
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 4: Seeds of Dissent => Topic started by: tomcat on Feb 08, 2011, 09:06 PM

Title: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 08, 2011, 09:06 PM
The Aegis dropped from hyperspace. Kara and Caden sat in the command seats and watched as the kaleidascope of light and color quickly disappeared, stars that were warped into long streaks shrank to the points of light that they were, and space returned to normal around the Loronar explorer.

Caden immediately began to perform a passive scan to see if there was any sensor system out there - be it planetary or on a starship - that might be picking up their arrival, but his screens were empty. There was different waves of energy being picked up by the Aegis' sensor globes, but they were random - star noise, magnetic signatures of planets, and various forms of radiation. But the Bestinian could see nothing that was mechanically created and scanning for the random ship that might drop from hyperspace.


Now that space was normal around them, the two could also see where they were. The light from Tantis was brilliantly reflected off the massive gas giant called Tantau. Around the planet was an asteroid ring and moons, one of which was their target - Tantau II. Caden tapped Kara on the shoulder, pointing at the large planetoid, "I am getting varied frequencies of radiation coming from the planet and from Tantau II. The latter is coming from the commo dish that is at the prison. Let's plot a course to bring us in the way we planned, with the bulk of the planetoid between us and the base."

Kara nodded and set about accelerating the ship towards Tantau using the sub-light drives.

:ooc: All right Nick, you need to get the Aegis on the planetoid without being detected... the sensor operator at the prison - his roll is below:

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC n/a Use Computer +12
Rolled 1d20+12 : 16 + 12, total 28

From Kara, I need a Pilot test first to see if she can maneuver the ship in from the gas giant side of the moon. The following bonus table (based on your dice results will give the following penalties or bonuses to your Stealth roll:

20 = -5 modifier
25 = 0 modifier
30 = +5 modifier
35 = +10 modifier

Then an opposed Stealth test for her piloting the ship in to land. You need to add the ship's size modifier (-10), dex modifier (+2), and your piloting modifier above to your roll. The DC is the Tantau prison sensor operation roll above.

Any questions give me a shout. If you have success, please tell me where you wish to set the ship down? I am assuming you will use this designated location.

Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 01:16 PM
Kara grinned at Caden.

"Alright Captain, here goes nothing." she felt her hands loosely grab the control yoke and she began to move the Aegis towards its target point.


First pilot check:

Pilot +16

Rolled 1d20+16 : 11 + 16, total 27
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 01:18 PM
Kara felt her hand slip on the stick, she swore in her mind, this wasn't good, they'd probably see her.  She tightened her focus trying to get the ship into place without being detected.


Stealth +11 -10(ship size) +2 = +3


Rolled 1d20+1 : 7 + 1, total 8
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 01:20 PM

Crap, I was going to use a destiny point, but it can be applied to skill rolls, hang on guys, we are about to have some fun.  Also, the plan may be out the window.  (-D
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 09, 2011, 03:06 PM
 :ooc: My opinion is that the Stealth skill would not be used in this situation. The examples in the core book all indicate it's the character's own physical ability to keep himself or herself from being noticed (also it has an Armor Check Penalty). I would say that a pilot skill would be more appropriate. That said, I don't think it'll change the outcome at all in this situation.  :|
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 09, 2011, 03:42 PM
Caden winced as he watched the passive sensor array light up as the Aegis was bathed with electromagnetic waves, most likely from the prison facility on Tantau II. After all, there was nothing else in this system that was actively scanning. It was inevitable. The location of the planetoid in its orbit around Tantau; the location of their drop from hyperspace; the size of the ship; and their vector in towards the planet. Nothing had allowed for them to come in under the horizon, but Kara accelerated and they were now behind Tantau II, on the opposite side of the prison.

Kara wiped her forehead in frustration and dove the ship into the atmosphere. She aggressively took the Aegis to a very low altitude, called NOP - or nap-of-the-planet - hugging the terrain features to mask their approach. It would be another twenty minutes before they would be able to set the ship down.

Caden let out a sigh. There was nothing that could be done about it now. They'd have to hope for the best. He hit the ship comm, "Attention everyone... we are here. But, we were unable to come in undetected. They pinged us for sure. Once we land, we can decide what we are going to do."

The Tantau II prison, simply called T2 by those stationed there, along with other less flattering names, was said to be an end of the line post. It was the end of the line for the prisoners, that was for sure, but officers stationed there had liitle hope for much else. The troopers at least were rotated out.

What this tended to do was create an environment of indolence - jobs not being done, because nothing ever really happened. Or if done, a dispassion for the results. In other words, the Imperial Sensor Operator who was on duty that morning watched as his scanners revealed an inbound ship into the Tantis system that vectored to, or at least passed close by the small penal planet. His commanding officer was still not awake and he hated to stir him for nothing, but... it would not go well if he did not report and something happened. It would not go well if he woke up the commander. There would be a tirade for sure, and the young lieutenant really had no desire to be assigned the crap details.

He lifted his legs from the console, lowering them to the floor and pushed himself across to the HID station. He notated in the prison log the date, time and scan strength of the contact. He recorded the trajectory and possible destinations, including T2. "Probably just some frakkin' smugglers anyway," he whispered. The two stormtrooper guards that stood at their station some 10 meters away did not hear him. "This area is overrun with them... heck, they are even on this planet sometimes."


All right, Nick... one more set of tests. These tests will determine if the she can get in close to the prison without notice. The Pilot skill will be used for the same purpose as before, but the modifiers it adds are greater based on the NOP flying and all of the ground clutter.

Sensor operator at prison
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC n/a Use computer +12
Rolled 1d20+12 : 16 + 12, total 28

Kara will need to make a pilot test to see what her new modifier will be:

20 = +10 modifier
25 = +15 modifier
30 = +20 modifier
35 = +25 modifier

Also need another Stealth test to see if you bring her in without being seen. DC will be the sensor operator's results. Same bonuses and size penalties apply. Any questions, give me a shout.

