
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 10: Vengeance! => Topic started by: tomcat on Aug 31, 2007, 11:13 AM

Title: Round 2 - Fiend in the stables
Post by: tomcat on Aug 31, 2007, 11:13 AM
The companions raced towards the part of town where they saw the light gleam, but they were not the only who noticed. Ilanin became alive with townsfolk and city patrolmen. Across the river, Harizän and the great shadow that sat atop a horse both looked in the direction of the town. The shadow was none other than Khamûl, ringwraith, and foul sorcerer-king of the east lands. Long ago he had succumbed to the will of Sauron and took up one of the rings of power. Now he was a servant of the Dark Lord and like the Witch-king, assisted in his master's return to power.

"I thought it was their scent," Koskas whispered to his leader.

Harizän grunted a reply, "Then I will rely on you to deal with the problem."

"I will not fail you," came the expected answer.

In front of both, Khamûl shifted his gaze back to his servants, "It appears your business here is becoming tentative. My spies tell me that Thuidmar has mustered his folk - Koskas has already been driven out of the vale."

"A minor setback my liege," answered the sorcerer, "One I will soon remedy."

"I can tolerate setbacks," said the shadow, "My master is not so lenient."

Khamûl looked back at Harizän, "You have spent time collecting slaves and supplies - that is good, but your idleness has lost you the initiative. You have sat too long drinking and revelling in the fruits of your conquests. Now we can no longer split the Éothraim from each other and destroy them individually. I will confer with my master and be back with further orders - be ready for all out war. We will not abide failure... again."

Koskas and Harizän felt the icy grip of terror take hold of their hearts as the glowing yellow eyes within Khamûl's hood peered down upon them.

In the stable, the warg-beast attacked Nain and viciously ravaged his armor with fang and claw - still the Dwarf stood firm. Beside him, with hand glowing with light, Edrahil raised his sword once more.

Situation: Edrahil and Nain are under attack by a large warg-like creature that comes out of the shadows, standing as if it were a man.

Situational Modifiers: Edrahil is Panicked due to Terror -2 to all tests. The distance to close in combat will not be executed in the initial round, instead each character will be able to engage as they please.

Terror - Automatic effect from the werewolf
Intimidate +7, Specialty +2 = +9 / 2 = +5
Roll(2d6)+5: 5,1,+5 Total:11

Werewolf is standard health points

Physical Modifiers: None.

Nain - 10
Werewolf - 9
Edrahil - 7
Title: Re: Round 2 - Fiend in the stable
Post by: tomcat on Sep 04, 2007, 04:01 PM
[OOC:] Stefan, this thread is waiting on you ... you have the initiative.
Title: Re: Round 2 - Fiend in the stable
Post by: Stefan on Sep 06, 2007, 10:15 AM
Nain tried to shrug off the cuts that the creature had given him as he swung his axe to return the favor.

(Didn't Edrahil cast light?  or was that a temporary thing?) [Narrator:] Yes, he did... my fault.

Nain's Willpower test to overcome Terror effect TN 11
Willpower +1, Hardness of Mind +2
Roll(2d6)+3: 1,5,+3 Total:9 FAILED - Panicked -2 to all tests. (let me know if you wanna use courage here)

Action 1: Attack Warg
Roll(2d6)+12: 1,5+9=15
DMG (2d6)+10: 3,2+10=15

Action 2: Attack Warg
Roll(2d6)+12: 6,5+9=20
DMG (2d6)+10: 5,2+10=17

Init Rd 3:
Roll(2d6)+2: 5,3+2=10
Title: Re: Round 2 - Fiend in the stables
Post by: tomcat on Sep 07, 2007, 10:05 AM
Werewolf defends Nain TN 13 and 18
Armed Combat +9, Specialty +2
Action 1: Roll(2d6)+11: 3,3,+11 Total:17 SUCCESS
Action 2: Roll(2d6)+11: 5,1,+11 Total:17 FAILED (17 damage / 2 = 9 -3 armour = 6)

Werewolf attacks Nain TN 16 (+4 due to Size variance)
Armed Combat +9, Specialty +2, Map (-5, -10)
Action 3 Bite: Roll(2d6)+11: 4,5,+11 Total:20 SUCCESS
Action 4 Claw rake: Roll(2d6)+6: 5,2,+6 Total:13 FAILED
Action 5 Claw rake: Roll(2d6)+1: 3,6,+1 Total:10 FAILED

Damage if not parried:
Bite - Roll(1d6)+5: 3,+5 Total:8
Claw - Roll(2d6)+3: 4,6,+3 Total:13

Edrahil attacks the Werewolf TN 11
AC +6, Specialty +2, Panicked -2= +6
Action 1: Roll(2d6)+6: 1,6,+6 Total:13
Action 2: Roll(2d6)+6: 5,3,+6 Total:14

Roll(2d6)+6: 6,5,+6 Total:17
Roll(2d6)+6: 6,3,+6 Total:15
Total 33 / 2 = 17 - 6 = 11 damage

Werewolf has taken a total of 23 damage to this point.
Title: Re: Round 2 - Fiend in the stables
Post by: tomcat on Sep 08, 2007, 08:04 PM
[OOC:] Nain still needs to parry in this round before I can start posting anymore attacks in Round 3.
Title: Re: Round 2 - Fiend in the stables
Post by: Stefan on Sep 10, 2007, 04:39 AM
OOC: Knowing that the claws have done him more damage can Nain parry the claws and not the bite?

Nain Defends TN 13
Armed Combat +6, Specialty +3 Parry +1, Map (-5)
Action 3 Roll(2d6)+5: 3,5,+5 Total:13 SUCCESS

Damage if not parried:
Bite - Roll(1d6)+5: 3,+5 Total:8-7 (Armor) =1
Claw - Roll(2d6)+3: 4,6,+3 Total:13 (Parried)
Title: Re: Round 2 - Fiend in the stables
Post by: tomcat on Sep 10, 2007, 07:00 AM
Quote from: Stefan on Sep 10, 2007, 04:39 AMOOC: Knowing that the claws have done him more damage can Nain parry the claws and not the bite?

Nain Defends TN 13
Armed Combat +6, Specialty +3 Parry +1, Map (-5)
Action 3 Roll(2d6)+5: 3,5,+5 Total:13 SUCCESS

Damage if not parried:
Bite - Roll(1d6)+5: 3,+5 Total:8-7 (Armor) =1
Claw - Roll(2d6)+3: 4,6,+3 Total:13 (Parried)

[OOC:] No problem man... I will compute accordingly.