
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 5: What has been Sown => Topic started by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2011, 06:34 AM

Title: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2011, 06:34 AM
Caden, Kaida and Logar were walking through the crowded streets of Mos Entha, on their way back to the Aegis. The items they had wanted had been procured, a few they would just need to wait for delivery. As they walked, they noticed that the people on the street had begun to mill about and a large crowd had formed. There was apparently some activity going on, as emergency lights were flashing and the Mos Entha police were present.

Kaida peered through the crowd to discern what was going on. She felt her breath cease up in her chest, and the blood flow from her face when she saw the red and green colors of the Mandalorian bounty hunter's helmet standing amongst the police. It appeared as if he was answering questions.

:ooc: I will build Sam, Kara, Farol, and Brim into this thread after you guys give me some insight as to what you did when Fett told you to get out of there.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 03, 2011, 08:52 AM
Caden tried to peek into the crowd as cautiously as possible. Tatooine was a rough-and-tumble place; it was likely that whatever had happened didn't concern them.
Then again, he thought, it could. He signaled to the others to stay back a bit - and be ready to get away at the first sign of danger.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 04, 2011, 01:02 PM
 :ooc: Sorry folks I was out of town in Germany. Doug, build me into the story somehow and I will go with it. I can possibly work some magic with the polizei.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: donimator on Sep 05, 2011, 02:53 AM
Quote from: Boba
"The law will be here soon. You need to make yourselves scarce for now. I will be back to you soon. When I do, we shall talk."
Sam backed away, slowly lowering his pistol. He wasn't sure what was going on, but did not need to be around for the trouble, even on a backwater world like this. He turned and walked quickly away to the Aegis. There were few normal days anymore.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 05, 2011, 04:59 AM
:ooc: Time synch will be out by a few minutes here, but we can still run everyone in this thread. Sam and company will be leaving well before the law gets there and when Caden and company see the results of the conflict. Just keep that in mind when we bring everyone together again in the same place.

Haven't heard from Nick yet, but with Kara wounded, I am sure she will be leaving, too. Not going to include her in the narrative yet just in case, so if Nick gives me something else, I won't have conflict. If he had her leave, then I will just add her in with you all.

Tom, because you said you may have some pull with the law - I left your starting point amiguous, so you may go whichever direction you wish.

Brim noticed that Farok now stood next to him. The two watched as the confrontation subsided. Sam was talking to the bounty hunter, but they could not hear from the commotion around them, all they knew was that Sam was now backing away from the area. When he turned his back on Fett, Sam saw his friends and pointed to an alley - not the entrance to the Aegis' bay. The droid was acting automatically due to his evasive software coming on line. The thing Sam knew they needed to do was to get out of the area, find cover, which in this case would be to mingle amongst the ordinary citizens of these Tatooine streets, and only then after a short time would they make their way to the ship.

It was standard maneuvers, but still Brim seemed confused as he caught up with the droid and started to follow, "What the hell just happened, Sam? I come out of the docking bay to see you and Kara in a gun fight - and that bounty hunter is helping?!"

Neither noticed that Farok had not yet started in their direction.

Caden moved himself into the crowd to see what was going on, and to maybe hear those that were speaking. As it was, there were quite a number of people standing about watching while the Mos Entha police conducted its clean up. From his vantage point, Caden could see there was a body laying on the ground on a large stain of blood-soaked sand. Whoever it had been had had the better part of his head removed. Even as he looked, two investigators draped a large cloth over the deceased.

The Bestinian looked around and could see there was blaster scoring on the face of one of the mech shops, as if blaster fire had come from the street at a target above. Had the victim been assassinated? His question was not an impossibility based on the bounty hunter's presence. Caden continued to squeeze closer so that he might hear what was being said between the large police officer and Fett.

"I don't care what your official documents say," said the officer. "We don't allow murders to happen in our streets."

"No matter," replied Fett non-chalantly. "The fact is I have papers that claim this individual had a legal mark placed by the Guild - and it is dead, or alive. I tried the latter, but unfortunately he did not comply. So, if you or your officials have any challenge with this you are welcome to take it up to the Galactic Senate, or even to the Emperor himself."

"The Emperor doesn't rule here," the officer grunted.

"No, but if you think his influence doesn't filter through your politicians, you may want to re-think your public occupation. Words like those may cause you to have to look for work soon."

This seemed to inflame the officer, "I'm no politician! I am a cop, and I will do my job based on the laws of this world!"

"Then as a cop, you should be happy to have us working alongside you," answered Fett, unmoved by the police officer's fierce reply. "Look, if you need me to go in with you for more of your questions, then I will gladly accompany you, or are we done here? I have a contractor that will want to know that this Weequay pirate is dead."

"Actually, yes, I have some more questions!" The cop was sounding perturbed. "I have witnesses that say that there were a few others involved in this incident." He looked at his notes, "I've been told a woman was shot and her droid helped her."

"Yes," answered Fett. "There was a woman. As I came up on the Weequay to apprehend him, he engaged a female that had been walking along the streets. I do not know their business. The woman's droid drew his weapon to protect his mistress. The Weequay's companion then attacked from the rooftop," Fett pointed. "I fired to put an end to the pirate, and saved the woman. She and her droid ran off... that's all I know. The problem you have is that his Trandoshan friend is still out there."

Caden backed away, not clear of what was going on here based on what he heard. Kaida was with him, so who was the woman that was with the droid, Kara? Or did this have nothing to do with them at all? Kara always seemed to have a lot of issues no matter where they went. And why would Fett be here? The Bestinian exited the crowd and moved back to his friends.

:ooc: Okay, go with what you guys want to do. Brim will follow Sam. If you need more, let me know.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 05, 2011, 06:30 AM
Farok moved his way towards the center of the crowd to get an idea of what was happening here. The bounty hunter seemed to have everything in hand, but a little help from the sidelines wouldn't hurt. Farok was tempted to use his force abilities, but he knew the consequences and still was not quite ready to give himself back to the Force. Light saber training was one thing, but using his powers in the open street quite another. Farok pushed his way to the front.
"Officer, I saw a wounded person rushing through the streets that way. If you hurry you can catch him, I am sure the woman and the Droid were of no consequence and you shouldn't trouble to include them in your report."
Farok realized despite himself that he had embraced the force and attempted to bend it to his will to convince the officer to move along. Success or not it was significant, by doing so he knew that Ardana and he were no longer safe here on Tatoonie, he was coming up on the radar. Once again the force had manipulated him, pushed him along the path that it chose despite his desires. Events always began with something small, a jedi trick here, a few words to warn a stranger, and then Farok would find himself further from where he had intended and the Force ruling his life once again. Today he would need a drink.

Rolled 1d20+10 : 11 + 10, total 21
Use the Force Roll Jedi Mind Trick
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 06, 2011, 07:51 PM
Kaida hung back in the shadows of a building with Logar and waited until Caden returned and made his report. She didn't know what was going on, but a Mandalorian showing up was never a good sign. One bounty hunter had been after her. Was this the same one? With their stinking armor on, you could never tell. Still she was somewhat reassured at Britton's collapsed blaster rifle she kept hidden under her cloak.

Once Caden returns...

"Come on," she told the men. "I don't like the look of this. Lets avoid the local police and the helmeted guy and get back to the ship. This way..."

:ooc:She'll move through the alley ways with Logar and Caden in tow to get back to their ship unless something else happens of note.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 07, 2011, 08:10 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Sep 06, 2011, 07:51 PM

Once Caden returns...

"Come on," she told the men. "I don't like the look of this. Lets avoid the local police and the helmeted guy and get back to the ship. This way..."

Caden nodded in agreement.
As the walked back to ship, he mumbled, "Looked like the same guy... I hate that guy."

Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 07, 2011, 09:38 AM
The police officer began to scratch out notes, mumbling, "The woman and the droid had nothing to do with this." He then looked up, "What did this person look like that you saw? Man? Woman? What species? And in what way were they wounded?"

Farok could see that his use of the Force had been quite effective. The officer was looking at him with earnest to get the answers to the questions posed. The warrior created some information and the cop diligently filled out his pad with the data. When done, Farok looked up to see that the helmed visage of Boba Fett was staring hard at him, if staring were the right word for it. The police officer began to issue new orders and Farok deemed it a good time to make himself scarce. While the police activity picked up anew, he mingled into and disappeared in the crowds.

