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Darkhaven / Re: History of Darkhaven
Last post by tomcat - Sep 14, 2024, 04:03 PM
4th Age (Age of Opening- AO)

Year    Events
1    - Neron openly declares his intent to take the Heartland Confederacy as party of his growing Empire. War breaks out and Grand Keelor invades its new target several times over the next 3 years. Great naval battles wage around the waters of Sarillon, though neither side seems to have a clear advantage. Easier measured are the strides Neron makes with his invasion of the Heartland. He takes the El-Mahr Reach, the Drachenwood Vales, and Blackspear Glen by mid-year AO 4. A kind of stalemate arises then with Grand Keelor regrouping to hold its newly won territories and the Heartland Confederacy also trying to muster military support from the Elves of Synlyn Fairre, now their only hope of an ally in the region beside the besieged Sarillon.

6    - Neron leads an all out attack on the Heartland, and chases their less-equipped militias into the Longmorn Valley. Simultaneously he orders another naval attack on Sarillon. It is late winter, and the land is covered in snow. Riding horses captured from the Horse Lords, the Emperor and his army drive the Heartland militias deep into the Longmorn Valley, and eventually corner them at the city of Brithamm. This proves to be a grave tactical error, as Elves from the vast forest regions converge on the valley and trap the Emperor between the city and his escape out of the valley, and also attack him from both sides. His army is crushed outside the walls of Brithamm and the Emperor is taken prisoner. Meanwhile, most of his navy falls to Sarillon. The Emperor is exiled later to a small island in Laskaal's Run, and Grand Keelor is returned to the rightful ruling parties. Neron's tactical error from that time forward becomes a phrase describing what unbridled ambition leads to in: "Everyone meets his Brithamm."

18    - Goth falls to Ovatha when its navy is destroyed in the Lothruil Gap and the Dragon's throat. Bren, Jolar and Goth all agree to serve under the Ovathan Emperor for certain concessions for its noble families in the empires hierarchy and succession rules.

20    - Grimloth Orcraith visits the fortress called Darach Fain. With subtle words and trickery, Galvorn loses control of his orc hosts to his half-orc guest and Grimloth Orcraith takes over as master of Darach Fain.
With the power of Darach Fain and his orc bloodline, Grimloth swells the ranks of his armies – both evil men and humanoids rally to his banner. He begins to eye the lands around him and makes plans for raids in the spring. All the time, he has his people looking for Galvorn Darkweather who had escaped when Grimloth usurped the power of the keep.

A child is born in Old Vil Galith by the name of Lucius Varrus, who will someday become legend.

21    -Grimloth's forces attack the Keep of Fomir – a small stone fortification that had been built by the Silvan elves of Faeril years ago to keep an eye on the Black Keep. The battle is a route and Fomir is driven south, across the Toal River, into the Corinth States. The Keep of Fomir is burnt and Grimloth begins to look east. The Corinth States are too organized for him to make quick headway but the Coral Coast is a fruit that is ready to be plucked.

22    - The Corinth States mount a force under Fomir to destroy the threat of Darach Fain. There is a mighty battle at the Bridge of Valor, which neither side can call a victory – an uneasy peace settles in the region. The dead from the battle are left to rot on the fields just north of the Toal River and the area is said to have been haunted ever since.

Fomir himself is one of the fallen and with him gone the Dukes in Josten are unwilling to march another Corinth army across the river. With the Corinth States acquiesced, Grimloth looks back to the east. It is at this time that Galvorn appears again. Aided by his sister and now girded with two mysterious swords – one of Black and one of White; these weapons bring great power to the wielder but at the cost of an awful curse.

Galvorn makes a play at usurping Grimloth but again Grimloth gets the upper hand on Galvorn and the mercenary is robbed of his black sword. Due to the curse, the loss of the sword physically weakens Galvorn and again he escapes into hiding.

23    -Granting one more chance of aid to her feeble brother and making dark pacts with Nusku – the lord of the Abyss, Zaranthra gives up her brother so that he might gain the strength to go against his enemy one more time. Nusku accepts this pact and he bestows upon the mercenary the strength and presence to achieve this goal.

In no time, Galvorn has organized an army of rogues from the Coral Coast and with the spring of 23 AO, he marches them towards Darach Fain. Grimloth and Galvorn meet again on the battlefield to contest the power of Darach Fain and in the ensuing battle, both are slain.
Darach Fain closes.

The humanoid tribes retreat back to the West Barriers. The bodies of both Orcraith and Darkweather are taken from the field by their soldiers and laid to rest in secret places. The Black and White Swords disappear and there is a long quiet peace.

32    -The flow of people through Winterpass reaches an all time high as these wanderers try to escape the ongoing Goth/Gaul conflicts. They begin to settle the lands from the East Barrier Mountains and Winterpass to Faeril.

34    -Under the hills of the Frenii valley, the ruin of the extinct extra-planar travelers is discovered. Within the ruin, a strange breed of dragons are also discovered along with ancient items and tomes that allow communication with the dragons. Scholars begin to study them intensely.

49    - Lucius Varrus, a Paladin of great renown, is tricked by the demon Tancorix and slays his own wife. The demon takes his wife's soul as she dies and binds it and herself to the Paladin's holy sword, and DēSpare is created. Lucius calls for aid from Aodhan but his plea goes unheard. Lucius forsakes his god and thus falls from grace. He will haunt the world for centuries always forgetting his past, but carrying with him his great DēSpare.

56    - The Ovathan Emperor Kamar Zen begins to send small landing parties secretly into Voorhan and reports back to the Empire convince him that Gaul is weak there and ripe for taking. His coffers wait anxiously for the new wealth hidden in the rich hills. Later in the coming years, several Gaul regent governors are found dead or disappear altogether, leading to unrest and uncertainty in the vassal region. Many in Gaul believe Underhom to be behind the disturbances.

61    - With the vacuum that was left from Vil Galith's exodus, the wide-open plains of southern Alboria are prime pickings for the wanderers coming from the north and east. Fair skinned northerners begin to claim territories throughout the region and re-establish trade posts and cities. A noble of Arden unites eleven of the largest cities under his seat in Tiarnám and thus, the Viceroyalty of Arnon is created. Being of the court of Arden, Dane must still answer to the sea-faring kingdom far away.

62    - Dane, of the Cromwell aristocracy of Arden, is officially seated by the monarchy as viceroy in Arnon. Though the country is a satellite of Arden, the communication between the two countries is distant and many obstacles lay between. Arnon acts on its own accords in many political decisions, at times to the chagrin of the Court of Arden.

71    - The mysteries of the strange breed of dragons are overcome and the first Dragon Lord takes to wing in the Viceroyalty of Arnon. Soon a whole regiment of Dragon Lords and Riders is formed.

76    -The Ovathan Empire takes Voorhan in one quick and savage stroke and claims its rich mountains for its own. There is only perfunctory resistance from the local tribes and what little army that remains from Gaul. A Voorhanian is appointed as vassal ruler with Ovathan governors and troops stationed in the old Archenland fortresses for order, but the population is essentially enslaved to the empire.

Gaul makes formal protest to Underhom – although Voorhan was a vassal state of Gaul when it was united and Gaul armies have kept the barbarians at bay, none of the three kings could really claim it as their own. Gaul contends that this is an act of invasion and war, but Underhom convinces Gaul that as long as trade goes uninterrupted it is irrelevant what flag Voorhan falls under and that no one in the mid continents wants to see another war. Ovatha contends that Voorhan is the only country it intends to occupy in the west, and gives promise to this effect.

85    - Edward I of Arden begins a vast commission to increase his naval presence in and around the Reach and the Cape of Gaul. A sizable fleet already resides in Logan, but he feels threatened by the Empire in the East. A base is established in Ornaal, and construction begins on the Dor-Len-erin peninsula. Arden will spend the next 150 years building its fleet to match the largest navies in the world. Later the same year his consort gives birth to their first son, Edward II, and 2 years later another, Frederik. A sister Stellanna, is born before the end of the decade.

The Witch of Eigen Far begins her raids into the Raugassa Plateau, mostly into Anglentin and Kress, and always in silence. Her ships seem to whisper upon the waters until they are upon their prey, who are never seen again. Many Anglentin ships return crewless days later to the shores of home.

90    - Dane begins to build a strong alliance with the Silvan Elves of Faeril and the simple folk of Oyt.

101    - After only forty years from its inception, the Viceroyalty of Arnon declares its independence from its far away parent nation – Arden. Dane is coronated King of Arnon in the countries capital – Tiarnám. The feudal monarchy will have hereditary kingship but limited by noble council. Though Dane and his lineage will rule, the council of nobles will always be cause for strain to the country's monarchs. The Sea-Kings of Arden can do little to stop the breaking away and relations between the royal families are tenuous at best for many years to come.

102    -The Knights of the Sable are organized in Arnon and become both a strength and a political liability to the king. Basing their practices and code from their history in Gaul, the Knights of the Sable do their best to uphold the ideologies of the long dead Knights of the Arch.

113    - With the strength of Arnon to its north, Winterpass and its domain stretch down the Padura to the Coral Coast and the city of Teague. The area experiences a period of peacefulness and stability.
Dane abdicates his throne to his only son – Prince Daeglin. With their young new king in place, the people and country of Arnon experience a period of renaissance and they excel in the arts, poetry, written word, magic, and war craft.

Edward I dies in Logan. Frederik is abroad in Payjiim at the time, with Edward II acting as ambassador to Vil Galith. Stellanna gains control of the throne in her brothers' absence, secretly hoping they never return. She delays word to both her brothers of their father's death for some time, and is soon the de facto ruler of Arden. She surrounds herself with loyal courtiers and lovers who help her in her ruse to retain the throne. She spends much of her time sustaining her position by gaining support of Rhomere and its foreign governors and barons.

120    - King Daeglin of Arnon dies of pneumonia. The throne will not have an heir for another twelve years, the regent rules in the stead of the young Prince Connell.
Edward II learns of his sister's treachery and with the help of his personal guard and several Vil Galin units, returns home and has his sister captured and locked in a monastery, but only after letting her watch the assassination of her courtiers and lovers. He sends word to Frederick who returns within a year.

127    - Kin-strife of Galith begins; the heir to the throne of Kar-Tanith is assassinated. The New Vil Galins believe their western neighbors who have sought to break the monarchy and bring back the senatorial districts perpetrate the deed. A civil war commences in the region of Vil Galith though large armies do not fight it. Instead, the New Vil Galins begin to kill and crucify their neighbors wherever the mountains do not hinder their borders. The bloody killings continue for years and passage between the mountains becomes a risky gambit. Depending on where you are, it could be deadly to be of "Old" or "New" Vil Galith.

Hearing of the trouble within Vil Galith, Edward II abdicates the throne to his brother temporarily to return to Kar-Tenzii and appeal for peace between the regions. He takes the daughter of a senator as a wife, and two children are born to them by 130.
130    - The city of Edenlow, which lies along the western border of Arnon and Faeril, is turned into a monastery and library. A new group of monks with gray skin and a tattoo on their forehead begin to be seen around this area.
132    - Founding of the Bandit Kings and the Cray League on the Coral Coast; the Bandit Kings sack Teague, Winterpass's furthest south companion on the Padura River.

The area of the Rogues Coast returns to anarchy under the control of these Bandit Kings and trade up the Padura River from the Corinth Bay becomes strained as high levies and stolen merchandise become common. The Mayor of Winterpass begins discussions with Arnon on how to break the Cray League and the Bandit Kings as Connell takes the throne in Tiarnám (again the Arnorian monarchy will fall victim to an early death).

The grousing of the southern Noble Council of Arnon begins to become persistent under Connell's rule. The South Lords are becoming tired of the bounty from their fertile fields being sold to the north for a few crowns to the bushel, when they could be making huge profits by selling it south and to Winterpass. The Southern Noble Council begins to limit its commodities to Tiarnám and the north of Arnon. The Northern Noble Council begins to make demands of their new king to bring the South Lords in line.

138    - The New Vil Galin navy sails around the peninsula and attacks Kar-Tenzii; the city is set ablaze. In the fire, the University of Kar-Tenzii is destroyed along with 800 years of Vil Galin history. In the destruction, Edward II of Arden and his family are killed. Reports to Arden are delayed for almost a year.

140    - Falon and Reseme have a conflict of borders and a minor war breaks out. The city-states of the Quintaal Compact begin to read through dusty old agreements to re-assert the decisions made by their forefathers in case the war between Reseme and Falon spills over their borders.

141    - King General Praxis Rowan III is slain in battle against the Sea Princes of Reseme, Rowan IV immediately changes Fale policy of conquest; Fale recognizes and restores the borders of the two nations to what they were before the coming of the war. The people see this decision by the Falon King as an act of cowardice and the monarch's life soon ends on the tip of an assassin's dagger.

146    - Tarkus Haas, a seminal figure in the history of Darkhaven, is born in Teague on the Coral Coast.

147    - Connell dies during an expedition into the northern barrens that will later be known as Ethicus.

148    - Dane II is crowned King of Arnon, and his brother Fergus works very hard alongside him to ease the tensions between north and south Arnon that have been present for nearly 17 years. Fergus strengthens the Knights of the Sable both politically and financially and ties them securely to the throne. He also betroths his daughters to the south lords hoping to sway their mindset. Over time, this will backfire and his bloodline will become petty and greedy.

New kings of Gaul, Rhomere, and Sossen are crowned and rule nondescriptly for a half century.

150    - The might of a new self-claimed demi-god grows to the north of Arnon. The land is subjugated by this supposed demi-god whose name is Ethicus. He makes his capitol city in Lorccan, which is built upon a volcano. Humanoid invasions into Arnon, Oyt and Faeril become common.

