
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 5: What has been Sown => Topic started by: tomcat on Aug 25, 2012, 11:52 PM

Title: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Aug 25, 2012, 11:52 PM
Music to read and post to! (http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/misc/music/20111220_bt30/TOR_20_09_the_siege_of_alderaan.mp3)

Situation: Shade and his Bando Gora make their final assaut in the cavern.

ALL Modifiers (situational, physical, weariness, wound conditions):

BIT - 39/75
Brim - DEAD
Caden - 0/53
Farok - 24/72
Fett - 18/87
Kaida - 19/55
Shade - 0/93
BG soldier 1 - 29/59
BG soldier 2 - DEAD
BG sniper 1 - DEAD
BG sniper 2 - DEAD
BG captain - 22/102


PCPrimary  |  Secondary  |  Weapon 3  |  Misc
BITsniper blaster rifle 9/30  |  hvy blaster pistol 3/200  |  jetpack 5/10
Cadenblaster carbine 36/50  |  hvy blaster pistol 5/200  | 
Faroklightsaber n/a  |  blaster pistol 0/100
Kaida*blaster carbine 13/150  |  lt repeat blaster 0/150  | 
Fett*blaster carbine 43/150  |  flamethrower 0/5  |  missiles 1/4  |  jet pack 2/10
*not all weapons listed
-amunition is either power packs (50 shots each), or energy cells (6 shots each) and are added together in your total - what is in the gun and the spare clips you have

BIT - 285 credits, heavy blaster pistol, sniper blaster rifle w/ scope and bipod (SaV - must be aimed or take a -5 penalty to attack), shadowsuit, Arakyd Hush-About personal jetpack (5 fuel cells), sound sponge, utility belt, 5 power packs, long-range comlink, datapad, all-temperature cloak
Brim - hold-out blaster with 2 energy cells, lightsaber, 260 credits, datapad, long-range comlink, syntherope, 1 ion grenade
Caden -  heavy blaster pistol with 3 spare power packs, hold-out blaster, combat gloves, pocket scrambler, utility belt (3-day food supply, 3 medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), medical kit, all-temperature cloak, datapad, credit stick
Farok - lightsaber, baton, medpacs, back pack, 2 blaster pistols
Kaida - blaster carbine, heavy blaster pistol, hold-out blaster with spare energy cell, light repeating blaster with 2 spare power packs, 2 ion, shadowsuit and helmet, 2 concealed holsters, all-temperature cloak (unless armor makes it useless), basic datapad, binder cuffs, comlink, liquid cable dispenser, mesh tape, pocket scrambler, 5 ration packs, 2 computer spikes (+2), security kit, credit chip, field kit (2 condensing canteens, sunshield roll, 4-day food supply, 24 filters, 12 atmospher canisters, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, all-temperature cloak)

Farok (+1) 21 (nat 20, auto first initiative)
Kaida (+11) 28
BIT (+12) 27
Fett (+11) 23
Caden (+5) 21
BG soldier (+10) 21
Shade (+14) 18
BG captain (+11) 13

The Shade pulled his saber from the limp body of Brim and began to move ominously towards Farok. He was oblivous to any of the blaster fire that still flared around them, the darksider had only one purpose - to kill them all.

:ooc: Caden would not see Brim killed due to the building blocking his sight.

It will take two more rounds for the Bando Gora soldier to exit the building.
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 26, 2012, 12:21 AM
 :ooc: what about my pathetic damage on the captain?
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 26, 2012, 11:36 AM
The fight had moved, and Caden no longer had an angle on any of their enemies.
"I don't have a shot," he shouted into his comlink. "Moving to a position across the alley!"

:ooc: OK - scratch the part of my last post where Caden saw Brim fall; he doesn't know about it yet.
Caden would like to clamber down the building he was on as Fett suggested, and zip across the way to the two-story building closest to the E-Web blaster and set up there.
If he has a good opportunity, he'll take a shot at the Bando Gora captain engaged with Farok as he travels (understanding that this may take more than a round).

Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: Jingo on Aug 28, 2012, 12:11 AM
A scream rose in her throat when she saw Brim's form cruelly impaled on the red blade. She bit it down on the bile that rose in her throat but the raggedness she could not keep from her voice.

"Brim is dead!" she said dazedly, her voice, barely above a whisper. "The force save us, but he's dead!" Brim so eager to learn, so optimistic about the future. He couldn't have survived the ruthless saber cut. She knew he was dead. There was nothing to do for him.

She saw Farok take another bow and heard Caden's communique. They barely registered. "Roger..." she mumbled into her comm as Caden started moving.

Brim was dead. Another one on her hands. Hands that she wanted to scrub free of blood, but knew she never would. How many more would fight and fighting die for a cause that did not yet bear fruit. Would Brim's blood water the tree of liberty in some way in this small unknown war? She wanted to believe so, but couldn't feel it.

