
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => The Wicked Realm [Darkhaven d100] => Topic started by: tomcat on Apr 10, 2016, 02:11 AM

Post by: tomcat on Apr 10, 2016, 02:11 AM
Setting: Greyhawk
Region: The Wild Coast
Opening scene (cut scene)...

The two faced one another in the large chamber - the hearth's flames casting the only light. Shadows danced across the pillars of stone that stood in ordered lines. One of the figures stood tall, near seven-feet in height. His body was well-formed and bulged with strength. He was a half-breed - half man and half orc. The other man was tall and slender and dressed in a long robe of red. Covering his face was an awful mask in the shape of a dragon. He spoke, "You are a fool if you believe this plan will work."

"Fool?" growled the half-orc. "No, I am no fool. The vision I see will come to its fruition. I will restore my blood rite. The doors of Darkhold shall be opened and I will attain the greatness that was my forebears."

"That old keep has been closed for centuries. The sages and seers have searched forever and no one knows what came of the key to Darkhold. Countless mages have scryed with their magic to discover the tomb of Orcrist. Necromancers have interrogated the dead to find the answer, and priests have beckoned the gods. No one knows where Orcrist was laid to rest, and no one knows if he was buried with the key."

"I know!" The half-orc nearly yelled, his voice echoing in the shadows. "I will find the tomb. I will have the key. I will restore my heritage and an Orcrist will once more rule Darkhold. I will have the two swords that are one. The Pomarj will be brought under my control and the rest of the nations that surround the Woolly Bay will fear our banners."

"They already fear our banners," the masked man let the statement hang in the air. He could see it had the desired effect, but he decided not to make this an argument. "So...you really believe that recruiting some petty adventurers will be your answer? They will find the tomb and the key, when so many others, for so long, have not? If it is found, why would they release it to you?"

"Yes - they will find it. They will bring me what I want."

An incredulous stare came from the mask, directed at the half-orc, "How do you know this?"

"It has been foreseen." The half-orc turned on the priest, "Go and find me these petty adventurers. Put the pieces in place and let us begin. I will see to it that they find the path that they need be on."

"If you know this path, then let's be on it. Send some of those within our ranks!"

"I do not trust those within our ranks. They are kept at bay by power alone and once I hold the key, their will will be mine completely. Until then, we must use pawns...unwitting pawns." The tall half-orc turned and began to walk out of the chamber, "Find these pawns...that is your task."
Post by: tomcat on Apr 10, 2016, 02:13 AM
Setting: Greyhawk
Region: Hardby frontier
Cut Scene 2...

The she-elf sat low in the night shadows, watching the cave where her gnoll gatherers had been housing themselves, along with the cache of slaves they had captured.

She had been right. The cave had been compromised and her gnolls most likely slain. She watched as what had to be soldiers, or at least warriors, began to come out of the cave with the dead orc bodies. They had been part of her guard, but word had come to her from a spy in One Ford that the gnoll cave had been found. Markessa had learned that this unknown group of adventurers had even brought one of the gnolls back to the small town as prisoner!

The she-elf had traveled to the cave to see if her inventory needs had been filled, as she always did with each new moon. She was also to meet the priestess out of Dyvers. What was her name? Frajax? Markessa thought it an odd name, but then most of these priests and cultists of the Earth Dragon were an odd lot.

Instead of meeting her, she let the priestess enter the cave alone with a few of the orc guard that had accompanied Markessa out of Slaver's Cove. The orcs had told the priestess that Markessa awaited within.

Whatever had happened, the she-elf could see that her orcs were now dead and Frajax, too, or at least captured.

A grunt came from behind her, which she quickly silenced with a hiss. She turned to the orc warrior who led her guard, his name was Kroll, "It seems our spy was correct. The gnolls are dead and whatever merchandise they had gathered is no longer here."

"Do we attack and slay these interlopers?"

Markessa thought a moment, her long red hair falling over her eyes as it often did. "No. That is not the orders that I received from Highport. These fools are to find Slaver's Cove...perhaps even destroy it, if they can. Something about a test." The orc looked at her inquisitively, "Don't ask."

She continued, "We are leaving now, as quietly as we can. I want two things done - one, you are to give these heroes a reason to make their way to the Cove. Understood?"