159    - The bloody kin-strife of Vil Galith reaches an all time high as a sadistic sorcerer king takes the throne in Kar-Tanith. Some say the king's line is tainted by the demons he is said to parlay with and many fear him. The king outlaws all magic in New Vil Galith except to the nobility of his lineage. The land goes through a distinct change as these once friendly folk become xenophobic and afraid. The king begins a period of inquisition of his people trying to root out the evil Galin bloodlines from the west. Many die during this dark era.

The Corinth States begin to construct fortifications along their once "friendly" southern borders and the western Senatorial Districts begin to station troops along all passes of the West Barriers.

169    - The Bane Wars begin and will last for the next 12 years as the combined humans and demi-humans of the Corinth States, Oyt and Faeril break the power of the Grobel Zhee and Oruc hordes in the West Barrier Mountains. Except for the Oruc Kom in the city of Khad-Zal, the hordes flee north and south down the spine of the mountains, but most flee east falling upon the settlers of the region of Darach Fain to the Coral Coast. The chaotic humanoids take what they will or make alliances with the unscrupulous folk on the coast.

171    - The rumors of Ethicus, which had been coming out of the north, begin to dwindle. The king of Arnon takes it as a good sign that the dark being has found no interest in this realm and has left. Dane II never makes an attempt to find out if his assumptions are correct or to have his armies destroy the evil city of Lorccan in the barrens. In truth, Ethicus has exerted all his power to make his ascension to his demi-god status. The exertion has left the dark lord weak and defenseless and Ethicus has hidden himself while his power begins to re-manifest.

174    - Tarkus Haas kills his mother and surrogate father and burns several seedy buildings on the docks of Teague. Leaves the burning town and drifts aimlessly throughout the Coral Coast for the next several years.

176    - Ancalagor the Great settles into the eastern area of the Ethicus Barrens and the East Barrier mountains. The already desolate region becomes more ominous due to the great wyrm.

Kalibus Niskal, a Goth of dangerous repute, arrives in Voorhan on a mission from the Empire.

Tarkus Haas joins the militia in Rafeen and learns to use a Great Sword with some skill.

177    -The Orb of Chaos is uncovered in a crypt by an adventurer by the name of Gammut(from The Harassi Desert). The crypt sits on an island off the coast of Vail and Gammut, and his companion Ferryd, had been sent to retrieve the item for a Goth named Kalibus Niskal. After acquiring the shiny object, Gammut decided to rescind his agreement with the Goth and keep the artifact for himself. He will only live for another 4 more months for this indiscretion, but it will not be by Kalibus' hands that he dies but by the Orb itself.

Four months after his theft of the Orb, Kalibus finally catches up with Gammut and his comrades (who have grown in this time to Kane, Oryn and Ferryd). Kalibus sets four demons on the party and in the skirmish the Orb betrays Gammut and a demon reduces him to a pulpy red pool. Oryn takes up mastery of the Orb and the party escapes from the demon assassins. Kalibus decides to wait and watch since he has revenged himself on the Harrasi.

178    - The tomb of Ghaash is opened by a Voorhan barbarian out of the north named Oryn D'hmize and his company. Within this ancient Orcan tomb is found the hidden burial site of Grimloth Orcraith and the few treasures buried with him – amongst the scattered bones are a tome and an oddly shaped piece of black metal.

The party takes the items and continues deeper into the labyrinth of caves that eventually spill them out in the ancient passageways of Khad-Zal. Oryn's associate, Ferryd, bends the orcs of Khad-Zal to his will through a show of strength and intelligence and by playing the disputing orc chieftains against one another. Though he is not orc himself, Ferryd and the power of the strange green Orb, possessed by Oryn, keeps the orcs in line.

With the strength of the Oruc Kom of Khad-Zal in their hands, the party comes out of the mountains into the valley of Darach Fain. Oryn opens the black fortress with the odd shaped piece of metal and the power of Darach Fain is his to control. Oryn decides to use the translation from elven and names his domain Darkhaven and the region begins to bend to his will. He commences the construction of a city around the black fortress and his rule stretches well into the Coral Coast region although the Corinth States keep him contained to the south.

A potential usurper – Darien Darkweather, appears to dispute the rule of Darkhaven and take back what he claims is his. After a few skirmishes, he is chased down and slain by the company (now made up of Oryn, Ferryd, Celonoway, and Kane) within the Darkweather family crypt. It is no surprise that within the crypt, the old Darkweather is here, risen as a greater ghoul by Nusku, to haunt his family lineage.
Tarkus Haas hears of this new State growing in the West and lights out for Darkhaven in the early winter months.

180    -Ornaal begins serious trade with Ovathan ships from Voorhan and the east. The population swells. King Andar declares it an independent city-state and appoints a family cousin as regent governor. This becomes a family position throughout Arden history. (Sossen) sees the profit in this and begins the city of Overlook on the plateau of Dirg with its unique port hundreds of feet below it, and moves his capitol from Err Farrain to his new city.

The Houses of Ovatha eye Gaul wealth as possible target for invasion, though nothing overt is ever declared.

181    -The deity - Ossian, the Sword Keep, takes a key interest in the world of Aerth when Soulsedge (a sword of hellish power which is said to belong to Ossian himself) is brought to this realm, through dark arts, by Finian. Finian makes an allegiance to the god and represents him through the hell blade that he wields.

The allied forces of Arnon, Faeril and the Corinth States fall upon Darkhaven from the north to try to quell the evil country from getting stronger. Though the battle rages on the north and west borders, the forces of Darkhaven are victorious with the aid of their new patron deity – Ossian, and Arnon and Faeril pull back north. The Corinth forces, battered and beaten, make haste back across the Toal River. It is inside the realm of Darach Fain that Oryn finds his biggest threst - Kane fails in a conspiracy against Oryn and is left to hang on the outer walls of Darkhaven. Tarkus Haas is given an Amulet of Aging (forged by Tirina in Bliss) for his valor in the Straits of Chaos.

With their victory at war and all conspirators removed, Fehryd and Oryn hear of a new threat in Khad-Zal, and leave Darkhaven to confirm it personally. It is rumored that a fire giant has taken rule in the dwarf ruin and the two are determined to eliminate this new enemy. The two lords of Darkhaven die – one under the crushing rocks of a cave in (caused by the fire giant), the other on the end of Soulsedge. Darkhaven closes once again and the sole remaining party member – Celonaway – tries to escape but is intercepted by Kalibus Niskal and his henchmen. Celonaway is never heard of again. Kalibus heads off toward Khad-Zal himself, but is also intercepted by The White Rider. They too, seemingly disappear without a trace.

Tarkus Haas remains in Darkhaven for the better part of 2 years on the side of the squabbling petty lords vying for control of the area, ridding it of the Orcish contention he fought with only months before. Toward the end of 182, enters the Corinth States and joins the mostly Dwarvish army.

183    -Ossian lays waste to Darkhaven (as it is now referred to by some) by making the winter of 182 AO very harsh and freezing over the lands. He places in the realm his greatest servants – the Five Darks.

Dax Kran, a high-ranking soldier of Rhomerean legions, kills a noble in line to the throne of Arden over a woman named Median, daughter of the Rhomerean King. The death of the young Arden noble on the brink of alliance between the long estranged kingdoms seals the fate of both kingdoms and creates a rift, which will never heal.

184    -Dax Kran escapes his captors in the early part of the year and makes his way to the Coral Coast crossing through the frozen region. He meets a new ally named Dubric and the two follow Dax's desire to return to his homeland to reunite with his beloved Median.  In their travels, Soulsedge resurfaces and is possessed by Dubric. The Prince of Southern Goth destroys Dax's family and their estate as a display of what treason can bring. The lady Median is taken prisoner and made to suffer for her philandering with a mere soldier that ended with a death in the noble house. The Prince arranges her sale to the Cray League as a slave and sends her away by ship as Dax and Dubric come to find her. The Prince is killed in his ocean side manor and Dax and Dubric leave after the ship. The ship is waylaid by an evil being named Lord Ailis who believes Median to be his lost love. The undead being transports her from the plane of Aerth to his world of mist and shadow. Median forgets entirely her past and even herself and is lost to Ailis's world. Dax and Dubric follow the lost ship through the planar rift and search for the Lady. At long last they confront and destroy Ailis and Median is returned to herself and her love. The group finds their way out of this strange world back to Aerth.

185    -Dax and Median settle in the region of the Corinth Bay but trouble for the lovers does not end there. The newly placed FIve Darks haunt the region and Dax and Dubric are forced to confront one of the Darks named Maeldun. The two heroes find an ancient Vil Galin ruin and within it is an old gate. The two adventurers pass through this gate and are transported back in time.

In this time period they come upon the still human Maeldun – before his ascendancy to his wraith state as a Dark, and without any power. Dax takes advantage of this weakness and slays him. With Maeldun's death, the two run back to the gate to return to their time and realm. In the seconds that they pass through time and space, Dax envisions himself before a dark entity of vast power. The blackness laughs and tells him that he must take the place of that he has destroyed and Dax's mind is exposed to the evil that Maeldun would become.

In that moment, Dax's sanity slips its bounds and never returns – the vision fades as Dubric pulls his friend through the gate and they return to their time and "place" in the world – but nothing is the same. They are back in the Corinth region and Dax is married to Median; his father and the family estates still exist. Dax and Median even have a son in this new reality. This twisting of what he knew to be real causes Dax to snap and he slays all of his family including his beloved Median.

Dax turns from the blood bath and he rides away from his lands never to return. Dubric leaves the lands of Corinth and embarks to the West Barrier Mountain range. Later in the year Dax is cornered and near death in the depths of an ice cavern from the hands of a Lord of Law. The quite insane Dax, rather than be taken prisoner by this One who opposes him, destroys himself and all but one of his company when he smashes one of the now legendary elemental keys).

189    - Tarkus Haas joins the militia in Josten, in the County of Corinth. Still looks very young despite his supposed age. He remains in Josten for 6 years.

192    -Dane II steps down from the throne and Connell II is crowned King of Arnon. During his reign he follows his uncles policy of strengthening the Knights of the Sable. Dane then makes several political moves that ease the tensions with the majority of the South Lords but the remaining few take great offense to his machinations. An uneasy peace settles between the throne in Tiarnám and the south, but Connell's constituents tell him to keep a wary eye to his back.

195    - Tarkus hires on as a guard for an Elven merchant from the Duchy of Corinth, moving goods into Faeril. In 197 he kills his employer during a drunken brawl and disappears into the Spinridge Mountains. He is leery of all Elves from this day, and is certain he is wanted in Corinth.

196    -New kings take their thrones in Gaul – Ardain II, Gellvinar, Tarvid-Soss. The relationship between all three are strained at best and openly hostile on some borders in Arden and Rhomere. Ovatha sees these weaknesses and begins to plant political courtiers in each capitol. Seeds of discord continue to grow and are fueled by innuendo. Hessick, the New Emperor, is particularly pleased with the results of his Houses' abilities during this time. Hessick begins to sends envoys out into the world, particularly in the east, to search for and collect Kharsan artifacts.

199    - Tarkus enters the Free City of Winterpass and remains there for nearly a year. Soon grows restless of the teeming city and heads north through the Ethicus Barrens and into the frontier of The Nestar Plains. Hires on as a guard in a frontier outpost near the edges of the Ghell Wood which borders Ashera. In the winter of 201, on the last day of the year, the patrol is overtaken and Tarkus and the patrol are left for dead in the forest by their goblinoid attackers.

202    -Duke Alonze of Arnon and his wife are killed in their bedroom suite by their mage.

Tarkus is found by Olin Diffring and brought into the Theocracy of Ashera. He gives his loyalty to Olin and his soul to Aodhan.

205    -Gellvinar begins listening to his Gothan governors, who complain about comparative wealth with the other lords, and they renew the old animosities over the Prost and Rivinian territories with his cousin kings. Both Arden and Sossen lend deaf ears. Politics become uneasy in the courts of the new kings.

206    -Far to the south, somewhere in the Endless Sea, a ship passes through a glowing red mist and enters the world of Darkhaven. The ship, carrying a cargo of lost men from another world eventually lands on the Eastern tip of Huuvain. The ship is wrecked, and the survivors, not knowing where they are, begin to survive in the ruins of an Ahkoreth town. They name it Three Wells by the end of the year.

Olin Diffring's attachment, including Tarkus Haas, is assigned to the Grabel Fens, near Bael, to flush heretics trying to hide from the Church. The campaign would last 7 years. Tarkus is second only to Olin in this period, and the 7 other Paladins are young within the group, none more than 18 years of age.

207    -Connell II dies in his bed, some believe the South Lords assassinated him; Lord Bevan, Regent of the Realm, rules Arnon until the young Prince Dane III can take his throne.

214    - Tarkus Haas and Olin are betrayed by Magund the High Priest. Olin is killed. Tarkus and 7 other Paladins escape from the Theocracy.

216    -Dane III is crowned King of Arnon; he sires four sons - Byran, Cyril, Arbagast and Dane.
A Gothan trader cog lands in the ruined port of Pel Narbor. Its cargo of men begins a long march south to the Dun territory. They end their journey at the old abandoned dwarven hold in the Advarice hills, Khad-Dun.

Tarkus Haas and his companions enter Winterpass and begin work for the powerful guilds. Their reputation grows and they are known as The Riders of Bael for the next decade and beyond.

