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Started by tomcat, Aug 11, 2013, 04:36 PM

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All PC's will have their quick read stat blocks listed in this thread. This thread will also include starships.

The above image is the command hierarchy of the platoon and the player that has the position. Any position that is not chosen by a player will be an NPC and we will use the pre-gen created by Aryn. Players will need to understand that they are in a disciplined organization and will/must follow the orders of their commanders - but I ask that players in command positions do not overplay the role and take away the fun of any of the others. We seem to work well together and had great success with the Star Trek games and how they are structured. So let's have fun!

Derecho: [də-REH-choh] a widespread, long-lived wind storm associated with bands of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms.

Derecho Squad, also known as D-Squad, is an elite republic strike team of the Special Operations Brigade. Formed soon after the Battle of Pengalan IV, Derecho Squad has been involved in numerous covert and direct action missions, mostly in the Outer Rim region, including:

Operation Meltdown --Destruction of Ord Canfre's Ordnance Depot: While Republic Command did not believe it possible to retake Ord Canfre from the Separatists, D-Squad was tasked to destroy the major ordnance depot on the planet before Separatist forces could offload the weapons.

Operation Bankrupt -- Battle of Aargonar: Having received intel that the Separatists were setting up a new base on desert planet, D-Squad was sent to recon the target and disrupt Separatist operations if possible. Though the enemy outnumbered them 4-to-1, Derecho succeeded in its mission, bringing the base production to a halt. This was the first mission to which Padawan Martel was attached to lead D-Squad.

Operation Brainchild -- Mission to Ketaris: Derecho was tasked to extract a leading research scientist and deflector to the Republic from Separatist controlled Ketaris.

Operation Windfall – Loss on Garos IV:  Republic Command, believing that Separatist forces were using Garos IV as a secret droid research facility, sent Derecho to search and destroy the structure. The intel proved bad, and D-Squad walked into an ambush. The squad managed to hold out until General Ki-Adi-Mundi and his marines were able to extract them.

Operation Dropbox – Mission to Botajef: Derecho, under cover of darkness, infiltrated a Botajef shipyard in obtain design schematics for a new class of Separatist droid fighters.

Operation Tempest – Mission to Charros IV: After Republic Command was able to analyze the schematics retrieved from Botajef, Derecho was sent to Charros IV to disrupt production the new line of vulture droids.

Operation Dark Sunset – Mission to Plinth: Three planetary systems along the Braxant Run hyperspace lane collect and send data of all spectrums of energy that approach the sector. The first closest to Republic Territory with its strong garrison of troops; the second further down the way but safer in its proximity to Confederate space. The third – with its massive booster to gather and transmit the long distance to Mygeeto – is the least expected to be assaulted...and the very one that the Derecho Squad has in its sites. Shut it down and the outer two go silent and the Republic Navy can converge.

Operation Wayward Falcon – Mission to intercept the Ardent Falcon: Glitterstim - better known as Spice throughout the galaxy - has always been in demand by the weak who wish to escape the hardship of their lives and made available by those who wished to reap its rewards. Derecho Squad will find itself immersed in this new form of war - a battle that they may not be skilled at fighting - while the galaxy continues to rage with combat.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


TC-1002 "LONGSHOT"                 HL 8    

Medium Human (Clone) scout 5/soldier 2/gunslinger 1
Force 7; Destiny 8; Dark Side 0
Init +12; Senses normal, Low-light vision; Perception +12
Languages Basic, Mando'a
Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 22), Fort 23, Will 21
hp 81; second wind +20/40 Current 33/81; DR 2; Threshold 23
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +8 (1d4+4)
Melee combat gloves +8 (1d4+7)
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +10 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged sniper rifle* +10 (3d8+7) or
Ranged sniper rifle* +11 (3d8+8) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged sniper rifle* +10 (4d8+7; CT -1) with Deadeye and Debilitating Shot (requires Aim) or
Ranged sniper rifle* +11 (4d8+8; CT -1) with Point Blank Shot and Deadeye and Debilitating Shot (requires Aim) or
Ranged HH-15 projectile launcher +9 (6d6+4, 1-square splash) or
Ranged HH-15 projectile launcher +10 (6d6+5, 1-square splash) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged frag grenade +9 (4d6+4, 2-square burst) or
Ranged ion grenade +9 (4d6+4 ion, 2-square burst)
*sniper rifle is considered accurate so no penalties at point blank or short range
Base Atk +6; Grp +9
Atk Options Deadeye [if you aim before you attack, and the attack is successful, you gain an additional die of damage - Core p.84] Debilitating Shot [if you aim before an attack and the attack is successful, you move the target down one step on the condition track - Core p.216] Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Sniper [ignore soft cover when making a ranged attack - Core p.88]
Special Actions Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Shake It Off [two swift actions to reduce CT by 1 - Core p.88]
Abilities Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Talents Acute Senses [may reroll any Perception test, but must take new roll - Core p.49] Armored Defense [may either add heroic level or armor level to Reflex defense - Core p.52] Debilitating Shot [if you aim before an attack and the attack is successful, you move the target down one step on the condition track - Core p.216] Hidden Movement [no penalty on Stealth checks while moving at normal speed - Core p.49] Improved Stealth [may reroll any Stealth check but must take the new roll - Core p.49]

Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82] Deadeye [if you aim before you attack, and the attack is successful, you gain an additional die of damage - Core p.84] Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [no penalty to make a ranged attack against an enemy who is engaged in melee with an ally - Core p.87] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Shake It Off [two swift actions to reduce CT by 1 - Core p.88] Sniper [ignore soft cover when making a ranged attack - Core p.88] Weapon Focus (rifles) [+1 bonus on all attack rolls made with the weapon group - Core p.89] Weapon pro (heavy, pistols, rifles, simple)
Primary Skills Endurance +10, Initiative +12, Perception +12 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Pilot +12, Stealth +17 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Survival +10, Treat Injury +10
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +6, Deception +3, Gather Information +3, Jump +6, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +5, Knowledge (galactic lore) +5, Knowledge (life sciences) +5, Knowledge (physical sciences) +5, Knowledge (social sciences) +5, Knowledge (tactics) +5, Knowledge (technology) +5, Mechanics +5, Persuasion +3, Ride +7, Swim +6, Use Computer +5
Possessions bandolier, combat gloves, electrobinoculars, encrypted comlink (miniaturized) with holo capability, 4 FastFlesh medpacs, 3 frag grenades, HH-15 projectile launcher with 2 spare anti-armor missiles, 3 ion grenades, S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) with 2 spare power packs, sniper rifle with 8 spare power packs (tech specialist mod: improved damage with improved energy cell +3 damage and 20 shots per power pack), stormtrooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment bonus to Perception and Fortitude; DR 2 with shadowskin (+5 to Stealth)), targeting scope (requires an Aim, but reduces range bands by one step), utility belt (miniaturized)

Background Focus was the key. Longshot had heard the saying a good woman was seen and not heard. He had no firsthand knowledge of women but the saying had stuck in his head. He adopted from that to fit his own mantra. A good scout/sniper was never seen or heard. Any Separatist, insurgent or droid that found themselves at the end of his scope should only feel his presence with a rain of fire. That mantra had nearly coined him the callsign Ghost. His squad mates had learned rather quickly that Longshot fit better. They learned at Aargonar that they could count on him when the odds were not so good. His flash training showed high marks in long distance warfare and firing into cover. Longshot just fit better. Focus was the key.



Medium Human noble 1/Jedi 7
Force 5; Destiny 6
Init +13; Senses normal; Perception +11
Languages Basic, High Galactic, Huttese
Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 19), Fort 20, Will 22; Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41]
hp 82; second wind +20/41; Current 23/96; Threshold 20
Condition CT (-1)
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +11 (2d8+5) or
Melee lightsaber +11 (2d8+6) with both hands or
Melee lightsaber +9 (2d8+5) with each hand for dual strike
Ranged by weapon +11
base Atk +7; Grp +11
Atk Options Dual Weapon Mastery
Special Actions Battle Meditation [full-round action, may spend a Force Point to extend all allies within 6-squares a +1 Insight bonus to attacks - Core p.40] Damage Reduction 10 [may spend a Force Point to gain Damage Reduction 10 for 1 minute - Core p.101] Redirect Shot [once per round when you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you make an immediate ranged attack against a target in your line of sight, apply normal range penalties, and if successful it deals normal damage - Core p.41] Telekinetic Savant [once per encounter as a Swift action, you may return one of the following Force Powers to your suite without having to spend a Force Point: Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Move Object - Core p.100]

