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History of Darkhaven

Started by tomcat, May 16, 2015, 11:26 AM

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Age Uncounted (The Making of Aerth)
This period in history is unknown to all mortals and immortals that live on Aerth for there is none left that had seen it; thus there are no dates for no one knows how long it was. It was during this period that the great tumults and changes occurred in the formation of Aerth. In the beginning, there was one massive continent on the northern hemisphere of Aerth that spanned from the east of the future lands of Dar Ghazzen to the west of the future Vil Galith and Naipai. Celestia and Ossian worked together in crafting this ever-changing world and they gave it up as a gift to the immortal children of Celestia.

The elves seeing the beauty of the Triad's work went into this world and made it there home naming it Aerth and the lands about them Palaremia. It was blessed by Protus and became a "living" world and the cycles of years began. It was not for some time that the elves began to record these years, for the seasons to them were countless.
Not until weariness of the world began to grip them and the cursed creatures of Ossian brought death to them did the elves begin to yearn for the return to the Halls of Protus. Though the greatest of their kin still walked the Aerth, the elves felt the world "dying" around them and found that there was nothing they could do to sustain any long-term works by their hands. Even though the Aerth re-bloomed every year, the elves began to shelter themselves in their realms and began to ignore the gift they had been given. But Protus had set this world before them and though they be immortal, the elves were to remain within the "living" bounds of Aerth until their doom was upon them and the Twilight Road would open. Thus did their greatest begin to fade...

1st Age (Age of Awakening - AA)

Year      Events
1   - No one knows when the elves began to count the years or why. Some say that after the many untold years of the Age Uncounted, the elves began to count the annual cycle as a pastime; others say it was the poets and philosophers that wanted to chronicle their achievements though they be fleeting in this world.
The Elves had taken up residence in a valley realm they named Har Celebrin. They are split into five distinct types – the Ternin, a tall, noble race of dark hair and silver eyes; the Farandor, also tall and strong, but with lighter hair and a variety of eye coloring; the Lavari, slightly smaller than their cousins, with a very wide spectrum of colorings; the Silvan, a small race with mostly light browns and blondes in hair and green to blue eyes; and finally the Daran, a small version of their higher cousins that were almost albino with white to silver hair.
Through the Age Uncounted, the elves had developed their language and they became quite proficient in the use of tools and materials for building and forging. Each race seems to have an aptitude for developing certain skills of culture. The Ternin are the first to tap into and discover the flows of natural Essence, and become aware of beings existing beyond the pale of the natural world. The Farandor are the first to develop language, philosophy, art, and they are the ones who name the world around them. The Lavari are the first to forge and work wood, stone, and metal and they become the greatest craftsmen and smiths of all the races. The Silvan develop an affinity for nature and the living world around them, and their philosophy derives from their observances of what they find there. The Daran elves seem content to learn from all their cousins, but they gain little status and end up as the servers of their race.

48   - The Elves become aware of the Dwarves for the first time. This short, compact race emerges from their underground homes and very quickly begins to make good relations with their immortal neighbors. The elves and dwarves learn much from each other though the elves are the much greater craftsmen. Still the dwarves learn to adapt tools and sculpt wondrous images into stone beneath the earth. A harsh, deep-throated language is spoken amongst these people. The dwarves begin collecting shiny gems and minerals in common stores among their kin and become very envious of each other's wealth. The elves find them a harsh race and rather uncouth and they interact with them only at need but in the near future they will find their alliances with the both a benefit and a doom.

52   -After a few years of migration, the Dwarves name their realm Dar; a land in the far east whose mountains give up their mineral wealth to the compact folk.

118   - A few Daran elves become restless, and striking out from their valley home, eventually they mingle with the dwarves and different beasts. The Daran bring some of their craft skills to the dwarves, but some skill is lost as the Daran are not as adept as the masters within the ranks of their kin.

