
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 5: What has been Sown => Topic started by: tomcat on Aug 03, 2011, 04:56 PM

Title: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 03, 2011, 04:56 PM
The evening passed and the Aegis became quiet. The team went off to their own activities and some made their way to the Acer hub to enjoy the comfortable accomodations. As much as he thought about a real bed, Caden stayed on his ship as always. He sat on the flight deck, his feet propped up on the console as he stared out at the stars above. Of everything that had happened to them to date, he felt that none of it compared to the challenge that lay before them. Caden lowered the lights in the cockpit and enjoyed the dark.

Sam had shutdown to recharge. He had a busy day coming and he wanted to be sure his systems would be at peak performance.

Farok and Brim were in the lower hold of the Aegis. The two force-sensitives were comparing their talents, although the Rodian was more intent on learning. Farok drew his lightsaber and ignited it. He began to show maneuvers with the weapon and Brim could see how deadly a thing it could be in a trained hand. He drew his own saber and it snapp-hissed to life. The two sparred and spoke of the Force.

Kaida and Logar figured that the rooms weren't worth wasting, and so they gathered the few personals that they wanted to have with them and set off to the resort. Logar had prepared himself for the nighttime streets of Mos Entha, but both were surprised how little they had to concern themselves with. The shops were closed, but the casinos, cantinas, and other nightly spots were active and people still milled about.

Once at the resort, which glowed brightly above the rest of the low-lying city, they each went to a room and enjoyed the comforts therein. Logar took a long, hot shower and thought about the credits that were now available for material purchase. Maybe he would have to pay Gorman Taxian another visit - that armor was no longer an impossibility.

Kaida enjoyed her own refresher, bathing, and then settling into the large bed. She thought of all that they now knew, what they had done, and where they were off to next. Somewhere out there was her sister, and the noblewoman assured herself that that would be on their agenda.

Kara snored.

The days passed.


Two days after sitting with Caden Whitesun, Jareen Antturus sat in his office working. Behind him was a large window that looked out over the city of Mos Entha. He was on the fortieth floor of the Tarris Hub, which like the Acer, was quite elegant and comfortable. The air pressure changed when his office door opened and he looked up. Jareen's assistant stood there, "He is here Mr. Antturus."

"Show him in," he answered. The assistant backed out and was replaced moments later by a man dressed in banged up Mandalorian armor. Boba Fett was armed, although the weapon was slung over his shoulder. That didn't mean the bounty hunter didn't have a plethora of other weapons at easy disposal. The gauntlets he wore carried a wide-array of armament.

"Boba Fett," Jareen said when he looked up into the black-visored helmet. He was all business and did not bother trying to put on a face for the Mandalorian - it would not have garnered anything. "Your reputation precedes you, just as your father's did before you. Although, I am not so sure that Jango's exploits started so young."

"My father was a soldier before he took on the mantle of bounty hunter - his exploits were far greater than mine." Though humbling himself to his father, there was no loss of utter deadly confidence in the young man's electronically enhanced voice. Jareen smiled, "Of course. Would you care to make yourself comfortable? You are welcome to sit and can unburden yourself of your helmet."

"I will stand," was Fett's short reply. This did not offend Jareen who quickly got to business, "Very well. Thank you for coming to see me. I understand you are on a hunt. A noblewoman, I believe, of Commenor? Don't bother asking how I know, I just know. She is worth quite a bit, I am sure. I believe she is one of the last monarchs of that planet - which defied our illustrious new Emperor."

"I do not know what she did," said Fett. "I just know that there is a price for her, alive. She is on this planet."

"Yes, we both know that, too. What I have asked you here for is, what would it cost for you to stop the hunt?"


"I will give you my reasons once you tell me your price."

"I do not get off the hunt. Once I have a mark, I bring them in - dead or alive." Fett's voice was cold and emotionless.

"Very good, Boba, but you are also a businessman - and most likely a savvy one if you are anything like your father. You know who I represent, right?" The helmet nodded. "Well, we have an interest in this woman, too, and our interest is in her remaining free."



"Two-hundred thousand."

Jareen made a face, "Not bad. Whomever you are hunting her for really wants her. I will make it two-hundred and ten, and you will leave her alone. In fact, I would also appreciate it if you might help her and her friends... with some information."

"What information?"

"I am sure your father told you of his exploits. He would have had to. To teach you everything you know, he would have had to share his life with you, and perhaps you have logs of data on your ship from him."


"Well it was your father's interaction with the Bando Gora that we need help with. The people you are hunting have just willingly taken up the task of beheading the cult once more, but I am sure they will need some of the insight you can offer from what your father told you."

"The Gora is a bad group. They will be murdered."

"Perhaps, but they have something on the line and so they will certainly fight hard for it, and it isn't money. The Shade has been taken into the Bando Gora and we want him dead."

"Didn't he work for you."

"Yes, but he seems to be willing to change allegiance at the drop of a hat."

Fett suddenly wished he had waited to see if he had killed the dark-sider. "What about my contractor? I have a flawless reputation and I have no desire to lose it."

"Boba, you know as well as I that a contractor has no idea of your actions or how long it may take to hunt a mark. You can pretend to maintain your hunt and allow this crew of fools to run my errand. Once done, you can then capture her, kill her, do whatever the hell it is you want to do... it makes no matter to us. We just want the Bando Gora shutdown - permanently."

"What of the Hutt's? I know that the Black Sun was implicated in the death of that Senator on Bakura. I am sure you also have issues with the Kajidics."

"I know of your allegiance - or whatever you call it - to Jabba. We have no interest in turf wars with the clans. In fact, I like doing business with Jabba and even Varta, although Varta has made a few mistakes. He needs to be careful from within his own family now, but he was a fool to think that a simple branding would put the scent in a different direction. If it had been us, Seelig's death would have been much grander." The coldness in his words made even Boba Fett's hair stand up on his neck. "I promise you that your relationship with the Hutts will not be compromised, but you may wish to make better company." A smile grew across the gangster's face.

