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At the behest of the Graaf

Started by tomcat, Mar 20, 2013, 03:50 PM

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BIT had stayed up late the night before. He didn't even notice Caden and Kaida return to the ship, he had so much on his mind. The clone and Abby had attuned the gyroscopes that the droideka would use to keep balanced while in rolling form. The processor had also been completed and now it was a simple matter of attaching the components. Once done, they had only one more task - the most difficult one to do - they needed to take the droid out to some empty range so that they could test its locomotion and targeting systems.

The new morning was bright and BIT was up with it. He had opened the maintenance garage that was attached to their docking bay and had the droideka's tripod feet now sitting in the center. Abby would be up shortly and the two mechs would finalize the droid. The clone saw as Sam came down the landing ramp. He had his duster on over his metal body and the large hat that he always wore - BIT thought it strange again, for the umpteenth time. Sam acknowledged the human, "Good morning. I am heading out to investigate the bridge. Will you have need of both speeder bikes, or may I take one?"

On the Aegis, Kaida opened her eyes. She lay in the top bunk of her quarters and looked around. She saw the bag from the night before that contained the evening gown that she had purchased before she and Caden had dined. The smuggler had given his approval for this one, not in so many words, but by the way his eyes had widened when she stepped from the dressing room.

A stretch. A smile. Kaida was up and off to the refresher to brush her teeth, take a shower, and see what the new day would bring. It was not until later tonight that they would be heading to the Graaf's but it gave her time to prepare. On her way through the Aegis' chilly corridor, she ran into a weary-looking, bedraggled Abby. The mech had lasted almost as long a BIT, but the burn she received while soldering the data transmit cable to the primary processor board told her it was time to call it a night. She smiled at Kaida but decided caf was necessary before anymore pleasantries could be shared.

:ooc: I am not going to drag this thread through the whole day waiting until the Graaf's party - we will fast forward here quickly, but I want to get any RP'ing in that you all want to do. I know Abby said she wanted to go shopping, too, so we can do some quick narration/dialoguing about that if you want.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


"Hmmm," considered the soldier, something more pressing was on his mind with the droid's task.  "Do you have a cover figured out if you're discovered and questioned while out there?  You might do well to have a ... biological ... escort to give credence to your presence.  As for the transportation, I think we'll be fine with a single speeder."
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


QuoteOn her way through the Aegis' chilly corridor, she ran into a weary-looking, bedraggled Abby. The mech had lasted almost as long a BIT, but the burn she received while soldering the data transmit cable to the primary processor board told her it was time to call it a night. She smiled at Kaida but decided caf was necessary before anymore pleasantries could be shared.

Kaida moved in the same direction; she needed a cup of caf herself. Caden and she had had a long night as well. It had been amusing to see his face when she made him hold the 20 previous gowns she had tried on as he stoically waited outside the dressing room, pretending he wasn't there. It was such a treat to watch that she could have gone longer, but her growling stomach, and that final look in Caden's eyes told her that last gown was indeed the one.

The dinner at the cafe tasted fabulous too. It was served hot and stayed hot, and above all, it wasn't the greasy, heavy fare they usually stomached on their long flights through hyperspace. Kaida had got him talking about his youth on Bestine IV and his love of exploration and sailing. She loved that look of wonder in his blue eyes when he talked about those early memories. It was easy to see why he had taken up his current profession.

She smiled remembering last night. Leaning against a wall in the galley, she sipped at her cup of caf and studied the Arkanian. Abby was certainly likeable, but she seemed like a different race sometimes. Okay, technically Abby was a different race from her own, but all other things being equal, Abby just being Abby seemed like she was a different race. The way she had cradled those droid parts was... well, it was much like how Kaida had caressed those silken gowns.

She took another sip. The soft nutty aroma mixed incongruously with Kaida's own light floral perfume and the  smells of grease, rubber, fuel, and other garage fumes that emanated from the tired mech.

"Long night?" she said to Abbey and pushed away a strand of clean damp hair.


Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Mar 20, 2013, 04:50 PM"Hmmm," considered the soldier, something more pressing was on his mind with the droid's task.  "Do you have a cover figured out if you're discovered and questioned while out there?  You might do well to have a ... biological ... escort to give credence to your presence.  As for the transportation, I think we'll be fine with a single speeder."