Logar followed Caden and Kaida as they made a circuitous back to the ship's docking bay. The soldier had his hand on the grip of his weapon, but still had it slung in a non-offensive position. His natural skills of perception were up and watching to make sure he could see an ambush before it might take them.

It took them another ten minutes and then finally they made the turn into the bay tunnel and entered the large circular hangar where the Aegis sat. The landing ramp was down, although the inner airlock was closed so that the cool air within the starship would not bleed out into the oppressive Tatooine air. Caden punched in the code and the doors opened with a hiss. The trio moved up to the first deck where the sounds of an argument was going on.

"Dammit, Kara! It is constant. The pub the other night, where you got yourself sauced and probably led those two goons to us. Then we are shooting blasters in the streets. Get it together!" Brim finished, frustration in his voice. Sam and Farok stood nearby, neither saying anything as of yet.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 07, 2011, 04:39 PM
Kaida entered the ship and frowned at the conversation. They didn't need this. Sure Kara had some problems, but who didn't. While Kaida didn't approve of her drunken state of late, at least she only crooned to her bottle, unlike Logar who crooned at his rifle all the time-- She shook her head and approached.

She was about to tell Brim to cool down and then she saw Kara's wounds, and she rushed to her. "Kara! Are you hurt? What happened?"

She pulled out bandage and some bacta and began dressing woman's wounds.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 07, 2011, 05:29 PM
Farok stood off to the side observing the crew and aimlessly stroked his beard. With a start he realized that it reminded him of Kenobi and immediately stopped. He only had one hand it should be easier to keep it occupied he thought. When Brim finished he spoke up.

"CCocha! A past is not something that goes away because you or someone else wants it to.  Your anger is misplaced and not improving the situation. There are more important things to concern ourselves with. Specifically why someone who is strikingly familiar to Jango Fett is getting involved in gun fights in the street, and why he would be willing to interfere with the authorities to protect those who were. Speaking of the authorities we should have no further interference from them. Kara will not be mentioned in the report, and shootings in Mos Ethna are not common they are not rare either; the business of the Hut's and the gangs spills over here occasionally. Though if we are bugging out of here I am going to need a spot for one more on the ship."

He reached into his robes and produced a cigar, what he really wanted was a drink, but the recent crusade against drinking that just came up he thought better of that. He bit off the end, spit it into a pocket so as not to litter in the ship and sparked up his cigar. Farok leaned up against a corner of the ship, though he made it look more like lounging while standing up. So as not to exicte anyone to much he did manage to stand just below one of the air scrubber intakes. Beard stroking was thus effectively put to rest.

"Now, Sweetheart, who were those fellows and do they have friends that we can expect?"
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 07, 2011, 05:55 PM
:ooc: I am really enjoying Farok. I chuckle with each 'sweetheart' that he says.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: watanabe on Sep 07, 2011, 06:19 PM
Kara was overwhelmed by everyone yelling at her.  She gave a nod of thanks at Kaida as she tried to bandage her wounds.  She looked at Brim and shook her head.

"I would have told you to stay the frack away from Tatooine Brim.  This place is a wasteland and every time I come here its trouble whether you drink or not.  Those people who showed up would have found me eventually, and its better here where we can shoot and run than someone like Imperial Center."

Kara grinded her teeth for a moment and then pulled her blaster from her holster and pointed at Farok.  She lowered it from pointing at his chest towards the point between his legs.

"You call me sweetheart one more time, and I'll make you into a sweetheart, if you get my drift."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 07, 2011, 06:23 PM
:ooc:  ;D
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 07, 2011, 06:55 PM
Farok looked at the Corellian and took a deep draw off of his cigar before replying.

"Relax, you're gonna bust at the seems and leak blood all over the ship otherwise. Besides didnt anyone tell you shooting in a ship is a bad idea. You might hit something important. So these two sand beetles, do they have friends we need to worry about and what's the deal with the armored guy?"

Unfortunately there was no intake to deal with the ash that Farok knocked off the end of his cigar and with a flick of his hand sent to the floor.

In the time that Brim spent with Farok he began to notice that he had chameleon like qualities to him. Granted he had some personal habits that were consistent, but he seemed to use different speech patterns and vocabulary depending on who he was talking too. His mannerisms also changed slightly as well. Whether it was part of his ability to stay hidden for so long, his Jedi training,  or something about his background or personality he was unsure, but he seemed to asses each person's character and in some way respond to it and provide something either familiar or expected for them.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 07, 2011, 09:09 PM
Caden, while waiting for a response, helped Kaida with first aid where he could.
He wasn't willing to condemn Kara yet.

First, they were being hunted, and it's possible someone recognized her - in which case, they were all in grave danger.
Second, Kara had been around the block a couple of times. Caden knew she gambled, and perhaps someone from her past wanted paid. Even in a galaxy this big, it happened sometimes - more often than you'd expect.
Third, even though she was still drinking, it seemed that she had made a real effort to quit those damned death-sticks, and so Caden was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Lastly, although he hated to admit it, the woman really could fly a ship... and he was getting used to having her around.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: watanabe on Sep 08, 2011, 06:09 PM
Kara twirled her blaster around pointed it at Farouk one more time then in a flash made it disappear into her concealed holster.

"You better buckle your seat belt when I fly this ship, wouldn't want you to get a concussion if I had to avoid some mysterious space debris."  Kara grinned as she mental watched herself spin the ship in a hard loop and could see the smug fool flying out of his seat and cracking his head on a panel.  Kara chuckled to herself and shook her head, she still had the Corellian inside of her.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 08, 2011, 07:36 PM
"I'll be sure to follow all safety precautions and in flight breifings. Now, at the risk of sounding redundant. Who are those goonies connected to? And someone please tell me that that wasnt just Jengo out there giving me the death stare in the street. And is this in anyway connected to the Dark Jedi, the captivated sister, or this still birth of a rebellion that you guys have been talking about. So far this ship as got more loose ends than the frayed dune blanket off of a bantha. No wonder Kenobi bugged out of here and set this on me as some sort of penitential quest."

Cigar clenched in his teeth he eyed Brim as he took a small flask from somewhere in his robes and proceeded to take a swallow. Affixing the lid he tossed it to Kara, "Take a hit of that, with such a sweet disposition how could I mind the back wash."

Looking to Caden he ashed into one of the deep pockets of his over garments instead if the floor and smiled.

"Well anyone who as any idea of what's going on, please by all means..."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 09, 2011, 11:08 AM
Brim sighed and stared at the bulkhead of the ship, "I do not blame her for her past - we all have something in our own. But not learning from it is another thing." He turned to Kara, "You are right, you said coming here was a bad idea, but you getting wasted and yelling obscenities didn't help." He looked at them all, "All right, I am done with my complaining. As for the bounty hunter, I have heard of Jango Fett, but I am not sure if that was him. He was the one that attacked us on Jovan Station, though." Brim looked at Sam and Kara, "So who was he? And what was he doing... helping us?"
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 09, 2011, 12:08 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on Sep 08, 2011, 07:36 PM
"Take a hit of that, with such a sweet disposition how could I mind the back wash."

:ooc: oh my gosh that was hilarious! Way to go guys. Fun stuff. ;D
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 09, 2011, 12:22 PM
"The helmeted guy?" Kaida spoke to Farok while she bandaged her friend. "Who he is, I don't know. And I don't know if the one in the street is the same one back at Jovan Station. I drilled that one through with my blaster pretty hard, and I don't think he walked away from that, but who knows?" she shrugged as she yanked hard, making Kara wince and finished the wrapping and then stood facing Farok, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "While I'm glad he helped out Kara, I'm not about to start thanking that sort. I'd like to avoid them if possible because the Empire has a nasty habit of sending them after me."

:ooc: I can't remember if Caden and Farok were introduced. If not, I say this:

"So," Kaida clapped Farok on his shoulder giving him a wry smile, "welcome to the crew! Caden this is Farok. Farok Caden. Farok's our newest crewmember. I'm sure Caden will be pleased to ferry you around to the nether reaches of the galaxy for nothing more than idealistic visions. Come on Caden, don't look so dour."

