
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 6: Tempest Rising => Topic started by: tomcat on Feb 13, 2013, 11:53 PM

Title: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 13, 2013, 11:53 PM
It did not take long and though there was some apprehension regarding the pickup of the package, it was ill placed. The smuggler merchant that brought the droideka in had had a job cancel on him and so he was able to eliminate one leg in his run, hence being early to Salliche. The introductions were made followed quickly by the transfer of goods - which were stowed within a large merchant crate. Abby and BIT inspected the box and found that not only would they be reprogramming the droid, but building it, too. The components were still wrapped in their original manufacture wrap as if the thing had never gotten farther than the crate before the end of the war. It actually made Kaida a little happier to see the state her new droid was in for she knew it would not have any unknown defects - as long as BIT and Abby could build the damned thing.

The droid components were unpacked and moved quietly to the back of the Arrow-23 and then the group was off, heading back across town to their own port landing bay. Caden drove the speeder but followed the directions of the young noblewoman. She took them along the quieter roads that lay on the outskirts of Netassa to get a lay of the land. The city was busy but still it was on an agro world, which meant that it was still very country. The land rolled away as far as the eye could see and it was a patchwork of greens and ambers, pocked with small residences, red barns, and the occassional processing facility that saw about sorting and packaging the varied crops.

An Imperial presence was noticed, but it was not oppressive. There was seen the occassional military or official vehicle along their route, but it was not like the planet was under martial law and soldiers were moving about en masse. Caden even got a courteous wave from one gray-suited Imperial driver that passed them down the country lane on which they drove. Still, it made the team keep an eye on their surroundings.

Perception checks DC 27
:00: DC 27 Perception +9
Rolled 1d20+9 : 3 + 9, total 12

:00: DC 27 Perception +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 15 + 11, total 26

:00: DC 27 Perception +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 8 + 11, total 19

:00: DC 27 Perception +12
Rolled 1d20+12 : 18 + 12, total 30

:00: DC 27 Perception +13
Rolled 1d20+13 : 3 + 13, total 16
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 14, 2013, 12:22 AM
Kaida had Caden take a long loop around the city and they passed the road that led to their targeted bridge, along with the looming re-educational facility with its high-fenced perimeter. She studied it as they passed wondering if her sister was really within - that all of this was not some terrible ruse to draw them out. But if so, by whom? They were effectively once more off the grid.

The side mirror caught her eye. There was a vehicle following behind them at a good distance. Had it been there before? She reviewed her thoughts and hadn't remembered if anyone was moving along their lane behind them, but even still what was the worry? Kaida's eyes went back to the facility. It was immense and there were white-shelled soldiers at many guard points along its barrier. There would be no easy way to attack that fortress like they had the one on Tantau IV.

And then it was passed only to return to the patchwork of agro-production. It was strange to her that the Empire would still maintain the prison facility here - it just seemed so out of place on the green and blue planet. Again Kaida's eyes went to the speeder's side mirror - yes, the vehicle was still behind them. Her natural wariness took hold, but she wondered again what was the worry? The roads were busy and they had passed quite a few vehicles in their long transit around Netassa. Her thoughts stayed on the vehicle, but she also began to think about getting a better look at the bridge.

Caden took a left onto a thin road that would take them south and east and bring them back to their space port. Suddenly, two sturdy speeder vehicles, not unlike their own Arrow-23, pulled out from groves of trees on either side of the road causing Caden to have to swerve and come to a fast halt. Behind them the following truck stopped and took a position to watch, or block, any traffic coming down the lane towards them. Outside the Arrow, men were hopping from the other vehicles and making a semi-circle perimeter around the team. It was quite apparent that they were not Imperials but locals, and each was armed.

:ooc: Now, because Kaida was successful at her Perception check in the last thread, Jared, you can tell me that she was prepared for such a possibility and directed Caden to push through, go off-road, or whatever. Or you guys can stop and see what is up.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Feb 14, 2013, 01:06 AM
' Caden even got a courteous wave from one gray-suited Imperial driver that passed them down the country lane on which they drove. Still, it made the team keep an eye on their surroundings.' is not a valid dice string!

Kaida smiled and waved also, playing the role of the happy couple. "Blast...  I hate it when they wave," she muttered, "It makes killing them more difficult, realizing that they're human too."

It was so easy to forget the imperials came from families too, had loved ones, had spouses who loved and cared for them. That they were somebody's brother, father, son. She probably would have enjoyed a good talk or stroll or drink with any one of these men. Most were probably decent people just taking orders.  But this was nothing new. Just on the wrong side of the battle lines.

She broke of that line thinking. It wouldn't do any good and would only cause her flinch or hesitate at a crucial moment. She had picked her side in this war and they had picked theirs. Someday they would see an end to it.

But not yet.

It was then that Kaida began noticing the vehicle following them. Thoughts of not being willing to kill and fight fled when alarm bells sounded in her head when the truck followed them them onto the smaller road.

But these were locals weren't they? Perhaps... just perhaps they had found a resistance group. Or rather a resistance group had found them. Or, she frowned, they were imperials dressed like locals. That was a happy thought.

Wouldn't a resistance group contact them more subtly?

"Start slowing down, but be ready to move if needed," she told Caden and she motioned for Abby and BIT to be ready to fight if needed. Then she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She rid her mind of external thoughts and concerns, and for a few seconds simply floated and considered options, searching her feelings, and trying to sense the immediate repercussions of talking to these people. Master Farok had taught her this technique. Sometimes you could sense the immediate results of an action. As the vehicle slowed, she stretched her feelings.

:ooc: I'm going to try doing a Use the Force (page 77 core book), specifically Search Your Feelings. Whoo whoo. First force roll of my char. Not sure if this works in this way. But I want to determine if stopping and talking with them and mentioning that we're looking to ally with a resistance group will lead to favorable results or if she gets the sense that such an admission would lead to them getting shot or captured by this group.

Here's my roll:
Use the Force 1d20+11 : 2 + 11, total 13

Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Feb 14, 2013, 01:16 AM
 :ooc: Figures... she needs more training.  :) Since I needed a 15, I'll just keep going here.

The shuddering of the vehicle and the nearness of Caden--heavens, what was that smell? -- distracted her and her eyes popped open. She sighed. Figures. They'd have to do this the usual way. "We'd better just talk. If they wanted us dead, they would have been shooting already. And shooting is only going to attract unwanted attention. But still. Be ready. We might be making a fast get-away."