Sam noted BIT's concern. He had not put together any cover story, per se. It was his intention to merely examine the bridge from above and below to get an idea for the strength of its supports and trestles. He did not assume that there would be much traffic and even if there was, would he be noticed?

"I do not have a cover story, BIT," said Sam in a matter-of-fact tone. "I do not know any reason why I would be examining a bridge save to know its strengths or weaknesses. Perhaps I am there to do a routine inspection to see if the city needs to plan budgetary repairs to the crossing?" Sam gave himself a look up and down - he was not a maintenance droid in any respects, at least to the casual eye. His programming might show differently, but his creator had used a B2 chasis. He cocked his head at BIT in an odd, human-like fashion, "Maybe I should just make sure I am not seen."

There was sarcasm there, BIT could hear it in the droid's voice. It was the oddest thing he had ever heard and went right along with the clothes. Sam continued, "If Caden is looking for me, please let him know I will be back around the noon time of this planet." With that, the droid climbed on one of the speeder bikes and whisked out of the docking bay.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Quote from: Jingo on Mar 24, 2013, 02:21 AM
She smiled remembering last night. Leaning against a wall in the galley, she sipped at her cup of caf and studied the Arkanian. Abby was certainly likeable, but she seemed like a different race sometimes. Okay, technically Abby was a different race from her own, but all other things being equal, Abby just being Abby seemed like she was a different race. The way she had cradled those droid parts was... well, it was much like how Kaida had caressed those silken gowns.

She took another sip. The soft nutty aroma mixed incongruously with Kaida's own light floral perfume and the  smells of grease, rubber, fuel, and other garage fumes that emanated from the tired mech.

"Long night?" she said to Abbey and pushed away a strand of clean damp hair.

As Abby made her way into the galley to pour herself some caf, she felt the princess following her more than she saw the woman. This would have made the tech feel slightly intimidated on most days, but now, as exhausted as she was, Abby's mind could only register her presence.

The caf was starship fare, perfect for taking the edge off the low-grade headache the Arkanian was experiencing as a result of her late night. As she let the dark brew course through her system, warming her insides, she wondered silently how far the Clone had gotten after she had called it quits for the night. She gingerly rubbed the burn on her forearm... the burn that had signalled the end of a long day's work for her.

Kaida's inquiry into the previous night reminded the Arkanian again of the princess' presence. "Long night?"

"Yes, ma'am, sure was. But I'm thinkin' we've just 'bout got your puzzle all put together." She gave the Kaida a warm, though weary, smile. "I think BIT's back at it already. He's a real trooper, that one. Knows his droids too. Figure later today, or tomorrow at the latest, we should be ready t' take your mini tank out for a test run. Just gonna need t' find a some place a little outta the way."

Abby took another long pull from her mug, before continuing, allowing the rest of her senses to catch up. She caught the scent of the princess' cleaned and perfumed body, saw her freshly bathed form. Envy, the deep wonder of what it must be like to be Kaida, filled the young technician's heart. "How 'bout you and the Cap? You find yourself something t' wear tonight?"

:ooc: I'm not sure if I'm going to have time to post again until the weekend, so I'm including the next part of the conversation to keep things moving. Jingo/ Doug, feel free to "run with it" or not... whatever works for you.

Listening to Kaida describe her night out and her dress helped bring out the girl from under all the grease and scent of fuel. Taking another swallow of caf, Abby built up the courage to ask, "Hey, do you think, maybe, if BIT and me finish up the droid in time, maybe you might be able to help me pick out something for the party tonight?" 


Abby took another long pull from her mug, before continuing, allowing the rest of her senses to catch up. She caught the scent of the princess' cleaned and perfumed body, saw her freshly bathed form. Envy, the deep wonder of what it must be like to be Kaida, filled the young technician's heart. "How 'bout you and the Cap? You find yourself something t' wear tonight?"

Kaida nodded and laughingly filled Abby in on some of the salient pieces of last night's venture.