"I am happy with whom I conduct business," Fett answered. He began to tap on his wrist gauntlet computer, "I just transmitted to you a numbered account. Have the funds deposited there. I will lay off this hunt until these fools either find success, or death. In the case of the latter, I can still bring her body to Vader. I will even try to make contact with them and offer up some advice."

The Mandalorian stood and walked out. Behind him, Jareen sat back in his chair and brought his hands up to rest on his head. He turned slowly to look out over Mos Entha. "Frak this is an ugly planet. I can now be on my way."


Boba Fett made his way out of the glass skyscraper via the stairwell. He really had no desire to let people see him come or go. While still between the twenty-first and twentieth floors, he thought about his new wealth. It was a good sum of money, and the best part is he could double it by taking Kaida, once they were done.

"So, the kerfing Force-user is alive and well!" he thought to himself. "I may offer more than just advice to these fools. That way I can finish blowing away that shadow, and I can keep a close eye on my quarry."

:ooc: Feel free to give me the details of what you guys want to be doing while on Tatooine.

Do you want to upgrade the Aegis? New weapon systems? Defenses? Let me know...

Do you want to get gear for you all? You have a weapons salesman now. Let me know...

I need a minimum of four Mechanics tests DC 20, from Sam. That is the number of days it will take to repair and re-seat the evaporator. A missed roll will add another day and take the DC to 25, 30, etc. Once you have a total of four successes, you may add 1700 credits to your PC.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: donimator on Aug 04, 2011, 04:37 AM
Sam 'awoke' in the predawn hours from his maintenance cycle and logged the diagnostic check. All things considered, he was in pretty good shape. He did the mundane shipboard tasks required to keep the old girl humming and took stock of their supplies and provisions. He looked around at the bodies that now overflowed the available quarters. Interesting.

Sam took his armour plates and exited to the cool morning air of Tatooine and found a maintenance bench to the side of the docking bay. He pulled out his toolkit and went to work removing the old and attaching the new.
Mechanics +17, DC15 (Accessory), Mod. specialist (no -5 penalty):  1d20+17 : 5 + 17, total 22

Regardless of the results, he headed off to Ed's shop. The morning was quiet but he kept on his toes. He was waiting for Ed when he opened and gladly set to work. He hooked into the rudimentary datanet that was available and found everything he could on the evaporators - schematics, manuals, anything - and cross-referenced it with all of the stored knowledge he had acquired. In the end, he set to work, a charge running through his manipulators at the thought of just being able to sit and fix something instead of blowing it apart.

Mechanics +17, DC20:  1d20+17 : 11 + 17, total 28

Mechanics +17, DC20:  1d20+17 : 13 + 17, total 30

Mechanics +17, DC20:  1d20+17 : 12 + 17, total 29

Mechanics +17, DC20:  1d20+17 : 6 + 17, total 23
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 04, 2011, 01:16 PM
Caden logged into the city's directory that morning. He looked for legal parts distributors, thinking that while they'd upgraded the Aegis a bit, she still wasn't anything near a combat vessel - and they very well might need it to be.
Once he had scouted those out, he figured he'd ask around in the local bar and see if some less-than-upfront sellers might emerge, or if any of the patrons knew of any such dealers.

:00: Gather Information +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 4 + 11, total 15

Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 04, 2011, 04:06 PM
 :ooc: remember Shawn, Logar just visited a weapons guy, so don't hesitate to RP. These times in our games can get slow, but character interactions keep people posting.

Logar is currently enjoying the resort facility, so you'll need to call him.

I will give you your roll results in narrative.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 05, 2011, 11:33 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Aug 04, 2011, 04:06 PM
:ooc: remember Shawn, Logar just visited a weapons guy, so don't hesitate to RP. These times in our games can get slow, but character interactions keep people posting.

Logar is currently enjoying the resort facility, so you'll need to call him.

I will give you your roll results in narrative.

:ooc: Good point. Let's assume he started with tips by Logar'Dan to start.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Callowmoryne on Aug 05, 2011, 02:12 PM
 :ooc: i will try to post tonight when I get home. I want to contact the merchant about armor anyway
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Jingo on Aug 06, 2011, 10:32 AM
 :ooc: I'll try to post later today also. Was at our annual family reunion camping in the mountains for the last three nights so haven't had internet access.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 06, 2011, 03:45 PM
Logar finally returned Caden's call, after sleeping in late in his comfortable hotel room. The warrior had not hesitated to take advantage of the Acer's night life and had even enticed company to join him. Now awake, he relayed to Caden the name of Gorman Taxian, and where the dealer could be found.  In his search, the Bestinian had also found some local shipyards that were capable of making mods to ships and were not opposed to changes that might be deemed illegal. Caden wished Sam were around, but knew the droid was off working for the repair tech. When he returned he would ask him about his ideas on upgrading the Aegis.

Brim was enjoying the daily visits from Farok, although he was quietly concerned with the man's bitterness. His views of the Jedi Order were nothing that the Rodian felt. Brim had worked alongside the Jedi during the Clone Wars and he did not see them as obtuse, nor as Masters in a game moving pawns. They were heroes to him and maybe he could change the man's mind. Between the two of them, Farok had been part of the Order - he had been trained as a Jedi, though he had not seen his trials. Still, Farok knew things that Brim did not and had been trained in ways of the Jedi. The Rodian wanted that knowledge.