148   - The races of Aerth develop their arts and skills. The Ternin have become very adept at manipulating Essence and term it "Arcane Magic". Of all the elves, the Farandor maintain the practice of worship to Celestia and many songs are sung of her and the Halls of Protus; they name the moons after her and Protus. The Lavari excel in their craft and many great treasures decorate the halls of their people. It is the Lavari that construct the majestic buildings and dwellings of Har Celebrin. The Farandor add touches of art to the buildings and name it "Olst-Fain-Airre", or "First Open Home". The Silvan decline these houses staying rather in elaborate tree structures high over the valley floor.
The elves become adept at the crafting and use of the longsword, longbow and spear; these are their primary weapons though the different races of elves each take an affinity to a particular weapon.

149   - Far to the west of Palaremia, a wandering orc tribe discovers a structure made of black standing alone in a vale. Overcome with awe and an instinctual awareness they cannot comprehend, they begin to settle near the vale and worship the structure.

Far to the east in Har Celebrin, The Great Trouble begins with the elves.

150   - For reasons they cannot explain, the elves begin to disagree and can no longer live in harmony. Rifts in philosophy and hierarchy within the valley begin to tear the tribes apart. Skills and arts once shared are now selfishly kept within the separate races. For the first time, anger is exchanged in words, and agreements cannot be reached.
The Farandor become haughty and arrogant, as do the Ternin. The Silvan become reclusive, and in mass, they leave the valley and walk down the slopes to discover new wooded lands for themselves. The Lavari leave as well, as do the Daran, who had abandoned all duties in helping the other races. The Ternin leave and settle to the south and west in a land they name Loch Duria (Young Land), as parts of it seem to still be developing from the Awakening. This land steams and hisses and still bubbles creative flows from the mountains. Har Celebrin is left to the rule of the Farandor.

Further east, Orcs discover the dwarven lands of Dar and begin to stake claim, a small piece at a time.

450   -Over the last 300 years, the races of elves have made their exodus from Har Celebrin and spread to the four winds, staking lands for themselves. During this flight, the orcs assault the tribes of elves and each tribe must now deal with them alone. The orcs seem bent on the destruction of the races of both dwarves and elves. The orcs are eventually squelched, and the elves begin to settle into their lands.
Isolated from each other, the elves turn to their own cares. Celestia is forgotten by the Daran and Ternin elves that turn to new worship. Only in the halls of Har Celebrin is the Patron Goddess given reverence. Though she is in their hearts, even the Lavari and Silvan elves turn to the Lords of their crafts and ways.

482   - A group of wandering Daran elves discovers a small vale in the west with a mysterious structure standing in the fields. In the language of their cousins they name it "Darach Fain" (Dark Home).

496   -The Daran, or "dark" elves have discovered that they can manipulate the orcs through the use of magic and displays of power. By exploiting the black structure, which draws the orcs and trolls to it by the thousands, the Daran swell their ranks. The Daran grow arrogant and hostile and begin to patronize the gods that exploit these emotions. The desire to retake the valley home of Olst-Fain-Airre overwhelms them, and with several thousand humanoids they begin to make their way back to Har Celebrin.

535   - The War of the Elves begins.

536   -For the next decade the dark elves begin their raids on Har Celebrin, with great loss of life on both sides. The Daran's orc hordes are wiped out during the course of battles and they realize that they will need more aid to win back their old home. The Daran, using the natural arrogance of the Ternin, involve them into the war by subtle manipulation and dark whisperings. Through displays of power and domination, the Ternin subdue their own orc and troll hordes and march them forth.

540   -Word spreads of the alliance of the Ternin and the Daran elves and the Silvan and Lavari return to help the Farandor save Har Celebrin. The Farandor's morale is restored and with the new aid, they take the battle to the Daran and the Ternin.

557   - The Kin slaying goes on with no end to the war in sight, and the first-born race is threatening to eradicate itself.

Protus decides to intervene in the mortal world for the first and only time; a single blow is struck to Aerth and the great landmass of Palaremia is shattered (this was done in north Inoria, now called The Well of the World). The sea rushes into areas that used to be land and the new continents are formed. In time, these continents will be named – Alboria in the west; Narboria that sits in the Cerilian Sea; and Inoria the shattered land.