More would die. This was only the beginning. Could Farok stand up to this foe? Maybe, but she had her doubts. She had seen Farok fight with that blade of his. He was good, no doubt about that, but he was one handed and didn't start this fight in the best shape to begin with. They had gone into this fight bloodied; but they would leave dead if something was not done quickly.

There was nothing for it. Anger warred with guilt and won out. Nothing for it. Brim was dead. As much as she wanted to recover the body and give him a proper burial, the...thing was out in the open. Now was the time if the rest of their rag tag group were to escape this battle without more fallen.

"Fett, hit that demon with your rocket pack! Blow him to hell! Then use your jet pack and head for the skiff!" She growled as she rolled over and up on one knee and scanned the scene below. "Caden and Farok, start moving to the skiff; it's our ticket out of here. BIT give us covering fire! We'll come to you. Sorry, but we can't continue this toe to toe fight. We'll all be dead!"

Then she tapped into Kara's channel. "Kara, we're going to need immediate evac. Brim is dead and we've got wounded. Get to us as soon as you can. We're making for the enemy's skiff. I'll give you final coordinates once we're out of the cave."

Then she started running.

She'll do an all out move/run/whatever--she'll jump down two stories--wham! To Fett's level. Then she'll jump down one more story--wham--to the ground floor and keep running toward the skiff on the platform. A bit hard on the knees I'm sure, but she'll try it. She'll use a force point if she's close on any skill rolls.
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 30, 2012, 02:59 PM
"Screw it," the sniper thinks.  "This guy is gonna get some!"  He knew that Force-users were powerful and difficult to hit from his time in the war but he's not gonna take any chances.

BIT uses DP for automatic hit against the shade (20) (can't remember the rule) for a 32 to hit.
Damage: Roll(4d10)+10: 6,8,9,4,+10 Total:37
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 30, 2012, 05:10 PM
Caden heard Kara call in his ship, but this time, he couldn't be bothered. Brim had fallen, the last living friend he had before he first arrived on accursed Bakura.
He hoped Sam - living or not, his only friend left at all - made it back alright.
Maybe it wouldn't matter in five minutes anyway...

Nevertheless, if he was going down like his friends, he wouldn't make it easy for their killer.

:ooc: Given Caden's story arc at this stage, I think that using a Destiny Point makes sense for him - if not for revenge on the Shade, then for the hopes that his three lost friends could rest easier.
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 31, 2012, 09:19 PM
 :ooc: Doug did you add in my damage to the captain in the last round? Move object is a standard or a swift action? I may want to throw debris around a la Vader to make some room around here.

Farok was very aware that the skills he possessed from the force were not combat oriented. He had adapted his fighting style to having only hte one arm, but if we were to survive this combat he realized that he would have to remedy his handicap. He had gone without a cybernetic arm in spite for the flesh arm that the jedi hunters had taken. Facing now a more powerful element of those Jedi exterminators he realized the error of his ways. The future and the past did not exist at this moment, while he faced his opponenet. Only the now mattered and he brought his light saber down for another blow.

Rolled 1d20+8 : 15 + 8, total 23

Rolled 2d8+4 : 8, 5 + 4, total 17
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2012, 01:12 PM
:ooc: Okay. first to your OOC's...

Tom - Farok did not hit last round. The Bando Gora captain has a Reflex of 24 and you rolled a 22. If you wish to add a Force Point to last round, or this, you are welcome to do so. Understand, too, that the BG has Primitive Block which allows him to parry melee attacks.

Shawn - I will let your prior round comments stand - we can just interpret them as him getting the news via his comlink.

Matt - I knew this was going to come into play soon and it is not my intention to rob you guys of Destiny Points, but Shade has Destiny too. This may become the battle of DP points - but I am going to negate your auto-crit with a DP of Shade's. I understand that they are expensive points to use, but for the Big Bad Evil Guys I am not going to allow a DP pile on - not without some defense. Cool?  :csu:

Jared - Kaida will need to make a Jump DC 15 or suffer 2d6 damage for jumping from her current position to Fett's level, if successful, she will only take 1d6 damage. She then needs to repeat to jump to the cave floor. If failed take 1d6, if successful take 0 damage. This will constitute 2 MOVES in this round and so she will achieve only reaching the cave floor this round, though she will have her SWIFT action.

Shawn - the above for Kaida will be the same for Caden in regards to jumping down 1-story.

I will give more character narrative once I learn whether Farok wishes to use some Force points.