He looked at the one-armed warrior as he spun his baton in circles at the side of his body. They were outside, under the Aegis and were practicing with normal club-like weapons. Both deemed it unwise to light their sabers out here in view of the world to see. It would be a sure way to draw the attention of Imperial officials, even though they seemed scarce in this town. Brim spoke, "It is good to know that Obi-wan still lives. Perhaps someday he will reunite the Order by bringing other surviving Jedi and Force-sensitives together, when this new Empire has fallen." The Rodian knew this would bring a litany of curses from Farok about the old ways, but he didn't care. He thought it he could keep the man thinking about his training, then maybe he would be once more enlightened. "I must add, I do not believe what you said from a few days past - I do not think that Master Kenobi implied that we were pawns in his game. I believe he was relaying to us the need to prepare so that one day we would be able to stand against this common foe. It seemed to me that he was asking you to remember your path; to teach that which you were taught so that it would not be lost with time." He sighed. Brim brought up the metal bar that he had been sparring with since he began to feel the Force growing in him. He parried the first, second and third blow from Farok, feeling the intensity with which the warrior attacked. I guess I have pressed a few buttons, he thought to himself. Farok's fourth attack was beyond Brim's ability to parry and the Rodian's breath exploded from his body as he took a gut check.

Farok smiled as Brim stood bent over, huffing and puffing trying to catch his breath.

:ooc: Okay... I leave it in all of your hands to RP and do your thing in Mos Entha. I will fill in the holes as you need me to with what you see, who you meet, etc. - along with giving you challenge requests or results as needed.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 06, 2011, 04:20 PM
"Pay attention Brim. I have one arm you have two, so you should be twice as good. This is a weapon of finesse and skill. In your hands it should become part of your body, not a tool, but a limb of itself. In battle you can do things no one with a blaster could dream of doing."
Farok dropped his baton, knocked it against the ground to retract it and held it at his side. "I have not forgotten my path.  I have been where I have chosen to be.  The Force I do not question, I can feel it around me, it IS.  The manner in which men use it however is something else entirely.  Tell me Brim do you know why it is that Jedi are not supposed to marry?  The Padawan are taught to believe that marriage will produce offspring that are also sensitive to the Force, that two Jedi who marry would create or through selective breeding create Jedi Kings whose powers would be to strong.  Unbalance their own ideas of the force. They feared what they could not control them. Instead of embracing or coming to understand it, they out law, such is the faith they placed in their own code. Their decisions instead was to scoure the galaxy and find younglings who were force sensitive and take them into the order so they could be shaped and taught before having children or building up ideologies of their own.  Where are justice and right in the practice? This is its own tyranny, imposed by men, not by the force. It is true that passions rule the force, it will change its shape to suit your mood, and that is where danger lies, there is no denying that.  Be aware of what you do and why if you are to retain your free will and self identity.  A thing I am sure that the man you met and the others refused to accept is that the Light can dominate your actions to its own will just as soon as the dark can. An extreme in any direction is a danger to your free will and true believe. You must master the Force, not be a slave to either its light or dark side."
Farok with a flick of his wrist deployed his baton, "Now you must learn defense before you learn offense. Don't watch my eyes but the stand of my body. The eyes are for observation, use them for their job. Now who is this Shadow and what do you know of him?"
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 06, 2011, 05:06 PM
Standing erect and letting out a long breath, Brim listened to Farok and adjusted his stance. He held the bar in a two-handed manner and began to once more make the attack. Farok dodged, feinted, and parried. He sidestepped and brought the baton around smacking Brim's fingers where he held the bar. The Rodian let out a yipe and dropped the improvised weapon. "Damn you!" he said, shaking his aching hand and wondering if a finger had been broken. Ignoring the curse, the one-armed man put his foot under Brim's weapon and then kicked it up into the air at the Rodian. Brim caught it with his non-aching hand and again sighed. Farok would extend him no measure of rest.

Hoisting the bar again, Brim answered his trainer, "The Shadow is a dark-sider, I am sure. We met him on the planet Bakura. I watched as he killed the only other Force-user I knew at the time. Then he attacked us on Jovan Station, and may have killed another Jedi named Ulric. That is the last we saw of him. He is a good fighter and is strong in the ways of the Force. I... we will need to make sure we are ready to face him. As for the Bando Gora... I do not know anything about them. All I have heard is that they are creatures of mottled-skin and glowing eyes."
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 06, 2011, 05:42 PM
Farok wacked him on his other hand and a cry came from the Rodian again, "Look with your eyes, speak with your mouth. They have different functions for a reason."

Farok moved his baton in ways that two handed men could not even have managed. "The baton is part of the arm.  Don't treat it as an object, your eyes, your muscles and the Force will guide it. I have no time for drug dealers, and like even less Jedi Hunters."

Farok put up his baton again, Brim thought that he was going to commence with another oration on the Jedi and attempted to at least tap him with the baton while he was unaware. Faster than Brim thought possible both his hands stung and the baton was on the ground. He laughed, a true laugh with no malice, "You must learn to block the blow before you can give one in return.  Let us leave this exercise for awhile.

Farok seated himself and motioned for Brim to do the same. "The Force as you know can effect material things, as well as sense others.  Once mastered the techniques are very similar in their use, but greatly different in effect. Close your eyes and relax, don't concentrate on any specific thing. Some conjure up a mental image and attempt to hold it in their minds, a lit candle perhaps, or drop of rain that does not move. Master the image and let the senses in the background of your mind come into play and run their own course. In time you will be able to pick the specific background sense you want and increase its effect. To sense others, or heal your body. Any number of things.  Relax and try healing your hands without thinking about your hands."

Farok closed his eyes and reached out with the force, on a whim he attempted to detect other force users in the area, he spoke though to the Rodian reflecting on his own memories. "If you try to hit me with my eyes closed, I am telling you now more than your fingers will be sore."

:ooc: Use the Force Roll
Rolled 1d20+10 : 14 + 10, total 24

Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: watanabe on Aug 07, 2011, 10:44 AM
Kara stayed in her room, with the lights dimmed.  Her head and body were still recovering from her latest bender.  It probably didn't help that she kept drinking to try and make the pain and fatigue go away.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 07, 2011, 05:38 PM
Brim did as he was told and felt the Force move within him. He tried to channel the feelings and manipulate the energy so as to make things happen, but still his fingers ached. He breathed deep and tried again, letting go of his feelings and suddenly the pain in his knuckles subsided. He had done it! Yes, it was only a minor thing, but he had done it. The Rodian opened his eyes and he smiled - or at least what passed for a smile on a Rodian snout. It would not be long now.

