
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 10: Vengeance! => Topic started by: tomcat on Oct 04, 2007, 12:14 PM

Title: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 04, 2007, 12:14 PM
The morning came wet and gray, reflecting many of the moods around the town. Throughout the town and square, there were murmurs of the terror that had made itself known the night before and many subtle gestures pointed to the Easterlings across the river. The merchant travelers conducted business as usual and businesses opened for trade, but some people began to pack their carts to make the journey home, Ilanin having an evil feel. A great wolf-like beast had been tied up and hoisted in the central merchant square, by the soldiers of the town, and folk wondered if it was to ward off any new fell-creatures, or to show the danger that threatened the town. As yet, no official word had come from the city's Lord Mayor and residents were beginning to congregate around Uvlanin, the lord's fortified manor.

The Company had made tentative decisions - they would separate and word would be sent to Thuidmar while those that remained would seek audience with Ilanin's lord. The question was who would go and who would stay?

Harizän exited his yurt and stretched - his sinuous muscles like taut cables. His camp was already on the move, preparing to follow through with the orders given. Koskas approached with a humorless smile, "Good morning."

The Easterling grunted, "Have her taken from my tent and returned to her pen."

Koskas nodded and looked to two guards that stood close; the two moved into the tent to bring out the concubine that Harizän had taken for pleasure the night before. The sorcerer looked at his master and commented, "It seems that this one was a fighter."

Harizän looked down to the marks on his bare chest and arms and smiled at how she had bitten and scratched, "She is a warrior... she has more heart than her husband did."

The two men from the east lands laughed at the joke. Still, Harizän rubbed at the wounds that still pained him - the skin was quite red around each. The woman was brought out, her head hanging low. She had taken her fight to her captor, but still he had had his way and had made her pay for her insolence, the bruises very evident.

"Make sure she is taken care of," he laughed. "I like that one... she is a fighter!" The Easterling then took in the scene around him once more, sniffing at the air, "Make things ready Koskas... today we bring war to the plains!"
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 04, 2007, 03:11 PM
Durgil meant business with his aim to bring the Mayor off his safe perch of neutrality.  He mulled over in his head who should stay and talk and who should send the word.  Edrahil, being an elf, is light in the saddle and his elf-steed faster than any horse of man.  He also probably wouldn't sit well with the court being of the Fair Folk, they rarely do in the eyes of men these days.  Thermon was still an unknown quantity even after all the time spent with him.  Fengel, though one of a people who are natural riders and knows the terrain, would lend weight to the argument and provide testimony of his people.  Dirnhael, a good rider himself, but his horse isn't built for sprints but the slog of long journey and war.  Then there is himself.  Durgil is a good rider as well, his horse light in footfall and swift, but he also was a man well-spoken and can be a force to reckon with as a courtier.  Maybe my father's foresight wasn't as far off as I thought.  If it were up to him, he'd send Edrahil and Thermon, but still beholdened himself to the will of Dirnhael.  Even still, Durgil called the stable boy to prepare his horse as if for show and he did the same for himself.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 04, 2007, 10:16 PM
After a brief discussion with Durgil, he decided that the young noble's advice was sage. This was a problem of - and a discussion for - Men.
Though he would rather head off and help plan a defense, he knew that his place was here.
He would ask Edrahil and Nain to ride off. Even though the dwarf's travels were slower, Dirnhael thought he may as well get started - and besides, his stout friend was even less enamored of political talk than he was.

Durgil, of course, had to stay - he was the most experienced in such matters, and he and Dirnhael could play off one another; Dirnhael's stern demeanor serving to further soften Durgil's honeyed words. He thought that he would leave the choice to stay or go up to Fengel and Thermon each; he knew that Fengel might still be helpful in Ilanin, but his knowledge of the land, his people and his natural leadership qualities with the Eothraim might make him truly invaluable in planning his people's defense. As for Thermon, the rogue was still a mystery to Dirnhael, but two things were certain; he could read people, and he thought in... opportunistic ways that Dirnhael and Durgil most certainly did not - and in dealing with less structured villages such as Ilanin, perhaps Thermon would see something that Durgil, raised as a sophisticated and civilized young man, would not.

