In the aft portion of the Columbia, its massive u-shaped hangar became active. There had been no order yet given, but still the hangar crew was informed by Downer to prepare the ship's one Aladdin-class shuttle for departure. The large craft was drawn out on hoversleds, into the center of the flight line for Hangar 1, where it was immediately connected by heavy-duty power couplings. The ship had a warp-capable engine within it, but the miniaturized warp-core was not kept energized while the vessel was in storage. And so the couplings would begin to warm up the tritium and deuterium which were essential for the matter/anti-matter interaction, all focused through the dilithium crystals.
A flight check officer opened the shuttle's main hatch and climbed inside to prepare environment and to spool up the navigation system. Everything looked normal. If Captain Stonn gave the order for the emergency teams to travel via the shuttle, the craft would be ready.
Phillips led his team up one deck, from the transporter room towards the aft of the ship. Sherman and his people were in tow. They passed through an environmental bulkhead and entered the wide expanse of the shuttle bay. The hangar was three decks high and literally wrapped the ship's engineering section. Because of the amount of lofty, open space, it was difficult to maintain any warmth within.
Sherman saw the long Aladdin shuttle and grimaced. It was bad enough to be sub-atomically disassembled and transported across the many miles, but to get into that thing and fly it... he wondered which was worse! Phillips and the security team took the lead and clamboured into the shuttle, moving towards the back as they did. Unlike a Galileo craft that could hold up to a maximum of eight, the Aladdin could carry twenty-four including the pilot and navigator, and so all teams would be able to traverse the distance at once to the Merrimac. The medical team entered next, stowing their gear as they found seats, until at last the engineers climbed aboard. With the passengers preparing to sit, the shuttle pilot walked a circuit around his ship while the navigator spooled up the systems.
Sorek and his fellow science officers entered the hangar and walked over to the shuttlecraft where they were pointed to EVA suits. The bay technician aided each one in donning the equipment and then helped them to enter the vehicle. Behind Sorek came the pilot, satisfied with what he saw. Crewmen ran to pull the power couplings and draw them back out of the direct flight path.
A few minutes more, the shuttle hatch closed and the hangar bay began to clear of non-essential people. Hangar Bay door 1 began to slowly open and the vastness of space was visible to all. The Aladdin gently lifted off of the deck on its repulsors and began forward motion as the pilot applied power to the impulse engines. To his right, the navigator performed two functions - making sure the pilot knew where he was going, and reinforcing the shuttle's shield grid with immense power from the warp core. It would not be a long trip, but without the added protection from the radiation, the shuttle passengers and crew would suffer terribly.
:ooc: Flight, nav, and shield test needed for the transit. The skill levels will be based on 1/2 of the department heads' (or PC's) abilities:
Nav's deflector test
( TN 10 Cluster Mod +6 = 16 Sys Ops +7, Specialty +2 = +9
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,5,+9 Total:17 SUCCESS
Nav's navigation test
( TN 20 Cluster Mod +5 = 25 Sys Ops +6, Specialty +2, Shuttle size mod +3 = +11
Roll(2d6)+11: 1,3,+11 Total:15 +12 COURAGE = 27 SUCCESS
Pilot's helm test
( TN 20 Cluster Mod +5 = 25 Sys Ops +7, Specialty +2, Shuttle size mod +3 = +12
Roll(2d6)+12: 3,6,+12 Total:21 +6 COURAGE = 27 SUCCESS
The Shuttle Size mod takes into account the fact that the shuttle is smaller and perhaps a bit more maneuverable within an asteroid belt. Needless to say, the flight was still a bit bumpy and may have caused a soiling of an EVA suit, or two! ;) Understand that COURAGE returns at a rate of 1 per game day, and so it will take 4 days for the navigator to have such an option again.
As far as PC's go, I have Sorek, Phillips and Sherman on the Aladdin... didn't know if Ramos would be with the engineering team, or not, so let me know.
