
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 8: Home Fires Burning => Topic started by: tomcat on Jul 11, 2006, 07:17 PM

Title: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 11, 2006, 07:17 PM
From Wiseman on previous threads:

Everything that was going on around him, as they were stuck in the stockades, started to wear at his patience.  They were going about their normal day-to-day life and the company was holed up in a prison without any reason as to why. The elven scout stood and approached the door, being sure to watch the guards so as to move out of the way of a stray spear, if the situation arose.

"Why are you holding us here!"  Seriand shouted so that many could hear, he wanted an answer and he wanted to be freed of this tiny prison.

The Sindar's shout was noticed by the Dunlending folk, each taking pause at their daily chores to look in the direction of the stockade. Even a flock of birds took to the air, excited by the echoing cry, but then the settlement went back about its business.

Many of the Company members had spent the better part of the noon hour examining the settlement to see if there was any weakness or opportunity for escape. Fengel watched as a group of men-folk sat about a fire and held a discourse, among them was the two elders and the Dunlending claw-faced warrior, although little could be heard. The group of men would occassionally glance towards the pen that held the Company and make gestures, but none approached.

The day drifted into the afternoon and still none made any notice of the captives, but then the claw-faced warrior stood from the counsel that had been going on for a better part of the day. He walked over to a large dog that lay on the ground, leashed to a hut. He began to feed it the remains of some meats that he had not eaten. As he did, an elder spoke out and the voice brought the attention of the Company to him...

"Quo-ola, ee la noe." The elder pointed to the stockade.

The warrior slowly stood, obviously unpleased at the request [or order]. He walked back to the fire, grabbed a few food items off of the wooden platter that the Dunmen had been eating from and put it in the bowl in his hand. He then strolled slowly to the stockade fence and with a look of disdain, tossed the platter on the ground amongst the companions... some of the food spilled off into the dirt.

Dirnhael looked down on the food; stale looking bread, fish - parts that it seemed no one of the Dunmen wanted - and what looked like pork or beef fat. He was hungry, but there was nothing about the scraps before him that looked appealing. He would not eat the fodder of these people...

Edrahil had been looking about as well, as his mind wandered through Elven dreams. He stared at one hut that sat some yards away from the rest of the village. There was no activity around it. Was it a home? Was it abandoned?
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Palandil on Jul 12, 2006, 05:34 AM
OOC: So I guess Fengel did not find any weakness in the stockade, or the guards?
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 12, 2006, 07:13 AM
Quote from: Palandil on Jul 12, 2006, 05:34 AMOOC: So I guess Fengel did not find any weakness in the stockade, or the guards?

OOC: Hey Paul, yes... the stockade is nothing more really than a very simple picket fence, almost a corral. It would take nothing to hop it or break through it. The guards are there with spears in hand and a bad demeanour... you can attempt to push past them or fight them. Your call, but that is the situation as it stands.

Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Palandil on Jul 12, 2006, 08:00 AM
Fengel too looked upon the scraps with disdain.  He approaches Dirnhael, "How much longer should we wait and let our fate rest in the hands of these...", Fengel pauses and looks out toward the Dunmen with disgust, "men?  If we do not know their intent by nightfall we should make an escape.  Do you think Durgil will be up for it?"
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 13, 2006, 09:18 AM
Quote from: Palandil on Jul 12, 2006, 08:00 AM
Fengel too looked upon the scraps with disdain.  He approaches Dirnhael, "How much longer should we wait and let our fate rest in the hands of these...", Fengel pauses and looks out toward the Dunmen with disgust, "men?  If we do not know their intent by nightfall we should make an escape.  Do you think Durgil will be up for it?"

"I'm not sure," he said quietly while looking back at Durgil.
Dirnhael didn't enjoy the cage any more than any of them, but something told him that they were not in immediate danger, and he expected Nain to be following.
Besides, potentially fighting hand-to-hand again a village of armed men didn't seem like the wisest course of action to Dirnhael.

If they were to escape, they'd need weapons - and preferably their own.
Perhaps if - when, he reminded himself - Nain arrived, he might be able to help them in that department.

"Patience, my friend," he said to Fengel. "The time will come soon enough."

Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Palandil on Jul 14, 2006, 02:58 AM
Fengel did not feel comfortable waiting for their captives to decide what to do.  No he was a man of action.  However if Dirnhael felt that it wasn't nescessary to make plans of their own yet, then Fengel would resign himself to the Dunadain's wishes.  "Let's not wait too long to plan our own fate Dirnhael", he said respectfully.  Fengel knew though that if their fate was death then he would go down fighting to the last.  With an unsettled feeling he found a place to sit and rest a while, his strength would be much needed he felt.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 14, 2006, 09:07 AM
Quote from: Palandil on Jul 14, 2006, 02:58 AM
Fengel did not feel comfortable waiting for their captives to decide what to do.  No he was a man of action.  However if Dirnhael felt that it wasn't nescessary to make plans of their own yet, then Fengel would resign himself to the Dunadain's wishes.  "Let's not wait too long to plan our own fate Dirnhael", he said respectfully.  Fengel knew though that if their fate was death then he would go down fighting to the last.  With an unsettled feeling he found a place to sit and rest a while, his strength would be much needed he felt.

Dirnhael could see his friend's frustration. "Save your strength until Durgil is better. We could try to escape at any time and that gives us an advantage. But we won't get far if Durgil is ill, and unpleasant though this my be, we have shelter, food and time for his condition to improve."

And for himself, he thought, his arrow wounds still stinging him.

He still did not know why these men held them, and even less so why they would essentially leave them unsecured. It was an odd arrangement, but the Dunlendings seemed to be trusting them in some fashion - despite their captivity - and Dirnhael wanted to know why.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 15, 2006, 12:37 PM
OOC: I am not ignoring this thread, but the Dunmen are paying no attention to the stockade other than to keep it guarded. The day will pass like this. You can continue any inter-character dialogue as you want, but I am not going to move it along too fast so that it keeps up with the thread for Galudir and Nain.

Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 16, 2006, 10:26 AM
Durgil will remain silent for most of the day, lost in his own torturous thoughts, unless conversation is directed towards him.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 16, 2006, 11:38 AM
OOC: Maybe we can take an in-game day or two wile the other thread's moving; try some more Healing tests, and in the meanwhile, have our characters learn the guard patterns and possibly ascertain where our weapons are while planning an escape?
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 18, 2006, 07:29 AM
The companions sat in the midst of the stockade as the afternoon sun passed over, all but the Elves sweating but each craving drink. The food that they had been given was for the most part untouched, but they knew that more days like this would make it that the scraps could not be passed up on.

The tall fir trees began to sway as a gust of wind blew across the Dunmen camp and the rustling sound was intoxicatingly soothing. A great bird of prey took to flight, hovering on the swelling winds and scanning the ground below. While Edrahil watched the bird float, he heard the faint sound of tinkling bells on the wind and what seemed to be hushed whispers - the soft voice speaking was most certainly in the tongue of Elves. Edrahil tilted his head to try and listen but it quickly passed. The Sindar noticed immediately that he was not the only one to hear the sounds... his companions were looking about at each other as the winds passed over, their faces each showing something of fear and curiosity. What piqued Edrahil's curiosity the most was the reaction of the Dunmen tribe around the stockade, for it seemed that they too were privy to the whispered calls and chimes.

Around the stockade, the Dunmen stopped working and looked about; some up to the skies, some to the lake, others to the forest that surrounded. All had a fearful look. Even the spearmen that guarded the pen were holding their weapons in a manner to stave off some unkown attacker. Dirnhael watched as the claw-faced warrior (his face now unadorned of his war-paint) ran back into the village's center, as the two elders quickly exited their domed, fur-covered shelter. The babble of talk that commenced between all three, and them suddenly pointing to the stockade told the Dunadan that they were concerned. He also felt that this was not the first time that these people had had this experience.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 18, 2006, 09:55 AM
Dirnhael looked to Edrahil, and then to Seriand. He had recognized the language, for he spoke it himself.
"What was that?"

Possibilities began to coalesce in his mind.
They were prisoners, but had not been well-guarded. The Dunmen let Nain go and took the Men... and the Elves.
He could see the Dunmen were unnerved by the voice upon the wind -  and he would have to admit that they were not alone - but he knew the villagers were not the cause of it.

Did the villagers know that they were not, either? Might the Dunmen have been haunted by this voice and been searching for Elves that may have created it? Is that why they were captives?

Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Wiseman on Jul 18, 2006, 04:15 PM
"They fear the voice of our kin."  Seriand said as he looked to Edrahil and tried to think upon the Elven words that had flew through the air like dandelion seeds in a strong breeze.