"Now, are we finished here?" she looked at everyone. "As soon as we get the rest of our goods delivered, how about we get off this rock? Do we know where this Shade character is right now? Because that's item A on the agenda. Then we move onto item B, getting my sister."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 09, 2011, 05:18 PM
:ooc: Hey Jingo, Tom's character's name is Farok, not Falgor. I made the changes.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 09, 2011, 06:39 PM
Farok stood up from the bulwark in which he was leaning and bowed slightly to Kaida, "Actually no Princess we are not done." For some reason the princess directed to Kaida sounded more like Princess instead of princess.

"The incident in the street will have repercussions, maybe not with the law, but unless we know who these fellows were working with a  water debt has been incurred by killing one of them. Whether the assistant was hired muscle or not makes no matter. If the dead one worked for someone they will hunt the other thug down to get answers to their questions on who did it, where, and why. This will be a debt of honor that will need to be repaid to save face. The individual worth of the thug is of no matter, it's a matter of tribe when one is killed and the debt not paid. Knowing something more of who these characters where and who he worked for I can better judge if this is an easily settled matter or one requiring more finesse so as not to blow up larger and later at some other place."

"Also the fellow in Mandorian armor is strikingly similar to a very prestigious Bounty Hunter named Jengo Fett, who had very close ties to the Hutts, both in the Hutt system and here on Tatoonie. While the colors are different the array of the weapons and styles are too similar to be ignored. If the Hutts are involved in any of your operations your plans will be soured by opponents you don't even know exist as strings in the background are pulled through proxies and catspaws. My guess is that one of the reasons you and your companions have flown from ambush to ambush is that you don't fully realize the enemies that you have or who your true opponents are.

"Without knowing the dangers or opponents you cannot plan for them or counter their moves. Neither equipment alone nor a fast ship with new identities will be enough. Facing a Dark Jedi is a daunting task. Facing one while other organizations that are richer, better equipped, and have you in their sights when you don't know they exist presents death and failure from too many angles. And that's before we even begin the quest of redeeming a high profile imperial prisoner."

"We need knowledge and information more than we need blasters and smuggling holds. So, I recommend we deal with the problem staring us in the face first. A dead weaquay in the street and a notourious Bounty Hunter willing to help a damsel in distress."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 09, 2011, 06:47 PM
"There are two ways we could approach this objective," said Brim, his thoughts building off of his new friends. "Either we seek him out, or we have him seek us out. There is little in the way of public information about the Bando Gora that I have been able to find on the holonet and so finding where they are will prove impossible and wasteful in time and supplies. But we know that they deal in deathsticks and perhaps we can draw him out using that lure." The Rodian could see that questions still alighted his friends' faces, and so he continued. "Maybe we try to make a big purchase... not for real, but setup a sting to draw them out with the idea of a big buy."

"It would never work." Everyone started at the new voice and turned around to see Boba Fett standing just outside of the ship's lounge area, where the rest of the crew sat. Hands went to weapons, but Fett raised both of his palm out, "No need for any of that... I am here to help. If you don't want it, just say the word. And Whitesun, you may want to re-consider your ship entrance security."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 09, 2011, 07:16 PM
"It's a good plan," Kaida said to Farok though she didn't understand half of what he said regarding water debt and tribes. "But it seems awfully tangential. Still, you may be right. Knowing ones enemy is indeed crucial to understanding them and eventually defeating them. What do you propose?" But she wondered... this could take an awfully long time, time they didn't have while the galaxy crumbled around them.

She then sat on the couch and listened to Brim's reply and was about to reply, when Fett showed up. Her hand drew her blaster in a flash and her eyes darted around the doorway for any other threats. She kept a bead drawn on the bounty hunter.

"Help?" Kaida sputtered. "You--you, or someone dressed like you, was after me in Jovan Station!" they had him outnumbered. If they all blasted him at once, they could take him down. But they were in Caden's ship and blaster bolts inside a ship, as Farok said, wasn't the best idea. Also, this could be just what they needed. Or it could be an elaborate trap of some sort. "Do some talking, and do it quickly, or you'll find yourself chewing carbon through that mask!" Her blaster rifle hummed at full power for emphasis.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 09, 2011, 07:41 PM
"On Jovan, you were on the opposite side of an equation," Fett said with no emotion. The bounty hunter lowered his hands but he did not go for any weapons. If Fett were nervous about his position, he did not display it to the others. "Fortunately for you, Katan, you are no longer in demand. I have also been asked to offer some assistance. It seems that you are on the path of the Bando Gora and their leader... I might know a little bit about all of that."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 09, 2011, 08:06 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 09, 2011, 06:47 PM
"It would never work." Everyone started at the new voice and turned around to see Boba Fett standing just outside of the ship's lounge area, where the rest of the crew sat. Hands went to weapons, but Fett raised both of his palm out, "No need for any of that... I am here to help. If you don't want it, just say the word. And Whitesun, you may want to re-consider your ship entrance security."

"Yeah," Caden said in amazement. "I'll look into it." Fett was clearly extraordinary. Despite his wisecrack, Caden did have onboard security - Sam had seen to it himself - and though it wasn't military-grade, it wouldn't have let anyone else in, especially without a peep.

If Fett had wanted to kill them, he could have mowed most of them down already. He obviously had something else in mind.

"Asked," Caden queried, " by Jareen Antturus? These Bando Gora folks must be a bigger problem than he let on."
Caden already knew the answer, and the one thing that might save them - Fett was a businessman. A murderous, immoral one, to be sure, but he had clients to keep satisfied... and in that way, he wasn't ever entirely in charge.

He wasn't sure how they could use that, but he filed it away nevertheless. In the meanwhile...
"What do you know," he asked. "We're not all as... talented as you are."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 10, 2011, 09:25 AM
"Yes, the request was made by Jareen. The Bando Gora are a plight on businesses, in any form, but mostly those kind managed by Anturrus and his people. They use threats and anarchy to force legitimate businessmen into their fold and those that do not comply disappear - sometimes they are made public examples. That is not to say that Anturrus and his organization do not do the same, but the Bando Gora do not try to work in concordance. They are more anarchists outside their own. So, yea, they are a problem and that is why leaderless they are kept in check. My understanding of them is that they exhibit a hive mind trait and the leadership comes from the top. The rest of the pack is mere drones. Eliminate the head, and the body is left lifeless." Fett relaxed his stance completely, "My father, Jango, dealt with the Bando Gora. He left me many data journals on his life, business, etc. I am willing to offer you this information and even help you in this endeavour... I don't care much for Force-users." The helmeted-face fell on Farok. "So to kill the Shade would be a pleasure."

Boba Fett then looked at Brim, "Making a large purchase will do you little in uncovering the Bando Gora, you would just be dealing with their mules - people that are forced into their servitude. Even to the top of the deathstick production line, it would not draw out the shadow. But, if you disrupted that production line... hit them where it hurts by reducing their supply... that will make them come investigate."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 10, 2011, 10:46 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 09, 2011, 07:41 PM
"On Jovan, you were on the opposite side of an equation," Fett said with no emotion. The bounty hunter lowered his hands but he did not go for any weapons. If Fett were nervous about his position, he did not display it to the others. "Fortunately for you, Katan, you are no longer in demand. I have also been asked to offer some assistance. It seems that you are on the path of the Bando Gora and their leader... I might know a little bit about all of that."

Kaida looked at Fett. She wasn't so naive to believe that the Empire had dropped her off their list. Once they had a warrant out, there was no stopping them. "I'm no longer in demand? Somehow I find that hard to believe Mr. Fett. You know the Empire won't ever stop looking for me. So why not try to take me now?" She hadn't lowered her blaster. She didn't like this. Didn't trust him one bit.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 10, 2011, 11:20 AM
Fett answered coldly, "I didn't say the Empire was no longer looking for you. I just said you are no longer in demand... to me. Which means, I have no interest in you."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: watanabe on Sep 10, 2011, 12:01 PM
"Well that's just comforting..." Kara mumbled wondering about how much it would cost to hire Fett to shoot Farok.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 10, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 10, 2011, 11:20 AM
Fett answered coldly, "I didn't say the Empire was no longer looking for you. I just said you are no longer in demand... to me. Which means, I have no interest in you."