It seemed to him that it would be best if Fengel went with Nain and Edrahil, and Thermon stayed with the two Dunedain, but he would leave that choice to them.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 05, 2007, 08:35 AM
Fengel was torn whether to go or to stay.  He knew that his people needed to be warned quickly but he still harbored hope that he may yet see his sister here.  Then he had a thought.  "I will stay and meet with the lord mayor as well.  Perhaps, if we are successful in acquiring his aid, we can capture Harizan's remaining troops ending his occupation of these lands.  Then if we still have his aid we could block Harizan in from behind.  There may also be some of my people yet held captive in their camp and I will not leave until I have released them."  He thought of who would be best suited to ride back with the warning.  "Who ever returns to Thuidmar must be able to make haste."  He turned to Nain with a smile, "That leaves you and your pony out my friend."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 05, 2007, 10:32 AM
Quote from: Palandil on Oct 05, 2007, 08:35 AM
Fengel was torn whether to go or to stay.  He knew that his people needed to be warned quickly but he still harbored hope that he may yet see his sister here.  Then he had a thought.  "I will stay and meet with the lord mayor as well.  Perhaps, if we are successful in acquiring his aid, we can capture Harizan's remaining troops ending his occupation of these lands.  Then if we still have his aid we could block Harizan in from behind.  There may also be some of my people yet held captive in their camp and I will not leave until I have released them."  He thought of who would be best suited to ride back with the warning.  "Who ever returns to Thuidmar must be able to make haste."  He turned to Nain with a smile, "That leaves you and your pony out my friend."

OOC: We'll be needing to make haste after meeting with the mayor, too. Wouldn't it make sense to have Nain ride back now, especially if more are staying than going?
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 05, 2007, 05:21 PM
OOC: My thought was we would aid Ilain in the taking of the easterling camp.  So that Fengel could recover his sister and save his other kin.  Of course he doesn't have a clue whether or not there is any of his kin there.  Then if Durgil is as skilled as I hope, the Lord Mayor will follow up by closing Harizan's escape.  But I am no military tactician.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 05, 2007, 05:47 PM
Quote from: Palandil on Oct 05, 2007, 05:21 PM
OOC: My thought was we would aid Ilain in the taking of the easterling camp.  So that Fengel could recover his sister and save his other kin.  Of course he doesn't have a clue whether or not there is any of his kin there.  Then if Durgil is as skilled as I hope, the Lord Mayor will follow up by closing Harizan's escape.  But I am no military tactician.

OOC: That's fine. It's also not like Nain's an NPC. ;) He can make up his own mind!
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 06, 2007, 03:45 AM
OOC: Ah putting much stock in "using our words" as my TT group would put it    hehe we usually get screwed that way LOL   Also, Tomcat, once again Durgil, though is making himself presentable, he will voluntarily reduce his Bearing to 6 (+0) with the intent of "revealing" himself at a suitable time.

"I got us into the Dwarf realm, didn't I?  But, of course, killing the trolls helped.  I will do my best to plead for your people as well as the Mayor's and make him see reason."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 07, 2007, 09:08 AM
Edrahil listened as the Men discussed the options and readied themselves for the new day and the tasks at hand - he did not like the plan that had as yet been laid out.

"I do not like this," he said to the group. "I am certain that Durgil will have little problem discussing matters of court with the Lord Mayor of this town; nor do I think that I would have little issue with getting news quickly to Thuidmar. The problem I see is that our foe is here on the doorstep of Ilanin and it is evident that they wield dark sorceries. If I leave to deliver word to Thergas then there will be no like kind magic to stave off Koskas... or whatever it was that passed through last eve."

Edrahil added, "And forget not... t'was my duty to Círdan, prior to journeying with you, to journey to strange lands and make counsel with leaders of many people. This said, do not dismiss my ability in negotiating with Korman Palagard, the lord of this town, just because I am an Elf."

The Sindar sat quiet for a moment, "I have trouble with the path before us... I fear separation of the Company, for each of us make an integral part. Still, word must come to the Éothraim or our journey was for naught, so if I were to choose... I would say to you Durgil that with Galudir by your side, news could come best to Thuidmar. You have my counsel, I will leave it to you to decide."

Edrahil stated his last while looking towards the Men of the Company.

Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 07, 2007, 09:31 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Oct 07, 2007, 09:08 AM
Edrahil listened as the Men discussed the options and readied themselves for the new day and the tasks at hand - he did not like the plan that had as yet been laid out.

"I do not like this," he said to the group. "I am certain that Durgil will have little problem discussing matters of court with the Lord Mayor of this town; nor do I think that I would have little issue with getting news quickly to Thuidmar. The problem I see is that our foe is here on the doorstep of Ilanin and it is evident that they wield dark sorceries. If I leave to deliver word to Thergas then there will be no like kind magic to stave off Koskas... or whatever it was that passed through last eve."

Edrahil added, "And forget not... t'was my duty to Círdan, prior to journeying with you, to journey to strange lands and make counsel with leaders of many people. This said, do not dismiss my ability in negotiating with Korman Palagard, the lord of this town, just because I am an Elf."

