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Episode 1: Round up on Salliche

Started by tomcat, Dec 30, 2012, 08:34 PM

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:ooc: Yess! Good rolls there.  ;D
Btw, the land mines I was thinking of are anti-vehicle mines mainly.


 :ooc: surely we dont need to pay the liscense fee for any of those things either.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


 :ooc: A couple other things I was thinking about...

1) If we're not going to use the E-Web anyway, maybe consider using it to trade for some of the items we're looking to score. It's worth 8000 cr if the markets were open. By the book, this dealer could sell it for 32000 cr. So, maybe she'd count it as at least 16000 cr?

2) Just running through the plan, and wondering if I understand it correctly:

i. Prior to the engagement, Abby and/or BIT and/or Sam set explosives at the base of the bridge.

ii. Just before the prisoner transport vehicle is about to cross the canal, we blow the bridge, hopefully destroying some of the escort vehicles.

iii. At the same time, using missile and/or mines, we disable the prisoner transport and disable/destroy the remaining escort vehicles.

iv. Immediately following, using a comm scrambler, we knock out the communication capabilities of the convoy. (I suggest "immediately following" as opposed to "at the same time" because I am not sure if the comm scrambler will interfere with the radio frequencies of the triggers used to blow the bridge/mines)

v. Immediately following, most of us (and other rebel forces) are engaged in disabling any remaining escort forces through "small arms" fire, while a couple of us are disabling guards and releasing prisoners.

vi. When we have Kaida's sister (and maybe Abby's father), we retreat back to the Aegis and allow the other rebel fighters to "clean up" and salvage any equipment/weapons they may be able to use prior to reinforcements arriving.

Do I have it right?

3) If I do understand the plan rightly, then I'd most definitely suggest the following items:

Step I -- If our characters are hoping to blow up the bridge on Salliche, we'll need some explosive charges or detonite and some manual triggers... unless, of course, you think they'll be able to build a "fertilizer bomb" using supplies from the farmers on Salliche? Even still, I'd look to have Kaida pick up at least 1-2 charges/triggers to be sure.

Step II -- I'd consider some form of camouflage for our forces while we wait to engage the enemy near the bridge. I found Camouflage Netting in the Clone Wars book. The powered version gives a +10 to stealth, and covers a 6x6 square area. It costs 6000 cr,m and weighs 40 kg. For 2000 cr, the is Camouflage Netting in the Galaxy at War book that grants +5 stealth and can cover up to a huge object (so, maybe, a 4x4 square?).

Step III -- I'd consider placing an Ion mine or two (with manual triggers)  fairly near the bridge for use in disabling the the prisoner transport. As the transport approaches the bridge, trigger the ion mines first and then, immediately following, blow the bridge. I think the anti-vehicle mines might end up blowing up the prisoners. 

Using missiles to take out any remaining escort vehicles might be the most credit efficient way, as it maybe be trick to ancipate with mines where the escorts will be. However, as none of us has the "Heavy Weapons" feat, anyone using the missile launcher will be taking a penalty to their attack roll. BIT might be the best person for this job, as his attack roll is pretty high. One extra pack of missiles and that triangulation visor might also be a good purchase just in case. When he is finished, he can join the fray using his jet pack, or stay out and snipe any targets.

Step IV -- I think that Comm Scrambler might be a great idea. Especially if we are able to attach it to one of the speeder bikes so that it becomes mobile. Otherwise, even it we have to leave it behind, the ability to cut off or hinder enemy communications (even between officers and soldiers on the ground) will be a significant advantage. I'd suggest Farok and Abby stand by the Comm Scrambler with the triggers for all the explosives/mines. Their job will be to trigger the explosives/mines, turn on the Comm Scrambler and then take a speeder bike straight to the prisoner transport and work at freeing the prisoners.

Step V -- Caden, Kaida and SAM emerge from camouflage, leading the rebel forces in engaging any remaining ground forces. If we get the Droideka, all the better. Though, some cheaper alternatives may include:

a. Hiring some mercenaries?
b. A couple of BT-16 Perimeter Security Droids (base cost = 4100/droid)
c. A DT-15 "Destructor" Battle Droid (action figure equpped with blaster rifles and a grenade launcher; base cost 13725/droid)
d. An E522 Assassin Droid (base cost = 28535 cr... but it comes with a built-in missilie launcher, so BIT could focus on something else.)

Farok and Abby move to the prisonor transport, Farok uses his lightsaber to cut in, and we release the prisoners. If need be, Abby can uses her talents to get the transport working again.