And Jared - the SW:SotG has a section on Stealth skill and piloting starships to avoid sensor contact.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 03:46 PM
Kara looked at Caden.  They are sure to have spotted us, I'm going to take her in as best I can.  She looked down at her hands which shook just barely, they probably wouldn't do so if she had taken a good hit. 


Pilot +16
Rolled 1d20+16 : 5 + 16, total 21
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 03:47 PM
"Frack, frack, frack, frack, frack" she continued to repeat as the ship got closer and closer to the facility.


Stealth +11 -10 (size)+10 (pilot)+2 (dex) = 13

Rolled 1d20+13 : 18 + 13, total 31
  add on a force point
Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 03:48 PM
 :ooc: boo yah, 33!  Finally something rolled right.  (-D
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 09, 2011, 06:11 PM
:ooc: Very nice roll! I am not going to exact the Force Point, due to the roll being successful without it. So, if you have changed your sheet, change it back.

Kara had done it.

The Aegis reduced speed as it approached a huge mountain of volcanic rock, flared and came to rest on it three landing struts. Kara powered the vessel down, listening to the whine of the engines slowly fade, as her hands slowly steadied. Caden looked at her and winked, "We did it."
The two stood up from the command station and turned to head back into the ship to find their crewmates.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 09, 2011, 06:50 PM
Kara made a fake gun with her finger and blew on it with a grin.

"Nothing to it Captain, now go get em, I'll keep the engine running."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 09, 2011, 07:09 PM
Logar'Dan stood waiting near the Aegis loading ramp, doublechecking his gear and fidgeting with his com link. Medpacs, grenades, Rifle, spare ammo, he was ready. "Its nearly time Kat." He was continuously adjusting some bit of gear just to keep his hands moving. Waiting for the green light.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 09, 2011, 07:13 PM
 :ooc:  I know this was probably talked about and i just missed it but am i gonna need some sort of breathing aparatus, or an all temp cloak to survive this atmo?
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 09, 2011, 07:30 PM
Britton had not worked out all the details yet, he understood now how Sam must feel running through all the variables in his head looking for the flaws. The panic set in and his head said that the plan wasnt going to work, he swore and tightened his grip on the blaster on his hip. He looked at those around him forcing his head to clear and smiled. "lets see where the tunnel ends up then we can frag the plan from there."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 09, 2011, 07:41 PM
 :ooc: First to John, no, you won't need atmospheric stuff.

To everybody, just cause the Aegis has landed does not mean you guys have to race in on the attack. Kara landed it nice and quiet... of course, the base did detect your arrival in the system.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 09, 2011, 07:46 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Feb 09, 2011, 03:42 PM
And Jared - the SW:SotG has a section on Stealth skill and piloting starships to avoid sensor contact.

:ooc: No problem. I forget you have all the cool books. I was just looking at the Core book. I'm good.  ;)
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 09, 2011, 08:04 PM
Kaida frowned when she heard Caden's knews that they had been detected by the planetoid's scanners.

She had once again tied her auburn hair in a sensible braid and wore her typical close-fitting garb. She double-checked her equipment. It was still all there: binder cuffs, heavy blaster, holdout blaster, spare energy packs, cable dispenser, comm link, mesh tape.

Hearing Logar'Dan talk to his equipment she rolled her eyes and wondered what his deal was. It was starting to irk her. Well, I just hope I make it out of here alive, to continue to be annoyed, she thought to herself. I hope we all do.

She pulled her all temp cloak around her and nodded. Good enough. She gathered around the others. "Alright everyone, we have to assume they know a ship entered the system. That said, they probably don't know who or why we are here and hopefully they don't know where we landed. I think we still have the element of surprise. Britton, and anyone else, what are your thoughts on proceeding with the plan?"
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 10, 2011, 06:51 AM
Logar cleared his throat. "I'm ready. If it's okay with britton and Sam I'd like to take point. At least until we secure our entry.We'll stay in a loose triangle. This way I can go full auto If I have too, and not worry about grazing you two. I'll likely draw more fire and you can pick and choose your shots. Make them good." Logar pulled his bayonet from it's sheath on his belt, and turned on the power cell. He clipped it home to the barrel of his rifle. His hands were still shaking a little.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 10, 2011, 12:19 PM
:ooc: Per Britton's plan, the desired offensive is to take place in the early hours of morning (i.e. 2-2:30). I wanted to let you guys know that the Aegis landed on Tantau II at 5:00 AM planet's time... so you guys have a whole day to spend. We do not need to RP it, but if you want to post some things, you may.

Also, you guys may want to make the walk to the base of the plateau that the prison sits on during the daylight hours, but you guys decide. Let me know via character dialogue. If you move at night, there will be chances for potential unseen hazards (i.e. tripping and falling in the dark, strange predators hunting at night, etc.)

I will give you guys new posts regarding the raid, once I get a consensus from each player of the time to move towards the prison, and any actions they still wanna perform on the ship.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 10, 2011, 12:21 PM
Britton began to thumb on and off the retaining strap on his holster while he thought and spoke about the plan. The quiet calm in his voice was perfect, but the anxiety of even the best trained soldiers needed an outlet while they waited to go into action. For some it was stamping a foot, some it was rocking their torso back and forth, others actually slept, but everyone who had been in action had a tell while their body prepared for the supreme effort.

"There is no need to rush just yet. What's local time right now?"

" I suggest we head out and do a little recon to see where the tunnel opens up. We are guessing it's in the maintenance area but we don't know that. We also want to try and get a sense of the rhythm that this place operates under. Sam needs to run point through the tunnel to make sure that it's safe for us to be in there. After that, Logar, you're the breach guy. We need to take all of our mission stuff and the two groups up the tunnel. If we get compromised we may need to go into execution mode right then and there."

