
Stories - PbP => Darkening of Mirkwood [Previous Chapters] => DOM-Chapter 15 => Topic started by: Eclecticon on Nov 06, 2023, 07:21 PM

Title: Flight of the Fox - Round 1
Post by: Eclecticon on Nov 06, 2023, 07:21 PM
The cool and sweet-smelling night air now burning in lungs taxed to their utmost, Hathcyn streaks toward the east.  But the wide and dark river lies between him and his goal every bit as implacably as a wall for all its constant movement.  No time can he spare to dwell on the clear sounds of wolfish glee that follow his flight before, finding a suitably large stone on the shore, he casts himself like a sling stone through the air and into the water. 

:ooc: Okay Tom, we're going to run this NBA* style as a chase.  Each round, you'll be able to roll Athletics (or potentially another skill) to try to enlarge your lead (currently five) over the wolves pursuing you.  The TN will vary according to the circumstances - make the roll and enlarge your lead by 1-3 points.  Fail it, and the wolves gain ground. 

As for the rest of you, feel free to chime in with ideas for obstacles or complications (for either side!) or just ways for a sprinting spirit-fox to look really cool! 

Round 1 (TN 14)
:00: 1d12 : 6, total 6
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11

* 'Night's Black Agents', not the sports thing.
Title: Re: Flight of the Fox - Round 1
Post by: Eclecticon on Nov 07, 2023, 02:14 PM
Behind Hathcyn, the howling diminishes as the wolves devote their breath to running rather than taunting.  Great splashes too close behind him speak of four beasts in hot pursuit.  Paddling frantically, Hathcyn speeds himself through the water. 

:ooc: A Great Success opens Hathcyn's lead to seven.  I see that I didn't actually say above that he'll escape if he can reach ten, and the wolves catch him if it drops to zero.