The Sindar sat quiet for a moment, "I have trouble with the path before us... I fear separation of the Company, for each of us make an integral part. Still, word must come to the Éothraim or our journey was for naught, so if I were to choose... I would say to you Durgil that with Galudir by your side, news could come best to Thuidmar. You have my counsel, I will leave it to you to decide."

Edrahil stated his last while looking towards the Men of the Company.

Dirnhael pondered what was said. If it truly were up to him, he would not split the Company apart, if only because that, in his heart, he felt that the lord of this town would do nothing anyway, and they would soon be falling back to the lands of the Eothraim.

But Edrahil's counsel made him pause. After all, the Elf was his most trusted advisor, and having lived many lifetimes of Men and Dwarves combined, one would ignore his wisdom at their own peril.
He decided to leave each member of the Company's fate in their own hands, and said so.

"Though I agree with Edrahil, I will not force this decision upon any of you. You must do what your heart tells you, and do what you know is best. I have faith in each and every one of you, and if we stand or fall, we will do so in the only manner in which this Company has persevered... as free people."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Stefan on Oct 08, 2007, 04:34 AM
"If the mayor of this town were going to stand against the easterlings he'd have done it already.  I don't expect that you're fancy word's 'll change that."

Nain sets the base of his axe on the ground, leans against it and speaks to the group as a whole.

"If there's going to be a fight I'd be more use in it than running around the countryside.  I think we should stay together."

This time he looks specifically at Fengel.

"Is there no other way to signal the King?  Do your people not have a way to communicate with one another over long distances?"
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 08, 2007, 02:44 PM
OOC: Well...  I don't know what kind of ways the Eothraim had to send messages.  I don't think smoke signals would work. :-[

IC: "Perhaps we could inquire with our new "friend", the merchant as to someone who could be suitable for the task?  That way our company may remain intact, for without Edrahil we would not stand much of a chance against those dark powers.  What ever the decision I fear we are running out of time."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 08, 2007, 02:47 PM
"This seems a wise course Fengel," thought Edrahil. "You have not forgotten the potential friends that we have met in Ilanin. We should seek Denn out... perhaps Crolm knows which room he was staying in?"
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 08, 2007, 04:43 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Oct 08, 2007, 02:47 PM
"This seems a wise course Fengel," thought Edrahil. "You have not forgotten the potential friends that we have met in Ilanin. We should seek Denn out... perhaps Crolm knows which room he was staying in?"

"Do not expect them to do such things out of the goodness of their heart," Dirnhael suggested. "I would not expect such tasks to come cheaply."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 08, 2007, 05:09 PM
Durgil snorts at Dirnhael's statement.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 08, 2007, 09:21 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 08, 2007, 05:09 PM
Durgil snorts at Dirnhael's statement.

OOC: Was that a "ha, ha" snort or a "you're a idiot" snort? ;)
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 09, 2007, 05:46 PM
OOC: Oh definitely the former. :]
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Nikitas on Oct 09, 2007, 07:41 PM
"What?!... A merchant?" Galudir was finally roused from his stupor. The young rouge was impetuous, but that is not a sign of courage. The matter with that dark presence last night still clung to his waking thoughts so that most of the Company's discussion had past by him. Now though, coming back to his senses he choose to intervene. "Surely not a merchant. He would travel with a baggage train a league long." Galudir did not put much faith in merchants, at least not for such dangerous tasks, for it was not too long ago that his former band preyed on them. He had not forgotten the caravans' cowardice and leisurely pace.

"Let me go alone to the Eothraim. I can move faster alone and if it should come to it I could hide more ably as well. Besides, I would be little use here other than an extra sword, my loose etiquette is not for the halls of kings or even mayors." With a deliberate pause and a poorly hidden smirk Galudir continued, "Of course if our friend Edrahil should choose to aid my trip by granting me his fine steed until I should return that would be to this town's benefit."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 11, 2007, 04:52 PM
Edrahil smiled sadly, as he whispered, "The lack of faith in your own."

He then looked up to meet his companions' eyes, "Thermon's plan is sound. We should commence soon or the day will get away from us. And yes Thermon, you may take my horse."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 15, 2007, 02:41 PM
"Then it is decided," Dirnhael said.
"Ride well, Thermon - and take no chances. We will meet you as soon as we can, and with whatever help we can muster."

Dirnhael thought he would draw himself a quick bath, if possible - it wouldn't hurt to get cleaned up before requesting an audience with the lord of Ilanin.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 16, 2007, 03:10 PM
[OOC:] Hey Shawn, you guys are already back at the Inn. In fact, you have been there all night. After the wraith passed through, you guys went back to your rooms and waited until morning. Durgil has already been prepping himself for the visit to the mayor's court - as have the rest of you.

