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Started by tomcat, Jan 25, 2013, 02:31 AM

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Here you will find the the links to your character sheets and the prior chapters of our ongoing chronicle:


To print out hard copies of your profiler character sheet:
  • First do a print preview of the character sheet page
  • Set the top and side margins to .25, the bottom margin you may need to adjust to make sure the sheet is just three pages and no section spills to the next page (range of .25 to .75).
  • Turn off the Header/Footer if you prefer.
You now should have a neat 3 page print out of your character. If you experience any difficulties, let me know.

If you want to maintain a written copy of your character sheet, feel free to download this PDF; understand that I will be going by your online sheets. - LotR Character Sheet (blank)

Chapter 1: A Cold Trek North
Chapter 2: The Road to Rivendell
Chapter 3: To Find Ephanial
Chapter 4: Noble's Need
Chapter 5: A Promise Kept
Chapter 6: Nan Angmar!
Chapter 7: The Trail Home
Chapter 8: Home Fires Burning!
Chapter 9: Mountain Passage to Wilderland
Chapter 10: Vengeance!
Chapter 11: Unwanted
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


CELDRAHIL                 Adv8    

Medium Dúnadan Warrior 8
Courage 6; Current 0/6; Renown 1; Corruption 0
Init +9; Observe +7
Languages Westron, Elven (Sindarin)
Defence 13 (18 v ranged with shield); Armor 5 (chainmail, no hauberk, no nimbleness penalty); Shield (Large) +5 PB, -5 RAM
Health 12; Current 0/72; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty), Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147] Lion-hearted [may spend a courage to reduce damage by 1d6+vitality mod – Core p.149]
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +3*; v weariness +3
Swiftness +6; dodge +6, evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103]; initiative +9, wary [+3 bonus to Initiative - Core p.152]
Willpower +1; magic +1; v intimidation +5, valour [+4 to Willpower tests versus Fear - Core p.152]; v torture +1; v corruption +1
Wisdom +1; v deception +1
Speed 6 yards
Melee unarmed +2 (1d6+5); Block +2
Armed blades (longsword)  +18 (2d6+10); Parry +19 (+24 with shield)
Armed polearms (spear)  +9 (2d6+6); Parry +9 (+14 with shield)
Ranged bows (longbow) +12 (2d6+2)
Actions 3, swift strike (1) [+1 combat action per round – Core p.103]; Grp +2
Atk Options Armed combat specialties [+1 to power attack, charge, defense manoeuvres with specialized weapons - Core p.122] Warrior Born [spend a courage to receive +2 to all armed and ranged combat rolls for a single battle - Core p.103]
Special Actions Quick Draw [may ready a weapon as a free action – Core p.149] Valiant [make a TN 10 Bearing test to receive +2 courage for the length of the scene, may only be used once per game day – Core p.151]
Attributes Brg 8 (+1), Nim 12 (+3)*, Per 5 (+0), Str 12 (+3)*, Vit 9 (+1), Wit 6 (+0)
Racial Qualities Skilled [may add +2 skill points to any one, or +1 points to any two racial skill - Core p.72] Adaptable [+2 to swiftness – Core p.42] Dominion of Men [+1 courage – Core p.42]
Order Abilities Evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103] Favoured Weapon [choose a weapon type, each advancement pick increases the skill rank by 2 instead of 1 – Core p.103] swift strike (1) [+1 combat action per round – Core p.103] Warrior Born [spend a courage to receive +2 to all armed and ranged combat rolls for a single battle - Core p.103]
Edges Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147] Heroic Item [longsword +2 damage] Hoard [wealth equal to 50 silver pennies – Core p.148] Lion-hearted [may spend a courage to reduce damage by 1d6+vitality mod – Core p.149] Quick Draw [may ready a weapon as a free action – Core p.149] Valiant [make a TN 10 Bearing test to receive +2 courage for the length of the scene, may only be used once per game day – Core p.151] Valour [+4 to Willpower tests versus Fear - Core p.152] War-wise [+1 to Seigecraft, Armed combat, Ranged combat, and Unarmed combat - Core p.152] Wary [+3 bonus to Initiative - Core p.152]
Flaws Dark Secret [Core p.154] Fealty [Core p.155]
Trained Skills (add +2 bonus to skills with specialties when applicable) armed combat (blades:longsword) +16, armed combat (polearms:spears) +7, healing (treat wounds) +1, insight +1, inspire +6, intimidate (power) +3, observe (spot) +7, ranged combat (bows:longbow) +10, ride (horse) +6, siegecraft (ambushes) +4
Untrained Skills (already includes -2 penalty) acrobatics +1, climb +1, conceal -2, debate -1, games +1, inquire -1, jump +1, perform -1, persuade -1, run +1, search -2, stealth +1, survival -2, swim +1, teamster +1, unarmed combat +2
Possessions Horse: Agrawaen, Herth-hathol (longsword, keen +2 damage), spear, chainmail, large shield