"I have been looking at the plans. I think we all need to move up to the Admin area. We need to know where our man is being kept and we need to neutralize those gun turrets. If we get stuck there the ship cant come in and get us with those still up and running. After that we will see if we can gain access to the prisons systems remotely and come up with the rest of the plan from there. If we cant get access we move into full contact mode and use speed as security blast our way through the prison, blast our way out and run into the ship."

Britton knew there were a lot of holes in this plan. There was something that hadn't been thought out, to many options, and not enough people or equipment for this mission to be ideal.

"Lets start with the recon and see what we get. Logar, quiet is the word of the day, we gotta get in close, this will be knife work until the jig is up then the more noise and confusion the better."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 10, 2011, 12:31 PM
:ooc: Damn this game got real fun, real fast! I am loving the posts, you guys.

One question to clear my mind on the plan - is the entire 5 man team moving up the tunnel to get into the prison, and once in, will separate into two mission teams?

Brim stood amongst the crew listening to Britton, "So it will just be you and Logar to recon the prison? Or are we all moving into position until later?" The Rodian sighed, as if uncertain about what he was to reveal, "I have spoken little of my past, for it pains me to think about it, but I served in the Republic Scout Service during the early part of the Clone Wars... I know the business of recon."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 10, 2011, 01:12 PM
Britton smiled, "So the Association of Angry Clone War Veterans grows by one more! We leave here with everything we need to do the mission, everything and everyone. We head towards the tunnel now before its full day; we may have to spend the whole day waiting in the tunnel, though I hope not. If someone catches us snooping around or discovers us trying to figure out where the tunnel goes we need to execute the mission right then or abort so we need to be prepared. The maintenance bay is on the other side of the compound from the Admin center. So if the tunnel opens up there we will move up the flight of stairs to the second level, through the storage area and into the admin area as a group. We will seize the admin area and immobilize the gun turrets. We will try to gain access to the computer system and or find where our friend is. Priority in the admin area is Sam and Kaida trying to get into the system, and the rest of us pulling security and taking out the turrets. Leaving you and Kaida in the control room only works if we can successfully sneak around otherwise you guys would be stuck there with no way out if things get crazy.

If we can control the prison from the admin area you guys will stay there and we will access the prison from the medical area grab our man and any others we can, get back to you guys and go back out the tunnel.

If we can not access the computer or control the prison from there or if it turns into the last flight of the starfighters we blow the admin room and rush the prison, blowing a hole in a wall and have the ship pick us up. The prison is designed with choke points to keep the prisoners contained if they get out of their cells. They dont plan on people being in the prison with blasters so we use those choke points so that they all cant get us at once. We move from lower to higher away from their reinforcements using grenades as booby traps as we go. That's when Johnny Point opens up with rapid fire and they sing songs about us in far corners of the galaxy. Everybody fights, no one quits.

Ahh may the force be with you?"
:ooc: I changed the plan a little when i realized that the admin areas was not above the maintenance area.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 10, 2011, 02:53 PM
Kara looked at Caden.

"You have the con sir." she said as she headed to her room.  It would be a long time till she had to be on duty if they were going to go off, and she planned to take a long nap.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 10, 2011, 04:11 PM
Kaida nodded to Britton. "Doing Recon is a good plan. I may not move as quietly as Brim here, but I've been evading Imperial agents long enough to know how to set my foot right and have a relatively good eye. Lets go before it gets too light, but you might want to rethink me helping to hack into any computer system. I can access the holonets and newsfeeds--real basic stuff."

:ooc: My Stealth +11, Perception +9, and Computer +5. Yeehaw. Also, I'm guessing 5 AM the sun is still "down" but could be rising soon, but on this planetoid I'm not sure.

Kaida then went and talked with Kara, shaking her awake. "Look, assuming the garrison here knows we've entered the system and they're on alert, we may need every available gun on the ground to pull this off. Do you really want to stay buttoned up on the ship? Or do you think Caden could hold down the fort and operate the guns remotely if needed? That would give us one additional blaster trained on the imps. I'd personally love to have you by my side down there." She gave a winning smile. Everything she said was true, but Kaida had a secondary motive in mind as well. She'd seen Kara nursing the Corellian whisky a little to much, she didn't want Kara taking on any more. A drunken Kara on the guns or piloting the Aegis could spell disaster.

:ooc: Just an option so you're not left out of too much game time because it may be a while before the ship does anything if we're in a lot of combats down there.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 11, 2011, 08:33 AM
Kara shrugged, she was not a recon expert, but she was decent with a blaster, and good at hiding.

"Caden or I could go out on recon, I was planning to get some sleep before I went on duty, but if you need me out there I am in."  Kara patted her vest pocket where she had both a deathstick hidden inside, as well as her blaster pistol concealed.  She felt safe when she did this.  She looked back at Kaida, there was something else on her mind, but she would have to deal with that later on.  She pulled the blaster from her pocket checked the powerpack, and then eased it back into its concealed place.

"I'm ready."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 11, 2011, 10:41 AM
"Let's go then."

Reunited with the others, Kaida explained the Kara was coming along too, that Caden should be able to handle everything with the ship, and that an extra pair of boots on the ground could prove a valuable asset.

To the group, "Alright, lets do this. Recon first. That means stealth will be the order of the day--as much as possible. If we're discovered, then we'll proceed hard and fast as Britton said." She adjusted her straps and gear. "Take us out Britton."

:ooc: What's our approach to the tunnel/shaft going to be?
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 11, 2011, 11:32 AM
:ooc: Shawn is back from vacation... well, he was on the boards today. That said, I am going to wait until later today to see if he posts. I really do not want to relegate him to stay behind in the ship... I'd rather do it with a NPC, unless he wants to. He is a good roleplayer and I am sure that Caden will see the plan is best with how it is laid out, but at the same time, I do not want to deny any players the fun of this attack.