Abilities Str 12 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)
Special Qualities Build lightsaber
Talents Battle Meditation [full-round action, may spend a Force Point to extend all allies within 6-squares a +1 Insight bonus to attacks - Core p.40] Damage Reduction 10 [may spend a Force Point to gain Damage Reduction 10 for 1 minute - Core p.101] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41] Redirect Shot [once per round when you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you make an immediate ranged attack against a target in your line of sight, apply normal range penalties, and if successful it deals normal damage - Core p.41] Telekinetic Savant [once per encounter as a Swift action, you may return one of the following Force Powers to your suite without having to spend a Force Point: Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Move Object - Core p.100]
Feats Dual Weapon Mastery I [when attacking with two weapons, or both ends of a double weapon, -5 penalty to all attacks instead of -10 - Core p.84] Dual Weapon Mastery II [when attacking with two weapons, or both ends of a double weapon, -2 penalty to all attacks instead of -10 - Core p.84] Force boon [three additional Force Points at each level - Core p.85] Force Sensitivity [you can make Use the Force checks and it is considered a class skill; also you can choose from Force Talents - Core p.85] Force Training (2) [gain a number of Force powers in your suite equal to 1 + Wisdom modifire (always at least 1) - Core p.85] Weapon Finesse [when using melee weapons may use Dexterity mod to attacks instead of Strength - Core p.89] Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Force Powers

force blast (2) [TFU p.86](standard; one target within 12 squares and line of sight) • Telekinetic
DC 15: +12 vs. Reflex, 2d6 damage
DC 20: +12 vs. Reflex 3d6 damage
DC 25: +12 vs. Reflex 4d6 damage
DC 30: +12 vs. Reflex 5d6 damage
Spend a Force Point to add a bonus of 4 damage
force disarm (2) [Core p.97](standard; one creature within 6 squares and line of sight) • Telekinetic
+12 Use the Force check check in place of your attack roll in an attempt to disarm against opponents REF+10 (+5 more if opponent is holding weapon with two hands); item may drop to the opponent's feet or fly into your hand (must have a free hand)
Spend a Force Point to damage or destroy weapon instead; if attack is successful, items takes damage equal to check result; must declare this option before making roll
move object [Core p.98](standard; one character or object within 12 squares and line of sight) • Telekinetic
+12 vs Will if target resists, hurl or drop object vs. target's Reflex, both take damage according to DC below
DC 15: Move up to medium object, 2d6 damage
DC 20: Move up to large object, 4d6 damage
DC 25: Move up to huge object, 6d6 damage
DC 30: Move up to gargantuan object, 8d6 damage
DC 35: Move up to colossal object, 10d6 damage
Moving or hovering target opposes Use the Force with a grapple check
Spend a Force Point to increase max size of object one category and +2d6 damage (max 12d6)
Spend a Destiny Point to increase max size three categories and +6d6 damage (max 16d6)
sever force [Core p.100](standard; one dark side Force user within 12 squares and line of sight) • Light Side
+12 vs. Will; no effect if Dark Side score is 0
DC 25: target cannot spend Force Points for a number of hours equal to its Dark Side score
DC 30: as DC 25 except the target also moves -1 step down the condition track if it uses Force powers within duration"
DC 35: as DC 30 except the target moves -2 steps down the condition track
Spend a Force Point to double the duration
Spend a Destiny Point to increase to days instead of hours

Primary Skills Acrobatics +13, Initiative +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +11, Knowledge (tactics) +11, Mechanics +11, Perception +11, Pilot +13, Use Computer +11, Use the Force +12
Secondary Skills Climb +5, Deception +7, Endurance +5, Gather Information +7, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (life sciences) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (social sciences) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Persuasion +7, Ride +8, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +5, Treat Injury +6
Possessions lightsaber, flight suit (normal), utility belt, pocket scrambler, datapad (basic)

Notes:- Jalobar Martel has been in it since the first shots on that nasty rock of dust and sand.  Under the Cerean Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, he's been everywhere too.  In the beginning he was a green Padawan full of piss and vinegar, especially over much in the confidence and cocky department.  This was true up until the arrival of General Greivous.  Jalobar has seen what that cyborg's entrance into the war has cost the Republic, both in lives of civilians and the clones under his command and the command of others.  He is still on the side of righteousness, believing in the Jedi's ability to provide guidance, if not the heavy blade, that will end this war, but he is becoming battle-weary and disillusioned that the war would ever end.  His faith in the ability and brotherhood of his troops is the only thing that hasn't wavered.  Jalobar lives with, eats, and drinks with them, preferring to lead by example unlike some of the other stuffy, elitist Jedi.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