Kaida gave a mirthless laugh. "Until the price on my head goes back up, that is." She shook her head grimly, and her eyes narrowed. "There's no point to this Fett. You're just one more double-crossing scum, slaving away for the highest bidder. You people are all the same. No honor. Nothing to trust. Nothing in you but love of credits. I say we off him now and go on our own. One less headache to deal with down the road."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 11, 2011, 06:54 AM
"Your call, Kaida. It would be a shame for you to die now, especially with your mark cleared with me. Actually, your best bet is to trust in me. Who else do you have on your side at the moment, who has insight regarding the people chasing you? I have access to the guild and the details on all marks." Fett was very matter-of-fact. His tone conveyed that he didn't care one way or the other about what happened in the next sixty seconds, and he let her know. "So either fire that blaster, or put it away and let's get busy finding this dark jedi. I am already paid and it won't make much difference to me whether you are alive or dead at the end of the day."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Callowmoryne on Sep 11, 2011, 09:05 AM
Logar stepped forward. "I don't trust him either. But I have to believe if he wanted you dead, he'd get busy trying to make you that way. Also I think we need all the help we can get with this shadow character." Logar shared his jackals smile with Fett, patting the vibroknife at his belt. " Besides if he's with us it's easier for Katherine to keep a watch on him."

:ooc: sorry guys been busy lately with vaca the abruptly back to work and my free time has all gone to playing dead island.

Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 12, 2011, 01:15 AM
"Made public examples," Caden thought.
"Answer me this, then," he said with a glare, while gently pushing himself in between the irate Kaida and the bounty hunter. "I assume you read the holos. On Bakura, there were two high-profile assassinations recently; minister Seelig and Senator Ranie. Were they Bando Gora... examples?"

Caden, sensing the answer before it came, didn't relish the notion of working with Fett, but if nothing else, they'd at least be better off knowing exactly where he was. And if he was really on their side - even temporarily - so much the better.
And if the Bando Gora were responsible for murdering two of his friends on that backwater planet, Caden might even be able to put aside his qualms with Antturrus in the meanwhile, too.

"Kaida might not think of it this way," he thought,  but this was still his ship, not her chariot. And whether she was considered a noblewoman back on her world or not, in the Outer Rim, nobility carried about as much weight as Tatooine dust.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 12, 2011, 06:14 AM
Quote from: Callowmoryne on Sep 11, 2011, 09:05 AM:ooc: sorry guys been busy lately with vaca the abruptly back to work and my free time has all gone to playing dead island.

:ooc: No problem, John.

Logar saw Boba Fett's head nod, as if in understanding or maybe admiration. The soldier was unable to tell, but he felt that the bounty hunter had just given him a modicum of respect - and that the challenge was accepted, should it ever arise.

Caden then spoke and Fett replied, "I don't know. I heard about their deaths, but the holonet says you killed them, or were part of the plot. It wasn't part of any job I had working, so my interest lay only in the informative value, but those fit my meaning of public examples. Was it the Bando Gora? Maybe. But I have seen a Hutt have a person flayed and then left on the sands of Tatooine for the suns to cook them and the womp rats to dine, so you can't be certain who did the killings... if it wasn't you."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 12, 2011, 08:33 AM
:ooc: A note... Kaida, Logar, and Farok know nothing about the Bakuran slayings other than what might have been seen on the Holonet News. Accusation of murders and assassinations might be of concern to some of them... maybe. Just saying.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 12, 2011, 10:50 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 12, 2011, 08:33 AM
:ooc: A note... Kaida, Logar, and Farok know nothing about the Bakuran slayings other than what might have been seen on the Holonet News. Accusation of murders and assassinations might be of concern to some of them... maybe. Just saying.
:ooc: I know.  ;D
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 12, 2011, 10:57 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 12, 2011, 06:14 AM

Caden then spoke and Fett replied, "I don't know. I heard about their deaths, but the holonet says you killed them, or were part of the plot. It wasn't part of any job I had working, so my interest lay only in the informative value, but those fit my meaning of public examples. Was it the Bando Gora? Maybe. But I have seen a Hutt have a person flayed and then left on the sands of Tatooine for the suns to cook them and the womp rats to dine, so you can't be certain who did the killings... if it wasn't you."

"If I was that good an assassin, you wouldn't have ever set foot on my ship," Caden snarled. "We were investigating the first murder, and got framed for both by someone. They dealt drugs - something called namana - and that hooded lightsaber-wielding maniac was their lapdog. That's all I know right now, but I don't intend for it to stay that way."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 12, 2011, 05:45 PM
"Then what do you say we end this bickering, and start working on a solution to the shadow?" Fett retorted. There was a hint of irritation in his voice due to the time that it was taking. His helmeted head looked passed Caden and at the noblewoman behind him, "You ready to put that blaster down?"

Brim spoke out, "All right... like Logar says, trust him or not, at least he can and is willing to supply us with the information we need." The Rodian looke at Fett, "And if he wants to accompany us, then having his walking arsenal will not be a bad thing. So let's get down to it, Fett. What is it that you know?"

:ooc: I am leaving it open here for the moment to see if any other PC's want to chime in about Fett helping.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 12, 2011, 06:25 PM
Kaida stared at Fett. It was scum like this that had hunted down her family and brought them to the Empire or killed them on the spot. It was scum like this that had been after her ever since she fled Commenor. And she was supposed to put all that aside and work with him? She was tempted to shove the blaster in his face and pull the trigger. She imagined the feel of the kick of the rifle, of the helmet taking the impact, smacking back, of Fett falling backwards. And she smiled, a Logar-like smile. The anger was such a base emotion and it welled up in her so suddenly that she took an involuntary step forward and felt a rush of power. For a long heartbeat she stood rooted to the spot, her finger caressing the trigger. Then she remembered her father's voice teaching her that violence must be properly used to protect, to defend, to liberate. Never out of vengeance. She eventually lowered the gun, her hand shaking, and her voice was thick with emotion. "I think we're both lucky I had a good father Mr Fett. I'll work for you, for now, of necessity, but don't ever come after me again!"

She sat down and leaned back. She took a deep breath. "You mentioned hitting their supply line. Where? When? Tell us what you have in mind?"
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: donimator on Sep 13, 2011, 03:40 AM
Sam just listened to see how this would play out. Cutting to the chase, Fett was a businessman. His interests seemed to align with theirs now, and one less person chaisng them was always a good thing. He would keep an eye on him, though. For all Fett knew, Sam was just a droid of simple programming.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 13, 2011, 05:27 AM
Farok had been quiet during this whole interaction; he listened both to the bounty hunter and the Aegis's crew. Watching and listening he tried to puzzle through the different motives and histories that were at play here. So far he came to the conclusion that Kara actually volunteered the least amount of information to the Bounty Hunter.

"So a Fett is again loose on the universe. Interesting."

"You are mistaken Princess, a Bounty Hunter is possessed of a certain degree of honor. Like Mercenaries their reputation is what sustains them and what determines their worth. Getting the job done is second only to doing what they have either agreed or been paid to do. You could call it honor by contract."

"I am not convinced however, that for need of allies in hunting the Shade you have come here Fett. I don't take you as the pack kind of hunter. Your desire is the personal challenge of a one to one hunt, the money involved is secondary to you. Keep in mind however that whatever strings Anturrus is pulling he has cast you into his web as well. I'm sure you have thought about what leverage you are brining to the table for him by being here?"

Farok looked around the ship at the assembled folks. He took another long draw off of his cigar and this time the ash didn't make it into his robes.

"Worse partnerships have been made before, and if not built on trust they can be built upon mutual respect. Walking into a ship uninvited shows a clear lack of respect so clean up your act and start acting like a professional or take a hike, that's the difference between being able to do something and doing it just because you can."

" The price of you doing business with us is being paid by someone else, our price of doing business with you is a six month hiatus once the Shade is dead on any new, outstanding, or recently remembered contracts on anyone on this ship. Does that sound fair to everyone?"

"Oh and Bounty Hunter, I wont kill you if you cross us, I'll destroy your professional name and reputation in this galaxy until even street thugs on Tatooine laugh at the mention of your name."

" Now that we understand each other a little better lets dispense with the blaster measuring contest and get down to the matter at hand."

Farok placed the cigar back into his mouth and made a hand motion to Kara for her to toss him back his flask.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 13, 2011, 01:09 PM
Fett's armor had belonged to his father, and so it was a bit beaten and battered. The effect was to make Boba Fett seem older than he really was. If the people in front of him knew that he was just eighteen cycles old, the confrontation may have come off differently. The helmet microphone also aided in making him more machine than man. All this and the reputation that he had thus far accrued extended him his notoriety and ruthlessness, but still he was learning. Boba wondered if Varta, and even Anturrus of the Black Sun, knew who they were now dealing with. The team of misfits before him were very well organized and smart. He had no doubt that they would have success, and he had no problem letting them know.