Let's see if he can post soon, and see what he says. Brim is a pilot ... of sorts, I think... let me check... yea, he has a +7. So, he could maintain the ship so that no players miss out, but let's see what Shawn says he wants to do.

Once I get some kind of response, I will make the next story post.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 11, 2011, 12:12 PM
 :ooc: Sounds good to me, I wasnt really thinking in terms of PC NPC when I was thinking this out. i agree, NPCs are XP mooches anyway.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 11, 2011, 12:31 PM
:ooc: I promise that the NPC will not take any of the awards that come from the engagement.  ;)
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 11, 2011, 02:07 PM
 :ooc: Cant trust those NPCs they are teh foul spawn of the Gm and are used to seperate you from your hard earned credits and cool guy gear.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 12, 2011, 01:52 PM
The team had assembled on the first deck of the Aegis. Brim checked the ship's external sensor once more to verify the atmosphere beyond the closed hatch. It was viable, made up of a standard oxygen-nitrogen mix that all species on the Aegis needed to live. The size of the planetoid only allowed for so much gravitational pull, and so the air was thinner, but as long as there was no major exertions outside, they'd be fine. The crew had read that the prison itself had an atmospheric system that enhanced its interior environment, so the only difficulties would come from their crossing of the river plain. The Rodian hit the button and the Aegis' hatch slid back with a hiss and the landing ramp began to lower on its hydraulic struts.

A swirl of air raised a small cloud of dust at the base of the ramp, but it could not be determined if that was from wind or from opening the Aegis. Outside the ship it was light - not daylight, night light. The rotation of Tantau II was faster than its parent planet, and so when one side was lit with light from the sun, the other - night-side - was still illuminated by the reflected light of the gas giant. So, the inhabitants of Tantau II existed in a world of either daylight or twilight.

Walking to the base of the ramp, the companions got the first look at their surroundings. Arid was the word to describe the small planet. Yes, it had water but the world was to small to generate a dynamic system of weather and environment. It also spent three of its planetary months within the shadow of the gas giant, essentially making the planet bitter cold. Thus plants could not spread via pollenation, and the limited clouds could not carry the water very far, nor provide proper shading and dispeling of killing radiation from the Tantis star. Perhaps with some aid from terraforming engines, the planet could become more appealing, but for now, it was essentially barren. A true hell-world for any to be sent to serve a sentence and be forgotten.


Kaida looked up and was mesmorized by the vision of the gas giant planet above them. It glowed brighter than any moon she had ever seen. She scanned around her and saw that the Aegis sat atop a plateau within a massive dried out flood plain. She surmised that perhaps, in some earlier geological time, this may have been an island with the river flowing around it. The team would have to make their way down a series of steep drops and over some rocky terrain. She wondered if there was any indigenous life present, or were the people of the Republic - now the Empire - the only things to ever reside here. Looking across the river flood-plain, she could see the twinkling lights of the Imperial prison. It would take them a good three to four hours to march the distance and come to the foot of the plateau on which the prison sat. Hopefully the access tunnel that cut into the rock and made its way directly under the facility would not be barred, or inconveniently placed in the side of the plateau. Climbing down was easy... trying to climb up would not be as appealing.

"And hopefully, there's no critters out there," the noblewoman thought to herself.

:ooc: Okay... there will be a few tests that the PC's will need to perform as they make the crossing. The first will be a series of 3 climb checks (DC 10), to get down to the flood plain. Then an Endurance check (DC 12) to see how well your characters handle the crossing. I am going to roll for everyone, in case Caden is the one that comes, instead of Brim. If there are any failures, the degree of failure will determine the results based on the following:

CLIMB checks (x3)
Nat 1 = disastrous failure and will cause the PC to fall doing 4d6 damage and reduced 3 steps on the condition track; the condition will be persistent (a pulled hamstring, achilles, whatever) and will need minor surgery, or at least a number days rest equal to 1/4 of the PC's CON.

Failed by 5 or more = Complete failure and will cause the PC to fall doing 3d6 damage and reduced 2 steps on the condition track; the condition will be persistent (a pulled hamstring, achilles, whatever) and will need a number hours rest (or easy movement) equal to 1/4 of the PC's CON - once passed, the PC can reduce the condition as normal.

Failed by 5 or less = Failure and will cause the PC to fall doing 2d6 damage and reduced 1 steps on the condition track; the condition will be persistent (a pulled hamstring, achilles, whatever) and will need 1 hour rest (or easy movement) - once passed, the PC can reduce the condition as normal.

The effects of the three Climb checks will stack.

ENDURANCE check (x1)
Nat 1 = disastrous failure and will cause the PC to be weary from the travel and reduced 3 steps on the condition track; the condition will be persistent and will require a number hours of rest equal to 1/2 of the PC's CON; once rested the condition is removed

Failed by 5 or more = Complete failure and will cause the PC to be weary from the travel and reduced 2 steps on the condition track; the condition will be persistent and will require a number hours of rest equal to 1/4 of the PC's CON; once rested the condition is removed

Failed by 5 or less = failure and will cause the PC to be weary from the travel and reduced 1 steps on the condition track; the condition will be persistent and will require one hour of rest; once rested the condition is removed

The effects of the Endurance check will stack with those effects from the climbing.

My next post will be everyones check rolls (doing them for you all to expedite).