TC-1079  "HAYWIRE" CL 8

Medium Human soldier 6/scoundrel 1/saboteur 1
Force 6; Destiny 8; Force 10
Init +12; Senses normal, low-light vision; Perception +11
Languages Basic, Mando'a, Sullustese
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 23), Fort 24, Will 22
hp 81; second wind +20/40; Current 20/81; DR 2; Threshold 24
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares, Running Attack [may move both before and after an attack as long as the maximum moved is equal to your speed - Core p.88]
Melee combat gloves +7 (1d6+6)
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +10 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +10 (3d8+4) or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +11 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +5 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +6 (3d8+5) with autofire and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged grenade launcher +9 (4d6+4, 2-square burst) or
Ranged grenade launcher +10 (4d6+5, 2-square burst) with Point Blank Shot
*assault blaster rifle is considered accurate so no penalties at point blank or short range
Base Atk +6; Grp +9
Atk Options autofire (assault blaster rifle) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots - Core p.156] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87]

Special Actions Demolitionist [when you use Mechanics to place an explosive, the explosion deals +2 dice of damage - Core p.52] Gimmick [can issue a routine command to a computer as a Swift action - Core p.47] Unexpected Results [if an attacker rolls a natural 1 with any advanced melee weapon, lightsaber, pistol, rifle or heavy weapon, it is immediately rendered useless until it receives repairs - TFU 9.57]
Abilities Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 8 (-1)
Talents Armored Defense [when calculating Reflex, may add either armor or heroic level - Core p.52] Demolitionist [when you use Mechanics to place an explosive, the explosion deals +2 dice of damage - Core p.52] Gimmick [can issue a routine command to a computer as a Swift action - Core p.47] Improved Armor Defense [when calculating Reflex Defense, you may use your heroic level plus one half your armor bonus – Core p.52] Trace [can substitute Use Computer for any Gather information check as long as you have access to a computer network - Core p.47] Unexpected Results [if an attacker rolls a natural 1 with any advanced melee weapon, lightsaber, pistol, rifle or heavy weapon, it is immediately rendered useless until it receives repairs - TFU 9.57]
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium) [Core p.82] Martial Arts I [damage from unarmed attacks increases by one die step; you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense - Core p.86] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Running Attack [may move both before and after an attack as long as the maximum moved is equal to your speed - Core p.88] Skill Focus (Mechanics, Use Computer) [Core p.88] Skill Training (Deception) [Core p.88] Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Primary Skills Deception +8, Gather Information +3 (may Use Computer +16 with access to a computer network instead), Initiative +12, Mechanics +16, Perception +11, Pilot +12, Stealth +17, Use Computer +16 (may Issue Routine Command as swift action)
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +5, Endurance +6, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +6, Knowledge (life sciences) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (social sciences) +6, Knowledge (tactics) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Persuasion +3, Ride +7, Survival +4, Swim +5, Treat Injury +4
Possessions assault blaster rifle with 8 spare power packs(tech specialist mod: improved accuracy with improved energy cell +1 to attack and 100 shots per power pack),  bandolier, 2 blank datacards (10), bracer computer, combat gloves, encrypted comlink (miniaturized) with holo capability, 3 FastFlesh medpacs, 4 frag grenades,  6 ion grenades, 6 stun grenades, 4 smoke grenades, 2 binder cuffs, S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) with 2 spare power packs, security kit, stormtrooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment bonus to Perception and Fortitude; DR 2 with shadowskin (+5 to Stealth)),  tool kit, utility belt (miniaturized), Computer Spikes (qty 4, +3 to Use Computer)

Notes: TC-1079, known as "Haywire" due to his fondness of making things go very bad for his enemies, is Derecho's demolitions and data exaction expert. Soon after the First Battle of Kamino, Haywire received special training in handling explosives and slicing through enemy data fortresses.

Haywire favours using an assault rifle with a grenade launcher undercarriage, often softening up enemy forces with a grenade or two before moving in and finishing the job.


