
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 10: Vengeance! => Topic started by: tomcat on Sep 18, 2007, 07:40 AM

Title: Revealed
Post by: tomcat on Sep 18, 2007, 07:40 AM
The werewolf could no longer stand to the withering blows that Company dealt and it fell at last from Nain's attack, laying and breathing heavy on the ground of the barn stable. Dirnhael and Fengel leaped the stockade and came up to their comrades relieved that no one was harmed to greatly, although Nain was bleeding. A crowd of people stood about and the city's guards were now pushing in to approach the companions. Questions and comments could be heard all around the group as they stood over the dying creature.

"OY! What's goin' on here?"

"Look at the beast they have slain!"

"What is it?"

"I saw everything!"

Edrahil quickly dismissed his spell, casting everything into the shadowed gloom from the guttering torches that were about. Suddenly a wave of intense fear washed over all causing the simple folk of Ilanin to disperse in a rush. Cries of terror echoed through the streets and even in the surrounding homes where individuals were roused by the pervading horror.

Trying to stand their ground, the Company looked to the river and the source of the fear. Across the Carnen, a looming shadow sat atop a horse and two maleveolent glowing orbs stared hard at the friends. Beyond the shadow, the mob of Harizän stood about but all were contained by the water for the city's ferries were all tied off on the west side.

[OOC:] I need everyone to give me a Willpower save against the Nazgul intimidation (Fear) based on the following roll. Depending on your results, you can give me any other actions or dialogue. The werewolf is dead for the most part.

Khamul's Intimidation (Fear)
Intimidate +16, Specialty +2, Distance -4, Night bonus +2
Roll(2d6)+16: 6,6,+16 Total:28 +6+3 = 37 WOW! Good dice there for the bad guys!

Edrahil's opposed Willpower roll TN 37
Willpower +3, The Art +2, Strong-willed +2, Resolute +1 = +8
Roll(2d6)+8: 1,3,+8 Total:12 Disastrous FAILED

"Ai!" cried Edrahil. "T'is a Shadow of the elder days!"

The Sindar turned in panic and raced away from where he stood and towards the stable fence, "RUN!"
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: Palandil on Sep 18, 2007, 10:40 AM
Fengel's opposed Willpower roll TN 37
willpower +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 5,5,+2 Total:12  well that's about the best you can do in this situation. :'(

Fengel looked across the river to see what had unnerved Edrahil so.  As his eyes adjusted to the darkness his heart turned ice cold and all strength had left him.  He began to run almost backward in fear, stumbling as he followed the elf.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 18, 2007, 05:04 PM
Durgil tried to get a good look at one that devastated the victory his companions just had over the fell creature at their feet.  o his dismay, thoughts and feelings of foreboding and death oppressed his courage.  He tried to call to his elven friend to stand and rekindle the light but the words stuck his throat and he fled with the others.

Willpower vs. Domination - (6+4)+2+3 Courage = 15
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: Stefan on Sep 19, 2007, 04:37 AM
Opposed Willpower roll TN 37
willpower +1, Hardiness o' mind +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 2,2,+3 Total: 7

Nain's blood froze as he stood over the dying wolf thing.  Something behind him, something terrible was moving and he could feel it.  Then Edrahil shrieked and that broke the tension and gave the dwarf momentum.  He ran toward the Inn, a place that he assicaited with safety.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 19, 2007, 07:31 AM
Willpower Roll (TN 37)
Roll(2d6)+2: 3,3,+2 Total:8


Dirnhael heard the terror in Edrahil's voice. Whirling around expecting to face an army, he saw the Black Rider.
There was an icy grip on his heart, and his legs started moving before he could speak or even think; he had to get away.
He followed the others in a dead run, and could not bear to look back; he felt that he would run until he collapsed in a heap, so terrible was this Shadow...
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: tomcat on Sep 19, 2007, 03:07 PM
Khamûl raised a hooked, gauntled hand and began to weave his sorcery. Across the river, one of the barges began to be irresistibly pulled towards the nazgûl and the Easterling.

The companions all ran back towards the inn, the one place that felt safe from the oncoming terror, all around them the townsfolk ran too.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: Nikitas on Sep 19, 2007, 04:57 PM
2d6= 6,3
Willpower (+1)
9+1= 10

"What was that..." Galudir managed to say in between deep breaths, "No, do not tell me, it would do no good to know. What can we possibly do against such an enemy?" With the inn comming into view, Galudir pointed toward the stables, "Come now, we must quit this town, it is doomed!"
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 20, 2007, 10:57 AM
Quote from: Nikitas on Sep 19, 2007, 04:57 PM
2d6= 6,3
Willpower (+1)
9+1= 10

"What was that..." Galudir managed to say in between deep breaths, "No, do not tell me, it would do no good to know. What can we possibly do against such an enemy?" With the inn comming into view, Galudir pointed toward the stables, "Come now, we must quit this town, it is doomed!"

Dirnhael had to admit that, in this moment, he thought that Thermon may have a point - with the Easterlings massed on the other side of the bank, and with the unspeakable evil atop the horse with them, Ilanin would fall quickly if that was their wish.

