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Started by tomcat, Apr 26, 2015, 03:38 PM

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Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



Ranged Weapons: If during a combat roll the Archer rolls an Eye of Sauron then the character is considered to have run out of ammunition.

Sleeping in the Rough: This optional rule makes recovery of Weariness a little easier based on an Explore roll and degree of success.  In the Journey rules as stated, a hero will recover 1 Fatigue per night, after a sound rest in a safe place. In addition, the Loremaster may allow the heroes to roll an Explore test – the TN will be based on the regional difficulty. If successful, the heroes have found themselves a safe and comfortable place to sleep each night, through the journey.   On a success, the hero may reduce their overall Fatigue gain by 2 (on a great success by 3, and on an extraordinary success by 4 or their base Body attribute, whichever is higher).

Advancement Points will be rewarded based on:
  • if no pips have been yet earned in a category during Adventuring phase, the character will earn a pip on his first successful roll
  • if the first pip has been earned in a category during Adventuring phase, the second will be earned only by rolling a Great or Extraordinary success
  • if the PC has earned two pip in a category during Adventuring phase, the third can only be earned as an award from the Loremaster for great roleplaying, or some other deed
Experience Points will be rewarded based on:
  • page 213 presents a ratio of earned experience points over a number of game sessions during an adventuring phase, and it should be 6 plus 1 or 2 more points for a completed phase
  • ibased on this and how long play-by-post can sometimes take, each PC will rewarded 7 experience at the end of each Adventuring phase, plus 1 or 2 at the Loremaster's discretion

Dice Rolls an 11  :~~:  will always be a BOON to the bad guys, and thus a success no matter what the TN. It will be a catastrophe to the good guys being a zero (0) result. The inverse will be true regarding  :g:.

Miruvor gives a +4 bonus to the heal tests and removes Misery

Lembas is to be determined

Forward Stance
Intimidate Foe
Roll Awe or Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes Success: Enemy loses 2 Hate points (3 on great success, 4 or valor rating on extraordinary success) Hate loss divided equally among foes

All out attack*
Add extra success die to melee attack, but lose Parry bonus (TN 6 to hit hero)

Smash shield*
Remove 2 success dice from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and smashes opponent's shield

Sweeping Blow*
If Hero is paired against 2 or more foes, he can attack all foes with one attack Remove success dice equal to total number of foes (2 or 3); roll one attack with remaining dice Each enemy is hit if attack result is greater than his TN (6+parry). Damage bonuses that stem from great or extraordinary successes apply only to the initial creature hit, each other creature in the sweep take standard damage, unless the feat die was also a :g:.

Open Stance
Rally Comrades
Roll Inspire or Song against TN 14; On a success, all companions recover up to 2 Endurance Points, 3 on great success, and 4 or rallying Hero's Heart rating on extraordinary success- OR - All Heroes temporarily remove fatigue weariness for 2 rounds (4 rounds on great success, 6 or rallying Hero's Heart rating in rounds on extraordinary success). A hero may only benefit from the Fatigue reduction once in a combat engagement.

Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and enemy drops weapon

Distract Opponent
Roll Riddle or Stealth vs. TN 10+Attribute ranking of foe Success: This enemy loses 2 Parry point (3 on great success, 4 on extraordinary success) for this and next combat round

Targeted strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die

Twin strike*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice

Defensive Stance
Protect Companion
Define companion you want to protect; if this companion is attacked this turn spend 1 Hope to force enemy to protect you instead; you can make a standard attack on top of this

Defensive Fighting
Reduce a number of success dice from your attack roll; your Parry increases by 2 for each success die

Second wind
Roll Athletics against TN 14; Success: You regain up to 4 Endurance points (5 on great success, 6 or Heart rating on extraordinary success); can be used only once per encounter

Command Roll
Battle vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round on of you companions can spend 1 extra success die on attack actions (2 companions on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) ; no Hero can spend more than 1 of these dice

Rearward Stance
Prepare Shot
Roll Awareness vs. TN 10+ Attribute ranking targeted foe; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions

Roll Stealth vs. TN 10+highest Attribute ranking of foes; Success: Next round you can spend 1 extra success die (2 on great success, 3 on extraordinary success) on attack actions; (can also be used during opening volley)

