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Chapter 08: Peace and Betrayal

Started by dustinrstrong, Mar 21, 2008, 11:45 AM

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Mar 21, 2008, 11:45 AM Last Edit: Aug 10, 2008, 03:53 PM by dustinrstrong
The Noldor celebrated a somber victory.  They had turned back Morgoth's host, slaying all but a handful of the foul creatures, but it had cost them dearly as well.  The wounded had to be cared for, the dead tended to, and discarded weapons and armor needed to be gathered.  All mourned for the loss of Feanor.

The fallen king's sword and armor were laid taken to the sea and laid into a small boat.  In a quiet ceremony, these artifacts were set upon the waves so that they may one day be returned to Feanor's spirit in Valinor.  Out of respect for Maglor's request, Shaelina sang, asking the Valar for a quick journey and safe return. 

Telemire, too, paid his respects to his former master.  It was then that Maedhros, being of a more even temperament than his father and understanding Telemire's emotional turmoil, forgave Telemire for his transgressions, both at Aqualonde and Drengist.  It was a noble sentiment, though it still did nothing to alleviate his guilt, nor did it lift his banishment from the houses of the Noldor.

The Companions resolved to spend their days resting and recuperating their strength.  Many Sindar from Nevrast and Mithrim had heard of a great host that had arrived out of the West, believing them to be salvation sent by the Valar, and journeyed north over the mountains.  The Noldor met them with gladness, as kinsfolk long sundered. 

Being so long separated, speech at first was difficult.  With Shaelina's tutelage, many of the Noldor and Sindar learned each other's tongue.

In the days and weeks that followed, there was a newfound hope that spread throughout the Noldor host.  But then an emissary of Morgoth, his apprentice Sauron, arrived before the great encampment.  Offering peace and one of the stolen Simarils in exchange for the Noldor ending their war against him, Sauron arranged a time and place for an official parley and to finalize terms.

The Noldor princes smelled a trap, knowing that Morgoth intended to betray them, but Maedhros offered to feign negotiations.  This could possibly be a chance to recover one of the three Simarils.  Heeding his brothers' advice, Maedhros would take the agreed upon number of Household Guards, but would station more warriors out of sight of the Enemy, ready for the inevitable treachery.

Telemire was not made privy to all of the details of the peace offering, or of Maedhros' plan to recover one of the Simarils.  He heard only that there was to be a reconnaissance force sent out into the Ard-galen.  He knew that Maedhros would lead it.  And he knew that he must be a part of it.  In Valinor, he had been an apprentice to Feanor, and any undertaking that could result in the recovery of a Simaril must include him, for the Simarils were as precious to him as they were to his former mentor.  He readied his gear for the coming campaign and when it set out to meet with Morgoth's ambassadors, Telemire quietly slipped away from his companions.

Turenanga, too, was part of the campaign, commanding the archers of the Household Guard.  Shortly after leaving the encampment, he spied Telemire hiding among the ranks of helmeted foot soldiers.  He could feel the hatred rising in him again, but he did not act on it.  Maedhros had secretly decreed that Telemire was not to be harmed.  As much as Turenanga disliked it, he obeyed the command.  Telemire had, after all, earned back a measure of respect among the Noldor for his actions during the Dagor-nuin-Giliath, though his banishment by Feanor still held. 

He could arrest Telemire now, but he figured that Maedhros would need all the blades he could muster.  Besides, Turenanga's jealousy may soon come to an end; battle is confusing and there is no way to tell how any one person died.  He would be patient.

The pace of the march was quick.  Skirmishers deployed ahead and to the flanks of the main column, reported no contact with the enemy.  This left Telemire with an uneasy feeling.  He knew that this entire venture was a trap, but it had yet to be sprung.   As they neared the rendezvous point, Telemire began to sense an overwhelming presence of power, making the hair on his neck stand on end.  The trap was set and it would be bloody.

And it was.  Maedhros met the embassy of the Enemy, but he and his warriors were quickly surrounded by a far greater force.  Knowing that this would happen, he had the trumpeters call for his reinforcements, but they never arrived, having been destroyed almost immediately after the attack began.

Surrounded and vastly outnumbered, Maedhros and his company stood only a slim chance of survival.  That is, until the Balrog, Gothmog arrived.

The valor of the Noldor was futile.  They were holding on against the orcs, but could not withstand the onslaught of Gothmog from behind their battle formation.  The treachery of Morgoth had finally revealed itself.  But there was also treachery among the Noldor.

Turenanga began to cut his way through the ranks of orcs, making for Telemire's position.  He was determined to make sure that the traitor would not survive this battle.  Telemire was surrounded by a half dozen of the foe, parrying, dodging, cutting, and stabbing, slaying any that came too near his blade.  So intent was he on slaying his tormentors, that he did not see Turenanga stalking behind him. 

His wrath boiling his blood, Turenanga raised his sword above his head, poised to crush Telemire's skull.  His attack would have surely slain the jewel-smith had it not been for the deadly strike delivered by Gothmog.

Turenanga never saw the blow coming. 

It was only now that Telemire realized the danger from behind.  He spun on his heals just in time to see Turenanga fall.  Gothmog gathered his weapon for another attack.  Telemire stared in awe at the great beast, almost entirely overcome by fear.  Only at the last second could Telemire muster the presence of mind to dodge the incoming attack.  He moved quickly, avoiding most of the impact, but the demon's massive blade still managed to catch him and send him sprawling on the ground.

Gravely wounded, Telemire tried to regain his feet, but could not.  His life was draining from him quickly and darkness began to overtake him.  As he slumped to the ground, he saw Maedhros overcome by a swarm of orcs and taken to the ground just as his eyes closed and his world went black.