QuoteListening to Kaida describe her night out and her dress helped bring out the girl from under all the grease and scent of fuel. Taking another swallow of caf, Abby built up the courage to ask, "Hey, do you think, maybe, if BIT and me finish up the droid in time, maybe you might be able to help me pick out something for the party tonight?"

For a moment, Kaida didn't respond. She was just so... well shocked. Did Abby mean... something other than coveralls? Could she possibly mean a gown of some sort? She imagined the other woman dressed up in silks and ribbons.

She just couldn't picture it and shook her head in disbelief.

When she saw the other woman's face, she stopped the head motion, afraid that Abby might see the gesture as a denial. She led out a hand and touched Abby's arm. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to say no. It's just that, well, I've never pictured a grease stained mech in a gown before. But," smiling she took a step back and looked Abby up and down with new eyes. "Yes, you may not see it in yourself, I certainly didn't at first, but if we get you out of the shapeless clothes you wear doing mech work..." her smile widened. "It should be fun watching Caden's face tonight. He won't know who to look at. Once you're done assembling our newest crew member, we can go pick something out."

She smiled, and left the beaming Abby to check in on BIT and his progress with the droideka.


Farok cleared his throat, neither of the two ladies on board the ship had seen or heard him come up, nor could they be sure how much of the conversation he had heard.

"Yes, and if one is not unattached to the material and possesses an inflated sense of self importance they will never see or realize their true strength."

Farok nodded to Abby and bowed his head to the Princess. "Abby, Bit could use your assistance to make sure all is prepared."

When the mech had left the galley he then addressed Kaida, "Your time pretending to be the magnanimous Queen of the ship and Overlord of the Planet I think has run its course. In the course of our time on the this planet you have announced our presence to any and all collection agencies that have been following the political movement here, forced a major public figure to have to decide between killing you out right and figuring if perhaps there is a ransom or underground bounty on you that could fund his movement, and sauntered your way through the market place announcing to all that are watching that you're new here and have money to spend. Have you gone through any of the focusing exercises I have taught you? Have you practiced any of the makashi techniques? I know your training has no hold on your mind and focus, but what of your sister? Has she too been lost to the self important grandiose flaunting's of a conquered planets pretender? "

"You are meeting with the Graaf, have you thought about the fact that he may think you're a loose end? He may kill you, listen to you, or marginalize you. What are you doing to make sure he picks number two besides making sure you smell like lavender and would look pretty as background scenery for a Hutt? And what if his inner circle isn't as loyal as they appear and rat who you are and what you are doing to the empire?"

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, focus on the present."

"I will accompany you to your meeting."

The Jedi's departure from the galley was then as silent and as swift as his arrival.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


The droid's response took BIT a little aback, his only outward expression was the raising of an eyebrow.  "You can't be too careful when performing recon, especially alone.  Be mindful of tails when you leave too -- we must expect that this place is being watched.  Good luck."
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Quote"Your time pretending to be the magnanimous Queen of the ship and Overlord of the Planet I think has run its course. In the course of our time on the this planet you have announced our presence to any and all collection agencies that have been following the political movement here, forced a major public figure to have to decide between killing you out right and figuring if perhaps there is a ransom or underground bounty on you that could fund his movement, and sauntered your way through the market place announcing to all that are watching that you're new here and have money to spend...."

It wasn't the first time she had suffered these tirades from Master Farok. The man was anything if not consistent in his lectures. And it was always in the same fashion, drop a bomb of words and then attempt to sneak out before anyone could offer a proper response.

Not this time. What right did he have?

She glided after him, her face serene, neck erect, her voice calm but crisp. "Queen of the ship? Overlord of the Planet? Would that I were. I dare say I'd do a better job than the current crop running this planet! I am not exactly a stranger to it. But when I agreed to train from you, I did not agree to be lectured by you on my personal affairs. If I and Abby want to look nice for a formal dinner, it is of no concern of yours. Unlike some of us, I prefer not to go looking like a tired and worn dust rag!

"And my... my sister? My sister, my mother, my father, my brother. My entire family has been torn apart from the Empire and you... you speak of training! Can it bring them back? They are always present before me, Farok, though I may not always show it in my demeaonor.