Race:Horse, Riding
Attributes:Bearing 2 (-2), Nimbleness 6 (+0), Perception 5 (+0), Strength 14 (+4)*, Vitality 10 (+2)*, Wits 1 (-3)
Reactions:Stamina +4*, Swiftness +0, Willpower -2, Wisdom +0
Skills:Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Bite, Kick) +4, Intimidate (Power) +2, Jump +8, Observe (Spot) +4, Run +9, Survival (Plains) +4
Special Abilities:Natural Weapon (Bite, 1d6), Natural Weapon (Kick, 2d6), Mount: Steady, Mount: War-trained
Size:Large (6 Wound Levels, 2 Healthy)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


DIRNHAEL                       Adv9   

Medium Dúnadan Warrior Captain 9
Courage 4; Current 0/4; Renown 11; Corruption 0
Init +5; Observe +5
Languages Westron, Elven (Sindarin)
Defence 11 (14 v ranged with shield); Armor 5 (chainmail, no hauberk, no nimbleness penalty); Shield (small) +3 PB, -3 RAM
Health 9; Current 0/54; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty), Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147]
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +3*; v weariness +7
Swiftness +2; dodge +2, evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103]; initiative +5, wary [+3 bonus to initiative - Core p.152]
Willpower +2; magic +2; v intimidation +2 (+5 with Vorandúr); v torture +2; v corruption +2
Wisdom +2; v deception +2
Speed 6 yards
Melee unarmed +4 (1d6+3); Block +4
Melee unarmed (brawl) +6 (1d6+3); Block +4
Armed blades (Vorandúr) +23 (2d6+7); Parry +24 (+27 with shield)
Ranged bows (shortbow) +11 (2d6+2)
Actions 4, swift strike (2) [+2 combat action per round – Core p.103]; Grp +3
Atk Options Armed combat specialties [+1 to sweep attack, charge, defense manoeuvres with specialized weapons - Core p.122]
Special Actions Quick Draw [may ready a weapon as a free action – Core p.149] Warrior-born [spend a courage to gain a +2 combat modifier for a single battle - Core p.103]
Attributes Brg 11 (+2)*, Nim 8 (+1), Per 10 (+2), Str 9 (+1), Vit 8 (+1)*, Wit 8 (+1)
Racial Qualities Skilled [may add +2 skill points to any one, or +1 points to any two racial skill - Core p.72] Adaptable [+2 to stamina – Core p.42] Dominion of Men [+1 courage – Core p.42]
Order Abilities Evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103] Favoured Weapon [choose a weapon type, each advancement pick increases the skill rank by 2 instead of 1 – Core p.103] swift strike (2) [+2 combat action per round – Core p.103] Warrior-born [spend a courage to gain a +2 combat modifier for a single battle - Core p.103]
Edges Elf-friend [+2 to renown when meeting Elves; +1 to social skills when dealing with Elves – Core p.145] Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147] Quick Draw [may ready a weapon as a free action – Core p.149] Tireless [+4 to stamina to resist weariness – Core p.151] War-wise (s) [+2 to Seigecraft, Armed combat, Ranged combat, and Unarmed combat – Core p.152] Wary [+3 to initiative – Core p.152] Weapon Mastery [+3 to combat rolls when using specified speciatly - Core p.153]
Flaws Fealty [Core p.155] Proud [Core p.156]
Trained Skills (add +2 bonus to skills with specialties when applicable) acrobatics +2, armed combat (blades:longsword) +18, climb +2, debate +2, healing (treat wounds) +5, inquire (converse) +3, insight +3, inspire +5, intimidate (power) +6, jump +2, observe (spot) +5, ranged combat (bows:longbow) +9, ride (horse) +8, run +2, siegecraft (ambushes) +9, stealth +3, stone-craft (fortification) +2, survival (field) +7, swim +2, track (orcs) +3, unarmed combat (brawl) +4, weather-sense +3
Untrained Skills (already includes -2 penalty) conceal -1, games -1, perform +0, search +0, teamster -1
Possessions Horse, Vorandúr, pack (empty), clothes, chainmail, large shield, short bow, quiver (20 arrows), elven broach (bestows the edge elf-friend), hoard 1 (5-acre land grant; not carried), 3 sp, 14 cp