He stood up and grabbed his training bar once more, "Come Farok, let us do this again." Brim took the stance that the former jedi had shown him.

Brim's words brought Farok out of his own Force trance. The warrior was reaching out trying to ascertain the presence of others that might be Force-sensitive. Unfortunately, it was only Brim and himself that he could sense. He daubbed his brow and stood - it seemed the Rodian had not yet learned the simplest rule of fighting: When outmatched, make a secure retreat.

:ooc: This training activity with Farok is cool. It will work in making his next advancement make sense when Brim takes Force Training.  ;D

All right, time for real test rolls between you guys as you mock combat. Damage will not be real, but it will signify the knocks and pains that will come from sparring. PC's will lower their hit points, but only for purposes of seeing how long they will last in this spar.

I am going to roll an Initiative roll, an attack and a block roll. Farok can then make an initiative roll and whomever is higher goes first. Tom, you may then roll to attack, which will be countered by my defense roll, or try to defend against my attack. Make sense?

Brim rolls:
:00: Initiative +7
Rolled 1d20+7 : 6 + 7, total 13

:00: DC 16 melee attack +7
Rolled 1d20+7 : 18 + 7, total 25

damage if successful 1d6+5 : 5 + 5, total 10

:00: DC Farok's attack roll Use the Force +8
Rolled 1d20+8 : 13 + 8, total 21

Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 09, 2011, 04:57 AM
Rolled 1d20+1 : 10 + 1, total 11

Block Roll
Rolled 1d20+10 : 16 + 10, total 26

Attack Roll
Rolled 1d20+8 : 12 + 8, total 20
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: watanabe on Aug 11, 2011, 05:59 PM
 :ooc: I realize I still need to level up Kara.  Will get that done by Monday, Kara is drunk or sleeping anyway.  :P
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Jingo on Aug 13, 2011, 02:24 PM
Kaida enjoyed the cool atmosphere of the acer hub and relished in regular baths in refreshing cool water, but even she could only spend so much time languishing about in total comfort. She also dedicated time to preparing on their next mission. She queried Caden about everything he knew about this Shadow character and where they might be able to find him. The sooner they could complete this task, the sooner they could get back to the business of rescuing her sister. She used she ship's connection to the holonet, and tried to drum up additional leads on any other family members and any possible financial resources she might be able to procure from extended family or family friends, being as careful as she knew how to cover her electronic tracks.

:ooc: Use Computer for the above.
Rolled 1d20+10 : 17 + 10, total 27

Hoping to procure the funds from my newly taken Wealth talent and find additional info on her sister.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 15, 2011, 12:50 AM
The Aegis was pretty agile and maneuverable - for its class - thanks to the combat thrusters they installed. They could run, but at some point, he figured, they'd need offense.
After speaking with Logar, Caden scrounged around the Hub and its surrounding for a shipborne weapons dealer. His "Princess" had armaments that were only borderline legal already, but he hoped he could find better.
After all, if they were worried about the Empire's law, they wouldn't be doing Organa's dirty work, and if they were impounded by the Empire, illegal weaponry would be the least of their charges...
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 15, 2011, 05:50 PM
:ooc: First, the results of the sparring... initiative fell to Brim and he attacked, which was blocked by Farok, who then countered and was blocked. So here is another attack from Brim... we no longer need to roll for initiative.

Brim attacks Farok
:00: 16 melee attack +7
Rolled 1d20+7 : 19 + 7, total 26

damage if successful 1d6+5 : 6 + 5, total 11

Brim blocks Farok's attack
:00: DC Farok's attack roll Use the Force +8
Rolled 1d20+8 : 18 + 8, total 26

Okay, we can go back and forth with the spar for awhile, but the game is moving on from the morning workout under the Aegis.

Farok had become a regular face around the Loronar-explorer. He would arrive in the morning and he and Brim would practice their weapon techniques, or he would sit and quietly converse with the Rodian. At times, he would make conversation with the other members of the crew. Kara still found him to be on her wrong side, as he had yet to relinquish the moniker of sweetheart whenever he would speak to her.

It had been a rough couple days for the Corellian. The first night's arrival having gotten drunk at the casino, and the next day sweating it out in her bunk and trying to brush the cobwebs from her mind. It didn't help that her head had been screaming for the better part of the morning. But that was yesterday, now she stood and left her room. She was still queasy, but didn't know if that was still her hangover or if she were hungry. Kara went down to the first deck, having found no one on board, and then down the landing ramp. She immediately heard the clang of Brim and Farok's makeshift weapons.

"Mornin', sweetheart," said Farok grinning behind one of his foul smelling cigars.

Kara rolled her eyes and then regretted making her way outside as the oppressive heat engulfed her.

Caden, Logar, and Kaida had all left the ship earlier that morning after Logar had made contact with the arms dealer. Another meeting had been set up and the trio found themselves, once more at the seedy brothel on the southwest side of Mos Entha. Kaida had given into the men and had entered the place, though she brought her hood up over her head. She had no desire to be seen as any part of the business.

Taxian was in the back room where he conducted all of his contacts, but then led them downstairs, as he had done with Logar two days prior. Once in his storeroom, he opened the large crates and left them for the trio to look through. "Prices are like before, Phoenx," he said to Logar, using the made up name he had been told before. This caused both Caden and Kaida to look over at the soldier with the same look, Phoenix? "Discounts will be offered based on volume."

Caden made his inquiry of ship-grade equipment and upgrades. Gorman smiled. This may be a really good day, he thought. He then went on to explain, "It may take me a few days but I can get you weapon upgrades, booster upgrades, sensor mods, you name it! I have a guy that can get me the materials via Mos Eisley, but delivered here. You'll need to do the installs though... can you handle that?"

