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Of the Faiths...

Started by tomcat, May 09, 2014, 09:51 PM

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The Lords of Darkhaven

The Lords of Darkhaven are of greater or lesser status amongst their ilk but within the realm of Aerth they are omnipotent. This is not to say that the Lords of Darkhaven interact with the inhabitants of Aerth, on the contrary, the Sacred Triad has separated themselves from the realm of Aerth.

It is a rarity for any avatar of any of the Lords to commune directly with the inhabitants of Aerth. Protus prefers that his court use other means to establish contact with their followers' i.e. divine intervention (through élan) and the offering of knowledge and wisdom; and the empowerment of spells or the offering of aid through their servants. Protus has forbidden any power plays made by his court in the realm of Aerth using the inhabitants as pawns but his court does not always heed his command.

The gods are listed with their alignment order and disposition but it is to be understood that like their creations the may waiver from their path. It also should be said that though one god is listed as evil, it might be due to a singular point of view.  It might be better to not list a disposition of any god but there are some who truly follow that which they have been labeled.

Protus – Greater Lord (Sacred Triad)
Alignment – Neutral
Surnames – The Creator, The Far Wanderer, He that Balances the World
Protus is the creator. He was first and from him came the Triad and though they are of his essence and are "he", he is solely all-powerful.

He is the balancing force in the universe. All works done by his court are of his own mind and in essence by his bidding and thus his effect is felt in the world. Those that dwell on Aerth have for the most part forgotten Protus. It is his court that receives their prayers having a more direct contact with the Aerth and the mortals that dwell there. Only by the elves is Protus praised and they have named one of the moons after him in reverence. The moon Protus waxes and wanes only four times a year and the elves say that it is during these times that the world is altered and balance restored – winter to spring, summer to fall.

Protus loves all of his children on Aerth and realizes they each have a place there (even the fell creatures from Ossians twisted essence) but only the children of Celestia will he allow to return unto his immortal Halls. After a period of time or goals that are to be achieved for or by a particular elf (set down by Protus), only then will the twilight road open for them to return unto his Halls. An elf may never know what it is that they must achieve in the world and may spend many lives of men on Aerth. If killed they are immediately taken unto Protus and reside within the House of Ukris – Lord of the Dead.

Men on the other hand, the creation of Protus, were gifted with short lives and may die; thus they may rest from the weariness of their labors on Aerth. It is the quick burning fiery spirit of men that Protus uses to structure and order the world. To men their labors seem in vain and there are those that are resentful of the elves for their immortal lives but Aerth is a mortal "living" world and Protus's children are the true heirs. When men die, they return unto Protus's Halls and within them they find peace and rest. To men, they know not where their spirits go and some who have traded up their essence to the other lords of Protus may forfeit this peace that their hard lives may have earned.

There are no churches to Protus though the elves use the symbol of a crescent moon to honor him.

Celestia – Greater Lord (Sacred Triad)
Alignment – Chaotic Neutral (Good)
Surnames – Lady of the Dusk
Celestia is the essence of the carefree spirit and unbound beauty. She is the creator of the elven race and it is from her immortal breath that they were given life. She is beautiful to behold and she has a great compassion for all living things except those that came from her brother's envy and anger. She sees to waylay all of the efforts of these creatures and the lesser lords in her court do her biding to affect the face of Aerth.

She believes her brother was to hard in his creation of Aerth and believes its chaotic nature stems from him but in truth, it is her chaotic nature balanced with Ossians systematic order that causes the world to be the way it is. Storms rage across the world in random nature – this is Celestia's doing (though it has been given to Lehlia to oversee) but it is through Ossians systems of evaporation and the like that storms will form. Thus there is some essence of truth in the elven saying, "when the rains fall, Celestia weeps due to her brothers marring of Aerth."

The churches of Celestia are primarily elven and they are not truly churches, merely the homage that the elves give to her. The elves symbolize Celestia as a disk that is partially eclipsed; it's meaning is – she is (the crescent moon) overlooking the Aerth, which she has set before her.

Ossian – Greater Lord (Sacred Triad)
Alignment – Lawful Neutral (Evil)
Surnames – The Sword Keep, Master of the Five Darks
Ossian is the master of darkness. It was not so in the beginning but through his anger and inability to craft the same beauty as his sister, he has fallen into this grace and thus marred the world. All things from Ossian cannot be judged as evil. It was he that set the order and law (sometimes rigid) of all things such as the orbits and paths of the heavenly bodies.

Only through his envy did he corrupt himself and the world. He belched forth the evil and he now works to pervade all things – no matter how good or sacred. He believes that because they "are", all things are a part of him and thus have a dark side and in this he is correct. All things are fallible and may be tarnished even the immortal elves and the ever increasing humans.

Ossian drew from him the Five Darks – lesser entities that he placed on Aerth to corrupt and to rule. In doing this he betrayed the will of Protus who commanded no direct interaction between the lords of his Halls and those within the "living" world.  Yet the Five Darks do walk the Aerth and spread Ossian's corruption and cause even more harm to the world already filled with his evil brood.

