
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => To Boldly Go... [Star Trek CODA] => Bridge | Main Story => Topic started by: tomcat on May 05, 2012, 02:30 AM

Title: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 05, 2012, 02:30 AM
Situation: The Orion attack craft engages in the first round without provocation from the Columbia

Starting Ranges: Ships are currently at the following ranges...
Columbia to Orion is Extended
Comandante Foscari to Orion is Extended +2

Situational Modifiers and Conditional Rules: The CODA system makes no reference to weapon re-charge and so I am going to apply the following rules:*So if you fire your photon torpedoes in round 1, you cannot fire again until round 3 - so be careful when you plan multiweapon fire maneuvers.

The Columbia will be affected by the Katyon Cluster modifiers for Long range for any maneuvers or attacks. The Columbia may also be affected by internal issues with the dark presences.

Carryover bonuses: none yet

Orions - round 1 goes auto to the Orions
Columbia -
Foscari -

The Columbia was quickly escaping the Cluster's effects only to be an easy target for the awaiting Orion ship. The Comandante Foscari was fast approaching, but would be unable to offer much help.

Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 05, 2012, 03:04 AM
:ooc: GM Note: I need to use the original Dice Roller in this game so I can immediately see DOS and not have a ton of posts for each action.

The Orion executes the following maneuvers:

Orions attempt to put up an electronic screen to aid in thier defense (ECM)
:00: Sys Ops (Sensors) +10, Specialty +2 = +12
Roll(2d6)+12: 6,6,+12 Total:24 +3 = 27
[bonus to ship's protection will be determined based upon degre of success against Stonn's opposed roll]

Maneuver 1: Close TN 10
:00: Sys Ops (Helm) +8, Specialty +2 = +10
Roll(2d6)+10: 6,1,+10 Total:17 SUPERIOR SUCCESS
Closes 3 distance bands to

Maneuver 2: Fire Phasers at Columbia TN 13
:00: Sys Ops (Tactical) +9, Specialty +2, Tac man mod +2, Range mod +0 = +13
Roll(2d6)+13: 3,5,+13 Total:21 SUPERIOR SUCCESS
Shield strength reduced by 2; Penetration of 4 vs. Threshold of 3; 1 damage to structure
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: sdrotar on May 05, 2012, 04:59 AM
Quote from: tomcat on May 05, 2012, 03:04 AM

Orions attempt to put up an electronic screen to aid in thier defense (ECM)
:00: Sys Ops (Sensors) +10, Specialty +2 = +12
Roll(2d6)+12: 6,6,+12 Total:24 +3 = 27
[bonus to ship's protection will be determined based upon degre of success against Stonn's opposed roll]

Stonn's Sensors roll:
:00: Sensors +9, Specialty +2 = +11
Rolled 2d6+11 : 3, 1 + 11, total 15

:ooc: Too bad they rolled two sixes...
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 05, 2012, 10:13 PM
Aboard the corvette, the Red Alert klaxon blared as the Orion ships closed in on the Columbia.  Darkan's knuckles went white as he gripped the railing as he stood at position behind the captain.  His friends and ship were in danger.  "It should be leading them," he thought but he remained silent.  "Captain, what are you going to do?" he queried the commander of the Foscari.
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 05, 2012, 11:33 PM
Darkan could see the pips on Captain Dunayga's uniform and saw that he was actually a Lt. Commander. It was customary for Starfleet to place more junior officers in command of smaller ships of the fleet to allow them to get their 'feet wet' - even Darkan had been given an early command with the Columbia, but the reasoning had been quite different. But now he was a Captain and he outranked Dunayga and by all rights he could take command of this vessel in a dangerous situation... but that would not be right. Darkan knew it. He would watch and advise only all the while trusting in his own crew's capabilities.

Dunayga heard Darkan's voice and realized that his passenger was on the bridge. He turned, clearing his throat, "Umm, Captain Darkan. It seems an unknown vessel is engaging your ship." Darkan's face called for action and Dunayga perceived the hint. "Helm, close on the enemy vessel. Tactical, I want phasers and photons brought online. Alert me when ready to engage."

Steve could see the younger commander was reacting to his presence, but he was efficient and he seemed to be in control. The Comandante Foscari's impulse engines grew brighter as the ship was accelerated to near light speed - just enough to close the distance and take action.

The sensor operator looked up from his hood, "Sir, there is a lot of energy emitting from that pirate. It will have an adverse affect on our targeting systems. I am trying to cut through counter measures but the Katyon Cluster is adding to the distortion."