Description: Longsword of Dúnadan make that has been enhanced by the Elves. It is considered now enchanted for attacks against any fell-creature that can only be stricken by one.

Standard Damage: 2d6+5
Modifiers: +1 Parry bonus
Blade Preservation - The sword will not tarnish or show any sign of age, or damage for 550 years; and it may only be damaged if it defends and fails in an -25 Extraordinary Failure (meaning your test results would have to be -25 to the intended goal).
Victory - This enchantment gives the wielder a +3 bonus to Armed combat tests and Willpower saves against Fear. It also grants a +5 bonus to Courage spent on Armed combat tests instead of the normal +3.
Bane - the sword gains a +1 damage bonus to all allies of the Shadow.
Detect Foe - the swords mithril tracery will glow a faint blue-white when within close proximity to Orcs.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


DURGIL                 Adv9    

Medium Dúnadan Warrior Noble 9
Courage 4; Current 0/4; Renown 7; Corruption 0
Init +2; Observe +3
Languages Westron, Elven (Sindarin, Quenya)
Defence 12; Armor 5 (chainmail, no hauberk, no nimbleness penalty); Shield none
Health 6; Current 0/36; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty)
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +3; v weariness +3
Swiftness +2; dodge +2, evasion [roll 3d6, keep best 2 - CORE p.103]; initiative +2
Willpower +3; magic +3; v intimidation +3; v torture +3; v corruption +3
Wisdom +2*; v deception +2
Speed 6 yards
Melee unarmed +5 (1d6+2); Block +5
Melee unarmed (wrestling, kick) +7 (1d6+2); Block +5
Armed blades (longsword) +10 (2d6+6); Parry +11
Armed blades (shortsword) +10 (2d6+3); Parry +10
Ranged bows (Rivendell shortbow) +16 (2d6+2)
Actions 2; Grp +5
Atk Options none
Special Actions Quick Draw [may ready a weapon as a free action – Core p.149] Deference [+2 to all SOcial tests with own people (except Inspire and Intimidate), +1 with all others – Core p.98]
Attributes Brg 11 (+2)*, Nim 10 (+2), Per 7 (+0), Str 7 (+0), Vit 6 (+0), Wit 9 (+1)*
Racial Qualities Skilled [may add +2 skill points to any one, or +1 points to any two racial skill - Core p.72] Adaptable [+2 to stamina – Core p.42] Dominion of Men [+1 courage – Core p.42]
Order Abilities Cross-order skill [perform is now an order skill – Core p.98] Deference [+2 to all SOcial tests with own people (except Inspire and Intimidate), +1 with all others – Core p.98] Domain [Barony of Gelmir – Core p.98] evasion [roll 3d6, keep best 2 - CORE p.103] noble mien [+2 to inspire or intimidate with his people – Core p.98]
Edges Accurate [+3 to attacks with shortbow – Core p.143] Ambidextrous [only suffer -4 off-hand penalty – Core p.143] Friends [dunlendings of North Hollin - Core p.147] Hoard [50 sp of wealth - Core p.148] Quick Draw [may ready a weapon as a free action – Core p.149] Rank [nobility of Arthedain – Core p.150] Stern [+2 to debate and intimidate – Core p.152]
Flaws Duty [Core p.155] Fealty [Core p.155]
Trained Skills (add +2 bonus to skills with specialties when applicable) armed combat (blades:longsword) +8, armed combat (blades:shortsword) +8, climb +1, debate (oratory) +6, inspire +6, intimidate (power) +6, observe (spot, hear) +3, perform (sing) +5, persuade (charm) +4, ranged combat (bows:shortbow) +14, ride (horse) +4, siegecraft (leadership) +2, stealth (sneak, hide) +4, survival (forest) +1, track +3, unarmed combat (wrestle) +5
Untrained Skills (already includes -2 penalty) acrobatics +0, conceal -1, games +0, inquire +0, insight -2, jump -2, run -2, search -2, swim -2, teamster -2
Possessions Horse, Bow, Rivendell bow (+2 to RC, +1 dmg and preserved against wear), quiver of 21 arrows, chain mail, longsword, Silivren, rations, extra clothes, 3 GP, 4 sp, 16 cp