As their vehicle stopped, Kaida stepped out and folded her arms across her breast, leaning against her doorway, looking unconcerned. She could jump in backwards quickly if needed.

She filled her demeanor with all the hauteur her nobility possessed and forcefully directed her gaze and presence at those approaching.

"What is the meaning of this?"

:ooc: As the She keeps her face impassive and looks about for the leader of this little get together.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 14, 2013, 01:45 PM
BIT immediately had pistol in hand and double-checked the charge on his power pack -- he was ready to fight his way out of this if need be.  "Get ready, kid.  If you're packing, get it out.  If not, keep your head down."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 16, 2013, 05:47 PM
:ooc: The Arrow-23 is a compartmented vehicle, meaning it is just like a car - almost like a Humvee. So, let me know if you are getting out of he vehicle, too, Matt.

Sam's defensive programming went into automatic, as he watched Kaida step from the Arrow-23 and confront these men. The internal storage compartment on his leg opened and revealed his blaster pistol. He got out of his seat in a hunch and moved to the back of the speeder to one of the two roof turret openings. The droid did not open the hatch, but put his hand on the release and watched out of the windows, poised to offer aid at the first sign.

One of the men outside approached Kaida to within about five feet - she did not recognize him. "Who are you?" he asked. "No one on this planet just throws around credits - at least not laborers. So from what we can see, you are an off-worlder. Why does someone that is not from Salliche want to see Graaf Savraan? You will answer me, now."

Around him, the other men brought weapons up to shoulders and behind them, the men on the large truck undraped an E-web cannon that was mounted in its trailer.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 17, 2013, 01:53 AM
 :ooc: Though I hope we don't need it, is there a map to go with this situation lest the usual happens and we have to shoot our way out of here.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Feb 18, 2013, 02:06 PM
It was a gamble, but she felt certain these were not Imperials. Had they been so, they would have flashed identification at this point. Or come in their usual garb. She didn't want this to come to bloodshed, and she doubted that they did either. So she kept her arms folded and asked a question of her own.

"Under what authority do you accost me?" Kaida demanded one eyebrow climbing.  "If I want to give the Graf some of my credits, that's my business. What is it to you? Are you friends of his and perhaps I gave too little? Or did the grand sum of 50 credits draw the ire of one of his enemies?" She sniffed and looked at them sternly. "Have the people of Salliche forgotten their manners? If you have questions of me and want to talk, approach me as a civilized person would, but do not surround me unawares and wave about this weaponry in my face. I have no stomach for it. My father taught that respect engenders respect. Show some, and then we will talk."

:ooc: She's going to do a persuade roll to get them to put away their weapons and answer truthfully who they are and where their allegiance lies.

Persuade: 1d20+16 : 17 + 16, total 33

Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Feb 18, 2013, 03:22 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 14, 2013, 01:45 PM
BIT immediately had pistol in hand and double-checked the charge on his power pack -- he was ready to fight his way out of this if need be.  "Get ready, kid.  If you're packing, get it out.  If not, keep your head down."

Caden nodded, just enough for BIT to notice. He readied his heavy blaster, but didn't pull it from his holster just yet - perhaps they could talk it out and learn something in the process.

He then watched Kaida get out and pull her holier-than-thou routine with the goons. He looked back to BIT and rolled his eyes; Kaida was sharp, no question -- but there was no mistaking that she was used to being... well, royal. One of these days, it wasn't going to work out well. He hoped it wouldn't be today.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Posterboy on Feb 19, 2013, 01:19 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 14, 2013, 01:45 PM
BIT immediately had pistol in hand and double-checked the charge on his power pack -- he was ready to fight his way out of this if need be.  "Get ready, kid.  If you're packing, get it out.  If not, keep your head down."

Abby brushed back a loose wisp of hair and swallowed hard... she didn't have much of a stomach for gunfights. The belly of a frieghter, elbows deep is hydrolic fluid, trying to recycle the shields while squeezing out enough juice to make the jump to hyperdrive with pirates or TIE fighter bearing down on you... THAT Abby lived for. She felt comfortable with that scenerio. But this up close, gun in hand kind of confrontations made her stomach knot up.

She gave BIT a weak smile as she followed his lead and pulled her pistol from her holster. "I hope it won't come to violence yet," she said nervously grin. "We just got here, and I was looking forward to our date with that droid."

:ooc:Abby will take her pistol out, and follow BIT`s lead... meaning, she'll remain in the vehicle while he does, and exit out if he instructs her to do so. Really, she follow any else's lead here - Caden, Kaida or BIT.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 19, 2013, 11:00 PM
:ooc: Great posts everyone!

Matt, I will put up a map if need be, but I think we are clear for the moment. Jared's Persuasion roll has changed NPC attitudes a couple steps and has at the least now created peaceful curiousity.

"Your father sounds like a wise and civilized man," said an unconnected voice. Whomever was speaking was sitting in the front passenger side of one of the rugged speeders that barred the road. "And you sound like a woman of status although you dress like a spacer... at ease, men."

The band of armed guards surrounding the Arrow-23 lowered their weapons at the command - one of them waved to the group that had exited the large truck that blocked the road behind them. Those armed men all jumped back aboard their vehicle and it quickly drove off down the road that ran south. In front of the Arrow, one of the two speeders was re-boarded and a partial number of those men pulled away and cleared the path.

The voice continued, "So...you want to speak of manners and allegiances?" Graaf Savraan exited his speeder along with his chief of staff, who stood a close distance from his boss. "Salliche and her citizens still remember our customs of welcoming off-worlders and treating them with courtesy, after all, we are a Core World!" He smiled. It was a smile that made Kaida think of her father when he would greet emissaries to Commenor. She felt suddenly sad, but at the same time trusting of the man before her. "Forgive my men here, they have a way of protecting me and sometimes we go a little far. I am Graaf Emil Savraan." He eyed her, "You are not ISB, and you don't look like people from some other Imperial department. So why are you on Salliche? Why are you hanging around our labor rallies and offering bribes? Who are you?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 19, 2013, 11:31 PM
Glad to see that things lightening up outside, and yet BIT's "agent orange" was still acting up -- he didn't put his weapon away or lower his guard.  "All this pretty talk is just wasting time..." he grumbled.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Feb 19, 2013, 11:57 PM
Kaida breathed a sigh of relief. No one else noticed, but her legs felt a little wobbly. That could have gone very wrong. It still could, but at least they weren't pointing weapons at her head any longer. She moved forward slowly, keeping her hands visible. She moved to where she could easily see his features but far enough away that she couldn't be grabbed suddenly.

