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Round 3 -

Started by tomcat, Jan 30, 2005, 01:44 AM

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Situation: The Company has been split with Nain and Dirnhael down in the deeps. At this time the remaining members are threatened by 4 spiders... 1 on each of the following: Daelhun, Durgil, Fengel, Edrahil

*Durgil, Fengel, and Edrahil are all grabbed by a Spider, this causes them a -5 penalty to ALL tests.

Physical Modifiers: Although the lantern gives off some light, I am going to penalize any in the tunnels with a Dim Lighting penalty of +2 to TN's

Spiders are a Defence TN 11 - the dim light (and small size) will make them TN 13; Size will reduce the Greater spider back to 11

Character Status: Daelhun is Winded -1, Durgil is Winded -1, Edrahil is Injured -3 and Winded -1. Be sure and check the status page for your available COURAGE - in case you need any.

Spider 2 has 1 HIT, -3 penalty

Greater Spiders: Roll(2d6)+3: 6,3,+3 Total:12
Lesser Spiders: Roll(2d6)+3: 6,4,+3 Total:13
Daelhun: 12
Lunduf: 11
Durgil: 11
Edrahil: Roll(2d6)+2: 4,4,+2 Total:10
Fengel: Roll(2d6)+3: 3,2,+3 Total:8
Nian: 7
Dirnhael: 6
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Init +2
Roll(2d6)+2: 6,3,+2 Total:11


Initiative: Roll(2d6)+2: 4,6,+2 Total:12

OOC: So close, yet so far away....


Initiative - (5+5)+2-1=11
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Initiative - 4, 3 +2=7


:arrow: Initiative +2
Roll(2d6)+2:3,1,+2 Total:6
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


:arrow: OOC:
At this time, Fengel, Durgila nd Edrahil have all been grabbed hold of by one of the lesser giant spiders. As a Full Round Action, they may begin to weave webbing around their prey by making a Craft: Trap (Web) TN 10. If successful, the individual characters must make a TN 20 strength test to break free; while webbed up, they will be immobilized. During this round, the characters need only make a TN 12 strength test to stop the spiders progress (or kill it).

Spider 4 weaves Durgil TN 10
Craft: Trap (Web) +4, Nim +1, Spec +2
Roll(2d6)+7: 6,6,4,+7 Total:23 SUCCESS

Spider 6 weaves Fengel TN 10
Craft: Trap (Web) +4, Nim +1, Spec +2
Roll(2d6)+7: 6,2,+7 Total:15 SUCCESS

Spider 9 weaves Edrahil TN 10
Craft: Trap (Web) +4, Nim +1, Spec +2
Roll(2d6)+7: 5,6,+7 Total:18 SUCCESS

Spider 2 Bites Daelhun TN 10 (Size reduces Defence)
AC +4, Nim +1, Spec +2, Wounded -3
Roll(2d6)+4: 3,1,+4 Total:8 FAILED
Roll(2d6)+4: 3,3,+4 Total:10 SUCCESS


Dirnhael and Nain turned from the dying giant spider and headed back the way they came. They could see the sunlight shining down into the pit and it rasied their spirits as they ran. But suddenly, a great shape came into the passageway from their right and immediately set upon the duo.

Greater Giant Spider attacks Dirnhael TN 13 (Size modifies defence)
UC +6, Nim +2, Spec +2
ACTION 1 Grabs Dirnhael
Roll(2d6)+10: 3,4,+10 Total:17 SUCCESS
ACTION 2 Bites Dirnhael
Roll(2d6)+10: 6,6,5,+10 Total:27 SUCCESS
Damage: auto full damage if not parried - 9 points

As the spider attacked the Dunadan, from behind them down the passage, something had emerged. Her pale eyes shining with a lifeless light, her fangs dripping death. She saw the objects of her hatred and began to weave her own webs - webs most foul!

At the top of the pit, the Company fought with the lesser spiders, though they were none less deadly. Daelhun could hear from below the sounds of his companions set upon and wondered what terrors they faced.


Fengel attempts to break the web bonds that are being woven TN 12
Strength +1
Roll(2d6)+1: 6,1,+1 Total:8 FAILED

Fengel felt his arms drawn to body as the spider that held onto him began to move around him, its web clinging to him as it moved. The strength of both the spider and its silk was amazing and Fengel feared that soon he would not be able to bring Cerduil to his aid and without that, the Eothraim could perish!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Quote from: tomcat
Dirnhael and Nain turned from the dying giant spider and headed back the way they came. They could see the sunlight shining down into the pit and it rasied their spirits as they ran. But suddenly, a great shape came into the passageway from their right and immediately set upon the duo.

Greater Giant Spider attacks Dirnhael TN 13 (Size modifies defence)
UC +6, Nim +2, Spec +2
ACTION 1 Grabs Dirnhael
Roll(2d6)+10: 3,4,+10 Total:17 SUCCESS
ACTION 2 Bites Dirnhael
Roll(2d6)+10: 6,6,5,+10 Total:27 SUCCESS
Damage: auto full damage if not parried - 9 points

As the spider attacked the Dunadan, from behind them down the passage, something had emerged. Her pale eyes shining with a lifeless light, her fangs dripping death. She saw the objects of her hatred and began to weave her own webs - webs most foul!

OOC: Not good... definitely time for us to go!

