Situation: The company is engaged in combat on the banks of the Gwathlo.
Situational Modifiers:• Dirnhael is Winded -1
• Nain is 21/102 Dazed -0, Winded -1
• Edrahil is 40/54 Incapacitated -7
• Durgil is 15/36 Injured -3
• Berserker 1 is 56/66 Near Death -7; 11 HP per level, DEF 12
• Berserker 2 is 8/66; 11 HP per level, DEF 12
• Berserker 4 is 0/66; 11 HP per level, DEF 12
Physical Modifiers: • Darkness penalty of -2 will apply to all PC's that do not have Night-eyed
Initiative:Celdrahil (+6) - 13
Nain (+2) - 13
Berserkers (+4) - 13
Dirnhael (+5) -12
Fengel (+3) - 9
Durgil (+2) - 9
Edrahil (+2) - 2
Quote from: For Mass Combat:arrow: OOC: COMBAT RULES:
1. Each combat round will be 1/4 hour. Roll 1d3 to determine number of opponents around the character for that round. This number will change every round giving the feel that enemies are constantly moving about the character - some may attack, some may not. This allows the characters to interact and also be wounded, as they might be in battle. The kills will count in the main melee and for XP, but it is also there to give the character a bit of bragging rights. I may introduce a captain or lieutenant or some other semi-major NPC that steps up to fight you. If that happens, I will let you know. In this case, we would revert to standard combat for your character.
2. Enemies will roll 2d6 per attacker and will hit on each die result of 1 or 2 for 2d6+3 damage minus any armor protection
3. The number of Enemy attackers above does not imply that that is all of the soldiers the character may attack on his turn. It implies that in the fray of combat, that is how many attackers took a swing at the character.
4. Characters then may roll 3d6 per round and will kill one enemy soldier per die based on the results of each die roll and their current Health/Weariness (consult the chart below)
Healthy/Hale: 1-5 Dazed/Winded: 1-4 Injured/Tired: 1-3 Wounded/Weary: 1-2 Incapacitated/Spent: 1 Near Death: Cannot combat | | | | For the Hardy Edge: Healthy/Hale: 1-5 Dazed/Winded: 1-5 Wounded/Weary: 1-4 Injured/Tired: 1-3 Incapacitated/Spent: 1-2 Near Death: 1 ... at this level he is Near Death but still swinging his axe. He literally would go down fighting |
5. The characters will skirmish one time for each Battle round and must make a Weariness Test TN 10 at the end of the attack. Skirmishes are considered simultaneous combat in regards to results. If a character wishes to get out of the heat of battle, you must announce it and I will then determine what it takes for him to retreat.
MODIFIERS (all that apply will be illustrated here and included in stats below)
Terrain effects by area:
Woods - cause a -5 to movement and reduce Ranged Combat modifier to 0
Light Fortification - units within gain a +2 to Toughness and +3 to Ranged Combat and Support
Mud- units combating within have a -2 penalty to movement and -1 to Command
Dark - all units suffer -2 to any actions due to darkness, except Orc units
[tabular type=4 caption="Free Peoples: Defenders total strength 110 (11 units)"]
[row][head]Unit Type
[/head][head]Effective Value
[row][data]Melee - trained[/data][data]4
[row][data]Melee - untrained[/data][data]0
[tabular type=4 caption="Enemy: Wild Men total strength 110 (11 units)"]
[row][head]Unit Type
[/head][head]Effective Value
[row][data]Melee [/data][data]6
Nain panted a little as he swung his axe at the mass of men and orcs swarming up the beach. He was bleeding from several cuts and feeling his age. This was definitely a job for younger men. The wildmen in front of him were falling to the blades of the militia but his companions on the wall were still embattled by the berserkers. He turned and ran to their aid just as he saw Edrahil fall to the ground. Standing over his fallen companion he swings at the berserker just to keep the bastard from landing a killing blow.
Round 7
1st action: move to aid Edrahil (Jog?)
