the eastern Misty Mountains into the Golden Wood would be a memory that long lived in the minds of the three Men in the Company. Seriand had led them to the southern part of the wood and aided them in crossing the Celebrant to put them onto the road beyond that would take them south to where they would be able to cross the Anduin River. The Elf said his goodbyes under the eaves of that forest and Edrahil felt a pang of remorse as he watched his kin disappear. Yet soon, the road and travel brought everyone back to their course.

Crossing the Wold of eastern Calenardhon, the Company came to Tirith Anduin, a great work of the Men of Westernesse who had settled throughout these lands long before Gondor existed. It was said that the hands of giants were used to lay the large stone foundations of the bridge that spanned the river. The location was well fortified with a garrison of Gondorian troops, for it was assaulted quite often by forces out of Dol Guldur. Dirnhael wondered if the bridge of Tharbad had been built by the same hands.

The Company crossed over, all the while in awe, little knowing that in the very near future the span would be dropped into the river by another attacking force, eliminating the strategic location for the sake of the Dark Lord.

To the north, the horizon was dark with the shadow of Greenwood the Great. To the east and south, green plains stretched and rolled for as far as the eyes could see. The Company followed the eastbound road for days to Rhûnost - an established settlement of the Eodar and Anthar tribes of the Éothraim. From there, they pushed on to Burh Sauthis within the lands of the Beorills, in the land of Ehwathrumavuld, in the heart of Rhovanion.

Still they pushed on, under the refreshing showers of late May and the blazing sun of June, leaving the road behind and now following trails that only Fengel knew. The Company rode behind the Man whose spirit had seemed to rise with every mile east that they passed.

"We are close," smiled Fengel on the morning of the twenty-fifth day of travel since departing the Dwarf realm.

Mounting, they moved on and rode through the day, while a light rain shower cooled them. The horses began to whicker between one another, smelling the wild horses that roamed nearby. Durgil patted his horse's neck and whispered in its ear keeping the animal calm. Nain merely popped an apple into Jethro's mouth making the pony quite content. The Dwarf worried, for he was down to only two apples left and there was not a tree to be seen for miles.

The Company crested a hill and Fengel stopped. He turned in his saddle back towards his companions, his face a wide grin. The Éothraim pointed, "That ribbon to the east is the Donu River, and those hills to the north border my people's land! I AM HOME!"

Spurring his mount, Fengel raced down the east face of the hill and onward east towards his homeland. The Company rode for another mile at this gait before the warrior reined in his mount. Fengel stood up in his stirrups to look, his face troubled. His companions came up beside him to see a large circular structure made of earth, wood and sod like many others they had seen crossing this land, but this one was in a state of utter ruin. About it was littered the ransacked items of the homestead and it was apparent that no one had lived here for quite a few seasons.

Fengel's shocked voice finally spoke, "This was my father's house and land. My sister Gléowyn and her husband took up residence here with the passing of my mother. What has happened? Where is Gléowyn?!?"

Dirnhael and the others had no answer to give their friend as he dismounted and ran to the ruin he had once called home.

OOC: Welcome home Fengel!  :D Hey Paul, I know I did a little dialogue for Fengel but I needed to set the scene... I leave it in your hands from here on out. Welcome to the new chapter guys... I'm looking forward to this one!  ;D
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Thoughts of the apples were lost at the sight of the structure before him and Fengel's outcry.  The dwarf had seen few battles but this one had been decisive.  He looked at the ramparts and thought for a moment that if they'd been stone this wouldn't have happened.  He kept the thought to himself though, as there was clearly no stone to have been used. He looked to see any signs of what might have happened to cause the fall of this fort.

Stone-Craft (Fortification)
Roll (1d12)+13; 8+13=21 to garner a little more information about what happened at the fortress.


OOC: Ooops... sorry Stefan, I guess I gave the wrong impressions as to the structure.

It is a small round country homestead, not a fortification. It has either sod stacked walls or formed mud brick, and a sod roof supported by tree branches (which would have needed to been imported). There may have been animal hides and skins but they are long gone along with a lot of the wood beams. The house would have accomodated a family of maybe ten people. The best visual I can give is the structure that Mel Gibson was working on when he returned home in Braveheart.