Race:Horse, Riding
Attributes:Bearing 2 (-2), Nimbleness 6 (+0), Perception 5 (+0), Strength 13 (+3)*, Vitality 10 (+2)*, Wits 2 (-2)
Reactions:Stamina +3*, Swiftness +0, Willpower -2, Wisdom +0
Skills:Armed Combat: Natural Weapons (Bite, Kick) +3, Intimidate (Power) +1, Jump +7, Observe (Spot) +4, Run +11, Survival (Plains) +4
Special Abilities:Natural Weapon (Bite, 1d6), Natural Weapon (Kick, 2d6), Mount: Steady, Mount: War-trained
Size:Large (6 Wound Levels, 2 Healthy)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


EDRAHIL                 Adv11

Medium Elf (Sindar) Magician 11
Courage 3; Current 0/3; Renown 14; Corruption 0
Init +2; Observe +4; sense power [may make an Observe (sense power) test to detect others power - Core p.186]
Languages Westron, Dunnish, Elven (Sindarin, Quenya)
Defence 12; Armor none, amour of heroes [4 points of armor - Core p.143]; Shield none
Health 9; Current 0/54; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty), swift recovery [recover 2 health per healing - Core p.151]
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +1*; resolute +2; v weariness +8
Swiftness +2; dodge +7; initiative +2
Willpower +3; strong willed and resolute +8; magic +10 (+12 with secret fire spells); v intimidation +8; v torture +8; v corruption +8
Wisdom +3; v deception +3
Speed 6 yards
Melee unarmed +0 (1d6+3); Block +0
Armed blades (longsword) +12 (2d6+6); Parry +13
Ranged spells +0 (by spell)
Actions 2; Grp +0
Atk Options none
Special Actions none
Attributes Brg 12 (+3), Nim 10 (+2), Per 10 (+2), Str 8 (+1)*, Vit 8 (+1)*, Wit 12 (+3)
Racial Qualities Musical Gift [+2 to perform - Core p.63] The Art [+2 to magic related tests - Core p.65] Beast skill [+4 to ride or any animal realted test - Core p.66] Lightfootedness [+4 to run, stealth, acrobatics, -4 to anyone trying to track - Core p.66] Comfort [no discomfort from weather - Core p.66] Elven form [auto Fair edge - Core p.66] Elven sense [auto sense power as an ability - Core p.66] Elven sleep [needs no sleep only relaxation - Core p.66] Farsightedness [auto Keen-eyed edge - Core p.66] Ghost scorn [immune to fear from spirits of men - Core p.66] Swift healing [auto swift recovery edge - Core p.66]
Order Abilities Spellcasting (4) [20 spell picks – Core p.89] Enchantment [may imbue crafts with bonuses, craft skill must be 6+ to use this ability – Core p.66] Spell specialty [+2 to secret fire spells – Core p.91]
Edges Ally [King Argeleb and his line – Core p.143] Armour of Heroes (3) [2 points of armor - Core p.143] Dodge (2) [+5 to Dodge tests - Core p.144] Fair [+4 to Persuade (charm) tests - Core p.145] Friends [dunlendings of North Hollin - Core p.147] Foresighted [may make a Wits test once per game day to foresee an event – Core p.146] Healing hands [5 to healing tests – Core p.147] Keen-eyed [+2 to observe (spot) tests – Core p.149] Resolute [+1 to stamina and willpower – Core p.150] Strong willed (2) [+4 to willpower – Core p.151] Swift recovery [heals 2 hit points per day, instead of 1 – Core p.151] Tireless [+4 to stamina to resist weariness – Core p.151]
Flaws Proud [Core p.156]