Her previous sterness faded, replaced with a warm smile. "My thanks for your umm hospitality, Graaf Savraan." It was a bit of a joke, that 'hospitality', and they both knew it. Forcing someone to come to meet with you at gun point was anything but.

But still, she was prepared to let bygones be bygones. If she could indeed trust them.

She gave a polite incline of her head in his direction anyway. "My father was indeed a wise man and a kind ruler of our people. And yet he was killed because he continued to speak truth and wisdom against our oppressors. I am one who also speaks truth. For now, that is all you need know." This was hardly revealing who she was, how many hundreds of worlds would fit that description? But for now she wanted to keep it that way.

She continued, her eyes on his face. "I may reveal more in time. But first, tell me, Mr. Savraan, where do your allegiances lie with regards to the Imperial presence on Salliche? You said you are a Core world, after all."

:ooc: She watches Savraan carefully to detect any lie. It sure don't hurt to be safe.
Perception to detect Deception 1d20+12 : 12 + 12, total 24

Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 20, 2013, 12:36 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Feb 19, 2013, 11:57 PM"But first, tell me, Mr. Savraan, where do your allegiances lie with regards to the Imperial presence on Salliche? You said you are a Core world, after all."

"It's Graaf - a title that the families of Salliche have earned over generations of prosperity and success in business," said the nobleman, a slight edge to his tone for the non-deference, but it only lasted a moment. "You are quite the enigma, ma'am. Granted my men have waylaid you out here in the country, which is not a good sign of civility, but you have neither offered a name or your purpose. You question my allegiance to the Repub...Empire. You try to approach during our rally with nothing but a bribe and offered service. Service for what, I might ask?"

Savraan put his hands behind his back and rolled back and forth on his feet a moment, as he eyed Kaida. Trust was yet to be earned apparently on either side. Savraan's chief of staff spoke, "Sir, whatever business this is... I suggest we move it to another forum or leave it. Imperial patrols will be rolling past soon and we don't need to be indicted of some clandestine meeting."

The Graaf merely nodded but never took his eyes from Kaida. His jaw set and he moved forward, his form rising up in an looming stance, "One more time, young lady. Who are you and why have you sought me out? Why would you question where my allegiance lies? I want an answer and I want it now, otherwise whatever your purpose, our business will end here and now."

Savraan Persuasion [intimidate]
:00: DC 22 Persuasion +16
Rolled 1d20+16 : 15 + 16, total 31

:ooc: Kaida can detect no sign of deception, but Savraan has so far offered very little of himself. The dice roll for Savraan is in red only because he is a current opponent...this all could change, but we shall see.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 20, 2013, 12:39 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 19, 2013, 11:31 PMGlad to see that things lightening up outside, and yet BIT's "agent orange" was still acting up -- he didn't put his weapon away or lower his guard.  "All this pretty talk is just wasting time..." he grumbled.

Sam watched out the window and listened to the conversation begin to heat, "Seems the talk is becoming less pretty."

:ooc: Kaida is intimidated by Savraan and can either back down from this meeting, reveal some of her information (whatever you want, even if it is a lie), or attempt to flee.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Feb 20, 2013, 02:25 AM
Quote"You are quite the enigma, ma'am. Granted my men have waylaid you out here in the country, which is not a good sign of civility, but you have neither offered a name or your purpose. You question my allegiance to the Repub...Empire. You try to approach during our rally with nothing but a bribe and offered service. Service for what, I might ask?"

"One more time, young lady. Who are you and why have you sought me out? Why would you question where my allegiance lies? I want an answer and I want it now, otherwise whatever your purpose, our business will end here and now."

She couldn't just tell this man her entire plans, not flat out, not in every detail, not unless she trusted him, and how could you trust someone who held you up at gun point and demanded answers.

But perhaps, she could give him something or if not him, get some of his men thinking. Should she even take that much risk though? What if their operation failed because she revealed too much? She nodded though. Risk was inherent in all that she did now.

"I meant no disrespect Graaf Savraan." She looked him calmly in the eye, never dropping her gaze, her voice clear and crisp. "I questioned your allegiance merely to determine if I can trust you. On that point, I am still in the dark. But until that changes, I fear I cannot reveal more of my business here, and that our meeting is, for now, at an end."

She bowed her head respectfully and turned to leave. She looked over her shoulder one last time as she opened the door to the Arrow. "But, I will say this much. I wish you success in your rallies. More than you ever know. Talk and rallies can indeed accomplish much, but if you ever want to move beyond mere talk, contact me within the next three days and perhaps we can both benefit each other. I'm sure you'll be able to find me... again."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Feb 24, 2013, 05:27 PM
Kaida climbed into her seat and nodded to Caden and the others. The Bestinian took the signal and accelerated the Arrow away from the area and down the road towards the spaceport.

Savraan and his chief stood and watched the woman return to her speeder and did nothing to interdict their departure. Watching the Arrow race down the road and the dust roiling up behind it, the Graaf spoke, "So what do you think, Lito?"

"What do I think? What... if they are bureau?"


"I'm not sure. They are definitely not from Salliche. The woman is well-to-do; she is educated and has an aristocratic bearing, like someone who works but doesn't have to. I would say she is royalty or some senator's daughter. But are they plants by the bureau? I don't think so."

"So why are they here? What are they asking about me for?"

"I cannot answer that, Emil. But neither can I reconcile your desire to expose yourself and incite the people's wrath against Coruscant and our new emperor."

"A divided world is doomed. We need to remain united as a people, otherwise we will become nothing more than slaves to the new Order."

"Emil, there were many united worlds in the recent war - a confederacy against our former Republic. Even the confederation could not stand against the power of the Galactic Republic, and I do not believe now that there is a will to be found in the galaxy to stand up to Palpatine, not after the years of ravaging war that we just experienced."

Graaf Savraan gave no heed to his chief's comment and changed the subject back to the companions, "So if not bureau, then who and why?"

