Things began to change on the bridge of the Columbia even as the Orion captain's face disappeared off of the main viewscreen. The ship was still within the gravitic effects of the Katyon Cluster to still be affected by it, and that was not a comfortable feeling when going into combat. They had to push for greater distance and attempt to stave off the Orion ship, or at least delay any of its actions.
Stonn also questioned the ill-effects caused by the unknown entities aboard their ship. Suddenly Downer's voice came from his right, "Captain Stonn, I have another incoming signal." The Operations Officer had a puzzled look on his face.
"On screen," Stonn answered.
"Columbia. Columbia. This is Captain Dunayga of the Federation Corvette
Comandante Foscari inbound with a crew addition for you from Starfleet. What is your current situation? We are reading great flux from the star cluster nearby and it appears there is an aggressive fast attack ship in your locale. Please respond."
"Mr. Downer, please relay our situation in detail. Include all pertinent information - this must not spread to another Starfleet vessel."
Under normal circumstances, Stonn would reply himself. The circumstances were not normal.
The Columbia was dealing with not only aggressive Orion privateers, but the as-yet-undetermined system corruption caused by the entities they had discovered; entities that also could cause paranoia and suicidal tendencies in humanoids.
"Mr. Grahm," he said. "Status report please, including our current offensive and defensive capabilities to the best of your knowledge."
The arrival of another Starfleet ship could cause the Orions to flee, but Stonn found it sensible to prepare for all possibilities.
Logically, the survival of the Columbia came first.
:ooc: Okay, a call out for players:
I am going to post on the Trek Forums a call out for players to take up some PC's, unless you guys want to take on a double role. I have the following characters controlled by the listed players, and the others are available:
Darkan - Matt
Stonn - Shawn
Ramos - Shawn
Pushkin - Seppun1
Available NPC's
Op Officer Dylan Downer
Doc Sherman
Science Officer Sorek
Tactical Officer Grahm is also available, but I think I want to keep him as an NPC. It allows me to feed stuff into the game when I see we have lulls. But, because the weapons and security of the ship can be a very fun role to play, I am willing to give Grahm up to a player.
Our entire Trek story has pretty much played out by only three players, so we can do this, I just want to make sure that no one wants another PC.
I'm considering it but giving myself orders would be kinda weird.
:ooc: What are you talking about, Matt? I have characters giving orders to one another all the time. ;)
:ooc: Matt, here are the ship stats of the:
Comandante Foscari (
Thanks... I'll attempt to take on the doctor as well. Whippersnapper and old fart, should be interesting.
:ooc: For some insight into Sherman, he was modeled after the doctor on Battlestar Galactica. The kind of doc that says don't smoke, but then lights one up.
The bridge of the Comandante Foscari was roughly half the size of the Columbia. Although all departmental functions were represented, it was achieved by combining similar duty stations to allow for the smaller crew to keep the ship operating. The Operations officer heard Dylan Downer's voice come through his earpiece and he quickly transferred it to the bridge speakers.
"Captain Dunayga, this is Lt. Downer of the USS Columbia replying. We are currently engaged with an unknown pirate ship along with creatures of unknown origin within our vessel. Captain Stonn is concerned by the nature of these beings and he does not wish that they escape the Columbia and invade your ship. At this time, we are not aware of any crew transfers... we suggest you maintain a distance until we have reduced the threat."
Dunayga nodded for the channel to be opened, "Columbia, we are certainly able to offer assistance if you should need it. The Comandante Foscari will hold a position here unless we hear from you again."
On the Columbia, Grahm answered his captain, "Sir, shields are at 100% and all weapon stations are reporting in as ready. Prepared to engage upon your order, Captain."
:ooc: Okay, just give me until tomorrow, but I wil have this thing ready to go to combat rounds. Just really tired right now... so this includes the other two games.
"Well I better get back to sickbay prepped if those green-skinned fools intend to engage us, captain," chimed in the doctor. "I've done what I can here for now. Have all decks relay any further information to sickbay regarding these creatures and I'll continue my investigation there."
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on May 02, 2012, 07:55 AM
"Well I better get back to sickbay prepped if those green-skinned fools intend to engage us, captain," chimed in the doctor. "I've done what I can here for now. Have all decks relay any further information to sickbay regarding these creatures and I'll continue my investigation there."
The ethnocentrism of humans never ceased to amaze Stonn, but he did not let it show.
"Thank you, Doctor," he replied. "You are free to draw upon whatever resources you require, including coordinating with the
:ooc: First, the Columbia gets to make another movement action to go from Long to Extended. It will need one more movement after that to leave Extended and thus be free of all Katyon effects. But, based on my old post, this is the round when the Orion ship will engage. I am going to roll these tests and then I will open up the combat round sequence.
Anderson's navigation test [to depart from Long range of the Cluster]
:00: TN 10 Cluster Mod +3 = 13 Sys Ops +11, Specialty +2 = +13Rolled 2d6+13 : 3, 4 + 13, total 20
Pushkin's helm test [to depart from Long range of the Cluster]
:00: TN 10 Cluster Mod +3 = 13 Sys Ops +13, Specialty +2, Columbia mod +1 = +16 Rolled 2d6+16 : 5, 5 + 16, total 26
Grahm's deflector test [to depart from Long range of the Cluster]
:00: TN 10 Cluster Mod +3 = 13 Sys Ops +13, Specialty +2, Columbia mod +3 = +18 Rolled 2d6+18 : 2, 2 + 18, total 22
Marshal's sensor test [to depart from Long range of the Cluster]
:00: TN 10 Cluster Mod +2 = 12 Sys Ops +10, Specialty +2 = +12 Rolled 2d6+12 : 4, 2 + 12, total 18
:ooc: Columbia is now at Long range from the Katyon Cluster and will be affected by the TN modifiers for that distance band. The ship is now Extended range to the Orion. The Comandante Foscari is Extended+2 to the Orions.