559-643      -By the will of Celestia, the elves are separated.

For their mutual allied indiscretions, Celestia banishes the Ternin back to a new realm in the south (later called Arcana) and the Daran take the Ternin home of Loch Duria, which they must share with the goblins and beasts. The Farandor are allowed to keep Har Celebrin, but the Silvan and Lavari must depart.
Oberius, the Lord Mariner of Protus's Halls, teaches the Lavari the craft of sailing and shipbuilding. These elves take a great fondness for this craft and for the sea and beautiful elven ships begin to ply the oceans. The Lavari scatter themselves to new seaside settlements and transport the Silvan to the lands that they wish to go to. The Silvan create beautiful wooded kingdoms across the new continents. Never again would the Elves be one or live in harmony with each other but they would always remember and love their homeland of Har Celebrin.
Though saddened by her children, Celestia forgives the Lavari and Silvan for their patronizing of other lords. She realizes that the Court of Protus were all part of the creation and that her children would appreciate this and show them reverence. She forsakes the Daran and Ternin for their evil transgressions and gives them up to Ossian- who despises them even more.
Protus decides that these existing races must never again rise to dominance on Aerth, and that another being was needed to balance the world and be its heir. The great Awakening was over.

2nd Age (Age of Conflict - AC)

Year      Events
1   - The elves discover the races of Man on Aerth. One order is set higher than the others, nearer to elves with the exception that they are deemed mortal. These "Greater" Men appear in the lower realm between Loch Duria, Har Celebrin, and Dar, mixed with races of their lesser brethren (later called Kharsis). They also appear in the north on the newly formed continent they name Narboria, just above a realm (Gaethain) of Silvan elves; and in a chain of islands to the far north (Tol Gollia), and a chain of islands to the far south (The Imril Isles). The races of lesser men are spread throughout the new continents, with many variations of skin, hair and eye colors – there are six different tribes: Levanti, Alborians, Tegmani, Yoshima, Omiikan, and Canatū.

2   - Greater Men from northern Narboria, the southern islands and the great southeast valley make contact with the elves. The elves begin exchanging language, forging, building, and other ideas with the Greater Men. The Ternin also meet the Greater Men of the great valley and they educate them in the arts of  magic. From the Daran elves, men learn the worship of beasts and creatures.

8   - The Men of the Great Valley raise themselves above their lesser kin as their knowledge leads to arrogance and hierarchy. The realms of Kharsis, Annoth, and Praxis are formed. Man's pursuit of arcane manipulations and summoning increases and the schools of magic begin to form. Three rulers are chosen to pass law and judgment over the Tri-realms of the great valley.

18   - The Common, or "Lesser" men in other realms begin to ban together in like clans, and start to form territories and lands of their own. Contact with elves and common men become more frequent. Especially active are the Inorian realms in the east that will later be known as the Heartland, the Silent Kingdoms and B'Enerath, the great Plateau above the Elven realm of Tellerith, the island of the Ovathan tribes, and the central Narborian realm later to be known as Gaul, and the Alborian realm that would be known as Vil Galith.

35   -A large clan of humans settle on the Nestar Plains and begin to worship the Aerth Spirits and are said to have been visited by them and given the power to change their shape from human to animal. They live in harmony with themselves, the land, and the massive herd of animals that range the territory.

49   -The chieftain of the clan of the Nestar Plains dies and his people all split into divisions based upon their following. The Wolf, Raven, Hawk, Panther, Eagle and Bear clans are formed.

140   - Imnotet, 2nd ruler of Kharsis, claims that his veins flow with blood of the gods, divined to him through interpretations of his priests. He sets himself and his lineage as divine rulers of The Great valley. Annoth and Praxis resist his claims. In the city of Necrys, magicians begin magical experiments with the dead – mostly common men who have died at the hands of the Greater.