Kaida Jumps from 3rd story roof to cave floor
MOVE - x2
:00: DC 15 Jump +3
jump 1 from 3 to 1 story 1d20+3 : 18 + 3, total 21

jump 2 from 1 to cave floor 1d20+3 : 8 + 3, total 11

damage from jump 1 if roll failed 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6

damage from jump 1 if roll successful 1d6 : 1, total 1

damage from jump 2 if roll failed 1d6 : 1, total 1

Caden Jumps from 1st story roof to cave floor
:00: DC 15 Jump +4
Rolled 1d20+4 : 5 + 4, total 9

damage from jump if roll failed 1d6 : 2, total 2

MOVE - across cave to building where Fett is

REACTION - spends  Destiny Point to negate BIT's auto critical hit.  :csu:

BIT spied the Shade in his scope. He knew that this dark creature needed to die or it could possibly be the end of them all. He breathed deep and then let it out. He waited between beats of his heart and pulled the trigger. The blaster bolt flew through the night sky in a perfect path towards Sahde's back. The soldier knew it was the perfect shot and it would be destructive to the man's body, tearing through his back and lungs. The figure in his scope suddenly moved with uncanny speed. BIT blinked in utter shock as the bolt struck the wall of the structure within the cave.

Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2012, 01:23 PM
:ooc: Kaida and Caden both take 2 damage from their jumps.

Fett fires his rocket at Shade
STANDARD - DC 10 minimum to do 1/2 damage
:00: DC 25 Ranged missile launcher +10 (6d6+5, 2-square burst)
Rolled 1d20+10 : 6 + 10, total 16

damage if successful, 1/2 if missed 6d6+5 : 4, 2, 6, 6, 4, 3 + 5, total 30
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2012, 01:53 PM
The rocket flares from Fett's backpack and roars across the cave. It strikes the ground meters from Shade's position and explodes. The darksider is momentarily lifted from his feet and he feels the hot sting of small fragments tearing into the living flesh of his body. In a rage from both BIT's near kill shot and Fett's explosive attack, the Shade turns to face the sniper. BIT feels himself being suddenly gripped by an unseen force, as Shade attempts to throw him from his perch into the gorge below.

Across the gorge, even though the stormy sky subdued the sound of the battle raging in the cavern, it could not cover the brilliant flashes of blaster fire and explosives. The guards that protected Pugwis' interests quickly activated the other skiff that was docked on the alternate pad and climbed on board. They hoisted blasters and prepared to drive away these invaders that they had heard were attacking along the valley.

Farok's attacker set his staff in position to jab but the former jedi was suddenly immersed in an abhorent green, eldritch ball of flame that roared from the tip of the empowered weapon. A flame produced through the darkest sorceries of the Force, Farok thrashed as it washed over him.

Bando Gora soldier
MOVE - On seeing Caden move, Bando Gora soldier leaps from window to cave floor
Takes 10 +7 Jump skill for a success - no damage
MOVE - chases after Caden

Bando Gora captain
STANDARD - attacks Farok
:00: DC 16 Ranged Bando Gora Captain's staff +11 (3d8+5 fire)
Rolled 1d20+11 : 4 + 11, total 15

damage if successful 3d8+5 : 1, 8, 6 + 5, total 20

STANDARD - Use the Force [Move Object] versus Will defense
:00: DC 21 Use the Force +13
Rolled 1d20+13 : 3 + 13, total 16

results will be determined when I see dice roll
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2012, 01:56 PM
:ooc: Jeez... these dice are failing me in this encouter

Captain and Shade will both spend a Force Point... both roll 2d6 and take better of two :csu:

BG cap 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9

Shade 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2012, 01:58 PM

Fett causes Shade 15 damage for 15/93

Shade is unsuccessful

BG cap though scores 20 damage on Farok for 44/72
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 03, 2012, 12:29 AM
 :ooc: I'll have to use a FP were are getting our butts kicked. Also can I block the Captains attack? Does my unstoppable force ability give me +5 to resist?
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 03, 2012, 01:12 AM
:ooc: The captain's attack is ranged and it cannot be blocked per the Core Rules that state a Block may be used against a melee attack. Your Unstoppable Force feat will not play in here either as it adds a +5 to Fort and Will against Use the Force attacks that oppose these defenses. This would have played into the captain's first assault on you with Memory Walk which would have given you a Will of 26... unfortunately in that round the dice were on my side and I rolled a 36.

So... no, sorry. You can start dipping into Destiny points, too, and negate the attack completely if you wish. Or, you can spend the Destiny like Matt did to get an auto-crit, but like I told Matt, I will fight fire with fire when it comes to DP as this is the climax scene and I am not going to allow the bad guys to go down too easy. But, it will basically come down to the character standing who didn't run out of DP.  >:D

Did you want to use a FP for both rounds? Go ahead and roll them if you do, and I will make adjustments as needed - basically I will just roll the captain's Block defenses.
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 03, 2012, 09:42 AM
FP 1
Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3

FP 2
Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 03, 2012, 09:47 AM
 :ooc: I will apply the 3 to this round with the better damage.   :csu:
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: tomcat on Sep 04, 2012, 12:48 AM
BG captain attempts to Block
REACTION - primitive block (staff weaved with Kortosis, which resists light saber damsge )
:00: DC 26 Use the Force +17
Rolled 1d20+17 : 2 + 17, total 19
Title: Re: Cavern engagement - Round 5
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 07, 2012, 03:02 PM
 :ooc: Wow that is crazy you couldnt get me with the UtF check, oh well thankfully for my safety "net."