His entrance into the Aegis had been quite skilled and effective, but the one-armed man was right - it was amateur-ish. Boba Fett was not an assassin. He had no reason to sneak in in this manner, unless it was his intention to disable the ship. He looked at Farok, "Noted."

As for his interests in Kaida... he no longer had any. Farok was right again. He was a businessman and he had been paid for leaving her be and to even help her. He would honor his contract. He had no commitment to Vader. There was no retainer fee. Fett had simply picked up on the mark after the shadow had come to him to find out where Corbin Sallo was heading. Boba had only then decided to take on the hunt and logged it with the Guild. Changing his mind would not dishonor any contract to anyone out there, and so he confirmed, "You have my word that I will no longer pursue any current contract that is listed on Kaida Katan, or her companions. If you cross the line, though, and new contracts are placed... then you have my word that you will have a six month start."

Heads nodded around the room. The bounty hunter approached Sam, "You will need this to remove the plants." Boba Fett handed Sam a small trigger device that had been neatly hidden in his hand. "You will find the charges placed on each landing strut hydraulic arm, just within the ship's hull." Fett then looked back to Farok, "I am a businessman, but I play to win." Then he looked at Kaida, "Now, as to what I know." Again he held up a device. Caden could see it was a small code cylinder.

With a leery nod, Caden pointed to where Fett could insert the code cylinder and thus access the data. The bounty hunter tapped a couple passwords and then the monitor in the corner of the lounge lit up with what appeared to be a journal. Included in the journal were small thumbnail files of images. Fett selected one and it expanded to an overhead map of what appeared to be a jungle valley.

The valley ran between the length of two ranges of mountains, which themselves terminated perpedicularly at a long chasm. The chasm had to be at least a mile across, based on its size relative to the vale and mountains, and was deep with misty fog. A river ran along the valley length and then fell down a series of step waterfalls until it reached a massive drop and fell into the chasm. On the opposite side of the chasm was another range of mountains. Atop one of them that flattened into a plateau, was a huge palace and industrial facility.

There were handwitten notes that marked locations on the map. They all referred to Sebolto, a Dug crimelord, who had managed to rise in rank and status to dominate even the Gran population that resided on Malastare. Though indigenous, the Dugs had been suppressed by the Gran immigrants over many generations. Sebolto had changed that with his business and power, naming himself King. Unfortunately for the crime lord, he had a run in with Jango Fett and died while trying to escape the bounty hunter. A new Dug named Pugwis, related to the dead king, rose to take Sebolto's place as leader. The strength and revenue from the death stick production kept the criminals in power. With the aid of the Bando Gora, it was assured.

Fett pointed, "You can see where my father has written a number of things regarding his ingress into the facility controlled by the crime-lord, Sebolto. I understand that even though Sebolto and Komari Vosa were slain, both the Dugs and the Bando Gora maintained their business relations allowing a new Dug to rise to power - his name is Pugwis. The palace and industrial facility is protected by a formidable array of surface to air defenses, so there is no way to destroy the facility from above with a starship of our ships' sizes. But if we use this map to make our way up this valley, and secretly enter the facility, we can bring explosive charges to blow it into orbit. I cannot be certain that the valley defenses will be the same, but I can see no reason why they would be drastically changed. Jango Fett is the only one I have ever heard of who has attacked the Dug palace."

Sam studied the map and saw where the former Fett had intricately marked the locations of fixed weapons and barracks. If it hadn't changed, it would make easy to either remove or get past any threat.

:ooc: Sorry for the scanned paper drawing attachment. I have not yet had the chance to use a computer program to illustrate what is in my head.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 13, 2011, 06:43 PM
"You think an attack on this stronghold will flush out the Shade? Do we have any idea of the markets and organization that are peddaling Gora death sticks?
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 13, 2011, 07:16 PM
Caden seethed; only half-paying attention to the map. Fett had sabotaged his ship, and it would have worked.
He made a mental note to get with Sam, Logar and perhaps this Farok in order to create new security protocols as soon as Fett was off the ship.
He wouldn't dare let the bounty hunter in on the planning; he figured a six-month head start still might not be enough...
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 13, 2011, 08:05 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on Sep 13, 2011, 06:43 PM
"You think an attack on this stronghold will flush out the Shade? Do we have any idea of the markets and organization that are peddaling Gora death sticks?

Kaida had rolled her eyes at the six-month head start bit and at Farok's view of the bounty hunter. Honor indeed. But regardless, they were now reluctant allies; and she figured it was best to use him as much as she could before he was on her tail again.

Studying the map, Kaida wondered the same thing that Farok had just stated.

"Why would they put the bulk of their production in one single facility? It seems it'd make more sense to have them spread out. But then I don't know much about death sticks. Is there something unique to this jungle environment that promotes its production? And this hand-drawn map is from your...father? Do you have anything more current?" She was skeptical. " After all, basing plans off intel more than a decade old isn't the best practice."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 14, 2011, 06:20 AM
"I am sorry I haven't new aerial reconnaissance," Fett replied to Kaida, sarcasm dripping in every word. Then to answer both Farok and Kaida's other questions, "I don't know if you will flush out anything, for sure. I have no idea what their production or marketing is; and I have no idea if this facility is the only plant that they use. I am going to go with a no, in regards to the latter question, but what else do you have? If you want, I can bring up the later journals from my father, that detail his attack on Vosa and the Bando Gora's hideout on Kohlma. It is a moon that circles Bogden and has been made into a massive memorial tomb to those who died in Bogden's catastrophic war. The question is, are they still there? Again, I don't know.

(http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060219054336/starwars/images/7/7c/Kohlmamoon.jpg) (http://starwars.wikia.com/index.php?title=Kohlma&image=Kohlmamoon-jpg)

"So, what will an attack on the Malastare production facility do? It might draw the shadow out to investigate. Or maybe it will draw out the Bando Gora so that we can get a fix on where they come from, or go to. Maybe it will lead us to another production facility, and we can destroy that one, too. No matter, what you have a place to start." Boba gave the noblewoman a hard stare, "Or you can come up with your own plan and information."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: donimator on Sep 14, 2011, 09:02 AM
Sam bristled as he was handed the trigger. When the hell had he wired up the ship?? He made a note to look for other surprises. This bounty hunter seemed the type with more than one backup plan. As he was taking in the map he was already making plans to dig up as much info on Malastare as he could find. He didn't want for them to be stranded if this Fett had a change of heart.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 15, 2011, 03:15 PM
Farok had delt with drug smuggling rings before. As the map and the particulars began to come to light the sand blasted old man thought about all that he was hearing. Stopping the drug trade was not going to happen, in fact all they were really doing was helping someone else corner the market, but how to lure out a Dark Jedi.....

"Do those who deal with the Bando Gora know that they are dealing with a force user?"

:ooc: Tomcat, I am going to try and use my galactic knowledge bureaucracy and galactic lore to see if i can tease anything of value out of this information or anything else that i have done or worked with in the past.
Rolled 1d20+10 : 12 + 10, total 22
Rolled 1d20+10 : 10 + 10, total 20
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 16, 2011, 09:20 AM
Boba Fett could only shake his head, "I don't know much past what I have on these data journals. I understand through my father's notes that the Gora are a Force-using cult, but who knows what their associates knew."

:ooc: Just to give some info out of character - Fett is not a specialist on this cult. He only knows what he knows due to the records his father left him. As for your rolls, Tom, I will give you some answers to what you were looking for only if you have some time to study the code cylinder that Fett has. Your rolls are good enough to know some basic business and lore about drug running, but the Bando Gora is/was a very secretive organization.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 16, 2011, 04:55 PM
Farok tapped his index finger along his cigar as he thought about the problem before them.

"Secret societies are difficult to penetrate; it's kind of the point of keeping them a secret. But no organization no matter how secret can meet all of its own needs. Someone has to fly ships, somewhere there are supplies or resources going somewhere, people to fly ships, repair them. Credits need to be put somewhere or they are useless. There are many threads that can be followed, and if done so diligently will lead back to the blanket they are woven into. If this planter is distribution the supply needs to come from somewhere. If it's a manufacturing planet someone comes to pick up the sticks for transport. A planet is no small asset to have in ones arsenal so if not critical I would rate Malastare as at least important."

Farok scanned through the notes and the images, "if we can figure out the level of activity we can figure out when things are likely to come and go through the system. We may be able to set up some sensor arrays on one of the moons. We can also plant some surveillance equipment in the facility itself, try to get some more information on what it is we are trying to do. We don't want to waste our time with the small fish or the petty drug smugglers or we will get nowhere, but if we can find a way to hit them hard and fast, throw off the system enough then the heavy hitters are going to want to fix things themselves. The trick is figuring out the bait that they would respond to."

"Its a cult not a bussiness enterprise. Our best bet would attack it along some kind of religious value that they hold. That will get the nest all in a tither. The credit loss they can work around, but righteous indignation is going to sucker in the devout and come up on the radar of the leadership. A loss of face is a loss of faith, which attacks the core of their position."

Farok smiled and blew out a smoke ring, "find a way to attack the faith and he will come."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 16, 2011, 06:04 PM
Brim walked up to the monitor. He could see that Jango Fett had been meticulous about recording his business - there was personal notes, and also official notes off of the Republic's holonet. He looked at Boba, "May I? I would like to read some of this."

Fett gestured, his hands out and open, "Be my guest."

Brim began to scroll up and then back down through the data. He focused on the Bando Gora and its previous leader. He read the first paragraph out loud to his companions.

"Komari Vosa was a fallen Human Jedi, crime lord, and the last leader of the Bando Gora cult. Vosa was the target of the hunt, which ultimately brought about her untimely demise. Following her death, the Bando Gora ceased to exist." Brim grimaced, "Or though they thought."

He read on.

Like most Jedi, Komari Vosa was taken as an infant to Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi by Master Yoda. She was then apprenticed to Jedi Master Dooku as a Padawan learner. Vosa was a brash young student with a short temper. Never was this more evident than when the Jedi were called to Galidraan to stop the army of Mandalorians, which the Jedi Council had been misled to believe were killing political activists on the planet. Komari Vosa killed at least twenty of the soldiers, as she would later boast to one of the two Mandalorian survivors, Jango Fett.

The Jedi High Council were disturbed by what seemed to be a growing infatuation in Vosa for her Master. This, in conjunction with her aggression, was used to deem her unworthy of Knighthood. Furious with the decision, Komari took it upon herself to leave Coruscant with four other Jedi on a mission to Baltizaar to save civilians from a cult called the Bando Gora. The mission was a failure. Two of the Jedi died and the other three, including Vosa, disappeared and were presumed dead.

In truth, they were captured and Komari was tortured to the point of madness, leaving scars along her back and chin. Vosa eventually broke free, but did not escape. Embracing the dark side, she overthrew her captors and became their leader, proving her worth by executing the other two Jedi captives. Another Bando Gora became her chief minion, informing her of happenings around the galaxy.

With Komari Vosa's worth proven, she took the reins and set her plan in motion. It was simple: release a brainwashing agent into death sticks which would immediately enslave the users and recruit them into the Bando Gora. Komari Vosa would ship the agent to Gardulla the Hutt on Tatooine to cover her trail, who would in turn send it over to Sebolto on Malastare to be processed into the death sticks. Sebolto would then send his death sticks to Coruscant's underworld leaders such as Groff Haugg. Such made her the key to the whole operation.

As a result, this disrupted much bigger plans in the highest place of the galaxy. Darth Sidious, with his plans to grab power in the Galactic Senate and then establish himself as Emperor, took notice of the Bando Gora and knew that it had to be destroyed if his plans were to succeed. As such, he ordered Dooku, now his apprentice, Darth Tyranus, to eradicate Komari Vosa and the Bando Gora. Tyranus obeyed his Master and would not only have Vosa killed but find someone to become the template for a clone army.

Tyranus hired bounty hunters and mercenaries across the galaxy to find, capture or kill Komari Vosa. Jango Fett was able to trace the source of the death sticks to Malastare through the corrupt politician, Senator Connus Trell. From Malastare, Fett found the source to be from Gardulla the Hutt. All the while, Jango was eliminating Vosa's underworld contacts, disrupting her plans and ensuring that the hunters became the hunted. Komari Vosa was finally found by Rozatta, the Toydarian working with Jango, to be on one of the moons of Bogden.
(http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070609014606/starwars/images/thumb/f/f1/KomariVosa2.jpg/172px-KomariVosa2.jpg) (http://starwars.wikia.com/index.php?title=Komari_Vosa&image=KomariVosa2-jpg)

After fighting his way through countless Bando Gora slaves as well as killing Montross, Jango Fett was captured inside Komari Vosa's citadel. Komari Vosa had her slaves torture Jango until she arrived to see the one bounty hunter who was able to find her. Vosa then interrogated Fett personally. She tried to seduce him, even getting on top of him. Luckily for Fett, another bounty hunter arrived. The Clawdite known as Zam Wesell, who was also working with Jango to find Vosa, infiltrated her citadel. Vosa sensed Wesell and confronted her. Wesell killed two of Vosa's minions and opened fire on her, but Vosa deflected the bolts back to Zam and knocked her over. As Komari Vosa was about to kill her, Wesell shot Fett's restraints. Freed, Fett retrieved his weapons and attacked Vosa.

Vosa fled further into her citadel as Jango pursued her. Eventually confronting Vosa in her throne room, after going through her maze, Jango managed to defeat her and had her at his mercy. Strangely, when Vosa asked if Jango was going to finish her, he showed mercy and lowered his weapons. At that moment, Vosa finally sensed her old Master, who had been observing the confrontation in secret. Tyranus then Force-choked her to death. Fett collected his bounty of five million credits.

:ooc: There is a lot of info here that may not have been recorded, or known to Fett, but I want to give you guys the back story of it all without having to wait for chances to reveal things. Some may know this stuff if you ever played the Star Wars Bounty Hunter game. For those that have not, now you know the details. I may restrict some of the above items as information unavailable to your characters (i.e. some of the inner-Jedi stff). If you use something of this that I think was player info only, I may ask you to edit your post. I know, sorry!  :roll:
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 17, 2011, 07:25 AM
Finishing with the notes, Brim turned to Farok, "This does not sound like a cult of faith or personality, but one of forced subjugation."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 18, 2011, 12:50 PM
"Your Rodian friend is right," agreed Boba Fett. "The way I see it though is if you are going to try to find the reasons why and the methods in which the Bando Gora recruit and try to break them by revealing their secret, then you are probably going to waste a lot of time. From what I have read on the group it seems they are nothing but a chaotic, subversive organization. They take what they want by force. They break the will of those that they capture via drugs and supposedly sorcery and they use intimidation to quell any revolt against them. Brute force seems to me the only thing that will get their intention... like stepping on a talin* nest - disturb the nest and they swarm out."

Brim pointed to one of the notes, "The Gora were not in the death stick production, they were using death sticks to introduce their influencing drug. So, who is to say that they are still in the death stick business?"

"Well whatever business they are in, Anturrus is not happy with the idea of them appointing a new leader," said Fett.

Brim then remembered something they had read a few months past in Seelig's diary about creatures with glowing eyes. He pointed this out to them all once more and then remarked, "The glowing eyed creatures were probably the Bando Gora. Perhaps they were looking to include namana as a source for their mind-influencing drug."

Fett pulled the data cylinder, "You all keep talking about what is, or what was. How they did this, or that. Who cares? I have interest in taking out the shadow. You have interest in removing this guy, too, from what I understand. So, you all can debate here until the sands blow off this world leaving nothing left. I am going to go back to the start and see what I can stir up."

The bounty hunter tucked the code cylinder into one of the many utility pockets on his padded suit and began to walk towards the Aegis' landing ramp.

:ooc: Okay... between Tom and me and the NPC's there is little to no conversation or RP'ing going on. I am in the midst of designing maps and the layout of this episodes adventure, but if you guys are done just let me know. Player posting is way down. This pace of game will not hold any cohesiveness to story or interest, or it will shift story content to those people that are here playing.

If there are players that are bored and want to drop out, it is not a problem - just give me a heads up.