217    -In a move that catches his cousins unaware, Gellvinar pushes a military force into both Rivinia and Prost, claiming the lands as rightfully his. There are several who say that some of the forces use techniques remarkably similar to Goth and Ovathan legions. His cousins respond militarily, but the surprise maneuver quickly routes any units stationed in the respective territories.

By the end of the year The Second Gaulic Civil War breaks out (also called The War of Three Kings, or commonly The Three Cousins War, and sometimes the War of Ilgaul's Curse). The war lasts for 4 years, with particularly heavy fighting in and around Narbeth.

221    -Gellvinar wins his war against his cousins, but it is seen as a pyhrric victory. Arden gives up the Prost territory to Rhomere, but establishes Caer Ardain as a mighty naval base on the tip of the Dor-Len-Erin peninsula. From this battlement Arden is able to control the Bay of Ardain and shipping around the Reach and essentially choke off the mercantile traffic of Narbeth. Gellvineth has won his port, as well as expanded territory in the north, but it is a port with only a shadow of the business it used to do. It is particularly noted that several of the newly appointed Rhomerean governors in Rivinia and Prost are of Ovathan or Goth descent.

222    -The Second Gaulic Civil War ends, and Rhomere is still not satisfied. Rather than spiral the continent into a bloody, long war again, Gellvinar sets his sights across the Reach. In the spring, Rhomere moves troops and what little navy remains into the old, lawless northern Kunaan territory above the lands of Dara-Sarn. It meets little resistance from the fisherman and miners there and claims the land as its own. Gellvinar renames this rustic territory West Rivinia and two Ovathan governors move in. The largest town on the coast begins to build with obvious Empire financing and is renamed Morgan (which is seen as no small insult by Arden as the name is a bastardization of Logan in the old language).

225    -Hessick approaches to Rhomere and asks for an alliance with plans to "share" Kunaan as an agenda. The Rhomerean king relents.

227    -Morgan grows strong, as well as Ovathan presence in the city. More and more Empire ships are seen in its ports and several vessels with Logan, Doraad, or Jonstown destinations are re-routed to this new city. Arden is outraged, and appeal to Underhom for political advice.

230    -A sizable armada of Ovathan ships leaves the port of Morgan and land in Kunaan in Doraad. When their intentions are clear, the Kunaan navy sent up from Jonstown attacks the Ovathan ships, but they are met and crushed just east of the Five Steps. The surviving Jonstown ships are chased back down the Reach and subsequently sunk just off the Mark. Kunaan, already a weak military country whose main concern are attacks from the foul beast on its border with Dara-Sarn, see no hope in winning a war with Ovatha, disguised as Rhomerean expansion. The prelates of Kunaan ask Arden to step in, as Ardain II's cousin is responsible and to protect its vested interest in Westgate. Arden, with its vast navy, and not wishing to see the wealth of the West interrupted, agrees.

231    -Full-scale war breaks out in the prelacy of Kunaan. Many of Kunaan's citizens move through the pass and settle in Arnon. The kingdom formed from expatriated Ardenians receives them favorably.

234    -Emissaries from Kunaan approach Underhom and appeal for help in ending the war before their country is devastated. Some see the fight with the Empire as hopeless, and others with major Ardenian ties wish to see the Empire defeated. Underhom sends invitations of detent to all parties in the war. Ovatha declines.

235    -Little by little, ships from Ovatha, Rhomere, Arden, and Kunaan are being mysteriously sunk in the sea-lanes around the Reach, and mercantile traffic nearly stops. Underhom claims the busiest port, and all agree that the great negotiators to the south must be behind the attacks, but nothing is ever proven and neither country dares attack Under and involve Underhom into the war, not even the new Empire. Prices and inflation in the large cities skyrocket and the entire continent of Gaul enters an economic depression. It now becomes too expensive for Ardenians to even exile themselves with their fellow countrymen to the west beyond the mountains. Later that year, plague breaks out in Logan and Narbeth. Narbeth falls into decaying disarray, as do some of the poorer sections of Logan and Jonstown.

An Emissary from Ethicus approaches the Riders of Bael and they join his growing host soon afterwards.

236    -Northern Kunaan succeeds from Southern Kunaan and declares itself an independent country. This is considered a very bold move considering the Empire and Dara-Sarn are squeezing it to the north. Arden withdraws all troops and ships from North Kunaan and pulls south to defend its claims in Westgate and vested interest in Jonstown as a port.

In what is seen as a tragic stroke of fate, the Ovathan governor of West Rivinia and his entire family is discovered dead in their country estate near the shores of the Reach. Each head had been neatly severed from the neck and were never found. It is surmised that a vicious band of rogues or orcs are responsible.

Across the Cerilian Sea, the Imperial Emperor of Ovatha loses his eldest son in a bizarre shipping accident. The son, Inor, an admiral (in title only as the position is an inherited title) in the Ovathan navy is maneuvering his ship near the small islands south of Goth when a merchant cog from the west, unmarked with any insignia, apparently does not see the Ovathan galley and rams Inor's ship. It is never surmised what exactly happened, but both vessels sink into the water with no apparent survivors. Strangely, only a handful of bodies of the crewmen from the merchant vessel are recovered.

Two months later, just as quickly as it had begun, the war for Kunaan ends as Ovatha apparently withdraws.

237    -Seemingly by default, Arden remains in South Kunaan, though it is a small detachment of naval ships in Jonstown and men at arms in Westgate to protect the dangerous mountain road to Winterpass. Later in the year, in a move that surprises no one, North Kunaan acquiesces its government to Rhomere and becomes essentially a vassal state to Gellvinar.

238    -Gillvinar gives up his interest in the rustic lands of West Rivinia and Ovatha openly declares it a state of the Empire. This is shocking considering all Gillvinar had fought for to gain his new lands, and lost in his cousins' trust.

239    -Battle of Candon Fields – a horde of evil humanoids and humans push south down the West Barriers and are destroyed by an alliance of Reseme and Fallon and the demi-humans of the region; even troops of Arnon aid in the conflict coming through the gaps of the mountains to fall on the enemies flanks. It is said that this is the first stirring of Ethicus' return. Also of great import is Ilyra, a high priest of Aodhan, who is slain on the Candon Fields during the battle. His corpse falls into a copse of trees and is forgotten. This death would be of no import were it not for the fact that he wears the talisman of Codizuul - a gold ankh. Ilyra was the sworn protector of the artifact to make sure that it did not fall into the hands of any of the cult of Codizuul – an evil and insane sect swearing to bring utter chaos to the world. The item is lost with his body among the dead.

Gellvinar and his courtiers are assassinated in a hail of arrows as his royal escort makes its way from Kovet to Pax near the north of Dun. Three days later his son, Ranier claims kingship of Rhomere. The governors of Dun and Rivinia openly succeed power to the throne of Ovatha and turn all their territories and military strength over to the Empire. Ranier puts up no resistance; neither does Tarvid-Soss nor Ardain II.

240    - Ethicus' forces begin to grow and he rules over his country once again, King Dane III pays no heed to the warnings of rising evil rumored in the north. Ethicus starts his first offensive against Arnon and is turned away at the city of North Hawkin. Among those turned away are the Riders of Bael. Many die this day including the Duke of Evvenwere, but the city stands after the smoke clears. Ethicus' forces retreat back to Lorcan. The remainder of the Riders leave Ethicus to heal and rest on the Coral Coast.

Caer Dun is openly declared as an Empire stronghold. In forced march, several units move north into Sossen and wrest control of Archenland west of the river from Tarvid-Soss. Tarvid appeals to his cousin for aid but Ardain II turns another deaf ear. He does begin building his military both on land and on sea.

243    -Byran - Prince of Arnon/Provost of Faeril is kidnapped before his wedding to the Princess of Faeril and is not seen again. The marriage would have united the two kingdoms and the two races in a formidable alliance. Some whisper that the evil of Ethicus had something to do with it; others in Arnon believed it was done by some of the more conservative Silvan Elves of Faeril.

245    -Ardain II dies in Logan. His eldest son, Belford, the eldest of four brothers, claims the throne. He is popular with the people, and apparently with his brothers.

Within 4 months of his cousin, Tarvid-Soss dies in his estate near Err Farrain. His only son lost to the bloody second civil war, Ardain II's next eldest, Carlim Ryn, ascends to the throne of Sossen. There is much protest, but Belford's military backs his brother and the lords of Sossen relent.

Overlook, Logan, and especially Ornaal have recovered from the wars and prosper once again. Only Narbeth has fallen to barbary and decay from what she once was. The Gothan Empire is quiet in the west, seeming to turn its attention closer to home to the nations in the east.

246    -Hordes of giants and giant-kin out of the West Barrier Mountains fall upon the northern territories known as the Frontier between the Plateau of Trelleu and Old Vil Galith. Among the mercenary armies are Tarkus Haas and the remaining Riders of Bael. The giants and giant-kin easily take the territory slaying all those who stead there. Though Trelleu and Vil Galith are not happy about their new "neighbors", neither is in a position to do anything about them. Tarkus and the Riders enter Falon the following year.

248    -A strange hero enters the world of Darkhaven – this one-eyed warrior says little to anyone and many give him wide berth. He is known for the beautifully worked flaming greatsword that he wields. In the deserts of Huuvain he rescues a girl named Emma, who is a captured Imrilian princess/priestess. He makes his way to the town of Three Wells where he encounters a stranger to this world somewhat like himself. From this encounter he realizes that there are at least 3 Keeps – the Fain in his world, the Fain in the world of this other stranger, and the Fain in this new world. He becomes the first to understand the significance of the Black Keep and its role in this and seemingly all other worlds. He embarks out into the world of Aerth from this strange town. His seeming counterpart is killed and the Black Stars are taken by (Dragosani). The stranger watches his new companion closely. Later Emma is returned to her island, but she cannot forget the stranger she has met. He now takes great interest in the fortress of Darach Fain and perhaps understands his purpose here. He begins to listen for news of the keep and its location.

The Farandor Elf Daylyn, Keeper of the Urn, sets off from Faeril by land to eventually set foot in the fabled Har Celebrin. Stirrings in the mannish realms have convinced the Elves to move the sacred artifact.

249    - The Stranger lands in Narbeth and lends his sword for money and adventure. On the docks one night he encounters his brother, thought to be dead, and they fight. Jergan is eventually defeated, but not after damage has been done to Flamesting. He spends the remainder of the year adventuring in the frontiers of Rhomere. During one epic battle, his sword is broken, but is re-forged by Elven craftsmen in the town of Lonholland in Arden.

250    - Emma discovers her true powers and becomes Mammett. Dauxche Kranen approaches her by winters end, and Mammett enters the Valley of the Fain accompanied by The 13 by the last month of the year. Near the same time, the Stranger feels a need to leave Logan and embark to the West. He can never explain what draws him.

251    -The strange hero lands with his party members on the Coral Coast near the Chennareth border. Rumors of the Fain strike his ears for the first time. Spends most of the year traveling and gathering rumors, along with not a few followers and enemies.

Damien DePreist, an Ovathan emissary, also known as The Collector, hears of Dragosani and the Stars. He is intent on owning them and traps the party in his castle near the Barrier Mountains. Dragosani is killed, but the Stranger sees to it the Stars are destroyed along with The Collector.

Later in the year, The Stranger and his party encounter and defeat the host of Khan Orchrist, a supposed heir to the Fain, in the hills south of the Padura River. Among the people he meets are Crow, an exiled elf.

252    -Some teenage adventurers that reside off of Lake Preael set out to the haunted castle of Alonze; The Guild is born upon the vision of controlling all mercantile traffic between the two Great Barrier Mountains and more; Arnon's prince Dane gives trade rights to the Guild; the Winterpass Trading Guild begins it's plans to force Arnon to return it's trade agreements; the castle Edenlow is laid waste by the diseases that are kept there, set free by a conspiracy of the dark elves. The company from the Guild is made up of Razul, Thomas Page, Roman Guildenstern, Lasinde Grayweather, and Nathan of Edenlow. Ethicus makes a concentrated foray into Arnon. Tarkus Haas and the remaining riders work briefly as guards late in 252.

The Stranger and his party meet Daylyn, and Cro immediately offers his hand in the transfer of the Urn. Bound by party loyalty, the adventurers decide to stick together, but head into Arnon first instead of toward Har Celebrin. Later in the year, Daylyn begins to be followed by Blackwing, the Turnin assassin sent by the Council of 9.

In winter of that year, the party is confronted by Blackwing and a battle for the Urn ensues. The Urn is lost by Daylyn, who sets out to regain it, or else all may be changed in the Balance of the Elves. Crow, torn between his exile from the Elves, and his bred duty to them, leaves to help Daylyn the next day.

253    - The Stranger and his party adventure in Arnon, but are eventually drawn North. They make a foray into the Ethicus Barrens during Festival, and rob the gambling houses of much gold.

254    -Pirates passing through the old lands of Dar-Ghazzen, their ship apparently lost; notice the sea has turned red as if the fallen of that land are bleeding from the mountain. Along the falls of Serannon they notice the mountain covered with a bright reddish plant staining the waters below. They bring some aboard ship and return to the west with it.

The Stranger meets the members of The Guild, is intrigued by their cause, and offers them gold (taken from Ethicus) in exchange for partnership within the Guild. He meets many members that will later stand beside him in HIS cause.