Step VI -- No sure if we may want to consider acquiring some land transport that can move quickly and carry 5-6 people.

Just some thoughts....


:ooc: That's basically the plan without getting any on-the-ground intel. It'll likely evolve well past that. Anyway, some really good thoughts on equipment Scott. I do want the droideka at least. Cause they're just cool. But after that, I'll let you help spend any of Kaida's remaining funds on what equipment we might need to pull this off.


:ooc: Okay... cool posts everyone, and great rolls, Jared!

Tom, the only reason I did include licensing fees is because there may come a time that you might be asked. If it is licensed, it will cause less concern than if un-licensed. Also, I consider it to be the fees to officials so that they look the other way.

As for the prices, I am going straight out of the SWSE book on item cost and then applying the black market rules. This said, and as you have already done - haggling is the way to do business.

Aryn - I like both of your posts - the one on equipment was a big help (saved me time looking for stuff) and the mission synopsis is a great plan for you guys to organize. It takes Kaida's initial thoughts and really puts meat on the bone.

So, Loryll initially had an Indifferent attitude towards you all and a Will Defense of 24. The dice roll was a great success, even with the -2 Indifferent penalty applied.

Your Haggle was a success as well. I have no problem if you want to barter, too, with the E-web and/or the two speeder bikes.

Lastly, with your 9th level advancement, Kaida's coffer also fills up more by 45,000 creds.

On with our story...

Farok felt an immediate change in the room - if not from all of Loryll's goons surrounding them, but from the black marketeer herself. The change in Loryll's stance became instantly clear with each word from Kaida, and all around them the mood eased.

"I like you," Loryll said with a smile breaking across her face. "You have moxy. You don't mind saying things and getting it out in the open. That might not always be a safe route, but you're okay here." The woman made a wave of her arms and the guards in the room lowered weapons to a more comfortable position - some even disappeared deeper into the darkness. Loryll continued, "Yea, the price is high but I have overhead. I have third parties that I have to pay to get the product, keep things under the eye of the Empire - which ain't easy, I can tell you! I have some people in the government here that sometimes need to have their hands crossed with creds. It ain't cheap. But... I like you. I like the idea of our new Order getting some back."

A wave and a man came out of the shadows to have a whispered conversation with her. The two nodded their heads and then Loryll turned back to the companions. She had a thoughtful expression, "Okay, I am willing to cut my fees by half on the droideka and the weapons - the other stuff will be at cost, which is what I can get them for. I will have to set up delivery on the droideka, though, and that will be for you to pay upon receipt. I can't control the merchant's price that will bring the droid in, but I'll tell him to keep it fair. You just need to tell me the place to have it sent. All of the other stuff I can gather here, tonight... let me show you."

Loryll snapped her fingers at some unseen individuals and two men came out into the light. The woman gave them instructions to roll in a series of numbered crates. There was a whine as a conveyor lift began to run. The two men rode the lift up and then proceeded to roll large, lockable shiping crates onto the deck. A few moments later they were lowered to the garage floor and the crates were brought over to present to the companions. Loryll opened them and revealed military hardware, still in its packaging from the production facility from whence it all came. She lifted a tube launcher and handed it to Kaida, "This is a Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile Launcher - it is shoulder fired and can be loaded with a magazine of six missiles." She pointed to the crate where the ammunition was safely stowed in form fitted packing foam. "They are primarily for smaller vehicles with weak armor, or anti-personnel, but if enough are fired at a target, they'll stop it." Another crate was opened, "I have frags, mines, smoke, ion... you tell me what you want. All of this crate is anti-personnel. That crate over there is anti-vehicle."

The black marketeer walked around each crate and stood so that she could answer questions, but allowed her guests the full view of the contents. Caden felt ill at ease with their dealings. Here they were again arming themselves to the teeth with stuff that would get them arrested at the least, dead at the worst, if the government found out.

"As for a mech droid and a jet pack - that stuff I may have to gather from another partner...maybe from old Herm, here!" The old man nodded, "Yea, I have these items in my shop - new and used."

Loryll took back over, "Okay... so, depending on how many of the weapons you want, here is what I am looking for..."