ACTION 1: Parry Spider's legs to keep from being grabbed (TN 17)
:arrow: AC (Longsword) plus misc. bonuses +16, +1 Anduring Parry Bonus, +3 Shield Parry Bonus, -2 Darkness
Total Mods: +18
Roll(2d6)+18:2,1,+18 Total:21 - SUCCESS

ACTION 2: Parry Spider's bite (TN 27)
:arrow: AC (Longsword) plus misc. bonuses +16, +1 Anduring Parry Bonus, +3 Shield Parry Bonus, -2 Darkness
Total Mods: +18
Roll(2d6)+18:2,6,+18 Total:26 - use 1 Courage Point for a SUCCESS

ACTION 3 (via Swift Strike edge): Attack Spider (TN 13)
:arrow: AC (Longsword) plus misc. bonuses +16, -2 Darkness
Total Mods: +14
Roll(2d6)+14:4,6,+14 Total:24 - Yes!!!
Potential Damage: Anduring +7, Strength +1
Roll(2d6)+8:4,2,+8 Total:14


The pale glow of Anduring lit the terrifying visage of the giant spider just enough for Dirnhael to flick the spider's approaching front legs away as it tried to ensnare him. Angered, the spider lunged at the Dunadan with its fearsome mandibles, yet tasted nothing but the swordsman's shield as Dirnhael smashed it into the mouth of the beast.
He saw his opening, and thrust Anduring towards the vile arachnid with a fury. As the spider regained it's bearings, it wailed in a hiss as it felt the cold steel sting of the ancient Nargothrond blade.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Action 1
attacks spider 9 tn 11
Ac 12 +2 (ba spec) = +14
Roll(2d6)+14: 5,3,+14 Total:22 superior sucess (2 hits)

action 2
attacks spider 9 tn 11
Ac 12 +2 (ba spec) = +14
Roll(2d6)+14: 1,1,+14 Total:16 complete success (1 hit)

Action 3+4
Charge attack spider 6  (on fengel)
Ac 12 +2(Ba spec) +1 (charge) + 2 (charge spec)= +17
Roll(2d6)+17: 3,2,+17 Total:22  superior success (2 hits *1.5(charge)=3 hits)

Charge attack spider 4 (on Durgil)
Ac 12 +2(Ba spec) +1 (charge) + 2 (charge spec)= +17 -10 AA =+7
Roll(2d6)+7: 3,3,+7 Total:13 complete success (1 hit *1.5(charge)= 2 hits)

Seeing numerous of his allies begin to be coated in web Lunduf redetermines himself and grins the handle of his axe with his hand before giving two strong chops of the axe to the neck of the spider on Edrahil.  As he turns and begins charging to help Fengel he hears the head of the previos spider roll of of Edrahil's body and plop onto the ground.  As he reaches Fengel he turns the axe and swings it upwards severing the spiders neck with its dripping head landing  yards away.

"Ha Ha! My axe seems to like the taste of spider blood!"

Hearing the sick oozing of webbing coming from his left he races towards Durgil  and attempts a repeat of the previous encounter with the spider but instead he firmly imbeddes his axe in the side of the spider's abdomen.


"Why don't you foul creatures just DIE!"  Daelhun yells.  "Comrades hurry for this brood must be many more and our friends will need our aid in the hole!"  The gleam of his sword struck kind and true as he slashed out at the spider, content that his armour would protect him from its viscious bite.  Seeing that it drew the disgusting contents from the abdomen of the spider Daelhun reveled in the thought that he had dispatched his two adversaries, but there werey many more...too many?

Turning and looking at the plight that his friends were in with their own attackers Daelhun struck out at the spider that was on the elf, the one that had suffered the most in their previous encounter with the Easterlings.

Attack spider attacking me TN13
Attack 1: Roll(2d6)+11: 6,2,+11 -1 +3(courage) Total:21 Superior Success!
Attack 2: Roll(2d6)+11: 1,4,+11 Total:16


Hearing the ring of steel against Chitin, Nain wheels and sees another of the grotesquely huge spiders attacking his new companion.  He roared as he put his weight behind his axe and swung.

Attack twice TN13
Roll (2d6) 2,6+6=14 Success
+4 Strength, +1 Masterwork
Damage (2d6) 4,2 +9=15
Roll (2d6) 4,1+6=11 Failure


TN 12 Strength - (6+5)-1=10
OOC: Almost but no cigar...

Durgil struggles and strains against his impending doom, but is unable to gain his freedom.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Greater Spider attempts to Block Dirnhael and Nain TN 24 and 14:
ACTIONS 3 and 4
UC +6, Nimbleness +1, Spec +2, AA -5 and -10
Roll(2d6)+4: 4,2,+4 Total:10 FAILED
Roll(2d6)-1: 3,5,-1 Total:7 FAILED
Damage sustained: 15 + 14 - 4(Armour x 2)= 27


Lunduf makes fast work of two of the spiders attacking the Company - only Durgil is left threatened. The companions look about themselves and see that the threat to them is past... many spiders lay dead about them. They quickly move to assist Durgil with the remaining creature.

Below, Dirnhael and Nain inflict grave wounds upon the new threat that has emerged to attack them, but behind them can be felt an even worse source of fear and danger!

:arrow: OOC:

I have to say guys... very nice!! Thanks a lot for your efforts.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]