Anyway, we'll keep the post as is, but you don't need to play on the trip back anymore.

I am typing the new post now.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 16, 2007, 04:09 PM
The Company finished preparing themselves for the new day and gathered their things. It was not certain whether or not they would be back to the River Cross, but it was decided that Crolm would not yet be told of any departure. As a group, the companions entered the common room which had an oppressed feel to it and people stared about at one another while speaking in whispers. Food was brought out by one of the house's servants and they quietly dined.

Once done, Galudir stood and walk out to the stabling yard to have Edrahil's horse prepared. A clamour caught the rogue's attention as he stood by the steed's flank, depositing some of his gear into a saddlebag. He turned in the direction of the sound and saw down the road as a great wain drawn by two long-haired ponies was pulled off one of the barges with a clatter. The man grimaced to see that all three river barges were being employed and they were slowly drawing the battle-wagons of Harizän across the Carnen. The town square was filled with a large ring of townsfolk as they watched and wondered who would be the victim of such a force... surely not themselves!

A few Easterlings yelled out in their foreign tongue, commanding and organizing the wains as they came across. While Galudir watched, the rest of the Company came to see what the noise was about. Edrahil looked on and then spoke, "If we are to have any benefit of the river, we must make contact with the Lord Mayor as quickly as possible. Otherwise Thuidmar and the rest of Fengel's folk will face a well-rested and prepared army!"
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 16, 2007, 04:28 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Oct 16, 2007, 03:10 PM
[OOC:] Hey Shawn, you guys are already back at the Inn. In fact, you have been there all night. After the wraith passed through, you guys went back to your rooms and waited until morning. Durgil has already been prepping himself for the visit to the mayor's court - as have the rest of you.

Anyway, we'll keep the post as is, but you don't need to play on the trip back anymore.

I am typing the new post now.

OOC: Post modified/fixed. Thanks for the clarification.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 16, 2007, 04:43 PM
Seeing the Easterling army already making their advancement, Fengel cursed under his breath.  He put a hand on Thermon's shoulder, "Ride hard my friend."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 16, 2007, 07:25 PM
Quote from: Palandil on Oct 16, 2007, 04:43 PM
Seeing the Easterling army already making their advancement, Fengel cursed under his breath.  He put a hand on Thermon's shoulder, "Ride hard my friend."

"Indeed. May the winds speed your passage."
He turned to Durgil and smiled grimly. "Let's hope your words can get us into this city's good graces."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Stefan on Oct 17, 2007, 03:43 AM
Adding to Durgil's words Nain speaks in a whisper.

"And we'd better hope that they're as good at fighting as they are at milling around."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 17, 2007, 08:04 AM
The companions watched as Galudir rode away down the street and then turned their attention back to the Easterlings - another barge had come to shore and again a wagon was being offloaded. They only looked for a few minutes before exchanging a glance and moving off on their own mission, to see the Lord Mayor of Ilain - Korman Palagard.

They followed the street out of the main city proper and continued along its curved path as it took them to the large fortification called Uvlanin. The structure was a combination of earthen ramparts, timber exterior walls, and then an inner wall of stone. These defenses surrounded a large inner courtyard where sat an elegant looking mansion, barracks and stable - all in all, a quite formidable defense against a simple siege that this region would expect. There was no way that Uvlanin could stave off any great war machines that did the Dúnedain fortresses of old, such as Minas Tirith.

Still, Korman would feel quite safe within his walls.

After their long walk, the Company at last made it to the gates - there stood four sentries armed with long polearm spears and swords on their belts. Upon the battlements above, archers were plainly evident in intervals and watched each person that approached.

A shout came to the companions, "Stand to and state your business!"
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 17, 2007, 05:57 PM
"We seek an audience with the Mayor of Ilvanin, representing the people of Thuidmar and mayhaps his own.  Tidings we bear and counsel that the Lord Mayor should hear sooner rather than later.  Names you may give are five: Fengel of the Eothraim, a captain of Thuidmar; Dirnhael, knight errant of Arthedain; Edrahil of Lindon; Nain of the Blue Mountains; and, I am Durgil, a lord of Arthedain," the young Dunadan says with a slight bow.

Persuade (Charm) - (6+1)+1+2=10
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 17, 2007, 07:32 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 17, 2007, 05:57 PM
"We seek an audience with the Mayor of Ilvanin, representing the people of Thuidmar and mayhaps his own.  Tidings we bear and counsel that the Lord Mayor should hear sooner rather than later.  Names you may give are five: Fengel of the Eothraim, a captain of Thuidmar; Dirnhael, knight errant of Arthedain; Edrahil of Lindon; Nain of the Blue Mountains; and, I am Durgil, a lord of Arthedain," the young Dunadan says with a slight bow.

