
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 10: Vengeance! => Topic started by: tomcat on Apr 26, 2007, 06:30 AM

Title: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on Apr 26, 2007, 06:30 AM
As quickly as it had started it was over.

The two surviving Sagath warriors saw their leader unhorsed and slammed to the ground and neither knew if he still lived; Dirnhael and Fengel had cut a swath through four of their comrades and they had no more reason to fight, save to die and neither wanted that. Both dropped their weapons and held up their arms in a sign of surrender and looked pleadingly towards the Éothraim and the Company for mercy.

Edrahil continued to manipulate his magic and hoisted the Sagath leader up off the ground to set him teetering back on his feet. He was alive but had had the wind knocked from him and he stood there still stunned by the changes in fate.

OOC: Actions - and/or - dialogue?
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on Apr 26, 2007, 07:18 AM
Fengel turned to survey the battle field.  He was pleased that his plan had worked so well, but that appraisal was diminished upon seeing Bragos' body lying on the ground, spear protruding towards the sky.  His gaze turned to the Sagath leader, his eyes slanted and  fist clenched as he strode toward him.  "You will tell now of all that you know."  His memory flashing back to many conversations with Bragos, and then to his sister, caused him to hate this man before him.  And he would like nothing better than to cut him down where he stood.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on Apr 26, 2007, 07:41 AM
OOC: I really like Fengel man...   ;)
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on Apr 26, 2007, 08:27 AM
Dirnhael watched intently. This was Fengel's play, he thought.
He would help where he could, of course - both with planning and with his sword - but Fengel knew his land and his people.
Dirnhael would monitor instead and only intervene if things spiraled out of control.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 26, 2007, 08:50 AM
While the others dealt with the captured leader, Durgil, after asking some of the villagers and Galudir to help, collected and bound the remaining prisoners, despoiled them and the dead Sagath, and left the Eothraim to deal with the dead as they saw fit.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on Apr 26, 2007, 08:53 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Apr 26, 2007, 07:41 AM
OOC: I really like Fengel man...   ;)

OOC: Thank you, I love this character, and your awesome narrating has given me the fuel. :>
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on Apr 26, 2007, 11:47 AM
The Sagath leader, now prisoner, swayed where he stood and was cowed by the approaching, enraged Éothraim. He looked about to assess his situation and saw that the only other two warriors that lived from his troop were being bound. He then looked back into two hate filled eyes and knew that death was upon him, unless he could save himself. He fell to his knees.

In an accented tongue he cried, "Mercy! Mercy! Please stay your sword and spare a poor slave and his comrades!"

The Sagath fell forward, grovelling at Fengel's feet and the Éothraim warrior thought it distasteful. The man before him had ridden here with the intent of stealing, whether it be food, animals, women, or even children - and now he lay prostrated before him looking for forgiveness. The warrior gripped Cerduil tighter as he looked at Bragos' unmoving form. The Sagath was a thief and a murderer, he was no warrior! He had no honor!

Suddenly the calm voice of Edrahil spoke behind Fengel, "Remember my friend, who you are. He will have a good deal of information that we need to stop the rest of his kind and free your lands." Fengel felt a hand on his shoulder, "Come Fengel, let me tend your wounds while Dirnhael and the others deal with the prisoners. You can speak with them later."

The other Éothraim warriors sat quietly in their saddles awaiting an order, all the while Durgil, Galudir, and Nain saw to the binding of the prisoners. The folk of Burh Donun had also come out and they began to lift the slain - both Bragos and one of Fengel's warriors - leaving the fallen Sagath where they lay until they had shown proper respect to their own dead.

OOC: Actions - and/or - Dialogue?

More to come after I get home tonight. I will definitely get the questions answered for Fengel once proper interrogations commence. Now how do we do that without becoming corrupt?  >:D

Sorry for the last few days delay, I had re-formatted my C: drive, and had to put it back together.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on Apr 26, 2007, 12:11 PM
The calm voice of the elf penetrated through Fengel's anger.  He looked at the man on the ground before him, and shook his head in disgust.  "Do not hope to mercy, for I am sure that none was given by your hand.  You will however answer all of my questions when the time comes."  Fengel then spat on the ground before the man's face.  He looked to the Eothraim warriors,  "Well done my friends, you have regained honor for our people.  Now come, take this rabble and secure him apart from the others.  Be sure to set a watch of two men."  He then turned to Edrahil, "Come my friend let us get something to quench this thirst. "  Then he saw the elf's blood soaking through his clothes, "You need tending as well!"
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Stefan on Apr 27, 2007, 06:20 AM
Nain tied the Sagath then prodded him with the axe so that he would move together with the others.  At then mention of convincing them to talk Nain spoke up, "I've some irons left in the forge if ye'd like to give them a mark or two, something of a reminder of their deeds."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on Apr 27, 2007, 11:16 AM
OOC: Let's do the healing rolls first:

