
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Welcome to the 501st! [Star Wars SE] => Topic started by: tomcat on Jul 22, 2014, 11:03 PM

Title: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 22, 2014, 11:03 PM
Music to read and post to! (http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/misc/music/20111220_bt30/TOR_20_09_the_siege_of_alderaan.mp3)

Situation: The squadron has closed to attack range and now fires on the Action VI

ALL Modifiers (situational, physical, weariness, wound conditions):

Gold 1 Martel - REF 16 (12 ff), HP 00/120, DR 10, SR 10, Threshold 46
Gold 2 Mitts [pilot], Hammer [gunner] - REF 16 (12 ff), HP 00/120, DR 10, SR 10, Threshold 46
Gold 3 Haywire [pilot], Longshot [gunner] - REF 16 (12 ff), HP 36/120, DR 10, SR 5, Threshold 46
* have taken their second wind
Action VI - REF 14 (14 ff), HP 151/600, DR 15, SR 55, Threshold 136

Haywire (+11) 26 [pilot*]
Longshot (+12) 25 [gunner]
Mitts (+12) 22 [pilot*]
Hammer (+12) 22 [gunner]
Martel (+13) 18 [pilot*]
Action VI (-10) -7

*Pilots can be gunners, too. In the Y-wing, you control the laser cannons and the proton torpedoes
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: deadpool on Jul 23, 2014, 11:03 AM
"Blast it!" cursed the medic. Things weren't going exactly as planned. Their weapons weren't making a dent on the cruiser's shields and to top this his brothers had just been hit and their ship seemed pretty shooked up. "Take this!" he screamed aiming at the vessel in front of him.

:ooc:Move to pint blank and fire proton torpedoes
Rolled 1d20+11 : 16 + 11, total 27

Rolled 9d10+4 : 3, 1, 9, 4, 5, 9, 9, 3, 7 + 4, total 54
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: deadpool on Jul 23, 2014, 11:05 AM
108-70(SR)-15(DR)=23dmg and SR=65
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 23, 2014, 11:07 AM
Tempted himself to fire off a torpedo, he sees one streak by from one of the clone ships.  Before he acts, Martel waits to see what the result is on his scanners.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 23, 2014, 11:11 PM
:ooc: I will update in the AM.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 24, 2014, 03:16 PM
Lights flickered on the old Action VI freighter as the ship's hull took real damage - its shields slowly being overcome. Even its durable, reinforced superstructure was weakening and the crew hastened to seal blown lines and even seal off compartments that were suddenly exposed to the vacuum of space. Ginova had no fear of these fighters blowing his ship up... yet... but they certainly could kill its engines and thus deprive it of any life giving power.

:ooc: Mitts results are as stated... I will wait for more posts.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 24, 2014, 05:06 PM
Martel grins at the results of the torpedo and proceeds to target and launch his own.

:ooc:Attack (torpedo), max move to keep up with freighter if necessary
Attack -  1d20+18 : 13 + 18, total 31

Damage, torpedo 18d10+8 : 7, 9, 10, 9, 9, 6, 10, 8, 5, 10, 8, 3, 10, 1, 7, 6, 2, 1 + 8, total 129

Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 24, 2014, 05:32 PM
 :ooc: Longshot will hold fire until he sees the result of Martel's shot... not like he'd hit anything anyway.

So far, he's this guy - rather, Guy:
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 24, 2014, 08:48 PM
:ooc: LOL!  (-D

Awesome, Shawn! Great movie, great character, great pic, and great comparison.  ;D

Matt, although I love your roll - I need to know how you came by a +18 to attack. I have you at BAB +7 Ship +5 Pilot +2 Non-proficient -5 = +9

I also like the roll for damage. It's nice seeing all those dice rolled for the 9d10+4 x2.

Anyway, let me know how you came up with your modifier - you hit either way.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 25, 2014, 10:59 AM
 :ooc:Oops, sorry doubled the wrong number in my head.
Attack -  1d20+9 : 4 + 9, total 13

Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jul 25, 2014, 11:00 AM
 :ooc:Spend a FP
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 25, 2014, 11:03 AM
:ooc: I don't need the re-roll, Matt. I will take the original roll and just apply the proper modifier, so keep your FP. I just was making sure that I wasn't missing something.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: disench4nted on Jul 25, 2014, 03:23 PM
"Son of a blaster!", Haywire struggled to regain control of his ship after taking a a direct hit from the freighter. As he pulled around he saw the other two torpedoes impact the ship and let loose a salvo of his own.

BaB(+6) +3 veh int mod +2 trained pilot -2 short range (+9)
Rolled 1d20+9 : 19 + 9, total 28

Rolled 9d10+4 : 2, 8, 1, 3, 2, 8, 4, 6, 10 + 4, total 48
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 28, 2014, 09:32 PM
In quick succession, the proton torpedoes struck the freighter. Ginova was thrown from his feet and sparks showered across the bridge. Alarm klaxon's now sounded and the cries of the injured rose above it all. The captain rose to his feet and looked to his navigator, "Spool up the hyperdrive. We need to jump from here before those bastards bring our shields down. How the Republic found us, or knew our cargo is beyond me, but it can only point to one source. Get me Siino on a secure line."

:ooc: the Action VI just took a total of 93 damage and its shields have been stepped down to 55. I will wait for two more PC's - Stefan and Shawn.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 29, 2014, 03:50 AM
Longshot saw that the torpedoes were taking their toll on the ship far more effectively than the ion cannons had.
He was concerned about damaging the ship so badly that their EVA would be compromised, but if they didn't get those shields down... well, it wouldn't matter anyway.
"Torpedo away," he said calmly, as he fired.

