
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Run Silent, Run Deep [Star Trek CODA] => Engineering => Topic started by: tomcat on Nov 10, 2007, 03:51 PM

Title: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Nov 10, 2007, 03:51 PM
[OOC:] Use this thread for engineering to post the damage control for both the Gr'Toth and the Columbia.

Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 10, 2007, 04:17 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Nov 10, 2007, 03:51 PM
[OOC:] Use this thread for engineering to post the damage control for both the Gr'Toth and the Columbia.

  • I need Ramos to give me a Repair test TN 25 to restore the Gr'Toth's sensor suite. Make multiple tests until TN is achieved, to determine the number of rounds it will take until the Klingons are once more able to act. Remember that your staff (on the Klingon ship) have 1/2 of your total skill (including all mods) to add to their dice rolls.
  • Also remember that the commanders can delegate these tests to subordinates (i.e. Ramos to Telek)

OOC: Well, let's get Telek involved, then. Ramos would be wholly focused on the Columbia's status during the battle, so assigning Telek to coordinate with the team on the Gr'Toth makes sense. I hate having to deal with the potential skill drop-off, but I do want to RP this right.


"Lieutenant," Ramos said to the young Andorian. "The Klingon ship's a sitting duck. Get on the horn with our team over there and help facilitate repairs ASAP. Notify me when the situation changes."
He noticed the Andorian's antennae dipped slightly, and Ramos regretted using so many Terran euphemisms. He waited for acknowledgment before heading off to his next emergency. "The kid can handle it," he thought, and sometimes, trials by fire forged steel in young officers.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Nov 11, 2007, 06:17 PM
It was like the away team was reading Ramos' mind, as suddenly an urgent call came from the Gr'Toth.

"Commander Ramos, this is Zantz! We have some serious issues here! We have a black out on the D6's sensor suite and I am looking at two redundancy panels, neither of which are responding. One appears to have an Ionic-conversion coil and the other a Dekyon-imaging grid - totally incompatible - but my question is, do you think I can graft the imaging grid to the other to allow for sensor energization because that coil should be able to distribute power?"

Zantz went quiet for a moment, waiting for a response, but then added, "We don't have much left to work with over here, sir. What do you think?"

The Columbia rumbled again as it came under fire from the Romulans.

[OOC:] This post is just for story flavor and is nothing more than some treknological B.S. on my part. The dice rolls made by Telek will be the real test that brings the D6 back online. Anyway, please add to this jargon as you'd like - it's always fun to create! ;D

Zantz spoke to Ramos, but Telek can certainly respond - I was just roleplaying out what and who a subordinate would address.  
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: trgieck on Nov 15, 2007, 08:06 PM
"Aye, aye sir." Telek says as Ramos heads off to see to the Columbia. He turns towards the communications panel to call the Gr'Toth trying to keep the surge of panic and adrenaline from overwhelming him.

He reaches a hand out toward the panel when the call for Ramos comes through. The worried sound of Zantz's voice galvanizes Telek into action and his momentary apprehension fades away with the presentation of a problem to solve.

Telek taps the communications button and replies. "Lieutenant Zantz this is Lieutenant Telek, Commander Ramos is unable to assist you and he has placed me at your disposal."

"I have never actually worked on a Klingon ship before but a guest speaker at an Academy symposium I attended once said that Klingon vessels contain many redundancies and most of their equipment is designed for splicing and cross grafting... I can't recall if the imaging grid was one of them but it would seem that with a little ingenuity you could make it work... Oh and watch out for energy fluctuation and potential blow back."

Telek pauses a moment wracking his brain for ideas and then one comes to mind. "If the cross grafting doesn't work you might try splicing into the ships transporter sensor array... I know it sounds dicey but the transporters should have enough range to give you a good look at the surrounding area... you might even be able to hook it up to targeting but I can't be sure without looking at it."

