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Started by tomcat, Nov 01, 2012, 12:07 AM

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Quote from: Jingo on Jan 03, 2013, 09:13 PM
"You mean how our friends all tend to die at the hands of imperials and dark jedi?" she frowned and shook her head to shake away the memory and the shadows of depression. "I bear some responsibility, since I and my family are hunted by the Empire. But I didn't force any of the crew to do any of these missions." she slammed down the data pad and thrust her hands into her pockets. "What should I do? Betray what I believe in? Take the easy way out? Lose myself in the crowd and in drugs--escape, like Kara?" Discouragement nearly overwhelmed her, and she leaned against a crate and felt Brim's lightsaber heavy on her hip. "Sometimes I want to," she began softly, "sometimes I want to just walk away and ignore it all and say, 'To hell with the the galaxy. Let it fix itself!' But don't you see? History and physics tells us otherwise. It never does fix itself. It requires a catalyst. An ideal. Freedom. I can think of no higher ideal to fight for..." she scrubbed her hand through her hair. "But it doesn't make any of this any easier."

For a moment her troubled eyes studied the happy Abby, watching her tinker with her tools. "She's like a child in a candy ship isn't she?" She stood and faced Caden. "Look, she doesn't have to be part of any of this. I honestly hope she's not. If she's not some imperial spy, when we get to Salliche let's just let her go okay? Hopefully all she really wants is a ride there. I don't want more blood on my hands."

Caden shook his head and smiled; although he found her idealism charming, the woman was way too intense for his tastes.
"When we get your relatives back," he joked, "you need a vacation."
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, VĂ¡ri
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


She smiled at Caden's recommendation and nodded. He was right. She DID need a vacation. Needed to relax and open up. Why did she feel so passionately about this fight when so many around her seemed not to care? Was it just her family being taken and hounded that kept her constantly wound up like a spring? Certainly that was part of it.

"I think I might just do that." It was good to talk to him. Pleasant. His carefree manner was refreshing. She needed to get some of that for herself somehow, but without sacrificing her beliefs or ideals. Was that even possible?

"Come on, Cap, you can tell me of some good vacation spots you've been to while we're packing these supplies."