
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 4: Seeds of Dissent => Topic started by: tomcat on Mar 04, 2011, 09:43 AM

Title: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: tomcat on Mar 04, 2011, 09:43 AM
Situation: Inside the access tunnel, the party is attacked by the last mutant ogre.

M7 is enraged
M6 is 0 hit points, CT helpless (unconscious)
M5 is 0 hit points, CT helpless (unconscious)
M8 is 0 hit points, CT helpless (unconscious)
Brim is CT -1

Situational Modifiers: Putrid smell - the ogres exude a terrible smell and will cause any person within melee proximity (adjacent squares) to suffer a -2 to any dice rolls.

**Because the chamber is their nest, the awful smell has permeated the room - any PC that goes into either chamber will suffer a -1 penalty to all actions (this penalty does not stack with the -2 penalty for close proximity to a mutant).

Kaida has given everyone a Leadership bonus of +1 to all actions - character must remain in her line of sight for bonus. She also has Inspired Haste on Brim for this round giving him the option to make a skill check for his Move action.

Physical Modifiers: The tunnel is dark and provides concealment and thus a -2 penalty to all attacks, unless your PC is equipped with low-light vision, or your PC (and his opponent) is within a 6 square radius of Kara's fusion lantern.

Brim (+7) - 26
Sam (+6) - 25
Logar (+11) - 22
Britton (+9) - 20
Kara (+6) - 17
Kaida (+11) - 17
Mutants (+2) - 15
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: watanabe on Mar 04, 2011, 01:22 PM
Kara moved forward to try and cast more light on the last creature while also firing her blaster at the creature.
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: Jingo on Mar 04, 2011, 02:27 PM
On her turn, Kaida will:
Move action: Move west as far as she can int into the room.
Standard action: Shoot at M7.
Heavy Blaster, includes -1 penalty for smell 1d20+6 : 6 + 6, total 12

Damage: 3d8 : 3, 2, 3, total 8
  If it's down by the time it's her turn, she'll put another blast into its head just in case.
Swift action: Inspire haste on Brim if needed.
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: Callowmoryne on Mar 04, 2011, 05:00 PM
Logar admired the chaos in the room, that smell of ozone from blaster fire was barely a whisper over the stench of the fallen mutants. The old Logar'Dan would have felt disgust for these beasts. Right now he only felt sorry for them. Poor dumb bastards, living in their own filth. The spawn of radiation and likely some sickos experiments. He was fairly certain between the Rodian and Britton and sam, they could hold the narrow entry to the room. He would put this unconcious mutant at his feet out of its misery. "Give them peace Katherine" he spoak under his breath, jabbing his bayonet at the beasts throat

:ooc:I dont know if i need to roll for this but i will in case i fumble i guess
Bayonet attack
Rolled 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13

Damage if hit
Rolled 2d6+5 : 1, 4 + 5, total 10
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: tomcat on Mar 04, 2011, 09:07 PM
Brim attacks M7

- attack with two hands
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 13 Melee +6, Kaida bonus +1, Odor -2
Brimm attacks two-handed on M7 1d20+5 : 9 + 5, total 14

damage if successful 2d8+5 : 5, 4 + 5, total 14
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: donimator on Mar 05, 2011, 01:51 AM
These mutants kept pouring through the passageway. Was there an end? Brim slashed at the one in front of him and Sam was loathe to move past, but there was still the ones lying by the door. Sam had to trust Brim would do the job. He pushed past the two locked in melee to get a look down the passage. If a new target appeared or M7 was still standing, he would fire.

Sam's Actions
Move: 1 square south (risking an AoO, if M7 still stands)
Swift: Look down passageway for new targets
Standard: Fire on new target or M7, if still alive
Blaster +8, +1PB Shot, +1Kaida
Rolled 1d20+10 : 4 + 10, total 14

Damage, if hit (and if there's a target) 3d6+3 +1PB Shot
Rolled 3d6+3 : 5, 4, 6 + 3, total 18
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 05, 2011, 12:58 PM
Well I think that's all of them.
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: tomcat on Mar 05, 2011, 07:40 PM
:ooc: I will post in the morning... until then, goodnight.
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: tomcat on Mar 06, 2011, 05:27 AM
:ooc: Hey Don, Brim acts first and hits for 14... but Kaida acts in order after you, so the mutant is still up and active when you move. It will get an Attack of Opportunity. Once done, and Sam sees no more creatures, then fires on the M7, you will kill it.

M7 takes an AoO against Sam
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 23 Melee +12
M7 AoO against Sam 1d20+12 : 2 + 12, total 14

damage if successful 1d20+11 : 13 + 11, total 24
Title: Re: Access tunnel encouter - round 6
Post by: tomcat on Mar 06, 2011, 05:28 AM
:ooc: Damn... these sluggers suck. ':}