Telek begins tapping on the engineering console. "I am sending you a schematic of what I am talking about... you will have to modify it a bit to fit the Gr'Toth specs. Hmm... is there any way you can send me the schematics of the Gr'Toth? I could work on it while you try cross grafting the imaging grid."

OOC: I used the dice roller at the top of the page so I hope this is the correct way to do it. I took half of my repair modifier which was 7 and rounded down.

Roll(2d6)+4: 2,1,+4 Total:7
Roll(2d6)+4: 5,5,+4 Total:14
Roll(2d6)+4: 1,3,+4 Total:8

This field records your latest roll at its top.
Modified results that would produce a number less than one display as one.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Nov 15, 2007, 09:33 PM
[OOC:] Hey Thomas, yea... the dice roller is there for just that purpose, but you don't have to copy me on the notes portion in the results area.

I did correct your post only for the modifier - I allow you to round up.

As far as how you dress your rolls, it is up to you but you will see my style as follows:

Title of test being made at TN ##
Total specific skill rank, Specialty bonus (if available), any Misc mods
Dice roll and Degree of Success

This is not mandatory, I just do it this way so you all can see what test I am making and where stuff comes from. So here's how I'd dress your tests:

Extended Repair test TN 25
Repair +7 [NPC crewman gets half of total skill rounded up so +4]
Roll(2d6)+4: 2,1,+4 Total:7
Roll(2d6)+4: 5,5,+4 Total:14
Roll(2d6)+4: 1,3,+4 Total:8 [It will take 3 rounds for sensors to go back online]

Okay, enough with my posting pickiness!  ;)

Zantz heard Telek's voice and for a moment had trouble placing it. He had met the Andorian upon his arrival to the Columbia, but they had not yet spent a great deal of time working togther.

As Telek made his suggestions, Zantz began to smile - they were some great ideas! He had never thought about a bypass through the transporter sensors. They would certainly provide for close in scanning, and should be able to gain a lock for the weapons.

The tricorder in the lieutenant's hand began to whir and its screen flash as the data feed from Telek came through, "Err... yea. I will transmit the schematics upon completion of your download Telek! And thanks!"

There was some background talk and then Zantz was back, "I will be back in touch with you shortly... going to attempt the graft. Zantz out."
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 16, 2007, 01:31 AM
Ramos had one ear in on Telek's conversation with Zantz, and was impressed.
The young man thinks outside the box, Ramos mused.
He'd keep his eye on this one... sometimes, some engineers just have the knack.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Nov 20, 2007, 03:13 PM
Ramos was sure he was seeing light. It was fuzzy around the edges, but he was now quite aware of the glaring light. He also heard the muffled sound of yelling and screaming, as if his ears were full of water - and then his senses returned to him. He lifted his head and looked around him, slowly pushing himself up from the deck with his arms. The engineering department was a chaotic scene of wounded crewmen being pulled from dangerous fires or being administered aid, to others running about tending their duties.

Suddenly there was a face in his; it was blue. It was the Andorian that he had been talking to... what? A minute ago? Or had he been out longer? Telek was talking to Ramos and holding him by the arms and steadying the chief engineer...

[OOC:] A level five diagnostic will reveal:

Tonight I will be preparing the multiple tests that I need for you guys to get the ship in order.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 27, 2007, 02:27 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Nov 20, 2007, 03:13 PM
Ramos was sure he was seeing light. It was fuzzy around the edges, but he was now quite aware of the glaring light. He also heard the muffled sound of yelling and screaming, as if his ears were full of water - and then his senses returned to him. He lifted his head and looked around him, slowly pushing himself up from the deck with his arms. The engineering department was a chaotic scene of wounded crewmen being pulled from dangerous fires or being administered aid, to others running about tending their duties.

Suddenly there was a face in his; it was blue. It was the Andorian that he had been talking to... what? A minute ago? Or had he been out longer? Telek was talking to Ramos and holding him by the arms and steadying the chief engineer...