Twin shot*
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; then split remaining success dice between two attacks; roll each attack with Feat die + respective number of success dice; Can be used to attack to enemies or one enemy twice

Targeted shot
Remove 2 success dies from attack roll; if attack hits it deals damage as per normal rules and the attack is an automatic piercing strike independent of roll on Feat die

* Risky maneuver - if "Sauron's Eye" is rolled on Feat die, Hero loses his Parry rating on the next attack against him


STONE TAKE YOU ALL - if the creature possesses this trait and is exposed to sunlight, they will begin to lose Hate points at a rate of 2 per combat round. If the creature's Hate is reduced to 0, while being exposed to the light of day, they will turn to stone the same round that all Hate points are consumed.

DARK STRENGTH (1) - The creature is so resilient and capable in skill that it is not knocked out or killed when reduced to 0 Endurance or if wounded once. The creature instead becomes Weary but keeps fighting at 0 Endurance or when wounded once, until wounded twice, or reduced to 0 Endurance AND wounded.

DARK STRENGTH (2) - The creature is so resilient and capable in skill that it is not knocked out or killed when reduced to 0 Endurance or if wounded once. The creature instead becomes Weary but keeps fighting at 0 Endurance or when wounded once, until wounded three times, or reduced to 0 Endurance AND wounded twice.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



The first Elves awoke by Cuiviénen, the Water of Awakening in the far east of Middle-earth, long Ages before the Rising of the Sun or Moon. Unlike Men, the Elves were not subject to illness or death, and at the time of the Lord of the Rings, there were still at least two Elves in Aman who had awoken by Cuiviénen in the first days: Ingwë, Lord of the Vanyar, and Olwë, brother of King Elu Thingol.

Origins and Early History

In the far eastern land of Cuiviénen, on the shores of the Inland Sea of Helcar and beneath the mountains of the Orocarni, the Elves awoke under the starlight of the Years of the Trees. The Valar at first knew nothing of their coming, but they were soon discovered by the spies of Melkor, who sent his creatures to watch them and harass them.

How long they existed in this perilous and unprotected state is not known, but the legends of those times, of the Hunter and of a dark Rider, were preserved in Valinor by the Eldar that came there. It is known that many of the ancient Elves were captured by Melkor and imprisoned in Utumno - it is generally thought that these hapless beings were the origins of the race of Orcs.

The Valar discovered that the Elves had awoken when Oromë, hunting in the lands of Middle-earth, heard their singing voices. He named them Eldar, the People of the Stars, but the Elves' own name for their kind was Quendi, those who speak with voices. Because of the horrors of Melkor, many of the Elves were at first suspicious of the Vala, but (after briefly returning to Valinor to tell the other Valar of his discovery) he remained with them and protected them for a time.

Concerned for the safety of the Elves in Middle-earth, which was at that time under the control of Melkor, the Valar left Valinor and made war against the Dark Lord: this was the Battle of the Powers, which saw Melkor taken as captive back to Valinor.

The Great Journey

After the defeat of Melkor, the Valar debated the fate of the Elves - whether they should be left to dwell in Middle-earth, or brought to Valinor to be kept under the direct protection of the Valar. It was decided to bring them to the land of the Valar, and Oromë was sent back to Cuiviénen to summon them.

When he returned, though, he found that the Elves feared the Valar, and were reluctant to make the journey. Three ambassadors were chosen, Ingwë, Finwë and Elwë, to travel to Aman with Oromë, and help the Elves decide on their course. These three were filled with awe by what they saw there, and by the light of the Two Trees, and counselled their people to follow the summons.

The followers of Ingwë, and most of the peoples of Finwë and Elwë agreed, and they set out on the Great Journey westwards across the wide lands of Middle-earth. These were the peoples later known as the Three Kindreds, the Vanyar, the Noldor and the Teleri. Not all the Elves obeyed the summons; those who refused are known as Avari, the Unwilling1.

Oromë led the peoples of the Three Kindreds out of the east of Middle-earth. The Vanyar were the least numerous, and the most eager to reach Aman, and they came first on the Journey, followed by the Noldor of Finwë.