The churches of Ossian are dark foreboding and rigid in their teachings. Humans of evil nature predominantly run them and they draw to them all that Ossian created. The Five Darks use the churches of Ossian to affect change in regions of the world.

A large black sword centered on a red disk is the symbol of Ossian. It is said that Ossian has placed his sword within the world and it is rumored to be named Soulsedge. 

Agron – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Chaotic Evil
Surnames – None
The assassin of the gods, the murderer; he has been called many things and he carries the dark thoughts that pit one against the other and raises the knife in the dark. Agron sees to the darker sides of life and exudes the lies, cheats and gossips that cause people to hate or kill. He is the dirty thief that empties a pocket causing a person to steal and kill for what they need. Agron is anger and foul deeds.

There are few who worship Agron but there are many that pray to him to pass their door.

Wrendon – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Chaotic Evil
Surnames – None
The trumpets of Wrendon are the callings to war. Violence and discord are the tools of Wrendon and he wields them quite well.

Wrendon's chief nemesis is within the Halls of Protus – Aodhan always contests him in his attempts to cause strife and war. Aodhan is just as strong as Wrendon but ordered, where Wrendon is the all out discord of violence. There have been times when the two have worked together but this is few and the world is changed and many die whenever these gods contest.

Larama – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Lawful Neutral
Surnames – None
Larama teaches the craft of agriculture and he works within the realm of Gond. He also instructs commerce and trade and many a merchant prays to him for a good days business. He taught the lore of mathematics and coinage and enjoys the teaching of trade and craft.

His followers include – craftsmen, smiths, merchants, farmers, and even kings.

Oberius – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Chaotic Good
Surnames – None
Oberius works within the realm of Sordus and offers up his bounty to the lands but he makes sure that Sordus is given the praise and respect deserved or he will "empty" the seas and rivers. He teaches the craft of sailing and fishing and is held in the highest regards by those of this ilk. Oberius is temperamental and can turn Sordus's sea into a raging storm in a moments notice so sailors always leave their ports with a prayer to Oberius. His symbol is a breaching whale and most ships bare his marking.

His followers include sailors, fishermen, and merchants.

Ilium – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Chaotic Neutral
Surnames – None
Some have said that Ilium is the left hand of Protus dealing out his judgments. Where Ukris is the doomsayer, Ilium is the doom bringer and fate, fortune, destiny and chance are his tools. He receives praise from thieves and gamblers and any that wish for fate to be on their side. In the end, it is the balancing of Protus that rules and Ilium merely sees it done.

Atria – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Lawful Neutral
Surnames – None
Atria is in the service of Gond, working within his realm to care for his many charges. Where Gond pays most attention to plants and what roots, Atria tends to the many wild and domestic creatures that roam the lands – he is the fang, the hoof, the horn, the tusk and the claw. There are few among the races of the world that pay homage to Atria; shepherds and ranchers mostly, but he is served by the "watchers" of the wild such as the tree shepherds, unicorns and pegasi.

Ukris – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Lawful Neutral
Surnames – Keeper of the Dead
Ukris is the keeper of the House of the Dead within the Halls of Protus. He is seen or speaks little but when he does, he is the doomsayer of the court.

All who die (both mortal and immortal) are taken under his charge and in truth there is peace and rest within his halls. Those that live within Aerth and give up their essence may never come unto Ukris's charge and may be devoured by those with whom they staked their "souls" or become the thralls of Nusku.

Ukris receives only the prayers of the dying for him to take them quickly.

Aodhan – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Lawful Good
Surnames – The Unbending
Aodhan is law and perfection. He is strength of body and mind and it is said that none can beat him in any physical match. He is light and never waivers from his path and he tends to be upset by those that do not follow his path or who at least do not see to their own course.

He is the teacher of goodness and values and the importance of helping one another. He is the herald of the gods and will always attempt to aid in the fight for goodness but in so doing, at times he has caused wrongs through unwitting death and destruction.

His followers rank among paladins and clergy who spread his word of order and values. There have been those that have taken his word to an extreme and done evil when they found that the parishioners were unwilling to accept his "light".

Vondalahr – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Lawful Good
Surnames – None
Vondalahr is the deity that the dwarves have turned their hearts to. He is called the master smith and he teaches the skills of the forge and the anvil; the mineral and the metal; the temper and the edge. Vondalahr is said to have made the sword of Ossian though he knew not its purpose and has ever since strived to undo its making.

He is ordered and is charitable though he does not abide thieves and their kind. He is a trusted friend and ally to those that earn it and he is an awful enemy to those that have affronted him.

Eilish – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Lawful neutral
Surnames – None
Eilish is the mid wife, the healer, and the soother. She is the goddess that is prayed to for fertility and healthy birthing. Many physicians and clergy pray for her guidance and look to her for the knowledge of healing. Those that are at the door to Ukris's house are comforted by Eilish and are less fearful of the transition called death.

It is said that the tears of Eilish, due to the sorrows of the world were the first waters that Sordus took and made his realm, thus they are salted.