A nod, "And two?"

"I want a message sent to Master Grayhill of One Ford. Nothing too severe, but a message that tells him that he may think he rules the lands around his small keep, but really he is an insignificant boat-man. It's a dangerous world outside his walls...maybe hang someone from his parapets." The words were as cold as the eyes that stared at Kroll.

"That might be difficult," answered the orc.

"We have people inside there," she snapped back. "Get it done."

Kroll nodded again.

With that, Markessa the Red quietly moved away from the small hill and cave where twenty plus women, children, and men had been stored by the foul group of gnolls she had controlled. All lost. That was a sizeable amount of revenue that would not be achieved. For a test? What did it mean? Where was the value? She shook her head.

Behind her, her orc guards moved to follow.
Post by: tomcat on Apr 10, 2016, 02:14 AM
Setting: Greyhawk
Region: City of Hardby
Cut Scene 3...

A hooded shadow moved from pillar to pillar, using the darkness created by the structure to hide its presence. Torches guttered in braziers lighting the city-square with dancing flickers of light, where two city guards walked their post.

The figure made it to a large door made of wood and bronze, opening it quickly only to disappear inside. The hallway was also draped in darkness, as it was late at night and most of the traffic that filled the city building was done for the day.

Racing down the hall on soft-padded boots, the cloaked shadow made its way to a door, where the figure paused. One more look up and down the hall, and then the door was opened.

"My Lady," hissed the whisper. The woman behind a large desk looked up and saw the hooded shape. "Yes?" was the reply.

"They have her...she is being held in the city's detention. They have contained her in the arcane cells that block her ability to commune with us."

"Do we know what she has revealed?"

"My Lady...I know nothing more, save that these 'heroes' that brought her in are a Dwarf and Elf...rogues, I understand out of the Abor-Alz. I have heard that they are working for Karrius and the Lady Ilina."

There was a pause from behind the desk. "Very good. Thank you. Be gone now - I do not want you to be seen. We cannot be revealed!"

The cloaked shape nodded and began to open the door. The voice behind caused a pause, "You will kill the Priestess Frajaxx...tonight if possible."

Again a nod and the cloak disappeared back into the shadows of the hallway.


In the small town of One Ford, thirty miles to the north of Hardby, two sentries also walked their posts upon the upper walls of the castle of Jorran Grayhill. On the river side of the keep, the sentry strolled along his regular path, bored in its monotonous pattern.

Suddenly, a shape appeared out of the shadows, garrote in hands. The strong wire wrapped around the guards neck and the assassin quickly yanked both ends, hearing the cable cut into flesh and tendon, crunching the guard's larynx.

There was a spitting cough, the body shook for a few moments, but then he was dead. The assassin quickly pulled a long rope from where he had been concealed, tying the noose-end around the now dead man's neck. The other end was secured to the battlements and the body was shoved off the edge, the rope uncoiling until the dead man's form snapped to a halt 15' over the courtyard.
Cries of alarm started to echo around the small fortress, as the assassin climbed atop a crenelation and dove the thirty-feet to the deep river below.

Markessa's first message had been sent. Jorran best heed them, lest worse things might befall him and his family. The man had interfered with powers much bigger than his small world could handle, and he needed to learn.
Post by: tomcat on Apr 10, 2016, 02:16 AM
Setting: Greyhawk
Region: City of Hardby
Cut Scene 3.5 ...

A loud knock at the door, Torag and Fien wake from their rest in the makeshift camp in the storage unit supplied by Lord Karrus. Torag rises and answers the door. A messenger of Karrus has delivered a wood crate.. marked in a familiar symbol.. Fien looks to Torag asking what the parchment attached to the parcel said!? Torag hesitantly reads... to the filth that has been meddling in the business of The Earth Dragon, head this warning...