"Captain," said the tactical officer. "We have closed and weapons are ready."


Foscari attempts to clear electronic screen
:00: Sys Ops (Sensors) +8, Specialty +2 = +10
Roll(2d6)+10: 2,5,+10 Total:17
[Orion ship gains a +3 to current round's protection rating for ECM]

Maneuver 1: Close TN 10
:00: Sys Ops (Helm) +7, Specialty +2, Helm man mod +1 = +10
Roll(2d6)+10: 1,3,+10 Total:14
Closes 2 distance bands to Orions

Maneuver 2: Fire Photons at Orions TN 17
:00: Sys Ops (Tac) +8, Specialty +2 = +10
Roll(2d6)+10: 6,3,+10 Total:19
Shield strength reduced by 1; Penetration of 0
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 05, 2012, 11:35 PM
The Foscari's tactical officer was astounded at the hit. He had been unable to lock on in time, but still his weapon fire had found the target. Unfortunately at the current distance, the photons did not have enough energy to penetrate the Orion's shields.

:ooc: I'll need Columbia's orders to end this round.
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: sdrotar on May 06, 2012, 05:16 PM
Stonn watched Foscari fire at -- and connect with -- the Orion vessel.
The Orions typically attacked only when they presumed they had a significant tactical advantage; shows of force often chased them off.
He regretted giving orders that would take lives -- any Vulcan would -- but his duties with Starfleet were clear, and he came to terms with them many years ago.

"Fire all available weapons on the Orion vessel that the Foscari engaged," Stonn said calmly. Perhaps if one of the ships were badly damaged or destroyed, the other would flee - Orion privateers weren't known for their loyalty to one another.

"Route power from engines to shields," he continued. "We will stand our ground."
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 06, 2012, 09:37 PM
:ooc: Shawn, there is only one Orion vessel. There are two shown on the map because I need to show the distance relation of both Federation ships to it.

Grahm fires on the Orions

Maneuver 1: Fire phasers TN 17

:00: Sys Ops (Tac) +13, Specialty +2, Tac man mod +3 = +18
Rolled 2d6+18 : 5, 5 + 18, total 28

Maneuver 2: Fire photons TN 17
:00: Sys Ops (Tac) +13, Specialty +2, Tac man mod +3 = +18
Rolled 2d6+18 : 2, 6 + 18, total 26
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 06, 2012, 09:50 PM
:ooc: Phaser attack was Extraordinary - reduces shields by 3, and protection by -1. Photons also Extraordinary - reduces shields by 3, and threshold by -1, critical system hit, structure reduced by 2.

Grahm's precision with his weapons was a sight to see. At the range in which the Orions had brought themselves, he fired and both phasers and photons tore across the enemy ship's shields and hull. Inside the Orion vessel the Operations officer cried out as soon as his console displayed the attack's effect.

"Sir, we've been hit hard! Shields to 40% and life support has been damaged." A console burst in a spray of sparks not far away.
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: sdrotar on May 07, 2012, 02:31 AM
Quote from: tomcat on May 06, 2012, 09:37 PM
:ooc: Shawn, there is only one Orion vessel. There are two shown on the map because I need to show the distance relation of both Federation ships to it.

:ooc: So, reading is fundamental...


Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: sdrotar on May 07, 2012, 02:34 AM
Quote from: tomcat on May 06, 2012, 09:50 PM
"Sir, we've been hit hard! Shields to 40% and life support has been damaged." A console burst in a spray of sparks not far away.

"Understood. Maintain position and fire at will," Stonn replied calmly, his voice carrying through the din. "Targets at your discretion, Mr. Grahm."
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 07, 2012, 10:23 AM
Quote from: sdrotar on May 07, 2012, 02:31 AM:ooc: So, reading is fundamental...


Quote from: sdrotar"Understood. Maintain position and fire at will," Stonn replied calmly, his voice carrying through the din. "Targets at your discretion, Mr. Grahm."

:ooc: Yea, it can be. Just so you know, Stonn just replied to the Orion Op Officer who was calling out a damage report to his captain.  ;)  (-D
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 07, 2012, 12:58 PM
 :ooc:  Think ya skipped right over the double face palm to this ...
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: sdrotar on May 07, 2012, 03:43 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on May 07, 2012, 12:58 PM
:ooc:  Think ya skipped right over the double face palm to this ...

:ooc: Indeed. Make it so.
Title: Re: Orion attack - round 1
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 07, 2012, 08:50 PM
On now back to our regularly scheduled programming...