255    -Ethicus continues his campaign into the northern territories of Arnon and his offensive is swift and strategic; the cities of North Hawkin and Sarn Arthad are both destroyed. Fighting against the demon god this time are Tarkus and his old companions. Only two would return from the fight. Ethicus is finally stopped along the Mort-Marshes and Frenii Wetlands, but King Dane III and two of his sons are dead – Cyril and Arbagast. Dane, the Prince of Arnon, is quickly crowned King. The dragons and Dragon Lords of myth are re-awakened and play a key role in the victory against Ethicus; Ethicus disappears in a fireball with a dragon over his capital city of Lorccan. The party of the Guild members disbands. Thomas and Lasinde mind the business of the Guild and the rest take a boat to the south to the land of ancient legend called Loch Nod. They meet a half-elf named Hawk and a sailor named Sarillon during their travels. In the deep jungles of Loch Nod they find a ruin. Car-fin-Razul dies tragically in the ancient ruin – the rest are cast out by arcane means. A madman named Castor joins the party.

The Stranger meets his Patron God, and destroys The Dark Amulet, severing his connection to the Keep of HIS world forever.

256      - Ethicus is defeated in Arnon and the Knights of the Sable begin to retake the lands occupied by the humanoid armies of the demi-god. The North Lords of Arnon, under the banner of their young king, mount an army to force the South Lords into showing fealty to the throne in Tiarnám. The South Lords had been quite remiss in their aid during the conflict with Ethicus and even now hold out on goods needed by the north. King Dane suddenly disappears without a trace, though his forces continue their assault into the south. County Myr is defeated and shows fealty. The young party of Guild adventurers, made up of Roman, Nathan, Hawk, Sarillon and Castor move on to Blanche with the northern forces. The travel to Blanche County is met with an escort from the counties Duke, Janoon Krell. Pharum Xa'an leads this escort and King Dane is amongst this company in disguise. Damien, an anti-paladin working against Arnon, assassinates King Dane while he sleeps. Janoon Krell is killed along with a dark elf by the name of Larizar Korizarûm in his hall during an engagement with the party. Roman is stabbed with an anti-purity rune and becomes evil. The party tracks the escaped Pharum Xa'an to his tower where they again do combat. Roman drops the entire tower with magic and only three from his company survive the ruin; Pharum Xa'an survives as well but disappears. The company is now made up of only Roman, Hawk, Nathan and Castor. Roman, using magic from a signet ring, takes on the form of Dane and becomes King of Arnon. Lasinde and the remaining company conspire to return Roman to his normal self by stabbing him with a purity rune. This done, Roman retires to Tiarnám and starts a search for the kidnapped Prince Byran so that the proper ruler can take his place on the throne. Lasinde retires back to the Guild and Nathan leaves the party. The year ends with Arnon settling.

Ethicus turns his attention to the Quintaal Compact and his remaining horde breaches the Barrier Mountains and attacks. Tarkus and his companion follow them there and fight in the assault on Caer Cudryr. In the end, Tarkus finds himself alone, finally, as the last of his Companions bleeds to death in his arms.

257    - WINTER – Tarkus Hass and several soldiers of fortune set out to solve the mystery of Byran's disappearance. They later restore the proper heir to his throne.  During the adventure, they free a Darkweather.

SPRING – The Stranger arrives at the Guild and meets Tarkus Hass and party. He feels and hears of strong stirrings in the Valley of the Fain once again and stays at the guild to investigate.

Tarkus and the New Riders of Bael head out for Ashera to answer solve the mystery of Olin. Later, after defeating the Fallen Priests of Magund, they embark to the Valcor Nation to solve the Riddle of Ranial the Gaunt and to find the Crown of (Blackmoor).

Darkweather arrives in the Valley of the Fain.

SUMMER – Tarkus, Strongwind, etc, return to the Guild. A plot from Darkhaven is formed within the Guild.

FALL – Tarkus leads the New Riders of Bael on the First Raid of Darach Fain.

Early WINTER – The Stranger, Thomas Page, Hawk, Tarkus Haas, Strongwind, and the remainder of the 13 (the number instructed by Mammett) arrive at Darkhaven to attempt The Second Raid of Darach Fain. When the raid ends, these names pass into legends of the 4th age.

258    - Reports from West Rivinia indicate stirrings in Mount Gillorn again, as well as increased activity in Dara-Sarn.

Traffic has picked up from all ports, albeit small but for a great price, to a little town called Three Wells in the Wastes of Huvaan. The appeal of this small town situated on the edge of a desert realm remains a mystery to most.

The citizens of Chennereth show zealotry in their government and religion, nearly one and the same. It is whispered that this is a shame considering what this country could be if it would open its ports to bigger trade. Very few strangers are ever allowed inland, and none to the little town from which the country gets its name, the seat of religious power there.

By all intents and purposes, the political hotbed of Gaul has settled for now. As to activity in Goth and the Ovathan Empire, not many reports are forthcoming. The Empire seems satisfied now with its new territories in the west. None really know how weak or strong Ranier sits on the throne of Rhomere, but threaded in the whispers of the courtiers of Gaul he is called "The Puppet King" when ears can be trusted. Gems and minerals flow in from Voorhan, but only the Empire sees that wealth now. Arden and Sossen must look elsewhere to make up the wealth they once shared in the lands of the fjords. 

Underhom maintains a vigilant watch over all, as do the Loremasters of Tol Gollia. Archenland remains quiet under Tarvid-Soss.

A new powerfully intoxicating drug begins to turn up in the poorer streets of the large cities, and people begin paying large sums for the strange red leaves. It is said in certain circles that magic is increased many times in power under the leaf's influence. The Cerilian Sea flows with ships moving into the western realms. Smugglers continue to ply trade in the ports of Vail and the Rogue Coast.
Darkhaven / Re: History of Darkhaven
Last post by tomcat - Sep 14, 2024, 03:57 PM
Gil-Tellan's army is cut down in a matter of minutes, and as the demons and army of the undead swarm in on him, Gil-Tellan calls to Celestia to intervene once again. In a flash of tremendous essence and energy, all are lost in that great blast. Kharsis is rendered a desert instantly, as is Huuvain and its growing army, which were only weeks away from moving beyond its borders in pursuit of conquest.

Ahkoreth survives through the use of magic and leaves the realm unseen, settling across the sea in an area east of the mountains on the eastern peninsula of Alboria. He brings with him several Oruc Kom elite and many Orucs. He calls the country Chennereth, and in a few short months begins organizing the local common men, mostly fishermen and herders, into a working army.

1227    - The few survivors of Kharsis' common men begin to gather in Old Annoth and settle into the Zaren river basin. What survivors of Greater Men there were in Kharsis leave the realm and travel north to the island continent Kharsis had annexed years before. They begin to mix with the men of strange origin living there and organize the northern region into their own realm, which they name Goth ("Exile"). They bring with them the architectural style of Kharsis and their knowledge of the dark gods and magic and begin to begin again. The city of Sunammon Ruz ("Golden Realm of the Sun") is established on the northwestern tip. Many other Kharsan towns are established, along with many settlements of common men, including the majestic city of Myrhal and Balic Orr. Instead of God-Kings and rulers, the elite are chosen from the families of those schooled in powerful magic and the sword, or of great merchant wealth, but the bloodline must be able to be traced to some royalty of Old Kharsis. However, the Priests of the Old Empire resurface later, very much in the background.

An Oruc Kom declares himself Goblin king in the old dwarven realm of Dar and names it Ghazzen. He drives the dark elves back into the underground and they never reappear. Meanwhile, the Daran elves in Loch Duria are attacked by their own remaining orc and troll host and are either killed or driven back into the caves of the surrounding mountains.

The Silvan and Lavari elves spend the rest of the year tracking down the surviving Ternin. It is never determined whether all the Ternin are eradicated, but the elves of Loch Duria are silent from this point forward. The Lavari name the regions Arcana ("Lost" - referring to the corruption of the Ternin) and Loch Nod ("Fallen Land") for the fell nations that had been there, above and below the ground.

1381    - Dwarves from the mountains above Loch Nod (in the rural nation established as the tribes of Bren), along with the survivors of Dar build the city of Darzhad-Nal. Many more dwarven tribes in the west begin realms of their own, notably Zaradkir and Khad-Zal in chains of the Great Barrier Mountains, Khad-Dun (later known as Caer Dun) in Narboria, and Nirkhaz on the northern island named Ovatha above Goth. As minerals are mined, more mannish peoples venture to the realm in search and trade of jewels and gold. Within the decade they would organize large towns and feudal states much like Narboria.

1383    - The city-state of Parsil over the last several decades has established pacts with the Half-Elven traders of Sarillon and their cousins in Tellerith, the now estranged rulers of Annoth Minor and New Praxis. The Chancellor of Parsil calls for a summit in the south near the Golden Shore, and a further deal is struck. Parsil would form new borders outside the walls of the city, encompassing all the southern lands, and Annoth Minor would continue to hold the lands to the northwest of Parsil. The new realm is named Grand Keelor, after the chancellor who united the country, and a new government is formed from the wealthy merchant families of Parsil. Clarmin, Olgis, Bargier, and Bordon are established, with Parsil to remain under the rule of a Chancellor. The other territories would be inherited by birth. Annoth Minor soon follows this model, and totally disassociates itself from its Kharsan roots. An alliance between Keelor, Annoth Minor, and Sarillon is reached.

1385    - Tol Gollia deems themselves The Watchers of the World, determined not to meddle in its affairs, but to record the events around them. More emissaries appear throughout the lands as lore masters and bards busy themselves with recording the ages. The men of Tol Gollia declare a new age is upon the world.

3rd Age (Age of Forging - AF)

Year    Events
1    - Silvan elves develop the technique of cold forging by using a volcanic glass they call "Lyar". Though rare, the weapons they create are allowed to leave Har Celebrin by certain men of high standing who are allowed to enter the realm.

3    - The vast eastern plateau above the Rhu-Than plains begin to emerge as realms, not only because of their differences in cultures, but also because of contact and trades made with the western orient empires of Payjiim and Napai. Though they are more closely related to the descendants of the Ovathan tribes, they establish themselves through trade and establish borders among the plateau, with Raugassa being the most isolated of the small realms. Separation of rules and differing governments make the plateau especially hard to unite, although emissaries from the realm of Eigen Far approach them. Eigen is reportedly under the control of a Queen who is a master of witchcraft and sorcery, and therefore not trusted, so all advances to unite are repelled, and Raugassa and Wolskaya emerge as the strangest of the countries established at this time. Many nobles emerge as potential rulers and all in some way or another establish holdings for themselves.

21    - The Elves of Gaethain in Narboria begin to mix with the Greater Men of the north. These Half-Greater elves settle in the mountains near the Tyr Nolan chain and establish the town of Err Farrain. The pure Greater men of the area establish Pel Narbor as a major port, and begin to interact with the rest of the continent to settle disputes among the feudal lords who have divided the continent into several realms. Men from Tol Gollia establish a great library in Pel Narbor to store copies of recorded tomes.

24    -The expansion of Oshara reaches its peak when they conquer the region named Kenari. The Osharans now dominate the region wrapping around the whole of the Tamari Sea and they name each of the regions – Kenari is the western most land area under their control; Ashera, an area of fertile plains and a very simple folk that reside there; Palmeira, a sea front territory with outstanding harborage for their ships as well as good land routes south into the Nestar Plains; Valcor, though they were never truly conquered, the Osharans include the territories of the Valcor as their own though the barbarians there tend to their own business.

25    - The tribes of Ovatha unite, and a nation is formed from merchant wealth, backed by dwarven mining and forged weapons. The first king of Ovatha is selected from one of the richest families in the city of Marn. Dwarves allow humans to reside in their chief city on Ovatha. Due to this the dwarves rename the city from Nirkhaz to Marrek in the mountains east of Marn.

27    - With trade fully established with Ovatha, Logan and Ornaal in Narboria grow to enormous size. Across the western bay, the nation of Kunaan is formed, claiming the lands along the mountain chain from Oshara south to the Chennereth border. Two major ports – Jonstown and Doraad are established to accept the trade coming from the east.

The Kharsan descendants of Goth unite and form military forces to take the rest of the island continent. Though the pure Kharsans are few, they have tried to keep their bloodlines pure, but many have mixed with the common men that arrived through the mists of the Crimson Gate. It is unclear which race influences which, as both were intent on taking the realm for themselves. The city of Inannis, named after the Kharsan goddess of lust and desire is established in the southeast, as well as Kal-Sariya and Esden. Within a year, the purest of the Kharsans establish the 13 noble houses and begin to squabble over rule.

28    - The Quiet War begins, a civil war among the ruling elite that sees little involvement of traditional troops, but is played out in secret treaties of treachery and deception, bedroom assassinations, and summoning chamber pacts. Within a year, House Harkiress proves the most adept at political war and is seated in Esden as the ruling family of Goth. Each of the 12 other noble houses retain their fortresses and lands, but also establish political bases within Sunammon Ruz and Kal-Sariya. With the realm established under one rule, the star of Goth begins to rise. Inannis, in imitation of the goddess of its name, becomes the City of Lust, where the ruling elite and those with whom they deal relax and enjoy any imaginable pleasures. The building of vast galleys becomes commonplace around the docks of the coastal cities.

Jolar and Sullair continue to squabble over the same lands (mostly in Bren and the Heartland) and trade agreements. Three times within this decade they meet in battle, twice at sea with Sullair victorious, and once on Jolaran soil where Sullair is repelled. The cost is enormous on both sides, and for financial reasons more than any other, the two city states of Pangorn and Thaxen relax aggressions until they can rebuild their mercenary armies. This is done mostly by taking slaves from other realms, including the coast of Goth. Sullair penetrates deep into the Heartland, but is turned back when the people there are backed by Elves from the Narthruil Forest and Synlyn Fairre.