142   - In a certain valley to the far west on the Alborian continent, common men come upon a black structure. Some are drawn to it and some are repulsed, though neither knows why.

Later in the year, orc tribes begin raiding mannish and elven settlements alike. Many human and a few elven women are taken and ravaged by the Orcs. Ten months later the first half-orc children are born and are outcast from all sides.

Imnotet masses a great force and spends the year capturing Annoth and Praxis. When the year is out, both realms have been annexed into Imnotet's realm. The Greater Men of the realms are given places in Imnotet's court; the common men are enslaved. Imnotet declares himself God-king, and begins to have structures built in his honor. The priests of Necrys share their knowledge of the dead with the Ternin and Daran elves, who in turn share their increasing knowledge of summoning; demons begin appearing with frequency in summoning chambers throughout both realms. In Loch Duria, the first Great Orc comes forth from beneath the two bleeding mountains Gog and Magog. The dark elves name these Greater Orcs "Oruc Kom", or "Goblin Kings".

195   - Imnotet dies. His first-born son, now heir to Kharsis, commands that his father be entombed at the top of a great plateau in Praxis. Imnotet is buried with his personal wealth, and afterward, his son deems himself Imnotet II and declares himself ruler of Kharsis. Only his brother dares to deem himself worthy as an alternate successor, but he dies of snake venom in his sleep 2 days later.

196   - Imnotet II begins construction of his own effigies and temples. The Ternin elves deem themselves rulers over the common men in their realm and enslave them. Imnotet II follows their example and begins the Kharsis expansions. He sends galleys and small cogs into the waters to his north and soon has laid claim to the backward common men of the Inorian territory around the Greyweather Sea, but wisely leaves Har Celebrin out of his sights. He makes several landings into the Amber Glens of the Inorian Heartland region and establishes the landing site of Ahsil Likan on the large island west of the Heartlands (later to be named Goth by his descendants). Many new materials and wealth begin to fill the vaults of Kharsis.

251   - Common men in realms around Aerth begin permanent settlements and establish several large towns, mostly built around coastlines. With the help of Greater Men, they become very proficient sailors, and the seas begin to fill with sailing vessels.

316   - Men from the ice-covered lands in the extreme north begin to venture out beyond mere fishing waters. Their shipbuilding is outstanding, second only to the Silvan masters that teach them and they are the first to manufacture sleek, quick vessels. They are a very war-like tribe of men, with the strongest of their leaders staking bloody claims to the lands between vast fjords and the mineral rich mountains. Trading begins with the southern continents. The land is named "Voorhan" – "Land of Ringing Steel" – to reflect the constant bloodshed.

Upon the other continents, feudal systems and territories are claimed, backed only by the power of the men who lead other men. This stems directly from territories having to defend themselves from other tribes, and afterwards, the men of great valor who win victories are given high places within the system. Early kings are made and born, usually on the power of merchant wealth. Men begin to seek out other places and vast trading begins.

325   -The Voorhan land on the northern shores of Alboria, off the Tamari Sea and begin to make settlements. They are amazed at the massive numbers of horses that range the land.

342   -The Valcor Nation becomes the official name of the Voorhan settlements in Alboria; these "Valcor" also name the land Frostmoor. The Valcor mix with many of the clans of the Nestar Plains and take on some of their tribal customs, naming their clans after animals. This land of Voorhanian blood will be the most successful venture that Voorhan ever achieve.

378   - Kharsis begins to worship their own dead as gods, and the priests of Necrys perfect the art of mummification.

943   -Karanthra Fet, The Sorcerer Queen of Kharsis, has the city Fet built in her own honor and moves the capital there. Work is begun on the Great Wall that will one day encircle her realm.
She is very proficient in the dark arts, and it is rumored that she has Ternin blood as well as divine. She is very ambitious and sends many ships into the world looking for more riches and peoples to conquer, but she is also patient, and threatens no one for a decade.
Open trade begins with Kharsis, and many of its influences penetrate the known world. Several boats return with word of a mysterious structure called Darach Fain, and it is said to hold the key to vast powers. More ships from Kharsis leave its shores. Several Ternin ships also venture west, and report of the strange building as well. The Daran elves, too, had not entirely forgotten of their encounter either.
Though time passes, neither elves nor men can make any headway into the mysteries surrounding the structure. They do make headway though in striking out into the world, bringing slaves back to Loch Duria and Kharsis, and growing jaded and rich.