Torag opens the crate to find the severed head of their companion Alen. The young druid had been outside Hardby on a hunt. Torag silently gives prayer in the name of Moradin, looks to Fien and says, foolish elf... venturing out on his own. The world swallows up the weak. Still this should serve as proper motivation for the tasks that lay ahead!
Post by: tomcat on Apr 11, 2016, 01:14 PM
Presented here is an assortment of tables [random encounters, potion types, poison types, and other useful GM tools]
Post by: tomcat on Apr 11, 2016, 01:21 PM
20 Encounters found Dockside
A sorcerer's apprentice is going from ship to ship looking for fresh fish eyes.
A newly-promoted ship's officer is heading out with his mates to celebrate.
An old woman on the docks begs for food for both her cat and herself.
A pair of red-robed clerics are walking along the docks blessing the fishing fleet.
A thin coachman struggles alone to move a pair of noble passengers' trunks to his coach.
A group of dockworkers are singing, as they unload a large merchantman.
An old fisherman fixing his nets casually spits as your PC's walk by.
A troop of guardsmen are marching a prisoner off the docks and to the fort to lock him up.
A trio of grey-robed monks are tending to the wounds of a sailor injured by a runaway barrel.
A captain, on the way to his ship and lost in thought, carelessly bumps into a PC.
A disagreement between a group of sailors and a group of shepherds as to who would be the first to bed a sheep has developed into a full-fledged brawl.
A group of longshoremen work to load up a caravan of 8 wagons parked at the docks.
A small patrol of guard accompanies the harbor-master and his clerks as they make their rounds assessing portage fees.
Two piers away a quarterstaff fight is currently happening between a pirate and a monk. A betting crowd gathers to watch.
A comedy duo of bards is making its way down the docks joking, singing, and laughing as they do. They are attracting a lot of attention.
A noble ship owner with two livery-wearing guards is coming to check on his ship which is due in port soon.
Clerks of the High Court, carrying an ornate scroll, rush down the docks toward a ship that is preparing to leave port.
Merchants of the various guild houses walk up and down the docks assessing their cargo.
A fancy noble's carriage and a full entourage await the arrival of a princess from over the sea.
An oyster cart girl is selling fresh shellfish, calling out her wares as she walks along the docks.
Post by: tomcat on Apr 11, 2016, 02:03 PM
20 Businesses found Dockside
Bait and Tackle shop
Rope and Sailmakers Guildhall
Barber Shop
The Navigators Guildhall
Cooper (Barrel-Maker)
Harbor Master's office
Rope Merchant
Gambling House
Overland Shipping Company's Office
Tattoo Shop
Shipwright's Office
Fancy Inn with a Superb Restaurant
A Commodities Market (Fish, Lumber, Beeves, Wine, Tobacco, Ore, etc.)
An Auction House
Pawn Shop
Map Maker
Post by: tomcat on May 10, 2016, 11:21 AM
Curse of Strahd: Reliquary Relics
Warning: Death House Spoilers Ahead!

In the reliquary of the Death House adventure the PCs find a collection of unpleasant items. The cult was using these "relics" during their rituals. In the published adventure all the items are worthless and stored in thirteen niches along the walls. I decided that maybe that was true at the time, but the power of the Death House has altered them. The presence of the undead has a unique way of seeping into things. So below please find these "relics" presented as unique magic items of varying power level.

Reliquary Relics

01. A small, mummified, yellow hand with sharp claws (a goblin's hand) on a loop of rope. Once on each of your turns as a bonus action, you can mentally command the hand to crawl up to 15 feet and interact with an object. The hand can perform simple tasks, such as fetching or grasping things. It has AC 15, 7 HP, and Strength of 8, and it can't attack.

02. A knife carved from a human bone. Crafted from the thigh bone of a murderous Barovian, this vile tool now works as a compass. As an action, lay the knife on a flat surface and it will point to any undead within 30 feet of you. If there is multiple undead in different locations the knife will simply spin.

03. A dagger with a rat's skull set into the pommel. This weapon is considered magical but offers no bonus to hit or damage. Once per day the wielder may summon a Rat Swarm into service for one round. While this occurs the rat skull chatters and grinds its teeth constantly.

04. An 8-inch-diameter varnished orb made from a nothic's eye. As an action target one creature within 15-feet. The target must contest its Charisma (Deception) check against your Wisdom (Insight) check. If you win, the eye allows you to magically learn one fact or secret about the target. The target automatically wins if it is immune to being charmed. There is a 10% cumulative chance per use of this weird insight that the orb crumbles to dust.