Dirnhael gasped. He had thought they were fighting rabble; marauders into Fengel's land, but after facing Koskas, seeing the werewolf on this night and then this thing; this creature of palpable malice... he felt fear grip him; they were pitted against something more powerful and terrible than he could have ever imagined.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: tomcat on Sep 20, 2007, 11:01 AM
[OOC:] Hey Shawn, just a quick note of canon here - most of the Free Peoples are not yet aware that the ring-wraiths have returned, or that the Necromancer in Greenwood the Great is Sauron. Some have speculated this, but there is no hard proof... although we know it as players.  ;)
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 20, 2007, 12:27 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 20, 2007, 11:01 AM
[OOC:] Hey Shawn, just a quick note of canon here - the Free Peoples are not even yet aware that the ring-wraiths have returned, or that the Necromancer in Greenwood the Great is Sauron. Some have speculated this, but there is no hard proof... although we know it as players.  ;)

OOC: OK. I thought that, but I got crossed up because we knew of the Witch-King. But I guess he's thought of as more of a legendary man at this point as opposed to his true nature, isn't he?
I'll re-write the post.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: tomcat on Sep 20, 2007, 05:15 PM
Quote from: sdrotar on Sep 20, 2007, 12:27 PMOOC: OK. I thought that, but I got crossed up because we knew of the Witch-King. But I guess he's thought of as more of a legendary man at this point as opposed to his true nature, isn't he?
I'll re-write the post.

[OOC:] Yea the characters and most of the North know about the Witch-king, but it is only whispered amongst the Wise that he is the Lord of the Nazgul; Khamul returned and took up the seat as the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur along with the Mouth of Sauron. During this time to, the watch on Mordor is beginning to wain due to the problems faced by Gondor from the Plague.

I only say this because we as players have a great knowledge of Tokien's history and it is fun to use it in our character dialogues, but remember your characters have a life-time of knowledge (short for the Men) that is really pinned to where they lived and the events that impacted them and their homes, and limited knowledge of what came before (based on how much access they had to education sources).

Otherwise, the changes you made to the post was awesome!  ;D
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 20, 2007, 07:27 PM
The palpable fear of the creature had taken hold of his ability to control himself temporarily, but it did not sway Durgil's conviction.  "This may be a creature of darkness, but they all know fear, too: when the sun rises each day.  Run now if you think it best for you but the morning may change your mind; don't let fear rule your mind and heart.  Besides if we run, who will then help these people?"
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: Stefan on Sep 21, 2007, 04:05 AM
Nain stopped, caught his breath after a few moments and joined the conversation.

" I wasn't running, I was looking for a better place to stand against the evil.  Let them come!  We'll cut the easterlings down from here!"
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: Palandil on Sep 21, 2007, 05:00 AM
OOC: How long does the fear last?  Can we attempt to do anything or are we too fearful?
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: tomcat on Sep 25, 2007, 05:17 PM
Quote from: Palandil on Sep 21, 2007, 05:00 AMOOC: How long does the fear last?  Can we attempt to do anything or are we too fearful?

[OOC:] Hey Paul, the fear lasts only as long as the source is around or until it is destroyed. Sometimes an Inspire test will allow for another test to rally the troops, but at the moment that won't be possible.

The river barge ground into the eastern shore as the Nazgûl released his sorcerous hold. The wraith looked towards Harizän and his whispered voice spoke, "I give you another month before I expect the desired results. Crush the Éothraim tribes! Do it now while they are not rallied and still spread across Rhovanion!"

With that Khamûl and a small entourage of soldiers rode out onto the barge and it again commenced to make its way across the Carnen. Once on the western shore, the small town of Ilanin was awakened even more as a nightmarish terror passed through it like wind across the plains.

Then it was gone.

No one slept that night that had felt it... on either side of the river.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 30, 2007, 07:35 PM
"It's no good if its just us.  I think it might be time to pull the lord of this town off the fence his sits astride," says Durgil with fire.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 30, 2007, 11:45 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 30, 2007, 07:35 PM
"It's no good if its just us.  I think it might be time to pull the lord of this town off the fence his sits astride," says Durgil with fire.

"Perhaps," Dirnhael said thoughtfully. "But these people have had the Easterlings on their banks for some time; convincing them to roust a force to repel them - especially after what they have seen - might not be so simple."

It was worth a try, Dirnhael thought. But the people of this village were merchants, farmers. If it didn't work, he thought that it might be more useful to gather the Eothraim forces they could and fall back. The Easterlings were coming; they did not have much time to tarry.
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: Palandil on Oct 01, 2007, 09:25 AM
"We are not strong enough to confront Harizan ourselves.  Besides Thuidmar sent us to glean information about our enemy not confront them.  Though it pains me to be this close to finding my sister to just leave.  Perhaps Durgil is right.  Maybe talking to the lord of Ilain might gain us an alley when the Eothraim army comes."
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: tomcat on Oct 02, 2007, 07:34 AM
Edrahil listened to Fengel and Dirnhael debate. He added, "It is true... we are not strong enough to oppose the Easterlings' threat, nor can we keep them from crossing the river. It is a wise choice to try to persuade the lord of this town to ally with us, but word must be sent to Thergas. Perhaps we dispatch some fast riders to bring news to Thuidmar of Harizan's status?"
Title: Re: Revealed
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 04, 2007, 07:46 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Oct 02, 2007, 07:34 AM
Edrahil listened to Fengel and Dirnhael debate. He added, "It is true... we are not strong enough to oppose the Easterlings' threat, nor can we keep them from crossing the river. It is a wise choice to try to persuade the lord of this town to ally with us, but word must be sent to Thergas. Perhaps we dispatch some fast riders to bring news to Thuidmar of Harizan's status?"

Dirnhael nodded. "Tell them that war is coming; perhaps faster than we can muster all our strength. They must prepare quickly."

Negotiations were not what Dirnhael was best at, and he planned to leave the talking to Durgil, Edrahil and perhaps the silver-tongued Thermon. But he was a Knight of Fornost now; and if that carried any weight with Ilanin's leader, Dirnhael vowed to make his new standing useful. But he had no intention of staying long; he would not sit and talk with well-fed 'lords' while Fengel's land burned...