
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 5: What has been Sown => Topic started by: tomcat on Oct 05, 2011, 05:31 PM

Title: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 05, 2011, 05:31 PM
Situation: The team is set upon by three Nexu that have stealthily maneuvered in to attack

Situational Modifiers:

Weariness CT:
Caden -2 to all actions
Brim -1 to all actions

Nexu 1 has suffered 29/45 damage and is -1 on the CT

Physical Modifiers: -1 to all PC's movement/melee action rolls due to slick, muddy, or boggy ground


Fett (+11) 30
Nexu 2 (+12) 27
Nexu 1 (+12) 24
Nexu 3 (+12) 22
Kaida (+11) 29
Sam (+11) 14
Caden (+3) 13
Logar (+11) 13
Brim (+6) 9
Farok (+1) 3
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 06, 2011, 07:13 PM
Fett attacks Nexu 1
:00: DC 16 Attack +11 with Point Blank shot
Rolled 1d20+11 : 18 + 11, total 29

damage if successful 3d8+6 : 3, 6, 8 + 6, total 23

:ooc: Will finish the Nexu attack in the AM.
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 07, 2011, 04:28 AM
:ooc: Sorry for the slow momentum going on the game guys. It's been a weird two weeks of crashed computer, an argument with my wife that had me distracted, and now a cold. The good thing is save for the cold, everything has resolved itself. Just need the crap to get out of my head and chest.

Anyway, I will have the game update post within the hour.
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 07, 2011, 11:29 AM
With Fett's second salvo from his carbine, the large fur-covered creature attacking Brim, known as a Nexu, fell to the ground. Its skin was scorched in multiple places from the blaster fire. The sound of combat came from Brim's left and he turned to see if he could offer assistance to his friends.

Nexu 2 attacks Logar
Full round action - 2 claws and 1 bite
:00: DC 24 Attack +8
claw 1d20+8 : 11 + 8, total 19

claw 1d20+8 : 10 + 8, total 18

bite 1d20+8 : 14 + 8, total 22

claw damage if successful 1d4+7 : 4 + 7, total 11

claw damage if successful 1d4+7 : 1 + 7, total 8

bite damage if successful 1d6+7 : 1 + 7, total 8

Nexu 3 attacks Farok
Full round action - 2 claws and 1 bite
:00: DC 16 Attack +8
claw 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13

claw 1d20+8 : 19 + 8, total 27

bite 1d20+8 : 17 + 8, total 25

claw damage if successful 1d4+7 : 4 + 7, total 11

claw damage if successful 1d4+7 : 1 + 7, total 8

bite damage if successful 1d6+7 : 2 + 7, total 9
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 08, 2011, 02:14 AM
Caden recoiled for a second - the beasts were terrifyingly fast - but aimed his weapon at the closest one and fired.

:00: Attack Nexu 2 - Caden's skill (Ranged heavy blaster pistol +8 (3d8+4) with Point-blank shot), -2 Fatigue = +6
Rolled 1d20+6 : 15 + 6, total 21
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 08, 2011, 02:17 AM
 :ooc: Oops. Forgot the damage - and I don't want that nasty "tampered" thing on my last post!  ;)

Damage if successful:
Rolled 3d8+4 : 2, 8, 5 + 4, total 19

:ooc: By the way, Tomcat, is Caden's Weapon Focus (pistols) Feat included in his stat block already? If not, I should have added +1 to his attack roll...

Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: Telcontar on Oct 08, 2011, 07:05 AM
Farok crawled out from under the Nexus and sprung to his feet igniting his lightsaber. With a snap and a hiss the ice blue blade of the jedi appeared before him.

Lightsaber attack:
Rolled 1d20+8 : 8 + 8, total 16

Rolled 2d8+1 : 1, 7 + 1, total 9
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: watanabe on Oct 08, 2011, 11:05 AM
Somewhere nearby, Kara pulled out a cloth and began to clean the cockpit instruments carefully while sipping some cold caf she had brewed and chilled to keep her awake.
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 08, 2011, 08:14 PM
Quote from: watanabe on Oct 08, 2011, 11:05 AM
Somewhere nearby, Kara pulled out a cloth and began to clean the cockpit instruments carefully while sipping some cold caf she had brewed and chilled to keep her awake.

:ooc: Been there, done that. Then I had to mow down - and then make a deal with - band of pirates. Somehow, I suspect it won't stay nice and quiet.