945   - The common men of Karanthra's Greyweather realm north of Kharsis establish the city-state of Parsir ("The Jewel") with her best architects' teachings, but the building designs resemble nothing that Kharsis has produced to date. Though the new city is beautiful and the work bright and innovative for the time, Karanthra has the master architects publicly beheaded for "undermining the will of their god". Despite her efforts to erase their works, the architects of Parsir will influence many generations to come.

950   - Somewhere to the far south, out in the Endless Ocean, a swirling red mist forms, its essence shimmering on the turbulent ocean waves.

         Within the same year the Kharsan Lords of Annoth and Praxis, cousins to Karanthra Fet, are asked by the God-Queen to govern the land around the Greyweather Sea. She claims this is a holy move, but in reality she is clearing the way to hand the realms of Annoth and Praxis to two of her royal lovers. The Lords relent after protest, but soon leave north. One is given the land, to be called Annoth Minor, and the other would rule a new city state with the land's borders, already established and growing, but to be renamed New Praxis. Unbeknownst to her cousins, Karanthra would be giving birth the following year to her heir, but only after the child's birth could she be sure which of her lovers could claim to be the father. Once she is sure, she gives Annoth to child's father and has the other assassinated. Praxis is given to her half-brother until such day as her child can claim the realm as Prince or Princess in preparation to rule the entire empire.

955   - Two brothers from Parsir, Thaness and Sull, of exceptionally high breeding and merchant wealth, leave the Jeweled City to establish their own realm. They choose a small island just off the coast of Ahsil Likan and begin to build a city, all the while gathering the people of the island into a cohesive populace. They name the island Sullair, and the city of Thaxen is born. Through their considerable influence, trade is established immediately and ships begin to appear off Sullair's coast.
          To Sullair's south, another island realm featuring a particularly ugly race of common men with decidedly ill dispositions establishes the city of Pangorn. They immediately begin raids to the north and south looking for slaves and plunder. Sullair begins building a mercenary army and small navy within the decade.

956   - A shimmering red mist in the Endless ocean crackles and a sailing vessel, not of this world, enters Aerth and sails north. They land on the western large island of Iboria and begin a new life in a new world. They find the inhabitants there somewhat like themselves, though not as intelligent, and they begin to blend together. They also begin to organize the existing people and move them from the eastern shore to avoid Kharsan and Jolaran encounters.

          Karanthra Fet gives birth to a son. He is darkly beautiful and grows to become narcissistic, spoiled, and jealous of those that have ruled before him. Karanthra is enthralled with the boy, and rumors surface years later that perhaps mother and son have loved each other unnaturally. She names him Amon-Seth ("God-Child"), and does not let him be seen until years after his birth.

970   - When the boy is 14 he is given the realm of Praxis to do with as he pleases. He has all effigies of the rulers before him destroyed and construction is begun in mass to replace them all with likenesses of himself. Murmurings among the priesthood, generally the high councils to the Rulers of Kharsis, begin to take a turn toward blasphemy when referring to the boy and his mother.
           That same year, when Karanthra is uncommonly old to do so, the Queen has another child, supposedly from a lover, but it is common knowledge that she has taken none in years, instead spending all her time in the company of Amon-Seth. The Priesthood is astounded at the resemblance the child has to his brother.  While Amon-Seth is in Praxis later that year, the Queen is found dismembered in her bedchamber, and her child gone. Amon demands that the killer be found, but none are discovered. The child, too, is beyond his ability to find.