Also, I have restored everyones character to their maximum hit points.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 12, 2011, 02:15 PM
:ooc: I modified the DC of the climb test after seeing everyones Climb skills!  ':}

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +14
climb1 1d20+14 : 14 + 14, total 28

climb 2 1d20+14 : 11 + 14, total 25

climb 3 1d20+14 : 4 + 14, total 18

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +10
endurance 1d20+10 : 20 + 10, total 30

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +6
climb1 1d20+6 : 5 + 6, total 11

climb 2 1d20+6 : 4 + 6, total 10

climb 3 1d20+6 : 7 + 6, total 13

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +10
endurance 1d20+10 : 7 + 10, total 17

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +4
climb1 1d20+4 : 11 + 4, total 15

climb 2 1d20+4 : 17 + 4, total 21

climb 3 1d20+4 : 6 + 4, total 10

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +4
endurance 1d20+4 : 1 + 4, total 5

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +3
climb1 1d20+3 : 13 + 3, total 16

climb 2 1d20+3 : 13 + 3, total 16

climb 3 1d20+3 : 17 + 3, total 20

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +4
endurance 1d20+4 : 14 + 4, total 18

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +2
climb1 1d20+2 : 19 + 2, total 21

climb 2 1d20+2 : 1 + 2, total 3

climb 3 1d20+2 : 9 + 2, total 11

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +10
endurance 1d20+10 : 7 + 10, total 17

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +5
climb1 1d20+5 : 7 + 5, total 12

climb 2 1d20+5 : 8 + 5, total 13

climb 3 1d20+5 : 18 + 5, total 23

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +3
endurance 1d20+3 : 8 + 3, total 11

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 10 Climb +3
climb1 1d20+3 : 7 + 3, total 10

climb 2 1d20+3 : 20 + 3, total 23

climb 3 1d20+3 : 7 + 3, total 10

(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 12 Endurance +3
endurance 1d20+3 : 20 + 3, total 23

Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 12, 2011, 02:26 PM
:ooc: Okay the results are in:

Brim is fine (if he goes)

Britton is fine

Caden is reduced 3 steps on condition track (-5 to all actions) for disastrous fail of Endurance - needs to rest 6 hours to remove the condition (if he goes)

Kaida is fine

Kara had a disastrous failure on Climb check 2 and fell; damage is rolled below and she is reduced 3 steps on the condition track (-5 to all actions); the condition will be persistent (a pulled hamstring, achilles, whatever) and will need minor surgery, plus 3 days rest.
Kara's damage 4d6 : 1, 1, 6, 4, total 12

Logar had a failure on his Endurance check and is reduced 1 step on the condition track (-1 to all actions); the condition will be persistent and will require one hour of rest

Sam is fine
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 12, 2011, 03:18 PM
Britton cursed, not even away from the ship and his attack force was waylaid by the climb out of the ship. He looked around and assessed the casualties looked to Logar and sighed. Then he saw Kara fall past him and hit the ground below. He hurried down as fast as he could without running the risk of falling himself.

"Kara are you okay?" He looked her over to see if there was any major damage and cursed under his breath. He looked over at the Captain that was equally out of breath, "She has to go back to the ship, she won't make the overland march."  Britton cursed inside his head again, this mission so far was ill omened. He saw Kara come down and knew that she was counting on him, well had said so at least.

"Next time we need to add rope to our daring escapade packing list. We need to get Kara back to the ship and we cant take a lot of time doing it." He assessed those around him and realized that he lucked out on the climb down. The plan ran through his head again and pondered what the next course of action was to be.

"We cant take her like this, we gotta get her back to the ship."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 12, 2011, 05:03 PM
:ooc: Logan can spend a force point if he wants.

Kara can still get about, she is just gonna be hurting.

You guys do have rope - I factored that into the DC.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 12, 2011, 06:32 PM
 :ooc: oh great.....awesome.. need better rope.  >:D
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 12, 2011, 06:44 PM
:ooc: Truth is, no one failed normal rolls by enough that a Force point wouldn't fix it - it was the Natural 1's that ruined it.

Of course, if Nick wants to, he can use a Destiny Point to get rid of the roll.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 12, 2011, 07:37 PM
 :ooc: I'm assuming the climbing and endurance checks are for the whole trek across to the shaft, right? Does that mean we've arrived or is this just one of the dangers we need to avoid?

Kaida knelt down beside Kara and quickly assessed her condition. She probed the wound in her leg with her deft fingers, grateful her friend hadn't suffered any major damage in the fall. Even so, she could tell from Kara's grimace that she was experiencing a good bit of pain and wondered how this would affect Kara's performance in the mission ahead.

She looked up at Britton. "I don't think going back to the ship is a good option. It's going to be just as dangerous going back, probably more so if she's hurt. I think we should proceed with the mission. I'll do what I can here, she'll be able to move still, though will be in some pain until we can address this with the surgical equipment on the ship."

She patted Kara's shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Pulling out the small medpac, she began administering first aid.

:ooc: She will take a 20 if that's possible (the rules seem to indicate it is and since there's no possibility of failure since I'm using a medpac and I have plenty of time). If so, her Treat Injury total will be 20+14 = 34 and should heal any damage she took--though the persistent condition will remain. If I try to heal damage without a med kit, that's when there's a possibility of failure.

But here's my roll if you want to use that instead.
Treat Injury:
Rolled 1d20+14 : 7 + 14, total 21

Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: donimator on Feb 13, 2011, 02:57 AM
Sam watched their perimeter as Kara was attended to. Not an auspicous start and one more parameter to factor into this mission equation. Nevertheless, Sam was beginning to enjoy himself. He dug up some long-buried programming and the thrill of being the hunter instead of the hunted returned some spring to his step.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 13, 2011, 04:04 AM
Logar was winded from the climb. Hopefully they'd get a chance to rest when they reached the tunnels. He took a cue from Sam and watched the rocks around them while Kara was being tended too. "Is she gonna make it, or do we split up, and someone takes her back to the ship?"
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 13, 2011, 04:50 AM
"We cant afford to leave two people here and one on the ship. Once we go up that tunnel we need to be ready to kick the mission off should that be required."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 13, 2011, 06:06 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Feb 12, 2011, 06:44 PM
:ooc: Truth is, no one failed normal rolls by enough that a Force point wouldn't fix it - it was the Natural 1's that ruined it.