Phillips, became more excited, not trying to show his emotion, due to the top ranking officers within the confines of the shuttlecraft..**This is it..** He thought, running through the security's game plan once they arrive aboard the Merrimac wreckage..**Into the abyss...I just pray that everything goes to plan...** He looked over towards the pilot, refocusing himself, "Pilot, when we get to the hangar doors of the Merrimac, inform me, so I can override the code to get us inside--" He then looked at his team, continuing, "--same plan guys. Security and Science in first to secure ourselves a rally point. Once that has been achieved, then the rest will follow. Understood?"
He then remembered the prefix code
Quote from: tomcat on Apr 10, 2010, 05:36 PM
As far as PC's go, I have Sorek, Phillips and Sherman on the Aladdin... didn't know if Ramos would be with the engineering team, or not, so let me know.
:ooc: I don't have Ramos going along at this point; at least not unless this becomes a salvage operation. Unless the GM feels that it might be a good idea (hint, hint)... ;)
:ooc: No, there is no hidden meaning to my question. ;) Just didn't know how many PC's you guys wanted to have involved with the landing party.
Doc stared straight ahead from his seat on the shuttle, his face a mask of concentration. The rough ride was having a significant effect on his stomach, and he preferred that the rest of the medical staff did not realize the problem. An unbidden thought crept into his mind ... there are few things more disgusting than vomiting inside an EVA suit.
The shuttle pilot and navigator made short, but skillful work of the flight from the Columbia to the Merrimac. The journey had taken over twenty minutes, but at last the Aladdin shuttle started the approach vector to the Constitution's hangar bay. The away team members looked through the forward port and each took in the terrible damage that was visible. For a moment, each lived a private nightmare within their thoughts of what it had to have been like aboard the ship when all failed.
In a standard orbit around the Merrimac, the Columbia was not seen, but aboard her, Downer commenced to send his commands via the new link that had been established via the prefix code. On the Aladdin, the team members all watched as lights activated around the great bay doors and within the control booth that sat above. Eerily, the small booth was empty, but as if a ghost had ordered it, the hangar doors began to glide back slowly in the absolute silence of space. Light from within the hangar now suddenly shone, but nothing moved within, again creating feelings of apprehension in some of the less experienced crewmembers.
"Uh oh," hissed the pilot, causing the navigator to look up. The doors had split open following the tracks in which they lay, but the right door had come to a halt and was jerking back and forth. The motors that drew it back fought to wrench it free from whatever the obstruction was. But it was the entire door that had been misshapen when it was struck by whatever had caused the Merrimac's destruction, and now the door could no longer roll back into the ship's hull.
"Abort landing?" asked the navigator.
"I don't know... I think I can get it in there," was the reply. The pilot looked to the two highest-ranking officers - Sherman and Sorek, "Sirs, I should have enough room to maneuver us in. Do you want me to proceed?"
Sorek looked out the view port at the carnage of the Merrimac up close, noticing the jammed hanger doorway he began calculating the chances of a successful entry and exit if need be from the hanger. He cocked an eyebrow and looked over at Sherman briefly before giving what he deemed the logical answer to the question. "It would seem logical that even with the hanger doors at less than optimal efficiency we shouldn't be hindered in our continuing with the mission. Unless Commander Sherman would prefer otherwise then continue with piloting us into the hanger."
Transmission from Downer {Columbia-Bridge}
U.S.S. Merrimac NCC-1715
Constitution-class Starship...
lateral... 38% functionality
navigational... offline
long range... offline
phasers... offline
photorps... offline
warp... offline
impulse... 2%
apr... 78%
grid... offline
gravity... online
life support... online - multiple hull breach
transporters... 36%
hangar... 75%
sickbay... offline
Devon spoke a silent prayer as he looked over at the wreckage of the vessel that stood; once lifeless in space, now lit again with life...**What could have done this?** He thought. He then shook his thoughts loose then, refocused on the mission at hand, turning to his team.."Alright people, get yourselves ready. Check your gear and weapons. Once we hit the deck, Security out first secure the hangar area..No slip-ups. Pilot? Commanders?" he continued, after excusing himself with his superior officers, "--I believe it would be wise, once we're down to keep the Alladin in orbit around the Merrimac. We can't afford our only way of emergency escape to be--if anything occurs--stuck and grounded...Defenseless.."