[OOC:] A level five diagnostic will reveal:

  • Structural integrity is at 42% [9 left of 21 structure points]
  • Shields at 50%
  • Life support hit, but superficial
  • Cargo hold atmospherics and doors/Replicator network have been damaged and are currently inoperable
  • Fire suppression system currently inoperable
  • Small hull breaches both dorsal and ventral; secondary security systems (breach force fields) active
  • Fire burning on deck 8 in electrical room between forward and port phaser banks, and growing to surrounding areas.

Tonight I will be preparing the multiple tests that I need for you guys to get the ship in order.

Ramos grabbed the young man's extended hand and rose to his feet. He felt a rivulet of blood running down the side of head, but his mind was starting to clear.
He looked to Telek and nodded, then strode to the middle of Engineering, barking "REPORT!"
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Nov 29, 2007, 01:16 AM
[OOC:] A level five diagnostic will reveal:

Tests Needed:

These tasks can be delegated to any of the 7 on board Engineering Officers (Zantz's is on the D6) but Ramos or Telek cannot be working on more than one job at the same time, so you may want to prioritize; NPC's will have one half of Ramos' skill levels and I will grant a +5 bonus (except the Structural work) to all tests to account for the assistance of fellow crewmen and ship's technology.

Any questions give me a shout, and I may adjust some of this stuff if I see a 'broken' ruling.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 05, 2007, 05:08 PM
Ramos shook his aching head.
The Columbia had paid a terrible price for their victory. It was worth it, he thought, but the ship needed major repairs - and probably time at a shipyard.
There would hopefully be time for that later, but now, he needed to get them all home in one piece.

He ordered fire suppression teams out immediately and sent a request to the bridge, asking for security personnel to help his people battle the blaze.
After that, he set up a rotation for immediate EVA repairs, and noted that he would address this again after the team's initial report... he knew it would take weeks.
Weapons would have the lowest priority unless the captain ordered otherwise; being able to shoot, but not being able to stay in one piece, didn't seem practical to Ramos.

He called Telek over and assigned him to repairing their most critical system, life-support, and told him to check back when he had completed them - perhaps at that point, he could move on to the weapons' repair.

Ramos would begin work on the operations systems - without computer control and automation, they were sitting ducks.
He was looking forward to having Zantz back.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Dec 06, 2007, 08:38 PM
[OOC:] Okay - Ramos and Telek, you guys have the tests needed above to perform your repairs. Understand that the tests will be 1.5 hours for each TN 15 (reduced by any traits or test DOS), but you may also do quick repairs/patches if you prefer.

Let me know which way you want to go with your individual tasks - you will find Ship Repairs on pages 121-123 of the Narrator's Guide. If you have any questions let me know.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 10, 2007, 08:07 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Nov 29, 2007, 01:16 AM
  • Operations repairs require an extended Engineering (System) test TN 30 to restore the box [Estimated repair time = 3 hours]

Engineering (System: Computers) test (TN 30 Extended)
Ramos' Skill +10

Roll 1: Roll(2d6)+10: 1,2,+10 Total:13
Roll 2: Roll(2d6)+10: 6,1,+10 Total:17
Total = 30

OOC: That was convenient!

Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: tomcat on Dec 10, 2007, 10:27 PM
[OOC:]Hey Shawn, Ramos would not have had time to get these repairs in... the Connie mock-up blew up about 15 seconds after Grahm's attack, which was about 30 seconds after the Columbia was slammed with the plasma.

Just keep the tests rolled for the near future when you guys start getting things back in order on the Columbia.
Title: Re: Convergence - ship repairs!
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 11, 2007, 01:09 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Dec 10, 2007, 10:27 PM
[OOC:]Hey Shawn, Ramos would not have had time to get these repairs in... the Connie mock-up blew up about 15 seconds after Grahm's attack, which was about 30 seconds after the Columbia was slammed with the plasma.

Just keep the tests rolled for the near future when you guys start getting things back in order on the Columbia.

OOC: Yeah, that's what I figured - but I thought I might as well get 'em rolled just the same. :)