Lito sighed, "Sir, to answer that means that we present ourselves again to these people, and maybe we should do it a bit more formally." The chief of staff eyed the head of Savraan's security who had put together this prepostrous plan to waylay the strangers and try to force an answer. "If they are bureau, or if they are plants that are working for some clandestine organization that may well be linked to the bureau, then it might be wise that we keep them a bit closer."

Emil nodded at that suggestion, "All right. You will personally take a message of apology to our visitors and ask them to dinner at the estate. If the Emperor has decided to keep an eye on us through agents, then I will make sure to keep an eye on them. If they are bureau, and I want that detail determined quickly, then it may end up badly for them. We have fertilizer production that will make sure that they are never seen again."

Lito nodded at his Graaf's orders, "It shall be done, sir."

Caden kept an eye on the rearview mirror as he took the speeder up to a moderately faster speed than was allowed. No more vehicles appeared or waylaid them all the way back to the space port hub. He weaved the speeder between pedestrians, load lifters, and other speeder vehicles that were in the process of moving cargo to or from the freighters that were docked.

They still had eight days before the scheduled prisoner transfer. Sam slid his blaster pistol back into his leg storage. "If we plan to use the bridge as our stopping point, I will want to spend some time looking at its engineering. We have explosives but Abby procured the weaker type and I want to see how we can best drop that span."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Feb 24, 2013, 10:28 PM
Farok looked at the youth again and smiled, the chance of bloodshed had dropped significantly. The old man looked around at the buildings and back to the youth.

"lots of eyes around here interested in what's going on between us. Why don't we move along."

Farok wanted to get out of the alley and into some streets where there were more people. He wanted to further the limit the chances of a fight breaking out to do that he attempted to steer the leader out of the alley and into a busier street.

Once they had moved on Farok spoke in a low voice to the gang leader. "I'm not looking to muscle in on anyone's rep or disturb the sitch as it stands between the bosses. Like I said I am not here to become a player, just looking for information. I'm looking for information on the Imperial Prison that's here on the planet. I got word that an old friend of mine maybe holed up in there. I'd like to get some info on the prison, ins and outs, whos who, what kind of goods move in and out. Might be some death stick smuggling opportunities.  So, I'm looking for someone that either isn't so dedicated to their job when it stands in the way of some creds, or some folks who generally aren't thrilled with the Empire and also have the will and means to do something about it. Maybe my friend gets out early. What I need is someone on the streets who's bone box doesn't rattle and knows when there is a chance to make easy money and come out looking more connected. Now if you aint that guy or you're not interested....well when we get to the corner I can take off running and you can tell your mates you run me off and I was peddling bantha scat. If you are interested and you can get me the info or set up a meet, well....that's a different story with a different ending isn't it?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 24, 2013, 10:53 PM
"Eyes on the road, cap, I've got our six," said BIT, noticing that Caden was worrying a little overmuch looking back. "I agree with, you, Sam."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Feb 26, 2013, 02:01 AM
"What do you think?" Kaida asked once they were safely back inside the Aegis. They had unloaded the cargo from the Arrow onto Caden's ship, and she was talking to the others as they started work on their new toy, the Droideka.

Holo-schematics spun around their heads and a multitude of tools and parts covered what seemed to be every square inch of free space in the workroom. Abby looked like she was in her own personal heaven.

Kaida idly tapped through some of the holos. She understood some of the required programming, but the engineering and mechanical nature was completely beyond her, educated though she was.

"I mean, about this Graaf Saffran and his friends? Can they be trusted?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Feb 26, 2013, 03:18 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Feb 24, 2013, 10:53 PM
"Eyes on the road, cap, I've got our six," said BIT, noticing that Caden was worrying a little overmuch looking back. "I agree with, you, Sam."

"Let's see if Kaida made an impression first," Caden said. "Well... more than her usual one."
He kept the speeder humming along; he had forgotten how much he enjoyed driving these things. It had been a while since he had one out on an open road.
"You can take the speeder out there tomorrow, first thing; I have a feeling we'll be occupied on the ship, anyway."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Posterboy on Feb 28, 2013, 10:52 PM
 :ooc: I'm assuming that the group in the Arrow headed to the Aegis without first heading to the bridge. If I am mistaken, please forgive... but I am going off of Kaida's questions while looking at the Droideka schematics.

Quote from: Jingo on Feb 26, 2013, 02:01 AM
"What do you think?" Kaida asked once they were safely back inside the Aegis. They had unloaded the cargo from the Arrow onto Caden's ship, and she was talking to the others as they started work on their new toy, the Droideka.

Holo-schematics spun around their heads and a multitude of tools and parts covered what seemed to be every square inch of free space in the workroom. Abby looked like she was in her own personal heaven.

Kaida idly tapped through some of the holos. She understood some of the required programming, but the engineering and mechanical nature was completely beyond her, educated though she was.

"I mean, about this Graaf Saffran and his friends? Can they be trusted?"

Abby had nearly peed herself when they actually got the crate off the speeder and into the hanger of the Aegis. She had set out all the tools she figured they'd need. Tapping the keyboard on her wrist, the Arkanian accessed the tech specs for the Seperatist droid and uploaded them to the HUD display of her visor.

"What do you think?" Kaida asked.

"It's like a work of art," Abby nearly whispered breathlessly. "See this?" she asked, pointing out the elaborate, multisegmented cable which formed the droid's main power line. "That's twelve pure tricopper power couplinks overlayed with a desh-terenthium alloy sheath."

"I mean, about this Graaf Saffran and his friends? Can they be trusted?"

Abby sighed, "You're miss the beauty of the ingenuity here, Kaida..." Abby look up at the princess, but sensed Kaida might need some help moving past her conversation with the Graaf before she'd be able to focus on the masterpiece in front of her. Lifting the visor up and pushing back her bangs at the same time, Abby gave Kaida her full attention. Shrugging slightly, the young tech gave the princess a look that communicated both "I don't know" and "I hope so" at the same time. "Still think you did the right thing, though. That man was used to getting things his way. I think the way you ended it made you all mysterious and enticing. My mom always said the boys like a girl to be a little hard to get." She gave Kaida a winked smile. "You put yourself just far enough out of his reach that, if he has any amount of curiosity in him, he'll come looking to check you out a bit more."