The Bestinian thought of Sam... surely between the droid, himself, and if Kara could stay sober long enough, the three of them could get the Aegis upgraded.

"So's whatcha interested in... torpedo launchers? Thrusters? Hyperdrives? Maneuvering jets... those are a great addition to any freighter." Taxian moved over to a manifest and read down it. "Looks like he is also going to have a proton torpedp launcher and some armor plating. So?"

Sam had finished bringing the evaporator up and laying it in its metal housing. Once done, he only needed to ratchet the brackets back in place so the large machine would not slip once it was started. There was a tendancy for vibration that could cause the evaporators to turn. Then, when he had it resecured, it would only be a few hours to attach the condenser pipes along its base and to hardwire it to the farmer's solar generator. That was one thing Tatooine had in abundance, solar radiation to provide power.

The droid mechanic was very satisfied with the work and his performance, and the fact that he had come in under the allotted time and would earn his full pay.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 16, 2011, 05:44 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Aug 13, 2011, 02:24 PM :ooc: Use Computer for the above.
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+10 : 17 + 10, total 27
Hoping to procure the funds from my newly taken Wealth talent and find additional info on her sister.

:ooc: Hey Jingo, this is good. I haven't forgotten about your wealth. I am going to work it into the story very soon, but I like you RP'ing the new trait into the story.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 16, 2011, 01:23 PM
Fett looked at the screen and saw that his accounts were increased by the two-hundred and ten-thousand credits that Antturus had promised. The young Mandalorian felt his heart skip a beat. He knew his father's reputation, along with the lucrative business he had created, and the wealth he had amassed. It was just hard to see his own self-worth increased so. There would come a time when he would be able to be independent of aid from the Hutt, although Jabba had never placed a price on said aid. Still, Boba knew that nothing in the galaxy came without a cost. He would feel much more confident when he had the resources that would keep him completely self-supported.

This was a start.

Boba Fett even decided that he had no problem dropping the job, but he would hold that card in his hand for last. After all, the princess from Commenor had made him a pretty wealthy man and all he had had to do was leave her be. Yet, he had no desire to sully his reputation - he was the most feared bounty hunter in all of the galaxy. So for now, he would tell his client that the mark had once more disappeared and it would take time until he could pick up her trail.

But he had work to do. With the large sum of money came another agreement - that he would aid these people in the destruction of the Bando Gora. He donned his helmet and pushed the button to lower Slave I's cargo ramp. He strode off his ship with his armor on, save the jetpack that normally sat upon his shoulders and back. The Mandalorian still looked fearsome with the arm-guantlet weapon arrays and his blaster shouldered.

He moved into the streets of Mos Entha and began to make his way to the small docking bay where the Aegis sat. He figured this was going to be a contentious meeting at best. Hopefully these people would be reasonable, for their own sake.


The crowds moved about the city, as they always had, as if nothing had changed here. Or maybe it was now fear that suppressed them; made them think that there was no other option than to live their lives, serve this new Empire, and make no waves. After all, when the New Order had taken over, the protestors filled the streets. The Royal Family had withdrawn its senators from the new Imperial Senate in defiance of the Emperor.

That was when the star destroyers had come. That was when Imperial Clone Troopers, once proud soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, commenced a ground and aerial assault that had taken the lives of many Commenor citizens. It was when the Royal house had been destroyed and the new Moff was supplanted. It was when Jalek's life had gotten crazy.

As a prince of the Royal Family, Jalek was trained in various areas of Commenor government, but his primary activity had been with the intelligence division. He had worked within the political realm by creating contacts, working agents, and various other spy assets to ascertain that Commenor would remain a prominent system within the Colonies. All his efforts had failed in preventing his family from being either slain, or dispersed, although it had allowed him to stay alive and on his homeworld.

The message he had received had read urgent, but very little else in regards to details. Jalek knew he was taking a risk by meeting the unknown agent, but all of his personal sources were confirming the contacts legitimacy. He didn't understand, though, why the message to him could not be relayed through other channels. In the end, he agreed to the meet and now looked at his fellow Commenor citizens moving up and down the broad, city boulevard looking as if all had returned to normal. Jalek pulled himself back further into the shadows, looking about as he did for his personal security team. There was one... two... and three more sitting in the open caf patio across the street. He sighed a bit of relief and then stepped out of the alley and started to mingle into the passing business folk going to and from work.

Jalek walked to the end of the block, crossed the busy intersection, and then proceeded into the open caf patio, himself. He took a discreet seat not far from his entourage, but not close either. He did not look around. He sat casually like the years of training had taught him to do. Suddenly a figure sat at his table, "Pontus! Well met." They shook hands and Jalek watched to see how much interest any of the patrons had in them. There was none. A crowd can be the best place to hide, he thought.

The man began to speak in a subdued tone, "My Prince, I am not sure if you remember me, but I served in your First Directorate under O'Connel. My name is Verdus." Jalek smiled as he heard O'Connel's name and knew of whom the man spoke. He continued, "I have been working on your request to find your family since you ordered it after the attack. Well... we found one!" He became a bit excited, "A contact working deep cover in a local guild saw a picture of Kaida, sir. News is she is alive and well, although she is being hunted by Vader. He has employed multiple assets, but primarily he has put money up as bounty and those hunter-scum have taken the mark. Anyway, she is now somewhere on the Outer Rim - to assure security for you and her, I will relay the locatin to you via an encrypted holonet message." He suddenly spoke a bit louder, "I need to get back to the office. I will see you at Priva's for dinner."

The two shook hands again. Jalek waited for his cup of caf to be served and then with drink in hand, he stood and left the cafe. He quickly made it back out of the public eye and thirty-five minutes later he was back in a safe house with others from the original Commenor government that had served under his father, Jerrick. He spoke quickly to his aide, "It is true. Kaida is alive and well, but on the run. She will need help. I want to start by getting her resources - that will be the easiest thing. Arrange for a new account out of one of our subsidiaries and funnel credits into it. Once we receive the location, we will organize a meeting, but I want her contacted ASAP and informed that she has the funds available to her. She can use them to find a place to lay low and keep hidden."

