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Started by tomcat, Dec 27, 2006, 12:36 AM

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This thread is for me to post stat blocks or other information I need as a GM.


Don't peruse the thread if you want to keep some things suspenseful.

Quick Reference

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Wraith (Dwimmerlaiks)

"Begone, foul dwimmerlaik... Leave the dead in peace!" - Éowyn, The Return of the King

ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 10 (+2)*, Nimbleness 8 (+1), Perception 8 (+1), Strength (+0), Vitality 10 (+2)*, Wits 8 (+1)
REACTIONS: Stamina +4, Swiftness +4*, Willpower +3, Wisdom +3
MOVEMENT RATE: 3 (Incorporeal Floating)
SKILLS: Intimidate (Fear) +6, Language: Westron/any +6, Observe (Smell) +5, Stealth (Shadow) +10, Unarmed Combat (any) +8
SPELLS: Evoke Fear, Veiling Shadow -Dwimmerlaiks need not make Stamina tests or use gestures to cast spells
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Daylight Weakness, Icy Grasp, Scent of Blood, Shadow Form, Terror, Undead Stamina, Vulnerability (fire and enchanted weapons inflict half damage)
SIZE: Medium

Daylight Weakness: Dwimmerlaiks are weakened by daylight and suffer a -3 penalty on all tests made while exposed to the sun.

Icy Touch: A dwimmerlaik's grasp is cold and lethal. Every successful hit by an Unarmed Combat test, or every round held in a grab by the Dwimmerlaik, drains the victim of 2 points of Strength and Vitality (may make a Stamina save TN 12 + the Dwimmerlaik's Bearing modifier). The victim is paralyzed when either attribute reaches 0, and when both attributes reach 0 the victim dies. If the victim is not killed lost points return normally (see CRB p. 247), or are fully restored upon the application of a Healing-spell.

Scent of Blood: Dwimmerlaiks smell the blood of living creatures, giving them +2 to Observe (Smell) tests to find them. They also benefit from a +4 test bonus to track bleeding creatures.

Shadow Form: A dwimmerlaik consists of insubstantial shadow. Dwimmerlaiks float above the ground and can pass through solid matter unhindered, but cannot manipulate physical objects by their own means. Dwimmerlaiks are immune to heat, cold, falling, normal weapons, poison, and corrosives. However, they are vulnerable to fire and enchanted weapons (any weapon with at least a +1 enchantment bonus, or appropriate bane-spell).

Undead Stamina: Dwimmerlaiks need never eat or drink, take no damage from physical attacks, heal all injuries at five times the normal rate, do not have Weariness levels, and need never make Stamina tests to resist weariness, and cannot be affected by critical hits (from superior or extraordinary successes, although the Narrator may apply additional affects), stun attacks, poison or disease.

From the Elder Days to the late Third Age, undead abominations beyond reckoning were unleashed by Morgoth and Sauron, by whose dark power wicked souls were somehow bound to Middle-earth even after death. Some of these corrupt spirits remained disembodied and became ghostly phantoms haunting dark places. Such is the fate of the dwimmerlaik, a cursed specter that retains the cunning and intelligence possessed in life-and the hate and malevolence. Dwimmerlaiks are shadowy, translucent wraiths in a shape vaguely like their form in life. They often appear with dim, ethereal versions of the garments and gear they bore while living.

Dwimmerlaiks are usually bound to a particular place strongly connected to their downfall. Their bounded habitat can sometimes be a large area (like an entire mountain), and dwimmerlaiks always assault the living that trespass into their domain. In some respects they are similar to ghosts, though dwimmerlaiks are cursed to serve forever the power of the Shadow and hold no hope of release. Dwimmerlaiks likely inhabit many dark places in the White Mountains, for Éowyn knew of them and called the Witch-king of Angmar by that name during their confrontation (since she did not know the more proper terms Nazgûl or Úlairi).
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



ATTRIBUTES: The ghost retains the attributes that it had in life, although Strength and Nimbleness are often naught in value, and Bearing and Perception generally rise
REACTIONS: The ghost retains the reactions that it had in life
SKILLS: The ghost retains all the skills he had in life, though physical skills are generally useless
FLAWS: frequent flaws include Dark Secret, Duty, Grasping, Hatred, and Oath
SPELLS: Narrator will decide based on their story
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Icy Touch, Incorporeal, Invisible, Possession, Rejuvenation, Telekinesis, Terror, Undead Stamina, Vulnerability (fire and enchanted weapons inflict half damage)
SIZE: Medium

Icy Touch: A ghost's grasp is cold and lethal. Every successful hit by an Unarmed Combat test, or every round held in a grab by the ghost, drains the victim of 2 points of Strength and Vitality (may make a Stamina save TN 15 + the ghost's Bearing modifier). The victim is paralyzed when either attribute reaches 0, and when both attributes reach 0 the victim dies. If the victim is not killed lost points return normally (see CRB p. 247), or are fully restored upon the application of a Healing-spell.