2nd action: attack Berserker 2 (2d6+9, -1 winded)
Roll(2d6)+8:3,1,+8 Total:12
3rd action: attack Berserker 2 (2d6+9, -1 winded, -5 MAP)
Roll(2d6)+3:2,4,+3 Total:9
Nain's Weariness Test (TN10; 2d6, Stamina +4, Hardiness of Body +2, Weariness -1 = 2d6+5):
:00: Roll(2d6)+5:6,3,+5 Total:14 - Success
:arrow: Nain's condition is Dazed and Winded -21/102
:ooc: Ok, revised post. I guess I was confused when you said that the only group facing foes was Dirnhaels.
:ooc: Just so you know, you can move out of an arena, Stefan to engage another if you want. It will cost one STANDARD action. SO, Nain can climb onto the defense if he wants, to aid Edrahil. If you do decide to re-do your actions, it is fine with me.
:ooc: Waiting on Tom before I make any Enemy actions. I read one of his posts on Facebook - he may be out of town - we shall see.
:ooc: Ok, just hope that Durgil survives this ugly ordeal. ;D
Celdrahil finally got the drop on his opponent. The dancing circle of blow counter blow finally moved the knight into a position to take the initiative.
Attacks: +16+2+2-12= 18
Attack 1
Rolled 2d6+18 : 2, 1 + 18, total 21
Rolled 2d6+7 : 2, 4 + 7, total 13
Attack 2
Rolled 2d6+18 : 4, 6 + 18, total 28
Rolled 2d6+7 : 3, 1 + 7, total 11
Attack 3
Rolled 2d6+18 : 5, 5 + 18, total 28
Rolled 2d6+7 : 3, 2 + 7, total 12
:ooc: If he goes down early I may spend my actions differently.
Berserker 1 attempts to defend against Celdrahil (I will roll all three, but if he dies prior to all actions being conducted, you may re-do an unneeded action)
TN 21,28,28 Armed clubs (mattock) +19 (2d6+6), +2 specialty, -2 darkness, Near Death -7:00: action 1 2d6+12 : 2, 6 + 12, total 20
:00: action 2 2d6+12 : 6, 6 + 12, total 24
:00: action 3 2d6+12 : 6, 5 + 12, total 23
He misses first parry which does 13 damage -4 = 9 --or-- 65/66 Near Death -1
He rolled double sixes on #2, so he makes a cascading dice roll:
Roll(1d6)+0: 4,+0 Total:4 which allows a parry of # 2
Final dice roll parry is a miss, which is a KILL.
Sorry, Tom, you will need all three actions to put this guy down.
The large wild man's name was Okar, and he had led many of his people out of the hills along the Misty Mountains in summons to the Gibbet King. He was a warrior and his heart held no fear of any living man, but the Gibbet King was no living man - and so he paused at his decision. The riverbank was strewn with the dead of his kin who now lay among the foulness of orcs, and now there was but a shadow of the force he had led across the river. As his eyes and mind assessed the situation, Okar watched as another of his champions was driven back from the flashing blade of one of these men of Tharbad - men the Gibbet King had said were beaten! Beaten by disease, famine, and war!
But no, before him, the warrior made a feeble attempt at staving off one blow only to fail, parry another, and then have the sword of Celdrahil driven into his neck. Okar could see the gout of blood that erupted from his man's mouth and throat. He shook his head and thought to himself, it is enough this night! The Wild Man leader brought his horn up and blew a low rumbled sound that caused all of the remaining warriors in his clan to pause... retreat?!
To the north of him and on the weak defense, his other champions hesitated but the desire on their faces was clear - there was no retreat. Again came the cry of Okar, "TO ME DOGS!"
The mountain folk began a hasty pull back away from Nain, Fengel, Dirnhael, and the soldiers they led. Durgil watched as the large warrior in front of him pulled away, as he spat. The final berserker, his mattock ready to smash Edrahil's head, sneered and cursed, as he too spat on his fallen enemy. "WEAK!" he cried and jumped down off the fortification.