TC-1071  "HAMMER"            CL 8

Medium Human scout 1/soldier 7
Destiny 7; Force 10; Dark Side 0
Init +12; Senses normal, low-light vision; Perception +11
Languages Basic, Mando'a
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 23), Fort 24, Will 18; Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50]
hp 91; second wind +22/45; Current 0/91; DR 2; Threshold 24
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares
Melee combat gloves +9 (1d6+7)
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +10 (3d8+4) or
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +11 (3d8+1) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +11 (3d10+7) or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +12 (3d10+8) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +6 (3d10+7) with autofire or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +7 (3d10+8) with autofire and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +9 (3d10+7) when braced on autofire or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +10 (3d10+8) when braced on autofire and Point Blank Range or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +6 (5d10+7) with Burst Fire or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +7 (5d10+8) with Burst Fire and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +9 (5d10+7) with Burst Fire and braced or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +10 (5d10+8) with Burst Fire and braced and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged grenade launcher +10 (4d6+4, 2-square burst) or
Ranged grenade launcher +11 (4d6+5, 2-square burst) with Point Blank Shot
*heavy assault blaster rifle is considered inaccurate, it cannot be fired on targets at long range or greater
Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Atk Options autofire (heavy assault blaster rifle) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots - Core p.156] Autofire Assault [when making an autofire attack, you may brace a weapon that is not restricted to autofire only; must be proficient with weapon - GAW p.22] Autofire Sweep [when making an autofire attack, can attack all targets in a six-square cone; origin square can be any in line of sight and within Point Blank range - LECG p.34] Burst Fire [when firing a weapon in autofire mode, can fire a shorth burst at a single target, -5 penalty but +2 dice of damage; does not stack with Rapid Shot or Deadeye - Core p.82] Improved Suppression Fire [when you successfully suppress a target using Aid Another, the target takes a -5 penalty to all attacks until the start of your next turn; also, all targets in an autofire attack area take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of your next turn - LECG p.31] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87]

Special Actions brace (heavy assault blaster rifle) [when using an autofire-only weapon with an extended stock, you may brace it by using two Swift Actions in the same round immediately before your attack, you take only a -2 penalty to the attack - Core p.156] Shake it Off [two swift actions to reduce CT by 1 - Core p.88]
Abilities Str 15 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 8 (-1)
Talents Armored Defense [when calculating Reflex, may add either armor or heroic level - Core p.52] Autofire Assault [when making an autofire attack, you may brace a weapon that is not restricted to autofire only; must be proficient with weapon - GAW p.22] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50] Improved Armor Defense [when calculating Reflex Defense, you may use your heroic level plus one half your armor bonus – Core p.52] Improved Suppression Fire [when you successfully suppress a target using Aid Another, the target takes a -5 penalty to all attacks until the start of your next turn; also, all targets in an autofire attack area take a -2 penalty to all attacks until the start of your next turn - LECG p.31]
Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82] Autofire Sweep [when making an autofire attack, can attack all targets in a six-square cone; origin square can be any in line of sight and within Point Blank range - LECG p.34] Burst Fire [when firing a weapon in autofire mode, can fire a shorth burst at a single target, -5 penalty but +2 dice of damage; does not stack with Rapid Shot or Deadeye - Core p.82] Martial Arts I [damage from unarmed attacks increases by one die step; you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense - Core p.86] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Shake it Off [two swift actions to reduce CT by 1 - Core p.88] Weapon Focus (rifles) [Core p.89] Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Primary Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Mechanics +10, Perception +11, Pilot +12, Stealth +17
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +6, Deception +3, Gather Information +3, Jump +6, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +5, Knowledge (galactic lore) +5, Knowledge (life sciences) +5, Knowledge (physical sciences) +5, Knowledge (social sciences) +5, Knowledge (technology) +5, Persuasion +3, Ride +7, Survival +4, Swim +6, Treat Injury +4, Use Computer +5
Possessions bandolier, combat gloves, encrypted comlink (miniaturized) with holo capability, 3 FastFlesh medpacs, grenade launcher with 8 spare frag grenades, heavy assault blaster rifle with 8 spare power packs (tech specialist mod: improved damage with improved energy cell +3 damage and 100 shots per power pack), 4 ion grenades, power generator, S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) with 2 spare power packs, stormtrooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment bonus to Perception and Fortitude; DR 2 with shadowskin (+5 to Stealth)), utility belt (miniaturized)

Notes: TC-1071, named "Hammer" by his squadmates, is Derecho's heavy weapons and support fire specialist. Often at the front of the pack, Hammer is often called upon to lay down wide swaths of suppression fire, aiding his brothers in their assault.  