Ever seen the TV show "Chuck"? It's never safe waiting in the car...  ;)
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: Callowmoryne on Oct 09, 2011, 04:11 AM
 :ooc:  If theirs any Nexu standing when it gets to my round doug i fire

Blaster rifle
Rolled 1d20+10 : 14 + 10, total 24

Rolled 3d8+3 : 1, 1, 6 + 3, total 11
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 09, 2011, 10:26 AM
:ooc: Shawn, yes. Your Weapon Focus is included in your +7 stat block. The +7 is made up of your +4 BAB +2 DEX mod +1 Weapon Focus.

[EDIT] What I forgot to do is adjust the ranged combat by -5 for firing into melee, which only the Feat Precese Shot will negate, so adjusting the posts now.

Logar and Farok's attacks are not affected because they are the ones in the melee. But I will be checking weapon ranges, too, to see if firing within 1 square is at a negative.

Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 09, 2011, 10:41 AM
:ooc: Okay... now:

Farok takes 28 damage from the Nexu's two attacks

Nexu 2 is missed by Caden (19 rolled -5 for firing into melee)
Nexu 3 takes 9 damage from Farok
Nexu 2 takes 11 damage from Logar

Still need Kaida and Sam to act. Going to perform Brim's actions even though they are out of order.

Brim took aim at the Nexu attacking Farok
Swift - Aim
Swift - Aim
Standard - fire on Nexu 3
:00: DC 16 ranged +10, firing into melee -5
Rolled 1d20+5 : 18 + 5, total 23

damage if successful 3d4+3 : 3, 4, 3 + 3, total 13
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 09, 2011, 10:42 AM
:ooc: Nexu 3 takes 13 damage from Brim
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: Telcontar on Oct 09, 2011, 07:10 PM
 :ooc: I didnt think I could Block because I was flat footed and my light saber wasnt ignited at the time of the attack.
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: donimator on Oct 10, 2011, 01:52 AM
Sam shoulder his slugthrower and fires at the Nexu engaged with Logar (N2)

Sam's actions
Point blank shot at N2, Precise shot allows fire into melee
PB Shot, slugthrower +10:  1d20+10 : 19 + 10, total 29

Dmg if hit, 2d8+4:  2d8+4 : 8, 4 + 4, total 16

Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: watanabe on Oct 10, 2011, 05:25 AM
Quote from: sdrotar on Oct 08, 2011, 08:14 PM
Quote from: watanabe on Oct 08, 2011, 11:05 AM
Somewhere nearby, Kara pulled out a cloth and began to clean the cockpit instruments carefully while sipping some cold caf she had brewed and chilled to keep her awake.

:ooc: Been there, done that. Then I had to mow down - and then make a deal with - band of pirates. Somehow, I suspect it won't stay nice and quiet.

Ever seen the TV show "Chuck"? It's never safe waiting in the car...  ;)

:ooc: Yep, last time I was left with the ship something like that happened as well.  ;D
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 10, 2011, 07:17 AM
:ooc: But last time, guys, I had a semi-logical reason why you were engaged at the ship... I will be honest, this time has left me wondering how to keep Kara engaged in the story. Maybe the Aegis will start sinking into the bog... that might be an interesting issue to deal with.

Quote from: Telcontar on Oct 09, 2011, 07:10 PM
:ooc: I didnt think I could Block because I was flat footed and my light saber wasnt ignited at the time of the attack.

Hey Tom, you are right. Your PC is no longer flat-footed, that ended with the surprise round, but your weapon was not ignited which needs an action - not a reaction. So, you will take all three hits. I have updated your stat block.  :csu:

Sam does 19 damage to Nexu 2.
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 10, 2011, 07:22 AM
The report of Sam's rifle echoed louder in the jungle valley than the blasters that had already been fired, causing a large flock of creatures to take to wing above. The Nexu in front of Logar was struck in the skull and the beast reared back only to tumble sideways and return to its four feet. It snarled in anger.

Farok was the sole combatant engaged that had been wounded proving that the beasts, too, could be quite deadly.

:ooc: Going to roll for Kaida just to end this round.
Title: Re: Nexus' attack - round 2
Post by: tomcat on Oct 10, 2011, 08:04 AM
Kaida had a clear line of fire on the Nexu attacking Farok. She would have reacted sooner, save for the surprise at seeing the large beast emerge from the jungle foliage. She brought up her blaster carbine and fired.

Kaida attack Nexu 3
Swift - Aim
Swift - Aim (removes penalties from cover)
:00: DC 16 ranged +7, firing into melee -5
Rolled 1d20+2 : 2 + 2, total 4

damage if successful 3d8+3 : 4, 5, 2 + 3, total 14