Quote from: Rictor on Apr 15, 2010, 02:26 AM
"It would seem logical that even with the hanger doors at less than optimal efficiency we shouldn't be hindered in our continuing with the mission. Unless Commander Sherman would prefer otherwise then continue with piloting us into the hanger."
Still trying to calm his stomach, Doc took a peek out of the viewport at the damaged landing bay. Then he took a moment to study the face of the young pilot. For the most part, these kids were pretty green, but they were certainly good at what they did, and Doc could read the confidence in the face looking back at him. "Well, if you think you can get us in there in one piece, son, let's go."
:ooc: By the way, I just have to say... Phillips and his security teams can be wearing standard jumpsuits. They are definitely not wearing those awful looking security uniforms that were depicted in Star Trek III, with those ridiculous-looking wrestler helmet headgear.
So, make it whatever you want it to be, but it is not the above mentioned! ;)
"I can get us in," said the pilot. He nodded to Mr. Sorek in confirmation of the Vulcan's command and turned back to his controls. The navigator spoke next, "It seems prudent, what Lt. Phillips has suggested, sirs. Unless you tell us otherwise, once we set down and unload, we'll take her back out and orbit the starship."
The Aladdin started to maneuver into the shuttle-bay, passing through the damaged entrance. Through the portals, the hangar door was jerking violently back and forth as the powerful motors that drew them back fought with the deformed shape. The disquieting thing was that the spastic jerking was in absolute silence. With no air to disturb, normal soundwaves were absent in space. Only the sounds within the shuttle cabin gave any evidence of life around them.
But even with the one door inoperable, the opening that they passed through seemed efficient. In front of them, the landing pad of the bay was clear, save for one Galileo-class shuttle sitting on a starting launch point. There was nothing abnormal about that, and even with its presence, the Aladdin had plenty of room to maneuver. Doc let out a sigh of relief as the last side-view portal passed into the hangar bay.
What had been a semi-normal flight approach suddenly turned into a frantic, chaotic scene of noise and light. Sparks showered within the Aladdin and screams came from the away team. The shuttle navigator cried out in pain as electric sparks burst in his face and a small console panel gouted flames, scorching him.
The shuttle heaved violently and careened left, its tail end spinning out causing the forward view screen to tilt off the horizon at a terrible angle. Centrifugal force pulled at one side of the craft, slamming people into walls as it yanked the other side's passengers from their seats. The pilot, with incredible skill, pulled hard on the shuttle's flight controls jerking the it back up, while forcing it into a very hard landing. The Aladdin hit the flight deck with a boom, still in mid-spin, and slid a few meters to finally come to rest just opposite to the Galileo. That the two ships had not collided was amazing luck.
The cabin lights flickered, smoke filled throughout, and moans came from the wounded team members.
"What the--," Devon spat out, slowly at first getting up, making sure that he didn't move too quick, fearing he may bump into other members of the away team. He looked over towards the pilot, continuing, "Pilot? You okay? What happened?" He then, multi-tasking, waiting for a response, began to go and check the others, making sure that everyone was okay...
:ooc: The three main PC's do not take life threatening injuries from the wreck, but they do take the following damage each:
Sorek - Roll(3d6)+0: 1,5,2,+0 Total:8
Phillips - Roll(3d6)+0: 3,4,4,+0 Total:11
Sherman - Roll(3d6)+0: 3,3,1,+0 Total:7
All players can give me a Stamina test TN 12 - if failed, the PC will suffer a Weariness penalty for a number of hours based on how bad they failed. On a Failure reduced to Winded; on a Complete Failure reduced to Tired; on a Disastrous Failure reduced to Fatigued - the level of Weariness will determine the time needed to recover per Table 6.26 in the NG.
All players can give me a Perception test TN 12
With the adrenaline and the shock of the incident beginning to abate, the shuttlecraft pilot heard Phillips call and replied, "Yes, sir, I am okay."
The pilot pushed back on his seat and slid out of the command chair. He tapped a couple controls on the instrument panel and the Aladdin's cabin lighting went from flickering amber lights, to a soft white glow. There was a haze of smoke hanging in the chamber and the pilot next hit the command for the ventilation system to blow harder and circulate out the potential hazard. He then moved to where his companion sat, holding his arm and hand that had been badly scorched by the fire.