Persuade (Charm) - (6+1)+1+2=10

Dirnhael follows suit, bowing along with Durgil. The young man's way with words to strangers never ceased to amaze him - much like his elegant sister Ioreth, so very far away from him.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 18, 2007, 08:47 AM
Fengel did not realize his contempt toward this Lord Mayor and his troops.  But now faced with seeking their aid, he now felt his distaste at their apparent lack of concern for his people.  Trading and making a profit while his own were killed or brought through Ilanin as slaves.  He had to struggle within himself to not appear angry, though bow he did not.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Stefan on Oct 19, 2007, 03:34 AM
Nain didn't bow, he just couldn't convince himself that this ploy had any chance of working and therefore had no interest in pretending to respect the man.  He understood the point of view that these easterling raiders weren't his problem, Dwarves had hidden from other peoples problems for generations under their mountains.  But if the easterlings had camped in front of their gates the dwarves would have dealt with them in no uncertain terms.  Maybe there was a little feeling of guilt for his people letting the rest of the peoples of the west fight the darkness that was building alone, but he'd never admit that, even to himself.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 19, 2007, 08:09 AM
[OOC:] Guard's opposed Wisdom test TN 10

Wisom +0, Duty to Mayor (situational modifier to suggest he's not a pushover) +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 2,1,+2 Total:5 FAILED

The sentry looked Durgil up and down and found his case worthy. He would let them pass and the Mayor's house servants could either accept or dismiss the Company... besides, it was not often that Korman received folk of the wood and mountains. The sentry knew his master well - he would accept these guests for the novelty and prestige alone. The guard stepped aside and let them pass within Ulvanin, though he followed a few feet behind.

The interior of the fortification was well-kempt and the hired soldiers seemed professional enough. The city of Ilanin was definitely wealthy enough to keep itself.

The Company was led to the large manse and were invited inside. They were ushered into a small foyer where a servant wearing expensive looking garbs greeted them, "Your presence has been brought to the attention of the Lord Mayor and he has graciously cleared some time in his day's schedule to meet with you. Please follow me."

Durgil smiled to himself regarding all the pomp that had thus far surrounded this meeting - why the usher? Why were they first brought to the foyer? It would seem that the lord of the manor regaled himself in higher noble stance than a small plains-town would normally deserve - after all, this man was no blood of Númenor.

He most certainly wasn't.

The Company looked upon their host as they entered his hall. He was a large, soft-looking man of the flesh, though his eyes revealed a shrewdness. He was adorned in expensive clothes and baubles and there was a great spread of food laid out before him; to his left was a collection of young women that sat on comfortable pillows and waited on his beck and call.

Korman's appearance revealed him to most likely have been a merchant - probably a very successful one - for he showed no strength of arm nor deftness of hand. Still, the man was savvy enough to have risen to such a position and to surround himself with the hired hands to assure he maintained it.

"My Lord Mayor, I present you Durgil - noble of Arthedain - and his entourage," cried the usher.

Korman looked up, "Arthedain, eh? Far from home... what have we done to deserve such travelers to our humble town?" The companions could detect no hint of humility in the mayor's tone.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 19, 2007, 09:36 AM
Dirnhael looked about the room and found the man instantly detestable. In his mind, the mayor obviously had little concerns more than keeping his belly full and his urges satiated.
He gritted his teeth and was quite pleased that he did not have to speak...
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 19, 2007, 12:16 PM
OOC: Durgil echoes your thoughts Dirnhael, opulance is hard to persuade to action.  This will take some thought.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 19, 2007, 12:35 PM
Fengel too was disgusted with this fat pompous man.  How could he be so unabservant to what was happening around him.  His people were just as much a contributor to his wealth as the easterlings and yet he cares not for their suffering.  It took all he had to hold back his wrath as he turns to Dirnhael with a stern look in his eyes.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 19, 2007, 07:23 PM
Durgil took a breath, buying a moment to size up the situation and consider his words. "Lord Mayor, as you may have heard when we presented ourselves to your guard, we come on behalf of the Eothraim and it seems your people as well. We come in seek of your aid to fend off the Easterlings that have sat in glut upon your doorstep for nigh two years now ravaging the lands to the south -- your neighbors and brethren -- and revelling in their spoils. Its not just those on your borders that have felt the wrath of those of darkness, but now your holdings as well have been attacked, just yestereve even. Harizan sent a wolf-demon to do mayhem and, though vanquished at the hands of my companions and myself, it will likely not be the last of the attempts of his to sow distrust and fear for he has even greater and darker allies.  We ask that you stand for justice, to stand for peace... to stand for those who are in need and cannot do so themselves."