Edrahil tends to Fengel TN 15 (TN 10 +5 for inadequately equipped*)
Healing +9, Specialty +2, -1 Dazed, +5 Healing Hands
Roll(2d6)+15: 1,3,+15 Total:19 SUCCESS
Restored 14+1 health, character sheet has been updated

Edrahil Stamina test TN 10 for using Healing Hands
Stamina +1, Resolute +1, Tireless +4
Roll(2d6)+6: 3,1,+6 Total:10 SUCCESS

Edrahil tends self TN 15
Healing +9, Specialty +2, -1 Dazed, +5 Healing Hands
Roll(2d6)+15: 3,1,+15 Total:19 SUCCESS
Restored 9+1 health, character sheet has been updated

Edrahil Stamina test TN 10 for using Healing Hands
Stamina +1, Resolute +1, Tireless +4
Roll(2d6)+6: 4,2,+6 Total:12 SUCCESS

I do need Fengel to make a Stamina test TN 5 test resist any potential infection of the plague that still is weakly present in the town.

The prisoners were isolated and left to themselves for the rest of the afternoon, guards posted at the doors where they were kept. During this time, the Company and the folk of Burh Donun saw to the removal of the corpses from the area the battle took place and prepared two great pits where the deceased would be interred. The fallen Sagath and wargs were separated from each other and were irreverantly piled in the hole.

Edrahil and a few of the women saw to both his and Fengel's wounds.

Finally, with the sun sitting in the afternoon sky, the Company all gathered to go and see the captives. Fengel decided he would start with the leader... so as not to waste anymore time.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 27, 2007, 05:22 PM
The young Dunadan saw the fire within the eyes and heart of Fengel during the battle and it still remained.  "Pay heed to my words friends, be careful of how far you go to get what you want with the prisoners.  I may not have been a man in the King's service for long, but I have seen the good and honorable laid low by overstepping the bounds of what they held above all and paid dearly for it.  We are not orcs, nor are we even them and so must prove it in both deed and action," counseled Durgil.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on Apr 28, 2007, 02:03 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 27, 2007, 05:22 PM
The young Dunadan saw the fire within the eyes and heart of Fengel during the battle and it still remained.  "Pay heed to my words friends, be careful of how far you go to get what you want with the prisoners.  I may not have been a man in the King's service for long, but I have seen the good and honorable laid low by overstepping the bounds of what they held above all and paid dearly for it.  We are not orcs, nor are we even them and so must prove it in both deed and action," counseled Durgil.

"Our youthful friend speaks the truth," Dirnhael offered softly. "Be certain not to become what you have beheld."

Dirnhael had a thought. He placed an arm around Fengel's shoulder, leaned in closely and whispered an alternative. The Sagath had seen the tall Dunadan quickly cut down four of their comrades without so much as a scratch, even though luck had played a role. Nevertheless,  the Sagath were still not likely to fear Dirnhael's wrath like they would - and should - Fengel's...

OOC: Palandil, Dirnhael has a decent Intimidation (Power) skill and the Inquire (Converse) skill. Since the captured Sagath are probably convinced (and rightly so) that Fengel would just as soon mow them down as look at them, perhaps a little "good cop, bad cop" is in order here?  8)
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on Apr 28, 2007, 08:37 AM
Fengel nodded to Durgil's words as Dirnhael spoke.  "Yes, Dirnhael you may be able to get them to speak.  I will go in to the leader first and speak quickly.  Then you will have a time to open his mouth.  But know this, I will not wait long."   He looks to Durgil, who could see the pain in his eyes, "Sometimes men must do and be things they would other wise never, especially to save their own people.  I will do what I must."  With that Fengel turned and walked to the place where the leader was held.