Incorporeal: A ghost's form is insubstantial. They float above the ground and can pass through solid matter unhindered, but cannot manipulate physical objects by their own means. Ghost's are immune to heat, cold, falling, normal weapons, poison, and corrosives. However, they are vulnerable to fire and enchanted weapons (any weapon with at least a +1 enchantment bonus, or appropriate bane-spell).

Invisible: The ghost is generally invisible but can be 'felt' (Perception TN 10 + ghost's Bearing modifier) but not seen, Defence score is 20. The ghost may manifest itself, becoming visible but remaining incorporeal. When manifested, the Defence of the ghost returns to 10 + its Nimbleness modifier.

Possession: Once per day, the ghost may target a Man, Hobbit, or Dwarf in an attempt to take over his or her body. The ghost and the target engage in a Contest of Wills (see page 222 of the CRB). If the ghost wins, the body is possessed until the ghost chooses to leave it. If the target wins, the ghost may not try to possess another being until the next day. A ghost inhabiting a body will retain its own statistics plus all physical statistics of its captured body (i.e. strength, nimbleness, health, etc.). If the host body is slain by violence before the ghost can leave, it will be slain as well (see below, rejuvenation).

Rejuvenation: Killing a ghost in most cases is difficult at best; the dead spirit will often "restore" itself after 2d6 days. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a ghost for sure is to determine the reason for its unrest and set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace.

Telekinesis: The ghost can move things with its mind once per round as a free action, the affects similar to Wizard's Hand, except the ghost need not make any test to cast or save against weariness. Some ghosts with a bearing of at least 13 may manifest this power similar to Wizard's Fist.

Undead Stamina: Ghosts need never eat or drink, take no damage from physical attacks, heal all injuries at five times the normal rate, do not have Weariness levels, and need never make Stamina tests to resist weariness, and cannot be affected by critical hits (from superior or extraordinary successes, although the Narrator may apply additional affects), stun attacks, poison or disease.

A Sample Ghost...
RACE: Spectre ( Dúnadan)
ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 11 (+2), Perception 10 (+2), Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 9 (+1)
REACTIONS: Stamina +4, Swiftness +2, Willpower +6, Wisdom +1
DEFENCE: 20 (Invisible)
ORDER: Loremaster, Magician
ORDER ABILITY: Scroll Hoard, Spellcasting 3
SKILLS: Armed Combat +8, Conceal +3, Craft +6, Debate +3, Games +5, Inquire +4, Intimidate (Fear) +8, Observe (Spot, Hear) +6, Language (Westron) +8, Language (Sindarin) +7, Lore/Realm +9, Lore/Race +8, Lore/History +8, Persuade +5
SPELLS: Blast of Sorcery, Blinding Flash,  Create Light, Evoke Fear, Forgetfulness, Holding Spell, Shadows and Phantoms, Slumber, Spoken Thoughts, Wizard's Fist, Wizard's Guise, Wizard's Hand
EDGES: Craftmaster
FLAWS: Enemy (Lothíriel)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Icy Touch, Incorporeal, Invisible, Possession, Rejuvination, Telekinesis, Terror, Undead Stamina, Vulnerability (fire and enchanted weapons inflict half damage)
SIZE: Medium (6 Wound Levels, 1 Healthy)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 12 (+3)*, Nimbleness 10 (+2), Perception 11 (+2), Strength 12 (+3)*, Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 10 (+2)
REACTIONS: Stamina +5, Swiftness +4, Willpower +6*, Wisdom +3
SKILLS: Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Fangs) +5, Intimidate (Fear) +8, Jump +5, Language: Westron +5, Observe (Spot) +7, Track (Scent) +5
SPELLS: Evoke Fear, Sense Power, Shadow of Fear, Spoken Thoughts, Voice of Suasion, some also know Fog-raising, Forgetfulness, and Word of Command
SPECIAL ABILITY: Command, Decay, Drain (Vitality), Natural Weapon (Fangs 1d6+2), Possession, Power of Blood, Terror, Transformation, Unbound Spirit
SIZE: Medium (6 Wound Levels, 1 Healthy)

Command: As the spell, but the vampire has this as an ability and need not roll to cast, but will still need to roll the contest of Willpower.