The Teleri, led by Elwë and his brother Olwë, were the greatest host, and many were uncertain and doubtful. Not a few of these people left the Journey and remained in Middle-earth2. The most notable of those who turned from the Journey were the Nandor, who were led away down the Vales of Anduin by Lenwë.

At last, the Vanyar and the Noldor reached the shores of the Great Sea, in the regions between the Bay of Balar and the Firth of Drengist (regions later known, at least for the most part, as the Falas). Ulmo brought a great island to the shores, and on it transported the first two hosts of the Elves to Aman.

The Teleri were the hindcomers, though, and arrived in Beleriand too late to embark on Ulmo's island. They dwelt for a while on the banks of the Gelion in eastern Beleriand, but later spread to the shores. In this time, two events of historical importance occurred - their lord Elwë was lost for a time in Nan Elmoth, and they encountered Ossë, a Maia of the Sea.

Many of the Teleri wished to remain in Beleriand, some to seek for their lost lord, and others because of desires stirred in their hearts by Ossë. When the time came for Ulmo to return to Beleriand to take the Teleri to Valinor, then, many of them chose to remain behind. These people became known in after years as the Sindar, the Grey-elves, and those who dwelt by the shores under the lordship of Círdan became known as the Falathrim.

Melkor Chained: Three Ages of Bliss

Now came three ages of glory and bliss for the Elves, both east and west of the Great Sea. In Valinor, the Vanyar and the Noldor, and those of the Teleri who completed the Journey, dwelt with the Valar and learned from them. They dwelt in the jewelled city of Tirion in the Pass of Light, and at the Swanhaven of Alqualondë, and beneath the tower of Avallónë on the Lonely Isle of Tol Eressëa. While the Two Trees still gave light to the realm of the Valar, three ages passed, and the Elves of Valinor became the wisest and noblest of all the Children of Ilúvatar.

Meanwhile, in Beleriand, the Sindar dwelt beneath starlight. While most of Middle-earth still slept, awaiting the coming of the Sun and Moon, Melian the Maia brought life to the forests and plains of Beleriand under Thingol's rule, and Oromë would still ride at times across the darkling lands.

The Nature of the Elves

Elves and Men are both the Children of Ilúvatar, and so have much in common, but there are also great differences between the two peoples. Of these, the most significant is that Elves are 'immortal', at least while the World lasts; they do not suffer ageing3 or disease, and if they are slain or wither with grief, they are reincarnated in the Halls of Mandos in Valinor.

Although, unlike Men, the Elves must remain in the world until its ending, they are not bound to Middle-earth. They may if they wish take the straight road, and sail into the Uttermost West, a road that is barred to mortals.

Elves also have far clearer sight and perception than Men; they are naturally aware of many things that are hidden from the Younger Children, but these gifts are not without limit.


The Elves never had any distinct 'religion' in the sense that Men would understand the word; indeed, the High Elves had travelled to Valinor and lived with the Valar (or 'gods') themselves for many ages before Men came into the world.

Of all the Valar, they most revered Varda Elentári, the spouse of Manwë, and Lady of the Stars. In Middle-earth, they called her Elbereth, Star-Queen, and sang to her across the wide ocean Belegaer. Great respect was also given to Ulmo, especially during the First Age when he aided the Elves against Morgoth.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


The Children of Aulë

"Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd aimênu! Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!"

The battle-cry of the Dwarves

The Lord of the Rings Appendix F I: Of Other Races: Dwarves
Unlike Elves and Men, the Dwarves are not Children of Ilúvatar; they were created by Aulë the Smith, though Ilúvatar granted them life. Aulë made seven Fathers of the Dwarves, and these slept through many ages until after the Awakening of the Elves. Almost all the Dwarves that appear in Tolkien's works were descended from the eldest of the Seven Fathers, Durin the Deathless.

Like Aulë their maker, the Dwarves delighted in smithcraft and stoneworking; they mined and worked metals throughout the mountains of Middle-earth. The Dwarves kept themselves apart from the other races; their language, Khuzdul, was a closely guarded secret, and they told their true names to none but themselves (all the Dwarf-names in Tolkien are in the tongues of Elves or Men, not true Dwarf names).