Of course, if Nick wants to, he can use a Destiny Point to get rid of the roll.


Not sure I can really use a destiny point for this damage... acting out of turn doesn't stop me from taking damage, though I should be able to interrupt the attack... (but it will still get made).

Question I have is, was an attack rolled against my fortitude defense as per p.255 of the core rulebook for falling?  Though I have no chance of not being hit (its a 1d20+20 attack on fort, and there are no "critical misses on attacks rolled as 1 in saga edition, thus making it a for sure thing I take fall damage), I can use a destiny point in this case to negate the damage.  If that is the case I will use a destiny point to negate all damage.  If that is okay, I'll update with a post.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 13, 2011, 08:18 AM
Logar smiled at Britton, the man was right as usual. "then we should move as soon as she's able. We've got no timetable so if we find a secure place in that tunnel let's rest, I'm a bit winded myself."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 13, 2011, 09:17 AM
Britton nodded, "Kara can you walk on it? If so we need to get going, but if we do we will probably be spending the rest of the day somewhere in the tunnel instead of coming back this way during the day." Britton looked around and at the day light that was coming upon them. He doubted that there were any patrols out here but the guards may do some half assed cursory search around the prison itself and they might observe them crossing the velt. He was worried about complication if only a small party went to the tunnel alone or if they team was compromised they would have to assault immediately.

"Ok we hole up here for a bit and take a breather. Then we will make a push across this velt to the tunnel. Ground evacuation is going to be rough so the ship is going to need to come out of hiding and pick us up either out here or at the prison when the time comes."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 13, 2011, 02:56 PM
:ooc: A couple clarifications...

John - just so you know, you can spend a Force Point if you want to. Every PC gets a number of Force Points per level that you can spend (one on an action) to effect the roll. You get to roll a D6 and add that to your test result. So, if you want to eliminate the weariness condition for now you can. Of course, an hours rest is not a big deal and it might be worth saving the points for when you may really need them.

Nick - I read the book on Falling and missed that. I am so used to playing CODA LotR and Star Trek, that I just went ahead and designed the tests and the effects. I forget that WotC was always meticulous about defining rules. Anyway, here is the 1d20+20 check against your Fortitude as an attack... thus the Destiny point can be used if you want too. We'll keep the posts as they stand and you can play it like Kara either recovers with Kaida's medical administrations, or that she just needed a minute to allow the tendon to rest.
Falling attack roll DC 19 1d20+20 : 17 + 20, total 37

I haven't heard from Shawn, so I am going with Brim in the party. He has a better set of combat mods, anyway. Once Shawn is back, he'll have stuff to do at the ship... so...

Jared - your assumption is correct. The climb tests were to determine the safety of the party members descending from the plateau. The Endurance test was how they each fared after the climb and the march across the flood plain to the prison. So the results will state how you guys feel when you get to the tunnel. You guys know the results in advance, of course, and can use the info in your narratives/dialogues to tell how your PC's are feeling/faring.

Also, if Nick decides to use the Destiny point, the medpac will not be expensed from your post.

Sam and Logar scanned the horizon. Small vortexes of wind swept across the barren rock spiraling dust into the air. The twilight was slowly brightening as morning appeared. The sky took on a light blue hue that was tinted, or haloed, with the oranges and reds of the gas giant's cloud patterns above. If not for the arid landscape, it would have been quite beautiful.

The droid and the soldier saw nothing moving save the wind and now the wavey pattern of heat. The traveling looked like it would now be much easier - only the flat plain with broken rock to maneuver between and around. Logar went to stand when he saw the first living thing on the planet, save themselves - a small eight-legged insect scurried across the dusty rock on its way from one hiding place to another. It was the same color as the rock on which it crawled and had a nasty looking barbed set of hooks where he assumed its mouth was. The obligatory creepy crawley shiver ran through him, but Logar quickly dismissed it and went back to his reconnaisance.

Minutes passed as Kara determined the status of her ankle.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 13, 2011, 05:04 PM
 :ooc: I'm okay with just resting sir, i may need those points :)
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 14, 2011, 06:26 AM


Does this mean I missed hitting the ground somehow?  (-D
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 14, 2011, 10:37 AM
 :ooc: It means you were like this guy:
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 14, 2011, 04:21 PM
:ooc: Okay, cool... with that result, everyone in the party is fine after the climb and the march, except Logar who is -1 for weariness. Just to re-state, he will need an hour rest to remove the condition.

Kara stood, only putting slight pressure on the one leg. She stretched it and shook it and slowly eased her weight down on it. She smiled. It was not bad. It did not hurt anymore. She moved around a bit - walking, jumping, and then did a quick sprint for a few yards. Kara could feel a slight, dull ache, but nothing of dire consequence. Certainly nothing that would hold her back on the expedition.

Brim sighed, "Fortune smiles on us after all. Let's get moving."

The march was tedious, except for Sam - at least that is what the others perceived. In truth, the rough terrain drew harder on the droids batteries and though he did not tire, Sam kept an eye on his internal system status. The team scurried from rock to rock, keeping cover from any potential eyes watching from the prison. They climbed over broken outcrops, and jumped over small trenches eroded from water or wind. It was a challenge to keep ones breath and so they stopped on many more occassion than would have been necessary on another planet. Fluid rations were consumed, as the bright sun beat down on top of them and turned the rocky landscape into an oven. The prison atop the cliff steadily inched closer and the plateau cliff wall slowly rose in height as they approached.

