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Edoras - Heart of the Riddermark

Started by Nashan, Jan 07, 2019, 08:56 AM

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Quote from: tomcat on Jan 31, 2019, 11:49 PM :ooc: I will include a :vv: if it is necessary, or will help.

:ooc: not really, it will remain a normal success. I like how things are turning ^_^
Not sure I'll be able to reply today though, busy day and tonight I'm having my tabletop game yay ! Viglund's boys are gonna kick some companions' asses


« You should heed the words of your companion, who shows more good sense as a foreigner than you as a Rohir... So you're the son of Gármot. I knew him, we fought alongside many times in the past. Crippled in body he may be, but still steadfast in honor. And he would be ashamed if he'd knew how you behave tonight. Not introducing yourself, not claiming your lineage, talking to the king like that... judging an old warrior was saw more fights than many as if he was just some idler.
Do you think one becomes captain of the king's guard by birthright ? I'm but a farmer's son, I joined the watch of the east when I turned 13 because the crops were too poor to feed us all. By skill of arms maybe, but luck most likely, I survived enough battles to prove myself worthy to become a rider. I since rode with the king's Éored, smote down the enemies of Rohan, human or monstrous... One son I lost to orc raiders and another one to Dunlending pillagers. And still I defend my land.
Now if we're done with the reason why I'm sitting in this gilded hall, shall we talk about how Gármot's son is not wearing the green and gold of the riders of the Mark ? »


:ooc: I have been so torn as how to respond to Heáfod.

My PC is hot-headed and reckless, driven by the desire for vengeance - but he is not stupid and he knows he is a dangerous place. He is youthful and so feels he knows everything, but he also comes from a culture that shows respect to their elders. He also knows that they all serve a king, although I will say the former may have been done out of fear.

Anyway... I think I am going to leave his response all up to chance. Going to roll a Feat die and determine his disposition based on:

1-4-hot-headed foolishness
5-10-sympathetic to Heáfod's loss and shows deference
:~~: -the Shadow reveals itself in my PC within the king's hall (might need to roll up someone new  ;) )
:g: -apologetic and begs for forgiveness to his former trespasses

Here goes:

Rolled 1d12 : 5, total 5
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Fire burned at the younger man's spirit but he remembered Heáfod - much younger then - visiting the small hamlet where his father, Gármot, had made their home. Gárulf remembered his father and older brother mounting up and saluting his mother, as they rode off towards the plains. He remembered when Heáfod had come once more, with his own son - now of age - and once more his father had taken up arms.

Gármot had returned with a splintered leg and would never walk again without aid of crutch. Gárulf's brother did not come home. The young rogue assumed then, too, that was when Heáfod's own son was taken from him.

The fire within him was fading.

Gárulf could still see his father handing him his sword, Heordrēorig, that should have gone to the eldest in the family...but that was now Gárulf.

The young Rohir saw her broken body laying among the others. He heard his father from atop his horse calling for the riders to lay the dead Rohirrim together for burial and the dead orcs to be piled for burning. Gárulf had cleaned her as best he could and laid her down by her father, even as his own watched - the man unable to help, as he could not walk.

It was all a terrible blur and then he was once more staring at the older face of the door warden.

"Forgive my impertinence, Master Heáfod. I remember your son...he was kind to me, though I was still young and not yet able to ride. My father and I have not spoken for years, so I cannot speak as to what he thinks of me. He did not understand...and so I left his home and our town. This is why I do not wear the green and gold of the Mark. If a summons came, I was not there to heed it...but do not think I have been idle!" His fiery spirit swelled once more, "Many orcs have we slain and left as carrion in the field! Vengeance drives me, yes, but still it is service to Rohan."

