
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 6: Nan Angmar! => Topic started by: tomcat on Jul 28, 2005, 05:12 PM

Title: Round 2- Mewlip Attack
Post by: tomcat on Jul 28, 2005, 05:12 PM
The following is the current situation:

The Mewlips (ghouls) are sniffing around and approaching from the north, the wargs have slinked off to the south. The ghouls don't seem to know you are there yet, but they are on a scent.

PM: Dim Lighting -3 to all tests; the ghoul's Defence is 12

SM: The ghouls will not go first this round; Daelhun is Tired -2 and Injured -3; Dirnhael is Winded -1 and Injured -3; Fengel is Dazed -1 and Winded -1; and Durgil is Winded -1. Be sure to keep an eye on the Status page for your Courage point availability


Fengel- 15
Edrahil- 7
Dirnhael- 5
Mewlips- 13 (I am extending initiative to the party one more round due to your surprising attack on the ghouls)

Title: Round 2- Mewlip Attack
Post by: tomcat on Jul 28, 2005, 05:24 PM
Fengel attacks Mewlips 1 and 3 TN 12

AC +13, Dazed -1, Winded -1, Dim Light -3
vs. Mewlip 1

Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+8: 4,4,+8 Total:16 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+8: 3,1,+8 Total:12 SUCCESS

Mewlip attempts to Dodge:
Dodge +5, Injured -3

Roll(2d6)+2: 5,6,+2 Total:13 FAILED
Roll(2d6)+2: 3,4,+2 Total:9 FAILED

Damage is:
Roll(2d6)+8: 3,4,+8 Total:15
Roll(2d6)+8: 3,6,+8 Total:17 KILL
Title: Round 2- Mewlip Attack
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 29, 2005, 05:38 AM
:arrow: Initiative Roll:
Roll(2d6)+2:2,1,+2 Total:5
OOC: Geez... good thing we have surprise...

:arrow: Attack nearest Mewlip (TN 12)
AC (Longsword) +11, Specialty +2, Anduring Bonus +2, Warwise +1, Dim Light -3, Winded -1, -1 Injured (Hardy edge) = +11

Attack 1:
Roll(2d6)+11: 4,2,+11 Total:17

Attack 2:
Roll(2d6)+11: 4,3,+11 Total:18

Damage: Anduril is an enchanted blade - max damage

OOC: I'm saving my third Swift Strike action for defense at the moment... though I may attack with it as this round unveils itself.
Title: OOC:
Post by: tomcat on Jul 29, 2005, 05:45 AM

Hey Shawn, you still need to roll your damage. The enchanted blade just negates the ghouls Undead Stamina of only taking half damge from weapons.


Ghoul 4 attempts to Dodge Dirnhael TN 17 and 18:

Dodge +5, Injured -3

Roll(2d6)+2: 6,1,+2 Total:9 FAILED
Roll(2d6)+2: 5,5,+2 Total:12 FAILED

I am not going to worry about the damage rolls Shawn... it is definitely a kill.
Title: Round 2- Mewlip Attack
Post by: Wiseman on Jul 29, 2005, 06:50 AM
Daelhun reels back as he is met with a terrible attack from the enemies.  Suddenly unsure of himself Daelhun only swings once at the enemy, feeling his muscles weaken by the ferocity of his enemy.

TN 12

Roll(2d6)+4: 5,5,+4 Total:14

Roll(2d6)+7: 5,2,+7 Total:14 /2 = 7
Title: Dodge
Post by: tomcat on Jul 29, 2005, 07:20 AM
Mewlip attempts to Dodge TN 14:

Dodge +5, Dazed -1

Roll(2d6)+4: 5,2,+4 Total:11 FAILED
Title: Round 2- Mewlip Attack
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 29, 2005, 11:23 AM
OOC: Was Durgil able to keep tabs on the wargs?

Initiative - (4+1)+2-1=6

Still wary about the wargs, Durgil moves closer to the Mewlips to get a better shot while drawing another arrow.

RC: Bows (Longbow) - (6+4)+8+2-3-1=16
Damage: (6+1)=7
Title: Mewlips attack
Post by: tomcat on Jul 29, 2005, 05:21 PM
:arrow: OOC: Durgil saw nothing of the wargs, they seem to have slinked off into the night afraid of the creatures attacking you guys.

Another arrow winged through the night to strike one of the undead and Andúring and Cerduil both landed a successful blow and two of the ghouls fell to the ground dead. Edrahil from his distant position drew forth his own sword. He had thought through the spells he knew but none would suit their need so he resigned to engage the creatures alongside his friends.