"You have railed against me, called me self important and a pretender! I rejct that. I do not deny that I am important. I have a place and a role to play in liberating my people and have a chance at starting something that can help others too. MI will not throw that aside! And I pretend nothing. I am who I am and will continue to be the Daughter of Commenor though she be overthrown by her current masters!

"You are one to lecture to talk of living in the present! You who have soaked up more booze than a Yakashi sponge to dull the past," in truth she didn't know what that was, but she had read about it somewhere.

She spun on her heel and glided away. "When you have something useful to say, you know where to find me."


"Perhaps when you deny that you are important you will find your worth. You speak of a role like its a birth right or title passed from dead sire to stale scion. Roles? Earn one, fight for one, but don't assume you have one."

"If you need food for thought recall this, you called Abby 'a grease stained mech' and belittled the gifts she has so as to conform to what you see as worth and beauty. Its not Caden's attention that either of you should worry about, its the wheels within wheels the Graff will try to entrap you or use you."

The old man leaned his dirt and sweat stained shoulder against the bulwark and watched Kaida storm away. The Jedi shivered, something was out there and it hunted, it hunted them specifically though it did not yet know their names or faces, but soon it would draw closer.

He whispered as she walked away, "frustration is the fertilizer of determination young Princess. The seed may grow tall and straight or crooked and weak from it, but each seed is tested and must choose."

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Quote from: tomcat on Mar 20, 2013, 03:50 PM
:ooc: I am not going to drag this thread through the whole day waiting until the Graaf's party - we will fast forward here quickly, but I want to get any RP'ing in that you all want to do. I know Abby said she wanted to go shopping, too, so we can do some quick narration/dialoguing about that if you want.

:ooc:Haha... and here I thought this would be a quick narration/dialogue. Nice RPing everyone! It's been a joy to read!


 :ooc: I'm thinking Caden should go with Sam... Can he squeeze that in before this dinner-thing?
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Quote from: Telcontar on Mar 28, 2013, 12:08 AM
"Perhaps when you deny that you are important you will find your worth. You speak of a role like its a birth right or title passed from dead sire to stale scion. Roles? Earn one, fight for one, but don't assume you have one."

She listened in apparently collected silence, but inside she seethed. Stale scion indeed! She spoke coolly though. "You know little of the people of Commenor, Master Jedi. Our determination to fight. My determination to fight! I will not concede my role. For to do so would deny all that has gone on before. You think I do not have one, or have not earned one. But who is it that gives this group purpose and focus? Do you? Do any of them? Were it not for me, this crew would continue to be a bunch of mercs. Though I may be the only one in the universe willing to bring the fight to the Empire, I will do so. Deny my role in your mind if you like, I will not."

Quote from: Telcontar on Mar 28, 2013, 12:08 AM
"If you need food for thought recall this, you called Abby 'a grease stained mech' and belittled the gifts she has so as to conform to what you see as worth and beauty. Its not Caden's attention that either of you should worry about, its the wheels within wheels the Graff will try to entrap you or use you." 

"I did not belittle Abby. I spoke truth. She is a grease-stained mech, or was. By now, I assume she is much less of one after having been cleaned." she shook her head. "But that is not all that she is. In case you didn't know, she is also a woman, as am I."  She folded her arms under her breasts and looked him up and down. It felt good to finally talk to him face to face instead of bowing and scraping. Her anger seeped slowly out of her. Yes, he was a master of the Force, That was undeniable. And in that regard, he was still her master. And yes, she admitted, Farok was perceptive and wise in many other ways. But, in others, he seemed so insufferably blind.

"And...Caden is a man. His attentions are that of a man, as I hope are also the Graaf's. There is a reason for the silks Master Farok. I worry about the Graaf as much as you but this may put him off balance. I do not know where his loyalties lie and I fear this meeting as much as I plan to enjoy it. For that reason, I am glad you will be a the dinner. Your perceptions are useful, even if sometimes flawed."


:ooc: Hey everyone... great posts! Love the RP'ing everyone added - it is good stuff.

Caden had walked the Aegis' rounded corridor towards the galley when he heard the voices of Farok and Kaida begin to raise in a heated discussion. He looked to his right and saw the light-blue form of the Twi'lek woman - her eyes were closed as she listened. She always seemed timid and subservient, but yet hid a strength that was probably deadly when unleashed.