ITEMS base       unit    type        BM mu* license %    PC Cost    License    Total
droideka 21,000 each military x2 20% 42,000 4,200 46,200
mech droid 4,500 each licensed x1 5% 4,500 225 4,725
jet pack 300 each licensed x1 5% 300 - 300
missile launcher 2,250 each military x2 20% 4,500 450 4,950
      missiles 350 pkg 6 military x2 20% 700 - 700
      triangulation visor 1,400 each military x2 20% 2,800 - 2,800
frag grenades 200 each military x2 20% 400 - 400
smoke grenades 125 each military x2 20% 250 - 250
land mines 1,500 each military x2 20% 3,000 - 3,000
*BM mu stands for Black Market mark up

TOTAL PURCHASE    56,175 before grenades and mines. Could also increase if you take more missiles.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Dang, was sorely tempted to be dishonest here, but you gave me too much money.  :shh: I only get 5 grand per class (noble) level--not total heroic levels. So I only get +25 grand for my recent level. Not +45.  :(


:ooc: You are right. I misinterpreted the errata.

Okay, well I have an option for you - you may take the 45,000 credits this level and only 10,000 on your next advance, or do you want me to drop it to 25K? We can say that Jalek has made sure to feed you enough money to free your sister, but it stretchs his resources for a while.

Let me know.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Sounds good Doug. I'll take the 45 G now then. That fits the story-line well too. Maybe we can capture some hardware in our next op to help offset costs.

For now, I'll only take this for my "personal" equipment: 
* Droideka        46,200
* Jetpack               300 (these are cheap... jeez, we should all get one)
* 4 frags             1,600 
* 2 smoke             500

Total:                48,600

Kaida's Current Funds:            80,190
Her Remaining Funds:             31,590

Scott, I'll let you act as quartermaster and spend an additional 25 G on any team items for this mission since it sounds like you have a good head on what we need here. :)

This will leave me with roughly 6 G left for personal expenses until my next pay check.

I think we should keep the speeder bikes for now. Mobility on the battlefield is very useful. Plus we can use them to ferry the wounded back to the Aegis--oh wait, surely there won't be any of those right?   :shh:
Regarding the E-web. We could sell it, but would it be put to better use by having someone trained in it use it on this  strike? Some resistance members we convince to help in the mission?

Also, I can't remember.
1) Do we have a fully stocked medical kit (the big one, for in-field surgery just in case someone bites the dust hard on this op) on board? I can't remember using it on anyone. 
2) How many med kits (the smaller first aid things) do we have left? I'd like at least 1 per person.

Kaida shook hands with Loryll  and smiled pleasantly as she and the rest of the team wrapped up their business. "That should do it then. I'll pay for remaining half of the droid when we have it in hand on Salliche. And thank you for your business!" she said sincerely looking into her eyes. "This will really help. I'm glad not everyone has rolled over and played dead to the Empire." She pulled our her credit chit, tapped in the code, authorized the release of the desired amount and then tossed the chit to Loryll. "My people will be in touch."


Caden let out a low whistle as they left. At first, these runs were quiet, in-and-out affairs like he had been accustomed to over the years with certain cargoes.
This? This, he was unfamiliar with -- they were building a small army. He wasn't sure he was prepared for that.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


"Nice doing business," Loryll returned the smile. It was going to be a nice payday. The merchant began to give orders for the gear to be separated based on Kaida's and Abby's request. The items were gathered and placed in an empty crate. Loryll even agreed to move the stuff to the Aegis' bay.

:ooc: Okay, so here is what I have for Kaida:

Droideka       46,200
Jetpack              300
4 frags            1,600 
2 smoke             500

Total:            48,600

The droideka will be delivered to Salliche, the remaining items are in the crate being brought to the Aegis

I will continue the story and Posterboy can let me know what Abby decides to purchase with the funds that Kaida is giving when he gets back on Friday.

As for the E-web, you all decide what you want to do with it. One option could be to mount it to the Aegis as an anti-personnel weapon - strap it on he ship's chin (kind of like the blaster canon that dropped down out of the Falcon on Hoth). It could be controlled from the pilot or co-pilot's position.

You all let me know.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Quote from: sdrotar on Jan 16, 2013, 03:43 PM
Caden let out a low whistle as they left. At first, these runs were quiet, in-and-out affairs like he had been accustomed to over the years with certain cargoes.
This? This, he was unfamiliar with -- they were building a small army. He wasn't sure he was prepared for that.

"Relax," Kaida smiled at Caden's obvious sign of relief. "We got what we came for. What? Didn't you pick out anything? You know fancy new gun or something?"


 :ooc: A couple of questions...