Spells (TN/Cast time) Beast Summoning (8/2), Blinding Flash (10/1), Calling (10/1min), Create Light (5/1), Evoke Awe (10/1), Farseeing (15, 5min), Farspeaking (9/2), Flame of Anor (10/2), Healing (10/1min), Kindle fire (5/1), Lightning (12/2), Resist Fear (8/1), Sense Power (ability), Voice of Command (10/1), Wizard's Hand (10/1), Wizard's fist (12/1)
Trained Skills (add +2 bonus to skills with specialties when applicable) acrobatics +7, armed combat (blades:longsword) +10, climb +2, craft (gem-cutting) +4, debate +4, healing (treat sick, treat wounds) +9, inquire (converse) +5, insight +4, inspire +6, intimidate (power) +6, jump +2, observe (listen, spot, sense power) +4, persuade (charm) +5, ride (horse) +10, search +3, stealth (hide) +7, weather-sense +3
Untrained Skills (already includes -2 penalty) conceal +1, games +0, perform +3, ranged combat +0, run +3, survival +0, swim -1, teamster -1, unarmed combat +0
Possessions Horse, Silturma (+3 to tests, +3 to Damage, reduces off-hand penalty by 4), Pack, Clothes, small silver mirror, land grant (5 acres), 3 GP
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


FENGEL                       Adv9   

Medium Éothraim Warrior 9
Courage 4; Current 1/4; Renown 9; Corruption 0
Init +3; Observe +4, Night-eyed [+2 to decrease darkness penalties - Core p.149]
Languages Westron, Elven (Sindarin), Northman
Defence 11 (14 v ranged with shield);  Armor 5 (chainmail, no hauberk, no nimbleness penalty); Shield (Small) +3 PB, -3 RAM 
Health 14; Current 0/64; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty), Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147]
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +3; v weariness +9
Swiftness +3*; dodge +6, evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103]; initiative +3
Willpower +2; magic +2; v intimidation +2; v torture +2; v corruption +2
Wisdom +4; v deception +4
Speed 6 yards
Melee unarmed +5 (1d6+2); Block +5
Melee unarmed (brawl) +7 (1d6+2); Block +5
Armed blades (longsword - Cerduil) +16 (2d6+7); Parry +17 (+20 with shield)
Armed polearms (spear) +9 (2d6+4); Parry +9 (+12 with shield)
Ranged bows (shortbow) +11 (2d6+2)
Actions 4 swift strike (2) [+2 combat action per round – Core p.103]; Grp +5
Atk Options Armed combat specialties [+1 to charge, and two-handed manoeuvres with specialized weapons - Core p.122] Fell-handed [+1 to attack mountain orcs -Core p.146]
Special Actions none
Attributes Brg 10 (+2), Nim 9 (+1)*, Per 8 (+1), Str 9 (+1), Vit 13 (+3), Wit 8 (+1)*
Racial Qualities Skilled [may add +2 skill points to any one, or +1 points to any two racial skill - Core p.72] Adaptable [+2 to swiftness – Core p.42] Dominion of Men [+1 courage – Core p.42]
Order Abilities evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103] swift strike (2) [+2 combat actions per round – Core p.103]
Edges Dodge [+3 to Dodge actions – Core p.144] Experienced [+2 to Ride specialty – HOF] Fell-handed [+1 to attack mountain orcs – Core p.146] Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147] Honour's Insight [+2 to Wisdom and Insight - Core p.148] Night-eyed [+2 to decrease darkness penalties - Core p.149] Tireless (2) [+6 to stamina to resist weariness – Core p.151] War-wise [+1 to Seigecraft, Armed combat, Ranged combat, and Unarmed combat – Core p.152]
Flaws Fealty [Core p.155] Proud [Core p.156] Short-tempered [HOF]

Trained Skills (add +2 bonus to skills with specialties when applicable) acrobatics +2, appraise +2, armed combat (blades:longsword) +13, armed combat (polearms:spear) +7, climb +2, conceal +2, craft (leatherwork) +2, debate (negotiate) +2, healing (treat wounds) +2, insight +4, inspire +3, intimidate (power) +3, jump +2, observe (spot, listen) +4, ranged combat (bows:shortbow) +9, ride (horse) +11, run +2, smithcraft (weaponsmith) +2, stealth (sneak) +3, survival (mountains) +3, swim +2, track (orcs) +2, unarmed combat (brawl) +5
Untrained Skills (already includes -2 penalty) games -1, inquire +0, perform +0, persuade +0, teamster -1
Possessions Horse, Cerduil (masterwork Dúnedain blade +1 bonus to AC and damage / +1 to Inspire and Bearing tests), Pack, clothes, chainmail, small shield, short bow, quiver w/20 arrows, spear, 2 GP, 1sp, 21 cp
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