"We must figure a way to use this to our advantage."  Seriand looked to his comrades and turned to the Dunmen and raised his voice in the Elven tongue.  "Hear that voice of my brethren!  Release us and we shall sway their wrath from devestating you all."  Perhaps adding to their fear would help...
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 19, 2006, 04:27 AM
OOC: Is there any possibility of anyone hearing and understanding what the words were upon the wind?  If so,
Language: Sindarin - (4+2)+7=13
Language: Quenya - (5+4)+3=12

Understanding what his new companion is trying to do, Durgil didn't like it.  "Don't do that," he says with cough.  "The fear you instill may lead to them taking it out on us."
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 19, 2006, 10:40 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 19, 2006, 04:27 AM
OOC: Is there any possibility of anyone hearing and understanding what the words were upon the wind?  If so,
Language: Sindarin - (4+2)+7=13
Language: Quenya - (5+4)+3=12

Understanding what his new companion is trying to do, Durgil didn't like it.  "Don't do that," he says with cough.  "The fear you instill may lead to them taking it out on us."

Dirnhael nodded in agreement. Even at best, he didn't really want to be held responsible for negotiating with a spectre...
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Palandil on Jul 19, 2006, 11:47 AM
With the strange voice sounding elvish, Fengel came back from his nap with a start.  There was something eerie about the tinkling and the voice, though it was elvish.  Fengel began to look for what direction it could be coming from, and watched the Dunmen for a chance of escape if they became involved.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 20, 2006, 11:14 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 19, 2006, 04:27 AM
OOC: Is there any possibility of anyone hearing and understanding what the words were upon the wind?  If so,
Language: Sindarin - (4+2)+7=13
Language: Quenya - (5+4)+3=12

OOC: Hey Matt, there is no discernible statements that you hear in the whispers, Durgil could only recognize a few Sindarin and Quenya words and there was no relation to them, meaning they did not correlate to a particular topic. It is more like the hushed mumbling of a crowd in a movie theater before the flick starts - you know it is english being spoken around you, but you can't pick up any one conversation.

Seriand's voice cut the tension of the moment causing all of the Dunlenders to look to the stockade, and there was no friendly face amongst them. The Hill-folk did not understand a word of what the Elf said, but they did recognize the same language that resonated in the winds. It was enough to cause a reaction.

The warrior that had led the Company here strode hard down to the stockade and grabbed up one of the guard's spears, as he did he yelled strange words at Seriand that were obvious curses. He opened the stockade gate and moved inside with his guards fanning in behind him. Dirnhael and Fengel prepared to stave off any potential threat from the warriors, but it was not to be - a deep, commanding voice yelled out in the Dunmen's tongue...

"Hurd! Crolmonna!"

It was one of the elders that spoke and his words brought the warrior to a halt, yet he stared at Fengel with challenging eyes. As the two Men glared at each other and the Hill-folk looked to their apparent leaders, another voice began to call from the edge of the woods that marched down from the ridge.

"Hors! Hors! Na loda ay rida!"

Again and again the voice called out the same words and then two men came running into the village. They talked quickly to the elder all the while pointing back to the woods and the ridgeline. The warrior facing off Fengel immediately turned, and ran towards the center of the settlement giving a great whistle as he did. To him, men from the village began to assemble while he spoke with the elders and newcomers.

Back in the stockade the Company was not forgotten, as the gate was reclosed by the spearmen there, left again to wonder what was going on and why they were being held.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 20, 2006, 12:30 PM
"It would appear that our hosts have company," Dirnhael said, curiosity creeping onto his voice.
Under his breath to Fengel, he whispered, "This may be our opportunity. Stay sharp."
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Palandil on Jul 20, 2006, 06:09 PM
With a stern look and a nod, Fengel acknowledged Dirnhael's order.  He laced his fingers and cracked his joints, then his neck side to side.  His only weapons were his fists now, and he set his mind to strike a hard blow when the opportunity presented its self.  He looked over the fencing that contained them for the best spot to leap over that would offer any advantage against their hosts.  He then looked over the guards to determine which one would be easiest fought.  Once he had one of their spears he knew how to wield it, and would use it well to gain their freedom.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 24, 2006, 05:06 PM
The Company watched as the Dunlanders conversed and then a group of ten or so grabbed up spear and axe and ran towards the forest that lay not far away. The group was once again led by the warrior who had brought them all here - they quickly disappeared under the eaves of the woods and up the ridgeline.

Dirnhael watched as one of the elders walked away from the circle and approached the stockade. He came close and the Dunadan could see the man was missing his left eye. He said nothing, only stared at the captives. It was Edrahil that spoke and actually startled Dirnhael from his thoughts.

"I do not understand why they have us here? But if it is due to their fear of the voices on the wind and that we may aid them in it, as Seriand spoke, then their purposes are for naught."

The Elf stood and walked to the stockade fence - this had the effect of bringing the elder to a halt and to cause the guards to lower their spears in a threatening manner. Edrahil looked back at Dirnhael.