Sliding visor back over her eyes, she turned her attention back to this beautiful piece of craftsmanship. "Now, check... this... out..." she said with excitement as she brought up the holo-schematics of the fusion reactor. "Wow! Just... wow!"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Mar 01, 2013, 01:17 PM
Quote from: Posterboy on Feb 28, 2013, 10:52 PM
:ooc: I'm assuming that the group in the Arrow headed to the Aegis without first heading to the bridge. If I am mistaken, please forgive...

:ooc: That's what I did, too. I just rolled with Kaida's post.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 02, 2013, 12:35 PM
Kaida smiled at Abby's excitement, her mind going back to the conversation with the Graaf. Why had the man accosted her? Could he still be used? Could he be trusted? And how far? And with how much information? These were answers she didn't know. She would have to trust her instincts which hadn't been notably perceptive of late. Maybe Master Farok would have more information when he returned.

"What's this part for?" she asked and began helping the others as well as she could, but still she remained thoughtful. Wary. Wondering.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Mar 02, 2013, 02:52 PM
BIT gritted his teeth as Abby poked about the droid parts.  Seeing them brought back flashbacks of his past -- he and his brothers fighting battle machines like these, blood, sweat, and screams.  With a shake of the head, the visions past him but the smells still came at him, momentarily distracting him.  "It's a power converter between the power plant and weapon systems.  Now, if you please, Abby and I have a lot of work to do...  Here," he says, handing the young mechanic a hydrospanner, "You get the body assembled, starting with the power plant... we want to make sure systems come online systematically.  I'll work on the brain with the core functions."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 02, 2013, 03:04 PM
:ooc: You were correct on your assumptions Posterboy - these posts are great!

BIT cleared all required dice rolls to build and reprogram the droideka HERE (http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/index.php/topic,1195.msg19781.html#msg19781).

So the only thing we need to do now is spend the day for the build and programming, so I am going to advance the game 24 hours to accomodate the build, but not leave you guys unable to join any scenes.

I am going to continue this thread with Ardana and Farok for now with the understanding that all the other personnel are at the Aegis.

Momentum had shifted and the gang leader knew it. He had cowed to Farok's request and ordered his people down and now the man was walking past him and giving the orders. He did not know who he was dealing with, but he needed to maintain a modicum of control - at least in front of his people. It was a krayt-eat-krayt world and the young gang leader had no intention of being usurped. As he walked beside Farok, he spoke with bravado, "All right old man...but know you try anything and I will slice and dice you."

They were now on a busy street and Farok began to talk. The youth listened while his other members dispersed and took up positions that blended in with the street. The old jedi could not help but be impressed with how any animal, or hunter, was able to meld in with its surroundings. Farok finished his request and the gang leader stared at him, "You wanna know if there is someone on the inside of the Red Center? You trying to bust your friend out or move product in to him?" He scratched at the thinly stubbled chin, "I might have some contacts that could help you... but I am in. It cost you for the link and its gonna cost you for the profits. I knows your face now old man, so give me the shiv and I will tell a stormie that I know ya. Play cool and we can make some money together."

Farok could see the calculating look on the youth's face - he was intelligent and cunning. He would make a good adversary or ally. The former jedi wondered what the end result would be.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 02, 2013, 11:30 PM
 :ooc: Kaida helps where she can, handing tools, bringing in sandwiches and caf, helping with some minor diagnostics programming (she does have some Use Computer), and when none of that's needed she studies the enemy, their vehicles, formations, tactics, plans.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 02, 2013, 11:50 PM
:ooc: As I said earlier, I am going to take us out of time flow here - Tom, finish your conversation with the gang leader, but know that you can jump into conversations at the ship, too. As long as no fight broke out and no one was hurt, of course.

Evening settled over Netassa.

The Aegis sat within her berthing, soft lights glowing from within her cabin and a brighter white light that illuminated her underbelly where BIT and Abby were working. Sam stood there, too, but the droid had gone into an inactive mode so as to charge his systems. In the center of where the two worked, a tripod of sorts had taken shape - the three awkward legs of the droideka. The droids primary system of motion - its rolling wheeled system would not be complete until the chasis was finished. Even now, Abby labored at the gyroscopes that would keep the thing balanced. There were two of them and they had to be calibrated to near perfection, any margin of error would throw the droid off balance and at the least it would not be able to attain the speed known for these machines, and at worst it would be unable to move at all in this manner. Four times now she had had to start over finding minute differences in their rotations when brought up to speed.

BIT was working on the blaster arm appendages. He was done with one and would have the other ready in about thirty minutes. Once done, and with Abby's system balanced, they could mount the rest of the droid's body structure on the tripod leg base. Last would be the insertion of the power core, the heuristic processor, and the droid's head - with its eyes and targeting system. BIT yawned. It was not yet late but the clone was worn down from all of the stress of the day. He suddenly felt his old battle instincts begin to itch again, and across the work bay it seemed that Sam felt it too.

Sam had been idle for the last couple hours, but he was not shut down. His sensors were active and his 'eyes' had been watching he landing bay's entrance. A cloaked figure now stood in the shadows of that entrance and the droid became instantly active. His right hand went to his leg where the secret compartment stored his weapon. It opened and Sam grabbed the blaster's grip, though he did not withdraw it from its holster. He walked quickly towards the shadow and spoke, "Who are you? State your business." The words were not his per se - Sam did not wish to speak them, but they were part of his standard protocol when his combat systems spooled up.

Sam brought Abby and Bit instantly aware of their 'guest'.

Inside the Aegis, Caden and Kaida busied themselves with their own activities. The captain was currently in the galley and was looking at an open cabinet of space fare. His stomach grumbled, but nothing was looking good. He wanted real food. Something that was fried, grilled, or baked and here on an agro world, there was no better place to go out and get something. Certainly there were good restaurants in Netassa. He looked down the corridor and saw Kaida messing with some gear stowage - maybe she'd like to go out and get some dinner. The two tech-heads were eyes deep in the droid outside and he knew that there would be nothing to pull them away from their fun. Instead, he could go out with Miss Pomp-and-Circumstance - not really his style, but there was no one else here. The memory of Kex came back and all the fun they had had as a couple of free merchants roaming the spaceways and finding every popular joint along the way. Caden shook the shadows away and closed the pantry cabinet.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 03, 2013, 12:15 AM
Kaida fumbled with the precarious stack of double de-hyrdated food stuffs and packets began to slide out. She shoved them back into the cabinet and hurriedly punched the button. With relief, she heard the hissing sound as it finally closed. Really, the man could be a little more organized! Grumbling under her breath, she stood up and saw Caden there, his eyes on her.