"Is the Doc okay?" he called.
:ooc: Rerolled the results...And let's just say...UGH! LoL! (3 was the result)
Devon, still feeling the effects of the shuttle crash, attempted to regain his bearing, trying to shake off the pain that he was going through; **Should've stayed seated..** He thought, smiling to himself. Looking over towards the others, hoping the rest fared better than he did...
:ooc: Hey Bizzaro... not sure what you put in the code for the dice roller, but it would have been 2d6+(mod) surrounded by the [ roll ][ /roll ] code or in the case of your PC [ roll ]2d6-1[ /roll ] (spaces have been put in the code so that it will appear as written instead of giving a result.
I have a question though... why did you roll 3d6? CODA rolls are made with 2d6. You do get the option to roll a third die if you get a result of double sixes (or double ones - my house rule), which you may add (or subtract) to the result. I did not see any trait for Phillips that offers him the take the best of 3 dice option, so let me know.
Also, make sure you look at all mods that might apply - Devon has sustained enough injury to take him -1 to all tests.
So, if the double sixes result is what you rolled, and then you rolled a 3rd dice and got four, the 16 applies, minus 1 for the injury, for a net result of 15 - which is a SUCCESS. If the above is not what happened, please give me a re-roll.
:ooc: oh snap! My bad! Got in late last night..and wanted to get my post in...misread...but will correct...(^_~)
Stamina: TN12 Roll(2d6)+4:1,2,+4 Total:7 FAILURE
Perception: TN12 Roll(2d6)+1:1,3,+1 Total:5 COMPLETE FAILURE
Ug. Nice rolls :(
Once the shuttle came to a stop Doc performed a quick self-diagnostic. He was winded, and still a bit queazy from the ride over, but for the most part everything seemed intact. After a quick assessment of his team, he assigned uninjured medics to tend to the most serious cases, then he moved forward in the cabin to check on the injured navigator.
The Aladdin seemed a cramped space for so many to be working - but the craft had never been intended for such things. Doc Sherman had gotten to his feet and moved first to check on his team of medics, just as all others in the away team went to their perspective friends and crewmates. The outcome was not so grim, although there had been some injuries and even a loss. The science officer, Howard, had not been secured in his seat when the shuttle was hit and he was thrown into the opposite bulkhead. The injuries sustained to his neck and skull were mortal, and there was nothing that even 23rd century medicine could do for him. Two of Phillips security team handled the dead man's body and carried him to the back of the shuttle where he was laid until better arrangements could be made.
Doc went next to the navigator and looked at his burns. They were serious. The man's right hand and arm had been seared with third degree burns and the outer dermis was badly damaged or even gone in some places. The left hand was in bad shape, but nothing near what the other arm had sustained. Sherman gave the man a seditive and sprayed the wounds with a local anesthetic while he called out to his team to begin triage on those most wounded. In all, out of the twenty-four people on the Aladdin, one was dead and seven others were injured to the point of being ineffective for the exploration of the Merrimac.
While the medics did their things, the engineering crewmen set about taking diagnostics of the Aladdin to see what had happened to her. The shuttle pilot looked through the forward port and saw that the huge hangar door that had been jammed while being drawn back, was no longer and looked like it had returned to its closed position.
"I guess the gears in the hangar door motors gave way and that door slammed back closed... hitting us in the process." The pilot spoke to no one in particular, the shock of the moment still making him feel as if he were in a dream land. He looked down at his console, and then over to the navigator whose face was a mask of pain, until Doc adminstered the drugs. He shook his head and remembered he was a Starfleet officer. He touched a control on the flight console, hoping it worked as he spoke aloud, "Columbia. Columbia. This is Lt. Marsden, flight officer of the Aladdin, reporting in. We have a situation here... seems our ship was hit and may be damaged. Landing party disposition to follow, although I know that we have one casualty thus far. Marsden out."
Phillips had five of his people available - the sixth sat in her seat with a broken arm. Not wanting to be in the way, but wanting to help, they waited until there was a need for them and then quickly stepped in to assist. The security team members paired off with the medics to be an extra set of hands.