Decay: A mortal body possessed by a vampire suffers 1 point of Vitality loss each week and 1 permanent Vitality loss per year. In addition, the mortal gains 1 Corruption per week. The permanent Vitality loss each year occurs whether the vampire feeds or not using its Drain ability (the Power of Blood). It is the mortal body dying as it cannot sustain the foul, immortal, fell-spirit's power for too long. Anytime a host body reaches 0 Vitality it dies and the vampire becomes an unbound spirit (see below). If a vampire leaves a physical body before it dies, the victim regains control of his facilities, though any permanent Vitality loss and Corruption remain.

Drain: The vampire must make a successful Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Fangs) attack against a victim; if successful the vampire will do the stated damage from the attack plus it will drain the victim's Vitality in the amount of the vampire's Vitality modifier plus 1 (but never less than 1). See the Power of Blood below.

Natural Weapons (Fangs): The vampire's bite attack does 1d6+2 damage plus strength modifier.

Possession: Once per day, the vampire may target a Man, Hobbit, or Dwarf in an attempt to take over his or her body. The vampire and the target engage in a Contest of Wills (see page 222 of the CRB). If the vampire wins, the body is possessed until the vampire chooses to leave it. If the target wins, the vampire may not try to possess another being until the next day. A vampire inhabiting a body will retain its own statistics, other than assuming the victim's appearance, size, movement rate, and Wound Levels.

Power of Blood: When using its Drain special ability, the vampire gains vitality equal to that lost by its victim. The vampire drains the life-blood of its victim by piercing the flesh with its fangs and then drawing the blood out. This act may have the unfortunate effect of killing the victim. Should the vampire drain all of the Vitality from the victim, they will perish. The vampire may never drain any more Vitality then what it has temporarily lost over the days or weeks since its last feeding. The permanent Vitality loss cannot be replaced by this power.

Transformation (Formerly Form of Bat): This special ability is like the spell of the same name. It is an innate ability of the vampire spirit to be able to change the form of the body that it possesses. The vampire is limited to only three forms: vampire bat, mist, or warg. As a full-round action, the vampire can take the form of any of the three listed above, assuming the statistics described in the Fell Beasts and Wondrous Magic (page 50) for the vampire bat or page 51 for the warg. The narrator may wish to tweak either set of stats to conform to the advancement level of their game. It can return from this form at will, also as a full-round action.

Unbound Spirit: A vampire is free to leave its host body as a full-round action at any time, becoming an unbound spirit. If the host body is killed by violence before the vampire can leave, however, the vampire is destroyed. As an unbound spirit, a vampire is incorporeal, invisible, and cannot affect the physical world except to use it Possession special ability in an attempt to gain a new host.

A Sample vampire...
RACE: Vampire- Man ( Dúnadan)
RACIAL ABILITIES: Adaptable, Dominion of Man, Skilled
ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 13 (+3)*, Nimbleness 10 (+2), Perception 11 (+2), Strength 12 (+3)*, Vitality 10~ (+2), Wits 11 (+2)
REACTIONS: Stamina +5, Swiftness +6, Willpower +8*, Wisdom +4
ORDERS: Warrior, Magician
ORDER ABILITIES: Swift Strike (1), Spellcasting (2)
SKILLS: Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Fangs) +8, Armed Combat: Blades (Longsword) +10, Healing +1, Inspire +1, Intimidate (Fear) +9, Jump +5, Language: Westron +5, Observe (Spot, Scent) +9, Ranged Combat+3, Ride +2, Siegecraft +2, Stealth +7, Track +9
SPELLS: Blast of Sorcery, Evoke Fear, Farseeing, Fog-raising, Fog-weaving, Forgetfulness, Holding-spell, Sense Power, Shadow of Fear, Spoken Thoughts, Veiling Shadow, Voice of Suasion, Wizard's Hand, Wizard's Fist, Word of Command
SPECIAL ABILITY: Command, Decay, Drain (Vitality), Natural Weapon (Fangs 1d6+2), Possession, Power of Blood, Transformation, Unbound Spirit
EDGES: Warwise, Dodge, Swift Recovery
FLAWS: Fealty (to Sauron), Enemies (Free Peoples), Hatred (Elves)
SIZE: Medium (6 Wound Levels, 1 Healthy)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



"Not all his servants and chattels are wraiths! There are orcs and trolls, there are wargs and werewolves..."[color]

ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 8 (+1), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 9 (+1)*, Vitality 9 (+1)*, Wits 7 (+0)
REACTIONS: Stamina +1, Swiftness +1*, Willpower +1, Wisdom +1
SKILLS: Armed Combat: Clubs (staff) +5, Intimidate (Fear) +5, Jump +5, Language: Warg-speak +4, Language: Black Speech +4, Language: Westron +5, Observe (Smell) +5, Run +6, Stealth (Sneak) +7, Survival (Mountains) +6, Track (Scent) +5, Unarmed Combat (Brawling) +7
SPELLS: Mastery of Shapes (to warg, as an ability)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Alternate Form, Damage Reduction, Dissolution in Death, Warg-kin
SIZE: Medium (6 wound levels, 1 healthy)

Dissolution in Death: the body of a slain werewolf dissolves into mist.