Not wanting to disturb, or worse, be dragged into the debate going on, Caden moved to the ladder and slid from deck 1 to the hold and then down the landing ramp. He saw Abby standing at its hydraulic strut craning her ears to hear what the two were talking about inside. The Bestinian shook his head, "You're lucky you're out here than in there." Caden continued down the ramp and saw a speeder bike gone. He looked around and saw the only other person in the bay was BIT. "Where's Sam?"

The clone raised his head to call out over his shoulder, "Took a bike to recon the bridge." The words came so matter-of-factly from the soldier, like it was no big deal at all. The group had at last been able to disappear once more into the society of the Galaxy, their names forgotten - well at least some. But that was no reason for them to draw attention to themselves, all the same. Caden knew that in a few days, all of this might change again and they could be wanted once more by the Empire, all for Kaida's sister, but they had all made the choice. They were here to see the task done even if it plunged them back into a life of flight. Still, the smuggler found the act of doing said tasks very disconcerting.

Caden sighed. There was only one thing to do to help battle his jitters. He had to immerse himself in the mission. Without a word, Caden checked to see his blaster was secure in its holster and then he climbed onto a speeder bike and zipped out of the landing bay in pursuit of his droid companion. BIT looked up again from his work on the droideka and wondered what the hell the pirate was going to do. He then saw Abby as she hovered near the Aegis' landing ramp. He remembered her talking last night about going in the morning to get some new clothes. He didn't bother calling her over to help - her mind was obviously somewhere else. The clone hung first one arm blaster appendage and then the other. They both hung neatly within their sockets and he began to connect the servos and control ribbons that would give the droid its deadly weapons.

The argument within the Aegis soon subsided and Abby found Kaida once more. The two women spent another hour on the ship and then soon they, too, were gone - off to buy dresses. To their surprise, Ardana the Twi'lek asked to join them so that she could also procure appropriate attire for the evening's event.

:ooc: Once more, unless there is something you guys want to add here, I am going to move us on through the day. I don't think we need to RP out the visit to the dress shops.  ;)

I will give this until tomorrow afternoon evening and then post again, unless you guys do add somehting that needs a response.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


The Aratech-23 was far from luxurious. It was very utilitarian and served well on a planet such as Salliche, but it was not the likes that Kaida was used to from her youth. Going to banquets or some other formal gala always garnered a fanciful ride in one of her father's 'chariots'. Kaida forgot the manufacturer's name for the speeders, but she and her brothers would laugh as they called the costly vehicles by this chosen nickame.

For now, she sat in a rumble seat that would have been easier for someone in a jumpsuit, or pants, instead of a dress. She looked over to Abby and saw the mech was dealing with a similar problem. In fact, the woman had dressed up beautifully but her mannerisms were awkward in the new clothes, as if she did not know what to do with herself. Only Ardana seemed to be sitting comfortably as the speeder zoomed down the road that led further into the countryside. The Twi'lek was in a form-fitting body suit that flattered her shape wonderfully and had a lacy, sleeveless, over-vest that hung to her knees. Ardana did not pull at her clothes or shift to confirm everything was where it should be, she just sat there staring out at the horizon, her lekku draping over her shoulders like hair.

Caden drove and Farok sat in the passenger seat. The two men had commandeered the front positions before any of the women could protest, giving a wink as they proclaimed that chivalry still existed in the galaxy. It was the men's duty to see the ladies safely to the ball. Kaida sighed. She was beginning to tire of the small jokes that were made at her expense. Only Sam and BIT had remained behind - both working on the final touches of the droideka. BIT had murmured something about testing firing systems and the droid's propulsion system, but they all knew that would require an isolated place. Looking out the front window, Caden knew it would not be a hard thing to find, as nothing but green pastureland stretched for miles until dim purple mountains rose on the horizon.