Origins of the Dwarves

The first Dwarves were made long ages ago by Aulë the Smith. He had dimly perceived the coming Children of Ilúvatar, and desired to make Children of his own to teach his many skills and arts.

Aulë's work was doomed, though, because he did not have the power to grant independent life to his creations - that power belonged to Ilúvatar alone. When the Dwarves were completed, though, the voice of Ilúvatar spoke to Aulë and agreed to grant them true life, and include them in His plan for Arda. Ilúvatar would not allow the Dwarves to awaken, though, until after the Firstborn (the Elves), and so Aulë set them to sleep far apart from one another, deep underground, until the time came for their awakening.

The History of the Dwarves Before the First Age

Ilúvatar promised Aulë that he would awaken the Fathers of the Dwarves 'when the time comes'. We must assume that he did so shortly after the Awakening of the Elves at Cuiviénen (the Elves awoke approximately 4,300 years before the first rising of the Sun, the first Dwarves would have followed shortly afterward).

It seems that not long passed after their awakening before Durin the Deathless, eldest of the Fathers, founded Khazad-dûm (later called Moria) in the Misty Mountains. Certainly it was well established as their chief citadel by the time the first Dwarves crossed the Blue Mountains into Beleriand. This took place about 2,400 years before the rising of the Sun, during the second age of the Captivity of Melkor.

The Dwarves had no settlement in Beleriand itself, but they built two mighty citadels in the Blue Mountains; Gabilgathol to the north and Tumunzahar to the south. These fortress-cities are better known by the Elvish versions of their names: Belegost and Nogrod. The Dwarves also laid the long road that ran westwards out of the Blue Mountains and along the course of the River Ascar, crossing into East Beleriand at Sarn Athrad.

The Dwarves in Beleriand

For the Elves dwelling in Beleriand, the first appearance of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains was a startling revelation - until that time, the Elves had thought themselves the only speaking peoples in the World.

Throughout the long ages, the Elves and Dwarves developed a mutual respect which, if not quite friendship, was far from enmity. After their return to Middle-earth at the beginning of the First Age, the Noldor became closest in friendship with the Dwarves - both peoples revered Aulë, and both had a love of craft and making that made them natural allies.

Of all the Elves of Beleriand, though, it was not a Noldo but a Sindarin Elf who became most trusted and respected by the Dwarves. This was Eöl, the Dark Elf of Nan Elmoth, who travelled often to the dwarf-cities in the Blue Mountains, and who took also his son Maeglin during his youth.

The Nature of the Dwarves

Aulë made the Dwarves at a time when the World outside Aman still lay under the dominion of Melkor, and so he made them sturdy and hard to survive the dangers and hardships of that time.

In nature, the typical Dwarf is stubborn and secretive. Though they make loyal and good friends, they are also a proud and stern race. They do not suffer grievance or insult, and their enmity is long-lasting. They are said to be quick to learn new skills.

Probably the best known aspect of the Dwarvish character, though, is their strong instinctive skills in the working of metal and stone, no doubt derived from Aulë their maker, the Vala whose province these things were. In ancient times, they were said to have preferred working with copper and iron, though in later days they wrought gold and silver, and the mithril they found in the Mines of Khazad-dûm.

Dwarvish Mortality

Though they live much longer than Men (usually around 250 years), Dwarves are mortal creatures. What happens after their death, though, is a mystery. The Elves have said that the Dwarves return to the stone from which they were made, but the Dwarves have a different belief.

According to Dwarvish tradition, they are gathered by Mahal (their name for Aulë) in a part of the Halls of Mandos set aside for them. After the end of the World and the Last Battle, they say, they will aid Aulë in the rebuilding of Arda.

The rest of this content is from DECIPHER'S Moria creators...