Stamina test TN:5
Roll(2d6)+3: 6,6,+3 Total:15  Roll(1d6)+15: 4,+15 Total:19
How's that for Fengel's stamina?
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on Apr 29, 2007, 07:18 PM
Dirnhael was concerned for his friend Fengel. Though the Eothraim had always been hot-tempered, he had also been Dirnhael's fiercest ally and supporter in their travels.
He understood Fengel's rage; it was even justified. Dirnhael was once much like him - but also he knew that such anger could consume a man entirely before he noticed it happening, as it almost did him as an orphaned child so many ways ago.


When the time came, Dirnhael entered the small thatched hut where the prisoners were kept. He had Vorandur drawn, and as he sat in front of them, he said nothing as he casually twirled the blade's tip into the hard ground, leaving dusty spiral patterns in the dirt. His eyes never left the prisoners', and eventually, they narrowed as he spoke.
"You are fortunate that my Eothraim friend is not here, but you are also unfortunate - because I am."
He stood, drawing himself to his full height, and raised Vorandur from the ground, taking care that they saw the impressive array of Elvish handiwork down the length of the steel.
"You will tell me all that you know - now -  or I will leave and let this village know that they may... reclaim this hut for their own. It is my guess that you would then cry for the swift release of this blade."

Intimidate (Power) +7 (OOC: Any bonuses for advantageous position?)
Roll(2d6)+7: 4,5,+7 Total:16
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on Apr 30, 2007, 03:31 AM
OOC: I should have posted this before Dirnhael.  sorry..

IC: Fengel took two of the Eothraim warriors into the hut with him.  He circled the Sagath leader once then stopped behind him.  "What you have done already requires death in our eyes.  But we are not without understanding.  You have said you were merely following orders and so some of the burden for what you have done may be placed upon the head of your leader.  It depends on your cooperation.  You will be asked many questions, and your life depends on quick answers." Fengel spoke softly.  He then walked around to face the man, and stared into his eyes.  "I assume you were one of the men to invade Buhr Donun in the beginning.  Tell me what you have done with the women and children you have taken.  Tell me of the homestead south of here, were a man was dragged by one of your chariots and his wife taken?"

Intimidate Power
skill+1; Brg+2
Roll(2d6)+3: 5,3,+3 Total:11
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 02, 2007, 09:32 AM
OOC: First of all, I want to apologize about the delays you guys have been experiencing in my posts, and I know I have given multiple apologies thus far. This is not a slow down in our game, or anything of that nature. My wife and I have had to deal with a couple heavy-duty financial hits the past couple weeks and to be honest, the stress has caused my brain to be very function-less. I think these things are behind us, except that we may need to move here in the near future so that may be something to contend with, but for now - I think my head is clear.

As we all know... sometimes life can pitch us some serious curveballs.

Second of all, great posts you guys. I am going to treat the two as Dirnhael intimidating the two soldier captives and Fengel working the leader who had been isolated. If this is not your intentions, let me know and I can adjust. Just let me know...

There are so many modifiers on the Fear table that suit this situation that I am giving both Dirnhael and Fengel a +12 modifier to their intimidate tests.

Sagath attempt to oppose Intimidation TN 28, 23
Willpower +1
Leader TN 23 - Roll(2d6)+1: 1,6,+1 Total:8 UNMANNED
Soldier TN 28 - Roll(2d6)+1: 3,3,+1 Total:7 UNMANNED
Soldier TN 28 - Roll(2d6)+1: 4,1,+1 Total:6 UNMANNED

In both huts, Fengel and Dirnhael were getting identical results as the captive Sagath warriors were broken by fear and intimidation.

Fengel could see in the youth before him, for the man appeared to be in his early twenties, that he was no true leader. These men had been sent to the enthralled town of Burh Donun to collect tribute and to reinforce the terror that Koskas had laid over the land. They never expected to be opposed and even though the wargs had accompanied, were not prepared for a fight. The Sagath raiders had become lax in their guard and had become comfortable within the captured lands.

"Today they have been shown the error in their ways," Fengel thought.

Between all three captives, the information that was procured was that Harizän the Easterling was a brutal berserker that had come from the far eastern shores of the Sea of Rhûn and through fist and blood had unified a large group of Sagath. Promising to bring pain upon their enemy, the Éothraim, and to take back their stolen lands, Harizän had led them west over the Donun and Carnen Rivers. The spoils of these raids - foods, livestock, treasures, and women -  were to benefit all his men and each would share in the wealth.