I'll wait for replies and then tool the story based on who is still playing.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 18, 2011, 01:53 PM
"Its not a revealing of their secrets that I intended. The Bando Gora want something, their desires are the key to unlocking what they value most, and attacking what they value most will stir up the nest as you say. The Shadow will not come to us because we ask him to. I am not opposed to going to Malastare, and its our only lead at the moment. But in order to find answers we need to know what questions to ask."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 18, 2011, 03:59 PM
Brim nodded,"That is logical, Farok."

From the distance where he stood to take the ladder down to the first deck, Boba Fett also replied, "Sounds good... hopefully I will see you there."

:ooc: That is not a prickish GM statement coming from Fett, Tom. Especially after my abve inquiry into game interest. ;D

Nah, just playing Fett as a guy who usually works solo. He has an idea of a plan and he is running with it himself and if he sees you all again, then so much the better.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 18, 2011, 07:52 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 18, 2011, 12:50 PM

:ooc: Okay... between Tom and me and the NPC's there is little to no conversation or RP'ing going on. I am in the midst of designing maps and the layout of this episodes adventure, but if you guys are done just let me know. Player posting is way down. This pace of game will not hold any cohesiveness to story or interest, or it will shift story content to those people that are here playing.

If there are players that are bored and want to drop out, it is not a problem - just give me a heads up.

I'll wait for replies and then tool the story based on who is still playing.

:ooc: Not bored, still playing. Caden just isn't a soldier; he's a salesman. ;)
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: donimator on Sep 19, 2011, 08:02 AM
Sam listened to the bounty hunter speak with Brim, Farok and the others. He found himself looking for weak points in the Mandalorian's armour, potential blind spots his backpack might create...information could always be found of use. He listened to the discussions, but his programming wasn't for planning, but for the execution of plans. There wasn't enough hard data to plug into any logic or probability algorithms. He would be ready to act when called upon.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: watanabe on Sep 19, 2011, 12:48 PM
Kara was still thinking of ways to get Farouk thrown off the ship.  She heard the bounty hunters words about death sticks, and all the conversations about drugs brought back so many memories... so many temptations.

"I think I should stay flying the ship or as cover for this mission.  Deathstick production is not something I should probably be too close to at the moment." she muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.  Was she talking to everyone, or just herself?  Who knows.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 19, 2011, 07:16 PM
 :ooc: oh Doug, not for nothing but this thread is called "Cool Down" how active do you want it?  ;D
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 19, 2011, 08:09 PM
 :ooc: LOL! Yea, Tom, it looks like I probably should have gone the other way. I'll have a new post up in the morning. Feel free to add something else if you wish.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 20, 2011, 06:48 AM
Farok watched the Bounty Hunter leave the ship. He waited a moment and then looked around the room. "Well that was interesting. Probably need to change the locks by the way."

"So Brim, what does your Jedi Code tell you to do now? Join the morally despicable Bounty Hunter and help a criminal drug lord corner the market and distribution of a drug and attack a planet with an enslaved population working with a cult dedicated to enslaving the will of people for their own ends? This by the way is headed by a Dark Jedi.  Where in this equation are justice and the right path of peace?"

"For that matter can any here answer that question?" Farok took another pull off of his flask and noticed that he was going to have to head home or to the cantina shortly for a resupply.

"I'm not the Prince or judge of the galaxy, hell I was planning on being a cantina drunk with a hot concubine until only a couple of days ago. Screw Kenobi and his self righteous yes and no answers and inability to take a stand. Who are the good guys here? I don't know. But I have been involved in drug wars before. Antaruss and the Hutts run a cleaner operation. Their goals are profit and influence, both of which rely on order and peace to function. Cults dedicated to enslaving people to their will to pour them iced kafa while they kick their feet up and feed off of suffering is something else. Knowing the way the galaxy works I can tolerate the first kind of bantha bags. These other guys though... they gotta go."

"Production center or distribution center in the end doesn't really matter. Either way blowing it up screws up their operation, Jengo Fett had that right at least. It's a play that they cant ignore. I like this kind of old school mission. Find a guy who knows something, beat the information out of him and blow up his operation after he talks. Classic Jedi mission. When do we leave because my flask is about dry and I need to grab some things."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 20, 2011, 11:56 AM
Quote from: watanabe on Sep 19, 2011, 12:48 PM
"I think I should stay flying the ship or as cover for this mission.  Deathstick production is not something I should probably be too close to at the moment." she muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.  Was she talking to everyone, or just herself?  Who knows.

Caden raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "How about that," he thought. There was hope for her yet.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 20, 2011, 11:58 AM
Brim shook his head at Farok, "I answer you Farok, that I believe completely in an idea, code or entity that wishes to see peace and freedom amongst all, but has the willingness to defend those principles when necessary. The Jedi that was here prior did not ask us to undertake this action, it was those very individuals who are responsible for it. I will lend my hand in seeing it through so that in effect one of the underworld entities can topple, and with hope weaken those others that are also in the illicit trade. As for the bounty hunter, all we need is his information. His agenda is his own and if we are no longer in his sights, all the better. Hopefully, there will be a day when you will see the galaxy... the Republic... once more, not through your jaded glasses, but through the enlightenment you were given by the Jedi Knights who have all but fallen. Until then, we must agree to disagree, but work together for success."

Logar'Dan spoke next, "We need a few days for some new equipment to arrive, but after that we are free to leave this place."

The Rodian nodded, "Then I suggest one of us makes haste to ask Fett to wait on us." He turned to Caden, "If no one has anything to add, then I also suggest Captain, that we leave for Malastare when the new items are stowed on board. If I may also recommend that our new companion Farok be made part of this crew, if he wishes. It seems to me his knowledge and warrior skills may come in useful."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Callowmoryne on Sep 20, 2011, 12:23 PM
Logar nodded to Brim. "Ill gladly go after Fett. let him know we are waiting on supplies. Maybe pick his brain some on the missioin."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 20, 2011, 04:38 PM
Logar did not see the Rodian give him a nod, as he turned and went for the landing ramp. He exited the ship and realized that Tatooine could either kill you with heat, or freeze you to death for the suns had set and the night air was quickly becoming chilled. He only gave it a passing thought and began to run in the direction that he assumed the bounty hunter would have gone - out of the landing bay and then north. Based on Sam's re-telling of the street attack, Fett had approached their bay from that direction.

It was the right choice.

It didn't take long before he saw the Mandalorian strolling through the shadowed Mos Entha streets. There was light coming from street lamps and shops that were still open. Logar discontinued his fast pace and proceeded to approach Boba Fett at a walk. He was about to call to him, so as not to make the bounty hunter jumpy, but Fett somehow beat him to the call.

"I hope that you are catching up with me so that we can finalize any plans." Fett stopped and turned around to face Logar'Dan. "Anything else might be unhealthy."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Callowmoryne on Sep 20, 2011, 04:55 PM
Logar felt a rush at the boutny hunters threat. He was smart enough to know if Logar wanted him dead he would never have gotten this close to the man without firing a shot. Fett was the type that Logars mother would call a "Tough Customer". Its was best to respond in kind to these types.  Logar just smiled at the bounty hunter."Id hate to break the majesty of this cool night with blasterfire and your pleas for help. No i came to talk. Shall we walk? Where are we headed? Someplace warm i hope."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 20, 2011, 04:59 PM
"I am heading to my ship. I have some things to prepare before I leave." Fett turned, but waited for Logar to catch up before he began to walk again. "What do you want to talk about."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 21, 2011, 11:37 AM
 :ooc: I'm going to assume our upgrades haven't been installed yet.

"Right," Caden nodded. He was getting uncomfortable on Tatooine, anyway - at this point, it didn't seem safe for them to stay anywhere for too long. "I'll start plotting a course now. We're re-stocked, but I've ordered some new work to be done on the ship's interior - it might come in very handy."

"Farok, you're free to join us if you'd like," he added. After all, Britton's passing meant they could fit him on the ship, even if it wasn't a roomy, luxury hotel. "I know you don't think much of Kenobi, but apparently he thinks better of you, and, well... most of the people here got on board with less to recommend them," he said with a smirk. "We could use you."