Gond – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral
Surnames – King of the Aerth
Gond is the keeper of the Aerth and all that grows upon it. He loves "life" and protects it in all its forms though he understands his place and does not interfere with the cycles of life and death. He still uses his power upon Aerth by making sure that his realms are guarded and through him the tree shepherds were given sentience. He has lesser minions (elementals) that do his bidding within his outer world realm.

He and his brother Sordus are always contesting the ownership of the world above and below the water; thus is it that the tides eat the lands and that the islands raise from the waves.

Karaturr – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral
Surnames – Lord of Fire
Karaturr is heat and the tongue of fire. He warms the world but he will devour all that he touches. He is both good and evil and he cares not for anything but his own existence.
Still, Karaturr is essential in all things that happen in the world. He has taught the crafts of smelting and ironwork and has taught how he may be controlled. He cleans away all that is old and rotten and allows for all that is new to shine through. He has no other servants then his lesser minions (elementals) to aid him though there are some on Aerth that revere him.

The others within the Halls of Protus (Sordus, Lehlia, and Gond) all work with him to help with the changes of the world, but they also work together to restrain him.

Lehlia – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral
Surnames – Lady of the Winds, Messenger of the Gods
Lehlia commands the winds and the creatures that ride upon high within them. It is said that she is the messenger of the Halls of Protus and can see all that happens upon the Aerth except in the dark places under the ground and sea. The tidings from her winds can be doom and many folk pay her heed. She favors the great eagles and they are her chief servants among the "living" world and she has many lesser entities (elementals) that serve her within her realm.

Sordus – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral
Surnames – Lord of the Seas
Sordus commands the waters of the world and the creatures that swim within them. It is said that he is the lifeblood of the world and he knows all that is done both on land and sea. Because of this many of the lords of the Halls of Protus rely on him for information. He and his brother Gond are always contesting the ownership of the world above and below the water; thus is it that the tides eat the lands and that the islands raise from the waves.

He favors the dolphins and they are his chief servants among the "living" world and he has many lesser entities (elementals) that serve him within his realm.

Nusku – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral Evil
Surnames – None
Nusku is the flaming darkness. It is he that commands over the greater and lesser demons of the abyss and uses his servants to help rage a war upon Aerth. He is servant to Ossian and he has taken on all of the fury that his master feels and like a firestorm his presence is known.

He has few followers upon Aerth but from the abyss his patrons grow. Sorcerers will offer favor to Nusku to give forth his lesser servants as slaves. Those mortals who tamper with their essence may end up within the abyss as thralls of Nusku.

Verona – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral good
Surnames – None
Verona is the collector and bringer of Sordus's bounty. She resides in the lakes and rivers that run across the Aerth and tend to the many inhabitants and drinkers of water. She sees that Lehlia is supplied with sufficient water to spread across the fields to allow growth. She also sees to drying out the regions that Gond and Sordus dispute over creating the vast deserts of Aerth. Her many worshippers range from farmers and sailors and the many creatures of the water.

Nadienah – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral good
Surnames – Bard of the Gods
Nadienah gives forth the passion and creativeness in the world. She has been called the Bard of the Gods and she is the master of all prose. She embodies love and desire and many a maiden whisper words to her that she may send them the love that they seek; in this she is quite fickle and many a lover has had a broken heart.

Her followers number among poets, musicians, bards, artists and lovers. She is the essence of beauty and love.

Ilium – Lesser Lord
Alignment – Neutral
Surnames – The Trickster
More to come...

Codizuul – Demi Lord
Alignment – Chaotic Evil
Surnames – The Insane One
If insanity could have a face, it would be that of Codizuul. Born of the energies of anarchy and insanity, this dark demi-lord is the bane of the world and wishes to devour all. There are few who willingly follow Codizuul but there are many deeds and things that he feeds off of and keeps his essence. Some wonder if he truly exists and if he does, has he any conscious thought but most are willing to forego these thoughts to make sure that this being does not rule supreme within the world. The talisman of Codizuul is a golden ankh and the church of Aodhan has guarded it for decades. It has only recently been lost and some fear for the future.

Ethicus – Demi Lord
Alignment – Neutral Evil
Surnames – The Ravager
It is said that Ethicus was born of a succubus and was fathered by an elf that she had tricked. Ethicus's mother immediately consumed his father and the immortal energies that created him bestowed him with greater powers than should have.

The being known as Ethicus grew in power and might on Aerth and delved into dark rituals greater than any have ever done and rose above even his immortal status to that of a demi-god. He rules supreme in the barrens north of the kingdom of Anor and seeks for the absolute domination of the world!

It has been said that Ethicus disappeared in a ball of fire, fighting a dragon, above his volcano city of Lorccan and has not been seen again. There is wonder if the demi-god has finally been destroyed and the world free of his evil.

Ethicus was said to appear as a brown tattered cloaked figure with no apparent face except for yellow glowing eyes; his visible body was gaunt. He wore around his neck two small skulls that were laced through by the leather strap.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]