05. An aspergillum carved from bone. Any liquid placed inside the aspergillum immediately becomes a shadowy tonic. The living will notice a strange antiseptic smell, while the undead sense sweetness. Any undead within a 20-foot radius will be mildly attracted to liquid sprinkled from the aspergillum. They will casually seek out the euphoric odor so long as they do not see the living or have anything harmful occur.

06. A folded cloak made from stitched ghoul skin. This unholy garment is cold to touch and causes revulsion in those that see it. The wearer of this cloak gains advantage on saving throws against the paralyzing claws of a ghoul. In addition ghouls will regard the wearer with indifference but they must be extremely cautious.

07. A desiccated frog lashed to a stick (could be mistaken for a wand of polymorph). This bizarre wand can be used a spell focus which has a unique ability. Once per day the wielder may command the desiccated frog to animate and a deliver a melee combat spell. The frog can dash 60-feet per round and uses the wielder's attack rolls. If the frog takes any damage it's immediately destroyed and reappears the next day on the wand.

08. A bag full of bat guano. This calcified excrement is magically imbued to explode in a cloud of yellow, nauseating gas when thrown. The bag contains 1d4 congealed balls of bat guano which work as the 3rd level conjuration, Stinking Cloud when striking an object.

09. A hag's severed finger. This shriveled green digit is warm to touch and covered in perpetual slime and algae. Once per day the finger can change the owner's appearance for up to one hour. They will appear as a bent old woman with sinewy arms and rotted green teeth. Their charisma will also be halved but they will gain the ability to breathe under water normally.

10. A 6-inch-tall wooden figurine of a mummy, its arms crossed over its chest. This forbidden item was purchased in a faraway land and brought to Barovia. The owner of this figurine becomes cursed with bad luck and cannot part ways with the figurine. The owner of the figurine cannot gain advantage from any source. A Remove Curse (or DM created quest) is required to remove the bad luck and abandon the figurine.

11. An iron pendant adorned with a devil's face. Inscribed on the back of this strange pendant is the name Acererak. The devil face has a large gaping mouth inside of which swirls a strange black energy. Anyone sticking their finger inside the mouth will immediately be surrounded by nothingness. The pendant is able to cast Darkness when used this way. There is a cumulative 10% chance per use that the pendant crumbles to dust.

12. The shrunken, shriveled head of a Halfling. This morbid fetish has eyes which dart to and fro when the living are nearby. As a bonus action once per day, the owner of the head can command it to sing songs about heroes of old. This causes all allies within an earshot to gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

13. A small wooden coffer containing a dire wolf's withered tongue. This tongue tapers to a thin tip which is curved into a ladle-like form. When picked up a lapping sound can be heard and the tongue will pull the wielder toward anyone who is wounded. If permitted, the tongue will magically lick away wounds involving blood (DM adjudication required). This ability may be used once per day to heal 5d4 + 4 damage. The amount rolled may be split among multiple targets.
Post by: tomcat on May 10, 2016, 11:24 AM
Ravenloft Trinkets

With the Curse of Strahd being released this March I thought it may be fun to make some Gothic horror type trinkets. As with Trinket Trove #1, these are not mere baubles and have more magical property. Therefore they could be used by any DM as treasure. I love thematic magic items and believe they really add flavor to any campaign play. This is especially true when some seemingly mundane item is found early on, than becomes helpful many levels later. Last year I also made a list of items I called Curious Goods that would work in a Ravenloft setting. Be sure to check them out! But for now here is a list of items that are ghoulishly different for those wide-eyed and hopeful Ravenloft characters.

Trinket Trove Table #2 (1d20)

01.    A black parasol of delicate design which appears to be mostly decorative. However it makes the wielder invisible to those inflicted with lycanthropy when used under a full moon. This power does not mask sound or scent.

02.    Dried out husk of a squirrel attached to a wooden rod with rusty nails. Once per day this necromantic fetish may animate any small dead creature of animal intelligence or less. The zombie animal will follow simple commands for one hour before crumbling to dust.

03.    A set of old marbles that if played with causes the ghost of a small child to appear. The ghost will ask to play a game, 1d6 and on 1-3 the PC wins (or play marbles for real for added game session coolness). If the PC wins, the ghost will perform reconnaissance of any location within a mile and answer one question. May be used once per week.