An engineer spoke up, "Well... we're not going anywhere soon. Looks like the right nacelle has been fractured and so doing it cut the ionic-flux displacer, which renders the repulsorlifts inert. Without those, we can't lift off vertically and maneuver out of here. I think we can get the line re-linked, but it will be a while. As for the rest of the ship... we have environment and power. Shuttle sensors have been taken offline, but the comm antenna is still intact and working. We can live in her, but she won't be going anywhere for at least 36 hours."
:ooc: Away team disposition:
Pilot Marsden - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Navigator Kelwicz - badly injured and out of action
Sorek - okay (damage and wearines sustained has been marked on sheet, if any)
T'Plek - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Jemmison - badly injured and out of action
Howard - dead
Crewman 1 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 2 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 3 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 4 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 5 - badly injured and out of action
Crewman 6 - badly injured and out of action
Doc - okay (damage and wearines sustained has been marked on sheet, if any)
Crewman 1 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 2 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 3 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 4 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 5 - badly injured and out of action
Phillips - okay (damage and wearines sustained has been marked on sheet, if any)
Crewman 1 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 2 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 3 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 4 - badly injured and out of action
Crewman 5 - badly injured and out of action
Doc may make TN 15 tests to all crewman marked okay. A success will remove the negative modifier. Each test treatment will take 1/2 hour and the person will be out of use for that time frame.
He may treat badly injured crewmen at TN 20, and each test will take 1.5 hours, during which time the crewmen will be out of use.
The Aladdin's damage will need to be repaired and it will take an extended test TN 250 with the following conditions:
-Each test is 1/2 hour long.
-Each test is a base TN 15, and if failed do not count towards the end repair, although the time will still be spent.
-75 points of the extended test must come from outside work, which means any modifiers for EVA suits will affect tests.
-Each test will be rolled based on Ramos' skill level +4 (for the number of available crewmen to do the work)
-Any equipment bonuses from engineering kits (as listed in the PG) are available.
Sorek's Stamina test
( TN 12 Stamina +3
Roll(2d6)+3: 6,2,+3 Total:11 FAILED - reduced to Winded -1
Doc is also Winded -1 based on his failed test score above.
Sorek's Perception test
( TN 12 Perception +1
Roll(2d6)+1: 2,2,+1 Total:5 FAILED
Sorek closed his eyes for a few seconds upon the ship's unfortunate landing on the Merrimac, he shook his head briefly clearing away any confusion before opening his eyes and looked around. Everyone seemed to be fast at work at there jobs as best they could be and he didn't intend to be any different. He took hold of his tricorder and immediately began going to work trying to determine what scannings he could on the Aladdin as well as on the Merrimac, hoping that being inside the Merrimac might give better reading with less distance and possible interference from space.
:ooc: I assume the tricorder I was given for the mission can do what i said above...if I need to be more detailed in what I'm wanting to look for let me know and I'll edit or post to reflect said possible points. Also I'm not entirely sure what I'd roll to use a tricorder...I assume it's System Ops(Sensors) but I'll edit this post after my potentially dumb question is answered.
Sorek's Perception test
Roll(2d6)+-1:6,4,+-1 Total:9(11 if Listen)...FAIL either way(gonna have to put some advancement picks into Observe later)
:ooc: Yea, Rictor, I am going to need some more detail as to what you want to do. I will then give you a hand with how a tricorder can aid in the tests.
And your questions aren't dumb... I had to open my PG and SOM to make sure I could answer them! ;)
:ooc: Alright, getting ready to leave the house to go to a family cook-out...when I get back from that I'll PM you what I'm wanting to do. Also I should get my copies of the books back from my cousin who apparently my brother let borrow without my knowledge, which might give me the answers I need in and of themselves for some of my questions. Also thanks for moving my post, can't believe I clicked on the bridge portion of the forum instead of the shuttle portion :-[ hopefully it won't happen again.