The Seven Houses

Durin's Folk

Homeland: Misty and Grey Mountains
Chief Delving:  Khazad-dûm; also called Moria the Black Pit

Úri's Folk

Homeland: Blue Mountains
Chief Delving: Tumunzahar; also called Nogrod by the Elves

Linnar's Folk

Homeland: Blue Mountains
Chief Delving: Gabilgathol; also called Belegost by the Elves

Sindri's Folk

Homeland: Far North
Chief Delving: Gamil-nâla

Thulin's Folk

Homeland: Far North
Chief Delving: Kibil-tarag

Var's Folk

Homeland: East of East
Chief Delving: Nargubraz

Vigdis' Folk

Homeland: East of East
Chief Delving: Baraz-lagil
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]




Blood of Númenor - may re-roll feat die against Corruption



Choose one:
1) (Swords) 2, Spear 1, Bow 1, Dagger 1
2) Long sword 2, (Bows) 1, Spear 1, Dagger 1

Choose two:
Beast-lore, Fire-making, Herb-lore, Old-lore, Smoking, Story-telling


Blood of the Faithful

Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 4, Wits 6
Favoured Skill: Explore
Distinctive Features: choose two
Adventurous, Energetic, Fair, Fierce, Keen-eyed, Lordly, Secretive, Tall, Wary

Endurance: 23+Heart
Hope: 8+Heart


Shadow Bane (as the Elf's Shadow Bane)
The people of Gondor have suffered grievous losses during many wars against the Shadow. The loss of Minas Ithil, indeed most of Ithilien, kindles a bitter, cold hate for the Enemy.

When you are fighting in a Forward stance (see page 172) against servants of the Shadow (including Spiders, Orcs, Trolls and Evil Men), add one Success die to all your attack rolls (up to a maximum of 6).

Practiced Shot (as the Hobbit's Fair Shot)
You have spent a great deal of your time practising your aim and your accuracy is exceptional.

When you make a ranged attack, you can roll the Feat die twice and keep the best result.

Skirmisher (same as Beorning's Great Strength)
You specialize in hit and run tactics. Lightly encumbered, you are able to nimbly harass enemy forces.  

If the total Encumbrance of your carried gear is equal to or less than 12, when you are fighting in a close combat stance, you receive a bonus of +3 to your Parry score.

Noble Lineage (taken from this resource --> Rangers of the North (homebrew), pg 8)
In your veins runs the blood of the noble lineage of the Faithful. You look (or feel) fairer than most and your presence alone can inspire the hearts of those that are at your side. Taking advantage of this, you have learned to use your presence to boost your companions' confidence.

Raise your Company's Fellowship rating by one point. In addition, whenever you make an Inspire roll, you can roll the feat die twice and keep the better result.

Natural Watchfulness (same as Woodmen's Natural Watchfulness)
Whether travelling, exploring or even resting, the behaviour of animals can communicate much to those who know how to interpret the signs. It could be the sudden silence of a bird, or the distant rustling of a beast in flight. You have learnt to recognise which sounds and sights reveal the approaching of enemies, and to read much from your surroundings.

When you are outside, you upgrade the quality of all your successful Awareness rolls by one level, turning a success into a great success, or a great success into an extraordinary one. Additionally, once during each day, you may make an Explore roll with a TN of 14 to gather information regarding the area surrounding you, as if you were observing it from a vantage point (the top of a tall tree, a small hill).

Hands of the Healer (taken from this resources --> Rangers of the North (homebrew), pg 7)
The people of Gondor have long studied the art of healing with herbs and remedies, and you learned this craft from the Houses of Healing. You are capable of finding the right herb for all kinds of ills and can soothe the suffering of others.

You learn how to treat injuries on the battlefield quickly and efficiently with Soothe Pain when you first select this Virtue, and can master the secrets of Poison Remedies and Herbal Care as your undertaking during a Fellowship Phase, expending one Experience point for each virtue.

Soothe Pain
You know how to treat recent injuries with the use of a secret recipe of herbs taught to you by your mentor. This can alleviate the initial suffering and distress those harmed feel after battle.

When recovering after combat (a 30 minutes rest) you can make a Healing Roll against a TN of 14 and spend a hope point to increase the amount of Endurance points recovered by any uninjured allies. On a success, a number of people equal your Wisdom score recover one additional Endurance point. On a great success, they recover two additional endurance points. On an extraordinary success, they recover four additional Endurance points.