Thus far this was the case. After Fengel's folk had been driven out, at least those that had strength to oppose him, Harizän moved back across the river and left Koskas in his stead to oversee the handling of the lands they had won.

Koskas was an awful man. Some amongst the Sagath said he had kinship with the warg for he spoke their tongue and it was whispered that he took their shape. He was cruel and had no pity in his heart for friend or foe. He was Harizän's most trusted second-in-command. The captive leader also explained that Koskas manipulated dark powers too and it was through these magics that he aided in Harizän's victory over the Éothraim.

Finally, the Sagath leader revealed to Fengel the information that he most sought, "I was not present when this man was slain. I heard that Harizän had come upon the homestead during the early part of our invasion and took the woman captive... for his personal trove. The husband of this woman opposed Harizän and as is his wont, Harizän met him in single combat - our commander prides himself in strength of arm and their is nothing he will not offer up when he is directly challenged. He has never lost. He slayed this man and once done he dragged him before us and your people to show all that there is none mightier than he."

Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on May 02, 2007, 10:36 PM
Quote from: tomcat on May 02, 2007, 09:32 AM
OOC: First of all, I want to apologize about the delays you guys have been experiencing in my posts, and I know I have given multiple apologies thus far. This is not a slow down in our game, or anything of that nature. My wife and I have had to deal with a couple heavy-duty financial hits the past couple weeks and to be honest, the stress has caused my brain to be very function-less. I think these things are behind us, except that we may need to move here in the near future so that may be something to contend with, but for now - I think my head is clear.

As we all know... sometimes life can pitch us some serious curveballs.

Don't give it a second thought - we all know that real life comes first. :)

Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 03, 2007, 05:25 AM
OOC: Hey Doug, I'm glad your back.  I hope everything works out for you and your wife.

Fengel was very pleased that this man was willing to answer.  He had fought hard to keep restraint on his thoughts on how to interrogate him.  Fengel stood before the leader, "For your part in this invasion and the murder of Bragos, you will be tried.  I can not say that your life will not be required.  But what you have told me might aid you."  Fengel stepped away from him, "I have two more questions.  If you do not return what will be the next action Koskas will take?"

After the man answers Fengel's first question, he bends over and looks into his eyes.  "Now, where will I find this Harizan?"
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 03, 2007, 09:29 AM
The leader met Fengel's gaze and answered, "Koskas will know we have not returned soon. Our collection parties disperse amongst the remaining homesteads and then we meet up at the end of the day and return to our settlement. Koskas will send more soldiers to Burh Donun or come himself."

Fengel wasn't sure if there was a smile on the man's face or not with his last statement. He would never know as the Sagath continued, "Harizän has his yurt on the east side of the Carnen River... across from the city of Ilanin."

Outside, Edrahil and Nain stood close looking off to the north in the direction that their enemy had come. Durgil had sent Fengel's kin to scout to make sure that no new attacks were imminent; for now the companions stood and waited until the interrogations were completed. Edrahil had taken a grievous wound and the Dwarf could hear his breathing was a bit laboured as they stood and gazed off into the distance. Nain knew the Elf's eyes were seeing far more than his own, but he continued to watch.

Edrahil made idle chat, "We have traveled so long together Nain, yet I am amazed that I had not met you prior, for surely you and your brother had been to Lindon in the past. Yes?"

Nain remembered the trips he and his brother had made... the Dwarf then remembered where Kulin had met his end. The beast that lived under the earth... that would be another task he would need to complete soon.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 03, 2007, 10:17 AM
Fengel left the building that held the Sagath leader and met with Dirnhael.  He looked and saw Edrahil, Durgil, and Nain looking north.  "Edrahil has taken a serious wound, he needs to rest here.  I will ride back to Thergas and see what men will ride with us to meet Koskas.  This Sagath tells me that he will probably come to Burh Donun himself to find out what happened to his men.  I feel we will have a bitter battle ahead of us.  Hopefully our riders were able to make it to Thuidmar."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 03, 2007, 11:45 AM
The keen ears of Edrahil heard Fengel's words and he turned to look at the Éothraim, "My wound though painful and a nuisance does not immobilize me in this place my friend. In fact, I believe it wiser that we separate ourselves from Burh Donun completely for if war should come here again, these people will suffer more. I think it best that we take up a position between Koskas' encampment and this village to waylay any that might come to investigate or for retribution."