Devon tended to his injured crewmen, trying to keep them encouraged, knowing that they felt like the "third wheel" due to them being sidelined..He then looked over at the dead crewman, **My God..It all happened to fast--,** he thought, then trying to refocus, **I'm supposed to be the head security my detail has been taken down a few notches...and the rest of us...How can we keep them protected when now we are in the midst of needing it ourselves?** Devon looked over towards the doctor first, then the others, giving them a reassuring face that the security team was still ready and able; trying to hide his apprehension...
:ooc:I'll do all the treatment rolls but I just want to confirm some assumptions:
- Assuming that Doc is supervising all the work, I use Doc's First Aid bonus (+10) for every roll, modified by Winded (-1) [are there any any other modifiers to be applied?]
- The total time for all the treatments is split up among the medical staff.
:ooc: First Aid rolls for the 'okay' crewmen (TN 15):
Addingin in +3 bonus for medkits, and a +2 for available personnel to assist...
Roll(2d6)+9: 2,2,+9 Total:13 +5 = 18 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,4,+9 Total:18 +5 = 23 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,3,+9 Total:15 +5 = 20 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,2,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,3,+9 Total:13 +5 = 18 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,6,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,2,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 2,4,+9 Total:15 +5 = 20 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,4,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,5,+9 Total:18 +5 = 23 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 2,1,+9 Total:12 +5 = 17 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,2,+9 Total:12 +5 = 17 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,4,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (15 min.)
Crew still suffering from the -2 penalty: None
Total time spent: 225 mins, or 3.75 hours
:ooc: First Aid rolls for 'badly injured' crewmen (TN 20):
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,5,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,4,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,5,+9 Total:19 +5 = 24 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,3,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,6,+9 Total:19 +5 = 24 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,3,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,2,+9 Total:14 +5 = 19 FAILURE (90 min.)
Total time spent: 498 min, or 8.25 hours
Doc and his team treated the wounded as best they could, considering the situation they were in. For the most part, the milder cases were able to continue with their duties, but those that were badly injured in the crash presented other difficulties. Sherman was frustrated that the best they could do was stabilize the patients and make them as comfortable as possible within the remains of the shuttle. They would all require evac to the Columbia for proper treatment.
Doc looked about the shuttle cabin for an officer to report to, then he realized he was the most senior officer on the away team. With a sigh he opened a channel on his suit communicator to the bridge of Columbia. "Captain, in addition to the one casualty, we've got seven serious injuries here. They're stable for the moment, but we can't do much else for them until we can get them back to sick bay. Sherman out."
Quote from: BrianM on May 06, 2010, 05:57 PM
Doc and his team treated the wounded as best they could, considering the situation they were in. For the most part, the milder cases were able to continue with their duties, but those that were badly injured in the crash presented other difficulties. Sherman was frustrated that the best they could do was stabilize the patients and make them as comfortable as possible within the remains of the shuttle. They would all require evac to the Columbia for proper treatment.
Doc looked about the shuttle cabin for an officer to report to, then he realized he was the most senior officer on the away team. With a sigh he opened a channel on his suit communicator to the bridge of Columbia. "Captain, in addition to the one casualty, we've got seven serious injuries here. They're stable for the moment, but we can't do much else for them until we can get them back to sick bay. Sherman out."
Captain Stonn's calm voice came back over the speaker.
"Doctor Sherman, we are readying an evacuation shuttle as we speak and will be able to launch within minutes. However, we must determine the status of the hangar bay doors before we can proceed with evacuation procedures, lest the same accident re-occur. Within what time frame do our injured need to be returned to the Columbia's sickbay?"
Just like a Vulcan ... needs a scheduled itinerary for a medical evac.
"As soon as we can get back, Captain. We're stable for the moment, and we certainly don't want a repeat accident. Let's get these doors fixed then. Sherman out."
Devon, in an attempt to regain his composure and focus, walked over towards the Doctor, speaking, "So what's the gameplan, Doc? Are we going to scrub the mission? Or evac the wounded, and continue on?" He looked over towards the dead security officer, holding in his remorse, and continuing, trying not to show his anger. "--we OWE it to continue on.." Devon shook his head, apologizing, "Sorry sir..I didn't mean to speak out like that..Its just that..these officers deserve for us to continue the mission.."
:ooc: Sorry for the delay everyone! Got back from Florida over the weekend and then had to do Mother's Day weekend stuff - including a viewing of Iron Man 2! Very cool movie! I prefer the first, but this one was needed to fill in story... so, it was still very good. Now to responding and gaming...
Quote from: RictorAlso thanks for moving my post, can't believe I clicked on the bridge portion of the forum instead of the shuttle portion hopefully it won't happen again.
Well I should hope not, Rictor. (-D It's not a problem man, just want to make sure that you saw where your post went and also to keep story continuity. ;)
Quote from: BrianMI'll do all the treatment rolls but I just want to confirm some assumptions:
- Assuming that Doc is supervising all the work, I use Doc's First Aid bonus (+10) for every roll, modified by Winded (-1) [are there any any other modifiers to be applied?]
- The total time for all the treatments is split up among the medical staff.
Thanks, Brian
So sorry for the delay here, Brian. I am glad you went ahead and made the rolls. Actually though, the medical kits you guys brought along will be of use. Per the PG, an Autosuture grants a +5 to first aid/medicine tests; Dermal Regenerators heal up to 1d6 damage per injury; and the hypospray can administer agents that will heal or at least stabilize the patient. Bottom line is, although there are a variety of injuries, your tests will be granted a +3 bonus for using the med kits and I will also give a +1 bonus to the tests for 1/2 of the numer of available medical personnel you have to help you.
I actually meant to put all this in my post that gave the injury breakdown, but I got into the repair extended test and forgot to let you know. I am going to adjust all your rolls above. The only question I have is, each moderate injury test takes 1/2 hour and 1.5 hours for those that are badly hurt... is Sherman doing all the work? If so, I will give a breakdown of the time spent working on the away team. If you want to use your staff for some of these tests, you may, but remember they will get only 1/2 of Sherman's skill rank as a modifier (plus the miscellaneous bonuses).
If Sherman was taking care of all of the staff, then the total time is 12 hours and Doc is going to be exhausted when he has finished - needing at least 8 hours rest. Also know that the Galileo shuttle will arrive before this time has passed and some of these patients could be moved off ship - this of course is pending the order to launch the rescue shuttle.
Not to tell you guys what to do because I am enjoying your narratives and RPG'ing, but I read a few posts back that Stonn placed Sorek in command of the away mission. Doc is a higher rank, but Stonn's order would supercede rank here - but you guys roleplay it out how you want it to go. ;) Also, there are only a few actual officers on the away mission (pilot, navigator, Doc, Sorek, Phillips) - everyone else are just crewmen of various enlisted class ranks.
Lastly, I am leaving the engineering rolls to you Shawn, as this is your staff. If you prefer I make them, let me know.
The medical staff worked diligently in tending to their charges. Wrists were wrapped, cuts sutured, and bruises and burns were anointed with medicines to control pain and swelling. The Aladdin became a triage room with more urgent cases towards the back section of the ship, and easier patients closer to the flight deck.
As the away team members were made whole once again by the good doctor's administrations, they began to get busy with tasks that were within their realm of expertise. The engineers began to check on their
patient - the Aladdin shuttle itself. Work would be necessary outside soon, but for now the technicians worked within the safer confines, pulling up access panels and crawling into tight repair ducts.
With nothing to do but sit at his station and run the occassional requested test, the pilot, Lt. Marsden, sat and watched out the forward viewport. The Aladdin had been spun 180 degrees when it was hit and was now positioned so that it faced out of the hangar, into space. The view was quite magnificent as he looked at the Katyon Cluster and her myriad of stars, the bright light piercing his eyes and making him squint. It was then that he heard it. A whisper? A song? A voice? He didn't know what it was but he suddenly felt a peace within him. His lips mumurred soft words that were incoherent to any that might have heard.
Bang! Bong!The entire away team stopped what they were each working on, and glances were cast at one another. The sound was heard within the cabin of the Aladdin, but it was softer, as if it had happened outside the ship. Neither was it felt within the hull of the vessel.
One crewman spoke out, "That was outside the ship." To which another replied, "Impossible... how do you carry sound in a vacuum?" Only to have another chime in, "No. The sound was inside the shuttle. Did someone drop something?"