The river was now easily seen, and the team saw more lifeforms - or what they assumed was living photosynthetic organisms. A green and rust colored algae was very prominent along the walls of the river bank, and into the shallows. Brim mused at how life found a way in almost all conditions. He knelt to the ground and took his water pouch from his utility belt and drank deep. The other companions also settled a moment to rest. They had been marching for just over three hours and it would be another half-hour before they were in proximity to the access tunnel.

Logar'Dan lay down across a large flat bed of stone and looked towards the cliff wall for any movement. He scanned along the top where patrols might circuit the prison. He checked along the foot of the cliff. He looked at the tunnel itself. Not far from him, Sam did the same thing, but scanned the wall with his slugthrower rifle and the targeting scope atop it.

:ooc: Perception check
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC 20 Perception...
Brim +9
Britton +8
Kaida +9
Kara +10
Logar +3
Sam +12

Brim 1d20+9 : 13 + 9, total 22

Britton 1d20+8 : 10 + 8, total 18

Kaida 1d20+9 : 4 + 9, total 13

Kara 1d20+10 : 7 + 10, total 17

Logar 1d20+3 : 19 + 3, total 22

Sam 1d20+12 : 17 + 12, total 29
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 14, 2011, 04:48 PM
Logar cleared his throat and spit on the rocks. "I've got movement people, humanoid, moving around near the tunnel entrance. Maybe a patrol or work crew. Blaster fire that close may be disastrous to the whole plan. I'm not much for stealth though. Ive got my blade but it could get loud if their armed." Logar couldn't help but smile, the shaking of his hands that had subsided during the rough climb began again in earnest.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 14, 2011, 05:04 PM
Kaida peered over at the tunnel entrance from behind an outcropping of rock. She covered her eyes against the glare of the sun but still couldn't see anything. She sighed and settled down on her rump while they rested. "If they're a work crew perhaps we can just wait a few hours until they're done and then move on," she wondered outloud. After all, they needed the rest anyway. A permanent guard stationed there could be tricky though.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 14, 2011, 05:17 PM
Brim put his long fingers over his eyes to shade them and then nodded confirmation of his own. "Yes, I see movement, too. But it doesn't appear to be regimented... meaning, it does not look to be a patrol or a stationed sentry. Whatever they are doing, it is random. They appear to be going to the water for... food, maybe? Or, to bathe? I can see one now moving back to the tunnel entrance." He then stared up at the prison. "Isn't the prison environmentally sealed? At least in regards to the primary structures? I know that there is exterior areas, but certainly since it has an environmental system to protect from the sun's radiation and to enhance the air, it would be sealed. Yes? I say this because, at our distance and if it is sealed, there is little likelihood that we would be heard... even with blaster fire."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 14, 2011, 05:35 PM
 :ooc: hey buddy is the river in a depression where we could use it for cover to get to where these things are moving around, not like swim it but maybe skirt the bank and the shallows.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 14, 2011, 06:51 PM
 :ooc: yea, John, the riverbank will offer a terrain bonus of +2 to stealth rolls.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 14, 2011, 06:55 PM
 :ooc: Lets wait a half hour or so and see if we can get an idea of what they're up to really. Or maybe send out the stealthiest among us to get a closer look. Using the riverbank to stealthily move up on the facility is a good idea--as long as they're not in the river when we do move out.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: donimator on Feb 15, 2011, 03:54 AM
Sam got a real good look at the creatures through his scope and did an internal double take. He checked again, ran the parameters through his limited internal database and came up empty. He quietly called out the description as he continued to focus, "Several figures...Humanoid, but not human...Simian almost...Enlarged musculature...Clawed arms and legs...Moving between tunnel and river." He turned away from the scope and looked back to the group, "They look feral. Don't look like something the Imperials would employ. Is there anything native to this rock?"
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 15, 2011, 05:18 AM
Kaida was grateful Sam was a long. Droids were indisputably useful at times. "Well then, they're probably native to this planetoid and are just getting foot or water." She stretched and settled more comfortably in her position. "In time, I suspect they'll move on to other activities. As long as they don't catch our scent or see us, we should be able to avoid them. And if they do come after us and if Brim is right about the prison being environmentally sealed, that frees us up to use blasters to scatter the pack. Britton, what do you think?"
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 15, 2011, 10:34 AM
Brim answered Sam's question, "There was no information on indigenous life." Then he turned to Kaida's statement, "They are not going anywhere if that cave is their refuge."

The Rodian scanned the cliff, "It is not going to be possible to climb that cliff - not without climbing gear. The access tunnel is our best possible means of undermining the prison. If those creatures live there, we are going to have to find a way to either chase them off, or subdue them. Sam, may we all take a look through your scope?"

The droid nodded and handed his rifle to Brim who took a long look before handing it to Britton. "Those do not look like they are going to be fun to deal with."

Britton also gazed through the targeting scope and then handed it down the line. Sam was right - feral was definitely the word for them.


Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 15, 2011, 11:36 AM
Kaida frowned in agreement. "Anyway to know for sure if they're using the drainage tunnel as their home? If so, we can try to sneak past them, but I'm guessing scent is going to be a problem unless we can nullify it by taking a dip in the river. But if there's no way to avoid them, then we need to at least get the drop on them, ambushing them from a distance, and taking them down before they get in close with those claws." She gave a small shiver at the thought.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 15, 2011, 11:56 AM
Logar saw Kaida shiver and fought back one of his own. What was wrong with him that the idea of closing ranks with those things gave him a shiver of anticipation if anything. "I'd say that's safest,we should use the riverbank for cover until we get into range. See if we can't scatter them, and if not we can certainly thin the herd before they can close on us."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 15, 2011, 12:21 PM
"Agreed," said Brim. "But we must take care not to scatter them back into the maintenance tunnel... if anything, we want to make the tunnel the least appealing safety they will seek. So, we need to concentrate fire on the entrance of the tunnel. Blaster fire may still be discreet, but I am sure explosives will not. Yes?"