The small Kingdoms of Elara, Vossen, Qoreth, and Tyryn, collectively known as The Silent Kingdoms for their mostly non-aggressive, non-expansive policies, begin to make a presence in the trading ports in the north, mostly among the Ovathan island and the small, unorganized fishing realm known as B'Enerath.

46    -The Kenari within the Osharan Kingdom are the most violent and ruthless of peoples. Stories have come from the region stating that the Kenari throw children into dog pits as sport. They are a strange mix of people having both Yoshima and Alborian blood. The Osharans begin to detract from the region and leave these people to their own governing. This opens the door for the Yevolan and Payiim who begin to attack the Kenari peninsula ruthlessly. Through it all, these doughty people hold their own.

Goth establishes a port and small shipyard on the tiny central island of Vail. Many believe this to be a future launching point for expansion. The lessons of Kharsis have not gone unnoticed.

63    -The Kingdom of Kenari is formed and among the petty warlords, Lord Anthar Durikan of Kel comes to power in his region. He goes on to conquer all the petty warlords of Kenari and claims himself king. It is the beginning of a bloodthirsty rule and a cruel country.

74    -The Kingdomof Kenari begins to send all of its dissidents and criminals to a large island out in the Tamari Sea. The island is named Atika ("the Abyss") by one Yoshima prisoner and it is referred to as such from that point forward.

80    - The coastal countries of the Raugassa plateau (with the exception of the eponymous realm) begin to grow rich with trade in dealings with the orient, the Silent Kingdoms, and B'Enerath. The inner realm of Raugassa itself is left isolated, and essentially poor. Within these rich countries the wealthiest of nobles begin to pressure and influence the less fortunate, and class struggles begin to arise. Along with Raugassa, Wolskaya and Grabvic in particular are choked off, eventually left poor, and at the mercy of the wealthy land barons and nobles. Lands are taken and great taxes and tolls are levied against the existing prelacies in the poorer regions.  Out of this oppression, a new order arises comprised of those barons who have begun to lose influence and land. The Order of the Dragon is formed deep within Raugassa, and under the guise of religion, many of the populace begin to join the cause. An army is formed from the nobles' own forces and the people they control. Valok Gor, formerly the wealthiest of these nobles, emerges as the defacto leader of the Order. Valok is well known as a cruel, sadistic man with no moral values, and it is rumored that his wife, Voressa, is just as demented. Several legends persist that she bathes in the blood of virgins each month during the cycle of each full moon. Though he is not trusted by the Raugassa people, during this economic and religious depression his words of hate begin to have appeal and the Order of the Dragon begins to gain strength. Valok Gor begins his war to eradicate the surrounding nobles and governments to "restore" the plateau to its former state. The coastal countries see this new order as a thinly veiled attempt perpetuated by Valok to seize power by coup de taut.

The War of the Dragon lasts ten years and sets the plateau into chaos, and the entire realm nearly destroys itself. The losses are heavy on both sides, and Valok personally loses his beloved wife through treachery by an Anglentin noble. Though it is known he has a son, during this time he remains hidden or exiled, none are sure which. Valok extracts bloody losses to Manaluac, Malorin, Balta, and Pravania, begore the larger armies of Anglentin and Valdemare can stop him. Valok is eventually killed deep within the Black Forest of Wolskaya during his push to Anglentin and the west in 90 AF. As he lies twitching and bleeding on the shaft of a lance, he curses his enemies and vows revenge – then dies. The Order of the Dragon fades back deep into the Ivanian mountains and Raugassa itself. Though devastated financially and materially for the next decade, the countries begin to recover around 95 AF. The interior country of Raugassa falls under the control of Pravania and Manaluac, and Wolskaya is occupied by the armies of Anglentin, and eventually falls under its control.

101    - Quietly, from deep within Eigen Far, a ship lands on the shores of Pravania early in the year. It carries no banners, and a sole passenger makes his way across the plateau. Vlesh Valok, the exiled son of Valok Gor, exiled for a decade, has returned to his homeland. He spends the next several years gathering the last loyals to the Dragon, particularly priests, alchemists and necromancers. Valok is known to be a necromancer of immense power himself, and it is said that his powers are given by some unholy pact made with the Lord of the Dead and the Covens of Eigen Far. Restoration of his ancestral home begins deep in the Ivanian mountains, and all manner of unholy rites and experiments begin within its dark hollows and valleys. Though rumors abound during this time, no overt act is taken against Valok, nor does he make his motives known to the peoples around him. Within two years of his arrival, folk begin disappearing into the mountains and are never seen again. It is also said that the priests of the Dragon frequent the sites of the old war, and pray long into the night, though anyone who has witnesses such an event can be found.

106    - On the first night of the full moon in 106 Valok's intentions become clear, and his desired conquest of the plateau begins, not only against the ruling classes, but to subjugate all peoples. Instead of a conventional army, Valok and the Order have created an Army of the Dead, consisting of the old warriors (from both sides) from decades before and any number of constructs made of flesh, stone, steel and wood. His ungodly army descends from the hills and once again throws the realm into chaos. Vlesh proves to be even more ruthless and bloodthirsty than even his father or mother, and shows no mercy to his enemies as the conflict continues into the spring. Those killed by the Army of the Dead are soon put back into service as dead themselves. He is non-discriminate in killing both military and civilians in his march through Pravania and Manaluac. In the first 2 years alone, over 50,000 are killed.

109    - Vlesh claims the Raugassa plateau as his own despotic kingdom and begins to carry out his "peace time" atrocities. He claims fortresses in every country, but mainly resides in either Raugassa or Wolskaya. Among the members of his court are witches from Eigen Far and his councilors of necromancers, alchemists, and evil priests, the latter surviving members of the original Order of the Dragon. Also from exile deep within the mountains emerges his mother, herself a resurrected member of the Undead. Vlesh takes a bride from the noble courts of Anglentin, perhaps the most brutal blow to the once-proud coastal country.

111    - Once empowered, Valok begins his experiments of terror and horror among the populace, and many try to escape into Wolskaya and Manaluac under the cover of darkness. The people of Grabvis revolt, and are joined soon after by the Wolskayans and Pravania. Civil war erupts against the bloody prince and his courtiers. The mystical peoples of Wolskaya call upon ancient prayers and rituals to rid themselves of The Necromancer, and are successful, though it later proves to be a hollow victory. Vlesh is driven out of Wolskaya, Grabvis, and Manaluac a bit at a time as his Army of the Dead and constructs are more difficult to control and have lost some of their "shock" by this time. He is eventually driven back into Anglentin where he is met by what is left of their military. With his army on its heels, Vlesh is driven further into the country, and finally, with his back to the waters of the Anglentin Bay, his army is crushed. There are no survivors from either his court or his military. His mother and lover, pregnant with his child, are publicly beheaded and disemboweled.

Vlesh is mortally wounded, but survives long enough to escape through magic back into the mountains. He is discovered 2 days later within the bowels of his castle, dying, and pleading to the Lord of the Dead for restoration of his life, and bestowing curses upon the people of Wolskaya and Raugassa. He is immediately impaled with a stake through his torso, and is displayed outside the courtyard of his castle as it is burned and destroyed. Only fragments of the towers remain afterward, though the body of the Necromancer disappears sometime during the night of the second day. It is rumored afterward, that from his pact with the witches of Eigen Far, the Wolskayans are forever cursed as wanderers and victims of bad omens. The first gypsies begin to leave within the next decade, making it virtually a land without a people. In Raugassa, the people begin to heal, though the Order of the Dragon is never to be forgotten. From these lessons, no one man shall ever be Prince or ruler, and each town shall be declared independent, and usually insular within family or marriage.

179    -The Osharans reach a pinnacle in the arts of magic that they practice. The Greater Men within the empire begin to deem themselves as the most powerful mages on Aerth and in their group alchemies they begin to tamper with the very fabric the Aerth. The region becomes known for its dramatic elemental storms and one sailor who had traveled to the land was quoted, saying... "the Osharan Mages wield the Essence as easily as they walk down the street!" Rumors are whispered on every shore that the Osharan streets are paved in gold.

182    -Something occurs in Oshara that causes a rift in the scholars of the Universities there; of a sudden, a large group of mages of Oshara leave the country and head north across the Tamari Sea and take up residence on a small island that has only been known as the Isle of Mist. This reclusive island has always been cloaked in mist and mystery and contact with the mages is lost.   

190    -Another group of Osharans depart from the homeland and head west and take up residence in a secluded seaside area that is surrounded with mountains. These Osharans close all access to the land and no one enters or is ever seen to leave. The new region is named Ochira – reported by the few sailors and merchants that were allowed access to sell their goods.

241    - Narbeth is established as a port in west Narboria. Most lords on the continent now have major armies made of Feudal vassal knights and mercenaries backed by gold.

Mythril is discovered in the mines of Zaradkir.

The elves of Gaethain grow restless as more men encroach upon the continent. Most either move east to Har Celebrin or west and south to Faeril and Faer. Those that stay move into the Elder Wood and establish a separate kingdom there, or they head to south Narboria to the realm they name Glen Durnoch. Halflings from the area move west to the Shirefields and establish many settlements there, living side by side with common men

Jaded by their own amorality, the Houses of Goth have become more and more dependent upon the labor of others for nearly all work within the realm. 90% of their massive navy consists of mixed blood or original natives of the island. All manual labor is performed by common men of the region or the huge cache of slaves. The nobles themselves think nothing of killing for entertainment or performing ghastly experiments on slaves for pleasure. They have depleted their own natural resources and the riches of the noble houses begin to dry up. Goth becomes jealous and envious of the Ovathan merchant kings and the wealth of Narboria across the Cerilian Sea.

242    - Goth increases its naval presence in and around the ports of Gaul. House Harkiress eyes Ovatha to the north, and late in the winter of 242 launches a massive naval attack against the merchant realm, intent on raiding the city of Marn and the island county of Vith. Ovatha proves to be a difficult target, and not at all like the loose militia troops of the Heartland. Though Goth successfully raids and burns a good deal of Marn and Vithela, their military landing on the southern coastal region known as Vormain, in an attempt to split the island and capture the major cities of Rusk and eventually Othlo, proves fatal for the short war. Goth's legions are repelled at Rusk on the eve of 243 AF, and fighting continues for months. The Goth army is eventually defeated at the foot of the Black Hills, though not before they have had a chance to loot and burn towns and villages along the way, with heavy civilian losses. On the first day of the new year, a large portion of the Ovathan mercenary navy at Vithela chases several Gothan war galleys into the Sea of Loth-Ruil, and sends them to the depths there. More merchant ships from Othlo, now outfitted to fight, travel up river to Marn in the spring of 243 and meet the occupying Goth navy there. Many ships are lost on both sides, but eventually Goth ships are either sunk into the harbor, or have retreated back to the Finger of Goth. Though it did suffer heavy losses, Goth was not without victory. Marn had been stripped of wealth, as well as several inland towns. Ovatha would not soon forget this invasion, and the merchant kings began to look differently at the importance of the military and navy. This look would prove integral to Ovatha, and nearly fatal to Goth later in the 3rd age.

244    - With its failures in the Ovathan war, the Goth noble houses begin to plot among themselves to usurp House Harkiress. A second noble struggle begins, first with the near eradication of the entire Harkiress family openly in the streets of Kal-Sariya and Inannis, and then among the remaining 12 families. House Ferred Bet-Cairn, a family especially adept at the art of assassination, emerges victorious. The surviving members of House Harkiress are exiled in shame to Harrowhall in the Massenmarch at the southern tip of Goth.
251    - Narbeth's population begins to grow. The town of bridges becomes a major port. Some of the inland Lords become increasingly angry as the coastal lands grow rich in trade, while the inlands must tend with mere agricultural trade and animal husbandry.

262    - With the captured Ovathan wealth nearly depleted, as well as a good many of available slaves and laborers, Zarel Ferred Bet-Cairn, patriarch of Goth, again eyes foreign wealth. His lesson learned from the attack on Ovatha, Zarel trains his eye on Narboria. He is quoted as saying, "The finger of Goth has been pointing west for centuries, but we have been too blind to see it. In this Harkiress was right." Instead of sending raiding war galleys, Ferred Ben-Cairn chooses to form a plot that would win Narboria not with blood, but with something much more subtle, and much more permanent.

296    - Eldin Northhammer organizes the barbarian tribes of Voorhan and begins unrelenting raids via their long ships on Narboria with intent of capturing women for slavery, and looting gold, gems, and steel. Pel Narbor, Ornaal, Logan, and Narbeth are assaulted for the next decade.

297    - A great Half-Oruc Kom warrior named Urbaz and his goblin tribes discover natural caverns in the utter north of Kunaan at the tri-peaks of mount Gillorn. They begin to breed in earnest and the goblin king waits his time until his host reaches full fruition.

299    - Ilgaul, a knighted lord by the Priesthood from the Advarice Mountains in northwest Narboria organizes most of the continent to fight Voorhanian barbarians. With consultation from the Greater Men and Greater half elves of Pel Narbor and Err Farrain, who offer their elven forged mythril weapons; the feudal lords agree to turn over all troops to Ilgaul or face losing all realms if they do not stand together. The Army of Narboria begins to meld into a solid fighting unit.

302    - The Knights of the Arch are established in Pel Narbor, made up of the Elder men from the original born and of Half Gaethenian descent in Err Farrain. They lead the counter attacks against Voorhan in ships (converted from merchant vessels) and at home. Over the next 15 years the barbarians are slowly defeated and brought to heel.