The aide wrote the notes on a personal PAD, "Yes, your highness. I will see to it right away."
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: donimator on Aug 17, 2011, 05:04 AM
Sam returned to the Aegis after he was done the work. He left a comm code with Ed should he need any more work or knew someone who did. His first act was to reimburse Caden the four hundred credits he borrowed. Sam felt better at paying it back and was glad to do so. It was a comforting sensation and a sign of his growing sapience.

Sam looked around a bit as he returned. He saw enough 'No Droids' signs to get the hint his kind was not welcome here. Before entering the docking bay he did a circuitous route, almost by habit now, to make sure nothing was out of place.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: watanabe on Aug 17, 2011, 04:07 PM
Kara had the urge to shoot Farouk with her blaster, then she had the urge to shoot him with the blaster set to stun, then she fought off the urge to play into word games and shook her head and went outside, the heat hit her like a brick and she looked around.  She figured today she would find a Sabaac game, someone needed to lose some credits today, and it might very well be herself.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 19, 2011, 07:57 PM
:ooc: I will post a game update tomorrow - for Sam, Kara, and Logar. Otherwise it has gotten real quiet anymore. Does Kaida and Caden want to purchase anything from the weapons marketeer? Let me know.

Kinda leaving it in your hands to build character interaction - maybe stuff about the upcoming mission; maybe talk to Farok to firm up his interest in being part of the team, or your interest in having him; etc.

If you guys do not have anything to RP between one another, I will go ahead and move the game on...
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Jingo on Aug 20, 2011, 09:18 AM
 :ooc: So did my funds come through then? I may help with purchases if they did.  ;D
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 20, 2011, 09:47 AM
:ooc: They will soon - Kaida will be contacted soon in narrative. As for funds, the party currently has combined:

28,000 credits in personal assets

35,000 credits from Organa

So, with 63,000 in credits, I think you guys can make a few decisions on what you  would like to purchase.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Jingo on Aug 20, 2011, 12:23 PM
 :ooc: While beefing up the ship is useful, i'd like to see us beef up our personal equipment along the lines of anything that helps us with covert ops missions. We'll eventually be breaking out Kaida's sister, and some serious equipment may come in handy there a well as hunting down this Shade character. So, I ask our arms contact about the following:

Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: watanabe on Aug 21, 2011, 07:58 AM

There are shadowsuits in Saga edition, look at the Scum and Villainy book for a lot of the good tech and equipment upgrades.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 22, 2011, 06:18 AM
 :ooc: I am not really sure what direction we are supposed to be moving in. Other than getting gear are we looking for clues on Tantoonie for the shadow or what?
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 22, 2011, 07:11 AM
:ooc: Hey Tom, I understand. I guess I am leaving you guys with nothing to work with. I will have a new post up here shortly, going to lunch with my wife first. My ultimate goal was for the PC's to interact a bit with idle whatever - they have never met you and except for Brim (a NPC), I was hoping that conversation would occur to build a character relation. It also would have been a means to organize the upcoming mission, which no one knows much about - and would have created reason for you to want to leave Tatooine on this fool-hardy chase. And to answer your question, there is little in the way of clues on Tatooine.

No big deal. I will get more up today and I apologize for the slow pace.

To Kaida and Logar, yes - I will have availability of your shopping lists up when I post later. I am compiling stuff that Taxian may be able to retrieve and what it will cost.

Sam and Kara, I will have some nuggets for you too in my next post for you to RP off of.

Thanks again, and sorry for the delays - my wife's birthday was Friday and we took a four day weekend.

Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 22, 2011, 12:28 PM
Kara moved past the dueling warriors, smirking as she did. It was much too hot for that kind of activity and besides, there was nothing better than a blaster on your side. She started down the circular passage tunnel that led out of the docking bay and onto the street of Mos Entha. She looked left and then right to decide, which was the best way to go to find a good game in this town. She had gone left a few nights before and so she turned right.

Behind her, Sam was making his circuit of the docking bay and saw Kara exit the passage. His tracking software automatically began to lock in on her and any potential threat zones to her position. As much as the droid tried to supress the B2 programming within, it was difficult. As his eyes worked in tandem with his internal software, he locked onto a recognized threat approaching in the direction that Kara was walking. The woman had her head down, and did not seem to notice him. Sam's memory recognized the familiar pattern of the green and red Mandalorian armor of the bounty hunter they had engaged on Jovan Station a number of weeks past.

Kara was checking her belt under her overcoat that she wore to assure that her credits were secure and the pouch in which they sat could not be easily snatched from her person. She pulled tight and tugged at it with her other hand to rest her mind at ease. Kara looked up to see where she was going, only to see an ugly Weequay face directly in front of hers.  The face she saw made her cringe.

"We heard you were in town, Corellian!" said Weevil Tug. His rugged, leather skin a mean grimace. Behind him as always, and standing in the shadows of an alley was Tug's partner, a Trandoshan named Drissst. The reptilian thug was cradling a nasty looking weapon. Kara felt the weight of her own blaster hanging on her hip, but she was unsure what good it could do her at the moment. Tug continued, "Do ya know it took us almost all day yesterday to travel here from Mos Eisley and then find where you were. You shouldn't go making scenes in local pubs when you are here, Sala. But you were never too bright, were ya? And the booze and drugs always seem to get the better of ya. Anyway, I want my money - you are either going to pay me, or I am going to feed both of your hands to Drissst." A hissing laugh came from the shadows.

Sam could see that Kara was now engaged in what looked like a heated conversation. The target had come out of nowhere. Probably from an alley, he surmised.

In the basement warehouse of the brothel, Gorman Taxian was grinning ear to ear while his new customers read off the items that they might be interested in. He began to look down other manifests from other providers to see what he could bring in, what it would cost, and how long it would take.