Warg-kin: Werewolves in man form gain a +4 test modifier to any social skill to befriend Wargs, but suffer a -4 penalty to befriend all other animals, including attempts to ride horses or other beasts of burden.

ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 9 (+1), Perception 9 (+1), Strength 11 (+2)*, Vitality 11 (+2)*, Wits 7 (+0)
REACTIONS: Stamina +4, Swiftness +4*, Willpower +2, Wisdom +1
SKILLS: Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Fangs, Claws) +8, Intimidate (Fear) +6, Jump +6, Language: Warg-speak +4, Language: Black Speech +4, Language: Westron +4, Observe (Smell) +7, Run +7, Stealth (Sneak) +9, Survival (Mountains) +6, Track (Scent) +5
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Alternate Form, Damage Reduction, Dissolution in Death, Warg-kin, Mighty charge, Natural Weapons, Multiple attacks, Terror
SIZE: Large (6 wound levels, 2 healthy)

Alternate Form: can also assume a bipedal hybrid warg-man-form. In this hybrid form they gain Armed Combat: Natural Weapon (Claw, Bite) like that of a warg.

Damage Reduction: a werewolf in animal or hybrid form has armour of 3; normal weapons only inflict half damage, but fire and masterwork/enchanted weapons inflict full damage.

Dissolution in Death: the body of a slain werewolf dissolves into mist.

Warg-kin: Werewolves in man form gain a +4 test modifier to any social skill to befriend Wargs, but suffer a -4 penalty to befriend all other animals, including attempts to ride horses or other beasts of burden.

Mighty Charge: +3 bonus to Armed Combat tests and does twice normal damage on a success.

Mutiple Attacks (Fangs, Claws): werewolves gain an additional action per round for each type of attack they possess.

Natural Weapons: Fangs do 2d6+1, Claws do 1d6+3

Terror: the werewolves Intimidate (Fear) skill operates continuously, opponents must make a willpower save against a test roll at 1/2 the werewolf's total rank - costs no actions.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Wights (Barrow)

"There were two eyes, very cold though lit with a pale light that seemed to come from some remote distance."[color]

ATTRIBUTES: Bearing 12 (+3)*, Nimbleness 8 (+1), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 12 (+3)*, Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 10 (+2)
REACTIONS: Stamina +5, Swiftness +4, Willpower +4*, Wisdom +3
SKILLS: Armed Combat: Blades (Longsword) +6, Intimidate (Fear) +6, Language: Westron +4, Observe (Spot) +5, Stealth (Hide) +8, Track (Scent) +5, Unarmed Combat (Brawling) +7
SPELLS: Bladeshattering, Create Light, Evoke Fear, Fog-raising, Forgetfulness, Holding-spell, Spellbinding; also may be known, Blast of Sorcery, Command, Misdirection, Power of the Land, Shadow of Fear, Slumber, Veiling Shadow
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Icy Touch, Terror, Undead Stamina, Vulnerability (sunlight, 2d6 per round)
SIZE: Medium (6 wound levels, 1 healthy)

Icy Touch: A wight's grasp is cold and lethal. Every successful hit by an Unarmed Combat test, or every round held in a grab by the wight, drains the victim of 2 points of Strength and Vitality (may make a Stamina save TN 10 + the wight's Bearing modifier). The victim falls unconscious for 2d6x10 minutes when either attribute reaches 0, and when both attributes reach 0 the victim dies. If the victim is not killed, lost points return normally (see CRB p. 247), or are fully restored upon the application of a Healing-spell.