307    - The small merchant kingdoms of Elara, Vossyn, Qoreth, and Tyryn, looking to also expand their wealth and territory in the shadows of Goth and Ovatha, form an alliance and seek to capture the petty feudal lands of the B'Enerath chain. They land on the shores of Dagon early in the spring and take the mainland and adjoining islands nearly without struggle within a few months. The alliance begins to divide the territories and lords are placed as governors over the petty nobles.

311    - Ilgaul and the Knights of the Arch establish fortresses in Narboria and on Voorhan and conduct war from the barbarian homeland. In one fateful raid, Ilgaul loses his wife and son. The war escalates and an end to the Voorhan threat seems near.

313    - B'Enerath is divided into stabilized territories after a short two month struggle between the overlord kingdoms.

The Heartland, meanwhile, has grown in wealth and mannish population. The vast Elven kingdoms of Synlyn Fairre and the Narthruil Forest begin to retreat deeper into the massive forest regions.

317    - Voorhan falls. Ilgaul leaves Narborian troops on the barbarian mainland to maintain order over the tribes. Back home, his popularity is enormous and using the personal sacrifice of his family as leverage, Ilgaul begins the politics of declaring himself king over the now united Narborian continent. Backed by the Knights of the Arch, the petty lords agree to acquiesce power to him and Ilgaul is declared king of Southern Narboria. The northern mountain realm including Gaethain, Dirg, and the Elder Wood is renamed Archenland and Ovid Bar-Cellan, the greatest of the knights, is named king. Southern Narboria is renamed Gaul in salute to the new king. Ilgaul establishes his capitol in Logan.

322    - Ilgaul marries a Goth woman of some renowned beauty named Marchendra, the eldest daughter of Zarel Bet-Cairn. Seen as a foolish move by most, one made of the heart and not the blood of kind, the union nonetheless goes unchallenged. Ilgaul has visions of using Marchendra in uniting Gaul and Goth into one vast empire, a vision that is in no small part at Marchendra's urging which he has not shared with his Lords. The plot of House Bet-Cairn had begun to spin its web.

Across the Reach, the host of Urbaz moves out of Mt Gillorn and attacks the dwarven city of Zaradkir. The dwarves are clearly repelling the host when goblins and men from Chennereth march through Kunaan and join the side of Urbaz. It seems Ahkoreth, though silent, had still been busy. Kunaan tries to defend the dwarven realm and its own soil, but its small, loose army is no match for Chennereth.

323    - Zaradkir falls in the great carnage brought on by Gillorn and all but a few dwarves survive. They escape through secret exits from the mines farther up into Kunaan near the small mining town of Cruum. Zaradkir is sealed with several of the goblin host still inside and the dwarves never return.  Kunaan appeals to Gaul, and Ilgaul agrees to send his army across the bay.

324    - The War of the Reach begins and lasts for three years. Chennereth is driven back to its own borders by the combined armies but only after Ahkoreth unleashes chaos-magic in north Kunaan. It is never determined what magic is used, but the land becomes stained with chaos bleeding from the now ash-covered flats, and all forms of life become tainted. It is rumored that Ahkoreth is slain, but the body is never recovered. Kunaan's northern border, now cut off by the chaos lands, is left to what few miners and merchants remain there. Urbaz is slain, as is most of the horde from Gillorn. Those that survive return to the mountains and remain quiet for centuries.

325    - Kunaan establishes the fortified compounds of Yon Thul and Tir Thul on its new north border to police the tainted creatures that raid it from the new chaos lands. It is termed Dara-Sarn ("Tainted Realm") by the elves. No one ventures in, and those that do never return.

In his absence, Ilgaul's wife Marchendra has introduced dark magic to Gaul, and has surrounded herself with retainers schooled in sorcery. Ilgaul is unaware, and her skills are spoken of only in whispers in the Courts of Logan.

Chennereth is turned over to her priests, who begin to organize the people as a congregation. Very little comes out of Chennereth, and aside from a few port towns, no one enters it.

326    - Ilgaul reigns in relative peace for the next 50 years. Within this time, the cities prosper to even greater wealth. The Knights of the Arch, in conjunction with lore masters from Tol Gollia, begin to explore the western regions across the mountains in the absence of war and immediate need of their swords. A few years later they begin to return with reports of the west and the existence of Darach Fain. Marchendra is very intrigued and begins to send her own courtiers out into the west lands with specific orders to bring back information on Darach Fain. She does not, however, produce an heir to Ilgaul, and after a dozen years or so it is hardly mentioned at all and the King and Queen grow increasingly apart. Even Ilgaul's mistresses fail to produce a bastard son. Ilgaul's hopes of uniting two realms fades into memory.

In response to the Great carnage of 323, many dwarves, some even from fallen Zaradkir, feel compelled to take back their birth realm in the east. They gather in Darzhad-Nal over the next decade and finally make their way back to the lands of Dar. Their retaliation is great, and most of the goblin horde is driven deep into the mines. The dwarf kingdom is restored, and they begin to rebuild their birth home to its original glory. Deep in the mines, the goblins find the dark elves that had left so many years ago, and plans are made to drive the dwarves out once again. The Ageless War begins, and continues to present day.

Nearly depleted of natural resources, Goth and House Bet-Cairn are forced to yet again eye other realms for slaves and food sources. Through well-placed courtiers, Goth begins to stir political turmoil among Jolar and Sullair, who had reached a stalemate of sorts over the Heartland territories. In the winter of 326, at Goth's urging, Jolar again attacks the port towns of Sullair, who in turn retaliates by invading the eastern shore of Jolar. The territorial troops in the Heartland declare open war, mostly in the Blackspear Glens.

With Jolar and Sullair now again at each other's throats, Goth sends its first wave of naval ships to the coast of Bren. By spring of 327 they have taken the land and have subjugated the people. Ships full of Bren livestock and foodstuffs set sail back to Goth. The noble houses of Goth are meanwhile busy trying to keep Sullair and Jolar in military turmoil.

Seeing that Goth has deceived them both, Jolar and Sullair declare war on Goth within Bren, but territorial armies are thin for the two small island countries. Goth sends its first troops into the Heartland and begins to claim territories in The Harland, Mull Glen, and Silver Springs Vale. Goth finds resistance in the highlands of the Hearland and well as stabilized lines in the Blackspear between the three fighting factions. Over the next several years, many of the Heartland are conscripted into the armies of their invaders.

350    - The political climate changes drastically in Ovatha. The richest merchant family of Keir Weildhanz seizes control of the governing council and immediately begins to champion a new era of Ovathan power. He convinces the families that a structure similar to Goth's noble houses should be set up, with Weildhanz (naturally) at its head. The nobles refuse this structure, but are later assassinated in their respective cities. Weildhanz seizes control of the government (with dwarven backing and political promises from Keelor to the south), and declares himself king.

351    -The mages of Oshara go to far. In their constant pursuit of new arcane power and magic, they unleash an elemental storm on their region that is not of this world. The whole country is destroyed and the land is blasted by magic. It is said that what survived in the region mutated into abhorrent creatures. It is also rumored that deep within the old ruins of the Osharans, great magical relics can be found. Too few have ever survived the adventure to retrieve them and those that did have mysteriously disappeared along with what they found. Some say that the Greater Men of Oshara followed in the same tracks as their ancient kin in Kharsis; some say it was the gods who destroyed them for their arrogance. Whatever it was, the lands are barren.

357    -Palmeira states its independence and a Court of Mercantile Nobles take up the governing of the region.

358    -Wanderers appear in the southern regions of Alboria coming thru the barrens and telling of a great destruction to the north in Oshara.

Keir Weildhanz begins to raise a vast army and navy, with secret help from Keelor, in response the Goth military build up and war just across the Dragon's Tail from them. In the guise of mutual trade agreements, Weildhanz convinces the Silent Kingdoms to let him visit B'Enerath, where he secretly weaves tales of an alliance and release from occupation among the original feudal nobles in the tiny territories. Within a year, they declare themselves independent from the Silent Kingdoms and murder the vassal governors. When the Silent Kingdoms send their navies to retaliate against the islands, they find the presence of Ovathan mercenaries and naval vessels in the ports. The ships turn away, and B'Enerath becomes an "ally" of Weildhanz and his "new order" in Ovatha.

365    -The most western territory of the old Osharan Empire (just west of what is now called the Selva Desert) becomes heavily populated by orcs and trolls. The Valcorians to the west begin to watch their borders with this land but make no forays to quell the humanoid hosts. Little is known about this region due to the Osharan Empire prior and now the unfriendly humanoid residents. What is known is that the country is ruled through succession by a Black Troll king.

374    -A priest of Aodahn enters the old fertile region of Ashera and begins to administer and proselytize to the simple farmers and shepherds that live there. It is the beginning of a long growth of the greatest (and some say the cruelest) of the all the churches of Aerth.

376    - Ilgaul dies in his sleep at his country estate in northern Glen Durnoch. Without a direct heir, it is his wish that Gaul be annexed to Archenland under Ovid Bar-Cellan's rule. Emissaries from Sunammon Ruz, at Marchendra's request, push for a Gothan heir through her extended Bet-Cairn family. Marchendra's family sees this as a first step in rebuilding Goth to reflect the mother empire of Kharsis. The sons of Ilgaul's brother, Ilfarren – Ilsarren, Ardain, Soss, and Gellvineth - claim their own rights as blood nephews to the dead king. By the winter solstice the First Gaul Civil War erupts. At first, it is Archenland's desire to stay away from the war, taking neither side of the family, yet not withdrawing Odin's name as possible king should neither side become victorious. In all aspects of the political scene at the time, an agent from Goth could be found, whether known or not known, even in Odin's court. This is also known as the Great Deceit, with Marchendra involving her family in every move. The First Gaulic Civil War lasts three years, with the land divided, and the entire continent on the verge of falling into chaos with no clear victor in sight. Archenland stays clear of the south, but does post its army and celebrated Knights on the borders.

Near the middle of the third year, Ilsarren, Ardain, Soss, and Gellvineth begin to make small steps in victory. It is becoming clearer that no mere loyalty to the Ilgaul widow is pushing the opposing forces. Once Goth is exposed as using its own forces to back Marchendra's army, political support from Archenland grows for the brothers, as well as support from Kunaan across the bay.

379 to 389    - By the time winter snows have begun to fall, Goth has moved several of its fabled war galleys into the bay of Pel Narbor and the Cape of Gaul. It can no longer hide its desire to stake its claim to the continent, and Archenland can no longer stand by as neutral. In the spring of 379 AF, Goth attacks Archenland outright, seeing it as the most potent obstacle to the island. The War of Five Kings begins (also known as The War of Gothan Aggression, The War of the Arch, or the Three Families War – depending on which side one stood at the time) and lasts for 10 years with devastating results.
Meanwhile, early in 380, Keir Weildhanz, with his B'Enerath trade loyalties, begins the process of convincing the Silent Kingdoms that a Goth attack is eminent towards them, and if not Goth, then Sullair or Jolar would surely eye them after their war is settled. He argues that it is better to give up a little sovereignty for protection than to give up one's country through a war which they would surely lose. He also convinces them that as an ally they would stand a great chance of prospering, and even surviving a war intact should it escalate to include Ovatha and themselves. Weildhanz' most convincing argument lies in the presence of the Ovathan military power, a build-up of which the Silent Kingdoms could never match, the size of which they would need should Goth, Jolar, or Sullair attempt to escalate their war. They agree to join Ovatha under Weildhanz, who offers each of the kings a seat in the "new order", and by attrition, the Silent Kingdoms becomes part of the growing Ovathan Empire.

By the end of the fifth year, 384 AF, Pel Narbor is sacked and ruined, unable to stand off the Gothan war galleys and constant onslaught of legions landing in the Cape and marching north. Lost also in the ruins of the once great city is the library founded by the loremasters of Tol Gollia, but it is rumored later that some of the tomes were saved. Ilsarren joins the Knights of the Arch as the only man not of Elven or Greater blood, giving up his claim to his uncle's lands. Five years later, 389 AF, most of the Knights of the Arch are dead, or are believed to have escaped into exile (some later bards sing the knights fled to the west or to Tol Gollia – either way, they are never seen in Gaul again or at least to anyone's knowledge). Some believe the sons of Odin will return one day to claim their land or to claim Gaul itself. With Archenland fallen to disarray, Goth and those loyal to Marchendra focus on the remaining sons of Ilfarren. Tens of thousands die in the bloody conflict. The great cities of Gaul see war in the streets and economic depression. People starve, and anarchy on both sides seems imminent.

The bloodiest part of the war occurs at the second battle of Shirefield, where it is claimed 12,000 die in one day. The halfling farmers later would claim bumper crops for years afterward from the blood and bones of men that mixed with muddy earth. Another renowned battle site, the Battle of the Barrows, occurs in the hills west of Prax where the old tribal kings were buried throughout the earliest days. The death is so intense that it is renamed "Reaper's Glen" by the locals and remains so to this day.

Goth claims Huuvain as its own through its Kharsis roots and Ahkoreth's legacy. As the war escalates, Marchendra uses it as a safe haven from battle, and Goth establishes it as a prison and slave camp for those captured and for malcontents from its own political machinations and the war with Sullair and Jolar. Of particular note are six ranking officers of the Gothan navy, exiled to run the island as punishment for misgivings. The habitable region of Huuvain is renamed Underhom and citadels are built to house prisoners of war and intrigue as well as a port city to use as a launching pad for the Gothan navy.
In 384 Keir Weildhanz and his New Imperial Ovathan Order land on Bren with more than a dozen war ships and several thousand troops. They wrest Bren away from Goth, who is in no shape to send reinforcements or sustain a war of occupation with a fresh foe. Weildhanz stops all shipments of livestock and food to Goth via a naval blockade.