Poison Remedies
You know how to prepare a drink that, when ingested, will help a victim to shake off the effects of spider-poison or to prepare a salve that when applied to wounds will help the infected to fight off the effects of orc-poison.

You can spend a point of Hope and make a Craft Roll against a TN of 14 to neutralize the effect of a single poison type on all members of your Company.

Herbal Care
You know how to treat injured people when they most need assistance. Speaking old words of power and wisdom you ease their suffering and their wounds heal faster.

During a prolonged rest, you can forego the benefits you would gain and spend one Hope point to make a Lore check on a chosen companion (injured or otherwise) to aid their recovery of additional Endurance points. On a successful roll they recover two additional Endurance point. On a great success they recover four additional Endurance Points and on an extraordinary success they recover an additional four Endurance points plus your Wisdom score.


Armour of the Rangers (Any Leather) (same as Woodmen's Feathered Armour)
This armour has been fashioned to be silent and camouflaged within the wilderness. It makes almost no noise at all when its wearer moves and appears to blend in with its environment.

When you make Stealth rolls you can roll the Feat dice twice and keep the best result.

Well-Crafted Backpack (made this one up)
Being constantly on the move, the Rangers of Ithilien have learned to craft excellent backpacks to help shoulder their loads and decrease their weariness as they travel.

Reduce the encumbrance of your travelling gear by 1. When you make fatigue tests, add a bonus to your rolls equal to your Wisdom rating.

Ithilien Bow (great bow) (same as Elf's Woodland Bow)
The Rangers of Ithilien craft great bows that allow a quicker rate of fire when engaging the Enemy in the wilds.

You are always allowed to make one additional opening volley, even when no opening volleys are allowed (unless you are surprised).
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Here is a PDF of all of the Undertakings currently listed in the game.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


For the Current Game...

For those of you who don't have access to p 212 of the core book, it basically works like this:

First AP: any successful roll
Second AP: a great or extraordinary success OR reflects a pertinent Trait
Third AP: a great or extraordinary success AND reflects a pertinent Trait

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


For those keen to read ahead, the attached document contains the set of rules I'm planning on using for the upcoming battle.  It may or may not be re-used in future (Doug-generated) encounters, but I wanted the battle to have some mechanical heft to it. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet



The following is adapted from Pendragon's rather excellent rules for the same situation.  Praise Greg Stafford and all his good works! 

A skirmish is a special form of melee combat that opens with a mass attack by one or both sides.  One side or the other may gain an initial advantage (e.g. through a charge on horseback) and combat then dissolves into individual whorls of melee. 

In a skirmish, Battle rolls are made by each PC involved, as usual.  After the Battle roll, combat is joined and resolved for each player character, using normal combat rules.  Each PC should face a significant enemy (a goblin chieftain, for example) unless the enemy is composed entirely of inferior foes. 

The skirmish does not end until the situation regarding the player characters is resolved.  It may be that they are victorious, only to look up and see that the rest of their unit has been routed.  Or they may be defeated by their opponents, only to be rescued by their Loremaster character companions. 

To determine what the rest of the unit has done, use the Followers' Fate table. Usually, this roll is delayed for anywhere from 1 to 5 rounds, while the Loremaster deals with individual combats.  Eventually a PC is sure to look around and ask what is happening with the rest of the unit, or the Loremaster might simply feel it is time to make the roll. 

The Follower's Fate roll uses the leader's Battle skill.  To represent tactical decisions made before the skirmish began, bonus dice not already used during the skirmish may be used on this roll. 


Die result  Outcome 
Extraordinary success
Great success
A great victory!  Losses are minimal (5-10%, almost all of whom are wounded rather than slain).  Prisoners may be taken if appropriate (e.g. if facing evil Men or other enemies likely to surrender rather than flee or fight to the death).
The Free Peoples are victorious with some losses (~10%, with a mix of wounded and slain). 
The Free Peoples are victorious, though losses are significant (~25%, including several slain). 
The Free Peoples have been defeated, with severe losses (~50%), and have retreated from the field.

Particularly terrible results (mainly where a :~~: was rolled) may result in the Free Peoples being routed from the field with 75% losses or more. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet