
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 8: Home Fires Burning => Topic started by: tomcat on Jul 11, 2006, 07:27 PM

Title: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 11, 2006, 07:27 PM
Nain slowly walked in the hushed pine forest, heading east away from the Dunmen settlement. He had no idea he was being observed, or followed for that matter, only that strange sounds came from the forest in the direction before him. He countinued on slowly, his pony following casually along, until again the land under his feet began to rise and become rocky. As he climbed up the grade, he finally saw the source of the noise - lengths of wood and what appeared to be hollowed bones and skulls of animals hung from a bough of a pine tree. He noticed that there were many such sets of clattering chimes - the hanging items close enough that when the wind swelled the branches of the trees, they would knock together making ghostly sounds in the woods.

"What are they for?" thought the Dwarf, as he looked about.

Not far behind him, Galudir wondered the same thing. It was evident that the trees began to thin as the path went east and the land rose. What the Eriadorian didn't notice, but the stone saavy eyes of the Dwarf did, was a well-made, albeit overgrown, path of marble stone that angled up the slope.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 12, 2006, 04:21 AM
Nain stood and pondered the meaning of the morbid windchimes for only a moment before continuing up the slope along the overgrown path.  Maybe there would be something that could help him at it's end.  As he walked he lanced down at the path every so often trying to figure out who had laid it so long ago.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 12, 2006, 12:04 PM
Galudir followed the dwarf until he finally saw the source of the noise. The gruesome instrument clanked as the wind gave motion to the branches of the pine tree. "I would be reluctant to meet the hospitality of this land's inhabitants." though Galudir, as he let his sight slip away from the dwarf and focused on the foul chimes. When he came back to his task, he saw the dwarf ascending a rocky grade away from the tree. Galudir quietly continued his pursuit, resting behind tree and rock, so as not to reveal himself to the dwarf.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 13, 2006, 02:48 PM
Both Dwarf and Man followed the trail as it climbed and then turned to the left up a natural spire of rock. The bare stone showed some evidence of being shaped, and not just by the wind, but by hands that new well the art. It continued to circle up and around until it deposited Nain inside a large ruined gazebo of stone. In the structures center stood what appeared to be a shattered bath that sat upon a pedestal. The Dwarf could see where a natural spring gurgled up in its center and now flowed out over the ruined marble floor.

Birds were startled at the Dwarf's presence and took to flight in the cool mountain air, leaving Nain to explore the structure. The Craftmaster could see the skill of the stonework and marveled that the gazebo still stood, for surely it had been built by the Elves who had lived here some 2,000 years ago. He and his companions were, of course, on the very brink of the lands of Eregion and this fountain must have been one of the places of solitude for the Noldor of old.

Nain moved about, cautiously, but also with respect.

Behind the Dwarf, Galudir stood concealed by the terrain and the gazebo's few standing pillars. He watched as Nain circled about within the ruin. Suddenly the rogue shifted his gaze as he perceived a figure in his peripheral vision – someone stood there filling a pitcher from the fount. But when the Man's eyes settled on where he saw the figure, there was naught there but the broken bath and the free flowing spring.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 14, 2006, 04:45 AM
Nain looked around the place carefully but he did not find anything that would help him with his current situation.  The fountain was beautiful and he though for a few moments that he might be able to repair it given time but his skill with stone, he admitted silently to himself, was not up to this challenge.  He looked carefully around the Gazeebo but still there was nothing that would help him against the Dunmen, nor anything that would explain their unreasoning fear of the place.

Search the fountain
Roll (2d6) +2: 2,2+2 =6

Stone-craft (to determine what it would take to repair it)
Roll (2d6)+13: 4,4+13=21

Search the Gazeebo
Roll 2d6 +2: 1,6 +2 =9
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 15, 2006, 08:59 AM
Galudir could barely steady his breath so as not to alert the dwarf. He was sure that he saw a figure by the fractured fountain. Rubbing his eyes with his hand, he scanned the broken terrace once more for the mysterious being. With nothing in sight, Galudir's heart began to race as he tried making his way back around the terrace and down the path.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 15, 2006, 12:34 PM
OOC: I need Galudir to give me an Acrobatics test TN 15 to avoid causing a shift in the stones that he is standing on that will cause a clattering of stones and pebbles. If the test is failed, I need him to make a Swiftness test TN of the failed Acrobatics test dice results. If this is failed, Galudir will fall down. This will not cause him any problems other than to make a lot of noise.

Based on the results from Galudir's rolls above, Nain will need to make an Observe (Listen) TN 10 to hear the commotion created.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 15, 2006, 02:43 PM
Acrobatics Test TN 15:
2d6= 6,2
Nimbleness (+3), Skill Ranks (+1)
8+3+1= 12

Swiftness Test TN 12: (I think) Yep!  ;D
2d6= 5,5
Swiftness (+5)
10+5= 15

As Galudir turned toward the path the stones beneath his feet gave way. Unable to maintain his balance, Galudir leapt off of the crumbling brink onto nearby, and hopefully more sturdy, ground. Galudir ducked behind a column, but winced as the falling stones rattled down the rocky precipice.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 16, 2006, 05:27 AM
Quote from: Stefan on Jul 14, 2006, 04:45 AMOOC:
Search the fountain
Roll (2d6) +2: 2,2+2 =6

Stone-craft (to determine what it would take to repair it)
Roll (2d6)+13: 4,4+13=21

Search the Gazeebo
Roll 2d6 +2: 1,6 +2 =9

OOC: Stefan, here are the results of your tests, based on the results above against the standard TN difficulties (i.e. your fountain search result was a 6, which is just over a Simple TN result, so you garner simple information):

Search of fountain - this search reveals naught to Nain except it was once a very ornate pedastal fountain that has cracked and large chunks have broken away. The water still gurgles up and it is very cold and very clear.

Stone-craft analysis - Nain is easily able to determine the time frame it would take to re-beautify the gazebo and reset the fountain... roughly about a year and a half if he were to work on it himself, or about 4 to 6 months if he had a group of his kin from the Blue Mountains (or even those from Moria).

Gazebo search - The gazebo sits on a picturesque escarpment of rock that looks out over the spur of mountains that border Eregion's north, and in the far distance, the Misty Mountains (particularly the three mountains of Khazad-dum can be seen). The morning sun would break over the mountains in the east and would be breath-taking. There are some ancient writings on the pieces of the fountain and along the pillars, but Nain cannot read them (unless he has Language/Elves: Quenya).

Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 17, 2006, 04:24 AM
OOC: Nope, no Quenya

Observe (Listen) TN 10
Roll (2d6)+6: 2,3 +6=11   

IC:  The view of Khazad-Dum was a sight that he thought every dwarf should see.  Maybe after he arrived there he would bring some of his kin back and restore this for them.  As he looks at the familiar but unintelligible words written on the pillars the sounds of clattering rock startles him from his reverie.

He immediately draws his axe, thinking that it was more of the Dunmen come to take him with them.
He takes up a defensive stance, back against one of the pillars with the fountain between him and the path to make he assault harder on them.

"I hear ye over there, make yourself known."

Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 17, 2006, 08:32 PM
"Be at ease master dwarf. I am merely a fellow traveler and unarmed, mostly." Galudir appears from behind the pillar, leading with this empty hands, palms opened towards the dwarf. He examines the dwarf for a moment before offering an introduction. "Thermon is my name and I only came to quietly observe these ruins, I do not intend any harm."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 18, 2006, 05:25 AM
His suspicion not assuaged Nain stood his ground, axe in hand.

"Thermon eh, well ye don't look like a Dunlender nor do ye have the look of a scholar. So what're ye doing wandering around these parts.  These ruins were abandoned by the elves long before ye were born."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 18, 2006, 07:44 AM
As Nain and Galudir faced off within the apparent Elven ruin, unbeknownst to both, two Dunmen hunters walked quietly through the woods some 50 meters away. The two carried the days catch between them, a large doe that had luckily come into range of their weapon. The two men grumbled and mumbled between each other about the weight of the deer and its awkwardness when one stopped talking and stared into the forest distance. The other Dunmen followed his partner's gaze and saw standing in the woods, adorned with saddle and gear, Nain's small pony Jethro. The pony turned its head to look at the oncomers, totally unconcerned; its interest lying moreso in the pack of apples that was tied off to its back. Unfortunately, the beast could not get its teeth on the bag to free up some of its prize - seems that the Dwarf had gotten smarter. Jethro looked back towards the Dunmen and then back to the trail which Nain had followed and just stood there.

The Men just stared at the horse when a gust of wind blew up through the fir trees causing branches to swell and rustle, and also to cause the wooden and bone chimes to clatter and knock... also in the wind was the sound of tinkling bells and whispers. The two Dunmen froze at first as the breeze passed and then as a pair, they dropped their catch and ran towards the north - away from the Elven ruin's surrounds - and to their homes just over the ridge.

Not far off, Nain and Galudir felt the breeze blow past and also heard the haunting sounds... the fountain gurgled up at the same time, only to receed again to a small flow.

Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 18, 2006, 06:53 PM
Galduir shrank at the gurgling of the fountain, his rising fear obvious in the unsteady tone of his voice. "Indeed master dwarf, I am neither Dunman nor scholar, but I did not claim to be either. What I can say for certain is that a foul shadow has fallen upon these remnants of more glorious days. I think if we should continue this conversation, it would be best to do so elsewhere."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 19, 2006, 04:30 AM
Nain looks around the beautiful gazebo.  It was showing it's age and needed some stonework but nothing seemed evil or foul about it.  He didn't want to spill blood on it but some things just couldn't be helped.

"I've not seen anything evil here, you're daft.  Now tell me why ye be followin' me or ye'll be tastin' the axe."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 19, 2006, 02:43 PM
Damn the dwarves and their stone-hard heads thought Galudir as he let out a brief sigh.

"Very well, I will leave you to your splendid sepulcher, but I will not linger in this place. Now if you will but lower your axe as I make my exit, we can resolve this matter rather peacefully."

Reasoning that it would be better to offer the dwarf more about his business than to clash blade and axe, Galudir added, "As to your bewildering suspicion, I am not following you. Rather, I have business with the Dunmen, but my paymasters would prefer some discretion so that is all I will say on the matter.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 21, 2006, 05:01 AM
"Ye speak the language of the Dunlanders?  I'm not sure if I trust ye but 'a friend in need,' as they say."

Nain carefully lowers his axe.

"My travelling companions have been taken captive by the Dunmen."

The dwarf paused for a moment, not really knowing how or wanting to ask anything of this human.  Finally his need out weighed his pride, though only slightly.

"Since ye're going that way, maybe ye could talk to 'em and find out why?"
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 21, 2006, 05:06 AM
OOC: BRAVO GUYS! I am digging the character dialogue. I know that it can be confoundingly slow playing-by-post, but it is so great. In all of my years of gaming at tables, it was always so hard to get players to talk in character, but this medium of play just allows such creativity!

I am enjoying it... keep it up!

Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 23, 2006, 09:21 PM
Galudir moved to speak before his breath was stolen from him. The dwarf was willing to lower his axe as long as Galudir was useful, thus Galudir would endeavor to remain useful, even if he could not speak to the Dunmen.

"Yes, yes I could do so. Speak Dunnish that is. However, it is unfortunate for you that I have already concluded my business with them and we have not parted on especially good terms." Galudir brought his arms down and rested his right hand over his coin pouch, tapping it slightly to the effect of very few coins clinking together.

Pursuing his lips and covering them with first finger of his left hand, Galudir began to pace away in what seemed like careful thought. It was, in fact, panic rather than careful reason that ran across his mind. "Yet perhaps there are other alternatives to negotiation, hmm? After all, I followed yo- the path up to this terrace without your notice. I may be of some use in a, shall we say, far more subtle negotiation than you had previously imagined." Galudir then turned back to dwarf awaiting an answer before adding quickly, "But before much more discussion, could we possibly move away from this place, if only out of reverence for its... haunting beauty?"
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 24, 2006, 06:34 AM
Something in the way the man spoke raised the heckles on the back of Nain's neck, but he'd found no other help and his options and time were dwindling quickly.

"Aye, ye've proved yerself stealthy if not trustworthy.  Lead the way.  We'll head back down the hill and ye can explain."

Nain waits for the man to turn, keeping a careful eye on him as he walks back down the path.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 24, 2006, 04:38 PM
Behind the two, the ancient Elven structure returned to the silence it had known for the past centuries, only the gurgle of the fresh, clear spring water made any noise.

Nain followed on as Galudir, or Thermon as the rogue had referred to himself, walked back down off the cobbled path and into the pine forest. There they found both horse and pony waiting in silence, but seemingly enjoying each others company. It was then that Galudir noticed the deer laying there... it had not been there before.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 24, 2006, 10:00 PM
OOC: I guess I would like to take a Track or a Observe(Spot) to see if Galduir can learn anything about how the deer got there. I will post both as I'm not sure which is appropriate.

Observe(Spot) Test:
2d6= 5,3
Perception (+1), Skill Ranks (+3), Speciality (+2)
8+1+3+2= 14

Track Test:
2d6= 5,5
Wits (+1), Skill Ranks (+2), Speciality for Dunmen's tracks (+2), Observe Affinity (+1)
10+1+2+2+1= 16 for the Dunmen and 14 for the deer.

"So then I suppose it would be best for us to wait until nightfall. I do not recall if you have ever mentioned how many of your companions were-" Galudir suddenly stopped in his speech and stared down at the dead deer near the horses.

"Unless your pony enjoys some venison on occasion master dwarf, then I believe we may have a mystery here." Galudir spoke quietly to the dwarf, this had been a strange and taxing day already, so he felt no need to attract any more guests.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 25, 2006, 03:53 AM
Nain looked at the deer that had been left, he hadn't seen it on the way up but that doesnt mean that it hadn't been there and he'd missed it.  It didn't really change the fact that he needed to deal with the Dunlanders and free his companions if he ever wanted to see Khazad-Dum. 

"Aye, probably left by the dunmen along with the rest of these."

Nain gestures at the rest of the hanging skulls with his axe.

"We've got bigger fish to fry at the moment.  Ye've still not explained what you meant by yer comments up the hill."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 25, 2006, 06:58 AM
Galudir quickly perceives the footprints of the Dunmen who had dropped the deer and it was easy to see that the tracks continued up and over the ridge, down to the settlement below.

OOC: I need Nain and Galudir to give me an Observe (Listen) test TN 10. Iff successful, then they may give me a Hide test roll - understand that if you try to hide your horse too, it will reduce the test results based on Size modifiers.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 25, 2006, 08:48 AM
Observe (Listen) TN 10
Roll (2d6) +6: 5,6+6= 17

Nain hears someone coming and onders for a second standing his ground, his dwarf nature warring with the notion that he might not win.  Finally he decides that fighting is probably not his best choice.  He then turns and walks back up the path with Jethro in tow.

"If yer business went poorly then ye may not want to be here when they come."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Jul 25, 2006, 09:05 PM
Observe(Listen) Test TN 10:
2d6= 5,3
Perception (+1), Skill Ranks (+3)
8+1+3+= 14

Stealth(Hide) Test:
2d6= 4,6
Nimbleness (+3), Skill Ranks (+7), Speciality (+2), Observe Affinity (+1), Survival Affinity (+1)
10+3+7+2+1+1= 25

OCC: I think the Die Roller likes me.  :D

Galudir heard the dwarf and saw him leaving up toward the terrace, but he was then distracted by a noise out of the forest. Quickly, he turns his head back to his horse and then back again to the noise which was much closer now. Galudir ran to his horse and took hold of the reins, then as fast as he could he moved around to a large tree, hoping to conceal himself and his horse from whomever was approaching.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 27, 2006, 09:29 AM
Quote from: Nikitas on Jul 25, 2006, 09:05 PMStealth(Hide) Test:
2d6= 4,6
Nimbleness (+3), Skill Ranks (+7), Speciality (+2), Observe Affinity (+1), Survival Affinity (+1)
10+3+7+2+1+1= 25

Observe (Spot) TN 25
Rank +6, Per +1, Specialty +2, Size bonus +2, Affinity bonus +1
Roll(2d6)+13: 2,6,+13 Total:21

Search TN 25
Search +7, Per +1, Size Mod +2, Affinity bonuses +3
Roll(2d6)+13: 1,4,+13 Total:18

The band of Dunmen followed the hunters up onto the ridge and back to where Jethro had been standing not five minutes ago. The warrior chief glanced about to see where the beast could have gotten to as one of the Dunmen who had seen it begins to stammer on about the pony. Thetwo  hunters plead to their comrades that the animal had been standing right in the glen, but nothing could be seen.

The chief knelt down to the ground to examine the area nd to search for any signs and he soon found what he looked for... hoof prints in the soft forest soil went off in the direction of the north and east - there was also a set of heavy shodded prints. With a wordless command, the warrior led his men off on the trail left by Nain and Jethro, following it until it became apparent that it led to the old cobbled Elven path.

Not far away, and well concealed, Galudir watched the Dunmen as they approached the path that Nain had just followed back up to the Elven structure, but then they stopped. There was a rapid exchange of words and glances towards the wooden chimes that hung about and then the group turned back to head towards their settlement. Along the way, they stopped to retrieve the deer and then they were gone back over the ridgeline.

Galudir sighed a bit of relief and patted his horse on the neck, thanking the steed for being so quiet. He wondered where the Dwarf had gotten off too.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 28, 2006, 04:27 AM
Nain walked up the hill away from the men that he had heard.  He didn't really have a plan but he knew that it would be bad if they caught him following them and thought that maybe their superstition would protect him.  He wouldn't bring Jethro into he gazebo out of respect but it seemd like the skulls had been hung to ward off evil spirits and this would probably be the place from where they would arise.  He stopped just outside of the gazebo and removed the waterskin from Jethro's pack then walks over to the fountain and fills it from the water pouring down over the crumbled stonework.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: tomcat on Jul 28, 2006, 05:51 PM
As Nain bottles the cool flowing water, he puts the waterskin to his lips for a quick sip - might as well see if it was still a clean spring. The water was refreshing and the Dwarf felt rejuvinated both of wound and weariness and he smiled as he put the skin back to the bubblling fount and filled it the rest of the way.

OOC: The water restored all weariness and it will heal all health points in your current wound level save 1. This is a one time benefit from the Elven fountain, but any character will benefit who takes a full draught of the water.

It will lose its benefits after 1 day of being stored - of course, Nain and others do not know this. ;D
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Jul 31, 2006, 04:48 AM
After refilling the waterskin Nain waits for a while, enjoying the beauty of the scenery before him till he thought that the Dunmen would have been there to get him.  Since they hadn't they must have either not seen his tracks, or more likely, they feared the ghosts of the past as Humans often did, and scurried back to their village.

He walked back and took Jethro's reins and walked back down the path.

"Hoy, come out and let's discuss this plan of yours."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Aug 01, 2006, 08:36 PM
Galudir leaned in against the tree behind him as the Dunlanders left. There had been far too much excitement for one day and so Galudir took a moment to settle his mind. That brief rest, however, cost him an escape and Galudir realized that as the dwarf was calling out for him.

"Curse that dwarf, he moves faster than the length of his legs would suggest." Galudir whispered to himself and his horse.

"I'm here dwarf." Galudir walked around the tree, his riding horse in tow. Whilst forming an explanation for the dwarf, Galudir paused a moment, he noted that the Dunmen had taken back their deer. "They took back their deer" Galudir stated just above a whisper while staring at the empty spot which the hunting prize once occupied. Turning his gaze to the dwarf, Galudir repeated himself, "They took the deer, why do you suppose that is? Also, why would they decorate the trees into such gruesome totems?"
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Aug 02, 2006, 03:27 AM
"Are ye daft?  They took the deer because they were hungry.  And their tree hangin's are none o' my concern.  Now let's go scout that camp and see what we can do about gettin' me companions outta there."

With that the dwarf began marching down the hill, Jethro in tow, looking for a place where he could observe the village without bein seen.
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Nikitas on Aug 02, 2006, 09:09 PM
Galudir let out a short sigh at the dwarf's responce, then followed him toward the settlement.

"If they took the deer because they were hungry then why would they leave it there in the first place? Perhaps that spot is somehow sacred to them, possibly part of some hunting ritual." Galudir offered some exagerated gestures as he was explaining his thoughts to the dwarf. "This sort of thing is important, we could use it to our advantage. Maybe they would not pursue us up there, it could be a hiding spot or way to cover our tracks. After we free your friends of course."

Galudir did not leave much of a pause for the dwarf to respond, expecting his next question Galudir continued, "As to my plan. Well it is simple enough. We should observe the Dunlanders for what is left of the day, throughout the night, and into the morning as best we can. Then, tomorrow night, we can use our knowledge of their defences to enter their settlement and free your friends. You're rather small, just step lightly and we will be fine."
Title: Re: To scare a ghost...
Post by: Stefan on Aug 03, 2006, 04:13 AM
Nain listened to the human babble.  He had assumed that this was some holy place from the moment he'd laid eyes on it but that still didn't explain at all why the deer had been left.  Not that he really cared about their human ways.  Most of the things humans did seemed a little crazy to him anyway.

At the mention of these humans and elves being his friends his mind turned on a tangent.  Were they really friends?  He had been with them for a while and they had saved his life but to this point he had travelled with them as a matter of necessity and convenience.  As he rolled the thought around in his mind the human continued his talking until something else caught his ear.

"Small!  Ye really are daft, another remark like that and ye'll be making company with the other skulls hangin' back yonder."