Okar began to run in a loping fashion from the weight of his weapons and armor, north along the riverbank. The Wild Men that had followed him across the water, at least those that could, began to run with him. Their heinous war crys and threats filled the night, though it was in their own tongue, and none of the Free Folk could comprehend. The great wild man leader knew the night crossing had been the wrong plan. He could have come over by day, further north and his army could have then marched down the river smashing all that resisted them. But no, the Gibbet King had demanded this attack in his frightening, whispery voice. "Fear...that is what we must bring to them."
Okar wondered if these ragtag defenders were afraid now.
Dirnhael watched as the Wild Men took to flight and his own men were at the ready to follow them and try to destroy the retreating enemy, but then he saw the crumpled form of Edrahil on the wooden bastion. Did he dare leave his friend to lay here amongst the dying? Would a charge after their attackers achieve any more this night?
:ooc: I am leaving this narrative in the combat round in case you guys decide to continue.
:ooc: dice roller :roll:
Celdrahil knew that despite the foaming wrath of the warrior in front of him he was on the ropes. Finally getting into a position where he could attack instead or react meant that he was not long for Arda. The knight had not faced this fighting style before and he now had a greater respect for the hillmen of Erigion.
As his foe fell he scanned the battle field in the swirling chaos punctuated only by the burning light of still lit arrows and the braziers used to light them. His trained ear listened to the battle instead and with his immediate concern dealt with he tried to determine how his friends faired. The muttering of Nain could be heard, the "battle cry" of dwarves known to him. Absent however were the sporadic bursts of Quenya that had previously accompanied the music of the battle. Where was Edrahil, what was his fate?
:ooc: We seemed to cross-post, Tom. Add more to your narrative/dialogue as you please. :)
:ooc: i'm good. I'll let others chime in.
Dirnhael lifted his blade as the invaders turned tail. He was tempted to follow for only a moment -- but turned his attention to Edrahil; his oldest friend, who lay unmoving in the muck.
He ran towards his fallen friend, boots splashing through the mud, hoping that his nigh-immortal companion had not met his final fate.
:00: Treat Wounds +3
Rolled 2d6+3 : 2, 5 + 3, total 10
Durgil held his gaze and bearing until he could see the wild man no more and then slumped forward to a knee, his blade driven into the muck to keep from falling further into it. Exhaustion, pain, and more than a twinge of fear and yet relief as well flashed through him -- he had never encountered a man so brutal before! This would not be the last time he thought of his love and life back in Arthedain. "See to the wounded and dispatch any surviving orc filth. I go to report to our Captain."
Nain stood over Edrahil's body holding his axe in both hands and panting as what was left of the wild men and their orcs ran back down the beach. He considered following but knew he needed to make sure his fallen companion was safe first. He only moved when Dirnhael arrived and started tending to the Elf's wounds. He stepped aside and took a knee, leaning on his axe and watching to make sure none of the wildmen stayed on this side of the river.
Seeing his companions cluster around a fallen person the knight made the assumption that it was Edrahil. He also knew that he was in the most capable hands they possessed. Stepping up to the rampart he again bent his bow and fired into the backs of the retreating Hillmen. Having spent his youth along the marches of the shadow land he had no illusions of chivalry and codes when fighting the servants of the enemy. Celdrahil knew that The fewer that returned unblooded the longer it would be before they returned.
He fired blind and arced his shots at the fleeing mass of wildmen and yelled as he did so.
"Tell your master this is the only welcome he will get from the men of the Gwathlo!" He fired four shots, subconsciously releasing one for each of member of his family away south in Ithilien.
Pressing the horn again to his lips another clarion call echoed over the now still waters of the river.
He jump down and pointed at several men standing near him.
"You three, take knives and torches. Make sure the orcs between here and the water are dead. Let the men there decide their own fate, surrender or dispatch. Stay together.
You and you, tear the cloaks of the dead to make bandages and use the hot braziers to heat water to wash wounds. Do not let any of the wounded drink too much water though they will want it badly. Gather them over there away from the dead."
The knight then made his way to his companions.