NAIN                       Adv9

Small Dwarf Craftsman/Warrior 9
Courage 3; Current 0/3; Renown 4; Corruption 0
Init +2; Observe +6
Languages Westron +8, Khuzdul +8, Sindarin +7
Defence 12; Armor 7 (dwarven chainmail, no hauberk, no nimbleness penalty); Shield none
Health 17; Current 12/102; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty), Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147]
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +4; v weariness +6; v disease +10
Swiftness +2; dodge +2, evasion [roll 3 dice on Dodge actions, keep best two – Core p.103]; initiative +2
Willpower +1; magic +1; v intimidation +3; v torture +3; v corruption +3
Wisdom +2*; v deception +2
Speed 4 yards
Melee unarmed +3 (1d6+6); Block +3
Armed axes (battle axe) +11 (2d6+10); Parry +12
Actions 3 swift strike (1) [+1 action in a combat round - CORE p.103];  Grp +0
Atk Options none
Special Actions Evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103] Warrior-born [spend a courage to gain a +2 combat modifier for a single battle - Core p.103]
Attributes Brg 6 (+0)*, Nim 10 (+2)*, Per 10 (+2), Str 15 (+4), Vit 13 (+3), Wit 9 (+1)
Racial Qualities Animal Aversion [-2 to any tests dealing with animals - Core p.62] Craftsmanship [+2 to smithcraft and stonecraft tests – Core p.62] Firestarting [+2 to survival tests to start a fire – Core p.62] Hardness of body [+2 to stamina tests to avoid weariness – Core p.62] Hardness of mind [+2 to willpower tests to resist intimidation or domination – Core p.62] Healthy [+6 to stamina tests to resist disease – Core p.62] Stout [possesses 5 wound levels – Core p.62]
Order Abilities Enchantment [crafted items are imbued with minor enchantments - Core p.83] Evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 – Core p.103] Favoured Weapon [choose a weapon type, each advancement pick increases the skill rank by 2 instead of 1 – Core p.103] Mastercraft [crafted items are imbued with superior effects – Core p.84] Preservation [crafted items are impervious to effects of time or weather – Core p.84] Speedy Work [spend 1 Courage and you may craft an item with no penalties at half the time necessary – Core p.85] swift strike (1) [+1 combat action per round – Core p.103] Warrior-born [spend a courage to gain a +2 combat modifier for a single battle - Core p.103]
Edges Charmed Life [once per game day, may make an Vitality test TN 10 to avoid taking damage that would reduce you in Wound Levels; you maintain 1 health in current Wound Level no matter what the damage – Core p.143] Craftmaster [+2 to all Craft, Smithcraft and Stonecraft tests – Core p.144] Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties – Core p.147] Weapon Mastery (battleaxe) [+3 to combat rolls when using specified speciatly - Core p.153]
Flaws Arrogant [cannot spend a courage on any social skills - Core p.153] Proud [if insulted, must spend a courage or take offense - CORE p.156]
Trained Skills (add +2 bonus to skills with specialties when applicable) appraise +5, armed combat (axes:battle axe) +9, craft: tanner +6, craft: tailor +8, craft: brewer +6, debate (bargain) +5, observe (spot) +6, persuade (fast talk) +3, smithcraft (weaponsmith, armorer) +20, stone-craft (fortifications) +13, survival (mountains) +4, Teamster +6, unarmed combat +3
Untrained Skills (already includes -2 penalty) acrobatics +0, climb +2, conceal -1, games +0, inquire -2, insight +0, inspire -2, intimidate -2, jump +2 perform -2, ride -4, run +2, search +0, stealth +0, swim +2
Possessions 3GP, 4SP, 11sp, 12cp
Pony, Pack, Cloths, Dwarf Chainmail, Masterwork Battleaxe (+1 damage)

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]