"You see Dirnhael... these voices that we hear are not Elven spirits that linger here in Middle-earth. Elves do not linger as ghosts or phantoms, as do the spirits of Men... and why that is I have no clue. But it is true; the land never forgets when Elves reside in a place, and Eregion was one of the largest settlements in this region of Endor. What we have heard and seen is the impression left by my kin."

The Dunmen could see that the Elf was not going to be causing any trouble and relaxed their guard slightly; that was when the Company were surprised once again.

In broken Westron, the elder began to speak, "You expect us to believe that what we see and what we hear are not spectres of your folk... tormenting my people, making them sick and stealing them from our homes?"

The old Man stared angrily, "These ghosts have tormented us since we came into this land... driven out by the Orcs of the mountains and the tall warriors to the south! Even hidden here in this valley we find no solace... and our numbers have begun to dwindle."
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 24, 2006, 09:30 PM
"Dwindle? Surely your people do not fall to mere voices upon the wind," said Dirnhael.

What Edrahil had said filled Dirnhael with awe and uneasiness. If this was the land itself... a chill ran up Dirnhael's spine as he waited for the Dunman to answer.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 25, 2006, 07:23 AM
OOC: The conversation between the elder and the Company is going to require Language (Westron) Tests. Though I may write the responses legibly, it is only because I am lazy and do not want to try and create a new language or broken english.  ;D The Dunmen only has a skill of +3 in Language (Westron) and so we will use the communication rules from the PotW. If a test is failed, obviously the message did not get across...

To convey his last message to the Company (from the previous thread)  is a TN 12 Language (Westron) test:
Language (Westron) +3, Specialty +2, Wits +1
Roll(2d6)+6: 5,1,+6 Total:12 SUCCESS

The company understands him obviously due to them all having at least a +6 in Westron.

To understand Dirnhael's response TN 10:
Roll(2d6)+6: 3,4,+6 Total:13 SUCCESS

To communicate back to the Company TN 12:
Roll(2d6)+6: 6,6,+6 Total:18 +3 = 21 Extraordinary Success (I think this test roll success will buy a bit of back and forth talk)

"The wind blows evil in this land, and since we have come, my people have fallen ill. We cannot leave for they are to sick to move..." replied the elder Dunman. He then lifted a frail arm and his finger pointed to Edrahil, "It is the curse of the Oelfes upon this land that makes this; it is them who must tell us how they sicken our folk!"
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 25, 2006, 07:33 AM
This was beyond Dirnhael. He admired those who walked the paths of spirit and light, but that path was not his.
He looked to his good friend and advisor, Edrahil - he needed the Elf's sage wisdom once again.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 25, 2006, 12:13 PM
OOC: I think BrianM is still on vacation, or should just about be back, but in the meantime I will continue RP'ing Edrahil.

The Sindar looked to the old man with a furrow of puzzlement on his brow, "Your folk are sick?"

Edrahil began to get very concerned. Not just for the Dunmen and their unfortunate situation, but for he and his companions... especially Durgil. He looked back at the two Dunadan, "The wind has carried sickness into these lands to be sure, but it is not by any doings of the Elves!"

He looked back to the old man, "Sir, I have seen no sick amongst you - where are they?"

The Dunman elder looked as if he was trying to sort through Edrahil's words, but then understanding came to his face. He pointed his hand to a lone hut that sat furthest from the others. The Company could see that wood, sod and stone structure had no activity around it and a heavy woolen blanket hung across its door.

"Songs come on the wind and my people die... or disappear," was the the old man's reply.

"Disappear?" thought Edrahil...
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: BrianM on Jul 25, 2006, 03:23 PM
[OOC] I'm back! Just finished catching up. Thanks for playing Edrahil in my absense.

[IC] Edrahil looked at the Dunman, the puzzlement plain upon his face. "When was the last ... disappearance?"
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 25, 2006, 03:46 PM
OOC: Welcome back Brian! I hope you had a nice vacation.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: BrianM on Jul 26, 2006, 01:33 PM
OOC: Very nice vacation thanks! It was our first trip camping with our kids (two girls ages 8 and 5). They did well and we had a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 27, 2006, 09:32 AM
To Edrahil's query, the elder anwered, "It was three days past. In the midst of that eve, Hurd's daughter who had taken to fever went to rest for the evening and in the morning, she was gone. No word, no trail, nothing."

He then added, "That night too did the voices speak on the wind! Voices in the tongue of your folk! BEWITCHMENTS!"