Had he been watching her?

"What?" she stood and put her hands on her hips. "The blasted door wouldn't shut, that's all."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Mar 03, 2013, 04:42 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Mar 03, 2013, 12:15 AM
Kaida fumbled with the precarious stack of double de-hyrdated food stuffs and packets began to slide out. She shoved them back into the cabinet and hurriedly punched the button. With relief, she heard the hissing sound as it finally closed. Really, the man could be a little more organized! Grumbling under her breath, she stood up and saw Caden there, his eyes on her.

Had he been watching her?

"What?" she stood and put her hands on her hips. "The blasted door wouldn't shut, that's all."

"Nothing," he said. "Nothing looked good in there to me, either. Wanna get a fresher bite somewhere in town?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 03, 2013, 07:01 PM
The old jedi smiled at the young man by his side as they walked. "I haven't decided on my exact plans yet. Need to know more about the score and what the worth verse risk is going to be. I need to know the size of the garrison, vehicle types and numbers, weapons systems info like that. Bribes tend to grow and expand over time and there may not be a market for drug smuggling on the inside. 'Sides, we need to feel each other out as well. Make sure that we can work together."
(applicable Roll)
Farok stopped by the gang leaders side and smiled a violent and viscous smile at the man. He could feel Ardana pull away from his body when she saw the way he could contort and change the expression on his face. "Know this before I go and let it sink in while no one else can hear me. You turn on me, you try to jump me, or you rat on me and slicing and dicing are the worst of your problems. I may not even kill you, I may just cut you up and throw you back to your cronies a weeping mess. How long do you think you could lead them then? I've seen war boy, galactic Hutt crime war. Do not think me a fool."

His face softened, "Be Hoth though...well you might yourself coming up in the world in wealth and influence. Times are changing. Leave word at _____ and we can set up another meet tomorrow."

OOC: Can I make a Perception, Gather Info, or galactic lore roll to see how much I would need to offer for this? I am thinking that I can give out some credits or some info. Info of possible value I think is the impact that our raid is going to have on both death stick production, as well as who is going to control it. The market fluctuation might mean so quick credits for someone in the know. Ideally I want him to think that I am trying to smuggle drugs in, so that if he rats us out they don't know about the actual target or method of attack.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 03, 2013, 07:08 PM
Farok was active on the Aegis. His mind was going over the plans of the prison and the route again. He trusted the skill of his companions, but none the less went over the plan for gaps. It wasnt the way he would do it per se, but they younglings needed to learn by doing. His brush with the local gang was on his mind as well. There had to be an advantage in that somewhere and could it be tied into the graaf?"

Farok felt a subtle change, a feeling that someone had approached the ship. He had taken a circuitous route back to the ship so he knew that no one had followed him. With a draw on his cigar he made his way to the ramp.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 03, 2013, 09:17 PM
:ooc: Nice posts, Tom!

Farok's Intimidation roll
:00: DC 12 Persuasion +7
Takes 10 for a 17

The competition for dominance ended. The youngster stared at the wild eyes set in the cragged face of Farok. He saw death there and something else, something that cried of a man who no longer had a soul. It was as if the eyes pleaded for redemption but warned too of damnation. The youth knew that Farok would have no issue in either accepting an agreement or opening up his midsection to spill his viscera on the street. He swallowed hard, again and then nodded a submissive nod.

"All right," he said. "I will leave word at Taggert's Grill where you just were."

Farok's face changed again into a big smile - the brown juices from the cigar staining his teeth. It did not have a calming affect, more like the man just cooked your friend and he'd like you to join him for dinner. "Attaboy," was the gruff reply.

Farok walked away with Ardana in tow. The Twi'lek occassionally glanced back to assure they were not being followed, but the fallen jedi knew better. They found themselves back at the Aegis just as the rest of the team was returning from a drive in the country. Stories were exchanged as the day began to move on.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 03, 2013, 09:30 PM
The shaded figure was taken aback by Sam's sentry approach, and he quickly looked to Abby and BIT for potential relief like someone that looks past the watchdog to the master holding the leash. He stuttered a response, "Forgive the intrusion this evening...I am a courier. I have been given a message to be sent to this docking bay...although I do not have a name." There was confusion on the courier's face. "I guess any of you may accept the message."

The man gave a visual shrug and looked at Abby and BIT who were both arms deep in their work. He gave Sam a sidelong glance, but then his eyes were drawn to a figure that moved confidently down the landing ramp. "Sir? Perhaps you would sign for it?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 03, 2013, 09:41 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on Mar 03, 2013, 07:01 PM:ooc: Can I make a Perception, Gather Info, or galactic lore roll to see how much I would need to offer for this? I am thinking that I can give out some credits or some info. Info of possible value I think is the impact that our raid is going to have on both death stick production, as well as who is going to control it. The market fluctuation might mean some quick credits for someone in the know. Ideally I want him to think that I am trying to smuggle drugs in, so that if he rats us out they don't know about the actual target or method of attack.

:ooc: Give me a Knowledge [Bureaucracy] roll DC 20 - even though the skill-specialty is predominantly for organizations, laws and regulations, it still is about business procedures and organizations and those can be illicit as well as legal.

If successful, Farok will know the basic ins and outs of the credit values needed to secure an 'arrangement' or partnership. He will also understand the value of good intel, but he will need to HAVE good intel to offer that up as collateral instead of using credits to buy the partnership.

To garner some good intel will require a Gather Information DC 20 and will cost 1,000 credits in bribes.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 03, 2013, 10:00 PM
 :ooc: roger that. I was thinking that the death stick production and Bando Gora shake up would be worth something to those who deal in death sticks. But I will roll too.