"Once Logar gets whatever he can and the upgrades are complete, we can shove off."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Callowmoryne on Sep 21, 2011, 12:08 PM
Logar fell in beside the bounty hunter on his left and matched his pace. Scanning the streets ahead, eyes always moving. He felt more comfortable walking next to Fett thanhe had in weeks. It seemed strange to him. "I came to pick your brain really. Your the type to already be planning this assault in your head. Also we've an order in with a local for supplies, Armor, upgrades for the ship etc. So we will be a few days before we can jump off this rock. I thought you should know"
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 21, 2011, 08:57 PM
"I've got an idea of what to do," Fett replied with a slight nod. "I have not been to Malastare in a while and have no recon of this valley, but I think I can play it based on what my father left me. We'll see. If that is a plan? Well... like I said, we'll see." They continued to walk along the street, "No problem with your supply time, I have no problem waiting a few more days. The Dug's should have no knowledge of another attack along that line, so there is no real urgency."

Fett looked Logar up and down, "You're not like the others in your group. You can always tell the ones that have seen real battle, and taken a life. There was another on your ship that was like you. I saw him on Jovan. Where is he?"

Logar knew that the bounty hunter was asking about Britton, and he told him he had been killed. He offered no other information.

Boba didn't ask anymore questions, only nodded, "Well be careful. They look like they will be relying on you on this mission and will most likely put you up front. Trying to defend others... that's a good way to get yourself killed. Take care of yourself first and those that can adapt will walk out with you. Still, that one-armed warrior has a reputation around here, and the cobbled-droid you have might make for a good soldier, too, so maybe you'll have some support. Once were on the ground in that jungle, it will be a brand new world to the rest." He then handed Logar a scrap of paper with a frequency code jotted down on it. "Once you and your companions are ready, transmit to me your departure time and I will match accordingly."

The Mandalorian helmet turned to face Logar as Boba Fett came to a halt. It was clear that the bounty hunter wanted to end their evening stroll. "Anything else you want to pick my brain about?"

:ooc: Hey John, we don't have to RP out all of your questions you might have for Fett. You can list anything that you want to ask, and I will give you back the narrative with his answers - if he feels so inclined.  ;)

Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Callowmoryne on Sep 22, 2011, 02:58 AM
Logar gave Fett one more wicked grin. "No im done asking questions. But you should know a few things, you got part of it right. Im not like the others aboard aegis, they  have'nt seen the the violence that i have time and time again. But they took me in you know. Gave me a purpose when i needed one besides just killing folks for the fun of it. Ive seen them under fire, And theres not one of them id call a coward or weak. And no one has to put me up front Fett. Not this crew or anyone else i ever worked for. Up front is where i like it. Guess ill be seeing you soon."  With a nod he stuffed the scrap of paper in one of his flight suits many pockets. Turned and headed back to the Aegis. His hands began to shake slightly. He felt better than he had in a long while.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 22, 2011, 04:27 PM
The two men separated and went in their perspective directions. Logar made it back to the Aegis without any incident and found some of the crew still moving about - others had turned in for the night. The next few days would be busy.

:ooc: I am going to be starting the new thread for the story, but if you guys have any other character interaction that you wish to perform, feel free to do so.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Telcontar on Sep 22, 2011, 07:40 PM
Farok approached the docking bay to the Aegis on the appointed day for departure. The one armed man seemed to have either replaced his customary robes with new ones, or had cleaned the ones that he wore. His beard as well seemed to be less scraggily and if not trimmed, free of the omnipresent dust and grime of Tatoonie. His one hand was occupied with a suspensor handle the other end of which was a trunk, probably containing all the worldly possessions of the former Padawan. The trunk however was lost in the background, for he was not alone. Someone followed slightly behind him.

A female Twi'lek, Brim and Kara may have remembered having seen her in the cantina, was following in his wake. She was dressed in the regular modest flowing robes of the people of Tatoonie, but on her they seemed to better define her body and the grace of her movements, perhaps the way she carried herself or the shape of her body changed the way the robes were worn. Others around her who dressed the same, like Farok, seemed shabbier and more awkward in comparison.  She looked straight ahead looking neither to the right or left, the heat seemed to not bother her as she took small steps to remain behind Farok. A coy half smile seemed to greet everything her eyes came across.

When Farok stopped before the ship he released the suspensor and she took his hand and smiled.  She seemed at first to be colored blue, but as she moved or the light changed or the angle, the color too appeared different. It had subtleties and hues that could not be called singularly blue or green, or any of the myriad colors of water. She had the appearance of deep flows of ice that changed with the hour of the day or the position of the observer. Farok looked at the crew members who were nearby and made the introduction.

"This is my companion, Ardana Mitt`Ayehe, I have told her of all of you and she extends her greetings."

Farok touched his forehead and bowed. Ardana did the same at his side but remained bent at the waist while he spoke, "From the desert we come, far from home, and ask for your hospitality so the jinn may not find us alone and far from kiva and fogou. Our water we offer freely to be mixed with the tribe for the blessing and health of all. Our journey may be long, but let us keep the old ways still in our hearts none the less, and remember the peace of the desert."
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: Jingo on Sep 23, 2011, 04:33 PM
Kaida was stowing some of her gear aboard when Farok and the Twi'lek appeared. She straightened and knuckled her back. She hadn't slept well. Dreams of her father and brother dying. Dreams of her sister being tortured. Dreams of Fett grinning at her as he shot her in the back.

Plus she wasn't sure she liked Farok that much. Everything was so... gray to him. How could a man like that be of any help to their cause? He didn't seem to care one way or the other what the Empire was doing to people's lives, to their freedom. But she could ACT pleasantly even when she didn't feel like it. Being of Royal House Katan of Commenor had taught her that much.

So, she nodded in greeting and flashed a genuine seeming smile at Farok and Ardana and then gave a small formal bow in return and addressed the woman politely. "You are welcome, Ardana. May you find shelter here from the sand and water and shade be found with you." She wasn't sure what it meant really, but the response had the right feel to it. "We should be leaving soon, so go ahead and stow your gear. But you might want to clear this with Caden. He seems to have the oddest notions that this is his ship." She flashed a grin at Adrana and went back to loading crates of cargo.

Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 23, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Sep 23, 2011, 04:33 PM"But you might want to clear this with Caden. He seems to have the oddest notions that this is his ship."

:ooc: That made for a good chukle.
Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 23, 2011, 09:36 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Sep 23, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Sep 23, 2011, 04:33 PM"But you might want to clear this with Caden. He seems to have the oddest notions that this is his ship."

:ooc: That made for a good chukle.

Title: Re: Cool down
Post by: tomcat on Sep 24, 2011, 06:21 PM
Six days passed.

In that time, a crew of engineers had arrived at the Aegis, sent by Gorman Taxian. With them had come crates of materials, including brand new clone trooper armor, a shadowsuit and helmet, computer spikes, and a security kit. Also there were different forms of metal bulkheads that were quickly moved on board.

The engineers worked diligently to install the new components that took roughly twenty-five percent of the Aegis' cargo hold and concealed it. When finished, Caden was completely pleased. The first deck of the ship now appeared as if it contained a hold, but also large machines that would serve for scientific exploration purposes - systems that would be normal on the Loronar. There was now a secret door that opened into the hollow machine wall and into the hidden hold that was near impossible to discern.

When done, the engineers left as quietly as they had come and the crew of the Aegis were once more ready. Logar had taken the time to have his armor painted in varying dark shades and grays. Farok and Ardana had made themselves comfortable in one of the cabins, stowing all their possessions, although the man didn't seem as pleased to be leaving his once quiet life.

Logar transmitted thier departure date and time to Fett and got only a simple response, "COPY".

Caden walked to the flight deck and saw Kara sitting in the pilot's seat running pre-flight tests. He and Sam had just finished walking the entire circuit of the ship making sure lines had been unattached and all ports closed. They also made one more check to make sure there were no other surprises on the ship left by the bounty hunter. The mag-mines that he had attached before would have crippled the Aegis had they been detonated. It had been an easy removal for Sam, but still he had handled the job delicately. Now the unactivated mines were sitting in the Aegis' secret hold - they could serve a purpose in the future.

With the ship's exterior completely inspected and found to be ready, the droid and Caden had walked up the landing ramp and climbed to the second deck. The captain gave Kara the nod and she hit the button that drew the ramp up and sealed both of the airlocks. Once done, she hit the repulsors and the Aegis began to rise vertically from the the landing bay. At one thousand feet, Kara activated the boosters and the ship began to race into the sky toward orbit and then space - their new destination, Malastare.

:ooc: Once more, if you have anything more to add here, feel free.