971   - Amon-Set rules for one year, the suddenly disappears. The priests of Kharsis claim that the Gods have taken the Boy King, but many in the royal circles believe he has met the same fate as his mother. If this is so, his body is never found. The entire empire is left in turmoil for a year. Later the Priesthood present a child that looks remarkably like Amon-Set. They claim that it is the Boy-King reborn under the new name of Tunamok. The child is declared God-Emperor, and is closely guarded and tutored by the priesthood until he can take the empire on his own.

            Jolar and Sullair have become powerful merchant states during the disruption of the Kharsis rule. They each begin to claim lands in the Heartland of Iboria and the large coastal island (now home to the strangers who have come through the mists). A feudal, rustic land on the tip of Loch Duria called Bren, separated from it by a vast swamp, becomes a common target and battleground for the Jolar and mercenaries of Sullair. Hostilities between the two islands escalates, and soon they are disrupting each other's shipping in the region. The city states of Pangorn and Thaxen become powerful enough to start challenging Kharsan rule in the territories.

1180   - Kharsis has begins to deteriorate from within. The rulers have each in succession tried to expand or at least contain the vast realm, but maintaining it has become increasingly hard as common peoples have constantly revolted and are becoming better at defending their realms. Most of Kharsis military might is spread to the lands directly north and west of her. The Priests become more and more influential over the rulers. Her kings continue to be buried on the plateau to the north in Praxis.

1205   - The Greater Men of the northern island chain (named now "Tol Gollia", or "Learned Ones" by the Narborian elves) begin to leave their isles and report back what they have found in the other lands. The Priests begin to record the reports and store them in a temple on the largest island. More representatives are sent out, and some trading is open to the world. Tol Gollia offers itself to any friendly realm willing to accept and many Common men begin to learn higher knowledge.

1213   - Mythril is discovered in the Dar Steppes. Dwarves from everywhere swarm back to their homeland, but so do the orc tribes. Dwarves from the west near Darach Fain bring with them jealousy and greed for the riches of Dar. Dwarves begin to split into tribes, each hoarding their own cache of the mysterious metal. Some mythril is traded to the elves of Har Celebrin, who begin to craft their own wondrous items with it.

1215   - Rhamat-Gan, God King of Kharsis, sees mythril for the first time, and becomes jealous of the dwarves' hoards and mineral wealth. The Ternin elves, which are as corrupted as the Greater Men from Kharsis, also develop petty jealousy of their cousins from Har Celebrin and the dwarves who will not share with them. Every effort is used to trade or cajole the mineral from the dwarves, but they refuse to bend to anyone's request or will. They begin to hide their treasure deeper and deeper into the mountains.

1218   - The dwarves of Dar and the Elves of Har Celebrin now have a vast cache of mythril-forged items. A few high men from Tol Gollia and north Narboria who have the rare blessing to enter the realm of the Greater elves begin to bring weapons and armor of mythril and magical items crafted from the silvery steel back to the west. The men of Voorhan begin searching their own mountains looking for precious veins, to no avail.

1220   - Rhamat-Gan, with secret pacts with the Ternin and Daran elves still on his lips, calls back his scattered armies from across the seas and lands. Constructions cease and a vast army is built. Rhamat's cousin, Ahkoreth, High Priest of Kharsis, assists him in stirring assistance from the corrupted elves.
For his loyalty, Ahkoreth is given his own island realm south of Narbor from which to launch his own empire. Ahkoreth leaves with an army and entourage of almost 5,000 and sails to the west. He names his realm Huuvain. Rhamat-Gan was not left empty handed, as Ahkoreth left with his cousin papyrus scrolls of powerful magic to aid him in his conquest of Dar.

1221   -The Greater men of Tol Gollia begin to disagree in their purpose and a rift is created between them. One sect wishes to capitalize on all of their teachings and better themselves. The other sect wishes to remain nothing more than recorders of history.

1222   - Rhamat-Gan, and a host of Ternin and Daran elves with their orc and demon slaves attack the dwarves of Dar. The dwarves reach out to the elves of Har Celebrin, but their assistance is refused and the elves elect to remain safe in their own valley realm – they had not so soon forgotten the elven war of the past. For this transgression, the dwarves vowed never to forgive them.