If you need anymore info, I will see if I can find pics on the internet.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: You amaze me Tomcat, with your knowledge and ability to narrate. :)

Fengel ran into the house frantically calling for Gleowyn, as his eyes searched for any sign of his beloved sister.  The home had been ransacked and everything torn apart.  Fengel's eyes began to fill with tears as he continued to search.

Observe (spot)
observe+3; spot+2; Per+1
Roll(1d12)+6: 2,+6 Total:8

He tore through the house like a mad man, but there was no sign of her.  Fengel then turned to the door, and not realizing, he pushed past his companions as they tried to enter the building.  He ran around the homestead crying for Gleowyn, but there was no answer to his call.  He then ran into the stable again searching frantically.

Observe (spot)
observe+3; spot+2; Per+1
Roll(1d12)+6: 6,+6 Total:12


OOC: Does home look as though it were purposefully destroyed or did it fall on its own accord?

This land was certainly an eye-opener to Durgil.  He never thought of people living this way as most he had seen made their homes of wood or stone.  To him, this was a bleak existance and admired his friend and his people all the more for being able to eke out a comfortable and happy living in such a place.  The distress his companion shows does give him cause to worry.  Even though the homestead looks abandoned for some time, he dismounts and decides to take a look around, arms at the ready if need be, making an ever-widening circle of a search pattern around the home.

Search - 1*-2=-1
Observe (Spot) - 9*+3+2=14
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Observe (Spot):
1d12= 8
Perception(+1), Skill Ranks (+3), Speciality (+2)
8+1+3+2= 14

Track (Men):
1d12= 6
Wits (+1), Skill Ranks (+2), Speciality (+2)
6+1+2+2= 10

Galudir marveled at the sites during the journey to Rhovanion. He also took the opportunity to learn more about the company, their previous travels, and the purpose for the journey into the East. Though still bitter over the loss of a fortune to the dwarves, time had eased his anger. Now the most pressing issue on the rogue's mind was his own destiny, what would he to so far from the lands he knew as home?

That contemplation quickly left his mind as the company came upon the ruin of the homestead Fengel called his father's home. As Fengel went to search the hut Galudir began examining the surrounding area.  He was hoping to find a clue as to the fate of Fengel's sister or the location of the attackers.


OOC: Nope that's perfect, I was thinking that the walls were more like defensive perimeter than a building.  Nain's skills would have little bearing on that sort of thing, but the rest is still ok. 


OOC: Let me give a description of what you guys are seeing first, and then I will end with a bit of narrative.

The homestead is in disrepair as if it were abandoned and then picked over by those that wanted things. Now whether the house was abandoned by the owner's free will or not, is for this story to turn up.

Your search rolls find nothing of value - literally the house has been 'stipped' of anything that would have been of worth, and it offers no evidence of who did it. Was it invaders, or did the surrounding neighbors, or passerbys come take what was left?

It has been abandoned for  awhile - at least two seasons. Fengel's folk were semi-migratory and so they would at times move with the seasons and the herds. Still, they would always come back to their homes (i.e. kind of like the native American tribes of the plains).

Needless to say, there are footprints that have been baked into the mud, along with hoof and wagon tracks. They are greatly eroded by wind and rain. Some wild-life has nested in the ruin since its abandonment and they may flutter out of the structure upon entrance. The Company is going to have to decide how they want to further their investigation.

Dismounting, a few of the Company members moved about in search of evidence of what had occured here - Fengel most of all. The others stood back and watched, keeping the reins of their companions horses. In the distance, a large black thundercloud was advancing east over the plains, before it preceded the winds. The sun was already behind the clouds and so the grey day was darkening quickly. It was going to be a wet night.

Inside the poorly lit house, Fengel rooted through the few remaining items that had once belonged to his parents and later his sister and her husband. It was mainly refuse now, he thought to himself, but it revealed nothing. The warrior then remembered his sister's and his hiding places where they used to keep things in secret from their parents. He walked over to where Gléowyn, as a child,  used to sleep at night and went to the cracked brick wall. He felt for the loose piece and quickly found it, memories flahing through his mind as he did. Fengel pulled it out to reveal a small cubby.

Inside was a couple dried flowers that Gléowyn had saved as a young girl; a cloth kerchief; and then Fengel's hand came upon her real treasure - a thin leather necklace that had hanging on it a silver pendant. Their grandmother had given the necklace to Gléowyn when she was coming of age, and Fengel's sister held it dear. Supposedly, the silver had come from the north and had been crafted by the Dwarves. But now, the leather was dry rotted and a few of the beads had cracked, but the silver pendant still shone bright.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: So the place doesn't look like it had been attacked, just more like they left?  Would there be neighbors that Fengel would remember?


