
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => To Boldly Go... [Star Trek CODA] => Bridge | Main Story => Topic started by: tomcat on Apr 29, 2012, 03:31 AM

Title: Changes
Post by: tomcat on Apr 29, 2012, 03:31 AM
Doctor Tam was still awaiting the end of the transit to Trill aboard the Columbia when things changed for Steven Darkan.

Since the tribunal, the former Columbia commander had spent his days with Mia. He had been ordered to make himself scarce for a period of time that would be revealed to him upon its completion. Though not dismissed from Starfleet, Steve had all rank removed and his ship was most certainly long gone from Earth orbit. He wasn't arrested and he knew that there was a confidential commendation of service within his Starfleet jacket, but he felt like he had been imprisoned. Imprisoned on a planet, though it was his home.

Mia did a great deal to take Darkan's mind off of things. After the excursion into Klingon space and the quite real chance that they had all faced death, the quiet time on his home planet with the woman he loved went a long way to ease the burdens he carried. When the Columbia had docked, the count of lost crew members was over sixty - sixty plus lives that had been his responsibility. The fact that the Federation was not now at war with the Klingon Empire was the only thing that made the losses easier to accept. But now, with days of rest and casual exploring of the region around San Francisco, Steve was beginning to wonder if he would get another command... hell, if he would get any assignment on a ship. Mia could see it in his eye, the vast expanse of space was calling again to the man that she had almost lost.

It was a Saturday morning and the two lovers woke early and grabbed the city shuttle-rail to take them across the bay. Planetary transporters were always a quicker option, but who would ever want to miss seeing the Golden Gate Bridge draped in a blanket of fog while crossing over it? They stepped off the shuttle at the entrance to Muir Woods - one of the few remaing giant Redwood Forests. Some of the trees that stood within it were standing before the turn of the millenia, nearly 300 years ago.


Steve led Mia down the maze of manicured trails and they marvelled together at the beauty of nature. Other couples, some with children, also mingled along the paths, but the two felt like the forest was their own. When the sun was almost at its noontide, they stopped and took lunch. Darkan opened a bottle of wine while Mia cut slices of bread from a fresh loaf that she had purchased at one of the market stores downtown. Replicators allowed for instant gratification, even on Earth, but there was still nothing like the smell and taste of fresh-baked bread. She slathered a dressing over her slices and then stacked them with cold cuts and leaf lettuce. She smiled up at Steve and handed him his plate while accepting the glass of wine from him. She took a sip of the deep red wine and felt warmth flow through her mouth and chest. Her eyes opened again and the smile on her face began to fade.

Darkan looked at the small screen on the paging device that he had been wearing since the tribunal. He blinked to confirm but there it was, "Darkan Cmdr, Steven - please report to Starfleet Command."


That had been over six weeks ago. Darkan looked out of the small port in his quarters at the stars that flared by in streaks. They were on an intercept course to the known location of the USS Columbia. In his hand was an official data disk with his orders that would need to be given to Captain Stonn upon his arrival.

Steve had seen the orders: "Stardate 1916.12: Commander Steven Darkan, after a full investigation of your performance as Captain of the USS Columbia, and its mission to perform covert operations within the Wedge and a subsequent violation by entering Klingon space, this tribunal finds you guilty of violating the Organian Treaty. Said actions were in service to the United Federation of Planets in order to prevent a potential coup d'etat of the Klingon government and a war with Starfleet. The success of the Columbia's incursion has saved countless lives on both sides of the treaty. Due to this fact, the tribunal does not see it fit to punish you with demotion or loss of command. You are hereby restored to active duty and are to report to your ship at best possible speed.  Further, you are promoted to the rank of Captain. Upon arrival at USS Columbia, you are to present the following orders to Captain Stonn and resume your command of the starship."

Darkan knew his science officer was a Vulcan and that they were defrocked of any emotion, but still he wondered how Stonn would take the news of having to step aside the command. He probably would take it fine... but you never knew.

A voice spoke, "Commander?" Darkan looked up to the viewscreen on his desk. "Sir, we are approaching the USS Columbia at Warp factor 4, but sensors are picking up an unidentified ship in close proximity to your ship. Our commander is wanting to know what your wishes are. If the unidentified ship is hostile, we have limited armament to engage and support the Columbia."
Title: Re: Changes
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 29, 2012, 09:11 AM
"Now what has my friend gotten himself into this time?" Darkan mused.  Life aboard that ship certainly hasn't been a dull one.  "Understood.  I might suggest altering course to approach the area with the Columbia between us and the other ship and send a tight-beam transmission to the Columbia.  If the commander doesn't mind, I'll join him on the bridge."

:ooc: Great intro  ;D  Life is so bittersweet for those poor souls in Starfleet.