The Mythril War begins, sometimes called the Five Races War.

The war escalates during the course of the year, and thousands of dwarves are slaughtered by the orcs and dark elves that forge into the underground and attack from below the dwarven cities. The host of Kharsis attacks from the steppes below and no small magic is used to destroy the dwarven armies. Great blasts cut into the mountains and the once flourishing vales and plateaus are destroyed. A ship from Tol Gollia reported once that it seemed the side of the mountain swarmed like a host of warring ants as far as the eye could see.
The Greater men of Tol Golia split from one another and a large part of their population leaves the island chain and settles in the northern lands of Alboria. They reside on the large peninsula just south of their former island home at the north end of the East Barrier Mountains. They do not push into the land of the Valcor but nor do they associate with them. The new country is claimed and it is named Oshara. The Osharans will conquer all the northern reaches of Alboria north to the lands west of the Tamari Sea (the future Kenari). Unlike their kin to the south, the Osharans do not turn to the dark arts though they do make good use of magic in sorting their affairs.

1223   - The dwarven realm of Dar falls to Kharsis and Loch Duria with its host of fell creatures. Some dwarves escape to other realms through deep mines and by land, but the death toll to the dwarven nations is ghastly. Loch Duria loses many dark elves and Kharsis loses most of its slave army along with half its regular army. The Ternin elves seem to lose the fewest of their kind, but many of their socerers are exhausted from the use of summonings and magic. Kharsis and the Daran elves greedily take the vast treasures of Dar. Orcs are left in the mountains to continue to mine, under the watchful eye of the Orucs and a few dark elves.

1224   - An unprepared Har Celebrin is surprised when the host of Kharsis and the elves of Loch Duria begin to climb the Wall of Diannor and enter their realm with large galleys through the cliff passages. In accordance with their dark pact the corrupted nations have banned together to extract Ternin revenge for the last elven war. It is said in Tol Gollia that some 15,000 lost their immortal lives on the first day.
Among the Har Celebrin, one stands up to organize them, and with their mythril weapons Fealith Gil-Tellan leads the host of Har Celebrin against their corrupted enemies. The army of Gil-Tellan charges down the slopes of Diannor and meets the enemy head on by the third day.
The host of Kharsis is pushed back from Praxis into its own original lands. The great wall is destroyed, as one faction of Har Celebrin meets the Ternin and Daran elves in Annoth, who are pushed back along with their demons toward Loch Duria. Gil-Tellan splits his army into three and begins to sack the cities of Fet, Necrys, and Sog.

1225   - Praxis is laid waste and its cities burned. The remainder of the great border wall is torn to rubble. Fet falls in western Kharsis. All but a few Ternin sorcerers are killed or die from spent Essence. Most other Ternin begin to flee back to Loch Duria with Har Celebrin on its heels. The goblin army of the dark elves is either destroyed or flees back into the jungles. Annoth falls.
Lavari elves from across the seas join Har Celebrin against the Ternin and Daran armies. With them comes an army of Silvan elves, which enters the jungles, to flush out their fallen kin.
Rhamat-Gan meets the main army of Gil-Tellan in the valley basin north of Sog. The Elven armies now joined by their cousins swarm the Kharsis army, systematically cutting it down. Rhamat, reading from scrolls, begins summoning demons, avatars, and creatures from beyond the pale to aid him as his army dies. Magic crackles across the fields, as elves and men alike lose their mortal and immortal blood to sword and black essence.
The Kharsis army falls. Rhamat-Gan, surrounded by demons of protection, uses one last scroll given him by Ahkoreth, and calls upon his god of the dead to rise. Though forbidden by Protus, Nusku – Lord of the Abyss answers the summons.
Narrator: Darkening of Mirkwood | Chronicle of the North | Tempest Rising | To Boldly Go | Welcome to the 501st!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○] Dmg 10/12  |  Edge 8  |  Injury 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]