It wasn't just the mayor he wished to rise to the occasion, but those captains of men in the room as well. If he can't persuade the mayor to come around, maybe he could persuade someone who had his ear.

Inspire - (4+3)+5+3 Courage=15
Debate (Oratory) - (5+2)+6+2=15
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 23, 2007, 10:22 AM
[OOC:] Sorry for the delay... getting my brain around this upcoming battle.  ;)

Korman's Wisdom test TN 15
Wisdom +3, Wise +2, Stiff-necked and Grasping (these Flaws don't generally offera  modifier, but he is not a real compassionate guy) +2
Roll(2d6)+7: 6,6,1,+7 Total:20

Korman set the meat bone down that he had been working on and gingerly wiped his greasy fingers with an ornate linen. He then proceeded to slowly applaud Durgil, "Bravo my good man! You make an impassioned plea... but Ilanin is not at war with Easterling or Éothraim, nor does it attempt to meddle in their affairs."

He set down the napkin and the mayor then quickly washed down his food with a sip of wine. "Of course, this does not mean I am allied to either as well - so, I have asked that Harizän stay to his side of the river. What else can Ilanin truly do... we are a small city with limited resources. We are business men and women here not marshals of combat and there is very little return in the costs of war. Commerce is our business not war... in fact," Korman looked to Elf and Dwarf, "I would be truly appreciative should you speak to me regarding matters of trade with your folk."

The mayor's smile broadened with his last statement, warming his appearance, "Yet, I am not a man without heart - I assure you all that within Ilanin all folks' safety will be held in the highest regard, and that the Éothraim have nothing to fear from us. We will not and have not supported any actions of our neighbor.

"As far as the service you provided in destroying that awful beast that terrorized our river-front, certainly we will recompense you for doing such a great deed! What say you... 5 gold pieces for your service?"
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 23, 2007, 11:10 AM
Dirnhael exhaled heavily. It seems they had wasted their time, as he had feared.
The mayor was right about one thing: those in this town were merchants, not warriors.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 23, 2007, 11:30 AM
[OOC:] You are absolutely right Shawn, so you guys will want to remember this when you talk to these people. Korman is a business man through-and-through - he lives a blatant life of luxury now because of it, his position probably bought - he will relate to you guys as a business man, not a heroic warrior.

That make sense?

Just a little hint...  ;)
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 23, 2007, 02:43 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Oct 23, 2007, 11:30 AM
[OOC:] You are absolutely right Shawn, so you guys will want to remember this when you talk to these people. Korman is a business man through-and-through - he lives a blatant life of luxury now because of it, his position probably bought - he will relate to you guys as a business man, not a heroic warrior.

That make sense?

Just a little hint...  ;)

OOC: Yeah, I noticed that one early on... but I also noticed that he didn't say he wanted to trade with Fornost. ;)
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 24, 2007, 08:30 PM
Getting a little riled at this lack of compassion, Durgil stands to his full height, giving a withering glare to the mayor. (OOC: At this point, Durgil shall 'reveal' himself)  "Lord Mayor, by suffering these truants, these vagabonds... [Durgil almost sputters in his restrained fury] these murderers and pillagers to pass by your borders to ravage a people who neither instigated or deserved such a fate, you at best are tolerating and at worst condoning this behavior of a so-called ally.  If you were even a bit an ally to the Eothraim, it shouldn't have come this far."

"As for your concern for the business of your town... what does it say of you if you let marauders pass by to savage the lands about you?  Who would want to trade with those that might betray their own safety and security?  I know of none that would.  Honor, valor, and compassion are what will gain you loyal allies in both defense and economy.  Choose wisely and show your quality, Lord, for your neighbors and allies will judge you on your decision here this day."

Debate (Oratory) - (6+4)+6+2+3 Courage=21
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 25, 2007, 06:19 AM
Korman was taken aback by the sudden change in his guest. The Dúnadan seemed to become taller and far greater in strength of will and presence that caused the eastern merchant to question his thoughts. The mayor felt he needed to explain himself to the man before him, "You do not seem to understand... we are not warriors! Never have claimed to be! We are a city of commerce and what will we gain by interfering in this little conflict - burning buildings and warehouses! Injured and killed citizens! Ilanin must pay a mighty sum itself to provide for its own protection!"

Korman was getting louder and more animated with each point, his voice beginning to squeak as he justified his stance. All the while the guards around stared at their leader and the noble before him and each felt the fires in their hearts being lit by the Dúnadan's charisma.

The mayor continued, "I would need to make an emergency summons of the Council of Trades and discuss this with my associates... but even then, what would I do to stop the tide of the Easterlings?"