Edrahil attacks Mewlip #5 TN 12
AC +8, Dim Light -3
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+5: 1,6,+5 Total:12 SUCCESS

Mewlip attempts to evade:
Dodge +5
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+5: 4,5,+5 Total:14 SUCCESS


Mewlips attack:

vs. Dirnhael TN 11
Mewlip #6
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+12: 2,5,+12 Total:19 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+12: 1,1,+12 Total:14 (-3-2) = 9 FAILED

Mewlip #8
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+12: 3,2,+12 Total:17 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+12: 2,2,+12 Total:16 SUCCESS

Damage if not parried:
Roll(1d6)+6: 2,+6 Total:8
Roll(1d6)+6: 5,+6 Total:11
Roll(1d6)+6: 1,+6 Total:7


vs. Fengel TN 11
Mewlip #3
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+12: 1,5,+12 Total:18 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+12: 5,5,+12 Total:22 SUCCESS

Mewlip #7
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+12: 2,4,+12 Total:18 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+12: 4,3,+12 Total:19 SUCCESS

Damage if not parried:
Roll(1d6)+6: 3,+6 Total:9
Roll(1d6)+6: 4,+6 Total:10
Roll(1d6)+6: 3,+6 Total:9
Roll(1d6)+6: 3,+6 Total:9


vs. Daelhun TN 12
Mewlip #2
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+11: 2,2,+11 Total:15 SUCCESS
Action 3 -Roll(2d6)+6: 6,2,+6 Total:13 SUCCESS

Damage if not parried:
Roll(1d6)+6: 5,+6 Total:11
Roll(1d6)+6: 5,+6 Total:11


vs. Edrahil TN 12
Mewlip #5
Action 2 - Roll(2d6)+12: 1,4,+12 Total:17 SUCCESS
Action 3 -Roll(2d6)+7: 1,1,+7 Total:9 -2 = 7 FAILED

Damage if not parried:
Roll(1d6)+6: 1,+6 Total:7


Fengel attempts to Parry TN 18, 22, 18, 19
AC +13, PB +1, Dim light -3, Winded -1, Dazed -1, Night-eyed +2
Action 3 -Roll(2d6)+11: 6,5,+11 Total:22 SUCCESS
Action 4 -Roll(2d6)+6: 5,1,+6 Total:12 FAILURE
Action 5 -Roll(2d6)+1: 6,5,+1 Total:12 (2 Courage) = 18 SUCCESS
Action 6 -Roll(2d6)-5: 3,1,-5 Total -4 DISASTROUS FAILURE

-One attempt is Disastrous so damage is maxed for 12 and 10 for 22 -10 armour = 12


Edrahil attempts to Parry TN 17
AC +8, Dim Light -3, PB +1
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+6: 5,3,+6 Total:14 (1 Courage) SUCCESS
Title: Round 2- Mewlip Attack
Post by: Wiseman on Jul 30, 2005, 03:44 AM
Parry 1: Roll(2d6)+4: 6,5,+4 Total:15 SUCCESS
Parry 2: Roll(2d6)-1: 3,2,-1 Total:4 FAILURE

Damage: 6

This is gonna be a long long recovery for Daelhun  :shock:
Title: Re: Mewlips attack
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 02, 2005, 11:28 AM
Quote from: tomcat
vs. Dirnhael TN 11
Mewlip #6
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+12: 2,5,+12 Total:19 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+12: 1,1,+12 Total:14 (-3-2) = 9 FAILED

Mewlip #8
Action 1 -Roll(2d6)+12: 3,2,+12 Total:17 SUCCESS
Action 2 -Roll(2d6)+12: 2,2,+12 Total:16 SUCCESS

Damage if not parried:
Roll(1d6)+6: 2,+6 Total:8
Roll(1d6)+6: 5,+6 Total:11
Roll(1d6)+6: 1,+6 Total:7

:arrow: Parry blow (TN 19)
AC (longsword) with bonuses +16, Winded -1, Parry Bonuses +1, Dim Light -3 = +13
Roll(2d6)+13:1,6,+13 Total:20 SUCCESS

:arrow: Parry blow (TN 17)
AC (longsword) with bonuses +16, Winded -1, Parry Bonuses +1, Dim Light -3, 4th action -5 = +8
Roll(2d6)+8:5,6,+8 Total:19 SUCCESS (Whew!)

:arrow: Parry blow (TN 16)
AC (longsword) with bonuses +16, Winded -1, Parry Bonuses +1, Dim Light -3, 5th action -10 = +3
Roll(2d6)+3:4,3,+3 Total:10 FAIL


The horrific creatures were relentless. He could hear his friends howl out in pain - pain that he felt, as well. He brushed away two slashes, but yet another slipped through his defenses, and he felt their sting once more... there were so many of them, and their stench stung the stalwart Dunadan's nose even as he fought for his very life.
Title: OOC:
Post by: tomcat on Aug 02, 2005, 07:25 PM
:arrow: Awesome rolls Shawn! I was worried with this round! I think their momentum is over now though... they lost the impact of numbers against you guys.

Still, it was an exciting fight thus far, we'll see what happens next round.

Title: Re: OOC:
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 03, 2005, 10:23 PM
Quote from: tomcatAwesome rolls Shawn!

OOC: Blind luck. It's a good thing I didn't use that third Swift Strike action for an attack that round or I would have failed all of them...