:00:Fire torpedo: BaB +6, Vehicle +2 =+8
Rolled 1d20+8 : 3 + 8, total 11

:00:Damage (if successful): 9d10+4(x2)
Rolled 9d10+4 : 8, 4, 4, 6, 2, 10, 4, 8, 4 + 4, total 54
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: Stefan on Jul 29, 2014, 10:00 AM
Hammer watches their missiles impact on the shields of the much larger ship.  They would eventually break through but he was sure that the freighter wouldn't stick around and even the punishment they were dishing out would end up being too little.

He aimed carefully at the ships deflector shield and waited till they passed as close as possible then pressed the firing mechanism on the Ion cannon that had been so ineffectual up to this point.  He could only hope that his shot would land and take the shields down, because if they didn't his first Mission as Sergeant of Derecho would be their first failure.  He couldn't have that.

OOC: Hammer is going to use a destiny point for an automatic critical hit on the shield generator.  Since, according to the rules, there's no need for a hit roll, I'm just going to roll damage and cross my fingers.

Rolled 4d10+4 : 7, 1, 1, 8 + 4, total 21

Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: deadpool on Jul 29, 2014, 10:45 AM
 :ooc:Should we really keep firing the ion cannons? I mean, they're mathematically useles.
If their damage is (4d10+4)x2 then max damage would be 44x2=88 and the dmg threshold on this thing is 136. The only way to reach that mark would be with a crit and rolling 30 out of 40 with the dmg dice.
I know I'm metagaming here, but our chances are way to slim.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: Stefan on Jul 29, 2014, 01:05 PM
 :ooc:Agreed, but there's not much else that Hammer can do from his position and I'm hoping that with the addition of the Destiny point it will actually accomplish something.  At least I'm not wasting ammo since it's and energy weapon powered by the ships engines. The worst that will happen is that I waste the destiny point but since I've never needed one before I think that will be ok.

That's actually one of the reasons that I asked about the shields, I was hoping that I could hop out and start working on the door instead of waiting for the pilots to pummel the shields down to nothing and hoping the freighter didn't run in the mean time.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Jul 29, 2014, 09:20 PM
Mitts flew the Y-wing in close and there was a visible reaction as the fighter passed between the electronic shields of the Action VI to fly just over her hull. The medic did not know what had goaded him to make such a dangerous maneuver, but he felt as if his brother on the turret above needed a close-range attack - and he was going to give it to him.

The bulbous shield generator was in front of them. It gave off a faint glow of blue as it projected out the energy that was then bent and 'wrapped' around the ship via shield platings across the hull. Armor was thick around the generator, but Hammer didn't care - his weapon was an ion-cannon and it was built to interrupt all things electronic. The soldier thumbed the cannon triggers and yellow-white flashes streaked out from the double-barrel cannon above his head. The ion blasts walked the length of the hull, scoring it as it did, to finally strafe across the shield generator.

The old Action VI had been hit hard and now her electronic systems were dealt havoc. Inside, control computers locked as ion energy ripped up and down sensitive conduit and network lines that allowed the ship to communicate with itself. In essence, everything stopped. Outside, Hammer smiled under his helmet as the ion blasts scored the transparasteel of the generator to black and then the faint blue-glow of energy winked out.

:ooc: Here is how i am going to run this - the Destiny point causes an auto Critical, which means Hammer does physical damage of 42 (doubled for CRIT) - 15 (DR) = 27 HIT POINTS to ship.

The rest is going to be GM fiat for narrative sake and I am going to say the shield generator is out of sync for three rounds, but can be restored by the Action VI crew in two rounds by using 3 SWIFT actions over the next two consecutive rounds.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: Stefan on Jul 30, 2014, 01:14 PM
 :ooc: I think I'll leave it as is, It's pretty cool the way this played out.

"The shields are down.  Great flying Mitts.  Now lets hop out and pay them a visit!"
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: disench4nted on Jul 30, 2014, 01:44 PM
"See Longshot? THATS how you shoot an ION cannon.", Haywire said sarcastically. He turned his wishbone towards their target and moved into range to disembark.

:ooc:I guess this is my 5th round action technically, but I'll just put it here for now.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: sdrotar on Jul 31, 2014, 06:15 AM
Quote from: disench4nted on Jul 30, 2014, 01:44 PM
"See Longshot? THATS how you shoot an ION cannon.", Haywire said sarcastically. He turned his wishbone towards their target and moved into range to disembark.

:ooc:I guess this is my 5th round action technically, but I'll just put it here for now.

"Yeah, yeah," the sniper replied. "We were too close for my tastes." Haywire could all but see the smirk through Longshot's helmet.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Aug 03, 2014, 11:00 PM
There was a puff of white as the moisture in the air, within the cockpit, crystallized in the chill of space. Mitts and Hammer both were weightless, as their ship passed away underneath them - the R2 unit now in control. Hammer activated his jetpack and shot towards the looming hull of the Action VI. He could clearly see one of the docking ports on her starboard side.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 04, 2014, 11:10 AM
"Alright, boys. Phase 2," calls out Martel.  "Zed, you've got the controls.  Let's keep her in one piece this time, eh?"   R2-Z4 or "Zed" as it's called, twitters back a response to the Jedi complete with a binary version of *ppppbbbbtbbb*.  "Prepare to jettison, Trike.  You know what you gotta do."  R2-3K or "Trike" gives an anxious confirmation.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: Stefan on Aug 07, 2014, 08:53 AM
 :ooc:Should we keep going on this thread or are you going to put up a new post for our extra-vehicular actions?
Title: Re: Birds of Prey - round 4
Post by: tomcat on Aug 07, 2014, 12:01 PM
:ooc: I was just waiting to see if anyone else had an attack action they want to perform, but yea, I will be starting a new narrative post. Going to be tomorrow, though; on a jet right now to Vermont to play a show.  Be back on Friday.