The Sindar added, " If it is your desire to go and retrieve more aid than so be it, but I feel that any response from our enemy will be forthcoming long before your return. Even if the ranks of Thuidmar have arrived at Thergas, the bureaucracy of command is going to stifle any immediate forward movement of the riders. Burh Donun will be burnt and its people slain long before you get back."

The outlook the mage gave was grim, but his foresight was proven on many other occassions since the Company had formed. "Perhaps send one rider as a messenger, if you must, but I believe we must rely on ourselves in the immediate future."

As if in response, a lone howl was heard out across the plains surrounding Burh Donun. The afternoon sun was failing. It would be a dark night.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 03, 2007, 12:04 PM
"So be it my friend.  You are wise in these matters.  I will dispatch one rider to make haste to Thergas.  Hopefully he will bring the aid we shall need.  In the mean time we will ride toward Koskas and try to find a good place for a surprise attack.  Let us move out before the night is fully upon us."  Fengel spoke with the next leader after Bragos's demise to keep the Sagath until someone was sent to retrieve them.  His only instruction was to guard them closely.  He then prepared his steed Heostor for war.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on May 03, 2007, 12:40 PM
Dirnhael felt... dirty after questioning the captives.
Threatening men on the field of battle? That was one thing, but this was another entirely.
Nevertheless, it had to be done, and Dirnhael did get valuable information from the captured Sagath, after all.

He listened to Edrahil's words and Fengel's as well, but he grew concerned.
"We do not seem to have nearly enough men to challenge Harizan directly," he said.
Any attempt to do so now would be ill-fated, he feared, looking at Edrahil.

"Perhaps it would be best if we removed the prisoners, make it seem as if the Sagath never got here; make it appear that they were waylaid along their path. If successful, the town will suffer no worse than before we came, and we could gain valuable knowledge of our foe."
Dirnhael feared no combat, but he did fear for these people if the Company rashly gave away their lives in an obviously futile effort.

Whatever is was that they chose to do, it needed to be subtle if they were to survive.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 03, 2007, 01:42 PM
Durgil nodded in agreement with Dirnhael's plan.  "Even if it didn't make them reconsider their action, it would get them to stop for a moment where we could create an ambush."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 03, 2007, 02:36 PM
OOC: Understand that I am not playing Edrahil as if he knows anymore than you guys do, and that I use his arguments to sway you in a direction. I am playing him enough to stimulate conversation and that is all... though his foresight allows him to know a little.  >:D

Edrahil heard Dirnhael's and Fengel's arguments and he saw more logic in the Éothraim's. "I understand why you say as you do Dirnhael, but I am not sure if it sways me as it does Durgil. Hear me my friend, thus far these invaders have shown little compassion towards the life of any of Fengel's people. If Koskas is allowed to approach this town I believe that he would use any and all means to extract the information he wanted regarding his missing troop. You know as well as I that these people would not suffer much more before they gave up said information and then the Easterling would probably put them all to the sword, based on how he has been described."

He continued, "Although we may not have the numbers to hold off a greater force of the Sagath, we do have the initiative and this allows us to make the encounter with Koskas on our terms - and I believe here the singular talents of our companions come into play. Galudir and Durgil are both practiced in the arts of stealthy attacks and disordering a large group. An ambush far afield from Burh Donun would asure that these people live to see tomorrow, and it would allow us to draw Koskas in a direction of our choosing... perhaps Thergas?"

Edrahil did not let his question hang for long, "I am no warrior and so tactics I leave in your hands... I just see the suffering of these people if we allow the wolf into their fold."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 03, 2007, 07:51 PM
OOC: I guess I misread Dirnhael's statement, I thought he meant for us to make it look like the warriors were waylaid at some point between the village and the Sagath camp.  This would be the place where I had meant for Durgil to create an ambush.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on May 03, 2007, 09:04 PM
Dirnhael knew that Edrahil had a point, but he was still surprised that the nigh-immortal Elf would seem so... hasty.
To Dirnhael, this seemed a war unwinnable in a single day; even the greatest of strikes would not chase the Easterlings from this land by itself.
Patience seemed wiser to Dirnhael, and he was not even a conservative man - but he would still ride with his comrades and share whatever fate came to them.

He thought of Angbor, long since passed - a dear friend whose anger came to outweigh his judgment, and he died for it; almost taking the Company with him into the beyond.
Dirnhael had passed Angbor's sword, Cerduil, to Fengel on that dark day - and the stout Eothraim had wielded it with honour ever since.

But today, Dirnhael began to wonder if the blade brought with it a terrible curse.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 04, 2007, 03:09 AM
"I believe based on our scouting mission of Koskas's camp,  they are now down to 25 men and 6 wargs.  It is not likely that they shall all come.  So our 14 might not be as out numbered as you think my friend."  Fengel hoped even more now that the rider he sent to Thergas could rally some men in time to aid if needed.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 04, 2007, 06:06 AM
OOC: I am going to treat this as an in character argument from Durgil.

Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on May 03, 2007, 07:51 PM"I thought he meant for us to make it look like the warriors were waylaid at some point between the village and the Sagath camp.  This would be the place where I had meant for us to create an ambush."

Edrahil listened to Durgil's reply, "Ahhhh... forgive me. I misunderstood. I thought that Dirnhael just wished to make our presence here in Burh Donun disappear. If that were the case then surely these people would not take long to reveal what happened."

The mage stood and thought a moment, nodding his head. The idea had strong merit after all - save the fact that the situation in Burh Donun was probably already known to their enemy. The Elf was sure that the cry of the wolf mere moments ago was not just happenstance. He looked to Fengel, "Exactly Fengel... this is my thoughts too." Then to Dirnhael, "I do not intend us to face the whole might of Harizän without aid of the Thuidmar's riders, but surely we can harry the small bands of Koskas."

Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Stefan on May 04, 2007, 06:38 AM
Nain had been lost in thought after the elf had asked his question and the conversation had been struck up before he'd had a chance to answer.  He'd pondered it for a short while but now there were other things to consider.  Like the Sagath.

"If this is the only band that doesnt return they'll be here fore morning, we should find at least one more and attack them to take away the target."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 04, 2007, 06:42 AM
OOC: Is it safe to assume that Fengel and Dirnhael relayed all they learned to the other party members?  :?
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 04, 2007, 07:02 AM
OOC: I would say yes.  I know we didn't really roleplay it that way though.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 04, 2007, 07:31 AM
"One last thing that we may be missing here... we assume that open war against the Sagath will be the only way to drive them out, but Fengel's captive mentioned a potential answer... 'as is his wont, Harizän met him in single combat - our commander prides himself in strength of arm and there is nothing he will not offer up when he is directly challenged.' Perhaps it is this pride and arrogance that could be the keystone to bring down the Easterlings' domination of Fengel's lands. What if we were to ignore facing Koskas altogether and make a singular challenge to Harizän with the release of the land as the prize?" the Sindar mage queried all standing there. "Tell me of this Ilanin Fengel."

Fengel went on to describe the town of Ilanin as a major crossroad of trading goods and cultures. The town was a mixture of the folk of Dorwinion, the Éothraim, and men of the east. Though relations were tense between two of the parties, the benefits of free trade and capitalism allowed folk to forget their cultural differences for a time. Currently, due to the invasion by the Sagath, the town was held and its populace was primarily Easterlings, but still its gates were open to all who dared to come within to seek their fortune.**

The Elf gave his final thought on the subject, "Perhaps our rogue friend and any that may accompany him could inconspicuously enter Ilanin and seek out the location where Harizän  keeps his house and his slaves. A challenge could be initiated and while the Easterling is occupied the women are freed."

**Ilanin could be compared to ancient Jerusalem during the crusades with its interactions of Christians, Jews and Muslims. The constant change of rule made the town dangerous for different faiths but still the people intermingled.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 04, 2007, 08:49 AM
OOC: How long would it take for men to come from Thergas?
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 04, 2007, 08:51 AM
Quote from: sdrotar on May 03, 2007, 09:04 PMBut today, Dirnhael began to wonder if the blade brought with it a terrible curse.

OOC: Hmmmm..... this is an intersting idea!   :]  >:D
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 04, 2007, 09:36 AM
Quote from: tomcat on May 04, 2007, 08:51 AM
Quote from: sdrotar on May 03, 2007, 09:04 PMBut today, Dirnhael began to wonder if the blade brought with it a terrible curse.