The merchant thought back to his day - he had caught up with Sam not long after he left and the duo made their way to the bridge. Once there, they crossed over it and then found a discreet place to park their bikes. On foot, they made their way back and Sam first made his way down to the river below and surveyed the span. The droid's internal recorder began to collect everything that he looked at - wingwall, abutment, beams, and piers. Sam was a programmed engineer and so he started calculations for bracing strength, or more specifically weaknesses. Once done below, the two crossed over the bridge one more time on foot and again Sam made his recordings. The whole errand took just over twenty minutes before Sam looked at Caden and said, "We're done." The Bestinian gave a surprised look, but then nodded an okay and so they made their way to the waiting speeder bikes.

Before they went back to the space port, Caden led Sam down the road once more towards the facility where Kaida's sister was allegedly being held. The man asked the droid to take in as many details as he could about the route they took and if it seemed the absolute, most-logical path that the Imperials would use to transit their prisoners. When they flew into the docking bay, Sam had run as many calculations as he could, but still there was a margin for error in each of his projections. A margin in each that could prove deadly.

Caden's thoughts came back to where he was now, Farok's voice rousing him as the former jedi pointed the manse that sprung up from the fields. The Bestinian whistled - Graaf Savraan lived in luxury. "Your kind of people, your highness," Caden jested, but toned it back down when he saw Kaida's face go red in the rearview mirror.

There was a stone, crenelated wall that surrouned the tall house within that was covered in places with a thick ivy. The wall was more ornamental, than utilitarian although it would still aid in some defense from light weapons. Savraan was no fool - there were guard towers evident outside his compound's wall along with what appeared to be a prefab barracks. It may have surprised some of the companions, but the others realized that though seemingly peaceful, Salliche was a planet of wide spaces, few people, and some of those people with more wealth than others. Such an existance would beg for the need of armed guards to protect what you owned. Caden estimated it was at least thirty kilometers from Netassa to this grand estate, and understood that Savraan would not want to be stuck waiting for help if any of Salliche's workers were to uprise against their leaders. Farok saw the flashing beacon lights of a landing pad. Yes, Graaf Savraan was well-situated out here in his prairie home.

Caden followed the road as it bent and came to a gate shack. He was ordered to come to a halt by a guard, but then quickly permitted passage once they had identified themselves. The Arrow flew into Savraan's grand yard, and Caden brought them around the loop that circled in front of the house. The vehicle came to a halt and the five companions exited, straightening clothing as needed. A man stood by the door and beckoned for them to come to him. "Welcome," he said politely. "The Graaf Savraan is expecting you this evening. I hope you are all hungry - a banquet has been prepared for this occassion."

Farok surveilled the yard as the others walked up the stairs to the entrance. There was a brownish-green pond that was off the western side of the grounds and he could see the wall was left incomplete here. The doorman cleared his throat and Farok returned to his purpose and walked in, following the others.

The house was elegant, but also simple. It was pleasantly cool within and had been lighted to provide a nice atmosphere for an evening party. Savraan lived well and displayed many toys and trophies about his home, one of which was a wall of old-style weapons and the mounted heads of hunts that he had had apparent success. There was a room that was sealed with environmental clear doors, but within were casks of wine and racks with bottles. The wonderful scent of cooking wafted down a corridor to their left and they all knew what lay in that direction, but the doorman continued down the hall with them in tow. The passage opened up on a nicely laid out living room that had a large circular hearth with a shiney copper hood hanging above it from massive chains. Each stretched to the ceiling where they anchored into thick, wooden beams that supported a glass roof. The hue of the glass could be controlled and allow the bright of day, or the stars to shine over the living room, or to completely enclose from the outside. A pipe sprouted from the hood over the hearth and pierced the glass ceiling above allowing the smoke, and even some of the heat to escape.

Folding doors were pulled back and the companions could see out onto Savraan's back lawn where torches glowed and a setting had been made for their dinner. The doorman announced them, but all knew that the Graaf was aware of their presence before they entered the grounds. Still, the man made a good show of it in his greeting, "Welcome to my home! I am pleased you accepted my invitation to dinner after all that had happened yesterday on the road. You must understand that sometimes my retainers, whom I entrust with decisions, can make poor choices. No matter... again allow me to introduce myself - I am Graaf Emil Savraan." He paused for a moment, giving a handsome grin, "And who are you?"
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]