Rolled 1d20+11 : 7 + 11, total 18

Gather Info +7
Rolled 1d20+7 : 17 + 7, total 24
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 03, 2013, 10:04 PM
 :ooc: seems like a good idea to burn a force point here for the knowledge roll to make sure this dude doesnt rat us out.
Rolled 1d6 : 4, total 4
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 05, 2013, 12:26 AM
Quote from: sdrotar on Mar 03, 2013, 04:42 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Mar 03, 2013, 12:15 AM
Kaida fumbled with the precarious stack of double de-hyrdated food stuffs and packets began to slide out. She shoved them back into the cabinet and hurriedly punched the button. With relief, she heard the hissing sound as it finally closed. Really, the man could be a little more organized! Grumbling under her breath, she stood up and saw Caden there, his eyes on her.

Had he been watching her?

"What?" she stood and put her hands on her hips. "The blasted door wouldn't shut, that's all."

"Nothing," he said. "Nothing looked good in there to me, either. Wanna get a fresher bite somewhere in town?"

"Sure," Kaida replied. "I'm not much help around here right now anyway. BIT glares at me everytime I interrupt him when they're working on my droid." She gathered her cloak, making sure her blaster and Brim's lightsaber were strapped on and concealed underneath and followed Caden.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Mar 05, 2013, 03:35 AM
"Programming's not my thing, either," he said. " He offered the crook of his elbow - he was a gentleman, after all (or fashioned himself as such, at least) as they headed for the speeder.
"What're you hungry for?" he asked, as they set out from the Aegis.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Mar 05, 2013, 12:56 PM
"Now hold on there," said BIT, as he wiped the grime from his hands, giving a nonchalant but reassuring brush against his holster.  "Who sent you?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 05, 2013, 01:29 PM
"My advice," spoke the old Jedi, "is that you answer the questions that are being asked of you by the man in front of you before asking any other questions."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 05, 2013, 09:28 PM
QuoteThe man gave a visual shrug and looked at Abby and BIT who were both arms deep in their work. He gave Sam a sidelong glance, but then his eyes were drawn to a figure that moved confidently down the landing ramp. "Sir? Perhaps you would sign for it?"

:ooc: Is their droid building visible to outsiders? This is top secret stuff after all. I thought they'd be working on it inside the ship. 
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 05, 2013, 09:29 PM

Quote from: sdrotar on Mar 05, 2013, 03:35 AM
"Programming's not my thing, either," he said. " He offered the crook of his elbow - he was a gentleman, after all (or fashioned himself as such, at least) as they headed for the speeder.
"What're you hungry for?" he asked, as they set out from the Aegis.

She took his arm and smiled at his cordiality. "Your treat," she replied about the food. "But I'm hungry for anything besides ship fare."

"Now, the programming I can more or less understand; my brother Jalek was very good with computers, you see, and some of that rubbed off on me. Though what those two are doing is beyond me," she shook her head, "And that doesn't even cover actually putting the thing together--I guess I should thank you for taking on Abby."

As they exited the Aegis, they saw the newcomer talking with the others.

She could sense the tenseness in the air.

"What's this?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 08, 2013, 01:20 AM
:ooc: Hey Jared, let me give you a description of the space port the Aegis is currently berthed in so you can get an idea of what is going on. I include a simple picture below.

The Eeyrie Nexus port is a series of octagonal docking bays that each have two garages and a warehouse (see the big picture from the first post in the Gatherings thread. Each docking bay is private to some extent - there are surveillance systems, but the dockmasters are discreet, especially when a few credits cross palms. There is also an office connected to the bays - the garages and warehouses all come at a cost if used beyond standard berthing of the ship. Smugglers and legitimate merchants load, offload, and trade in these bays. There are times when the merchandise needs to be secured off ship and the warehouses can be locked. The garages are for maintenance - if the ship does not have an engineer, the port can offer services at a fee.

Okay, so the Aegis is in bay 732 and it has an opening into the central part of the port. There is a flight control tower and across a well-traveled road is a series of buildings for various purposes - fire/emergency teams, granaries for storage of ag products that are being shipped out, etc; restaurants, rental businesses, and so on.

So, to answer your question, if someone walks into the docking bay they will see the Aegis sitting there and two empty garages and a warehouse. Your Arrow-23 sits close by along with the two speeder bikes. Under the belly of the ship it is lit and BIT and Abby are currently building the droid on one of the Aegis' lowered cargo ramps. The droid's three legs are assembled but the other parts lay scattered about on work benches, so it is not recognizable yet. Once BIT/Abby have it ready to complete assembly, it can be either raised up into the cargo hold or moved into one of the open garages/warehouse. The weather on Salliche is very fair and so the two techs have been working out in the cool air.

As for your current visitor, he has entered the docking bay through its entrance... and away we go.

The atmosphere within the docking bay became tense. The courier looked from Sam who held his position between them all, to BIT who sauntered over - his blaster pistol in its holster bouncing off his leg, and the robed older man that gave the terse reply. Finally, Caden and Kaida came down the ship's landing ramp to see the gathering to which the noblewoman raised her question.

In a polite, albeit semi-stressed voice, the courier answered. "Madame, I have a message for this docking bay... er, at least someone within it, but I was not given a name." The man held up a small portable holo-projector. "I merely wanted to deliver it, but I will need someone to accept it. Can you?" His eyes left Kaida momentarily and went to Sam who stood poised at his blaster, though still as stone. The courier swallowed hard, "Please?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Mar 08, 2013, 01:58 AM
Caden stepped in front of Kaida, unhappy that someone had revealed their position. He had every intention of finding out.
"Tell you what, kid," Caden said with a smile, "You tell me who sent you to this bay, and I'll take that little package off your hands. No muss, no fuss."

He gazed around to his armed and rather aggressive-looking companions, and then slowly, intentionally back to the nervous courier.

"Sound fair?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 08, 2013, 09:20 PM
The courier looked like he struggled for words, "Umm, sir, I don't know who sent this package. I am just a courier. My boss handed it to me and told me to deliver it. He said it goes to Docking Bay 732, Eeyrie Nexus - that's you guys." He looked around at the hands close to blasters. "Listen, I don't want any trouble...if you all don't want this, then I will take it back and say it was refused."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 08, 2013, 09:32 PM
The elder jedi was not sensing any trouble from the messenger, and surely any more evasion would produce more attention instead of less.

"I'll take it. Give it here."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 09, 2013, 10:57 PM
Sam suddenly moved again after being perfectly still. It caused the courier to jump, but he quickly placed the item in the droid's now outstretched hand. Once done, the courier quickly backed out of the bay and turned and ran through the complex. Sam watched him go and came to a conclusion, "We may want to change our tactics when people approach. Thinking everyone is out to get us is going to create more suspicion than not."