1) Can the hold of the Aegis handle a huge vehicle? (3x3 sq) ... just asking...  ;D

2) Am I allowed to assume that Kaida and Abby had a somewhat discreet conversation in which Kaida laid out their plan of attack for Salliche? The reason I asked is that my suggestions thus far were OOC. Truth is, I don't think of Abby herself as much of a tactician. Though, if someone said, "here's the plan: we blow the bridge, stop the truck, deal with the rest of the ground troops and rescue the prisoners...", Abby's mind would likely be able to go, "Oh, well... ah... you'll need some detonite, some kind of explosive to shut down the truck, and maybe something with some punch to deal with the other vehicles." Or, if someone said, "I need something that can do X", Abby would likely be able to say, "Oh, yeah, you need a ...." If Abby is out of the loop, she'd likely have had to try to swallow her surprise when Kaida first asked for a Droideka...  :o

3) Some questions about explosives...
  a. Would anyone in the group (Abby or otherwise) know roughly how much detonite/explosive charges one would need to blow a bridge. I (as a player) don't actually know how many hit points a bridge has, nor how much DR it has.
  b. I'm a little fuzzy on how ion damage works against vehicles/droids. The truck has 100 hp, a damage threshold of 69, and a DR of 15. If an Ion Mine does 8d6 ion damage, and it happened to do maximum damage (48 points), does this mean that the truck would only suffer 9 points of damage [half total (24) - DR (15) = 9] and that it would not move down the condition track because it did not exceed the damage threshold? Even if Ion damage bypasses DR, that is still only 24 hp of the 100 total of the truck, and that's assuming we do maximum damage.  :(
  c. Regarding explosive mines and vehicles, would the people inside of a vehicle that provides total cover be safe from the explosion of a mine if the mine did not reduce the vehicle to 0 hp? or did not overcome the damage threshold of the vehicle? For instance, if we were to place an antivehicle mine (10d6 damage) under the transport truck, and it happened to do maximum damage (60 points), would the people in the truck take any damage? or just the truck?
  d. Finally, if a mine does damage in a 2 square burst radius, and the entire area is covered by a vehicle, would the vehicle take damage from the mine multiple times, or just once? (I'm thinking it's just once, but I wanted to check)

4) A question about the vehicles we're about to face... how high above the ground are they able to levitate? If we blow the bridge, should the vehicle survive the explosion, would it be able to just hover back to the solid ground?

If my assumptions are correct, that transport truck is going to be a bugger to stop. The tank too for that matter. We better hope the tank is in the lead, going over the bridge when we blow it and becomes disabled in the rubble. That thing has concussion missiles (6d10x2 damage, 2 sq burst)! It will be an unpleasant affair to watch the insurgents die if it is able to launch off a couple of those bad boys.  :'( Also a good reminder not to bunch up to close with one another.

Regarding the E-web, I have no preference at the moment. Nor does Abby have any awareness of it.


Quote from: tomcat on Jan 16, 2013, 06:04 PM

As for the E-web, you all decide what you want to do with it. One option could be to mount it to the Aegis as an anti-personnel weapon - strap it on he ship's chin (kind of like the blaster canon that dropped down out of the Falcon on Hoth). It could be controlled from the pilot or co-pilot's position.

:ooc: This. We can't tote it around, but it could come in really handy when we need to high-tail it back to the ship.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Quote from: Jingo on Jan 16, 2013, 10:13 PM
Quote from: sdrotar on Jan 16, 2013, 03:43 PM
Caden let out a low whistle as they left. At first, these runs were quiet, in-and-out affairs like he had been accustomed to over the years with certain cargoes.
This? This, he was unfamiliar with -- they were building a small army. He wasn't sure he was prepared for that.

"Relax," Kaida smiled at Caden's obvious sign of relief. "We got what we came for. What? Didn't you pick out anything? You know fancy new gun or something?"

"I like flying inside, thanks." The jetpacks were cheap enough that he considered it, but he figured he had a better mode of transportation, anyway. "My Princess is all I need. That and this," he said tapping his holster. "I'm not much for military gear; either using it or having it used on me."
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


 :ooc: To the how much detonite question, BIT would due to his background but technically anyone with a decent Mechanics should be able to answer the question.  When you take the time to place explosives at vulnerable locations, you get bonus dice to the damage; there are also talents that increase the damage from this as well.  As for the hover vehicles, like those AAT tanks the droids used in the movies, they probably would fall as their repulsors are just for hover not necessarily flying, but that's my take.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16