OOC: Tomcat, let me second Palandil's comment; the set-up here is spectacular. Sometimes, this method of RP'ing is even better than sitting at a table together, simply because of the narrative. Well done!

Dirnhael came up quietly behind his friend, who knelt in the shadow of the broken wall, holding a shiny pendant. He rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"I see not everything was lost," he said quietly, knowing that no words would truly ease Fengel's concerns or fears - except perhaps what he spoke next: "We will find out what happened here, my brother, and if she lives, I swear to you that if I must, I will spend the rest of my days helping you get her back."

He thought of fair Ioreth once more; so far away. Did she wonder where he was this day? If so, she would understand, he thought, and Dirnhael knew that Fengel would do the same for him if their roles were reversed. He never again gave his commitment to Fengel a second thought.


When they had finished a rudimentary search of the premises and discovered that the home was long-empty, Dirnhael had some questions. Turning to Fengel, he asked, "Did your family, or your people, have a refuge? Somewhere they could hide and defend in case of attack, drought or storms? Could they have gone there?"

The pendant seemed valuable to Fengel, and Dirnhael could only assume that a person would hide in such a clever place only things that they valued. Since his sister did not take them with her, it seemed likely that she expected to return soon after she left. Perhaps she left in an hurry; some kind of emergency? Dirnhael discounted the alternative for now - it was too soon for such pessimism.

He lamented that Seriand had left them; his gifts as a tracker would have been handy. Still, they were a capable bunch, and Dirnhael did not yet know what gifts Thermon may yet possess...

To the Company's credit, there was no indication that anyone had any other intentions but to find Fengel's sister. All of them owed the man too much to consider anything else.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


While the others searched the area in and around the house, Edrahil remained in the saddle. With great sadness he thought of the terror of Angmar in the north, so far away beyond the mountains. No where in Middle-earth seemed safe from the influence of evil, even lands so far away.

This place had been abandoned a long while ago. Perhaps others knew the fate of those who had lived here. Sitting up, Edrahil sanned the horizon for smoke emanating from other households that might be nearby.

Observe (Spot) +4 (+2 for Keen-eyed)
Roll(1d12)+6: 4,+6 Total:10


Quote from: Palandil on Feb 06, 2007, 01:20 PMOOC: So the place doesn't look like it had been attacked, just more like they left?  Would there be neighbors that Fengel would remember?

I am not saying it was attacked or not, but it is in ruin. It could have been attacked and the occupants carried off, then picked through. It may have just been abandoned.  ???  ;)

Yes, there are neighbors that would be around... some within a mile, others beyond that, but the families that lived here remained in the same places as a clan through each season. Although they might move with a season, they would come back to their homes. So... to answer the next question, would this be a time of migration? No... the clans still tilled the earth and farms would be in mid-growth.

Quote from: Dirnhael"Did your family, or your people, have a refuge? Somewhere they could hide and defend in case of attack, drought or storms? Could they have gone there?"

Fengel's people in time of war or other danger would go to the hills to the north where there is a permanent fortification. They may also fly to the main 'cities' of the Éothraim - these are marked on the map in various locations within the different tribal lands.

Quote from: EdrahilEdrahil scanned the horizon for smoke emanating from other households that might be nearby.

Edrahil can see smoke rising to the north and east but it is not in any great amount (i.e. burning homestead, etc.)

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Durgil returns to the home.  "Shall we wait out the night here or move on?  Would others nearby be willing to take us in, Fengel?"
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


After retrieving Gleowyn's necklace, Fengel started to think more deeply about the situation.  His people did move on during the changes in season, but would always return to their homes.  This place had not been inhabited for some time.  Surely his sister and husband would have returned.  No, something had to have happened.  He wondered if the plaque had returned in his absence and claimed his sister's life as well?  He faintly heard Durgil's question, but did not respond as he got up and walked back outside to look for new graves near where he had laid his parents to rest.  If they had pasted, his people would have buried them there.

Observe spot:
Observe+3; spot+2; Per+1
Roll(1d12)+6: 9,+6 Total:15