TC-1043 "MITTS"            CL 8

Medium Human scout 1/soldier 6/medic 1
Destiny 8; Force 9
Init +12; Senses normal, low-light vision; Perception +12
Languages Basic, Kaminoan, Mando'a
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 23), Fort 25, Will 21
hp 80; second wind +20/40 [can catch a second wind one extra time a day, but only once per encounter - Core p.85]; Current 44/80; DR 2; Threshold 25
Condition CT (-1)
Speed 8 squares, Running Attack [may move both before and after an attack as long as the maximum moved is equal to your speed - Core p.88]
Melee combat gloves +8 (1d6+7)
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +10 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged blaster carbine +10 (3d8+5) with Point Blank Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +4 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged blaster carbine +5 (3d8+5) with autofire and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +7 (3d8+4) when autofire and braced or
Ranged blaster carbine +8 (3d8+5) when autofire and braced and Point Blank Shot or
Ranged frag grenade +9 (4d6+4, 2-square burst) or
Ranged ion grenade +9 (4d6+4 ion, 2-square burst)
Base Atk +6; Grp +9
Atk Options autofire (blaster carbine) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots - Core p.156] Point Blank Shot [[+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Riflemaster [can brace a blaster carbine set to auto-fire - GAW p.25]
Special Actions brace (blaster carbine) [when using an autofire-only weapon with an extended stock, you may brace it by using two Swift Actions in the same round immediately before your attack, you take only a -2 penalty to the attack - Core p.156]
Abilities Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Talents Armored Defense [when calculating Reflex, may add either armor or heroic level - Core p.52] Battlefield Remedy [when you succed on a Treat Injury check the tended creature also moves +1 step on the condition track - GAW p.21] Bring them Back [can use the revivify application of the Treat Injury skill on a target that has died anytime within a number of rounds equal to one-hal your heroic level - TFU p.54] Improved Armor Defense [when calculating Reflex Defense, you may use your heroic level plus one half your armor bonus – Core p.52] Long Stride [speed increases by 2 squares with light or no armor - Core p.50]

Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82] Martial Arts I [damage from unarmed attacks increases by one die step; you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense - Core p.86] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Extra Second Wind [can catch a second wind one extra time a day, but only once per encounter - Core p.85] Riflemaster [can brace a blaster carbine set to auto-fire - GAW p.25] Running Attack [may move both before and after an attack as long as the maximum moved is equal to your speed - Core p.88] Skill Focus (Treat Injury) [Core p.88] Surgical Expertise [can perform surgery in 10 minutes - Core p.88] Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Primary Skills Endurance +10, Initiative +12, Knowledge (life sciences) +11, Knowledge (tactics) +11, Perception +12, Pilot +12, Stealth +17, Treat Injury +15 (move tended creature +1 step on the condition track when succeeding at First Aid; can use the revivify application of the Treat Injury skill on a target that has died anytime within a number of rounds equal to one-hal your heroic level; can perform surgery in 10 minutes)
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +5, Deception +3, Gather Information +3, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (social sciences) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Mechanics +6, Persuasion +3, Ride +7, Survival +5, Swim +6, Use Computer +6
Possessions bandolier, blaster carbine with 8 spare power packs, combat gloves, encrypted comlink (miniaturized) with holo capability, 6 FastFlesh medpacs, 1 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, 2 gas grenades, 1 smoke grenade, medical kit, S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) with 2 spare power packs, stormtrooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment bonus to Perception and Fortitude; DR 2 with shadowskin (+5 to Stealth)), surgery kit, utility belt (miniaturized), jetpack, 2 binder cuffs, 1 contact stunner (attached to arm)

Notes: TC-1043, or "Mitts", is Derecho's field medic, tasked with stitching his team back together (sometimes, literally) quickly and keeping them mission ready. He received his name due to a genetic anomaly during cloning which caused his hands to be slightly larger than his brothers.