By 387, on the continent of Goth, things are not going well. Her resources are being depleted fighting two wars simultaneously, and its citizens are become restless, threatening to usurp in the streets. The army and navy have suffered debilitating losses, and the economy is on the brink of collapse as Ovatha has choked off Goth's main source of food – Bren, and sets up a general naval blockade to all Goth shipping in the region. Supplies, especially meat are becoming rare in Goth, though it is in no shape to really do anything about it. House Bet-Cairn is on the verge of being ousted by the other nobles. He convinces them that he can stabilize the conflict and Goth will eventually be stronger than ever before. His advisors are pressed to find solutions to the war that will make Goth the outright victor with its opponents crushed. Bet-Cairn assures them that they will die as well if the solution is not found soon. He convinces the other Houses to give him more time to resolve the conflicts. 

By 389 AF, although it has crushed the northern half of Gaul, Goth must withdraw half its galleys from Gaul waters and one third of its legions to defend the war at home. The Jolar / Sullair conflict escalates to its height. The nephews of Ilgaul, too, have their problems, as Kunaan begins to show lack of allied support as the conflict drags on.

390    - The exiles of Underhom usurp their Gothan captors and take the island, the eight war galleys there and their officers, as well as several other high-ranking officials from their former home. They then take the Gothan navy stationed at Vail giving them 6 more ships. The Exiles name themselves the Sea Lords of Underhom and send messages to both Goth and Gaul. Underhom threatens to organize or sink all ships passing from the Rogue Coast east unless detente is met. (Whether this is realistic or just a wild boast is cause for much speculation). At first ignored, Underhom begins to sink ships on both sides in the bay of Logan, the cape of Gaul and all along the Reach. Three months later, ambassadors from Goth, Marchendra, and the 3 nephews of Ilgaul meet on the island to resolve their war, for threat of bringing another faction into the already devastating conflict.

While in Underhom, Marchendra is assassinated in her sleep. No one ever claims the crime, but the next day negotiations are reached at the tables of the new Sea Lords. Goth agrees to leave the shores of Vail and Underhom, which would receive its independence. Goth will also withdraw all troops and galleys from the coast of Gaul. It is said that although the ambassadors put up a good front to the outrage of backing out of a war it had just fought for 10 years, Goth couldn't have been more relieved, as this was a "noble" way of saving face from a devastating war it was losing abroad as well as one it was losing at home. The three brothers would divide Gaul into 3 kingdoms with Soss taking the territories of Archenland, Gaethain, Dirg, and Rivinia; Ardain would rule Dor-Len-Erin, Parn, Prealith, Farlennen, Prost, and Glen Durnoch; Gellvineth would take the remaining territories of Dun, the Ten Shaws, and the Shirelands. Gellvineth is insulted that he is left without a major port, and pushes very hard, almost to the brink of canceling negotiations until he got the Prost territory, but the Sea Lords are unbending, and it is said that a fresh reminder of Marchendra's fate was mentioned, as well as the fact that no one else would leave the island if conflict was not settled as presented. Goth would not go away empty handed with its claims. In concession, the 3 brothers would be kings, but Goth lords would rule the territories of Rivinia, Dun, and Archenland under the kings. Tol Gollia notes later in many historical tomes what a heavy cost Goth paid for such small territory. Underhom declares that if an heir to Archenland ever returns, then he may claim his lands as well, and negotiations would begin all over again. Underhom is clearly the real victor in the 5 Kings War, and it is said in Goth that "only a Goth could have reached such a brilliant coup". 
The new kings return home and name their kingdoms Arden, Sossen, and Rhomere ("The Restless Lands"). Later in the year, with Underhom guarantees, trade begins to pick back up in the Gaul cities.

391    - With the war in the west unwinding, Goth approaches Sullair, in a veiled "peace-pact" to ally the two countries against Jolar. Ships arrive in the port of Thaxen, supposedly full of supplies for the depleted armies of Sullair. Several hundred supply containers are unloaded from the Gothan galleys. When the vast supply jars and crates are set upon the docks, with nobles and generals alike there to witness their openings as a show of good-will, the demons contained within set upon the populace and begin The Long Night of Horror. The hundreds of demons rend and ravage the small island, and feast themselves on the flesh of Sullair. Very few escape the carnage, and those that do are captured in their boats and taken to Goth as slaves. The genocide of Sullair is complete, and to this day the island is rumored to remain infested with the demons of Goth.     

392    - Jolar, now the sole participant in the Goth war in the east, finds itself desperate. An invasion of the Goth mainland is ordered and Joar sends all the ships it can muster. The land at Ahsil-Likan, a worship center for Gothan priests and the city is sacked easily, the population killed, and the temples reduced to rubble. Goth retaliates by sending its now replenished navy to Jolar. In a two month long siege, the city of Pangorn is partially sacked, though Goth must eventually withdraw when Ovatha sends a blocking navy in support of Jolar.

393    - The war between Goth and Jolar is now mostly relegated to the Heartland territories. The Heartland sends emissaries to Keelor for support, and get it in the presence of supplies and troops to drive out the invading armies. The Elves of Synlyn Fairre and Narthruil Forest also offer their rare support to stabilize the realm. Later in the year, both Jolar and Goth are driven from the Heartland.

394    - Ovatha approaches Jolar and offers to become an "ally" in the war if Jolar will join the "new imperial order" under Weildhanz. Ovatha convinces them that it is only a matter of time before Ovatha must join the war to protect her interests, and in consequence cannot be responsible if Jolar falls in the process. The Jolarans are hard to convince, as they are a stubborn race and do not admit defeat easily, but eventually join Ovatha as an ally as a way to withdraw from the war with honor.

Later in the year, Ovatha approaches Goth with an emissary from all her new "allies" and meets members of all the Goth Houses on a small island in the Adurith chain. Ovatha offers Goth a seat in the New Order or face war from all the allied countries in the east. At first, Zarel Bet-Cairn refuses, and in the fall Goth gathers herself and attacks Ovatha. A massive force leaves Kal-Sariya, but the ships are routed by sheer numbers in the Dragon's Throat before they can get within site of Ovatha, and are chased back to Goth. Seeing his situation hopeless, Zarel Bet-Cairn agrees to Ovathan terms, in exchange for a member of ALL Houses sitting a the table of the New Order, and receiving a more prominent role in the government. In return, Goth would teach Ovatha their superior naval secrets and fighting style of the Goth legions. Ovatha agrees, and the war comes to an end.

On the first day of 405, Zarel Bet-Cairn puts a cobra to his neck and dies from the poisonous bite in shame. His son, Croeples Bet-Cairn takes his seat in the Ovathan government, though he is given the lowest of the Houses in Goth.

395    - The counties of the Heartland unite with recent lessons in mind and the new threat of the Ovathan alliances looming over them. The counties are divided into regions governed by towns and cities, with representatives from all elected by the people to sit on a parliamentary body of rulers. They call themselves The Heartland Confederacy, are determined to have independence from all other realms and governments, or all will die defending their new country. In a macro image of the main body, the cities and towns are ruled in the same manner. Each would be responsible for its own militia, but in times of crisis, each militia would give part in the Confederate Army to defend the entire realm. The country is vast, rich, and populous, and the people are thrilled to have rid themselves of the invading hordes. It is agreed that Elf and Man shall live together, but the vast forested regions would remain mostly under Elven control, with Mannish settlements within the forests there only as a show of good faith between the two races, and that no town shall exceed the borders allowed by the Elven kings. Keelor plays an important role as ally and governmental advisor.

400    - The first Gaul kings begin to die off and pass their rule to their children who rule for two generations in relative peace as the lands prosper under their care.

420    - Keir Weildhanz dies from old age in his palace near Rusk. His eldest son Garr takes his place as merchant king of Ovatha. The legacy of what Weildhanz has done to unite the countries of the east under one rule is heralded throughout the land upon his death. Statues and plaques are erected in all the major Ovathan cities to honor his life.

498    -The Levanti tribes that reside on the west side of the West Barrier Mountains, just north of the Harasi Desert, unify their lands into districts and a representative from each district is chosen to meet in a senate in the city of Kar-Tenzii. This newly formed republic is named after the Vilaagul peninsula on which it sits; it is called Vil Galith. The Senate of Vil Galith rules with an even hand and the country prospers from its onset. The land is very fertile and there is much wealth for all.

515    - Uthal, the 4th king of Arden, establishes the fortress cities of Mar Inear and Mar Dunhir. He also begins the policy of placing courtier spies in the courts of Sossen and Rhomere.

546    - Underhom becomes THE major political force from The Rogue Coast all the way across the Cerilian sea. It is said that nothing moves unless the Sea Lords know about it, and it becomes renown as a place of safe negotiation. On Vail, the city-state of Southport declares itself an "empire-free-zone", and Freehaven claims the same months later, but everyone knows Southport has major Underhom backing, and Freehaven is a sanctuary for known rogues, pirates, and altogether undesirables of many kinds. Major speculation is made as to what deals each city worked out with their neighbor to the south. It also becomes known that if negotiations go badly, there is always a place for the hard bargain in the Wastes of Huuvain.

A tribe of dwarves discovers a pass through the great mountains in western Kunaan. A small trading post is set up, and bands of merchants begin to experiment with transshipping through the dangerous gap.

580    -The plateau that comes off the West Barrier Mountains and reaches the Andorian Ocean becomes the home to Alborian herders and farmers. These simple folk live in peace with themselves and their neighbors. They use the natural protection of the plateau to keep their lands and people safe. The only indiscretion these people make are the exorbitant fees they charge to pass through the valley that runs the length of the plateau north and south.

596    - The country of Vil Galith begins to eye the territories to its north. The expansion north along the western side of the West Barrier Mountains will go unhindered as the Galins claim these territories and set up new senatorial districts. The expansion is looked on as a good thing due to the education and law that the Galins bring.

599    - Goth is firmly entrenched within Ovathan politics, and the 13 Houses discover that sometimes intrigue and innuendo can be just as powerful a weapon as a sword. The nobles of Goth hatch back door plots of politics and the black arts to get their way within the alliances of Ovatha. Rarely do the Goth nobles come up short in the courts of the Merchant King.

The Heartland Confederacy comes into its own as a power in the east with through trade with Vil Galith and the oriental empires of Payjiim and Naipai. The city of Minstrel's Rest, is established in the Stormsea Glade and soon grows as a fine port and artisan attraction. Sarillon gains powerful friends in the west as well, and Keelor is soon to follow.
The Witch Queen of Eigen Far begins quiet raids into the seaside countries of the Raugassa plateau. Many Torrigrin and Anglentin citizens disappear in the night and are never seen again.

608    - A group of extra-planar travelers pass into the realm of Aerth. They come riding dragons. They settle in the hills of the Frenii river valley and make a fortress under the hills. The place allows their dragons to sleep and for them to protect themselves. Though they meet with many of the folk of Aerth, their xenophobic disposition keeps them to themselves. Like the elves of Aerth, which they resemble, they live long lives. But, they will fade with time and only leave their ruins as their legacy.

615    - The folk of Trelleu try to stop the advancing Galin legionnaires. The massive plateau is a natural wall that stops the Galins from pushing their expansion further north. An uneasy peace settles between the people of the plateau and their southern neighbor. Karrus, an enigmatic general of Vil Galith uses his power and prestige to advance himself to the position of Emperor of Vil Galith. With the armies behind him, the senators can do nothing to stop him from taking control. He sets up his capital in the harbor city of Kar-Tenzii where it will remain throughout all the years of the empire. Karrus still maintains the senatorial democracy although most decisions are weighted in his favor.

625    - The trading post on the Padura River and its sister post on the opposite side of the pass of the East Barrier Mountains, in Kunaan, have become the most traveled cities in eastern Alboria and are known as Winterpass and Westgate.

659    - Galas, son of Karrus, secedes his father as Emperor of Vil Galith. The young new emperor has grand desires to expand his empires borders further and begins a massive campaign over the Plateau of Trelleu and the West Barrier Mountain range. He will spend a vast fortune bringing his country to the point of poverty to see his dreams come true. Unfortunately, he will not see the results of his ambitions.

671    - Founding of the east capital of Vil Galith called Kar-Tanith on the Vil Gil inlet. The emperor rules the country from both royal seats.

673    - Galas is slain during an ambush while traveling over the West Barriers during the summer months. His daughter is the heir apparent and the senatorial districts see a potential for lessening the emperor's power. Cythien will prove them all wrong through her strong rule over the empire. She does not marry but has an illegitimate son through a relation with a district senator. She begins early preparations to assure her sons ascendancy to the throne by buying off or eliminating any adversaries.

729    - Karrus II takes the imperial throne of Vil Galith. Under his mothers rule, the territories possessed by the empire stretch from the tip of the Vilaagul Peninsula to the lands of the Quintaal Compact and north and east to the arid wastes of Central Alboria. The City of Winterpass spends a short term under control of the throne in Kar-Tanith. The empire has a lasting effect on the human tribes of Central Alboria by establishing trade routes and causing a large mixing of the races. The Canatû are the only people that remain to themselves – the Vil Galins see them as just like the wild animals they hunt. The Silvan elves of Faeril ally with the Vil Galins but do not answer to them.

743    - Cythien dies of old age in Kar-Tenzii. With her death, the stigma of Karrus' illegitimate birth and right to ascendancy again comes to question and he begins to lose all grasp of control. The senatorial districts rise against him and even a few of his top generals do not recognize his right to the throne and they do not defend him.