Undead Stamina: Wights need never eat or drink, take half damage from physical attacks, heal all injuries at five times the normal rate, do not have Weariness levels, and need never make Stamina tests to resist weariness, and cannot be affected by critical hits (from superior or extraordinary successes, although the Narrator may apply additional affects), stun attacks, poison or disease.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Ghouls (Mewlips)

"I saw them: grim faces and evil...all foul, all rotting, all dead." - Frodo, The Two Towers

ATTRIBUTES: Bearing (+0), Nimbleness 10 (+2), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1)*, Vitality 8 (+1)*, Wits (-1)
REACTIONS: Stamina +1, Swiftness +3*, Willpower +1, Wisdom +0
SKILLS: Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Claws) +4, Intimidate (Fear) +3, Observe (Smell) +5, Run +6, Stealth (Shadow) +5, Track (Scent) +5, Unarmed Combat (any) +4
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Ferocity (killing prey), Horrid Bite, Natural Weapon: Claws, Terror, Undead Stamina, Vulnerability (fire and enchanted weapons inflict full damage)
SIZE: Medium

Ferocity: A mewlip gains a +3 bonus to all Armed Combat, Unarmed Combat, and Willpower tests while trying to kill prey that it has stalked.

Horrid Bite: If a mewlip holds a victim in a grab, as a full-round action it can start to devour the victim alive! The bite automatically hits and inflicts 2d6 damage plus Strength bonus. Furthermore, its foul bite causes disease unless the victim succeeds on a Stamina test at TN 15. If the test is failed, for the next 1d6+3 days there is a +5 TN penalty on all Healing test made to help the victim and he suffers from the effects of the Slow Recovery flaw (the effect is doubled if he already possesses that flaw).

Natural Weapon - Claws: A mewlip attacks with the daggerlike nails of its claws, inflicting 1d6+2 damage, plus its Strength bonus.

Undead Stamina: Mewlips need never eat or drink, take half damage from physical attacks, heal all injuries at five times the normal rate, do not have Weariness levels, and need never make Stamina tests to resist weariness, and cannot be affected by critical hits (from superior or extraordinary successes, although the Narrator may apply additional affects), stun attacks, poison or disease.

From the Elder Days to the late Third Age, undead abominations beyond reckoning were unleashed by Morgoth and Sauron, by whose dark power wicked souls were somehow bound to Middle-earth even after death. Some of these corrupt spirits polluted corpses of the fallen and became the walking dead. Such is the fate of the mewlip, a cannibalistic ghoul that feeds upon the flesh and blood of the living. Their bodies are desiccated and stained by death, though their nails and teeth are long and sharp. Little of the intellect possessed in life remains in them, but they are cunning creatures capable of stalking and ambushing unwary victims.

Mewlips are found near burial grounds, forsaken battlefields, fetid swamps, and other foul and accursed places. They lurk in the shadows of the sites they haunt, awaiting hapless living victims.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



"But that is an age or more ago," said Sam. "The Dead can't be really there! Is it some devilry hatched in the Dark Land?" - Sam, The Two Towers

ATTRIBUTES: Bearing (-2), Nimbleness (-1)*, Perception (+0), Strength (+0), Vitality 7*, Wits (-2)
REACTIONS: Stamina +0, Swiftness +1*, Willpower -2, Wisdom -2
SKILLS: Armed Combat (any) +3, Intimidate (Fear) +2, Observe (Touch) +2, Run +3, Stealth (Shadow) +2, Track (Men) +2, Unarmed Combat (any) +3
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Natural Weapon: Claws, Undead Stamina, Vulnerability (bludgeoning and enchanted weapons inflict full damage)
SIZE: Medium
TN EQUIVALENT: 5 (band of two)

Natural Weapon - Claws: A skeleton can make unarmed brawling attacks with its bony claws, inflicting 1d6+2 damage, plus its Strength bonus.

Undead Stamina: Skeletons need never eat or drink, take half damage from physical attacks, heal all injuries at five times the normal rate, do not have Weariness levels, and need never make Stamina tests to resist weariness, and cannot be affected by critical hits (from superior or extraordinary successes, although the Narrator may apply additional affects), stun attacks, poison or disease.

From the Elder Days to the late Third Age, undead abominations beyond reckoning were unleashed by Morgoth and Sauron, by whose dark power wicked souls were somehow bound to Middle-earth even after death. Some of these corrupt spirits polluted corpses of the fallen and became the walking dead. Such is the fate of the skeleton, a petty and broken spirit inhabiting and animating fleshless bones. Skeletons possess only the faintest remnants of intellect. They are often equipped with the decaying weapons and armor that were laid to rest among their bones: swords, spears, shields, and sometimes even tattered old corselets (1 less armour protection).

Skeletons are mindless automatons that guard whatever place their controlling power binds them to, and they unswervingly attack any breathing creature that violates their territory. Skeletons are normally bound to ward the evil dungeons and dark strongholds of the sorcerers in service to the Shadow, though sometimes they are let loose to scour the open lands and slay every living thing in their path.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]