Edrahil felt him before any other, as the sorcerer wove his magic*, but then the meeting between the mayor and his comanions was interrupted. A pale-faced usher quickly strolled into the hall, "Lord Mayor, forgive me sir but he did not seem to care that you were currently in a meeting."

He did not wait to be announced - nor did he wait for the mayor to consent to his entrance. Koskas, lean and tall, entered the hall moments after the usher; behind him were four Easterling warriors with sabers plainly on their belts.

Koskas smiled in faux politeness, "Forgive me Lord Mayor but my master wished that I come to thank you personally for your service thus far in the  use of barges and shoremen. We promise that we will retain the use of these floats for the next day - three at the most. Harizän will never forget such favours..."

Koskas suddenly stopped and feigned notice that the hall was full with other people, all the while his emphasis on the word 'never' hung in the air. The Easterling's eyes met Dirnhael's and the rest, and flared hatred.

"I am sorry," the sorcerer said to Durgil, "I did not mean to interrupt your discourse... please continue." Koskas made a sweeping bow and took two steps back from the dais on which Korman sat, returning the floor to Durgil.

Korman began to sweat upon his seat as he watched the danger unfold before him. In his heart, the embers that Durgil had stoked began to cool from the fear that was welling within.

Casts Evoke Fear TN 10*
Willpower +5, Charm +1, Strong-willed +2, Resolute +1 = +9
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,3,+9 Total:15
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 25, 2007, 09:06 AM
Resist Fear roll (TN 14): Willpower +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 6,6 (5),+2 Total:19 - SUCCESS! OOC: Good timing there!


Dirnhael mustered every bit of his will to keep his hand from his blade.
He regretted not having those few extra moments in the moonlight at the Three Tears... but he would get another opportunity; of that he was certain.

He put a hand on Durgil's shoulder.
"This day is not ours, my brother."

Turning to Korman, he spoke firmly, drawing himself taller and keeping his back turned to Koskas; he would show no fear to the beast.

Intimidate (Power) +7
Roll(2d6)+7: 5,2,+7 Total:14 + Courage +5 (Carrying Vorandur) = 19

"You have sold out your own people - and your business partners - for little more than shiny baubles to keep you fat! Blood will be upon your hands, assuming that your new... associates... allow you to live to see that dark day. A fell moon shall ever fall on Ilanin, as each night, the howls of wolves will haunt you; reminding all who dwell here of their betrayal at the hands of their... lord." He spat the last words with conviction, then turned on his heels and left the hall, walking ever-so-close to Koskas as he did so - never looking back to see what would transpire thereafter.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 25, 2007, 10:42 AM
[OOC:] Great post man! And now you have given me a curse for the future of Ilanin... awesome! A haunted town of disowned people? Hmmm... what to do with this!   :>
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Stefan on Oct 26, 2007, 05:15 AM
Resist Fear roll (TN 14): Willpower +1; Hardiness of Mind +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 6,6 (4),+3 Total:19 - SUCCESS!  how wierd is that.

IC: Nain, not being the Dwarf of words that is companion was, simply tightened his grip on his axe and stepped toward the sorcerer with a threatening growl before following Dirnhael out of the hall.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 26, 2007, 08:23 PM
Durgil steals himself against the beast's power, unwilling to yield.
TN 15 Willpower - (6+4)+2+3 Courage=15

He hears his friend's words but shows no sign of acknowledgement, his eyes smoldering upon the dishonorable creature near him.  The last to follow Dirnhael out, he looks once more to the mayor, to the sorceror, and back to the mayor.  "And I thought it would take longer... it appears you have been so judged."  At that, he about-faces and retreats amidst the silence of the court soon broken as he exits the main doors.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 28, 2007, 12:51 PM
Willpower TN 15
bearing +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 2,5,+2 +6 courage Total:15  Had to do it or else the dwarf would have had to go back and take Fengel by the hand.  :-[

Intimidate, Power
Roll(2d6)+5: 5,2,+5 Total:12 Don't know if I needed to do this or if it is good enough to work.

Fengel walks over to stand before Koskas, eye to eye.  "Your time will come foul creature.  We struck down your kin like the dog that he was and so shall you fall."  He spat out his words through grit teeth hoping for a reaction that he might lobe off his head.  Fengel then backed out the door keeping his eyes locked with Koskas.  With one last word to the mayor, "You have lost trade with the west, I assure you."

OOC: Do we know that this is Koskas?  If not then Fengel will just address Korman.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 28, 2007, 01:19 PM
[OOC:] Hey Paul, yea... you guys know this is Koskas.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 28, 2007, 05:02 PM
The Company walks out of the opulent home and back into the summer day - already the heat was becoming unbearable. Edrahil spoke to his companions, "You know that they will not let us out of this town - not alive anyway. I fear that with Koskas securing the Mayor of this town to inactivity, through intimidation, that he will also secure license for his people to do most anything... that includes slaying us no matter if we are in the city limits or not."