Quote from: sdrotar on Aug 24, 2014, 09:57 PM:00: Treat Wounds +3
( This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6+3 : 2, 5 + 3, total 10
:ooc: Sorry to say this, but this may not be good. Understand, First Aid of any kind has TN's, too, and at heavy wound levels they get high. The TN for Edrahil's Incapacitated level is TN 25. Because Dirnhael, is not a healer in any great capacity, I am going to go with the assumption that he wasn't trying to do more than evaluate and try to comfort his friend. This said, I am reducing the TN to the 'stabilizing' TN of 15, but still a 10 is a failure.
I will refer than to our House Rules on Healing:
QuoteHealing: This revision makes possible quicker recovery as well as damage from infection. Successful "leechcraft" (p. 248) heals damage equal to the recipient's base Health rating plus additional Health based on degree of success (3 extraordinary, 2 superior, 1 complete, 0 marginal). Healing damage in the "Healthy" level is TN 5. A character at "Near Death" loses 1 Health per hour until successfully treated (TN 30) or at least stabilized (TN 15).
At the end of every day a damaged character must make a Stamina test (TN 10, applying his injury penalty); this replaces Table 9.36 (p. 247). If successful, the character heals his Vitality bonus (if any) plus additional Health based on degree of success (3 extraordinary, 2 superior, 1 complete, 0 marginal). On a failure the character's wounds become infected, and he suffers 1d6 damage (2d6 on a complete failure, 3d6 on a disastrous failure). There is no set time of day at which the Stamina test must be made, so a dying character's final moment can come at a dramatically appropriate time (or, if randomness is desired, 4d6 hours after midnight).
If under the care of a healer, the character gets to make a bonus Stamina test to heal extra damage (as above, no damage on a failure). Advanced treatment in a haven (p. 248) provides a +5 bonus to all Healing skill tests and Stamina damage recovery tests.
The Swift Recovery edge doubles the healing for each day's success.
So, unless Dirnhael spends a Courage, Edrahil will suffer an additional 1d6 damage from the aid being a Failure. He will gain hit points back if you turn it into a success by making the roll 16+ (You can spend up to 4 Courage in any one round action).
Quote from: tomcat on Aug 27, 2014, 02:19 PM
So, unless Dirnhael spends a Courage, Edrahil will suffer an additional 1d6 damage from the aid being a Failure. He will gain hit points back if you turn it into a success by making the roll 16+ (You can spend up to 4 Courage in any one round action).
:ooc: Dirnhael would happily spend the point (or more, if it would help) in order to aid his oldest friend.
Dirnhael was no master healer, but he could see the evident wounds that his friend had taken from the attack. He reached into Edrahil's pouch, knowing the Eldar had his many medicines and poultices, and then set about tending what he could. The priority was the bleeding and the setting of bone, for one of Edrahil's arms had a horrible misshape where it lay.
The Dúnadan noticed Nain's approach and quickly gestured to the thinner pieces of wood that were part of the defense, all the while he tore strips from his own cloak to make bandages and ties. Edrahil moaned with discomfort when Dirnhael moved his arm to lay it on the splint. Nain put another piece over top the break and helped Dirnhael tie the splints in place. The warrior then took another run of clothe and spread the thick medicine across its length and then laid it against the open wound on the Eldar's head. The wounds would need better treatment once they were off this river, but it would help for the moment. Dirnhael offered up a small prayer to the Powers that had made the world and the stars, asking that his friend be aided this night. Edrahil was a First-born. Surely his people were graced by them that were called the Valar.
It took ten minutes to finish his tending, but Dirnhael felt at last his friend could be moved from here. He looked to Nain who gave a slight nod. Dirnhael then saw that Fengel, too, had been busy and had brought the Sindar's horse. Behind it, fastened to the saddle, was a bier.
"Can we move him now?" asked the Éothraim. Fengel had seen Edrahil fall under the berserker warriors terrible blows - he had no wish to lose another of his companions this night. Dirnhael breathed in, somewhat unsure with the choice, but then all saw Edrahil breath a ragged deep breath and open his eyes. They stared distantly, but he was alive! "Let use move him quickly to the inn!" cried Fengel.