OOC: Hmmmm..... this is an intersting idea!   :]  >:D

OOC: I don't like the sound of this... :SS
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 04, 2007, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Palandil on May 04, 2007, 08:49 AMOOC: How long would it take for men to come from Thergas?

OOC: Are you talking about the reinforcements you sent a couple riders to procure? If so, I can't tell you Paul - that will be a story element man. You can expect it to be at least a day and a half with no incident as it is 52 miles round trip to Thergas from Burh Donun, and back.

Needless to say, I can and will only give information that the characters can directly affect. Cool? (Or maybe I should say Sorry.)   ;)
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 04, 2007, 12:36 PM
OOC: No, I'm just saying Fengel should know approximately how long it should take to ride there and back.  Not counting of course the time to get the riders assembled.

"I plan to meet with Harizan.  But first I will rid my lands of the Sagath.  I don't think that Koskas should be left to reek havoc upon my people."  Fengel thought of his sister.  "Harizan will be called out, but he will have nothing here to bargain for.  However, I feel that Burh Donun's only hope is that we meet Koskas head on.  I don't like the odds that we face, but I see no other choice."  Fengel bowed his head in thought.
"Perhaps we should break into two companies and try to use surprise with a flanking maneuver."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: sdrotar on May 04, 2007, 07:47 PM
Quote from: Stefan on May 04, 2007, 06:38 AM
Nain had been lost in thought after the elf had asked his question and the conversation had been struck up before he'd had a chance to answer.  He'd pondered it for a short while but now there were other things to consider.  Like the Sagath.

"If this is the only band that doesnt return they'll be here fore morning, we should find at least one more and attack them to take away the target."

Dirnhael nodded at Nain's suggestion. If the Company continued to move and attack from different areas, they could make it seem like there were more of them then there really were, confusing the enemy.
At the very least, it would make it difficult for Koskas and his men to discern the Company's path.

"Nain's wisdom holds weight, he said. "At this point, we can expect a return to the town, but going forward, it would be best to strike from shadow; gaining surprise and frustrating any attempts to mount a planned defense."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 05, 2007, 03:53 AM
"This man said that Koskas himself will be coming, and I doubt that he will be alone.  There will be no other raiding parties to attack.  And as was said, Burh Donun will suffer even if no Sagath are found here.  We can set an ambush for him and what men he brings but that seems our only option."  Fengel knew that his friends had wisdom in fighting but he didn't see any other way.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Nikitas on May 05, 2007, 10:36 AM
OCC: Sorry all for my lack of participation lately, I've had my spring semester finals.


"Why should we stay here and fight? Empty this town and send the people on the road to Thergas. We can take the prisoners and leave the afield for Koskas to find. That should delay him for some time and with any hope we can meet the reinforcements from Thergas before Koskas reaches the caravan." Galudir suggested the route not entirely without fear in his heart.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 05, 2007, 11:23 AM
Fengel turns to Galudir, "That would be a good idea, except it would take too long to get the villagers together to move.  And Koskas has at least 7 wargs with him.  Not to mention he himself is said to take their form.  My people would be destroyed on the way to Thergas just by the wargs alone."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 05, 2007, 04:58 PM
Durgil interjects.  "Fengel, these are your people... you know them; they are looking to you, I think.  The day is burning away; a course of action must be decided and quickly.  We are here to follow your lead."
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: tomcat on May 05, 2007, 05:23 PM
Edrahil nodded in agreement, "Aye... we could debate a course of action all eve. Fengel this is yours to decide."

OOC: I will start a new thread based on what you post Paul.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Palandil on May 06, 2007, 08:51 AM
"Then we will ride north from Burh Donun and find a place for an ambush.  We'll form two ranks and attack them from the east and west."  Fengel swung upon Heostor and with a kick to the horses hind quarters the company moved out.  Fengel had his shield and spear at the ready in case they met with wargs sooner then he hoped.
Title: Re: Inside Information
Post by: Stefan on May 07, 2007, 05:13 AM
Nain climbed up on Jethro's back,  The horse sidestepped him a couple of times and ended up turning a full circle before he let the dwarf, who was now cursing loudly about the parentage of said horse, climb onto his back.   

"Me 'n my big mouth, we could have just waited fer them, but no, Nain had to open his mouth and spout about riding to meet them.  And as fer you, ya flea bitten Nag, no more oats till ya ken learn some repect!"

He gave Jethro a kick and followed Fengel out of the  village and on to the open plain.