They continued to walk from Ulvanin to where they stood outside the keep, looking south towards the city proper - already the wains of the Easterlings were begining to grow in numbers on the western side of the Carnen.

[OOC:] Actions and/or dialogue?
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 28, 2007, 08:15 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Oct 28, 2007, 05:02 PM
The Company walks out of the opulent home and back into the summer day - already the heat was becoming unbearable. Edrahil spoke to his companions, "You know that they will not let us out of this town - not alive anyway. I fear that with Koskas securing the Mayor of this town to inactivity, through intimidation, that he will also secure license for his people to do most anything... that includes slaying us no matter if we are in the city limits or not."

They continued to walk from Ulvanin to where they stood outside the keep, looking south towards the city proper - already the wains of the Easterlings were begining to grow in numbers on the western side of the Carnen.

It did seem that they had been outmaneuvered. It seemed likely to Dirnhael that the Easterlings would be coming for them, and quickly.
"We need to leave - now - in any direction. We need a distraction."
He thought of the merchants that they had befriended...
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: tomcat on Oct 29, 2007, 07:00 AM
Quote from: DirnhaelHe thought of the merchants that they had befriended...

[OOC:] I was wondering if you guys were going to make any use of your ew 'friend'.  ;D
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 29, 2007, 09:21 AM
"We can not just leave Dirnhael.  As I have said, there may be more of my kin held captive in that camp, and I will not leave until we have set them free.  Perhaps we should speak with that merchant, Denn.  Maybe he would be willing to speak with the mayor and gain us the aid we need.  Denn may also be able to find us a place to remain unseen while the easterlings move out."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 29, 2007, 11:55 AM
Quote from: Palandil on Oct 29, 2007, 09:21 AM
"We can not just leave Dirnhael.  As I have said, there may be more of my kin held captive in that camp, and I will not leave until we have set them free.  Perhaps we should speak with that merchant, Denn.  Maybe he would be willing to speak with the mayor and gain us the aid we need.  Denn may also be able to find us a place to remain unseen while the easterlings move out."

Dirnhael considered his friend's words.
He was right, of course, but this needed to be balanced against the fact that if they tarried too long, the land of the Eothraim might be overrun, and whoever they may be able to free would find themselves with no home to return to.

"We should consult with the locals; find a place to hide until the Easterlings have moved out, and then release the prisoners. Even if they take them with, they will be slow and undoubtedly trailing the war-carts. But we must think ahead - when we release them, we will need horses or wagons to speed them to safety - and then we will need to be on our way if we are to overtake the Easterling force."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 29, 2007, 04:27 PM
Durgil remained quiet during the conversation -- he would follow Dirnhael's lead in this.  What galled him so much though was the apparent lack of concern and courage by the mayor; a Dunadan lord would never leave his people to such a fate.  It wasn't a wonder to him now why they called it the 'Wild Lands' in his homeland.
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Stefan on Oct 30, 2007, 05:29 AM
"Aye, and once we free theprisoners we can bedevil the easterlings along their trail."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: Palandil on Oct 30, 2007, 11:06 AM
"If Denn is able to acquire aid from the mayor we may even have an army to block Harizan,s escape and put an end to his terror.  Do not forget Dirnhael my people were attacked unawares when Harizan came.  We now have Thuidmar and his army.  The vengeance of the Eorthraim riders will be terrible.  There may be no one alive for us to fight when we arrive."
Title: Re: The Lord Mayor of Ilanin
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 30, 2007, 09:27 PM
Quote from: Palandil on Oct 30, 2007, 11:06 AM
"If Denn is able to acquire aid from the mayor we may even have an army to block Harizan,s escape and put an end to his terror.  Do not forget Dirnhael my people were attacked unawares when Harizan came.  We now have Thuidmar and his army.  The vengeance of the Eorthraim riders will be terrible.  There may be no one alive for us to fight when we arrive."

He clapped his hand on Fengel's shoulder with a wolfish grin. "I hope it is so, my friend - but I prefer not to trust to hope alone."

He looked back to the sprawling estate on the hill; the look on his face was one of utter disdain.
"I would not expect any help from the ruling class of this town; those who live for money are too easy to control. But the people... they have seen what Harizan has wrought."
He felt a chill climb up his spine when he recalled the nightmarish figure in black. He could only imagine the fear that gripped this village.

"The people... they have something to lose. So we must explain what they stand to gain by assisting us. We do not need soldiers so much as we need time. These people are merchants - we must find those that might be able to provide us with that precious commodity."