04.    Black lace veil which feels oddly cold to touch. If worn the user immediately senses this was placed on a corpse during a funeral. The owner of the veil will be subject to recurring nightmares but gain a +1 bonus to saves versus fear.

05.    Disgusting occult book bound in stitched human ears. Once per day invoke the book to listen for any undead creatures that may be nearby. Undead within 100' causes the book to flap its pages together loudly for three rounds.

06.    Miniature wooden coffin which fits in the palm of the hand. Opens into an extradimensial space under a random graveyard large enough for two medium sized creatures. Those inside are beyond the reach of divination spells. Lasts one hour and may be used once per week.

07.    A bottle of red wine which appears thick and viscous. Anyone drinking even the smallest sample will be cursed with hematophagy. This means they now only gain nourishment from fresh blood. Minor vampires will act indifferent to them if encountered.

08.    A child's doll which feels warm to touch and appears to be crafted from a patchwork of sinewy muscle. The doll is actually a minor flesh golem that is prodigiously strong and able to carry things. It cannot be used for combat and was designed for the sole purpose of being a pack mule.

09.    An antique looking hair pin which is abnormally long. Upon closer examination a spider web motif is embossed upon the length of it. May be used as a weapon which does 1 point of damage and delivers a dose of poison which acts as a Sleep spell. May be used once per week.

10.    A sleek corset which includes a patterned brocade of skulls. When worn it creates an exaggerated and curvaceous figure which grants advantage on charisma based checks. This feminine allure however comes at a price, as the corset halves constitution scores when worn.

11. A cameo pin which includes a woman's skeletal visage in relief. This objet d'art is actually a talisman which grants resistance to damage caused by the undead. The ablative properties of the talisman work once and then must be recharged by soaking in holy water for a full day.

12.    A large iron key which appears to have come from a jailer's ring. Once per day, when placed near a locked door it becomes ghostly in appearance and alters to fit. The key then works as a Knock spell but takes a potential toll on its owner. Succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.

13.    A beautiful set of gold filigree Tarokka cards inside a velum lined box. This deck once belonged to a Vistani gypsy who fell afoul of darkness. Using the deck will summon their ghost which is combative (1-50%) or helpful (51-00%). If combative it will attack for one round and vanish. If helpful it will answer one question as an Augury spell and vanish. Ghost appears once per week.

14.    Trapped inside a small glass bottle is an undead faerie.  The creature snarls and scratches at the glass as its bat-like wings flap. If released for any reason it will fly away immediately. Otherwise the owner of the bottle may call upon the faerie to cast Light or Darkness as spell, once per day.

15.    An ornate wooden box containing two weathered dueling pistols. These single shot, flintlock weapons will animate and attack anything the owner commands. Fired by the ghosts of two men who died dueling, the haunted pistols critical on a 17-20, and may be used once a week.

16.    A leather satchel of 2d6 ancient grave rose seeds. If planted in soil they immediately sprout ash colored perennials. These have the unique ability of attracting undead with a 50' radius. They must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or spend one round attacking the grave rose.

17.    A miniature Ouija Board which is very detailed and perhaps was full size at one time. Tormented spirits will seek the owner out anywhere a traumatic death took place. Not realizing they are dead, the spirits are confused and ask for help. The Ouija Board also has the ability to cast Speak with Dead once per week.

18.   The shrunken head of a zombie which still occasionally snaps its teeth together and moans. While in possession of this morbid fetish the owner gains Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the PC to 0 hit points, make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the PC drops to 1 hit point instead. This benefit may be attempted once per week.

19.   A human skull which has been magically altered into a mortar and pestle. If used in conjunction with a Healer's Kit to crush ingredients they will become enchanted. The resulting paste will heal 2d4 + 2 hit points and requires an action to administer. There is a cumulative 10% chance per use that the skull will crumble to dust forever.

20.    A small hourglass necklace which has been crafted from pure silver. These rare trinkets were developed as wards against lycanthropy. If bitten by a lycanthrope the hourglass will crack spilling out its time altering sands. Gain advantage on all saving throws versus lycanthropy for one hour.