Brim suddenly flicked at the ground as one of the eight-legged, barbed insects scurried in the path where he lay. It was knocked away a couple feet, righted itself on its legs and began to go in a different direction. Above them all, the sun beat down hard, while the faint profile of Tantau colored the blue sky. The rifle made it back to Sam and the droid took one more look - through the scope he watched as two of the beasts climbed the short bit of cliff to the tunnel and disappeared into the shadows. It left only two of the creatures outside, down by the river.

:ooc: The attached map is not complete, so ignore it for now... I just needed it uploaded so I could get it at home.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Callowmoryne on Feb 15, 2011, 03:37 PM
"Well I am ready, if we can clear that tunnel and find some cover to hole up in we can rest before we make our assault." Logar scanned the riverbank, their intended path. He looked closely at the water, watching in case something lurked beneath the surface.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 16, 2011, 05:44 AM
Britton looked through the scope and thought things through in his head.
"I dont see any other place where they could lair, so its probably the mine. If that's the case then we wont be able to scare them off. Sam can you see a point along the river bed where we can sneak up and get at a position where we can engage these things at a distance?"

Britton had already decided that the most likely avenue was through these things as fast as possible without them being around afterwards, but he refrained from saying that out loud just yet. Perhaps an answer would present itself in time.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 16, 2011, 04:03 PM
"I think you are right, Britton," said Brim. "We should move now, as Logar has said. Our position is tenuous with potential eyes looking at us from above, and the blasted heat will soon consume our rations."

To Britton's request, Sam scanned the area around the tunnel entrance and beyond. The river flowed off of the plateau above and cascaded down into its bed on the flood-plain. There was a cloud of mist that hung over the river not far from where the access tunnel opened in the cliff wall. There were some large boulders that would provide ample cover, but nothing that would be discreet on the approach. The river bank itself cut down into the rock some four or five feet and would provide good cover, but there was no telling how deep the river ran at its bank. The team would not be too effective swimming in to attack. The only way to do it was to move forward and get a closer look.

Logar'Dan stared at the brown water running past them and saw nothing of threat.

The Rodian spoke, "Well, since we have no solid idea of the best approach save using the riverbank, then let's use it."

:ooc: Not wanting to rush the story or character interaction, but I know John's character is ready. If everyone else is ready to move, then chime in and I will begin the move to the tunnel.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 16, 2011, 05:36 PM
"Ok let's move out."
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: Jingo on Feb 16, 2011, 07:54 PM
"Agreed," Kaida said standing and peering down into the river and it's covering of mist. It would give good cover. "Let's move out."

:ooc: Yup. All ready. I'm going stealthily with my blaster out.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: donimator on Feb 17, 2011, 08:44 AM
Sam kept his rifle ready as they began to move out. At any pause in progress he would re-sight the forms below to get the best information on them as possible. He didn't want to engage at long range unless they were spotted.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 18, 2011, 08:09 AM
:ooc: Sorry guys, I was going to post last night but sat down in front of the TV with my wife, and then got caught up in the movie Rob Roy. Anyway, here we go...

Going to roll stealth rolls for the team:
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC mutants' opposed perception Stealth mod by PC below, +2 for terrain mod
Brim +17+2 1d20+19 : 5 + 19, total 24

Britton +5+2 1d20+7 : 17 + 7, total 24

Kaida +11+2 1d20+13 : 9 + 13, total 22

Kara +4+2 1d20+6 : 15 + 6, total 21

Logar +6+2 1d20+8 : 18 + 8, total 26

Sam +6+2 1d20+8 : 20 + 8, total 28

Mutants' opposed Perception:
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_a.gif) DC PCs' stealth rolls Perception +3
M1 1d20+3 : 12 + 3, total 15

M2 1d20+3 : 19 + 3, total 22

Any PC score that is beaten by a mutant means that PC is detected.

Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 18, 2011, 08:46 AM

kara should have stayed on the ship!  (-D

I'll get back into posting this week, as I will finally have my car out of the shop, and not have to spend 2-3 hours of my day walking around to get stuff done.
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: donimator on Feb 18, 2011, 09:01 AM
But now you get to sweet talk a mutant  :P
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: watanabe on Feb 18, 2011, 09:03 AM
"Looks a bit like Britton" Kara said... and realized she might have spoken a bit too loud.


Sorry, just had to.  (-D
Title: Re: Tantau II
Post by: tomcat on Feb 18, 2011, 09:50 AM
:ooc: Great series of rolls! Wow! Still, Kara is detected in some manner by Mutant 2, whether by sight or scent...

The team moved in slowly, moving from rock outcroppings to boulders, and finally to the riverbank. The smell of the decayed algae that grew on the sides of the river reminded Logar of a bad batch of truvola eggs. It squished with bubbles around their boots at every step. Britton led the way as he slid down the short embankment and into the water that was knee deep where he stood. The rest of his companions followed suit and quietly slipped down into the river.

There was relief once the embankment was there to shield them, for the broken stoney ground above had been short on cover. The team made the last few yards almost imperceptably, but fortune betrayed them at last when Kara found a small sinkhole in the shallows and tripped forward, splashing water as she did. The soldiers and scout hit the bank hard, covering from view along with Sam and Kaida, but Kara was stuck out there and one of the large simian-looking mutants, closest to the river, turned its grotesque face to look at her.

Drool almost immediately ran from the fanged mouth, upon seeing the woman standing in the river shallows. The creature hoisted the mass of its muscular torso up onto two strong legs, grabbing a large piece of pipe as it did. It jumped down and splashed into the river and began to wade towards Kara.

:ooc: First, don't ask me what a truvola egg is...  ':}

Second, I am starting the encounter melee threads.