Again the young Rohirrim calmed, "So, if you would excuse us we will away from the King's Hall and bring no more disrespect, but instead return to the fields to see that they are clean of the foul yrks."
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


He was happy to keep the woman company, and curious to hear of her home before the danger drove them from it. The knowledge though that these peoples lands had been taken from them didn't sit well. After seeing them taken care off. He set himself about preparing his war gear to accompanying the woman and her people into the countryside. He believed them at their word, he had no reason not to do so and so his mind was set to do all he can to prove to Thengel that these people deserved a home here in Rohan if their own homeland was unsafe.

He wouldn't sleep particularly well know that danger lay ahead not just from orcs or wicked men, but he felt that some of the Rohir themselves may try and sabbotage good people out of fear.


"I understand better now. I can see the pain on your face, and these eyes have seen their share of misery already, didn't they ? Listen to the advice of an old warrior ; do not let vengeance drive your life, it's a sad path leading down only to more sadness and it will end up devouring you in the end. What you've done for these people was good, such as only a noble heart could accomplish. Such are the deeds we should endlessly pursue."

The warrior suddenly seems twenty years older. But the moment quickly fades to be replaced with the usual mask of grim confidence.

"I won't tell the king about you. Not to keep your identity hidden, but to let you duly introduce yourself when the time will come and you will feel ready."
He taps Gárulf on the shoulder and turns around. "Master Raghnall, I don't know what drove you so far away from home but you have found yourself a fine companion. And I dare say it was a good day for him when he met you. Take care."


Quote from: Anarion on Feb 03, 2019, 01:05 PMHe was happy to keep the woman company, and curious to hear of her home before the danger drove them from it. The knowledge though that these peoples lands had been taken from them didn't sit well. After seeing them taken care off. He set himself about preparing his war gear to accompanying the woman and her people into the countryside. He believed them at their word, he had no reason not to do so and so his mind was set to do all he can to prove to Thengel that these people deserved a home here in Rohan if their own homeland was unsafe.

He wouldn't sleep particularly well know that danger lay ahead not just from orcs or wicked men, but he felt that some of the Rohir themselves may try and sabbotage good people out of fear.

Edelyn seems pleased to talk to you, perhaps because you're a foreigner too. « How is it like where you're from ? I can see from your clothes you're not like the others. You also seem to be more... light-footed, as if there's no burden laid upon your shoulders.

In the north, life was very harsh. When we were staying near the mountains, we always had to be watchful of the orcs and the other monsters roaming in the dusk. But they were not the only monsters out there. More dangerous were those wearing a human shape. They had the semblance of men but spoke the words of the orcs, croaking dark promises of power through witchery. They fight like savage beasts, howling and spitting curses no human throat could spell. I believe they were corrupted to the core. My father believed it too, so we never agreed to welcome them, despite their threats.

Two times they tried to overwhelm us in battle. But we somehow managed to repel them. Until a great ost of orcs came down from the mountains, marching east. They were so many that we had enough time to leave, otherwise we would surely have been destroyed. They didn't spare our houses or the flock we left behind though, nor the ruins of the city by the rivers. They defiled it to such an extent that the smell of them still linger weeks after they walked through. 

It was such a beautiful place, much alike this city but with walls made of concrete. More carvings and statues too. If not for the horses, we could not believe both places were built by the same people.
It seems so long ago... »

You go down the road, leaving the echoes of the feast behind you. Edoras is slowly settling for the night, with a handful of merchants and artisan stalls still lingering along the paved street. Most are selling meat on sticks, bowls of stew, or plain bread with milk. Normally they would have been long gone but the perspective of having dwarf customers seems enough to make them work extra hours.

The same thought must have occurred in the inn. When you push the door open, you find the room packed full. Fortunately, the word of the king should secure a room for you and your « guests ».