He walked over and met Farok half way, handing the Jedi the small device. The droid had already scanned it with his optics and saw it to be a holo-projection communicator. There were no threatening anomalies to the device and so he made no warning to Farok. Once in his hand, the old warrior hit the activation switch and a luminescent, three-dimensional image of Graaf Savraan appeared. It began to speak, "Hello madame. It is difficult for me to be more formal, but you have been reticent to offer up any name for yourself or your companions. Do not think it some terrible conspiracy against you, but I knew where you were by simply having some of my people watch you. My interest in you is still piqued and I offer another opportunity to meet - with no pointed blasters this time... I promise." The hologram smiled. "I would invite you and your friends to dinner tomorrow evening at my home. There we can become better acquainted and discuss in more detail about how 'talks and rallies can indeed accomplish much, but if you ever want to move beyond mere talk, contact me within the next three days and perhaps we can both benefit each other.'"

Kaida heard the exact words she had said to him on the road earlier today.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 09, 2013, 11:55 PM
Kaida nodded in agreement to Sam. They were all jumpy. Kaida then related the events of that afternoon to Farok and then looked at the others.

"I think we should meet with this Graaf. We need allies in this operation. We need not trust him with the details of our operation, but if we can just get his people to point their blasters against the real foe," she smiled. "Well, that'd make for a nice change. Your thoughts?"

Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 10, 2013, 10:00 PM
Sam saw Kaida nod in agreement to his suggestion. "Lady Katan, I will commence an immediate script edit to my security protocols. It will take me some time as there are many lines of code due to my original programing as a battle droid. Regarding your get together with the Graaf, I see no reason why we should pass on his invitation."
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Jingo on Mar 13, 2013, 01:01 AM
"Sam, please let the Graaf know that the occupants of Docking Bay 732 would be delighted to come. I prefer a certain amount of anonymity so best to keep it at that for now, at least until we know who we're dealing with."

She looked at the others and then back to Sam. "Sounds like it might be just you and me at tomorrow's dinner though," She nudged the droid conspiratorially. "I've never dated a droid before. How much of your processor do you require for dancing? I prefer the waltz. But I can't promise I won't step on your toes. But I'd really hate for Combat Defensive Subroutine 23 to kick in should such an unfortunate misstep occur."

With a smile, she wondered how much of his programming could handle human sarcasm. She smiled and patted his metallic cheek. "You're a dear, Sam."

Then she turned Caden. "The night is yet young. Shall we? Besides, I suddenly feel the need to purchase a dress for tomorrow's dinner. Oh, don't give me that look! Of course, you can help pick the color."

For some reason her mood had lightened. Maybe it was due to the prospects of actually meeting up with what she supposed was the resistance group. Maybe it was the notion of something akin to a nice dinner. It seemed like ages since she had dressed up in anything fancy.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: sdrotar on Mar 13, 2013, 06:47 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Mar 13, 2013, 01:01 AM
Then she turned Caden. "The night is yet young. Shall we? Besides, I suddenly feel the need to purchase a dress for tomorrow's dinner. Oh, don't give me that look! Of course, you can help pick the color."

Caden turned back to Sam and the others with a quizzical look, then raised his hands, palms up in a "I don't know" gesture, shaking his head as he did so.
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: Posterboy on Mar 16, 2013, 11:29 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Mar 13, 2013, 01:01 AM
"Sam, please let the Graaf know that the occupants of Docking Bay 732 would be delighted to come. I prefer a certain amount of anonymity so best to keep it at that for now, at least until we know who we're dealing with."

She looked at the others and then back to Sam. "Sounds like it might be just you and me at tomorrow's dinner though," She nudged the droid conspiratorially. "I've never dated a droid before. How much of your processor do you require for dancing? I prefer the waltz. But I can't promise I won't step on your toes. But I'd really hate for Combat Defensive Subroutine 23 to kick in should such an unfortunate misstep occur."

With a smile, she wondered how much of his programming could handle human sarcasm. She smiled and patted his metallic cheek. "You're a dear, Sam."

Then she turned Caden. "The night is yet young. Shall we? Besides, I suddenly feel the need to purchase a dress for tomorrow's dinner. Oh, don't give me that look! Of course, you can help pick the color."

Abby gave a huge sigh of relief as she watch the courier leave. She was glad BIT and her hadn't gotten too far yet with the droideka's assembly, but the visitor had reminded her that they really ought to be more careful where they put this thing together. Had it have been Port Authority or some Imps... well, that would have made for an interesting night.

When Kaida announced that they would be accepting the Graaf's offer for dinner, the girl inside Abby got a little giddy. Second only to her arms albow deep in engine grease, the Arkanian loved a good party. It was a bit of an interesting quirk about the technician... maybe because her clothes were regularly stained with oil smudges and she wore grime like some women wore foundation, the opportunity to clean and pretty herself up made her heart skip. It was a moment to be a... a woman.

When Kaida suggested Caden help her pick out a dress, Abby almost volunteered herself to go. The "mission" and the partially assembled droid in front of her held her tongue, however. Maybe if we work quickly, she thought to herself. Kaida will take me out dress shopping tomorrow.

While she wistfully watched the Princess and the Captain leave, she spoke to BIT, "Think we should take this project inside Aegis?"
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Mar 17, 2013, 02:30 PM
BIT grunts at the thought of this party -- a needless distraction.  "I'm out, this," he says motioning around, "is more important."  The grizzled clone looked around a moment thinking.  "Soon... there isn't much room in the ship to spread out like we need at the moment." 
Title: Re: Forced introductions
Post by: tomcat on Mar 20, 2013, 03:25 PM
Sam nodded at BIT's comment, "I believe that I, too, will remain at the ship. I will be spending tomorrow looking at the bridge that will be targeted and so I will also prepare the charges to be used. For now I will go and transmit your reply, Lady Katan. Master Farok, will you and Lady Ardana be joining Caden, Kaida and Abby in tomorrow night's festivities?" The old jedi confirmed that he would be present.

Kaida thanked the droid and then she and Caden made their way out of the docking bay into the night air. A comment came from behind them, "We'll keep the light's on for you!"

And so the evening passed for the companions.