Celdrahil had been pleased to see two of his arrows were true - two shadows fell to the ground. His orders now being followed, he moved to where Nain and Fengel were trying to move Edrahil as delicately as possible onto a bier. Though they watched, Durgil and Dirnhael spoke in quiet words to Guilin. The master of the small ruined town spoke, "I cannot tell you how grateful we all are for your aid and I promise the old women healers will do everything they can to aid your fallen friend. The marauders are still on this side of the river, so they may still cause trouble. I will lead some of my archers north to make sure they are chased from our town. I do not fear any other attack this night from across the water."
Quote from: tomcat on Aug 28, 2014, 04:01 PM
Though they watched, Durgil and Dirnhael spoke in quiet words to Guilin. The master of the small ruined town spoke, "I cannot tell you how grateful we all are for your aid and I promise the old women healers will do everything they can to aid your fallen friend. The marauders are still on this side of the river, so they may still cause trouble. I will lead some of my archers north to make sure they are chased from our town. I do not fear any other attack this night from across the water."
"Your men fought valiantly; no more lands of the West need fall to such villainy," Dirnhael said. "Have you need of us again, we will be tending to our companion."
Durgil, exhausted from the ordeal, returned with Dirnhael to Edrahil. With no skill at healing, the best he could offer was moral support, sitting with his valued comrade and friend.
Celdrahil was not hardened to their comrades plight, but he also knew that there was little that he could do.
"I have no skill at healing, those skills which I do possess are to the business we have just concluded here. Sitting by our comrade will not make him mend any faster. I shall go out with the patrol and ride these dogs down into the ground. Those who would serve in the companion of orcs are not fit for the name of men. The fewer that return back to their tribe the longer the peace will last. Fengel, Nain, do you care to ride with me and these men from Tharbad?"
The knight was already whistling for his horse and adjusting his equipment before any of his companions answered.
He addressed himself next to the leader. "Your healers will have much work to do, but whatever aid they can give to Edrahil will be appreciated. I am Celdrahil, Captain of Minas Ithil, third son to its Lord. I will ride with you."
Fengel had a grim look of determination on his face that could be seen in the flickering torchlight, "Aye, I will join you. Dirnhael, get Edrahil back to the inn and find him a healer. We shall rejoin you there soon." The Éothraim called for his own horse and quickly swung into the saddle, "Hopefully we will find more information about this Gibbet King. Come morning, perhaps Durgil can see to making contact with the nobles that still reside in the city. Surely they have the resources to drive away this horde that sits outside their eastern walls?"
Riding forward Fengel looked to Caldrahil, "We must be wary to not out pace these townfolk. It might leave us as easy targets to the remainder of the Hill Men force."
Already a group of archers thirty strong were running north along the riverbank with Guilin at their lead.
"Yes, we must not let haste rob us of the advantage we have in the saddle."
Celdrahil mounted his horse and the pause he made to address his companions seemed to distress the horse as it bucked and lurched to be on its way. "Your threat, cousins, in the north is grave. I will not deny it. But as we move south you will see that the fight is bitter, dearly fought, and won with blood more frequently."
The tall stout knight sat in the saddle high and pressed the silver moon horn to his lips one more time. Its clear clarion sound echoed sharply off of the water of the river.
"They will fear the night as sharply as they feared the day. Ride with me son of the grass, let us show them what a Dunadan knight and a pure son of the Horse folk may do!"
The horse did not need the spurs of the knight, with only a slackening on the harness, to give the horse its lead off it went swiftly into the night. Punctuated by the war horn of the knight who rode it.
Durgil chuckles and gives a sigh as his comrades ride off. "Warriors and knights, they sound so mighty. Maybe Fengel chose poorly for me to speak with the noble remnants. Aye, I will do it." Then he laughs again. "Father be so proud that I walk more and more in his footsteps."
Nain had already lifted their fallen companion and was prepared to carry him to where ever the healers where when Cedrahil asked him along on their patrol.
"Nay lad, I'm gonna take him t' the healers. Good huntin'."
"Master Guilin, if ye'd please lead the way to the healers."
"Good hunting," Dirnhael said with a nod and a wan smile. "Do not stray so far that you cannot return with news of your victory."
He and Nain turned to tend to Edrahil and take him to more skilled healers with haste.