He listens to her tell of her homeland watching her admirably as she speaks so fondly of it. His face turns to sadness when she speaks of the horrors that befell it. "Your home and mine are connected by the great river Anduin, she begins in your mountains to the north and meets the sea in mines to the south. I am one of the Dunedain of the south from the Kingdom of Gondor. It is warmer there than it is here, and most of it's people live well, but our homeland has seen destruction at the hands of orc and men too and I fear it may worsen. In the East lies Mordor, and the once beautiful lands of Ithilien have long fallen to orcs. My kin still fight along the border making the servants of the enemy pay for the luxury of living in lands once belonging to us. These lands of conflict lie east of the fair city I hail from. Dol Amroth sits upon a hill over looking the bays of Belfalas where the sounds of waves hitting the rocks put you to sleep at night. It's white walls being seen from miles out at sea as can be seen the large white swans. Since I was a young boy sent to squire in Minas Tirith I've seldom spent much time in the city of my birth however, and my journeys have brought me north with King Thengel, I'm distant kin to the queen through my father and her mothers sides." He stops for a moment clearly thinking of home before giving her a soft smile. "Maybe one day I'll return home maybe in more peaceful times, but for now I feel fate has put me here to face challenges that differ from those usually faced by my people."

"I'll come and find you in the morning, it seems the same fate leading me here is connecting my fate to your own." He says after finding there was space for her and some of her people. "Good night lady Edelyn." With that he'll take his leave for the evening and as stated go and prepare his wargear and other supplies for the journey, he'll also see about aquiring a horse although he doesn't expect to get given anything that'll carry him into battle.


All the wine and ale has been drawn and drunk, the dishes are empty, and the throats of the bards and singers are coarse and dry. It's time to end the feast. The Erebor dwarves retire to the long hall provided by the king for esteemed guests, while the Rohir go to their home or camp outside the city walls.

As the dwarves make their way out, Gibor nears Tyrok. "I fear you won't be able to appreciate much of the pleasure of Edoras, lad. Dorin has spoken to the King and has been granted permission to send one of our own to accompany these refugees. If indeed that girl spoke the truth, she knows about a potential threat nearby Erebor. We need you to gather some intelligence. Beside, it will do you some good to travel with men, they are... interesting folk. Sorta..."

:ooc: Is there anything else someone wants to do before we conclude the scene ? So far we have Aghilir and Tyrok about to get some sleep before leaving tomorrow morning with Edelyn. And Roderic bound to do the same.



Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18



:ooc: as a sidenote, there's obviously a "main quest" going on here. It doesn't mean you have to follow it, feel free to walk out of the track if you feel like it doesn't fit your characters. Playing by posts allows to run several storylines  :tup:


 :ooc: :) Yes, Roderic is good to go.


:ooc: I am good...and I love following a main quest story arc.  ;)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


A new day rises upon the plains of Rohan. As the first lights of dawn shimmer upon the horizon, Edoras comes back to life. The sound of the hammer beating white hotted steel, the cheers of peddlers setting up their wares, the hooves of horses led to pasture, the clammer of sparring partners... and the moans of the citizens whose night has been shorter than expected.

When the feast has been over, some dwarves went down to the inn to have a few more cups before calling it a day. Many pints have been raised in honor of these esteemed guests, most eager to return the favors and spending mindlessly to keep the throats wet. Only a couple of hours ago did the last guest finally leave Cépia's house.

Edelyn and her two henchmen barely slept as a result, witnessed by the dark circles under their eyes. They didn't participate in the festivities and only ate a little bit of the food they were provided, saving what they could for the journey back. Old habits... Nonetheless they were ready for the journey, voicing no complaining.

Not far from the gates of the city, between the flowered barrows of the kings of old, two carts were awaiting them. As the King promised, they were filled with sacks of flour, nuts, cheese, and smoked meat. He extended his generosity to the providing of three horses to carry the refugees back to the place they might call home in three months. Provided their judges agree on that. And they were already waiting next to the carts ; three Rohirrim - two bearing the markings of Westfolde, one hailing from Eastfolde -, a Beorning, and... a dwarf. Before the night came to its end, the King has agreed to the request of Dori, and the Erebor envoy sent one of his loremasters to go along to the Wold.