:ooc: For Sam and Kara, you guys can give me initiative rolls and any RP'ing that you want too. Nick, I know you have never given me any of Kara's enemies and only mentioned her one time presence on Tatooine, but I figured she seems the type to get herself in a lot of trouble.

So, meet Weevil Tug, a gambler, murderer-for-hire, and all around bad seed. I hesitate to call him an assassin as he has no finesse, he's more of a kneebreaker or alley killer, along with his Trandoshan friend. When you met him is not such a big deal, but feel free to respond however you want. Kara can adamantly deny owing him anything; she can be unsure if she got in trouble during a drunken blackout; or she can know about what he is talking and deal with it in her way. You RP this how you want.

Don, Sam is down the street from Kara, who has his back to him and faces Weevil Tug. Boba Fett is further down the street making his way towards Docking Bay 61, where the Aegis is parked.

Shopping list in next post for Kaida, Caden, and Logar... just don't want to have anything catastrophic happen and loose what I have typed, while I post the list.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 22, 2011, 04:34 PM
:ooc: Shopping list...

All will be expressed in order of item (brief benefit description), cost, and time to get it

Battle Armor (Ref bonus +8, Fort bonus +2, Max Dex +2, Move 4), 13,000 credits, 5 days
Clone Trooper Armor (Ref bonus +6, Fort bonus +2, Max Dex +3), 9,000 credits, 5 days
Commando Armor (Ref bonus +5, Fort bonus +2, Max Dex +3), 6,000 credits, 1 days
Shadowsuits (Ref bonus +1, Fort bonus +1, Max Dex +5; +5 Equip bonus to Stealth in darkness and low-light conditions), 2,400 credits, 5 days

Helmet package (automatically comes with Perception +2, Low-light vision, and hands free comlink - Stormtrooper helmets come with MFTAS*), 4,000 credits, same day
Portable computer, 5,000 credits, same day
Security kit (tools that aid in bypassing locks and security systems), 750 credits, same day
Lectroticker (opens locks with a simple Mechanics check with a +2/quality level), 2,000 credits per +2 of quality, 5 days
Computer spikes (accesses computers with a simple Use Computer check with a +2/quality level), 2,000 credits per +2 of quality, 5 days

note: there are outlaw tech mods that can be done to items above to allow for certain options (prices and details will be provided if interested)...

Ship upgrades
Hidden Cargo holds (25% of current Hold), 10,000 credits, 5 days to convert
Armor upgrade +2 (5 emplacement points), 25,000 credits, 8 days to convert
Maneuvering Jets +2 or +4 (2 or 3 emplacement points), 10,000 to 25,000 credits, up to 8 days
Proton Torped0 launcher (1 emplacement point), 7,500 credits (Torpedo ammunition costs 2,400 per torpedo), 2 days to convert

If there is anything I missed, let me know.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: watanabe on Aug 22, 2011, 05:25 PM
"You are not too bright Tug, you only came here with one Trandoshan.  You know funny thing about Trandoshans is you can cut off parts of them and it will grow back.  You know that doesn't happen to work for you Tug."  Kara didn't make any sudden moves, she knew that Tug would probably expect her to be pulling out her blaster, but maybe she could talk her way out of this.


Init +6

Rolled 1d20+6 : 20 + 6, total 26
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Callowmoryne on Aug 22, 2011, 05:30 PM
 :ooc:  Logar is interested in the clone armor and the helmet package. If you guys are kool with spending that much of the party credits on some good armor for him he promises to get shot at alot and make himself a worthy target by blasting the crap out of our enemies???  :) 
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Jingo on Aug 22, 2011, 08:20 PM
 :ooc: Fine by me. Logar :tup:

Gm, how much is holo shroud?

Maybe we should split the funds close to down the middle.
How about 43,000 for ship upgrades and 20,000 for squad equipment? Caden, how does that sound?

The rest of you can chime in with what you think we might need most. Personally, I'd like to get at least a shadowsuit with a helmet package and maybe a security kit and a computer spike (are those one shot items or reusable?). Also, what skill does a bypassing security systems use? Use Computer? Mechanics?
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 22, 2011, 11:03 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Aug 22, 2011, 08:20 PM
:ooc: Fine by me. Logar :tup:

Gm, how much is holo shroud?

Maybe we should split the funds close to down the middle.
How about 43,000 for ship upgrades and 20,000 for squad equipment? Caden, how does that sound?

The rest of you can chime in with what you think we might need most. Personally, I'd like to get at least a shadowsuit with a helmet package and maybe a security kit and a computer spike (are those one shot items or reusable?). Also, what skill does a bypassing security systems use? Use Computer? Mechanics?

:ooc: That's fine with me. Honestly, I don't really know what the best use of our funds would be, equipment-wise. I just figure that if the ship goes down, we all do, so we should probably increase our survivability there. As to how and what works best for that, I'm just guessing. Plus, I'm trying to stay in character a bit and have Caden think of his ship first, but it's true that most of our encounters have been ground-based, so we shouldn't skimp there, either.

I don't get too techie with Star Wars - after all, Han Solo took down the Empire wearing only a vest and a wide-open collar!  B-) - so I'll leave that to you.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Telcontar on Aug 23, 2011, 04:16 AM
Farok had been practicing with Brim for several days and both seemed to be enjoying the exercise and the refinement of their skills. Other than that he had remained somewhat aloof from the rest of the group. He had been listening to their plans and how best to use their resources. From what he gathered they were attempting to locate someone who was imprisoned as well as a dark Jedi that was on the loose somewhere. As the conversation drifted towards future plans Farok chimed in.