After the First Battle of Kamino, Mitts received special training in field medicine. Equipped with a medical field kit and surgical tools, his hands have been known to miraculously bring his comrades back from the dead.

Quick on his feet, Mitts favours a blaster carbine and run-n-gun tactics.


Y-WING                              CL 10

Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-wing, Gargantuan starfighter
Size modifiera size modifier -5/threshold +20/grapple +15
Maneuver -1 [-5 size mod +4 dex mod]
Init PC init rank -1 vehicle maneuver; Pilot PC pilot rank -1 vehicle maneuver
Senses PC perception rank +3 vehicle int mod; Sensors PC use computer rank +3 vehicle int mod
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; +7 armor
hp 120, current Y-wing 1: 0/120; Y-wing 2: 0/120; DR 10; SR 10
Threshold 46; Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed ion engines 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged laser cannon [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +3 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2)
Ranged laser cannon [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +3 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2) with autofire
Ranged ion cannon [gunner] (PC ranged BAB +3 veh int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2)
Ranged ion cannon [gunner] (PC ranged BAB +3 veh int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2) with autofire
Ranged proton torpedo [gunner] (PC ranged BAB +3 veh int mod - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (9d10+1/2 heroic level x2, 4-square splash)
Fighting space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew), +5 (astromech)
Base Atk (PC BAB); Grp Pilot ranged BAB+26
Atk Options autofire (laser cannon, ion cannon) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage (dice roll must be 10 or greater); costs 10 shots - Core p.156]
Abilities Str 42 (+16), Dex 18 (+4), Con —, Int 16 (+3)
Skills Initiative (PC init-1), Mechanics (PC stat), Perception (PC stat+3), Pilot (PC stat-1), Stealth (PC stat-1), Use Computer (PC stat+3)
Crew 2 plus astromech droid; Passengers none
Cargo 110 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Payload 8 proton torpedoes
Hyperdrive x1, 10-jump memory (astromech)
Availability military; Cost 135,000
Available Emplacement Points 1

Y-WING 'LONGPROBE'                              CL 10

Koensayr BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe", Gargantuan starfighter
Size modifiera size modifier -5/threshold +20/grapple +15
Maneuver -1 [-5 size mod +4 dex mod]
Init PC init rank -1 vehicle maneuver; Pilot PC pilot rank -1 vehicle maneuver
Senses PC perception rank +5 vehicle int mod; Sensors PC use computer rank +5 vehicle int mod
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; +7 armor
hp 120, current 0/120; DR 10; SR 10
Threshold 46; Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed ion engines 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged laser cannon [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +5 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2)
Ranged laser cannon [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +5 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2) with autofire
Ranged ion cannon [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +5 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2)
Ranged ion cannon [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +5 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod - 5 autofire) (4d10+1/2 heroic level x2) with autofire
Ranged proton torpedo [pilot] (PC ranged BAB +5 veh int mod +2 pilot if trained - PC proficiency if app - range mod) (9d10+1/2 heroic level x2, 4-square splash)
Fighting space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew), +5 (astromech)
Base Atk (PC BAB); Grp Pilot ranged BAB+26
Atk Options autofire (laser cannon, ion cannon) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage (dice roll must be 10 or greater); costs 10 shots - Core p.156]
Abilities Str 42 (+16), Dex 18 (+4), Con —, Int 20 (+5)
Skills Initiative (PC init-1), Mechanics (PC stat), Perception (PC stat+5), Pilot (PC stat-1), Stealth (PC stat-1), Use Computer (PC stat+5)
Crew 1 plus astromech droid; Passengers none
Cargo 220 kg; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none
Payload 8 proton torpedoes
Hyperdrive x1, (x12 backup), navicomputer
Availability military; Cost 185,000
Available Emplacement Points 1


[tabular type=4 caption="SYSOP: Sensors"]
[row][head]Action Type[/head][head]Description[/head][/row]
[row][data]standard[/data][data]Lock on Target: [pilot] DC 10 use computer grants a +2 bonus to gunners next attack roll[/data][/row]
[row][data]varies[/data][data]Scan targets: [any] use ship sensors via Use Computer checks for many applications of perception - see modifiers chart[/data][/row]
[row][data]swift[/data][data]Jam Targets: [any] use ship jammers to hinder target Use Computer checks; may be opposed with Use Computer tests[/data][/row]
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]