:ooc: Doh! I knew I forgot something. It just wouldn't be Star Trek without all the fancy gear to help with the work! Doc certainly won't be doing all the work himself - he will divide up all the tasks among the able medical personnel who are present. So the total time will be greatly reduced. My assumption (to keep it simple) was that we could use Doc's skill for all the rolls if he was supervising everything. Let's use the same rolls, however, and you can adjust some of the modifiers for work that the other medical staff perform.
As for who's-in-charge, I was playing it that Doc would defer to Sorek for the mission, but as soon as there was a major medical emergency that interrupted the mission, Doc saw himself as being in charge of the situation in the shuttle.
At the odd sound, Doc started and looked up from the field dressing he was applying to a minor burn on one of the engineering staff. What now? he thought, as he scanned the cabin for the source of the noise.
Devon, reaching for his phaser, as a reflex action, but not drawing it, turned, trying to pinpoint the source of the sounds.."What in the world?," he responded, turning to the commanding officer in charge, continuing, "--Sir, your orders?"
Sorek hesitated a moment.
Command was his, but he suddenly felt the need to get a senior officer's opinion. He silently shook his thoughts clear, blaming the human side of his biology for the hesitance. The science officer looked to Phillips and then to the shuttle port in front of him. Sorek knew the sound had come from outside the ship - how he could not understand. There was only one way to find out.
"Phillips," he said. "You and your available fellow security team, and any engineering staff that are able, prepare to exit the shuttle with me. Doctor Sherman, keep to your efforts here while we take a look around the hangar. We'll be back, but until I return, you are in charge."
Sorek checked his waist for his phaser that hung there; his arm for the tricorder that was part of his suit; and then grabbed his EVA helmet. Stepping over the injured, the Vulcan moved towards the back of the Aladdin where the small air lock was located that would allow them to exit the vessel.
Turning back, "Marsden, send word to the Columbia that Phillips and I, along with some of his team are stepping out to investigate the Merrimac's hangar bay."
:ooc: Not sure where some of the players are, although I know I have allowed things to get slow around here. Anyway, going to take up control of Sorek until I hear from his player.
As far as who is accompanying Phillips and Sorek - there are 8 engineering and security individuals who are marked 'okay' on the previous page, although they will all suffer -2 to all tests until healed. It is going to take Doc and his team over an hour plus to tend to them. To leave the shuttle now will give you the option to take out 2 security and 2 engineer that will be healed, the other four can stay to be tended to, or go out and suffer their -2 penalty.
Let me know.
Quote from: tomcat on May 11, 2010, 01:39 AM
Lastly, I am leaving the engineering rolls to you Shawn, as this is your staff. If you prefer I make them, let me know.
:ooc: Would you mind doing them this once? I'm still a bit spotty on how the extended tests work, and I wouldn't mind seeing how you did them as an example.
"Alright guys, saddle up," Devon responded, immediately giving his team orders, checking their EVA gear, weapons, and other checklist procedures, before turning back to their commanding officer, who was then finishing up his communique with the Columbia. "Sir, with no disrespect," he began, stepping beside him, "--I would like me and my team to exit first to secure the area around the hangar bay first, before you step out. Just following protocol, to ensure the safety of the senior away team officer...Sir..." Devon, knew he was probably stepping the line, with this security situation, but after everything that has happened so far...He wasn't taking any chances...
Doctor Sherman and his team were very busy working on the wounded. It was much easier now that there were fewer bodies within the confines of the shuttle. Sorek's voice suddenly came through the inner speakers, "Doctor Sherman, your presence may soon be necessary out here. With the Galileo on its way, prepare all the wounded to be transfered and then join us."
"Acknowledged.", Doc replied over his suit com. Switching channels to the rest of the medical team, he continued "Allright folks, they're sending over another shuttle to pick up the wounded. I want everyone prepped for moving. Priority cases go first. I'll let you know as soon as we can start bringing people out."
Finishing up with his current charge, Sherman double checked the contents of his field kit, then made his way over to the shuttle airlock and out to join the others.