"Simple is sometimes best. More equipment and technology will draw more attention to your actions and make you more identifiable. I may just be a paranoid old man, but focusing your efforts on being able to disappear or remain hidden would be my advice.  Modifications to detect trackers, or easily modify the appearance of the ship would suit you better I believe than heavier guns. Don't forget that a great portion of your funds will probably be lost to bribes and what not that you will have to pay for information or assistance."
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: donimator on Aug 23, 2011, 08:38 AM
Sam circuitry amped up when he saw the bounty hunter. How he wished he was still just a mechanic! But Kara's apparent troubles were a more immediate concern. He approached Kara while tracking the bounty hunter as long as he was in sight. He assumed the jerky motions of a poorly maintained droid and ensured his vocabulator had a nice tinny tone.

"Mistress. Mistress. I finished the diagnostic on the water recirculators. Is there anything else I can do?"...he bluffed as his hand hung near his blaster.

Init +11:  1d20+11 : 3 + 11, total 14
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 24, 2011, 06:27 AM
:ooc: To answer questions and such...

Okay, Logar is to get one Clone Trooper and helmet package = 9,000 credits

To Jingo... holo shroud upgrade will cost 1 emplacement point on an armor suit and 5,000 credits (the details of what holoshroud will do is attached below); Security Spikes are one time use; bypassing security systems is a Use Computer while picking locks is a Mechanics skill check.

Kaida is to get a shadowsuite and helmet package = 6,400 credits

For ship upgrades, I kind of picked out and priced the best options that might be of use. The smuggler holds are a great idea, along with weaponry, armor and maneuvering jets. But I will leave all of this to you guys to choose.

To Tom... I know that you are chiming in with conversation to the other players (which I REALLY like :tup:), but those that are shopping are across town right now. That said, I will allow character communication to happen in regards to the purchases. I will just assume it occurred prior to, during (maybe Caden, Kaida, and Logar came back to the group to talk about the prices), or after. More will come of this conversation very soon.

To Shawn... I dig the swagger. ;)

Kara was heightened in readiness. She felt that even if the Trandoshan behind Weevil brought up its weapon, she could get the drop on him. She could make use of the Weequay for cover, all the while putting a hole in Weevil's chest. Still, she would try to get out of this one with words first. Sam's arrival only helped her in her choice, as well as to increase her confidence that she was not alone on this awful Tatooine street.

The Weequay looked at the droid apprehensively, while Drissst readied himself for an attack - but none came. Sam relayed his message and Weevil laughed, "Where did you get a droid, Sala? You can barely take care of yourself, let alone having to keep a droid!" The thug's eyes assessed Sam, "He's got some pretty nice additions under that silly hat and coat, although he looks like you pieced him together from a scrapyard. Still, I could get some worth out of him... what say you give me the droid and we call your debt paid in full?"

Behind them all, the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, casually approached. He was still at some distance and did not seem to make any recognition of the two companions or the criminals that were bothering them.

Gorman Taxian began to tally the numbers from the purchase that Phoenix and the woman were making. He mentally made note of his margins and then spoke, "You get this to 30,000 or more and I will knock off fifteen percent." It was going to be a good day for the arms dealer - his boss would be sure to notice. Taxian smiled and leaned against the wall, while lighting up a terrible smelling cigars - the same kind that Brim's new friend had been smoking around the Aegis.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: Callowmoryne on Aug 24, 2011, 02:23 PM
 :ooc: Sweet can i specify a color, or can i find somewhere to get it painted or do it myself is kool too. Im thinkin Battleship Gray :)
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 24, 2011, 07:39 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on Aug 23, 2011, 04:16 AM
Farok had been practicing with Brim for several days and both seemed to be enjoying the exercise and the refinement of their skills. Other than that he had remained somewhat aloof from the rest of the group. He had been listening to their plans and how best to use their resources. From what he gathered they were attempting to locate someone who was imprisoned as well as a dark Jedi that was on the loose somewhere. As the conversation drifted towards future plans Farok chimed in.

"Simple is sometimes best. More equipment and technology will draw more attention to your actions and make you more identifiable. I may just be a paranoid old man, but focusing your efforts on being able to disappear or remain hidden would be my advice.  Modifications to detect trackers, or easily modify the appearance of the ship would suit you better I believe than heavier guns. Don't forget that a great portion of your funds will probably be lost to bribes and what not that you will have to pay for information or assistance."

(Moving confab below - prior to departure)

Caden nodded in agreement. "I think he's right. The more we look like soldiers, the more attention we'll attract. Since we're already wanted, being able to hide in plain sight could be the most important think we learn how to do."

:ooc: I really like the idea of smuggler holds. Makes sense on every level. As far as the other stuff, I figure if we'll be doing more quick-hit, smash-and-grab stuff, so whatever gets us in and out fast - with a bit of punch-back ability in case we need it - is fine with me.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: watanabe on Aug 25, 2011, 07:32 AM
"Droids not for sale." Kara said.  She hated Tatooine.  This place was such a dump, and sure enough this seemed to happen every time she came here.  Some one was after her money, her head, something of hers.  The dry planet must make people thirst with greed.
Title: Re: Sand in places you'd never expect...
Post by: tomcat on Aug 27, 2011, 04:15 PM
Quote from: Callowmoryne on Aug 24, 2011, 02:23 PM:ooc: Sweet can i specify a color, or can i find somewhere to get it painted or do it myself is kool too. Im thinkin Battleship Gray :)

:ooc: That is fine, John. Whatever color you want it to be it can be.

The helmet with the armor has MFTAS (multi-frequency target acquisition system), which provides a targeting HUD (+2 equipment bonus on Perception checks), low-light vision, and comlink.

I want to postpone anymore dialogue between PC's until you guys are all back together. We shall go with the purchases for armor and you can let me know if the ship is being upgraded, and with what - or if you guys are buying more stuff. But the talk about the mission I want to hold off on until the PC's are back together in story.

:csu: 30,150 credits reduced from party treasure for the following:

Smuggler holds 10,000
Clone armor 9,000
Shadowsuit w/Helmet 6,400
Computer spike +2 (x2) 4,000
Security kit 750

First we will need to see what happens to Kara and Sam.