Karrus II is removed of all power within both Kar-Tenzii and Kar-Tanith and all of the original districts of Vil Galith. He is given power over all imperial lands that have been conquered in the Vil Galin rise but there is little he can rule from his throne, so far away. Being subjects of Kar-Tenzii and Kar-Tanith, even the Vil Galin army is no longer at his disposal and he begins to have trouble stifling dissent in his far off realms. He does maintain control of non-Vil Galin militias but there are few leaders amongst them to assist in his control.

In essence, Karrus II becomes a powerless figurehead, a contrast to his namesake, and resides in Kar-Tenzii until his death. Karrus II has 9 children and two will hold the throne over the next 76 years, but like their father the increasingly powerful senate will restrain them.

819    -Kian, the second born son of Karrus II abdicates the Vil Galin Imperial throne to his son Maeduin. The change brings an excitement to the courts of Kar-Tenzii with the popular new emperor taking over. There is even speak of the grand days of old and how Maeduin will lead them to new glories, expanding the empire even further. The talk is in vain as Maeduin and his prodigy prove themselves to be disastrous leaders. The noble lifestyle has weaned all adventure from the royal line and the emperors do nothing more than sit back and grow fat off the Vil Galin "cow".

824    - The dwarven city of Khad-Zal falls to the humanoid tribes of the West Barriers. The loss of this once prosperous city closes the passage through the West Barriers and the dwarves scatter both north and south. The presence of the humanoid tribes in the area of Darach Fain and Faeril becomes felt more regularly. Without the interdiction by the stalwart dwarves, the raids into these regions become a monthly and seasonal plague. The closure also restrain s the Vil Galin legionnaires from northern access to either side of the mountain range. For the first time in 165 years, the outer lying provinces of the Vil Galin Empire begin to speak of revolt, but this is only in hushed tones and behind doors

1046    - The Merchant King of Ovatha begins to form trade alliances with Keelor, The Heartland Confederacy, and Gaul, and secretly begins to eye Voorhan as a source of material wealth. Effectively begins cutting Goth out. By this time the pure Goths have become more and more rare, but they still are entrenched as Gaul governors. At the urging of his Goth advisor, Ullmann Radl, the Merchant King, begins a new political party, the Order of the Falcon, and slowly wrests control from the Ovathan council seats. He places those of his own party in the government, essentially ostracizing the merchant families who have not joined the order. Many see his political machinations as especially Goth-like in their execution. He declares himself Emperor of Ovatha and moves the new Imperial Seat to Othlo, his family city. Ullmann lends political and military support to Naipai in its eternal struggle with Payjiim, and a new alliance is formed with the Imperial Crown.

In Gaul, a force known only as the Storm Lord rises in the lands east of the Golith mountains and establishes rule from an iron fortress within the forest and backed by a small army of Elemental Warriors. No one knows from where he came. The Elemental Knights begin raids across the mountains into Prealith and Mar Inear. Elgin II of Arden begins to mobilize troops from the fortress city of Mar Dunhir and Logan to answer this strange Lord and his warriors.

1047    - The siege of Mar Inear begins and lasts intermittently for more than three years. In early 1050 the city falls to the Storm Lord and his occupying army.

1052    - Elgin II calls upon all the armies of Arden and several mercenary units from Falon and begins the re-taking of Mar Inear. The battle for the city rages for several months, but eventually, by shear numbers alone, he is able to drive the Storm Lord back over the Golith mountains and into the Eastern Forest plains. The armies of Arden follow the Elemental Knights through the Shivering Pass and continue the battle upon the eastern plateau, finally culminating in the Battle of the Iron Fortress, where the Storm Lord calls upon his elemental powers and destroys nearly all the Arden armies and his own in the process. The forest itself burns for several weeks and the high plains are rendered useless from this time onward. Even into the modern 4th age, the skeletons of the trees, now petrified, can be seen from decks of ships sailing in the Cerilian Sea and the Cape of Gaul. Though the iron fortress remains, the once bountiful land around it soon becomes known as the Dead Forest. It has not been knowingly occupied since.

In late 1053 Elgin II begins to rebuild his now depleted armies through hired mercenaries and royal incentives (including doubling the standard wages for trained warriors). He also begins construction of Caer Golith deep in the Shivering Pass to insure nothing like the invasion of the Storm Lord happens again. It is years before Mar Inear recovers fully from the siege and vestige caused by the Elemental armies. The body of the Storm Lord is never found.

1111    - The Empire of Vil Galith begins to recede. The imperial throne has become nothing more than a seat for the noble inept and each of the districts do naught but mind their own affairs.

The far northern districts are left to the "rule" of their governors and the border of the empire begins to rush back in on itself. The territories that have strong enough leadership organize themselves and begin to break off into independent countries.

1134    - The Corinth States declare their independence from the Vil Galin Empire. These three countries are all ruled from a common capital – Josten. Along with the Silvan Elves of Faeril, they maintain a constant vigil of the strange fortress known as Darach Fain. Fomir, a Silvan warrior is given order to build a keep on the outskirts of Darach Fain to keep an eye on the lands.

At the same time, petty landholders on the Coral Coast break from Vil Galith and each becomes a city-state. The area will become well known for its piratical and thieving ways.

1138    - The Quintaal Compact comes into agreement as these five city-states make a pact of mutual protection. The area of Falon claims its independence as well; this country will have kept the most distasteful of Vil Galin practices and it is rumored that blood flows like rivers in the arenas.

1140    - The Canatû establish the country of Oyt.
Raugassa and Wolskaya have become the Lands of the Haunted. Rumors of strange beasts in the mountains persist, an air of the supernatural hangs over the countries like a shroud, and many claim the spirit of Vlesh Valok still walks the land. Most native Wolskayans have left their lands as gypsies and set out to all corners of the globe, never to return.

1153    - The country of Reseme and the Plateau of Trelleu break from the decrepit empire of Vil Galith. The natural barrier of the plateau stops all Vil Galin movements in their attempt to re-secure the provinces and it becomes a fight of attrition. The Trelleu in their natural fastness need only wait as the undersupplied forces of Vil Galith begin to disperse. The weakening of Vil Galin forces on the west side of the Barriers is so evident that the Galith borders recede leaving the area south of the plateau a frontier of dangerous woods and roads.

1177    -Anastas, the current empress of Vil Galith begins the cessation of the imperial throne. She sees what the imperial throne and the empire have become and before the senate, she resigns herself and her lineage from any more service of the state. She tells them it is her wish to retire by the sea and leave all the troubles of governing to those that wish it. The senate is dumbfounded as she walks from the floor and leaves the imperial palace that day. She settles in her seaside villa where she lives out the remainder of her years.

Far to the east in Kar-Tanith, Antathios, the son of Anastas, is shocked to hear his mother's edict. He immediately summons his advisors, barristers and loyal henchmen to him and searches for a way to undo what his mother has done. Antathios is quite fond of his royal lineage and does not want to see his chances to rule his country lost. He has gained great popularity on the eastern side of Vil Galith from his rule in Kar-Tanith. The senate has had little effect in this region as it has always been under imperial rule. Still, his barristers can find no renunciation of his mother's edict and Antathios leaves for Kar-Tenszii to appear before the senate to try to reclaim his title.

1178    -Antathios arrives in Kar-Tenzii that next spring, after the winter melts but finds the senate deaf to his pleas. Infuriated, Antathios storms from the senate floor and rides to his mother's estate. Even she is quiet as he rages at her and he leaves her, as he left the senate, with little satisfaction. With the thought of his throne in far off Kar-Tanith and loyal subjects to rule, Antathios prepares his company for the return trip across the East Barrier Mountains.

Antathios is waylaid by the slightest of opponents; from a mosquito bite, Antathios is succumbed by malaria and spends the rest of the summer in feverish fits. There are many that believe he will die as they listen to him wail in his fever pitched nightmares. Though he will eventually overcome the disease, it will leave him blinded – and no divine magic of the Healers of Eilish can correct.

1180    - The last of the extra-planar travelers that inhabit the Frenii river valley perishes. The race leaves only the ruins of their homes as evidence of ever being here.

1181    -After a long recovery period, adapting to his handicap, Antathios plans his return to Kar Tanith. Though his body has been weakened by disease and blindness, his will is strong and it is this indomitable will that shall regain him his throne upon his return.

1184    - After 588 years, what is left of the Vil Galin Empire breaks apart even more as the people on the east side of the mountains break from those to the west.

In Kar-Tenzii, the senatorial government believes that the country is united, while in Kar-Tanith, Antathios is coronated king and they break free of the rule of Kar-Tenzii. The blind king takes up rule of all the Vil Galin lands from the Harasi Desert to the south to the Corinth States in the north and the land from the sea to the mountains, east to west.

The differences between the Vil Galins on each side of the mountains are very obvious and the people become distant from their brethren. The newly formed countries are now renamed Old Vil Galith and New Vil Galith.

1253    - A half-orc family by the name of Orcraith gains popularity amongst the humanoid tribes in the West Barrier Mountains. They rally behind Rath and Grimloth Orcraith.

1272    - Though no aggression has been overtly seen over the last reigns of the Imperial Crown of Ovatha, the Gaul kings of Rhomere have become increasingly nervous over having Goth governors within its borders. The policies before have been to honor the Underhom pact of past centuries, and in secret the Rhomerean kings had hoped that the Ovatha/Goth alliance would burn itself out – instead it has gotten increasingly stronger as the Imperial Empire has grown. Plans and machinations rise and fall to oust the Goth governors and barons, to no avail. All appeals to Under fall on deaf ears. Factions begin to fester within the ruling elite factions of Rhomere and her king, as well as with the immigrant governors. The smell of civil war hangs in the air over Gaul during the subsequent reigns.
Neron, the Lord Chancellor of Parsil, a former General of the Army, uses his military contacts and political alliances to wrest control of Keelor from the people and ruling classes. With Ovathan backing he declares himself Emperor and absolute monarch. Many feel an alliance with Ovatha is soon to follow. He renames his lands Grand Keelor.

1277    - Neron invades Annoth Minor and takes the country within the year. He begins to send warships into the waters around Sarillon and the Heartland Confederacy. A year later he invades the less civilized lands of the Horse Lords and captures them easily.

1282    - Arden citizens, in the coming years, not wanting to see another war, begin to migrate to Kunaan and set up residency in Westgate with its gates open to Winterpass and the west. Traffic through the pass, with Arden military backing sought by Kunaan, steadily increases.

1283    -A mercenary out of Falon, by the name of Galvorn Darkweather, comes across a flat piece of metal of obscure make. The metal is odd shaped and its color is dark as night. Galvorn is intrigued by this piece and he travels to Teague to his sister – she is a witch and he believes with her aid, he can scrye the mystery behind the piece of metal.

Zaranthra, the sister of Galvorn, has long been a servant of Nusku and through his dark servants she is able to discover that this is a key to the black keep to the west. The keep the elves named Darach Fain.   

1285    - Not knowing what is amiss, the chroniclers in Tol Gollia declare it is the beginning of a new age.

Galvorn Darkweather opens Darach Fain.
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: OOC THREAD
Last post by Telcontar - Sep 14, 2024, 07:12 AM
No worries Paul.
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: OOC THREAD
Last post by Eclecticon - Sep 14, 2024, 05:04 AM
A new post is coming!  This I swear on the occasionally-marked graves of my ancestors!  I know what I want to write, I just need some uninterrupted time to do it.
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: Unwelcome Aid (redux)
Last post by Telcontar - Sep 09, 2024, 11:40 PM
 :ooc: I cant afford the hope, but this is important. I will use my Noble Armor of I have to and spend my one free encounter die.

Rolled 1d6 : 4, total 4
:ooc: Sorry for the brief absence, everyone - life stuff came up.  Tom, I like the idea of an Awe roll to see just how cowed he is:
:00: 1d12 : 4, total 4
Rolled 3d6 : 5, 6, 1, total 12
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: Unwelcome Aid (redux)
Last post by Telcontar - Sep 07, 2024, 04:38 AM
"So, wife-brother. Those are your choices. Swear obedience and come under watch, or maintain your stubbornness and come bound. However you decide you should reflect on this. Your father has abandoned you, your people despise you, and your reputation is in ruins. Here, now, is an opportunity for you if you have the presence of mind to recognize and accept it."

 :ooc:  paul, with my noble armor and helm should I make an awe or Valour roll to see what effect he is having or leave it a mystery and let the narrative take this one as the story goes?
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: Unwelcome Aid (redux)
Last post by Telcontar - Sep 05, 2024, 05:28 PM
 :ooc: the guy with the bow at the door was one of the farmers family members. We kinda "fixed" that problem.

"Then we drink from the same cup."
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: Unwelcome Aid (redux)
Last post by tomcat - Sep 05, 2024, 02:50 PM
"I will see to it, Hathcyn, though the bitterness of this offense is still harsh to the taste."

The Dúnadan makes her way to the wounded and looks to the wound, evaluating what is needed to staunch the flow of blood and curtail the danger of infection.

:ooc: I am not sure which NPC's need help, nor am I aware of any condition that Esgalwen suffers - or if she has the needed supplies (as her gear is where?) - but I will roll for a triage check at least.

TN 14 healing 3d
:t12: 1d12 : 10, total 10
Rolled 3d6 : 1, 4, 2, total 7
Darkening of Mirkwood [LotR TOR] / Re: Unwelcome Aid (redux)
Last post by Telcontar - Sep 05, 2024, 11:39 AM
"Ætheldreám, you are the most skilled of us in rendering succor to the injured. Perhaps they will also learn better manners if such aid came from you whom they had detained and harmed. I'll see to my extended family and then to the sword-man who yet owes a debt to the lady of the river and to Mogdred. One he will pay still even in death."