The elder loudly stated his last word causing the folk around him to turn.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Wiseman on Jul 27, 2006, 10:32 AM
"Let us aid you in finding your kin then. We have shown you nothing that should cause concern have we?"
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: BrianM on Jul 27, 2006, 12:34 PM
Edrahil gave the elder a harsh look, and said in a stern voice, "None of my folk are responsible for these tragedies that have beset your people. If you would but listen to us you would know this to be true. There are many powers in the land, however, that would have you believe us to be the source of this evil. Let us help you discover the truth behind these events that are happening."
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 28, 2006, 05:04 AM
Quote from: Wiseman on Jul 27, 2006, 10:32 AM"Let us aid you in finding your kin then. We have shown you nothing that should cause concern have we?"

Quote from: BrianMEdrahil gave the elder a harsh look, and said in a stern voice, "None of my folk are responsible for these tragedies that have beset your people. If you would but listen to us you would know this to be true. There are many powers in the land, however, that would have you believe us to be the source of this evil. Let us help you discover the truth behind these events that are happening."

OOC: I like the roleplaying but I need from both of you if you are trying to impress, reason, demand, or intimidate... so use Persuade, Debate, or Intimidate. I will determine the outcome based on the results of your test rolls and type of skill you used.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: Wiseman on Jul 28, 2006, 07:09 AM
Persuade: Roll(2d6)+1:
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: BrianM on Jul 29, 2006, 11:57 AM
OOC I suppose Edrahil isn't really trying to charm the elder, so a basic Persuade roll is in order(skill +5).

Roll(2d6)+5: 1,2,+5 Total:8

Ug, not so good :(
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: BrianM on Jul 29, 2006, 12:01 PM
Edrahil was frustrated by the accusations made by the elder, and the apparent ignorance of these people. He was ashamed for letting his temper get the better of him, however, as his angry outburst would do little to sway the Dunman's opinions.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Jul 29, 2006, 03:54 PM
Edrahil was correct in his assumption as the old man turned from the stockade and began to walk away. Even Seriand's urging had been ignored, and the two Elves wondered if all communication with these people had just ended for good. The question was, what were they planning on doing with the captured Company?

The elder cheiftain walked back into the settlement's central fire ring and sat down on a large log, his back to the stockade. He talked quietly with a woman that tended him and paid no more attention from any pleadings that came from Dirnhael and his fellows.

It was not long after that the group of warriors that had run off into the woods returned. They bore with them a large deer carcass that was immediately tied up and hoisted so that it might be prepped for skinning and butchering; Dunmen and women saw to this task as the warriors sat down aside the elders.

OOC: I will let you guys do any other tests you would like to attempt as well as any actions, or dialogue... otherwise the path of this thread into the next will be determined by the actions of Nain and Galudir. The Company will be completely ignored (except to be guarded) for the rest of this day.
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 02, 2006, 11:13 PM
Dirnhael had had enough.
They had waited patiently, cajoled, threatened, offered to negotiate, and still their captors did nothing.

He still assumed, despite the disenfranchised dwarf's rather aloof attitude, that he would return to help his companions.
"Diving into an vile spider-hole and facing an ancient evil just to rescue a stranger has to earn some loyalty, even in days like these," he thought as a wan smile crossed his face.

Edrahil saw the smile, and looked at his friend with curiosity and some confusion.
"Nain will come," Dirnhael said, matching his gaze, but to the rest it sounded as if he spoke to no one in particular.

He looked around their makeshift cell, and saw resolve in the eyes of the stalwart Company.
"But we will meet him outside the tents of this village."

Even through the darkness of the corner in which Fengel sat, his wolfish grin was bright as morning.


They watched the guards carefully, learning their patterns, and one-by-one, began to narrow down which ramshackle hut might house their weaponry - they would need it as soon as possible.

But in the meanwhile, they were still armed in a fashion. Edrahil's formidable magic was a possession that could not be taken, and the fear of these folk could be used against them.

It was simply a matter of waiting for the right opportunity, and if there was one thing the Company had proven their skill at of late, it was waiting.
But they would practice that skill no longer...


OOC: What can we do to ascertain where our weapons are held? Can we at least rule out certain locations by the observations our characters have made during their incarceration?
Title: Re: Caged!
Post by: tomcat on Aug 03, 2006, 08:14 PM
Quote from: sdrotar on Aug 02, 2006, 11:13 PMOOC: What can we do to ascertain where our weapons are held? Can we at least rule out certain locations by the observations our characters have made during their incarceration?

OOC: You can definitely make assumptions by what you saw when you guys were brought into the settlement - you all were put in the stockade and your horses were led to a paddock area further east, beyond the main lodging where the elders seem to stay. The cheif warrior who brought you in has only been two places, the elders lodge, and another just nect to it - both will be marked on the new map I put up either tonight or tomorrow AM.